• Published 12th Jul 2016
  • 1,743 Views, 52 Comments

Three to Five - TwilightsmyMare

The continuing story of Twilight, Scootaloo, Starswirl, Equestria and I.

  • ...

Chapter Seven (What’s in a name?)

Another day, another train ride far from my loved ones... I sighed stretching out in my cabin. It had been a little over four months since the whole Atlantis debacle, still felt like nothing more than a dream though the lengthy preparations, meetings and planning that took place afterwards were nothing but. I looked out the window watching the scenery fly by. "Don't you have guards and ambassadors to handle this sort of thing Celestia?" I grumbled to myself though I already knew the answer to that, she and Luna did, often combined those known as Knights... And I took my duties as a Knight not to mention my debt to Celestia and Luna very seriously. So here I was, other more experienced Knights being unavailable i.e. all of them.

Roan city, ironically named, small and recently founded town roughly seventy miles north of Dodge Junction where Applejacks cousin Baeburn lived so she told me, provided a picture, his address and a detailed description of their last time there. Clashes between the settlers and indigenous buffalo... Hmm, far too familiar but thankfully dealt with far better.

The line stopped at Dodge Junction where I was to meet the town Sheriff hopefully, he would be able to point me in the right direction and maybe provide some insight. All I currently had to go on was a report sent from that same Sheriff, strange goings on at the small town. Ponies missing some coming back with little to no memory. They were out in the wilds to be sure and accidents do happen but that couldn't account for everything nor why it took so long for them to send for help.

The official report stated the request was finally sent or rather brought by a young mare who had trekked the seventy miles alone to Dodge Junction, Brook Tam... Why did they wait so long? And why send just one young mare? Well, no need for endless speculation it wasn't much further now and maybe I would have some answers though likely just more questions...

The train eased to a stop in front of a very western style town plenty of ponies going about their business, most of the ponies departing the train had others waiting for them. Visiting or perhaps come to join their families I guessed, I was given a great many sidelong glances but no hostility which was always nice. I waited a bit to see if anyone was here to greet me, failing that I shouldered my pack and made my way into town the Sheriff’s office wasn't hard to find. The citizens gave me space but seemed as curious about me as I was them. Unicorns, Pegasus and many Earth ponies I suppose this sort of venture must resonate with them, building, growing... But also, among them were Bovines, Sheep, Goats and massive Bison the males far bigger than the females all seeming to co-exist nicely. I entered the office and a couple of ponies looked up leaping to their hooves quickly.

"What... Can... Can we help you?"

"Here to see the Sheriff." I smiled friendly like making sure my medallion was clearly visible, its purpose was largely symbolic a means to identify Knights but also attuned to their owner by the Princesses. If lost or stolen it would find its way back to them, how I wasn't quite sure, but they assured me it would. I still let my little Angel wear it when she wanted to but made sure to have it on hand for this sort of 'special' circumstance.

It didn't take long for the Sheriff to emerge prodded by his deputies, an Earth pony with a light brown coat and a dark brown mane and tail as well as impressive moustache. A silver star on his vest and his cutie mark mirrored it. He looked me up and down suspiciously his gaze finally falling on the medallion eyes widening slightly. "Well, welcome to town! Sorry fer the poor reception, when they sent the message sayin their representative was comin they could have been a bit more specific... No matter, come into my office and I'll tell ya what I can."

"Fair enough." We adjourned to his office where he filled me in on the details, Roan city was a gold prospecting town. These towns popped up on occasion when and where gold is found sometimes flourishing surviving even after the golds played out though more often than not abandoned folks moving away to find a new home. This town was no different, simple folk just trying to get ahead. But something had happened, this young mare had braved the wilds to seek help...

"She was exhausted when they found her just outside town before long there was a crowd offerin food an drink askin questions worried about her you know? Small town livin, by the time I got there and dispersed the crowd she seemed well recovered. A quick stop at the doc to get her looked at and I was ready to take her disposition..." He looked through one of the drawers in his desk locating a folder placing it before me then continued his explanation as I read. "Seems folks began goin missing in her town coming back hours or even a day later confused and forgetful, didn't seem like a big deal we all get a touch of the sunstroke on occasion not that different. But she claims it kept happening and one day when she got home, she didn't even know her own parents! That’s when she ran, just one ponies word is a tough sell, but strange things do happen an I would be remiss if'n I didn't report it. I was surprised how quickly the Princesses responded sayin she knew just who to send to help out."

The file not surprisingly corresponded with what he said, suspicious of course but I would have to talk to her and see for myself. "Thank you, Sheriff you’ve been very helpful, I would like to talk to her before I head out."

"Now...?" He glanced up at his clock which showed almost a quarter after two. "Gettin a bit late, we'd be more than happy ta set you up at the hotel fer the night. Get a fresh start in the mornin..."

