• Published 12th Jul 2016
  • 1,743 Views, 52 Comments

Three to Five - TwilightsmyMare

The continuing story of Twilight, Scootaloo, Starswirl, Equestria and I.

  • ...

Chapter 6 (Their past is ours.)

We all stared in awe until Cords broke free of his amazement barking orders to spread out a bit and memorize the terrain in case the fog returned, as they did that I retrieved my blade from its sheath in the stone of the crevasse.

Though it still lay more than a kilometer away with only wisps of fog remaining we could see it in much greater detail, the fortifications including the 'roof' of the city seemed indistinct patches phasing in and out randomly. What architecture we could see looked smooth, molded... Like everything had been cast or mayhap even painstakingly carved one titanic rock.

However, it had arrived here it had been violent, the city lay at the center of a huge radius of destruction as if it had fallen from orbit like a meteorite... Maybe it did? We cautiously approached avoiding the rents in the ground, nothing remained to give us any clues as to what might have been here before, a forest? Mountain? Even a village? Anything that hadn’t been destroyed time had taken care of.

As we approached the strange phenomena of phasing walls became even more obvious, all but the bottom fifty feet of wall, that remained solid. Lined around the wall every hundred feet or so stood a titanic figure / statue only slightly shorter than the wall itself, featureless and smooth much like the city itself. The light began fading as we approached the gates, none of us were eager to spend a night out here in this wasteland though again I wasn't sure inside the city would be any better...

The gates too were impressive, forty feet tall they glittered dully appearing to be made of iron perhaps though I doubted it was anything quite so mundane. Before we could approach any closer a momentary hum filled the air gone as quickly as it started, the two nearest statues from either side of the doors animated stepping casually away from the wall like they had been waiting all this time to do just so blocking the door their blank faces lighting up with a dull red glow.

As they turned to face us they appeared non-threatening though I had no doubt they were more than capable of violence. Sound... Speech emanated from them startling us, it was... Virtually indescribable, like water flowing through thin crystal pipes... Words, a scant few were familiar even though I couldn't understand their meaning. Chinese? Latin mayhap? Suddenly it ended and again their blank faces stared at us.

"What'n tarnation was that?"

"A smattering of ancient languages... Poniese, Ejyptponia... So many others, fascinating!" Twi grinned excited.

Fluttershy was trying to make herself look as small as possible hiding behind the Thestrals while Applejack held Pinkie back from prancing up to introduce herself. Dash looked ready to fly right at them until I put a hand on her shoulder giving her a comforting squeeze.

"Well they certainly look formidable but so drab, didn't these Atlanteans know about color? Honestly." Rarity scoffed.

"I don't know if we can take those bearers... Especially if they all animate like that, but we can distract them long enough for you to get in..."

"That shouldn't be necessary captain, after all we were called here..."

"True Twi, though communication could be a problem..." There was something rattling around in the back of my mind, a phrase or sentence? Something that used all the letters of the alphabet, what the hell was it called? I racked my brain a few moments as our Equestrian standoff continued, Twi trying simple phrases from languages she'd heard it use but getting no response.

"Ah!" Everyone glanced to me as I finally pinpointed what I'd been trying to think of. "Ahem... The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."

"What the heck was that?"

Well Dash, in theory at least it should help them understand us... I mean it has all the letters of the alphabet in it, in time... Well faster with magic I'm sure..."

She rolled her eyes with a grin. "Seriously? You’re so weird, you do something awesome like diving down a giant crevasse to save someone then you nerd it up. You sure picked the right mare." She laughed.


We had a good chuckle for a moment before the golems stepped back from the doors their 'faces' glowing again.

"Elements..." They seem to have gotten the hang of the language, because of me? I wasn't sure, but I'd take the credit if only to annoy Dash. Their red gazes passed over the girls and Thestrals who stood close by safeguarding them. "Enter." Their gaze then turned to me the proverbial odd man out scrutinizing me a moment before moving back to their positions the titanic doors swinging open. "Human... Slave, enter." Then they were silent as if they'd never moved in the first place.

"We were expected after all..." Twilight breathed a sigh of relief as we all cautiously moved through the gates together.

"Not much of a welcome... Where’s the party? Streamers? Balloons?! It's like the city is totally dead! Oh... Right..." Pinkie sheepishly grimaced.

