• Published 22nd Jun 2012
  • 7,416 Views, 178 Comments

Equestria: The BEN Chronicles - HylianJuggalo

Everyone knows BEN has been freed, but what about Jadusable, the kid who started it all?

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Chapter IV: White Boy In The Hood

As I walked through town with the CMC, I couldn’t help but notice that Ponyville just wasn’t the Ponyville I knew. The streets felt... lifeless. The air was disturbingly cold for a sunny day (the pegasi had moved the clouds since my battle in the cellar), and a lot of structures were boarded up. The few ponies who were on the streets took notice of me and the multitude of looks I received were ones mostly of bewilderment, and frankly, I wouldn’t blame them, what with me being a ‘mystical creature’ and all. There was one, however, that took notice of me, and drew a LOT of unwanted attention.


“Fuck off, Lyra.”


As we walked down the main drag, I took notice of how bad Ponyville actually was: ponies of all types were mugging one another, starting hooffights in the road, breaking into buildings to steal things, robbing street vendors... hell, even a few mares were standing on the corners, covered head to hoof in makeup, and a few sickly individuals hobbled around the littered streets, begging me for change; drug addicts. I pushed them away from myself and the girls.

“Get away, you fuckin’ basehead!”

All in all, the area just gave off the general atmosphere of a slum. I wiped some blood from my mouth, and gritted my remaining teeth as I looked to find a place where I might meet the next of the six. Although, there was one other thing about town I didn’t understand...

There were soldiers EVERYWHERE. Why? And why, for some reason, did the populace... seem to go about their lives in fear?

Suddenly, I heard a galloping noise behind me - a rapid one. I turned around with the CMC at the abrupt sounds, and there, a few meters in the distance, was Applejack, charging toward us with anger spread across her face.
“Nick! There ya are! What in the sam-hay did ya do ta Big Mac!?” she screamed, charging at me and throwing me to the ground. The girls quickly pulled her away. I stood up to confront the earth pony, dodging her punches as I spoke, trying to reason with her.

“Applejack, listen to me. Big Mac was molesting the girls for the past week.” I said, my eye softening to a friendly gaze. Applejack grew even angrier at my statement.

“WHAT!? HOW DARE YA LIE ABOUT MAH BROTHER!?” She screamed, as she threw a hoof at me. I quickly jumped out of the way and backhanded her, where she fell to the street. A small crowd of ponies was gathering along the sidewalks to watch this situation unfold. I helped her up, but she swiped at me again, leaving a red mark on my face, and the strike caused me to let go of her and let her fall back to the ground.

“It’s true, Applejack. He’s been doing awful things to us.” Scootaloo said, searching for sympathy in her friend’s sister’s eyes.

“Why should ah believe a complete stranger!?” Applejack asked, finally standing down from her attacks as she stood up again. I sighed.

“Applejack, you don’t have a reason to believe me, but I swear, I’m speaking the truth. The girls will side with me. You heard what Scoot just said. Something is very wrong in this town. As far as I know, you aren’t being yourselves!” I continued, still trying to calm myself before my anger got the better of me again. The cold air thrashed my semi-elongated hair about in the wind.

“That DOES NOT change the fact that ya kill-”

“HE, is unconscious, Applejack. Don’t worry about him. Besides, bastard attacked me first. What the hell was I supposed to do? Let him fucking kill me and the girls? Look at what he did to me!” I said, spreading my body out in full view so she could get a look at my wounds. I opened my mouth to show her my missing teeth, and gently peeled away the large, white bandage that was on my eye, which made everybody in the vicinity who was watching us, including Applejack and the CMC, jump back in disgust. I smelled rank even in the open air, piss, blood, and semen the many aromas among them. Applebloom stepped in front of me, extending her front hooves out as if to try and protect me while I put my bandage back on my now bleeding socket.

“Big Mac isn’t dead. Nick was jus’ protecting us. Our brother has been hurting me and mah friends like this for the past few days.” She said softly, stepping away from me and moving closer to her big sister. Applejack’s anger began to soften. The crowd was getting bigger, and a few more druggies approached us, begging for change. I shooed them off.


“Yes, Applejack. I know it’s hard to believe, especially coming from a human you just met, but I KNOW what I saw. Please, believe me when I tell you, something’s wrong, and I think I know the answer as to why. I’m not your enemy, Applejack. I am your friend.” I said, extending my hand out in a welcoming manner as my remaining eye went soft and kind.
Applejack just fell apart crying, trying to comprehend the fact that her brother would do such a nasty thing. I lifted her up gently, hugging her softly, just like I did with Applebloom when she was having her nervous breakdown. The Crusaders joined in, and the young ranch girl tried to force a smile.

“So, it wasn’t dark ponies then?” She asked me, sniffling a bit as she tried to regain her breath from all the sticky mucus blocking her throat. I raised an eyebrow.

“Where the hell did you hear that?”

“Ah... ah told her, Nick.” Applebloom said, placing her hoof on my leg. “Applejack found out I was being hurt, but Big Mac made me lie about who it was, or he said it would only get worse. Then, after that, he started hurtin’ mah friends too! I wish it was just me he was doin’ things to and never them. They didn’t deserve that.”

Tears were welling in Applejack’s eyes again. She looked over to her baby sister and just held her close.

“Ah- ah’m so sorry, Applebloom. Ah should have paid more attention…” she said, falling into her little sibling’s forelegs, crying again. I let her pour her emotions out, and after she calmed down a bit, I started talking to her.