"Tempting, but if this is in fact a serious problem I'd best get there as soon as possible."

"Suppose that’s fair enough, I'll requisition some supplies for ya while you speak to her, she didn't want to stay in town suppose she didn't care for all the attention ah don't blame her. Left her in the care of one of the locals, Baeburn. He’s got a small farm on the outskirts of town, I'll send the supplies there he can send ya in the right direction as easily as I could. Good luck an no offense but ah hope the Princesses sent ya out here for nothin." He added with a smile extending his fore hoof which I shook.

"We'll see. thanks."

Didn't take long to walk out to Applejack's cousins farm, apples... Go figure, but there were a few small plots of vegetables as well. A small well-built home complete with several lines of drying laundry and there I caught a glimpse of motion, so I headed that way. I dodged my way through the wet linens coming face to face with a young buffaloian? Dark orange with a lighter orange mane wearing a headband with a feather. Her dark brown eyes went wide as she stumbled back tripping over her basket.

"Ahh! Baeburn!"

"Whoa! Sorry, sorry. Didn't mean to startle you."

She flipped backwards acrobatically onto her hooves looking ready to bolt but we could hear galloping hoofbeats approaching which seemed to steady her resolve. At least for a moment until his gallop came to a crashing halt catching a line, uprooting poles and laundry burying the two of them.


"Sorry hun, what’s the matter..." He struggled out from under the pile retrieving his Stetson looking at me. "Oh! Hey there Rick, pleased ta finally meet ya!"

"You know this... What is he?"

"Human, though that doesn't mean much to you I bet." I chuckled helping the two of them up levitating and resetting their poles putting the laundry back up.

"This here’s the fella my cuz mentioned in her letters remember? Rick this here’s my mare friend Strongheart"

"She didn't say he was so big..."

"Heck your daddy’s twice as big, didn't stop me from courting you did it?" He chuckled kissing her cheek making her blush.

"Almost did, you were shaking in your horseshoes when you first met him... But I'm glad you stuck it out." She smiled kissing him back.

They seemed to remember me both blushing. "Ahem... Sorry bout that."

"Not a problem Baeburn." I grinned being a big sucker for love myself. "I'm here to talk to Brook Tam, is she around?"

"Sure partner, Brook!" The three of us looked around seeing no one he sighed. "Dang filly could hide in an empty room. Come on out, everything’s fine!"

We heard a slight rustle behind us turning to find a pair of aquamarine eyes peering at us out of a bush. "You sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure, this here’s Sir Sparkle, he was sent by the Princesses to look into those disappearances in yer town."

"Oh?" She emerged from the bush a pretty young mare with a white though dirty coat and a light orange mane and tail both fairly short. "Really?"

"Yes, I just need to ask you a few questions before I go."

"Go...? Oh! Well you kin ask me all ya want on the way there."

"On the...? I wasn't suggesting you come with me, it may be dangerous..."

"It's dangerous on the way there! Ya need someone who knows the land and what to watch fer! You need me, sides... Ah wanna see what’s happened, help if I can..."

I wasn't so sure about that and I certainly had no plans to drag a traumatized young filly with me on this journey but the look in her eyes told me everything I needed to know. If I turned her away, she'd be following at my heels or sneaking ahead neither of which seemed wise, best to keep her close and hopefully safe.

"All right Brook, you win. The Sheriff’s having some supplies delivered, be ready to leave when they get here."

"Ok!" She rushed off excited leaving me with Baeburn and Strongheart.

"You sure about this partner?"

"She's definitely... I mean... Somethings wrong with her... Bothering her!" Strongheart burst out.

"I understand, but I don't think we can convince her to stay. Hopefully it's something she can work through."

"Ah guess, she's a sweet girl but... Somethin's missing inside er, when she first came, she didn't remember too many things... Ah mean, like what a well was fer! We've tried ta fill in the gaps as well as we could..."

"Still she's very affectionate once she gets to know you, not afraid of a hug that’s for sure, sorry to see her go but hopefully all will turn out well." Strongheart smiled.

"I'll do my best."

The Sheriff was true to his word and we didn't wait long before one of the deputies rolled up with a small wagon, food, waterskins and various other survival and camping items. He must have anticipated her eagerness to return to her home as there was enough for two including a pair of saddlebags which she eagerly donned.

Supplied and ready we were ready to go pausing only to say our goodbyes Brook hugging both Baeburn and Strongheart promising to come see them again someday.

There was a road of sorts clearly there was travel between the two towns however sparse, Brook walked beside me looking suspiciously at me as we traveled.



"What'r you?"

"Getting that a lot today..." I mumbled.


"Nothing. A Human, not from around here clearly. I came from... Very far away, I was going to return home, but things happened. I found something I thought I never would..."


"Love, a mare who... Understood me, made me whole, pulled me from the darkness..."