"Somethings still here..." Applejack gestured around to the clean swept streets lit up by globes of soft blue light hung from regular posts.

"Some sort of servant like those things out there? Or perhaps more like our own helpful 'slave'." Rarity teased nudging me.

"Heh, whatever gets me through the door I suppose... Though something called you here, strange no one's here to greet you..."

"The pull hasn't gone away sugar cube, it's still pulling us on." Applejack took a faltering step forward then caught herself stepping back with a disgruntled snort.

"You all still feel it?" I asked and they all nodded. "Well I guess we had best continue on then, not much point camping on the doorstep."

"We don't even know what could be in here! As I said from the beginning this whole situation stinks of an elaborate trap!" Cords stated nervously he and the troop still holding a defensive formation around the girls.

"And we appreciate that your here for us captain, but this is something we have to do. Let's see what this mysterious power wants..." Twilight spoke gently she and the girls forming up to enter the Thestrals quickly adapting to cover them and me stuck in the back again. Not that being in the back was necessarily a bad thing, it often gave opportunities to see and react to things other might miss. I kept a close watch behind us and down the many dark alleys we passed but all seemed far too quiet. Glancing up at the 'roof', barrier, whatever you wanted to call it I could barely see it looked quite solid so either it's shifting wasn't visible from the inside or something had changed...

I had my own theories of what that could be, looking ahead to the girls as they boldly advanced, well as boldly as their Thestral guardians would allow. The city twisted and turned with no clear path to whatever the central building might be. We passed what looked to be stores, homes and even small restaurants... When this place had been filled, alive... It must have been so vibrant, full of life!

We came to a small gatehouse or guard station beyond which lay open space, but far from empty... A huge expanse, I had no idea how large...? A football field? Two? Ten?! All throughout lay trees, bushes and flowers many bearing fruit. Fields, parks and water fountains... Nearly dry, stagnant water only remained but somehow the plants still survived, they and their fruits were wasted but still hanging on. Despite their rough shape there was finally life all around, I could feel it, smell it and off in the distance the silence was broken by the sudden sound of running water...

We rushed to the source finding a once dried out shallow pond one of its spigots trickling water into the basin. As we watched another sprung to life, the slow trickle turned to a steady flow as another and another flowed free until they were all steadily running. All around us we could hear more and more returning to life, a beautiful sound but why? Was it simply our proximity or something else? Here in the park area it was darker the lamps still prevalent but more widely spaced. In the dim light I could detect a faint glow off the Elements though the girls seemed oblivious looking about in amazement though fighting back yawns, something else...

"Perhaps we should rest here? It's been a long day." I offered, we were close, so close but whatever awaited... I'd prefer that we were fully rested and restored before we faced it.

"Whaaat? But we're so close! It's just a hop, skip and a jump away!"

"Pinkie, ah know yer always fulla energy but even you must be exhausted after these last few days..."

"No way! Too much to see! Too much excitement! why I..." And just like that she was out like a light collapsed on Applejacks back snoring softly.

"That’s what ah thought." She smirked.

"Pfft, what a bunch of lightweights. I could stay up..." A yawn caught Dash mid-brag making her blush and the rest of us laugh.

"Personally, I could use some beauty sleep and these accommodations while hardly five star are far superior to what we've had as of late."

"I'm all for staying here..." Fluttershy had shed her heavy coat already and was scooping some of the water from the basin onto the nearby trees.

"Well it's a bit exposed but we've got a good view if anything comes at us, it will do." Cords looked about then to Twilight.

She considered a moment her eyes closed horn and tiara glowing softly. "So close... But another short while won't hurt. It won't... Can't meet us here but just our presence here is having an effect..." She gestured around at the fountains trickling to life. "Tomorrow will be soon enough."

When we'd first entered the temperature was only slightly higher than outside but that too had been slowly changing, above freezing now. We all shed our heavy coats for now they weren't needed but they did make comfortable bedding.

Twilight and I bedded down the seven of us central with the Thestrals forming a perimeter around us asleep and on watch. Cords wasn't taking any chances and I didn't blame him, despite the emptiness of this place it still felt as if we were being watched, no matter, we were here.

"I hope the girls are ok..."

"They’re with Luna... And Discord, I'm sure their fine. But I miss them so much too..." She comforted giving me a soft kiss.

"Mmm..." I squeezed her tight both of us settling down. "We'll find out what this is all about tomorrow and get back to them as quickly as possible."

