• Published 15th Jul 2016
  • 4,153 Views, 97 Comments

Flames of Equestria - Mick0339

Someone who through tragedy and fate is gifted and cursed with immense power. But with immense power, comes responsibility and price. He must cope with his dark past and unrelenting future. Will he be treated as a monster or friend?

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Chapter 18- New Captain of the Canterlot Royal Guard.

Hammerhoof sighed in the busy hallway, and stood guard in front of the room. He wasn't bored, sad, or anything else, just lonely. Some say that one only finds one true love in life, but to Hammerhoof, it was taken away from him. His beloved would hate to see him so lonely to say the least. She would tell him, no, demand him to find another mate. A mare who would care and love him, while he would care for and lover her.

He was alone in guarding the door, as most guards needed to recuperate. He wanted to know how his pal was doing, but the princess asked to be alone for a little while. Hammerhoof, however looked to see Shining Armor, the captain of the guard, walking calmly down the hallway, smiling at his Hammerhoof as he approached.

"Ah, Hammerhoof, how are you doing?" Shining Armor asked.

"Fine. You look like you might be much worse off than me." Shining Armor rubbed the back of his head, grinding his hoof and gave a chuckle and smile.

"Yeah, Cadance was not happy with me to say the least."

"So, what do you need?" Hammerhoof asked the prince of the Crystal Empire.

"Well, I need somepony to replace me." Hammerhoof glazed over that part, almost as if he didn't hear it. His mind forced him not to hear it as it flabbergasted it too much.

"Pardon?" Hammerhoof said.

"I said, I need somepony to replace me, and I think you would be the perfect candidate." Hammerhoof lightly smiled and gave a laugh. "What's so funny?" Shining asked quizzically.

"Well, in case you didn't notice, I don't have one of those." Hammerhoof pointed to the horn. Shining Armor understood completely. However, to Shining Armor, Hammerhoof was one of the best candidates. To him, being a unicorn didn't mean you could protect and serve any different compared to anyone else. Protecting and serving meant loyalty, conviction, and honor, and also with a hint of ruthlessness and power.

Hamerhoof, in Shining's eyes had all five, plus the pony looekd like he could use a change of pace to say the least. He knew what the pony had endured. He was one of the worst cases in Canterlot. He lost his entire family, and had everything taken from him. In a few short minutes his life was ruined, and then what he did afterwards scared the Captain. It terrified him; Not even the princess would kill like the pony had, yet he did it with no regret. When he saw Hammerhoof after the event, he looked sad beyond belief, but perhaps the strongest soldier he had ever known. Shining Armor would never want to Hammerhoof to become angry in a fight, because he felt like he wouldn't survive to tell the tale.

He had sparred with the killer of changelings, and he was on the ropes since the beginning, but before Hammerhoof could finish the match, he purposefully slipped up and let Shining Armor win. He demanded answers afterwards, yet Hammerhoof simply stated that: "Victory isn't my role in life."

Hammerhoof was in all intensive purposes completely lonely. Shining called him a friend, but Hammerhoof only looked at him as a sympathetic soldier. Then, Hammerhoof was instructed to train and help protect Ponyville with the new arrival Aldon. Shining wished to see the human as he was called, but his life with Cadence, the baby coming, and was in the way. However, after hearing of Hammerhoof take on the dragon and doing so much damage to it, he felt it would be good to finally devote his life to his love. No pony would suite his expectation more than Hammerhoof. He had all five qualities, and he wished the princesses would see he had them too.

Shining Armor truly never experienced loss like Hammerhoof, so he had no idea how it felt, yet it also made him weaker. If he didn't know how it felt, he didn't feel as obligated to protect it. The 'soon-to-be-new-captain' knew what loss felt like and would help to protect it more than almost any pony.

"Hammerhoof, being a unicorn doesn't make you qualified to be a Royal Guard, let alone captain. You are one of the strongest ponies I've ever seen. You know you single handedly beat me in combat where no pony could and on top of that, saved hundreds of lives in Ponyville. You know what loss is, and are far more fit to be captain than me. Plus, I need to be with Cadance now more than ever. I will never let her go into a battlefield like that again." Hammerhoof looekd to his 'superior,' in shock. He was surprised, yet not. He never wanted to win in that fight, in order to preserve the balance of the corps. Shining Armor was made for that position; he gave a morale boost to the soldiers, and had tremendous power and strength. Hammerhoof also didn't want to embarrass the corps with an Earth Pony being a captain; the nobles would tear the princesses apart.

