• Published 22nd Jun 2012
  • 5,686 Views, 153 Comments

The Strange Pair, a story from the wasteland - Wubsy

The world is changed again. First the bombs fell and now a creature brings the world a new weapon...

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Chapter 3 Turned Loose

Author's note: While I wrote this I was like aww... needs more blood and bass.

Sunlight dove through the cracks of a poorly boarded up window onto my face. At first I rolled over slightly to try to escape its assault. My body was still not accustomed to waking from natural light and I still felt it upon me. Living in a bunker and mostly moving at night made me one hell of a non-morning person. I turned away from the light’s embrace completely by letting my back now take it only to be poked in shoulder by something kind of sharp like a spear maybe. I opened my eyes slowly at first then they sprang open in shock.

“Holy shit!” I fell from the bed at the sight of Twilight lying on the other side of the bed.

She sat up in the bed rubbing her eyes with both hooves. Her dark purple hair with lighter pinkish highlights was a mess. Her lavender coat seemed ruffled as if she had got no sleep the night before. She sat amongst a few emptied vodka, whiskey and Nuka-cola bottles that clanged together in a noise that could wake the dead.

“Please tell me we didn’t…” My voice trailed off.

I checked myself for clothes. Everything still there from vest to the pants and even down to the pads that covered my knees.

“Oh thank god.” I said in a whisper as I got up off the floor.

“What’s wrong?” Twilight said with a small yawn at the end as she turned to look at me.

“Nothing… where are we?” I asked the room looked very unfamiliar. Hell I don’t even remember how I got into the bed let alone this house.

“A rented room at Trudy’s house.” She said yawning once again. “You got a little too happy with the drinks and I had to drag you somewhere to sleep it off.” She said as she jumped down off the bed and walked over to a mirror.

She looked at herself in the mirror as a brush lifted off a dresser the next to me and began to then brush her hair. I took that as a que to get a move on. I slung the messenger’s bag over my head the strap resting on my right shoulder. I grabbed the 12-gauge pump action off the ground. It lay next to the bed as if it was dropped just before we fell into the bed. I checked the leg holster on my right side for the new found .45 its cold metal greeted my hand’s touch.

“Okay, all set?” I asked her while cracking my neck to get the knots of soreness out before we started the day.

“Yes, in a minute. Don’t you think we should eat breakfast first? It is the most important meal of the day you know.” She said with a smile slowly growing on her face like that of the sun peaking over the horizon.

I could smell the great scent of a cooked meal brewing just down the hall. I packed up my things and helped Twilight gather her books. They were everywhere as if she spent the night reading them. The books lied about the floor cracked open some on the last page and others just beginning to be looked through. She has been here for only a day and she collected and read a small horde of hard backs and a few magazines about anything from medical journals, history books to repair guides. With the canned food tucked away safely in my bag and Twilight now not looking like a mess we set off from a hearty meal to start the day right.

Trudy was at the head of a table with three plates set one for her and two set on the other side of the table for me and Twilight. The table’s spread was generous. The table held a large bowl of eggs, a small metal platter of iguana on a sticks and a very green salad with bits of Broc flower also some strange brown root on the side as garnish on the last plate.
Twilight and I both took a seat at the table. The chairs were uncomfortable. I could feel broken springs and support pieces of wood through the cushions. The dining room showed age and damage. I started to forget the world changed long ago living in the remnants of a bunker that we kept in great shape with the skill of old world craftsmen.

I sat at the table quietly. In my mind I just wanted to finish my meal and get out into the world maybe even hit up Vegas. Maybe if I can get the caps we could make it to New Vegas. I have always heard stories. Hell, I’ve even seen it in the distance! But to finally go there… I was soon lost in thought to how I could make that dream a reality. Trudy seemed to want to make small talk but was unable to find the words so she sat there quietly. Twilight on the other hand finishing her meal rather quickly started up conversation.

“So any interesting places nearby?” Twilight asked still cheery and inquisitive.

Trudy smiled, “Well there’s Yangzi memorial a mile north up the road just out of town. But if you’re not in the mood to fight Deathclaws just to sight see. I wouldn’t go there.”

Twilight seemed disappointed, “Anything else nearby?”

