• Published 15th Jul 2016
  • 4,153 Views, 97 Comments

Flames of Equestria - Mick0339

Someone who through tragedy and fate is gifted and cursed with immense power. But with immense power, comes responsibility and price. He must cope with his dark past and unrelenting future. Will he be treated as a monster or friend?

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Chapter 7- Preserving Peace is Difficult.New Title: Monster.

It was that damned pony again. And finally Aldon had noticed that tattoos on their buts, flanks. He would have to figure that out later. First was to stop them from terrorizing the defenseless griffin. Of course it just had to get worse as he began to walk towards them and saw something completely unjustified and which defied logic.

The pony was holding a blade in his hoof. Aldon, while in deed extremely curious, put it aside for later with the tattoos and continued his walk towards him, calling out this time. "Hey, cut it out, and give me that blade." Aldon held his might voice in reserve as to not scare the bystanders, who were now staring at aldon and the groups of terrorizing ponies. The griffin saw Aldon with a small smile, wishing for it to stop, and to be able to go home.

That's when he got even angrier as all the other ponies brought out blades and looked over the griffin, their leader holding it up to his neck. "Deal with that thing boys. He's not so tough." Aldon looked at the griffin's eyes. Purely speaking, they had tears, but in a more deep sense, they had pain, and anger towards the pony. Aldon's job was to stop this, but now with an innocent life involved, he could use more direct force as he drew out both of his great swords. The ponies, while apprehensive on continuing their approach, resumed with a laugh as their leader commented. "Look, he can't even hold those things. They must be too heavy for it. Serves you right, you deranged ape."

Aldon gave a small smile as he took up the blades, one in each hand, and in a menacing stance, with the bystanders gasping at it. Aldon now noticed the diversity, cows, bulls, minotaurs, even a zebra or two, and more were seemingly in the crowd surrounding the fight.

"Get him, and I'll deal with this thing." The head pony smiled, while he slowly and menacingly toyed with the griffin.

Everyone in the crowd asked for the fighting to stop, being more apprehensive to Aldon, who wielded the impossible. Just then, the ponies charged and Aldon went into action. Seemingly a dozen blades struck at once, all to be blocked by the two great swords Aldon maneuvered. As some of the ponies tried to pull them back, Aldon gave a large kick to them, sending three flying by the end. Eight remained, as they continued to lash out, with Aldon blocking and dodging them all. Wait, Aldon mentally counted them until he felt it as it punctured his back. He had missed one, as the pony behind him laughed. A regular with a similar get-up with the leader, just slightly smaller.

"You're not so tough. And pretty stupid too." just then as the pony finished. Aldon fished him out, and held him in one arm, with the knife coming out as well.

Aldon, with a powered throw, sent the pony flying into a nearby house, knocking him out on impact. "Now, let's finish the rest of you off." Aldon brought up his blades, and with swings began to seemingly strike down the remaining ponies, while the crowd cried out. Of course, Aldon wasn't cruel, and only used the blunt of blade to knock them out. They tried to retaliate, but his knockouts were to fast, and eventually only Aldon, the leader, and the scared griffin were left.

"Stay back, or this griffin'll get it." The pony stammered as he looked at his comrades.

What came next expelled a confusing question. When? Seemingly out of nowhere, royal guards came clamoring through the crowd, and surrounded Aldon, and the pony holding the griffin hostage.

"Stop this fighting at once," a familiar voice said, as Aldon turned to see Celestia standing there, with her sister eyeing the situation. "Please, stop this, and let the griffin go."

"But your majesty..." Celestia shook her head.

"You think this is what I would want? What you're doing, makes you worse than any perception of the other races." The pony was surrounded, and out of options, so he took the rash one as he held the blade back, and in slow motion began to bring the blade to the griffin's neck. Everyon'es faces lit up in concern, and sadness as the blade got closer. Aldon, however knew what had to be done, as he opened in a sprint, dropped his two great swords, and closed the distance, just before the blade made contact, bringing his hand before the neck, and having it impact that first.