But now, Shining Armor came forward and almost demanded it. Hammerhoof gave a heavy sigh. "I see your point," Hammerhoof stated, gaining a smile from the current captain.

"Now, how is the human doing?" Shining Armor asked.

"He's currently in a coma. That thing must've taken it out of him." Shining Armor nodded.

"What exaclty was that thing?"

"My guess. It was his anger." Shining Armor contemplated Hammerhoof's words. He had seen what emotions could do; what they could change someone into. Hammerhoof changed from a peaceful, 'getting-by-in-life' pony to a ruthless changeling killer on Canterlot's streets. He became a ruthless hero that day. He earned respect from every pony but the nobles. The guards, the people of Equestria, the princesses, even Shining Armor himself.

"But that power was something else," Shining Armor said.

"Let me tell you something Shining Armor. He told me of his past; the life he had on the other planet. A dream he had, which would pop up almost every time he slept. The death of his family." Shining Armor's eyes slowly widened as the story progressed. How he was forced to watch his family be taken from life in front of his eyes; helpless to do anything to stop it and then to watch what happened to his adoptive sister. His friend, and one he cared for, being killed, and then how the men used her body for sexual pleasure, not even giving her peace in death. How the man couldn't do anything to stop it; the boy was helpless against the men. And then Hammerhoof told him something similar. Something snapped. Like a chord controlling the body. It released and gave him his form. However, for the safety of Equestria, Hammerhoof didn't tell him of the purpose of it and what it becomes when the chord is completely destroyed.

The Captain stared wide eyed at the story being told before him. Tears left his eyes as he heard it. How any pony, or anyone for that matter could push on to live after that. If Shining Armor lost Cadance, Twilight, his parents, he would probably not want to live. To see them dying in his hooves. But yet again, Hammerhoof experienced the same thing.

But what Hammerhoof didn't tell Shining Armor was something that could destroy Equestria entirely. It could kill anything it pleased. An unstoppable monstrosity, from which Aldon barely had any control over.

"I'm so--" Hammerhoof raised his hoof at the captain.

"Aldon's anger is what killed that dragon. It came from his tragic life. He told me himself, that if he must be with the burdens of the past to give a fortunate future, he would do so. He will become a monster to save others, even if they see him as such as a result." Shining Armor saw the similarities. Hammerhoof became a monster that day, mercilessly killing changelings with whacks of his hooves and kicks that could knock buildings down. He became a monster to stop the destruction and to help the ponies of Canterlot, even if they saw him as the same things he was destroying: Monsters. "Shining Armor," the captain drew his attention to the Earth Pony. "I will accept the role of Captain of the Royal Guard."

"Listen to me. I want you to infiltrate the city, and become--'intimate,' with this pony." The two cloaked 'pony-like' beings stood in an alleyway, while the larger of the two held out a picture of the new Captain with her dark hoof-like pigment. The other slowly nodded. It had begun to rain out, while night descended, making Canterlot look similar to a slightly industrialized england city. Rain in constant effect and lights lightly flickering. Like a creepy street in an abandoned London. All of the ponies were too busy with recent events. With rebuilding Ponyville and helping those hurt from the attack.

Her 'ally' had told her of the attack and to use it to set the stage. To slowly infiltrate and put her plan into action. "What should I know about this pony my queen?" The feminine sounding 'pony-alike' creature asked.

"From my reports, and from my agents in Ponyville and Canterlot, he is approximately the same age as that brat Shining Armor; perhaps a little older. He is in the Royal Guard, is very lonely, and was behind the slaughtering of the changeling in Canterlot." The creature seemingly cringed at the sound under her cloak.

"He--he killed them all?" It asked. The other, recognised as 'The Queen,' slowly nodded in her cloak.