“Well there’s the NCR prison just down the road going east but it’s full of Powder Gangers. Hmm… oh yeah, Prim is just down the road to the south. If you need to make some caps for a long trip that might be a good place to start.” Trudy said lifting a fork to her mouth but was then interrupted by me.

At the prospect of making caps; I suddenly found their mundane conversion interesting.

“What’s up in Prim?” I asked in a hopeful tone.

“Well the town isn’t too special but its home to the Mojave Express office and maybe you could find work there.” She said continuing her meal.

I just sat back, crossed my arms, kicked my feet up onto an unused chair and closed my eyes to channel out the background chatter from the two. I wasn’t planning on being a courier but hey I never planned of babysitting a talking creature from another world. I set my mind onto the plan of scourging up enough caps to make it to Vegas one day something no one in the Brotherhood has done. Even with the pride of doing what I wanted for a change didn’t completely mask the feeling of home sickness but I brushed it of only to nod off into a cat nap.


I felt someone bump me in the shoulder. I jumped up almost falling out of the chair.

“What? I’m awake.” I said in a loud voice.

“Where are we going now?” Twilight asked with all her gear ready.

I looked upon the table. The plates and food were all put away leaving it clean.

“We are going to head off to my home then see where the wind takes us.” I said as I rose up from the chair to gather my things.

“Okay then… is there a library there?” She asked kicking her hoof as if shy about asking.

“No, I don’t think they will let you…” Her face seemed to feign sadness, “*Sigh* I am sure we will find one at some point for you to look at.” I said watching her expression light up into joy.

As we were leaving Trudy’s home who wasn’t there must have went to the bar I saw a portable hand radio on a shelf on the wall. I opened the door for Twilight and she trotted out into the sunshine a tumble weed crossing her path. I looked around for a moment then shrugged. I swiped the radio and tossed it into my bag. It was quite valuable to the Brotherhood and I didn’t think she would mind much.

We walked out of town with the sun at our backs, tumble weeds rolling by and sand brushing on us caught in the wind. After a few minutes of walking we came to a familiar fork in the road. A lone one room metal shack stood there with a field full of the rusted out carcasses of aircraft was the first marker on the way back to the bunker. Twilight seemed to look upon the sight with eagerness as she turned to me.

“What are those things back there?” She asked pointing one of her hooves at the remains of old world tech.

“Those are the decaying remnants of pre-war flying machines.” I said waving her over to keep following me as I lead the way with weapon drawn. I didn’t survive the local fauna just to be taken down by a Powder Ganger I would at least get first shot.

“What do mean ‘pre-war’?” She asked as she trotted next to me.

“Well as far as history says, the war between America and China escalated to the point of atomic arms being used.” I said with much expression as this is a tail humanity would never forget.

“What do you mean? And what are ‘atomic arms’?” She asked showing less enthusiasm than before.

“Well… one fateful day in the 2077th year of modern humans’ reign, of the atomic bombs fell. And humanity was changed forever.” I said with a sigh.

“Care to elaborate?” She asked curiously even if her face showed some worry.

“Understand that atomic bombs had the power to destroy whole cities in the blink of an eye. So when they were used, the world was covered in a sea of fire and radiation. On that day alone many people died, not just from the America but the whole world over. The total number of casualties numbered in the billions.” I said grimly as I really did not feel like talking about humanity’s greatest failure.

Her eyes widened, “B-Billions…?” she asked her voice trailing off from the shock or maybe horror of it all.

“Unfortunately yes… but humanity lived on through the survivors and the vaults.” I said trying to bring this into a happier light than ‘They all died, the end’.

“And you have those large bug creatures roaming around too?” She asked seemingly broken from my words.

“Yes, but we still strive to overcome.” I said taking pride in my humanity.

“This… place is horrible how can you stand to live in a world that seems to wants you eaten or worse? Not to mention that your species is a horrific warmongering…” She cut off by a tear almost falling from her right eye.

I stopped then kneelt down to brush the tear from her face. I couldn’t bear to see her cry, for some reason or another, I felt happier with her along. The numerous missions alone and all the evils of man I witnessed seemed to fade away from my memory leaving me with a little hope that there may just be some good left in the land, or at least in another world.

“Don’t worry about it. I am no monster and I will make damn sure no one hurts you.” I said gently pushing her chin up, “I will protect you no matter what.”

