• Published 22nd Jun 2012
  • 7,416 Views, 178 Comments

Equestria: The BEN Chronicles - HylianJuggalo

Everyone knows BEN has been freed, but what about Jadusable, the kid who started it all?

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Chapter III: Satan's Cellar

Awoken to the all-too cliché cry of a rooster, I got up, bathed, dressed in my clothes again, and got some bandages from the bathroom and patched my wound up as best I could, despite the fact that it did nothing; the actual injury was a broken rib. It was at that moment, finally waking up to the warm shower, that I realized...

“I’m. Still. Here. How the fuck is this possible?”

The whole concept that something or someone sent to a place like ‘Equestria’ was flat out ridiculous. Should I attempt to kill myself so my brain would wake up from the dream? Probably. Nah, I was jumping to conclusions. Even if this place were real...

“Man, wake the fuck up!”

Heading outside to help with the work, I went to the trees to meet with Applejack. I wasn’t that big a guy, but I was fairly certain I could knock some apples off trees. As I reached a full one, I placed my good side against the trunk and slammed my body into it, full force. Most of the apples came off, and fell into the buckets surrounding the base. I smacked at the tree again, knocking the rest down. I moved on to the next, and next, and next, my energy degrading quite quickly. After some rather self-destructive work, Applejack approached me. I propped myself against the tree I was standing by, wiping sweat off my forehead as I breathed heavily.

“Shit... I should really start working out.”

“Hon, you don’t look in much shape ta be doin’ this work. Why don’t you go take ya’self a breather?” Applejack asked me, concern spreading over her face again.

“No, thank you, miss Applejack. Big Mac isn’t here right now, so I figured I’d do his half of the work. But before I get back to it, may I have some water?”

“Sure thing, sugarcube. There’s some in the ice chest down in the apple cellar. Feel free to help ya’self.”

“Thanks, miss A-”

“Sugarcube, just call me Applejack.”

“Thank you very much.”

I smiled and walked away. As I went across the field and headed to the back of the barn, where the apple cellar was located, the air became chilly, and the pegasi set up the clouds for an overcast afternoon. The wind blew gently, yet crisply, stinging my ears with the cold. I rubbed my hands against my arms to try and build up heat, but stopped as I reached the cellar. I opened the trap, and not surprisingly, it was rather dark down there. I gently and carefully headed down the stairs, holding my hands against the concrete walls for support.

“god damn it, I can’t see.”

I pulled out my phone, activated the flashlight, and continued down the stairs. The air, as I continued down, seemed to get thinner, and carried with it a very spunky aroma. I heard a muffled whine, and my heart jumped. I aimed my light around the room, and saw the area was gingerly splattered with blood. I got to the bottom of the stairs, and searched around the area slowly. I kept looking around, until I got to a small corner, whereupon I froze. There was Applebloom, and not just her, but her two friends, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. They were covered in blood and sweat (as well as what appeared to be various other bodily fluids), gagged and bound with their legs spread, tied apart with separate ropes, squirming wildly and trying to get free as they cried silently to one another. Each of them were bruised, and their ‘private’ regions had clearly been sexually ravaged. I rushed over to Applebloom, and removed the gag from her mouth. She violently pushed me away in immediate reaction, screaming as she shuffled over to the wall in a panic, but stopped after taking a few seconds to look at me. She sighed in relief, but was clearly still scared out of her mind.

“GET AWA- Mister, it’s you! Thank Celestia. Help us out!”

“What the fuck...”

I nodded and quickly proceeded to untie them. I wiped them off with my shirt and hugged them all tightly. Someone local was attacking the girls; them being in the apple cellar made that abundantly clear. I simply snuggled with the Cutie Mark Crusaders as they cried into my arms, giving them what comfort I could offer, almost like a father of sorts, whose little five year old daughter fell off of her bicycle for the first time, but the heartwarming was cut short at the sound of a cough behind me.

“Oh shit.”

I quickly turned around, and there he was - Big Macintosh. It didn’t take a genius to tell what was going on. I was just disgusted and angry. My heart began to race as I turned my flashlight to max power to get a better look at the demon standing before me. I carefully set the girls down and stood up.

“Big Mac, what the FUCK is this shit!?” I asked, anger growing in my voice, my hand slowly inching towards my pistol. Big Mac began to speak, and frankly, his voice alone made me quiver in fear. It wasn’t entirely his normal voice either. It had somewhat of a serpentine flavoring in its accent. Another thing? His eyes were red - Solid. Blood. Red. Ice flew through my body.

“Ah, Jadusable. You found me. Congratulations.” Mac said, clapping his front hooves together as the CMC huddled around me for protection. “Ya know, ah always thought you humans didn’t exist, but now that ya’re here, I can say Ah’m impressed at your kind’s intelligence – Ya can clearly tell when something isn’t right...”