"Wow..." I looked down smiling at the goofy grin spread across her face.


"I... I don't know love like that... It sounds... Amazing."

"It is at that, one day Brook, one day."

We moved a short way off the road as the sun dipped in the sky to make camp setting a small fire dolling out some of our provisions, dried fruit and nuts simple but filling. Looking over I could see she was just picking at her food.

"Not hungry?"

"Oh... Not really, just kind of nervous."

"About what?"

"Being out here..."

"You made this trip on your own."

"I hid at night, I was scared... Am scared..."

"There’s no need to worry, I will protect you."

"You... You would? You will? I'm not worth protecting..."

"Why would you say that?"

"I ran! From my family, my friends... I couldn't help them, I didn't even try!"

"That’s enough." I laid a hand on her shoulder comfortingly feeling her tremble. "Fear can get the better of anyone even me, it can make you do something stupid, something you regret but it can't stop you. Only you can do that, you can always go back try to right those wrongs real or imagined. Just don't give up, don't give in to despair."

"Heh..." She pulled away gently with a small smile. "I'm not sure I believe you, but you make me want to believe... Thanks."

"I'm here to help. So, tell me what happened, if your comfortable doing so that is."

"I... I don't remember much I'm sorry, but I'll tell you what I can..."

So, she told me what she remembered, bits and pieces. Going out into the woods to forage and when she came back everything was... Different. She couldn't recognize friends, family! Something had changed, changed them... The whole town! That was her theory at least and much of what she said rang true. Her memory loss, there were spells even poisons that could have had this effect on her, and if this was the case something was truly wrong. I would need to see the town and ponies there to figure out more, she fell asleep as I pondered looking up at the stars. I placed a ward around our campsite before drifting off better safe than sorry.

The morning came with no trouble Brook was up already watching me intently until I pulled myself up. "Early riser eh?"

"Not usually, just worried."

"I understand, I'll do my best to get to the bottom of this trust me."

"I will... I mean, I do!"

I chuckled and we quickly packed up having a quick breakfast as we walked.

"So, tell me about where you’re from, you have family there?"

"And here I thought I was supposed to be asking the questions?" I chuckled but played along telling her about Ponyville as well as Scootaloo and Starswirl. She lit up as I talked about them awwing when I produced some pictures as any proud father would. She peppered me with questions here and there throughout the day but for the most part we just hiked quietly, the sun shone brightly but it wasn't too warm Celestia was taking it easy on us today. There was plenty of wildlife about but nothing threatening to us.

Not for the first time and I was sure not the last I pondered Equestria as we walked, this world as a whole really. Why were some... Animals I guess was an appropriate term we're all animals after all, why were some sapient and others not... Some in-between, Ponies, Griffons, Bovines, Donkeys, Goats and many others I was sure then the birds, fish, bears, wolves and once again many more again that were not. Then there were the Angel Bunnies’, Winona, Tank, Owlicious... Those who's intelligence was far above their normal kin but lacked only speech perhaps. What was the reasoning? Evolution? Maybe but with magic thrown in the mix... Maybe I would never know but it was interesting to think about, by the time I cleared my head I noticed dusk was upon us, Brook was lagging behind a bit clearly tired.

"I'm sorry about that Brook, kind of got lot in my thoughts there."

"It's fine... I'm ok..." She gasped sitting down.

I looked around finding a reasonably flat piece of ground. "Let’s stop here for the night eh?"

"Ok..." She collapsed for a few moments then took a long drink from a proffered waterskin before helping set up camp. She was still very curious about Ponyville asking about the town and friends I had there, I had no trouble talking with her about it both of us laughing about some silly thing Pinkie had done, I may have embellished a little but with Pinkie you really didn't need to. Again, the night passed without incident, another day would see us there and maybe I would get some answers though I would have to proceed cautiously if something nefarious was afoot... Ahoof? Whatever.

Midday found us stealthily approaching the town through the bush, no need to draw undue attention to us yet. No guards I could see just ponies going about their day to day business, as we watched I considered what to do next suddenly a rustling and crashing came toward us through the bush. I couldn't see what was causing it and moved into a defensive stance hand on the hilt of my blade pushing Brook behind me. Closer and closer it came pausing occasionally before coming on again were they tracking us?

The myriad of defenses I had begun to surround us with collapsed immediately as two young colts burst through the underbrush wrestling back and forth. "Your it! No, your it!" They collapsed together staring up wide eyed at me.

"Whoa..." They echoed edging away until they spotted the mare hiding behind me. "Oh! Hi Brook! Where ya been?" The bolder of the two smiled reaching out to poke me in the knee as the two of them scrambled to their hooves. "Your it!" They giggled scampering off.

I stood there dumbfounded a moment before collapsing back on my haunch’s steading myself with an arm over Brooks back, we looked at each other a moment before bursting out in laughter, there might be danger here, but some things never changed.

