• Published 22nd Jun 2012
  • 5,686 Views, 153 Comments

The Strange Pair, a story from the wasteland - Wubsy

The world is changed again. First the bombs fell and now a creature brings the world a new weapon...

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Chapter 2 Rest Stop

Author's note: Holy shit first Chapter gave me half the likes as my ten chapter story... Well to that I say lets keep these chapters coming.

My idea for this series is to have them travel the land, see the world and complete great deeds.
But we are still stuck on build up so your ass is going to wait. Hey its like a techno track build up is important.

The sun beat down heavily upon me as I walked with Twilight back to the town of Goodsprings. I was tired, hot and hungry with Goodsprings the closest place to get that problem solved. If having lost all that I brought with me to that vault wasn’t bad enough, now I have to find a way to make some caps to feed myself and my strange new friend. Her hooves made a loud audible galloping noise as she quickened her pace and ran down a decrepit road just off the path to Goodsprings.

“Hey where are you running off to? It’s not safe to go alone!” Yelled after her and got a response I did not want to hear.

“I think I heard something!” She yelled cheerily back slowing running out of my field of view.

“Damn my better nature.” I sighed and chased after her.

With my gear and lack of food or water I did not want to chase her through the wasteland but I can’t just leave her alone out here. As I heaved myself onto a large boulder to get a better sight on where she ran off to, I saw her starting to slow down cautiously. She stood atop a ridge overlooking a wide expanse of the Mojave. As I approached to discipline her for running off like that I heard the sounds of gunfire and the screams of some wounded. I treaded over the rocks and sand as fast as I could to finally stand beside her. I glanced at her face. The once cheerful and inquisitive expression was bleak and pained. I turned away from her to see what had grasped her attention in such a manner.

The sight was one I heard about many times but never had the misfortune of seeing first hand. A five man group of Crimson Caravan members were huddled behind their cargo in a makeshift defense. They were putting up a valiant fight but where soon enveloped by a scuttling sea of dark blue. The Radscorpions were the same size as the husks of the cars left on the roads after the war. Their stingers and claws drove deep into the bodies of three Caravanners who fell trying to out run the beasts near and around the cargo. As the Radscorpions advanced in their slaughter two men bravely but foolishly stepped out to meet their attackers head on.

The two men where armed with old, faded wood and in heavy visible disrepair, hunting rifles. Duct tape and hope where the only things letting those two monstrosities of guns keep firing as the two rushed forward. The .308’s fired tore through the carapace of a large one in the back spraying a green viscous liquid into the sand behind it stopping it cold. The second Radscorpion to fall to the Caravanner’s onslaught had its tail and right set of legs obliterated into chucks of broken carapace and meat. And with a final burst depleting their ammo they took out one more before being surrounded.

The two men looked like they were at the end of one of those ancient westerns from holovids I watched in my time at the bunker. Surrounded with nowhere to turn they smirked their grit showing on their faces and the sun casting a shadow from the cattleman hats they wore. The one on the left dropped his rifle and pulled out an old but well cared for K-bar. His friend on the right simply nodded and turned his scoped rifle around turning the butt of the gun into a club. The bodies of a few other humans were on the ground convulsing as the poison did them in.

Twilight stood there shocked and frightened but I had different thoughts. My mind was filled with a single choice. Do I save them? Or do I let nature take its course and wait to pick at the remains for anything of value? I shook my head. No, fuck that! I’m not some piss ant raider. I am a Paladin of the Brotherhood of Steel and I am here to save humanity.

I screamed out and charged down the hill in an adrenaline filled frenzy as I pulled out the 10mm pistol and began to fire into the Radscorpions. I emptied the mag into two of them puncturing several tiny green holes into the beasts as they turned at me. Seeing that the pistol had little effect I holstered it and switched to my shotgun I hung off my back.