I swallowed in fear, backing away some.

“There’s just one thing ah don’t like about you, boy. It’s acting. Humans always act on instinct, or so the foal’s tales tell us.”

“T-that’s right... we often do...”

“Well, let’s see what your instinct will do for you now...”

“Oh, god...”

“I’m not gonna be able to let you go though, on account of you discoverin’ my pastime for filly buckin’. Sorry you have to die on such short notice.” Mac said, chuckling as he chewed on a hay straw. I drew my pistol, my arms quivering as I tried to control myself.

“Mac, don’t make me do this, man. I REALLY don’t want to kill you.”

Could I really do it? I’d never killed anything that wasn’t virtual... Could I live with myself?

“Fight or flight? Fight or flight? Fight or flight? Dear god, he’s gonna kill me!”

Big Mac’s eyes narrowed, and glistened in the darkness, and he slowly walked up to me, taking the gun from my hands and examining it. I froze, sweat pouring down my body. I was so scared of Mac from the start that I practically allowed him to take my own weapon from me, but could you blame me? This guy could tear an average human to pieces. I had every reason to be scared.

“What- Watcha gonna do, Mac?” I asked, my heart pulsating at lightning speed. He threw me down to the floor, pinning me there with his free front hoof. He grinned at me wickedly, his eyes growing beady.

“Oh, Jadusable... You have NO idea… Before ah do anything though, I’mma have to off ya first.” He said, planting my gun to my head. I felt the cold plastic and metal touching my temple. It wasn’t a hallucination at all. This was real. Equestria existed, and it was corrupt beyond all conceivable imagination, if Big Mac, the most reserved and hardworking of them all was doing THIS. I closed my eyes, bracing for the worst as a lone tear ran down my face. So this is how it ended? I was forced into Equestria against my will, and only half a day here, I was going to die. This was NOT the fun loving Equestria from Hasbro. This was Hell. I clenched my eyes shut tighter and recited a prayer as I waited for my life to end.

You may ask yourself right now; how do they use a gun if they don’t have fingers? I mean, Jad, what do you have to be afraid of? He can’t shoot you! As a viewer of the show, I’d say that doesn’t need an answer; they use their hooves like hands all the time...

“When I die,”
“Show no pitty,”
“Send my soul to Juggalo City.”
“Dig my grave six feet deep,”
“Put two matches by my feet,”
“Put two hatchets on my chest,”
“And tell my homies I did my best.”

Suddenly, Big Mac screamed as the gun dropped to the floor. I opened my eyes, and saw that Scootaloo had jumped on his head, blinding him with her hooves. Mac thrashed around the room, knocking things off shelves as he frantically tried to regain his sight.

“Get off me, you little shit!”

I took the opportunity to stand up, grab my gun, and aim for Mac’s head. He grabbed Scootaloo off of him, and threw her violently against the wall. Just seeing him do that made me want him dead, so, already flatout enraged about the situation, I dove in for a tackle and threw him to the floor, punching at him in a fit of rage. He managed to land a few blows on me, smashing my glasses into my face. The left lens shattered and flew into my eye. I wrenched back screaming. As the shards dug deeper, I took a shot at Mac’s chest with my gun, but he quickly rolled out of the way, and the round hit the concrete floor, ricocheting and clipping my cheek. I yelled again. I stood up and he swung at me again with his hoof, but I ducked down, and in response, kicked him in his lower sternum. He was sent flying back violently, slamming into the wall. I got up, and approached him, upon which he attempted to punch me in the face. I narrowly avoided missing contact, suffering a smack to the ear as my glasses flew off. I quickly attempted to deliver a roundhouse to him, but my leg got caught on his yoke, and sprained my ankle.

As one could probably guess, I wasn’t much of a fighter, but I would be more than willing to stand up when the situation was dire, and it was; not only was I fighting for my life, but I was fighting for three children as well. Big Mac jumped at me, knocking me to the ground and my pistol out of my hand. I watched it go sliding over to the girls.

“APPLEBLOOM, THROW IT OVER HERE!” I screamed, as I took another hoof to the face.
She did as told, and slid my gun to my hands. I gripped hold of it, but not before being punched again, which knocked out a few of my teeth and heavily blackened both my eyes. Rage clouded my mind, and at this point, there was only one thought swimming around in my head.

Kill this child-fucking lowlife.


Gripping Big Mac by the head, and quickly rolling him to the ground underneath me, I put him into a sleeper and I took hold of my gun with what little room there was free, and twisted my wrist, planting the barrel at the side of Big Mac’s head.

“Say goodnight, you sick, pedophilic sack of shit!”