"Friends of yours?" I managed after a minute.

"I... Maybe...?" Her pained look reminded me why we were here, I gave her a comforting squeeze getting back up.

"It's fine, let's head in, I think it's safe enough for now."


The moment we entered town ponies recognized her calling out, they were wary of me but seeing her stick close to me the must have assumed I was alright. Several of them gathered around obviously happy to see her and she seemed ok with it at first answering a few questions mostly about me, but she grew more and more anxious when they asked about her pulling back into herself until I had to intercede worried, she might breakdown.

"That’s enough for now, we're on our way to see her parents. I'm sure she'll want to talk later."

They accepted that easily enough, I had been watching their interactions hoping to find some irregularities, but it looked for all intents and purposes seemed normal.

"Which way to your house?"

"I... I... I don't know!" She sobbed.

I pulled her aside out of view giving her a gentle shake. "It's ok, we'll just ask someone. No big deal."

"How can I not know? What’s wrong with me?!"

"We'll figure it out, just give me some more time."

"Okay..." She sniffed.

In a small town like this everyone knew everyone, and it wasn't difficult for me to get direction to Brook's parents farm. It was a moderately sized farmstead on the south-east corner of town their fields stretched out towards a looming forest nearby.

"Brook...!" A middle-aged Earth pony mare with an off-white coat and a bright orange mane and tail, pretty obvious where she got her coloring. She rushed off the porch dropping her watering can with which she'd been tending to some flowers, she headed straight for her daughter and I saw nothing but love and concern in her eyes, but she pulled up short as Brook took shelter behind me averting her gaze.

"Brook darling... What’s wrong? What'd we do ta make you run off? Just come back home an we kin talk it over, you, me an yer paw. Please..."

"I... I don't know you..."

I could see that hurt her, she stepped back shaking her head. "Ah don't know what ta do..." She stopped looking up at me as if just noticing me. "Goodness who'r you stranger? An what'r you doin with my daughter?" She asked suspiciously.

I smiled giving a small bow. "Rick Sparkle, one of Princess Celestia and Luna's knights. I've been sent to investigate the strange going on's here."

She gave me a questioning look. "Strange goin on's? Haven't hearda none other’n my daughter runnin off... Recon you should talk to the Mayor though, you kin always find em in town helpin folks out, settlin disputes an such. He's a bit hard a hearin though so be sure ta speak up." She tried to look around me at her daughter. "Now why don't you an I sit down with a nice glass'a cider an talk?" She smiled hopefully.

That seemed reasonable and considering her memory loss prudent, but I could feel her shaking still pressed up against me. "If you'll let me keep her with me a little while longer ma'am, the Mayor might want to ask her a few questions too."

She thought about it a moment nodding finally. "Ah suppose your right, don't worry darling we'll work this out no matter what."

I felt her give a little nod which was heartening then we turned making our way back to town she giving many a backwards glance.

"Are you sure you don't want to stay?"

"No... Yes... Maybe? How kin I not even know my own ma?! Is it me? Is somethin wrong with me?"

"Not enough to go on yet, and if that’s the case we'll do what we can about it. Maybe you bumped your head or something..." Can't believe I hadn’t thought of it sooner, I scanned her quickly, but it revealed little more than an average mare in average physical condition, no bumps, bruises or broken bones. Whatever it might be it didn't appear to be physical in nature...

Lo and behold the first pony we encountered was the mayor himself on his way to find us, well me to be more accurate. Not every day one of the Princesses Knights visits our little town he said. An Earth pony he had a dark brown coat and a light grey mane and tail despite looking only middle aged... Hmm, must be a Mayor thing.

Though I had to repeat myself several times often raising my volume as I did, we found out a few things, first he was very pleased to see Brook back the whole town had been concerned. Second was nothing strange had been going on here to his knowledge. No disappearances nor memory loss other than Brook, he was very sorry he couldn't be of more help, but I assured him (hopefully not falsely) that I would get to the bottom of it.

The mayor treated us to lunch leaving us to think, Brook just picked at her food still clearly distracted and I couldn't blame her.

"Alright... You said you came back from going out into the forest when everything changed right?"


"Then let's retrace your steps and see what we can find there."

"That makes sense..."

She led the way skirting the town and her family’s farm trying to avoid encountering anyone else I imagined, I let it go but she was going to have to face that fear soon. We came to a light trail into the woods clearly, she'd spent some time out here. The woods weren't very thick but there wasn't much too see either any tracks she or anyone else may have left were sparse at best.

In the distance I could hear the sound of water as good a place as any to begin looking. As we approached the ground grew rockier the local mountain range extending all the way down to here in a gradual slope, the sound of water grew louder around the bend but just before there appeared to be the entrance to a small cave, a pony could enter easily enough. I moved to take a look hearing Brook stop.