The pair of Caravanners had their own trouble with the remaining two Radscorpions. The one with the knife kicked one right in the eyes disorientating it as he kept kicking it squirmed under the hits. The other Radscorpion got its singer ready to bear onto the man when his backup slammed the rifle across the creature’s tail like a bat. The one with the knife let out a hearty cheer as he drove the blade deep into what I think was the Radscorpion’s brain. The second man was busy beating the living shit out of the last Radscorpion with his makeshift bat stopping periodically only to wipe the sweat from his brow.

With the 12-gauge in hand I let loose. The shot scattered and peppered the left one of the two Radscorpion’s crushing its carapace inward leaving it a gooey mess on the ground. I tried to fire another shot and nothing happened. I swore loudly as the last Radscorpion drew ever closer. Just as it raised its singer and aimed for my chest I remembered the shotgun was a pump action. I pumped it back then forward pointing it at the base of the tail and fired. I severed the tail off roughly with the shot. Green watery blood spat forth from the wound as I moved forward for the kill. I didn’t want to waste ammo having no caps to buy more so I simply began to stomp the beast’s head in. This task without the use of my armor or any other servo motors was very difficult so I basically ended up jumping up and down on the thing using my full weight until I heard a snap. With that satisfying noise I got off of it and walked towards the two Caravanners.

The one with the knife wiped it off on the Radscorpion’s body and turned to his friend to speak. As I approached I heard the tail end of him chastising the one who used his rifle like a bat for his misuse of the weapon and how the one with the knife always had to fix it. To which he rolled his eyes and threw the scoped weapon over his shoulders and rested his hands atop it. When I finally reached them they seemed happy to see a friendly face in the wasteland.

“Looks like we got a bad ass over here.” The one with the knife smirked his scars told a story of many hardships then spoke again, “Can’t even work a 12-gauge. What you just crawl out of a vault or something?”

“Well something like that.” I said back not believing this guy seriously just insulted me after I helped him survive against those over grown bugs.

The other one elbowed him in the side, “The names Alex and that asshole is Ryan. And he meant to say thanks for the help. Right?” His expression was cheery and they seemed to be like brothers not of blood but of history they must have known each other a long time. It showed up a lot in their demeanor.

“I’m Ryan and if you see the glint of a scope in the distance that’s my support monkey Alex.” Ryan said looking at Alex as if trying to get a rise out of him.

Alex laughed then said, “Well he’s an idiot but he’s my idiot.”

“Umm, is everything okay?” I asked as they almost began to argue again.

“Fine except for the merchants. Poor fools should have stood their ground. Running just leaves you tired and dead.” Alex said while poking a fallen member of the Caravan with his foot.

“Ha! He left the pay right in his front pocket.” Ryan said removing a pretty large bag of caps its contents jingling from a corpse’s coat pocket.

“Well at least this was not a total bust.” He said with a relived sigh. He then looked at me, “Well seeing as we are now on leave and I don’t feel like dragging this shit back with us. You can have your pick of the cargo we’re just taking any .308s then we are off to Vegas.”

“Thanks. I guess fortune favors the bold.” I said with a smirk.

“Yep, but not the stupid.” Ryan slapped me on the shoulder and hands me a book called ‘Guns and Ammo’. He laughed then spoke, “I was keeping it as something to read while I wait for Alex to get drunk off his ass and I then have to drag him out before things get heavy.”

Alex did not even turnaround from the cart holding the cargo. He simply raised up his right hand and gave Ryan the one finger salute.

“But since you seem to understand guns like Alex understands women…” Ryan said as Alex threw a pressure cooker from the cart holding the cargo at him, hitting him in the shoulder and interrupting him for a moment. “I think you’ll need it more than me.”

Alex walked over carrying a few boxes of .308s and two bottles of vodka. He tossed some ammo to Ryan than began to drink from one of the bottles putting the rest of the stuff away in a pack he wore on his back rifle slung under his right shoulder.

“Well, if you’re ever in New Vegas and we see you; I will treat you to a fine drink.” Alex said smacking Ryan on the back and the two walked off into the horizon.

