• Published 15th Jul 2016
  • 4,153 Views, 97 Comments

Flames of Equestria - Mick0339

Someone who through tragedy and fate is gifted and cursed with immense power. But with immense power, comes responsibility and price. He must cope with his dark past and unrelenting future. Will he be treated as a monster or friend?

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Chapter 12- Enemies Rise. The Woods Bring Disaster.

Brothers of different species were cradled together, dried tears smeared on their faces. It was way past their original wake up hours, but still they continued to rest, with their bonds recently formed. They sat upright on the bed, asleep, but still yet awake. Their suffering was indeed unending, but it would come to pass as a similar figure tapped her hooves down the stairs, gasping at the sight.

The caring mare laid her eyes on the sight, of the brothers newly formed. They both awoke from slumber, peering onto the sight in front of them, smiling at her presence. Fluttershy returned in kind, waving her hoof. "I wanted to ask if you were alright. The both of you." The both of them slowly got up, popping joints and cracking bones into alignment. Giving pats on the others back, even though the difference in sight.

"We're alright lassy. We just had a late night discussion and dozed off." Hammerhoof waved her off, trying to direct her gaze from the odd situation she saw them in.

"Hello Fluttershy," Aldon waved, adorning a larger smile at a friend.

"Hello, Aldon. It--uh might be intrusive of me, but what exact kind of discussion were you two having to oversleep so late? I thought you were supposed to be out by dawn." It just dawned on them, they missed their patrolling shifts. Aldon looked at the pony, who gave a light smile and waved it off.

"As much as it pains me to know I missed a patrol, Ponyville isn't destroyed or in danger, so I think it's fair to say we won't be tried for treason." Aldon gave a light chuckle to that, to which Hammerhoof joined in. The pony's comment even gave Fluttershy a light chuckle from her mouth.

"Also, Fluttershy," Aldon's face bore seriousness as the words, "we discussed some of our pasts. It seems, Hammerfhoof adorns a similar one to mine. As a brother should." Hammerhoof gave a hearty laugh to that.

"Similar Pasts? Wait, Brothers!" Fluttershy asked, flustered by the information. "What do you mean brothers, like brothers in law or?" Aldon waved his hand to the mare.

"No, brothers in blood. What we shared is something that gave us mutual understanding for us to become unrelated brothers. Like an adoptive family." Fluttershy understood, they became such good friends, they were truly brothers at the point.

"Well, as much as I liked sharing my thoughts, we should probably get out there now, and at least get some work in for the day. Damn, I have a headache though." Hammerhoof rubbed his head in irritated agony.

"Wait, why did you come here Fluttershy?" Aldon asked, also lightly rubbing his head.

"Oh, well, I just wanted to make sure you two were alright. Plus, I wanted to ask if you would like to visit my cottage. And perhaps see Snuggles' new health." Aldon nodded, but her comment brought up a thought in his mind.

He had forgotten about Hard Hat and Caring Heart. The two who he had saved, and were badly injured. He at least wanted to see if they were alright. "I'll go after I run my patrol."

"No, no, no. You can go, I've got it covered." Hammerhoof banged a hoof on Aldon's back, urging him to accept the offer.

"No, I should at least earn my pay," Hammerhoof shook his head to Aldon's comment, opting to be stubborn.

"I may be old, but I think I can handle a little patrol around a relatively peaceful town. You go have fun, and maybe connect a little." Hammerhoof gave a devious smile to the end of it, giving Fluttershy a light blush, and Aldon slight irritation. He would have to square that off with Hammerhoof later.

"Alright, well then, Fluttershy," Aldon said, directing the gaze at the mare, "lead the way then. Cause, I have no idea how to get there," Aldon said truthfully, getting a face-hoof from Hammerhoof, who was getting up some light gear for the patrol.

"So, how did you enjoy the gift I gave you? I never got to ask." Fluttershy, draped her wings down as they continued to walk, Aldon leading way to the hospital to check on the two ponies he had saved. Whispers were still made, while idle chatter between Fluttershy and Aldon was continued.

While talk of the 'monster' was flown throughout Ponyville, the alley besides their walk was inhabited by two shadowy figures, one of a pony's figure, and one of a sapients.