"You’re not going in there are you? I'm not going in there."

"That’s all right, just a quick look and I'll be right back."


Ah good old teenage sneakiness, I had a lot of that to look forward too I chuckled to myself. I ducked down crab-walking forward into the darkness, I cast a simple light spell a small globe of light hovering just above my head illuminating a ways in front of me. The cave opened surprisingly wide and a bit higher, the light revealed a small hole dug near the entrance peering in I wrinkled my nose at the smell, a refuse pile the bones of small animals visible within... Someone... Something was living here? I looked around almost expecting something to rush out of the shadows at me! Nothing though, I brightened the light a bit exploring further.

There was a small pool of clear water the occasional drop falling from the ceiling, nearby whomever had placed a small store of food. Nuts and berries mostly and beyond that grass, moss and fir boughs formed into a cozy bed. I inhaled deeply, it wasn't a pony scent really, vaguely familiar but... Beside the bed lay a small trove of treasures, a broken pony doll, bent horseshoe, a collection of pretty stones and half a worn and dog-eared book Twilight would hate to see... Something lived here and recently it seemed, but they weren't here now... I realized suddenly I'd left Brook alone and I had been in here some time, I made my way out as quickly as I could to nothing. No Brook, no sign of a struggle... I circled around looking for her tracks finding them leading around the bend to and around a small waterfall. I followed down a small stream created by the fall, her path meandered a bit but still followed the stream much harder to track on the rocky ground.

As I followed, I got more and more nervous, I held back from calling out for her not wanting her to give herself away if she was hiding assuming this was something dangerous not just some teenage rebellion... The stream flowed crooked but there was evidence it ran straight sometimes too, runoff I suppose. Coming up was another small out cropping that could hardly be called a fall though from the top of that twenty foot drop I finally spotted her laying half in half out of the stream. "Brook!" I shouted but she didn't stir.

No time to waste, I teleported down fighting off the momentary dizziness to kneel beside he recoiling immediately, she was dead?! Not just recently dead either, decomposition began the moment of death naturally, but she'd been here for some time the stench of putrefaction hung in the air but how...?

"I... I..." Her voice drew my attention looking around confused I found her hidden to the side under the pine boughs staring horror struck. "I..." Before my eyes her form shifted to a black and teal female changeling, then back to Brook, back and forth the pain in her eyes unchanged despite her form. I reached out for her breaking her trance. "I'm sorry!" She screamed galloping away back up the stream.

I let her go for now having some idea where she might be going, for the moment I had to figure out what happened here. Scanning her thoroughly I found multiple broken bones and contusions but those had not killed her, her water laden lungs and prospecting pan trapped beneath her put the pieces together for me. She must have been panning for gold further upstream when a storm likely further up the mountain must have caused a massive surge in the steams flow catching her off-guard dragging her along... Drowning her as she fought for life... But where this changeling came in, I didn't understand, was she trying to replace her? Then why get the authorities involved? Everything she'd told me before rang true to me but now... Still so many unknowns, I removed my backpack unfurling my bedroll carefully gathering her up suppressing my gag reflex, I wrapped her up carefully grabbing her pan as well then levitated her behind me as I made my way back up the stream to the cavern.

I sat her down gently outside making my way in illuminating the way softly, things had changed from last I'd seen it the food and treasures scattered, and a small form curled up in the bed sobbing. I sat beside her reaching out to gently rub her back, not hard like I thought a chitinous shell might be but soft and supple. She jerked pulling away. "Leave me alone! Alone..."

"I'm not going to do that, I just need to know what happened, how did you end up here? Are you with Queen Chrysalis?"

She jerked upright staring at me. "That name... So familiar but... I... I can't remember! A burst of light... And the sensation of great force pushing me... When I came too, I was near here, found this cave... I don't know who I am, what I am! I hid here, taking the towns leftovers but never getting too close for so long... I heard a scream nearby one day and when I snuck out to look, I found her, me... Her. She was dead! But when I caught my reflection in the water, I was alive... She was!"

She was shaking uncontrollably and didn't resist when I pulled her into my embrace, things were beginning to make sense. If she had been part of Chrysalis’s army thrown this far by Cadence and Armor, it's a miracle she survived at all! While everyone knew Changelings fed on love, I had learned from Twilight that they could survive on regular food too but not for long. She must have been starved, running on instinct alone when it happened.

"I went back to town and everyone was so glad to see me, I felt so loved, wanted... My mind began to clear, but then I realized I didn't know any of them, ponies I should recognize... I got scared, paranoid and pulled away from them worrying them more. When my parents, her parents wanted to take me to the doctor I panicked, ran! Fabricated the only story that made sense to me... If I didn't know them, they must be imposters! I lied... Lied to my... Her! Parents, the mayor of Dodge junction, Sheriff, Baeburn and Strongheart after they'd been so kind to me, you...