“Thank you…” she said giving me a hug.

My heart skipped a beat. Sure I have felt another’s touch before, but this was different. I felt happy, just plain at peace; as if the world around me was a field of emerald green grass and I had not a care in the world. I hugged back timidly wishing the moment would last forever… but the sound of approaching footsteps and a raspy voice broke the calm of my mind.

“Daww, how cute.” A Power Ganger said putting hands together in a mock cradling motion with a large rusted skinning knife in his right hand.

“Didn’t anyone tell you not to play with your food?!” Another one behind me said as he pulled me away from her. My shotgun fell from my back as he pulled with bestial strength ripping me out of my bliss.

He and another Ganger held me by my arms as the one in front slowly approached Twilight who looked back at me, her eyes showing unspeakable fear. I thrashed about trying to free myself even if it was to only kill one of them. My weapon lay out of reach and the two holding me both had 9mm pistols. The one holding my right arm laughed as the one on the left arm punched me in the stomach knocking the wind out of me. I struggled a while more only to slowly fade in strength as the pain in my abdomen grew.

Twilight looked at the Powder Ganger eyes wide with terror as she spoke, “We don’t want any trouble, let us go and we will be on our way.”

The Ganger stopped for a moment then continued to walk towards Twilight, his blade gleaming in the sun light. He finally closed the distance. Each step seemed to take ages as my heart raced watching this unfold. I looked around my anything to use any damn thing to make this stop. Found nothing save for a blade on the man on my right’s pant leg. The combat knife was not large but was serrated, like the teeth of a shark.

“So you talk?” He said grabbing her by the neck and raising her off the ground to look her right in the eye as he spoke again putting the blade on her cheek. “We going to skin you then make you into a nice meal. Isn’t that right boys?”

The two holding me cheered loudly. That moment I will never forget the pure fucking rage I felt. I wanted to rip out their throats with my own damn teeth or just cave in their skulls with a rock from the side of the road.

Twilight’s horn glowed as she spoke only one word. “No!”

In a flash of light the Ganger flew back several feet a purple aura threw him back like a child’s toy. The whole moment passed as if in slow motion. I looked to the Ganger on the right who started to raise his pistol at Twilight letting go of my arm. I grabbed the knife from his pants with my now-free hand and ran it across the man still holding my left’s neck in a quick motion as he was raising his weapon. Blood spurted from his neck as I moved, grabbing his gun arm pulling it point towards the man on the right who now had the pistol leveled with both hands. I kept moving the pistol’s trigger with the now dead Gangers hand still over it unleashing seven rounds into the other Ganger before I heard a click. The Ganger to my right managed to fire a single round but only as he fell to the ground his blue shirt stained crimson with seven holes in the left side.

I dropped the man to my left. The noise of him hitting the pavement was drowned out by me running to the shotgun next to Twilight. As I threw the now red knife to the ground and picked up the shotgun off the ground Twilight was still staring at the two I just killed in horror. I ran over to the Ganger she blasted away from her not even stopping to see if she was ok. When I made it to him, I raised the weapon pointing the barrel to the sky and began dropping the butt of the shotgun onto his head. Hit after hit I smashed his face with the stock so that it slowly became just a mess of bruised flesh, exposed bone and blood soaked fear. He struggled to fight back at first but soon his attempts grew weaker and weaker until he lay still with me still hitting away.

“That’s enough.” Twilight said in a calming tone but I just kept hitting away.

“I said that’s enough.” She tried to pull me off of him but I stayed and kept up my attack on what was now just a mangled pile of flesh that looked nothing like a face anymore. I didn’t stop until the stock broke off the shotgun. With that I rose up only to kick the corpse one last time before turning to Twilight.

“Are you ok?” I asked panting with small beads of sweat falling down my face.

“Yes but…” her voice trailed off for a moment, “But are you?” she asked looking at the body horrified.

“I said I would protect you… no matter what…” I panted a little longer while cleaning the blood off the shotgun but wiping it on the man’s pant leg.

“This world is horrible… your species are monsters.” She said with a tears swelling up in her eyes.

“Hey not all humans are bastards… it’s just most are only looking out for themselves.” I said trying to calm her down but she just turned away from me.