"It turned out, his family was killed by some of my minions, and it simply unleashed the killing monster in him. What I want to know is what happened afterwards, and how to trigger it. The godly power he had that day. From the reports and gossip of the towns, he was practically as powerful as the princesses, just with no magic." The other one gasped in feminine tone. "Yes, when I read of how many he had killed I cringed myself. One such report said he blasted one of my minions clean through a buildings, reducing him to a state less than bloody mush. Another said one was blasted into the air, and right over the mountain. And then I heard of his match with 'the great' Shining Armor. He easily outclassed him, but gave the Captain the win out of respect and courtesy I suppose."

The development kept giving a slow shake to the creature. It was almost chattering its teeth until 'The Queen,' stopped. "Is he really that strong?" The creature asked for clarification.

"Yes. I would probably lose against him in a fight. But, I don't have to fight him. I just need to control him, and that's where you come in. I want you to find what makes him tick. Pleasure him, give him a romantic time and gather all of the information you can." She then gathered another picture of a beautiful pony, sadly darkened by the night, and unable to be seen. "This is perhaps one of the perfect ways. Now, be aggressive if you have to. Although, I heard he went for the more sincere one, so you might want to go with that approach. Either way, get me the information and have him enthralled to serve me and my wishes."

The rain began to pick up, with lightning slowly following, and thunder close behind.. Something major must have happened to summon weather like that up into Canterlot. Most likely the sad event of Ponyville. Less likely a scheduled thing.

"I--I will have your will done, my Queen." 'The Queen,' nodded, a wicked smile protruding under the cloak.

"Good. Now, report back to me as often as you can. Also, make sure to keep an eye on the human if they're together. I heard they're friends now." The creature nodded, as she began to walk out of the alley. Rain thumped on the ground as transformation took place and a beautiful, majestic unicorn pony walked out of the alley, giving a sincere smile, but her form brimmed with guile. Everything for her queen; everything.

Celestia yawned, as well as her sister as they sat in the royal throne room, expecting the questions to pile up and demands to go as a cherry on top. Day court always bugged Celestia; so much so, she even skipped out on it sometimes, especially when her sister had come back. But with the arrival of the human, and him becoming practical world wide news, she figured it was best to remain open, and diplomatic for a long period of time. Not shy away from duties for fun, at least until everything died down.

Royal guards strung the opening to the massive luxurious room where her little ponies, and stuck up nobles asked for requests and advice or assistance. While it was monotonous, it made her feel more attached to her people. Not exaclty with the nobles demands, but with the average pony's requests and pleas. Just a word from her got so much done, yet it also gave more than just objetual things, but also happiness and content feelings as her ponies walked out the door.

For Luna, it allowed her to connect with the modern world, and try to repair her relationship with the ponies she had hurt and scared. At the beginning, some came simply to insult her, but after helping with the threats to Equestria and the everyday ponies in need, she gained the respect of every pony, except the most stubborn and rude ponies in Canterlot. They would still whisper heinous things about Luna. Celestia, however, would usually silence them whenever she heard. The usual scolding and threat would deter the stubborn nobles from voicing their opinions in the open, and recent actions by Luna made it almost impossible for them to do it in a crowd without being booed.

All in all, Nightmare Moon was long into the past, and a distant memory to almost every pony, except for Luna herself. However, whenever she was reminded, she always got so sad. Not mad, or anything along those lines at the pony who spoke, but sorry and sad. She felt so much regret and guilt over it, Celestia thought it was worse than death. She wasn't fr from the mark, but after the talk she and Aldon had, it seemed like she was in such a brighter mood than ever. Like she found a new lease on life; a new purpose; a second chance.

"Ok, we're ready. Right sister?" Celestia asked, to which Luna nodded, with a light smile.

"We are prepared sister." Luna's smiled seemingly intensified as she saw a familiar face walk in first. With a surprise to say the least. Celestia gasped and gave a big smile as well, looking at the prince of the Crystal Empire, and her captain.

"Your highnesses," Shining Armor, adorned in nothing but a light shirt stated, slightly bowing.

"What brings you here Shining Armor. Do you require permission for field exercises or?" Shining Armor slowly shook his head as he led another pony in with a call of his hoof. The pony in question was one of the only Earth Ponies in the guard. However, he was the most fierce by far.

"Hammerhoof!" Both of the princesses seemingly yelled in joy.

"How are you?" Celestia asked. "I trust you have recovered since Ponyville's attack. Hammerhoof slowly nodded, giving a light smile to go along with it.