She burst out in tears again burying her head in my chest, I let her get it out gently stroking her mane thinking things over putting the last few pieces together. After about an hour her sniffled had died down and I knew what I had to do, not what might happen but a shot. I chuckled softly pulling her gently up to look in her green eyes.

"You didn't do anything wrong."


"Shh, I don't know how this will end but you won't spend another night alone in this cave I promise."


I pulled her close and she clutched me tightly a moment before I pulled, he back up wiping her tears away. Let's get out of here, I've got to take Brook home then we'll figure some things out."


"Anything you want to bring?"

"No..." She hesitated a moment before picking up the book putting it on her back. "Ok."

I didn't want to scare or shock any of the ponies in town who likely have never seen a changeling and probably only knew the rumors of their worst, but I didn't want to leave her alone either. So, a compromise, I cast a spell to make her invisible... Sort of, while I had heard and read of true invisibility spells they were still beyond my capabilities, the spell I cooked up simply 'bent' the light away from her effectively making her invisible but it left a blank spot which was easily noticeable if you knew what you were looking for and often if you didn't. I kept her behind me making my way through town to the mayor’s residence easy to find once a helpful pony pointed me in the right direction.

Of any pony here I hoped he could be the most open minded, he was the mayor for a reason, right? Thankfully I wasn't wrong, he had heard of Changelings and what they'd done but also had heard of Princess Celestias armistice and after quickly explaining the situation he agreed to let her stay here with him while I took Brook home and made explanations... Or try to. He was saddened by the news but glad the truth was now known.

I retrieved Brook from where I had hidden her on the outskirts of her parent’s farm and approached the house and again her mother came out to greet me, seems she had been watching for us.

She looked at me and the bundle levitated beside me suspiciously. "Where is my daughter?"

"I'll explain all I can, is your husband home?"

"He got home ah short while ago, takin a nap right now. Where is my daughter?"

I could see her eyes widening tears forming in their corners as if she'd already guessed, a mother’s intuition I suppose... "I really think it would best if I explained it to both of you..."

"Where is my daughter!" She screamed looking torn between assaulting me and fleeing.

I gently lowered the bundle before her peeling it back, as prepared as I was her anguished screams still tore through me, I tried to comfort her as she struggled pounding her hooves against my chest, painful but nothing compared to what she was feeling...

Before too long the noise roused her husband coming out to see the commotion, a smaller bespectacled Unicorn stallion. Tan coat and a surprisingly pink mane and tail. Later I learned he was the towns banker and postmaster. He broke down as quickly as she and I didn't blame either, in a situation like that... Well I didn't know what I would do.

Several hours later and after explaining everything I knew and things I had guessed at multiple times I excavated a deep grave in their backyard finally laying her to a proper rest. By then it was quite late they offered me a bed, but I wanted to get back to the mayors to update him and her... They wanted to meet her, this changeling who thought she was their daughter even though I thoroughly explained she had meant nothing malicious in it. Once I was sure they didn't mean her any harm I agreed to bring her by in the afternoon, they still had a lot of grief to work through...

Back at the mayors I found things going much better than expected, he had poked and prodded her with conversation not getting far but when he noticed her one possession and asked to see it, he recognized it having a copy in his own collection. When he gifted it to her it opened things up considerably, he showed her more and varied types of books and music. She wanted to learn more and more an insatiable seeker of knowledge, reminded me of someone.

They were sitting in his living room when I came in a small pile of books before them, he pointing out his favorites while soft music played from his record player.

"Ah! There you are, good to see you. Tess and I were just getting to know one another." Seeing my confusion, he nodded pointing to a nearby portrait of a pretty mare. "My wife... Passed some time ago but she didn't mind me suggesting her name and I know my wife wouldn't have minded..." He added softly.

The changeling... Tess, I suppose shifted and there beside him sat that same pretty mare smiling at him, he gasped choking up slightly tears coming to his eyes. I was about to protest her manipulation even if she hadn’t meant to, but he held up a fore hoof stopping me. "No... No, I... Broached the subject with her, I... I just wanted to see her, if only one last time..." He smiled sadly then cleared his through wiping his eyes as she changed back. "How did things go with the Tam's?"

"Hard, hard for anyone to have to bury their child... But they will be all right in time, I hope. They would like to meet you by the way."

"Me?! Why?"

"It will be fine my dear, I know them both quite well they are not the type to point blame. I imagine they just want to talk to you, the last one to see their daughter alive..."

"Oh... I... I'll do it."

"They've still got a great deal to come to terms with, tomorrow afternoon. It's late anyhow."

"What?!" I repeated myself louder and he nodded. "Oh yes, we've already eaten but there plenty of leftovers in the fridge... Well I ate anyhow, when absorbing emotion, it seems to sate them quite easily, simply talking about my dear wife was more than enough to fill her up. Quite fascinating really."