"Don't presume to command me you wench!" The pony-like figure in cover of cloak said. "You may have informed me of the prize, but you will have no spoils in it." The other cloaked figure simply stood still, with a neutral stance. "I may have been removed from Canterlot, but don't think of me as weak. I will control that beast, and use him to my advantage."

"Apologies, your majesty, but I am simply a messenger from my affiliates. I gather the strength of this land to take down the animal before you. He is tasked to appease my masters in blood and sport. All we ask is that you use him in such a manner." The pony-cloaked figure nodded, giving cause to the other's words.

"I saw him take down my enemies in a fit of rage. I will use it to swipe them away and claim my dominion over all of Equestria, and all of the ponies. I shall not fail a second time, with him as my servant." She looked to the vial the other being had open to her through the sleeves of the cloak.

"Use this, and he will be enthralled into your words. He will become your servant indefinitely, but be warned. He is the most dangerous of creatures on your world and ours. It should be understood, that treating him like a slave will award you with your death. The potion merely masks your intention as righteous and just. However, it can only go so far, and if you see fit to overuse it, he will catch wind of it and bring your oblivion, and perhaps all of the planet's with it." The pony figure nodded under the hood.

"Why do you do this?" The pony-figure asked.

"My masters merely wish to indulge in simple sport, as I have said."

"And what kind of creatures are your masters?"

"That is not something I can openly discuss, but understand that the tide of darkness shall rise. Expect allied acquaintances to join your cause of the destruction of Equestria." The pony figure was confused by the words, but heeded them as the other figure began to walk away. "Make sure to use him at his pivotal of peace. When he is on the highest pedestal; take him down from it and strip him of his peace, and he will bring chaos and destruction to your cause. Use the potion as instructed for the best effect."

The pony figure nodded, as the other figure held a malicious and devious smile under his gaze. He whispered as he walked away, "all shall be under the game of our gods. Even those we task to start them." With that, the villain vanished, disappearing as the pony figure deemed it time to vacate as well, taking up guise as a simply Ponyvillian.

The hospital approached in a grand way, just as big as Aldon remembered it. His friends were still housed there as long as he knew, and he wished to greet them in good fashion. Fluttershy besides him, was there on his request to go, and to also give sympathies to the two ponies. They slowly entered the complex, with ponies eyeing the two curiously and some with malice.

Fluttershy observed how they saw Aldon, apprehensive to bring up the subject, and showing some fear in her body. Aldon noticed and understood the situation, eyeing the ponies that were eyeing him, making them back off immediately, as most didn't want a fight. some, to Aldon's amazement held their eyes, thinking of themselves as tough as steel; there was only one pony though: Hammerhoof.

"It's fine Fluttershy. I've gotten used to them staring at me like that. They do it because they show fear. As long as I have some people to talk to, it won't bother me in the least. People hating me has been a part of my life for as long as I've known it, and if you want to disassociate with me because of it, it's completely fine if you do so." Aldon stopped, as Fluttershy considered her answer. In Ponyville, associating with a reject or freak usually doesn't go well, but Fluttershy couldn't just abandon the man, considering she was given such a wonderful gift of both the flames and his friendship. She would never abandon a friend, even in tough times. So, she shook her head.

"You're my friend. You may not think it so, but we are friends Aldon. I do not abandon my friends, "she said in a stern, yet caring voice, shocking Aldon to awe of her.

"For the timid one, you surely step up first when trouble comes your way," Aldon said, giving Fluttershy a light blush, to which Aldon lightly chuckled.

"Well, friends are important to me, and all of the other girls. You might not think it, but you're all of their friends, and even the princesses. Friendship is formed quickly in this world for some." They were both in the lobby, walking towards the front desk. An Earth pony, sporting a white coat, with a red cross mark, and a light pink mane with a nurse's cap stood there.

A nurse Redheart greeted them, smiling at Fluttershy, while having some reserve towards Aldon, from which he still ignored. "Hello, Ms. Fluttershy, Mr. Aldon." They both nodded, Fluttershy more happy about it. "So what brings you two here?"

"Ms. Redheart, I wish to see Caring Heart and Hard Hat." Nurse redheart stared at them, giving hesitation on the next question, while other ponies around them heard it giving snyde comments.

"Do they associate with a monster?" They asked.

"Wasn't he the one who attacked them?" Another pony asked.