"Yes, love you sleep tight..."

"You too, love you." And off to sleep we went lulled by the gentle trickle of water...

The splashing from the fountains much stronger than before as well as some happy squeals from Pinkie Pie woke me up, I just lay there a minute eyes closed enjoying the sounds and the feeling of Twi asleep against me, pleasant as it was all this water really made me need to take a piss...

I gently disengaged myself from Twi moving a bit away to relieve myself behind a bush. Most of the fountains were running and all the plants around seemed much healthier, there was even new buds and fruit. Far more than I would think could happen overnight... Magic, I guess but you can't just lean on that crutch for everything you can't explain...

Suddenly a small wave splashed me Pinkie giggling as she waterskied by on her back hooves towed by a pair of Thestrals. "Saw your dingle!" She laughed speeding away.

"Pinkie!" I nearly took off in pursuit before remembering to pull my pants up and zip up, by the time I did so she was too far off to bother chasing hopping from pool to pool acrobatically the Thestrals pulling her seeming to be having as much fun as she was.

I brushed off myself trying to dry myself as I rejoined our group Twilight was awake seeing my bedraggled condition she just shook her head with a wry grin.

"Pinkie..." I shrugged.

"Oh, I figured." She giggled.

Everyone looked rested and in good spirits, the girls marveling at the trees trying some of the fruit. The Thestrals however were surprising in that most of them were just lying about comfortable and unconcerned. Even more shocking was that Cords was among them!

"Cords...? Captain?"

"Hmm...? Oh, Rick... How are you?"

"Fine... You’re all a bit too relaxed, aren't you?" I didn't want to tell him his job, but something was wrong here.

"Nah, your safe here. We're just gettin a bit of rest you know...?"

Anyone else I could see that after what we'd gone through to get here, but him? Or any of the rest of the Thestrals? Not a chance. "Alright..." I moved away, and he seemed to forget me immediately laying back down. All the Thestrals seemed affected one way or another, resting, playing or just sleeping. All but one, Malone. She galloped back and forth between her squad mates trying in vain to get some response from them, when she spotted me she quickly flew over.

"I don't know what's gotten into them! It's not the food or water, the captain had us all stick to the rations! I... I..."

"Shh, relax..." I squeezed her shoulder comfortingly. "magic no doubt, but why not you? Me or the girls..." I asked looking over to see them all acting normally... Well as normal as Pinkie gets, most of them too casting concerned looks at the Thestrals.

"What are we going to do?"

"Well let’s see what everyone else thinks." We approached catching the back end of their conversation.

"...true it is strange, but it's been such a harrowing journey who could blame them for needing a bit of time off?"

"You know that ain't like them at all Rare."

"I know, just wishful thinking..."

"It's some sort of magic I'm sure but I just can't tell from what!"

"Oh, that’s your answer to everything Twilight!" Pinkie giggled.

"This is serious Pinkie!"

"No, it isn't, their ok. Look! Their having fun!"

I well knew Pinkie's inability to take things seriously some of the time was something Twilight had a very hard time with, so I broke in before things got heated. "Maybe, but the question isn't really how it's happening but why? And why hasn't it affected us?"

Everyone was quiet a moment thinking before Dash spoke up. "Well, the Elements, right?"

"Maybe..." Twilight mused still deep in thought.

"That don't explain Rick an Malone though."

"Um... Rick's always with Twilight some of that Elemental goodness musta rubbed off on him!"

"Uh huh, care to explain Malone then Pinkie?"

"Umm... Uhh... I don't have the answers to everything! Just mostly everything." She smirked sticking her tongue out.

"Rubbed off... That could be..."

"But Twilight you've been around all the Thestrals and only Malone is unaffected..."

"Hmm...? Oh! Sorry Rarity, I was lost in thought what did you say?"

"I... Ugh!" She shook her head in frustration but then smiled knowing Twilight all too well. "What are we going to do about this?" She gestured around. "We can't leave our brave protectors here like this."

"No... Of course... That's it!" Her face lit up as we all looked to her. "Rick and I, we're... Joined yes but that might not be the cause of his immunity."

"All right, what then? Honestly darling you overthink things so often..."

"That’s just it! The answer was so simple! The only thing Rick and Malone have in common is that I teleported them both recently!" She waited a moment for us to catch on, failing that she continued. "They've been marked by my magic, well more like a lingering resonance perhaps... And because of the Element of magic it must offer them some immunity or protection against this... Whatever it is!"