“What makes you different?” She asked not even looking in my direction.

“I have someone I need to take care of until she can leave this hellhole and get home safe.” I said sincerely as she turned around.

She said nothing but answered with only a nod. I set back onto the trail heading into Hidden Valley, the rusted gates not too far now; maybe just a hundred feet further. The silence we walked in was almost as crushing as the sun that beat upon the land. Several clouds started to cluster in the sky looked to be the beginnings of a rainstorm. Storm clouds only meant one thing in these areas meant a brutal torrent of water and flooding. I was happy to get to somewhere dry before it hit but still could not shake my sadness over Twilight’s comment ‘What makes you different?’ I am not like those monsters I don’t kill innocents, I don’t rob any random passerby and certainly I had something they didn’t, honor. Not just honor in morals but also that of the Chapter. Soon my fears of her never again speaking to me where laid to rest.

“What in Celestia are those?” She asked pointing a hoof at three large armored figures that walked towards us.

“Family.” I said waving my right arm at them.

The three raised weapons and stared for a moment before lowering them. They wore T-51b power armor, a pre-war variant used by the U.S. military. It had a sleek form and was the best armor in its class leaving my old armor in second, but I always loved fixing up the older suits. To me the T-51b’s lacked the intimidation factor the old 45d’s gave. But even with all my tweaks and upgrades it was still out classed by the pre-war craftsmanship. The symbol of the Brotherhood was painted proudly on the shoulder pads, every detail perfectly rendered onto the armor. The three had tri-beam laser rifles another standard of our chapter held in their arms like nothing in the world could harm them weapons at the side or just plain not ready.

“Where the hell is your armor? Where have you been, the Elder has been worried and why are you walking with that strange creature?” A deep modulated voice said as the lead paladin of the group stood over me.

“Look, I have been all across hell’s half acre this past day. I will explain everything to the Elder in my report but first I just want to get home.” I said plainly as I worked my way past the hulking metal forms.

“Fine then Darius, but wish us luck. We are to scout out several areas that may prove vital to the Brotherhood.” The lead said as they started off down the road me and Twilight just walked.

“Be wary of the watching bear.” I said to them as Twilight and I made it to the chain link gate to the valley.

“You too paladin.” They said back before I lost them in the distance.

Either the lockdown is no longer in effect or things in the bunker maybe as hay-wire as down in that vault. We made it to the bunker entrance. Its outer walls were covered in graffiti. Some from the initiates that came before to some of mine I some artistically put up in my rebellious teen years. Everything from ‘love the bomb’ to ‘(insert name) was here’. Numerous gears lined the metal door that guarded the only place I ever called home. The door opened reviling a in descript room with a lone staircase leading down. The walls were a tattered mess of aged concrete. At the bottom of the staircase was an open room with three rusted out boxes several times larger than myself.

“Home sweet home.” I said with a smirk as I stood before an intercom mounted on the wall.

“You live here?” She asked as if I just showed her Freeside.

“*Sigh* It’s better I show you.” I then pressed the talk button on the intercom to hear Head Scribe Taggart’s voice.

“Password.” Taggart said seemingly bored with his new post.

“I want a large Nuka-cola and Brahman burger. And please don’t make it taste like a leathery asshole this time.” I said with a snicker.

“Quit messing around Darius.” He said back plainly through the intercom.

“Fine, I am my brother’s keeper.”

“Okay the door’s open now.” He said in mundane fashion.

I kept my finger on the comm button, “You’re not going to believe what I have been through.”

“Tell it to the Elder. He was quite angry when you did not report in yesterday.”

Twilight and I entered the bunker in its entirety. Her eyes lit up with curiosity as she scanned the ebony black walls, gun metal gray walkways and the yellow neon lights that ran through the walls and under the walkways. She looked upon the initiates with bewilderment. To her, the sight off the sleek recon armor must have been as interesting as the many books she’s collected in her short time in this world. As we made it to the main hallway that divided the bunker into three sections with two automatic laser turrets guarding the fork in the hallway, I heard the sounds of weapons fire. Twilight ran down the hallway and stopped at the firing range. I followed after her to make sure this didn’t end up sour. She stood there in amazement at the energy weapons being fired for training purposes everything from Gauss rifles to Gatling lasers.