“Granny Smith probably knew, and couldn’t come to terms with it. That’s my guess as to why she started drinking. But listen... Applejack, it’s not your fault. You were misguided. Everyone has that mistake now and again. Let’s all go get something to eat, okay? Take this stuff of your mind.” I said, smiling at my new friend. I gently took her hoof in my hand, and she wiped her tears away, looked up at me, smiled, and we all walked to Sugarcube Corner together. The crowd of ponies that was watching us began to break up. I looked over to the town hall, then straight ahead, at Sugarcube Corner, and without turning my eye to anyone, spoke.
“We’ll get Big Mac some help. I promise.” I said, gently running my fingers through Applejack’s mane carefully. She turned up to smile at me, and I did the same. It was good knowing I had a new friend.

“I’ll hold ya to that promise, Nick.”

Nearing Sugarcube Corner, and placing my hand on the door, I was suddenly offset by violent screaming from inside the shop. There was a crashing noise, and the sound of glass breaking. The girls huddled close to me, unsure of what to do. I jumped at the sudden noise, which, not too much later, was followed by a man (or a stallion) yelling. It was muffled because of the walls, but I could hear pretty much everything.


More sounds of glass breaking, then a scream of pain.


The sound of babies crying.



I drew my pistol, stood in front of the door, and swung at it with a kick. It went flying to the ground, and I placed my pistol at the ready.

“Alright, what the fuck is going on in here!?”

I didn’t even have to ask. I knew what was going on. We all did. Mrs. Cake was brutalized. She had several shards of glass in her face (most likely from the broken cake display) and blood all in her mane and coat. Her left front hoof appeared to be broken and out of place. In comparison, Pound, their pegasus baby had a broken wing, and several bruises and bitemarks. He was crying. Pumpkin was face down in a pool of blood, silent, with her horn broken off and spewing out more red. My own boiled in rage, and the Skull Kid’s laugh could be heard in the room.

“So... BEN really IS here.”

Applejack ran over to Mrs. Cake to help her up. I aimed my gun straight for Carrot’s head, and the girls ran over to the children to try and assist them. There were bottles of alcohol littering the floor, most prominently, Applejack Daniels. Just a bit of deduction, and it was clear that Carrot was an alcoholic that beat his family, the sick waste of life.

“GET ON THE FLOOR!” I screamed, taking finer aim with my weapon.

“A human, huh? I didn’t think you ex-”


Carrot did as told, throwing an angry scowl in my direction. I approached him, my gun still trained over top of his head while the girls tried to settle things with Cup and the children.

“Why Carrot? Why are you abusing your family?” I asked, my veins beginning to bulge across my body.

“I don’t have to answer a human a damn thing. You probably aren’t even real. I’m just seeing you!” He yelled, still down on the floor, but looking up at me in anger. I sighed. There was only one way to prove it to him.

“Sorry Carrot, but I gotta do this.”

I aimed my pistol at his back leg and took the shot. He screamed and clutched it quickly as blood began to ooze from the side.

“Still believe I’m fake, motherfucker!? HUH!?”


“Mrs. Cake, you need ‘ta rest, sugarcube, please.” Applejack said, gently picking her up. The girls were trying to nurse the foals back to health. I collected my bearings and started giving orders; I’d stalled Carrot, now it was time to get his family to safety.

“OKAY! Guys, get Mrs. Cake and the kids to the hospital! I want a thorough DNA test done on those children for legitimacy, and all three of them in intensive care in the next five minutes! Is that understood? I’ll handle Carrot, and you guys get out of here!”
“Are you sure you don’t want some help?” Scootaloo asked, her eyes filling with concern as she looked over to me from Pound, still trying to mend his left wing. Sweetie Belle and Applebloom began to panic, trying to help Pumpkin Cake.

“Nick, we have a problem! Pumpkin’s not breathing!”


“On it!” Scoot said, saluting me before taking off with the others. As they ran off and left, I towered over Carrot. I grabbed him by the neck and pinned him against the wall, pure anger flowing through my veins; if there was one thing I couldn’t stand in the world, it was domestic abuse. This guy was nothing but scum. The Skull Kid’s giggle filled the room.

“Woah! How did your eye turn red, human!?”


What the hell was he talking about, my eye turning red?

“That wife of mine is a cheating slut!”

“Is that any reason to beat the shit out of her and your CHILDREN?”

“MY children? Heh, that’s a good one.”

“Why would they not be!?”

“Simple. This little statue showed up and gave me all the proof I needed.”

“Wait, statue? What?!”

“Yeah, a little green statue. I was always in denial ever since they were born! There is NO way in Celestia’s name two earth ponies could make a pegasus and a unicorn!”

Carrot’s breath reeked of liquor. The sound of Mask Salesman’s giggle reverberated throughout the room. I began to turn red, shaking in anger at Carrot. I took a deep breath as my eye went cross, staring into the sweating, intoxicated stallion. There was only one thing on my mind.

Kill this wife-beating, child abusing sack of shit.

“I have them going to the hospital to run a legitimacy test. If it comes back negative, I’ll leave you alone, but for now? Let’s see how YOU like getting the shit kicked out of you!”

I threw Carrot to the floor and hit him with a powerbomb. He screamed, and bucked me with his good hind hoof. I went flying into the staircase, and smashed through the banister. I picked up a broken piece, holding it as a spear, and he stood to fight. I got back up and charged at hm. The bout carried on for several minutes, me parrying most of his attacks with the railing. Finding a blind spot was pretty damn hard, but I got one, and jabbed him in his front left leg. The chunk of wood went through the flesh entirely, and as he screamed and fell to the floor, I grabbed him by his neck and kneed him in the face. He fell, and then I jumped upon him and started punching.


And punching...


...and punching.


My heart pulsing wildly and erratically, I expelled the rest of my energy and passed out on the floor with a violent yell. The Skull Kid’s scream filled the air in my black vision.

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