"It is at that." Certainly, an interesting subject of study I would have to mention it to Twi. I left them to talk a bit more excusing myself to the kitchen enjoying a quick meal, the majors house was quite large having several guest rooms more than enough room for us both. I had just laid down when I heard a light tap at the door.

"Come in." Tess entered looking apprehensive. "What’s up?"

"I'm scared..."

"Come here." She came over and I sat up sitting her down beside me giving her a comforting squeeze.

"I... I'm glad things turned out this way... Other than Brook dying of course!" At my understanding nod she continued. "You and the Mayor, Baeburn and Strongheart, you've all been so kind but... What’s going to happen to me now? I'm myself but... I don't even know who that is! I have a borrowed name but nothing else..."

I pulled her trembling form close. "It's ok, everything will be fine now. What happens next? I'm not sure, you'll have to be the one to decide that. I'm sure you would be welcome here you've made a friend already and I know you will make more, you could also return to Dodge Junction I'm sure Baeburn and Strongheart would love to have you there, you could come with me to Ponyville, it's a wonderful little town and you could find your place there easily enough. If you wanted, we could find where the other Changelings have gone, and you could rejoin them..." She immediately stiffened at that suggestion. "No?"

"The mayor told me a little, how they tried to take over a kingdom but failed and their eventual acceptance and forgiveness from that same kingdom! I... I don't know what I may have done back then, I don't want to know."

"Ok, no one will force you to but remember you might encounter some of them on your own someday."

"I know, I'll deal with it when that day comes."

"Fair enough, feel better? You need you sleep."

"A little... Can I stay here?" Her big green eyes looked up at me hopefully.

"Of course."

We lay down and she snuggled up, after being alone for so long it was only natural. She was enjoying being around others even aside from her need for love as sustenance. I held her as we drifted off to sleep, I don't know what the future holds for you little Changeling, but it will be better than your past...

I felt quite refreshed when the morning light peeked through the window, no worries troubling my sleep. A lot of questions still but... Well here was a new one, what was a teenaged Scootaloo doing in my bed? I shook her gently and she murmured in her sleep shifting back into Brook then her natural form. Right, I had shown her pictures. Very impressive she could copy her and come up with what she would look like older.



"Time to wake up."

She just buried her head under the blankets making me grin, that was fine, no rush. I pulled myself out the other side of the bed careful not to disturb her further and got dressed pulling the curtains closed as I exited. I found the mayor busy down in the kitchen smiling as he saw me enter.

"Good morning, sit please breakfast will be ready soon." He glanced towards the stairs. "Tess still asleep, is she? Well you know teenagers." He chuckled.

"I remember a bit, thankfully my two girls aren't quite there yet."

"Pardon?" I repeated myself and he smiled again. "Two? My, my you’re going to have your hooves... Hands that is full, won't you?"

"It'll be an adventure for sure."


That was getting on my nerves, not his fault of course but still... While he concentrated on cooking, I took the opportunity to scan him paying close attention to his ears. I still wasn't an expert on equine physiology, but I had learned quite a bit and I was surprised to find his problem was simply a slight misalignment of his ear bones, an accident in his past maybe? Fixable at any rate I wonder if he'd never gone to see a doctor about it? Two slight breaks to move them into the right position then some healing and done...

The effect was immediate, his head shot up ears twitching. "What...?"

"Sorry about that, I should have asked your permission first."

"Sorry?" He laughed. "I never thought... It was just something I had to live with... Thank you!"

"Heh, happy to help my friend. After everything you’ve done for her..." I gestured upstairs. "Least I could do."

"She's something special, it's no coincidence she's here. I don't believe in coincidence." He smiled turning back to his cooking.

"Maybe..." It didn't take too long for the enticing breakfast smells to lure Tess out of bed sleepily stumbling into the kitchen.

"Morning..." She mumbled sitting down.

"And a good morning to you sleepyhead, how are you feeling today?" I asked.

Her head was on the table with her eyes closed but she smiled. "Good..."

"Glad to hear it!" The mayor exclaimed heaping up three plates with pancakes syrup and fruit, the three of us dug in even Tess, mayhap she was more used to eating then other Changelings? With her lost memory mayhap... Who knows, maybe it was just that good. I ravenously devoured my fill and a bit more, I sat there feeling very full as he sprung up. "Well, time to do my rounds about town. See how ponies talk about me when they think I can't hear them." He added with a grin and a wink. "I'll clean up when I get back don't you worry about a thing." And he was off and out the door.

We just sat for a bit full and content then I began gathering up the dishes transferring them over to the sink.

"But he said he would handle it..."

"True, but as good houseguests it would be nice of us to take care of it, so he doesn't have to worry about it later."