The pony's smile faded as Aldon looked at the terrified pony. With a punch, he sent the pony flying into the air, where he would fall to the ground in a thump and a heavy sigh. The royal guards swarmed the criminal, as Aldon overlooked his two stab wounds, thinking one thing: "Rarity'll be pissed."

Of course, he was underestimating, as swarms of ponies looked at the two wounds horrified. After this, he would be regarded as a monster, or a horrifying brute.

"What happened here?" A royal guard asked as he looked at Aldon and his wounds, while Aldon himself picked up his discarded blades and put them back into their holsters on his back. Aldon simply ignored the guard, as he should be able to figure it out. That's until he said the next words, "what the hell were you doing?"

Aldon wanted to slam the guard into oblivion at that moment. The damned bastard had no intelligence, and on top of it, disregarded the fact that the griffin was still scared out of his mind. That's until Aldon slowly descended down next to the scared thing and pet it's head.

"Hey, can you tell me your name?" Aldon asked, bringing the griffin out of his trance, revealing a hug it gave to Aldon.

"My name is Glider." The griffin continued to hug, "Thank you so much. I--I thought I was going to die."

"No thanks is needed. The fact you're alive is enough. Now, you should probably go home, before your family gets sick over you being gone." The griffin smiled and nodded. "Also, you can call me Aldon." The griffin waved as he exited the scene.

Of course he needed to be questioned, but Aldon wanted the kid to have a breather for a while. Almost dying can do things to someone. The guards called for the griffin, but Aldon turned back around to face them, "leave it be. He almost died."

One of the guards approached him, "don't tell us how to do our job. Damned animal." Aldon sighed, until Celestia came over, with the commotion resulting in her anger.

"Guard, don't call that man an animal. In fact, I'd have the nerve to let him show you how much of an 'animal' he is." Aldon simply held his jaw on the floor, surprised at Celestia's outburst. However, it got better, "now apologize." The soldier was meek and inwardly pleaded to not have to. "NOW!"

"I'm--I'm sorry." Aldon smiled.

"It's fine. I would probably say the same thing in your shoes, or uh...hooves." While it pissed off Aldon how he was treated, he still had to admit, he was basically an undiscovered species, and in a pony-dominated society. He is the animal, even if he is intelligent.

Celestia smiled, while Luna walked up bewildered and confused. But at the same time, Luna was amazed at her sister's outburst. It was a new, rather good side to her. Taking charge with authority. "I'm sorry, I just hate seeing my little ponies treating you in such heinous ways. Who was that little griffin anyway, I must apologize for what has happened to him."

"Said his name was Glider. Although princess, I insist you don't. I think what he wants most is to be left alone after such an ordeal. Live with his family in peace. Give him a little bit." Celestia nodded at Aldon's words.

"Sister, we just can't believe it. You being so strict like that." While Luna knew her sister could do it, it was extremely rare and even more scary to see the act. "I mean, that guard was ocmpletely caught off guard."

Aldon chuckled, "yes, you acted like yuor sister for a little bit." Luna gave a glare at Aldon.

"What does that mean?" Luna asked in a serious tone.

"Whatever you want it to mean," Aldon knew the type, and he knew how to beat it. Luna, just as calculated huffed and sighed. "So, why are you two here?"

"We came here to discuss with you actually, at the castle, however we saw you weren't there and saw this scuffle nearby." She paused as she finally noticed the clear wounds, "are you alright? I mean you have some stab wound--" Aldon only had one thing to ask.

"Where is the damned castle?" Both Luna and Celestia chuckled and knew he was fine.

So after being patched up, by a pair of royal guards, who were extremely hesitant and reluctant to do it, Aldon, Celestia, and Luna, accompanied with some royal guards went on their way to the crystal castle of a tree. All the while, Aldon heard the whispers of a monster in town. One to hurt ponies without remorse, and to break their bones if they break the law. Aldon then just realized he had indeed broken that pony's bones, and most likely the others who he threw. Of course, the citizens weren't the only ones, the royal guards added in the act, eyeing Aldon suspiciously and with some malice.

"I suppose it will take a while for them to take a liking to me. I suppose I will have to garner the title, 'Monster.'"

Author's Note:

So yeah, another chapter. Again feel free to ask questions and enjoy.