"Did they help him hurt those ponies?" Another asked, which set off Aldon. He could understand being insulted, but to insult others, especially injured ponies, who couldn't defend themselves irritated him beyond belief.

Aldon turned around to face the leers and gazes, a look of irritation on his face, where one of his eyes showed a tint of red. The ponies, a mix of all different types, colors, shades, and genders, slowly began to back away, as Aldon slowly approached them. Fluttershy and nurse Redheart were holding onto his arms in clear distress, urging him to stop. But Aldon continued to march his way towards the fleeing ponies.

"The monster's going to kill us!" One of them yelled, and they all ran out, fleeing for their lives.

"Help! Please, somepony stop him!" Another mare yelled, who was a unicorn by the sound of it.

Aldon was almost at the door, as he regained control, letting the palm of his hand crack with the pressure, sending nurse Redheart into a tantrum afterwards.

"Why would you do that?" She yelled and scolded the man, who loomed over all of the ponies. He took it as a scolding from a mother to a child. Fluttershy still tried to calm the nurse down, while outside chaos erupted.

A threat, familiar to Ponyville, but still dangerous walked its way to the town. A hulking figure, huge to the ponies, but small to the species. A threat that would dawn in an apocalypse on the town, in flames and fire. A mighty dragon, intent on its destruction trudged its way towards the peaceful ponyville. With a final guise, it gave a mighty bellowing howl of ferocity. It towered over structures, able to crush them in a fell swoop. Not the largest, but the dragon was huge to the small structures of the town. It hed black scales, and purple-tinted eyes, with blind rage in it.

The three of them heard it: the mighty beast roar.

"A dragon," Fluttershy said blinded in fear and confusion. "A big one. We have to evacuate the town." She ran outside to see it looming in the distance, letting loose a torrents of flames. Aldon slowly followed her out, looking in direction, almost staring.

That's when all at once, Rainbow Dash, Twilight and Rarity rushed behind them, in a frantic scurry. A purple dragon accompanied them as well. A dragon Aldon hadn't met, but his gaze rested on the giant man, who bore his eyes into the distance as Fluttershy turned around.

"Fluttershy!" Twilight looked behind her, "we have to--"

"Yes, I know. That dragon is coming. We've got to get everypony out!" The three mares nodded, while Spike continued to stare.

"Spike. Spike!" Twilight yelled to the young purple dragon. He was brung out of his trance.

"Yes Twilight?" He asked, slightly shaking from the dragon's presence in the distance.

"Send this letter to the princesses. We might need some help with this." Twilight handed the small dragon the scroll, which was burst into green flames and vanished.

"I can help distract it with my moves. I can try to slow it down," Rainbow said, gearing up for flight. Fluttershy bravely stood next to her, from which Rainbow nodded to the timid mare, with Fluttershy nodding back.

"Girls, we need to help the evacuation. The dragon is coming, and there are still too many ponies in the town." The two pegasi slowly nodded their heads to Twilight's words, but then Rainbow Dash looked behind her.

"Where is the big guy going?" Rainbow asked.

Rarity turned her attention to the man, who was walking away, towards the dragon, while all of the ponies fled in the other way, screaming in a frenzied panic. "Aldon dear!" Rarity yelled, "where are you going?"

The girls stood dumbfounded, while Aldon turned his head, a red tint in his left, scarred eye, "Help the ponies evacuate. Get them out!"

Twilight turned to the front and took a few steps forward, "what about you though? You're not going to face that thing are you?" she asked.

"He's crazy," Rainbow Dash blindly stated. Aldon turned his head around, continuing to slowly walk towards the looming threat.

"He doesn't even have his magic to fight with," Twilight said in disbelief.

Fluttershy walked in front of the mares, gaining their attention, "please, the least we can do is help the evacuation. We can help him when that's done. Until then, let's get everypony out." The four of them nodded, with Spike readdressing his attention to the man one last times, while fireballs and barrages of flame began to descend on the town.

"We have to help everypony until the Princesses arrive," Twilight said. Rarity, while beginning to gallop in the other direction, turned her gaze one last time to the man.

"Don't die," she whispered, to which all of the mares said in their heads.

Author's Note:

Well, things will be getting very real, very fast.

Also, I think the music kind of fits for a slow wind up. But if you don't like it, don't listen to it, or just say so. I can always remove it or change it, but I feel it fits kind of well.