The two both wore dusters and old cattleman cowboy hats like the heroes of the old world’s movies. Ryan’s duster’s back had the symbol of the dead country the stars and stripes with the image of two handguns crossing atop a mound of shell casings. Alex’s back was obscured from the backpack he wore but I saw the tips of a set of red wings and the ends of two blood red pistols. It looked like it was painstakingly painted onto it judging from the detail. I wondered what it could be surly it wasn’t the Brotherhood but was interrupted by the noise of Twilight running towards me.

“By Celestia, this place is horrible!” She said on the verge of a break down.
I didn’t know what to say. To me this was just another day in the wasteland except for my meeting her.

“You seem upset.” I said back kneeling before her to at least talk at eye level or close enough to it.
Not the best expression of my perception.

“What’s wrong with you? Don’t you even find this a little unsettling?” She said now looking at me intently.
I took off the face cover and helmet and tossed them aside.

“Well… I… I like to see the good in helping others out.” I said trying to defuse this problem. I don’t want her to run around alone out here.

She cocked her head to the side, “So you hurt other creatures to help?” She asked seemingly perplexed.

“No, think about this example; you have carnivores where you are from right?” I asked trying to put this in a way less harsh than ‘Their fucking dangerous animals and I put them down.’

“Yes, why?” She began to seem unsure of her stance on this subject.

“Well, those where carnivores and they were going to eat some of my species. So I stopped them so that others could live.” I said in a confident tone trying to convince her I’m not some kind of a monster.

“So… it… was defense of your own species?” She said almost confidently.

“Exactly some had to unfortunately die so that others could live.” I said as I got off my knee to walk over to my prize the cart.

“Your world seems… a lot darker than Equestria.” She said following close behind now.

Success! “That’s why you should be careful and not run off like that. There are plenty of other things that could try to eat you or worse out here.” I said while reaching into the cart moving things around so I could survey the haul.

“Okay. I just wanted to see your world first-hoof and take some notes.” She said timidly.

While I was throwing out anything not of use to me or her from the cart and spoke again, “There will be plenty of time for that later but for now let’s find something for you to use in here. Shall we?” I said ushering her over to the cart.

I pulled from the cart several bags of various colors and fades and dropped them onto the ground. They all showed age and use but two seemed to catch Twilight’s eye. The two bags were enveloped by a purple hue and then floated off the ground towards her. I stood there watching, still not used to this whole ‘magic’ thing, as the two bags hovered before her their straps unwinding. She emptied the bags out leaving their quite useless contents of conductors and scrap metal on the ground.

“What are you doing?” I asked watching as the straps began to criss-cross.

“Rarity showed me how to make a saddle bag at my last sleep over.” She said with a smile as the straps tightened into a set of connected bags that now rested at her sides. The strap holding them off the ground ran across her back as she gently lowered the bags onto her sides.

I snickered, “So you’re a pack Brahman now?”

“No, I’m not your pack mule now. I will just have a place to hold anything interesting I find to take back with me.” She said calm and cheery once more.

“So when do you think your friends are going to come get you?” I asked wishing to know when I am free to run off and do my own thing.

“I really have no idea but Celestia and my friends will come find me.” She said in a strangely sure tone of voice.

“Great.” I said sarcastically.

I looked through the pile of bags for something I could possibly use. I after moving a few heavy bags out of the way I finally found a good bag. It was a messenger’s bag like the ones that the Mojave express used. It was a faded grey and back with just a little wear on the single strap. I opened the bag to see it mostly empty save for a stimpack, some fission batteries and a very nice handgun with several mags huddled together next to it.

I did not know the model of the gun so I flipped through the book Ryan gave me in hopes it could tell me anything about it. I found the page with its image under the name M1911. I read through the pages labeled for that gun to learn it’s a .45 and that it’s a type of ammo that’s very rare in these parts. Among the things I learned about it was how to clean it and how to take it apart. I closed the book and took out the M1911. I checked the weapon to find it in very nice condition at least from what the book said. I removed my 10mm pistol and placed the .45 into the holster. It wasn’t a perfect fit but the weapon would hold. I took the mags out of the messenger’s bag and placed them into the various pockets of my vest. I checked the 10mm it was still empty from the last time I shot it and didn’t bother to reload it.