"Okay, only one way to find out." I gestured towards Cords, a moments concentration and he was suddenly beside us.

"Whoa! I could have sworn I was just..." His eyes seemed to clear, and he shook his head. "What’s going on?" He looked around confused. "Fall in!" He bellowed looking around again when Malone was the only one to obey. "What in the hell's going on?!" He repeated.

By the time we got him calmed down then explained the situation Twilight had several more Thestrals teleported to us, she was taking her time between them strong as she was we still had no clue what we were walking into. If this was a trap of some sort it was a bit overly subtle...

Before long every Thestral was accounted for many of them a bit embarrassed remembering what they'd been doing but not knowing why. Forming up we quickly left the gardens making for our destination, so close now the girls had to resist galloping forward. We proceeded with caution, but nothing blocked our passage to the central citadel, its doors hung open invitingly the interior dimly lit.

"Looks innocent enough..." Cords nodded. "I don't like it, we'll enter first and signal if it's clear."

"And if it's not clear?" Twilight asked.

"Then you'll have a whole different kind of signal, if that happens... I have no authority to command you but proceed cautiously please."

"We will." She assured.

"All right then, by the numbers troop." And with silent and surprisingly effective hoof, ear and wing signals they disappeared into the building.

We waited nervously even Pinkie was quiet waiting for the signal, seconds stretched into minutes until finally after ten agonizing minutes a series of low whistles sounded throughout the huge structure signaling all was well.

I let out a relieved breath smiling as I heard the same from all around me. "Let's see what we can find shall we ladies?" I stepped aside with a short bow gesturing them in with a grin.

"Why how gentlemanly." Rarity smiled curtsying as she swept in, Pinkie right behind excited to finally see where our journey had led us.

"How gentlemanly..." Dash mimicked teasingly giving me a punch in the shoulder as she and Applejack entered giggling.

"Come on Fluttershy, this is so fascinating! I could spend a lifetime trying to learn the history of this place..."

"I'd be happy to just go home soon..." She whispered.

I put my arm over her giving her a comforting squeeze. "Soon Shy, I'm sure." The large doors opened into a short hallway which quickly expanded into a massive multi-level room, even though from the outside this building looked huge certainly the biggest in the city but inside it appeared even bigger, level upon level of balconies with no apparent way up to them. Small collections of for lack of a better term hollows in the floor, shallow with cushions to sit or kneel on flat spaces that appeared to be for food and drink.

Hundreds of those and if the balcony’s contained the same thousands all surrounding a raised dome the top flattened and all around more sitting positions. Other than us it was abandoned, hoof clicks and footsteps echoing around. The girls still felt the pull approaching the dome as they did the Elements began to glow softly.

"Well it's about damn time..." An unfamiliar voice echoed, we all looked about trying to pinpoint its location to no avail, the Thestrals quickly closed ranks shielding the girls. "Oh please, if I wanted to harm you I would have arranged it last night while you slept in the gardens..."

"Who are you? Show yourself!" Twilight demanded.

"Fine..." A figure stepped out of thin air as if it had simply been standing behind a wall, he... At least the voice suggested a he, was quite tall seven feet at least though quite thin but somehow didn't appear fragile at all. His head was narrow, ears and nose even smaller but well defined. No hair and light grey skin, the eyes however garnered the most attention large almond shaped dominating his face, I first thought they were dark and featureless but as he turned I could see he did in fact have pupils they were even darker than the rest of his eye blending in.

"A pack of animals and a monkey, great..."

"You’re the one who called us here Jerk!" Dash snorted.

"Hardly." He gestured around stepping off the platform walking into the air as natural as could be. "This place called you, called you in need I might add."

"What happened here?"

He looked down at Twilight his expression difficult to read then shrugged making his way down to the floor. "I suppose if the Elements have chosen to bond with you any misgivings I might have about you don't really matter do they? It... They've always had a mind of their own ever since we found them..."

"Please... Oh, we haven't even asked you your name! I'm..."

"Twilight Sparkle, I know. I can monitor nearly everything that goes on within these walls as such I've overheard all your names. As for my name you wouldn't have a chance of pronouncing it even if you turned your tongue upside-down..."

"Lif tis?" Pinkie asked her tongue twisted nearly all the way around.