“I thought you said you don’t have magic here?” She said looking to me for an answer.

“We don’t. That’s just technology we have created to ‘protect ourselves’. I said still wondering about how her magic worked.

“So humans use technology to do everything?” She asked still focusing on the weapons being fired.

“Damn near almost.” I said proudly, “We made our way forward through the power of the machine and plain old human ingenuity.” I finished talking with a smirk.

I ushered her away from the firing range and back into the hallway so I could get down to business with the Elder. As we came to the door leading to the Elder’s chamber, it opened letting a lone man walk out. He wore pre-war riot armor much like what I wore only his was much more protected. The armor was worn out from many battles and weather as if he traveled hundreds of miles in that gear. An aged faded brown duster was thrown over the armor to cover it from the elements with a large ornate revolver at his side. His head was completely covered by a helmet with a facemask obscuring all of his features. His eyes were replaced by two blood red lenses taking away his humanity, turning him into something intimidating to most.

He looked me right in the eyes as he passed I was unable to tell his intent I froze for a second. I stared back into the red glow of his lenses and gave only a nod which he returned as I mustered the strength of will to start to heading into Elder MacNamara’s office. With the lone man gone I found myself standing in the doorway to see him sitting at a large raised platform. I took a deep breath as I stepped out before him and the two paladins that guarded the door.

The wall to the right side had a huge display showing many key locations throughout the wasteland. A head sized white target moved from location to location stopping only for a few seconds at a time. Several Vaults, Camp McCarran and Vegas were shown with a few places I have never seen or heard about marked as well. The Elder’s robe was a faded blue that showed his age more than his rank. His hair was white and his face starting to get wrinkled from stress. He shuffled through some papers then set them aside as he began to stare down at me from on high.

“Darius what have you brought with you from the vault?” He asked optimistically as he leaned forward to get himself more comfortable.

“I didn’t find anything sir only this strange creature.” I said expressing my own disappointment in tone and demeanor.

“Hello my name’s…” Twilight was cut off by the Elder talking abruptly.

“An outsider and a mutant at that? Why have you brought it with you…” He stared me down, “Where is your armor, your weapon?”

“Mutant?” Twilight asked while I shot her a look that spoke volumes about ‘don’t ask’ and ‘be quiet’.

“It was destroyed sir…” I said shyly.

“Well that is unfortunate… you do understand the punishment for your failure?” He asked looking upon me with sadness and disappointment.

“Yes sir, I do.” I said putting on a strong face knowing this will not bode well for me.

“You are to be banished from the Brotherhood until such a time as when you bring back something to make up for your losses…” He said to me hanging his head in mourning as if I had just died.

I stood there at a loss for words. The worst had happened. A death sentence not at the hands of my brothers, but at the hands of the harsh, outside world. As I walked through the hallways, my former family people I have known since birth did not even look at me. I felt alienated, alone and unwanted like the scum I had to fight earlier.

Twilight was still beside me the only one who dared to walk with me. After what see saw of humanity today and what she saw of me, I didn’t think she would stay. She looked at the faces of the people that walked by. They pretended as though we did not exist and were disgusted by our mere presence. When we reached the stairs that lead out from the main floor of the bunker to the outside world I started to lead the way with Twilight close behind. She began to speak as we stood in front of the metal door to the outside world leaving everything I knew behind.

“What was that all about?” She asked concerned.

“They sentenced me to death.” I said as her face went from concern to horror.

“Why? Why would they do that?! How could they do that?!” She looked sad.

“Because I failed and by casting me out into the world with nothing but the clothes on my back and the weapons I have found.” I said somberly.

“You’re not alone.” She said putting a hoof on my arm as she could not reach my shoulder, “I’m still here.”

“Great.” I said with a chuckle, “At least I still have the walking library.”

I looked to the door with trepidation and a bit of fear, not for my life but for hers. I was trained here and I grew up in this hellhole formerly called Earth. I stared into her brilliant violet eyes and sighed.

“Well let’s saddle up.” I said as the door opened and we set off into the world again unable to return with went forward towards Prim. Hearing that the Mojave Express was there and us needing cash it seemed like a good stop. Hopefully we could beat the storm and not run into any more colorful locals…