I threw the 10mm and its ammo into the bag along with the ‘Guns and Ammo’ book and left the bag on the ground. As I and Twilight picked over the cart for anything of use she found something very valuable. Knowledge, in the form of a few tattered books; some medical and others technical. The final a book I did not think to ever see again, was a codex. But this one seemed strange, it was in a different color pattern than the one I had followed. I took that book and quickly stored it away in my bag as Twilight was too busy to notice while she read a D.C. medical journal.


After we finished picking over the cart for anything good, we set off for the town of Goodsprings once again. The sun seemed a lot less harsh now since it was at least past noon. But the rumble of my stomach began to over shadow my joy as I also grew to be thirstier and thirstier by the minute. I looked at Twilight to see if she was fairing any better. She was but not by much I heard her stomach verbalize what we both felt hunger and fatigue.

Out of that whole cart we found no food or water at all. Just some ammo, those books and the various bags full of broken electronic parts or scrap metal. Twilight regardless of her fatigue and hunger seemed much happier as medical book floated in front of her as she walked seemingly lost in the book’s pages. I myself had begun to put thought into the codex and Alex’s symbol on his duster. Both show some kind of Brotherhood origins but from which chapter I had no clue. The Mojave chapter descended into reclusion after the NCR took Hellos One and more or less lost all contact with the outside world except for the few of us on supply detail.

Ironically, I think now more than ever, I’m thinking clearly about what my place in the Brotherhood means to me. Maybe I was too harsh on myself? They would not try to kill me for a failure like that but I guess I really just didn’t want to go back. Ever since the lock down we have all been trapped in there for so long. I really just took the Powder Gangers removable mission as a way to stretch my legs. Wish some of them would have come along but orders are still to only send out one scout at a time. Well at least I have my health and a talking magical pet… ok, maybe not my mental health.

I removed the codex Twilight found from my bag, deciding to read to pass the time as we walked forward to town. My attention stayed on the cover for a while as I thought I had just seen the same symbol from Alex’s duster on the cover. It was two crimson red M1911s grip to grip making a V shape with the wing of the brotherhood encircling them just as my old armor had. The gears and cogs of the symbol where there very much the same except for the whole image was a deep red and the guns crossing at the middle over the gears and cogs used as a background. I tried to open the book but to no avail. The side of the book had a small metal box with an even smaller hole on it just big enough for some kind of key to go in to. I tried to pry it open with my hands but found lining the cover and back was a piece of sheet metal connected to the locking mechanism. I sigh then put the book away back into my bag looking forward to see the town of Goodsprings a very short walk away.

We got strange looks at first but soon they just went back about their business. They must have thought me to be a merchant and Twilight my makeshift pack Brahman. I saw the sign of a general store knowing I could get some caps for that 10mm its ammo and a few other things on my person we could get enough supplies to start a journey out of this ghost town. With a population of only like ten people I knew I couldn’t start a life for myself here just no work to be found.

As I opened the door to let Twilight into the store I heard a man speak sternly.

“No pets allowed. Leave it out side.”

Before I even had a chance to open my mouth Twilight spoke.

“I’m not a pet and do you have any books?” She said in a matter a fact tone as she began to look at the shelves.
When I heard that I was happy to know that what had happed a couple hours earlier did not curb her interest in my world or her cheery disposition.

“Holy shit! It talked back!” The once stern voice had a slight quiver as the man behind the cash register hid at the sound and spoke again, “We’re closed and don’t come back.”

“That man is as spineless as Twilight was purple.” I said under my breath.

“Look, I just came here with my friend to get some supplies and then we are moving along our way.” I said in a calm tone trying to show no harm to anyone.

Twilight wore a look of joy as she found a really old and tattered U.S. history book covered in dust with a few cobwebs draped over it. She used her ‘magic’ to brush the grime off it and get the book down from its shelf.
The man rose up from behind the counter and began to speak his voice going back to a stern tone.