Ignoring her he continued. "However, you may call me Siphon, yes that should do."

"Then tell us please."

"Wee! Storytime!" Pinkie hopped onto one of the cushions in the depressions settling down others doing the same though the Thestrals remained on edge.

"Very well then, the beginning I suppose..."

"The beginning? Everyone has their own beginning and end... But for us, we 'Atlanteans' as you've named us. Our beginning was many millennia ago on the far-flung world of R'lyeh, our race arose as one of many on that world. Our natural mental powers gave us an edge and before long we developed technology expanding our influence and holdings while other races clung to archaic beliefs and superstitions, old gods..."

He paused in thought a moment then shook his head. "Old, backward... We lived in relative peace but when we questioned their more unsavory practices, tried to show them our way of doing things... Well that didn't go over so well, they lashed out and truly we had expected them to an... Excuse to subjugate them, take full control of our world. A mistake, miscalculation... With our weapons and mental powers, it should have been a foregone conclusion!"

"Little did we know those 'old gods' were far too real, we had ignored them so long their power easily outstripping anything we could have imagined, the followers we could match even with the 'gifts' given to them. Them alone we could have eventually triumphed over but when their 'god' revealed itself manifesting on our world we were broken... Our world no longer, we scrambled to buy time, to evacuate try to save what we could... Where to we didn't know, anywhere but there. This city was the fruition of our desperation, the guardians... Automatons our only saving grace against the hordes besieging us we had lost so many..."

"So, we ran... This city propelled into the vastness of space the remains of our race seeded within as the greatest of us stood against their god buying time... They didn't survive, but still they triumphed. They gave us the time we needed and more so trapping it on that world in a deep death like slumber from which I can only hope it never awakens..." He nodded to himself looking over us as if hearing some of our unanswered questions. "Yes, I was there... Just a child not even a hundred. Truly I remember little from then, just overwhelming fear overriding everything... The tale I'm telling you comes from our records."

"Life continued as we travelled, year after year putting as much distance between us and our old world as we could passing by many unsuitable worlds and systems. A hundred years passed, and another... We survived, the guardians you've seen sustained us easily the city only half full, but new life continued to be made. The source... No, we'll get to that. Needless to say, something guided us other than our leaders even if we knew it not at the time, another hundred years and we approached another system. It's sun central like many others we'd seen, the first planetoid we passed disappointingly small, barren and frozen. The next dark and cold with supersonic winds whipping across its surface, unsuitable. Next an ice giant, with work it could be made useable, but it would take thousands of years... We passed it by the next already easily visible. A huge gas giant and another, both useless to us then a red planet appearing barren though much closer to our liking. Next was an ideal world, amazingly lush with water and an atmosphere. Two more planets lay beyond, but we didn't even bother surveying them, this was the one."

"So, there we settled, the planet was old but the life upon it still young. Many creatures had lived and died there but only one had taken root all around the planet, humans..." He gestured to me offhandedly. "Your ancestors unless I miss my guess, primitive but they shared a similarity to us in shape and form. A fascinating coincidence and we spent a great deal of time studying them before reveling ourselves... On the long journey we'd... Backslid a bit perhaps, feeling our natural superiority meant we had the right to rule over those we thought less of... A mistake we'd made once to our sorrow, but the past is easily forgotten, ignored or hidden by those in power. They weren't fools however, outnumbered a million to one had humankind the ability to unite, still they tried a subtler approach..."

"There were a dozen small tribes situated where we planned to land and that was our first 'attack', simply the sight of our great city cowed and sent them into hysterics as we settled down. We could have easily taken all the surrounding area by force then and there but that was not the plan, we simply waited doors open our populace staying close to the city simply enjoying the feeling of the sun, the breeze, the water... So much like what we'd left behind but so subtly different. Many had been born during our journey, they knew little of our old home but stories. Now they... We all of us, had a chance for a new life."

"Slowly at first, they came, their curiosity overriding their fear and we welcomed them warmly though still cautiously revealing only what we wanted them to see. Communication was a problem at first, it seemed every rag-tag tribe even those within the same geographical area had a different language or dialect! Still it was a simple matter to create easily transported devices... Necklaces in this case which allowed us to understand them and they us though only a chosen few among their number were given the honor of wearing them. Chieftains, head shamans and the like truly we had to do very little to ingratiate ourselves to them as gods..."