"I guess..." She grumped.

I put her on drying duty and after a while she got into it even sending back a few dishes to me she felt weren't clean enough, after she excitedly showed me the mayor’s small library and some of them, she hoped to read. If she saw Twilight and I's collection, she would go nuts I chuckled to myself. By noon the mayor still hadn’t returned, no big deal he was a busy pony I had no doubt.

"Well are you ready to talk to them?" I asked.

"No, yes... I don't know... What if they hate me?"

"I don't know, they might. If they see you and think only of their daughters passing... Well then you tried, there are plenty of other places, ponies, griffons... Well a lot of others to meet."

"Maybe... But... I want them to like me, I want to explain... Ugh! How can I even!?"

"Just do the best you can, that’s all you can do." I comforted giving her a squeeze.

"Okay... Let's go."

So, we made our way out of town no hiding this time and she got a lot of stares not too different from when I came through the first time. As we approached the farm, I had to restrain her gently a few times from galloping away, not that she really wanted to run but nerves will get the better of anyone. They must have seen us coming as they were both waiting on the porch.

"Please come in Tess." Mrs. Tam smiled at her confused look. "Mayor Walnut dropped by for a spell earlier."

"I'll be right out here if you need me." I patted her on the back feeling her tremble. "It will be fine, remember what I said." I whispered to her nudging her forward. She reluctantly trotted in and I hoped I wasn't lying to her, but I really did feel one way or another she would be fine.

I wandered around the property killing time enjoying the clear sunny day, it was a well-disposed farm small but well-tended and like farms the world over mine or this one it had several 'farm' cats. Tough and battle scarred used to working for their living everyday catching mice, rats and other pests. Fluttershy would be appalled... Or maybe she wouldn't, she might be a timid little mare, but she knew how nature worked. Kill or be killed, eat or be eaten...

Tough though they might be once they got used to me a bit, they were happy to get some attention, two purring kitties rolling in the dirt adorably. As the sun began to set my playmates had abandoned me earlier heading out to hunt and I was getting a bit worried. I heard the back door open and checked around the corner finding the three of them before the grave heads bowed, I kept my distance not wanting to disturb them but sending a prayer of my own. I wasn't much for religion but the idea of an afterlife... Something that comes after... Well, it was a nice thought.

"There you are, sorry ta keep you waitin all day." Mrs. Tam beckoned me over.

"Not a problem."

"We've had a nice conversation about... Well a great many things." Mr. Tam smiled.

Tess was quiet but seemed much more at ease with them.

"We've talked an done plenty a thinkin yesterday an today an come up with one certain thing." She looked over to Tess. "Yer not our daughter." Tess’s eyes filled with tears her head dropping momentarily before it was gently tipped back up. "Shh... But that don't mean you can't be part of our family..."

"Wha... What? Me? Really?" She asked staring in sheer disbelief.

They both nodded teary eyed holding out their fore hooves for her.

She hesitated but only for a second before throwing herself into their embrace tears falling again but for a wholly different reason now, admittedly I may have had to dry my eyes a bit too, just that prairie dust kicking up...

"Well..." I smiled nodding to them. "I guess my work here is done then."

She spun around galloping over to throw herself into my embrace. "Thank you." She whispered.

I squeezed her a little tighter. "Anytime."

"Yer more than welcome to stay the night."

"Thank you, I appreciate that, but I should be getting back home. Plus, you three have a lot of getting to know one another to do."

Mr. Tam smiled pulling the two of them close. "I think we'll be ok, thank you again. For everything."

"As I said, anytime."

The three of them stood together waving as I walked off, I hoped everything would work out for them. I was a bit surprised at their decision but... What did I know? They had an empty hole in their lives and Tess... Well she needed someone, not just for her sustenance for her life...

It was still quite late though so I stopped by the Mayors to let him know what happened, he was quite pleased promising to keep an eye on them then offering me a late meal and place to sleep which I politely declined heading out after my snack. Only making it a mile out of town before night fell on me, thankfully the temperature was mild as I no longer had my bedroll. I stretched out backpack as my pillow looking up at the stars, long walk back to Dodge Junction, long train ride home... Gives me plenty of time to figure what I was going to write in my report to Celestia and Luna, happy ending... I hoped.

Author's Note:

Still not dead! Sigh... Such procrastination, you have no idea. Obviously won't be following the episodes too closely now but I'll still be looking to them for inspiration. Anyhow hope your all doing well... Anyone there... (Echo, echo, echo...)
So melodramatic. :twilightsmile:

Oh as a bit of an addendum no doubt many of you'll notice the change in Brook / Tess's accent, by my head cannon for Changelings to be effective in their new forms they instinctively pick up accents and speech patterns from those their masquerading near. With practice they can control it but she's had none. Anyhow just wanted to clear that up, Ciao!