“You’re here to trade? Why didn’t you just say so? The names Chet and this is my General store.” He said relived but still staring at Twilight like she might attack or something.

“Sorry about the misunderstanding. Can you show me your wares?” I asked.

He showed me plenty of things from ammo, strange parts and even a Deathclaw’s severed claw. I first needed some caps so I pulled the empty 10mm and set it on the table.

“How much will you give me for that?” I asked trying to not seem like I really needed his caps.

“For that old thing I would give you two hundred and ten caps.” He said back calmly.

In my head I was using all manner of colorful laugh to express how much I liked that deal. I tried to barter with him. I even put down the helmet and goggles I wore to try to get more out of him.

“For all that I will give you three hundred and forty caps.” He said snidely.

“I can’t take my business else where you know. How about 375 caps?” I asked in an intimidating fashion only to be betrayed by own stomach’s rumble.

“How about ‘no’.” He said with a cocky smile I wanted to plaster his brains all over the wall but was interrupted from that thought by Twilight pulling on my left pant leg with a large book floating next to her.

“Can we get this too?” She asked somewhat quietly.

“I don’t know about that…” I was stopped by her making puppy dog eyes at me, “*Sigh* Okay fine.”

She just started to say yes over and over as she jumped happily in an oval behind me.

“Ok and the book also.” I said putting the heavy history book onto the counter.

“Ok, now you’ll only get three hundred caps.” He said with a smirk, “Unless you eat paper I think you should put that back.”

I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt with my left hand and brought him closer to me. Twilight made another pass just behind me.

“Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes…” She said as she passed by.

“You’re lucky she’s here or I would snap every bone in your body and burn this place down to the ground. But she won’t stay her forever so just give me the damn book and the 340 caps. And I will be on my way. And then you don’t have to eat out of a goddamn tube.” I said menacingly.

“Okay you made your point… Your book and caps.” He pushed the book towards me and handed me a small bag full of caps.

I turned around to head out the general store but I stopped to ask Twilight if she was ok?

She stopped and laughed nervously, “Umm, yes.” She said happily as I handed her the book and she put it in her saddle bag using her ‘magic’.

I said snidely, “Tell the nice man ‘thank you’ for the book.” She did as I opened the door to leave. Just as she left first out of ear shot I laughed then stepped out after her.

We both left the general store’s porch to find a bar right next door. I started off for it happy to get some food and drinks in me. She did not seem to want to go in to it but after telling her we needed food and her belly agreeing with a loud rumble of approval she followed me inside.

The inside of the bar looked like it was out of an old western. Its three patrons all in cowboy hats and rancher’s work clothes. The walls, floor and counter were made of wood with the darkest stain on the floor. Every kind of drink a man could hope for lined the back wall behind the counter with an older woman bartender in her forties cleaning a glass. Her brown hair fell to almost her shoulders as she looked up from her task and spoke.

“Names Trudy and welcome to my bar.” she said with a smile as I walked in with Twilight just behind.

“Thanks.” I said back as I took a seat at the bar Twilight climbing up to sit in the seat next to me.

She walked over to us, “So what will you and your little friend have?” Trudy asked in a friendly tone.

“I will have a Brahman steak, a Nuka-cola with rum and a hundred and fifty caps worth of canned food and water for the road.” I said putting the caps needed on the table to show we were not dead beats.

“Okay, how about your little friend?” Trudy asked looking at me.

“I will have a hay sandwich, some flowers and water please.” Twilight said abruptly.

One of the Patrons coughed loudly almost choking on his drink. He set the drink down stared at it a moment shook his head and walked out. The other two patrons just ordered another round.

Trudy’s jaw dropped but then she just laughed, “Well ain’t that a kick in the head. Okay I will have your orders out soon. Just give me a little time on yours.” Trudy pointed at Twilight then walked to the back room to get the food.

She came back a minute later with the drinks. I began to drink as if it was the only thing left in the wasteland. Twilight only took a few small sips and waited patiently. As Trudy turned around to leave again I asked her to turn on the radio.