"The elders had seen firsthand the power of religion and were eager to exploit it, not all of us agreed of course but at the time it was seen as a necessary evil as we acclimatized ourselves to our new plant. Time passed and word of the gods of Atlantis passed among the humans spreading further and further gaining us even more followers from afar eager to do whatever the living gods commanded. But with those who worshipped us there too came those who coveted our power, enemies first spending spies to weed out what secrets they could find... Pointless of course, no uncontrolled human was permitted to enter Atlantis..." Seeing my questioning look he sighed. "Controlled means... Well just that, our mental powers used to break down human psyche’s. Making them more docile, compliant... Everything the elders wanted, here our history begins to split. But let me continue with what I know..."

"The dissidents, spies managed to infiltrate the faithful but were unlikely to learn much and those that were caught... Well, we needed no urging to convince humans to kill each other... Eventually, many years had passed, and they came at us en-masse, hundreds of tribes united under a warlord. The faithful fought with fervor but without our help they could not prevail, still the Elders only allowed a few dozen lesser guardians to be dispatched safe within our city. Some of us felt we owed them more... We stepped out in our battle garb to fight alongside them, the younger of us mostly, hotheaded and ready to prove ourselves... Yes, I too, still they pressed in again and again who knew there were so many? Soon we found ourselves on the losing side of this war..."

He took a deep breath a slight smirk forming on his lips. "That last battle, only a small few of the faithful remained and even with our superior powers and weapons we were pushed back, we could have retreated to the city, left those who followed us to their fate, they might not have even blamed us... But we couldn't, wouldn't. We likely would have fallen all of us together, but I suppose the Elders had seen enough. They unleased the wall guardians, all of them... They smashed through their lines as if they were made of no more than cobwebs, the carnage was horrific, merciless as our attackers were the guardians were more so. Relentless, untiring, unfeeling, unstoppable... The battle, slaughter rather took less than an hour and not one of the enemy remained, those that fled found more of the faithful coming from outlying settlements, they were not merciful. I almost felt pity for them though as I was missing both my legs and an arm I was a bit biased against them..."

Seeing our questioning looks at his full body he waved them aside. "In good time, after that our control of the surrounding area was absolute, many more villages, towns and even small kingdoms joined us eager to serve, others out of fear and even others fled from our expanding influence unwilling to bow. The Elders were unconcerned certain our dominion over this planet entire was only a matter of time, they should have been worried..."

"As I told you some of us disapproved of the Elders methods, after that last battle they became much worse. A few small groups formed voicing their opinions... Some of them 'disappeared', our own people! Though nothing official was said the message was clear and all visible disillusion vanished, we were still free to come and go from the city though and in one night well over a hundred of our brothers and sisters escaped taking what they could..."

"The anger of the Elders was limitless; the city was closed all traffic tightly regulated but it was too late they were beyond their reach. Me? Unfortunately, not, while we have great psychic potential and advanced technology the regeneration of limbs was still beyond us, replacement however... That could be done but they had plans for me and the others who had been gravely wounded. Our city was strong, nearly invulnerable and with its new power source, which we have yet to discuss, practically eternal. An amazing feat but it still required maintenance, from the humdrum daily activities to waste disposal and work on the guardians. They wanted more, so we 'volunteered' for a radical plan designed to fix that. Powerful psionic power, technology and magic fused our consciousness to the city itself our bodies destroyed but our minds... Well, unfortunately or perhaps fortunately I was the only one to retain any semblance of individuality. I remember the moment even now a feeling of joining something greater... More, other minds joined with mine but faded fast, far too fast..."

"The others remain even now keeping the streets clean, mending, repairs... Mindless..." He shook his head in disgust. "I retained a bit more freedom but still bound to this city, the will of the Elders..." He looked over to the girls thoughtful. "The Elements as you call them, a seemingly limitless power source and from its discovery that is how it was referred to us as that... The source."

"There are no complete records of where it came from, somewhere on our long journey we had found it, or did it find us...? Some said it came from the heart of a star, others the depths of a black hole and even others say stolen from that same ancient god we had fled from... No one knew for sure, but everyone had their own idea's, oblong ten feet tall and four wide, heavy beyond its stature. A far cry from how it appears now isn't it?"