"Hammerhoof is here for one reason." The princesses readjusted their gazes to the captain of the guard, with the room seemingly becoming a colloseum and all eyes laying on the Unicorn. "I am leaving my position of Captain and returning to the Crystal Empire." Silence filled the room, and the princesses inwardly gasped at the revelation. Hammerhoof was indifferent, firstly because he knew, and secondly, because he still figured he might not get it.

"Why are you leaving Shining?" Celestia inquired.

"Because, I need to be with Cadence, and being so far from her all of the time is taxing on our relationship. Plus, our little one is coming Celestia." Celestia understood completely, nodding, while Luna gave a glance at Hammerhoof, who was simply standing in attention. She directed a heart filled smile at the pony, and he directed one back as friends who have known each other. Luna didn't have many friends, but Hammerhoof was indeed one of them.

"And who would you have as your replcement. And understand we have the option to refuse Hammerhoof." He knew the procedure, same as the princesses. The princesses also already knew the candidate and the answer before the next words were spoken.

"I nominate Hammerhoof for the position of Captain of the Royal Guard," Shining Armor stated plainly, gaining nods from Luna and Celestia. Hammerhoof just gazed, not anxious for the answer. He didn't wish for the position; it was never a dream, just a possibility as presented now to him.

"Let me discuss this with Luna. Give us a few minutes would you?" Both the guards nodded as Celestia and Luna walked behind their thrones and began to converse.

"I believe Hammerhoof is perfect as a candidate." Celestia held her tongue as she considered her sister's words.

"But, that day; what if he gets out of hand, and instead of just changelings, its ponies too?" Luna knew her sister had a point on that one. "Luna he'll always be a friend, just as Shining Armor, but we can't just go off of that. Can he do the job is the real question."

Luna couldn't deny it, but as it was her position now in the conversation, she wished to convince her sister otherwise. "Sister, Hammerhoof is the only choice to replace Shining Armor. He stood toe to toe with him. Heck, he even stood toe to toe with me." Celestia furrowed her right brow, to which Luna lightly chuckled. "Well, I wanted to see how strong he was. He didn't disappoint." Celestia lighlty nodded.

"I know he is strong sister, but he needs to lead. Our entire guards corps to be exact."

"Sister, he rallied his troops during Tirek's and Discord's attack, and on top of that, he garners respect from the guards. I saw it daily. Salutes, nods, and even 'sirs,' even though he was the same rank. In fact, Shining Armor never once went against advice Hammerhoof gave for planning." Celestia began to see it was a good choice, and their only choice that could end well. Threat aside, he was an extremely qualified pony, nobles be damned.

"Very well Luna. I agree. He is indeed worthy and will become the replacement. The new captain." They slowly trekked back to their thrones where they sat and gave their answers.

"Me and my sister have discussed," Celestia began.

"And we find Hammerhoof worthy and deserving of the position of 'Captain of the Royal Guard.' Congratulations!" Luna sung her congratulations in the hall as Hammerhoof gave a smile to it all. He was flattered. For the sake of the nation, he would take it and help to protect it from all harm, internal or external.

"Thank you, your majesties. I humbly accept the role of the new captain." Hammerhoof's words held no arrogance, no pride, just a humble thanks.

"Then it is done. We shall introduce you as such tomorrow. you should probably get prepared." Hammerhoof nodded and slowly walked out.

"So, will you stay for the celebration?" Celestia asked the previous captain.

"Yes. In fact, I think Cadance may be comming to celebrate as well."

"How do you know such?" Luna asked.

"I told her before I came here."

"So, you knew we were going to say yes?" Celestia furrowed her left brow that time.

"Yes. Trust me, I know how your majesties think." The three giggled as Hammerhoof exited the castle and headed for the hospital to see his good friend. Hopefully he would be awake to hear the news. In the shadows however, the most beautiful unicorn lurked in hiding, waiting for her chance to snatch him up.

Author's Note:

The Romance tag will now be implemented into the story. Also:

Feel free to ask questions.

I will do Q&A in author's notes with questions I can answer without giving too much away.

Also, I know its obvious, but I still want to not reveal their names for some mysterious reason, even I have yet to find out.