Trudy sighed, “Would love to but it’s broken, that fast talker Doc Michel was fixing up said he could do it. He did but it broke again after Steve knocked it off the table.” She stared down one of the patrons who just sank down into his seat in the both, drank slowly from his glass and covered his eyes with the brim of his hat.

“Well maybe I could take a look at it, this place could use some music?” I said after finishing my drink.

“Sure if you fix it I’ll give you twenty caps.”

“And another drink?” I asked rising the empty glass with a chuckle.

“You know what? I like you. You seem like a good one so sure; you can have another drink, after you fix it.” Trudy said with a smile.

I got up off the bar stool and walked behind the counter to take a closer look at the radio. I ran my right hand through my short brown Mohawk as I found that the tools where packed away on a high shelf just out of reach. I looked over at Twilight to see she was watching me intently.

“Hey you mind using your ‘magic’ to pass me that tool box right there?” I said making air quotes for the word magic.

“Certainly.” She said as her horn glowed and the box appeared right next to me on the counter.
The patrons just looked amazed then stared at their drink finished them and left as if that was last call. I began to take off the back of the radio to inspect what’s the damage. I found that a few wires were just knocked loose and not connected.

I chuckled, “Nothing like a Laser rifle.”

I screwed in a metal brace for the wires to keep then in place. I connected the wires and with a small jolt of electricity hitting my fingertips I swore quietly but I knew the job was done. I closed it up and turned the dial. A nice tune came on and Trudy walked out with my and Twilight’s meal.

“Well thank you then. Now let’s get you that other drink.” Trudy said happily leaving the caps next to my plate she set in front of me.

“Don’t just thank me, thank my assistant Twilight.” I said mimicking a quick clap.

Twilight blushed then did a little mock bow. She began eat her food as I waited on that next drink.

Trudy poured a glass of whiskey leaving the bottle next to my plate, “Thanks a lot. Now this place might have something good to listen to besides Old Pete’s stories. Drinks are on the house for tonight.”

I cut into my steak happily rising the fine cuts of beef up to my mouth. As I chewed the delicious steak savoring every bite I saw Twilight staring at the steak.

I turned to her, “What? What you want some?” I asked confused.

“How could you eat that?” She asked still staring at the steak.

“I know it’s a little dry that’s why you pour some whiskey on it see yummy.” I took another bite this time whiskey soaked.

“So your carnivores too?” She asked in horror.

“Nope.” I said while I kept eating.

“Then why are you eating that?” She asked confused and a little relived.

“Because I’m an omnivore…and it’s tasty.” I took a shot of whiskey then pulled the bottle closer to me.

“How could you eat something like that?” She asked almost gaging.

“Look you’re eating twigs, grass and berries. I just wanted a steak. What’s wrong with that.”

“But that was a living being and…you’re eating it.” She looked like she was about to cry.

“Damn it, fine…” I pushed the half-eaten steak away and began to drink away the rage I felt.

“Thank you.” She said with a smile.

“You’re too smart for your own good.” I mumbled into the bottle before I drank.


After about three more bottles of whiskey and a lot of corn to replace the steak, it was closing time for the bar. I stumbled off the bar stool almost falling in not for Twilight holding me up with her own body. I tried to stay awake but soon my eyes grew heavy. Twilight set me down genially onto the ground and went off to find Trudy. I closed my eyes for a moment and slipped off to sleep.

I awoke just as suddenly as I went to sleep being kicked by Twilight in the right leg. Trudy had allowed us to rent out a room in her home to spend the night in. Twilight stood there with a hoof in her face as if embarrassed speaking with Trudy about the room. She lifted me up with her magic and hauled me outside. The cold air of the Mojave night sent chills down my back as Twilight dropped me onto my right side sand kicked up around me on impact. She panted for a moment showing she was tired just like me. She used her mouth and began to drag me by my vest’s collar. I tried to shake out from her teeth but to no avail.

“Eww, not with your mouth.” I slurred then passed out while being dragged across the ground into Trudy's house.