I turned my head to the sound. It was Applebloom. She was crying and wailing, practically begging me not to shoot her older brother. I nodded, and just hit him upside the head with the grip, knocking him unconscious. I stood up, and through a whistle in my teeth, asked,

“Why shouldn’t I have just offed him right there?”

“He’s never done this before. He jus’ started doing these horrible things to us a week ago. Ah don’t know what’s gotten into him. Granny Smith won’t stop drinkin’, and Applejack’s gotten all hate-filled on other kindsa ponies. Ah dunno what’s been going on, but mister, please trus’ me when ah tell ya it’s not his fault!” She said, emotions pouring out of her. Applebloom broke down, crying on the ground. I sighed, and sat her up, hugging her gently. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle joined in, holding their crying friend close. I took a deep breath, before grabbing some of the glass that was in my eye, and pulled it out, screaming like a banshee, each yell making the girls cringe. After I was done, I threw the remains of my glasses to the floor and looked at the girls. They tried to avoid eye contact, as it was blatantly clear my destroyed one was freaking them out. First thing to do, ask what’s been going on: The CMC know everything that happens in this place.

“Now, girls... It’s obvious something’s not right in town. Have you seen anything suspicious lately? I know you don’t wanna talk about this stuff right now, but it’s super important, okay?”

Sweetie Belle looked down at the ground, then spoke up gently, raising her hoof in the air a bit.

“Well, there’s been this little green imp all over town recently.”

I looked into Sweetie Belle’s eyes with a cold, solid stare, which I could tell bothered her.

“Green imp?”

Sweetie Belle said nothing. She averted my gaze. My sea-green eye softened a bit, and I covered my destroyed one with my hand.

“I’m sorry, Sweetie Belle. What do you mean by a green imp?”

“Well, all over town, when we go crusading, we’ve seen this little green statue show up all over the place.”

“Nopony is acting like themselves.” Scootaloo added.

“What does this statue look like?’ I asked, looking back and forth between the three girls for an answer. Please, girls, for the love of god, don’t be talking about...

“Well, it looks like a little human, with brown boots, an’ green clothes. It has a blonde mane and a green hat, and it has this really creepy grin all the time!” Applebloom said, snuggling close to me for comfort. “Big Mac has been talking to it a lot; it shows up at our house at least twice a day! It tells him to take those purple pills!”

Fuck. It WAS the statue.

“Wait... Those are pills?” I asked, concern spreading over my blood-soaked face as I came back to the memory in the kitchen..

“Yeah, Big Mac takes ‘em, and he does horrible things to me and mah friends! That’s what ah wanted to talk to ya about after dinner; when I left with him, he started doing all kinds of nasty stuff, stickin’ his... thing in me an’ all. Applejack doesn’t even know the truth!” she continued, crying into my arms.

I sighed, and checked the ammo in my gun. I took one last look at Big Mac’s body, then stood up and grabbed a bottle of water from the ice chest. The Crusaders followed me back outside, each of them limping in pain. I wiped some blood from my face, and we went into the farmhouse, where I helped the girls get cleaned and bandaged up. I, myself, reeking of blood, urine, and other bodily fluids, took a quick shower after I was done helping them. The hot water stung my ruined eye, but I manned up and just cleaned it off. As I got out and dressed in my foul-smelling clothes again, I got some more first aid and patched up my eye and cheek, each operation on which stung as badly as the next. Once I finished, I checked for my equipment.

One nine millimeter glock 7 handgun, twelve rounds.
Five nine millimeter glock 7 clips, thirteen rounds each.
One HTC MyTouch 4G Slide smartphone with flashlight and camera, plus charger, ninety-five percent battery life.
One custom mixed, custom labeled CD comprised of Insane Clown Posse in unmarked jewel case.
One small leather bound journal.

“Okay girls, let’s get out of here. I wanna see exactly how bad this town has gotten.”

Applebloom tugged on my shirt gently as we stepped out the front door. I turned my head down to face her.

“Yes, sweetheart?”

“Ummm, mister, how do you know who we are when you’ve never met us?”

I chuckled a bit, patting Applebloom on the head.

“Well, where I come from, you exist on a thing we call television, and from what I hear, humans are just a foal’s tale to you. And please girls, call me Nick. We’re all friends here.”

I smiled and offered Applebloom my hand. She took it, along with her two friends’ hooves, and we walked into Ponyville together. Scootaloo looked over to me as we continued our stroll.

“Thanks for saving us.”

“No, Scoots, thank YOU for saving ME.”

“You know, that WAS pretty cool, what you did, fighting like that.”

“Fighting is NEVER ‘cool’, Scootaloo. I did what I had to do to survive, and that’s all I plan to do: I want to go home.”

“Um... Can I ask you something?” Sweetie Belle nervously piped up, a bead of sweat running down her forhead.


“Uh, how did... your eyes turn red when you were fighting Big Mac?”


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