"During our long journey we had learned much from it most importantly how to use it as a power source, strong as our city had been the source made it a hundredfold more. The Elders studied it intently trying to learn its secrets, but it was surprisingly... Resistant. It almost seemed there was an intelligence there... Though at that time no one was able to make contact, so we had no idea. Shortly after our arrival it was fully integrated into the city much as I would be, they'd somehow managed or perhaps convinced the source to separate itself into six pieces one for each of them for as much as they were the ruling body of our race they trusted one another very little each enmeshed in their own little plots to gain more power, prestige or even greater position..."

"Still despite their petty machinations our influence spread drawing more and more of the human cities under our control and those that refused control...? I think you could guess, beatings, enslavement or destruction, and for a time that was our lives. A few hundred years, nothing to us but long for humankind. Our power and influence spread far and wide until it ran into several small fiefdoms that refused control and even fought back repelling the advanced forces! Those same rebels who fled long ago..."

"Needless to say, the Elders took it poorly demanding their immediate surrender, they of course refused though were willing to live and let live. The Elders didn't send a reply immediately instead forming a small army they felt suitable to deal with a few of their upstart kin sending that as their answer. We never heard from them again... I had friends that left with that force, though there were those among the rebels too that I counted as friends..."

The Elders egos would not let them accept such a defeat forming another army immediately mainly culled from the humans with a few trusted commanders and guardians. A holy war to smite the heretics they called it gathering even more followers lured / fooled by their 'godhood'... That army too failed though this time some survivors made it back to tell the tale, the rebels hadn't been idle forming alliances and friendships all over gathering humans to them not to celebrate their divinity but working together toward a greater purpose. This frightened the Elders more than they would ever admit."

"An immense force was assembled over several years to crush them once and for all led by three of the Elders themselves, a vast array of guardians, humans and my kind many against their will. And that was their undoing, so assured of their immortality and invulnerability with our great city and the source to back them up they couldn't see the dissension in the city, the people, their own ranks! The battle was horrible I've been told, I'm glad I didn't have to witness it. Even with a third of their army turning against them as the battle began the carnage was widespread, the three Elders retreated far too quickly showing their cowardice but just as well it's likely their power could have swayed the balance, they returned with exaggerated tales of the rebels treachery but reading between the lines one could see their forces were impressive and they had guardians of their own, crude but just as dangerous. And so, the city prepared for a siege, shaken as they were the Elders still had little worry that any army no matter how vast could ever penetrate these walls..."

"It took over a year for them to come and their army was indeed vast, they blockaded the city from shore to shore staying far enough back to be able to retreat should the deadly wall guardians be sent afield. They didn't attack though, not yet. Simply made demands, the Elders to step down and relinquish the Source, face trials for their crimes and the city to be opened for all again. Reasonable demands but... Well I imagine you can guess how the Elders might react. For a month they waited a response all the time fortifying their position and pacifying the surrounding countryside. When no answer was forthcoming the attack began, fruitless of course the stones thrown by their war machines had no effect on the walls, gate or guardians. They were still unwilling to advance to try battering rams or their own guardians against us the danger was still too great. I couldn't see at first what they hoped to accomplish, wasting their time and effort for nothing! But days passed then weeks and months and an effect began to be felt from the human slaves trapped within the walls with us all the way up to the Elders themselves!"

"Anger, despair, hopelessness... I began to see their plan, have the city tear itself apart from the inside, smart but they far underestimated the Elders. Publicly they dismissed the rebels as unimportant but while in private they laid blame on their commanders, the rebels, populace and each other for this situation. I thought perhaps they might again lift the city and find a new place either on this planet or another they certainly had the power. But instead their plan was one born of madness, they planned to use the Source as a weapon. Wipe out all the rebels in one fell swoop..."

"No one, not their advisors, generals or any of the populace had any idea... Only me, part of the city as I was. Am, I could listen in unnoticed or maybe they didn't even care if I knew. I tried to warn others but even the kindest felt this had to end, one way or the other... All of us though had forgotten one very important thing... The Source, the Elements. As they began their plan of elimination it refused, they thought it was under their control, they were wrong. Confused they tried again to force their wills upon it to no avail, who knows what it was 'thinking' but apparently it had seen enough of their 'leadership'. They began pushing with their own powers which were not inconsiderable, and it pushed back."

"The energy built and built tearing through the city and beyond, the rebels ceased their attack stunned by the conflict within as the city again lifted off rising slowly as the battle raged within. The humans were the first to fall, they simply couldn't handle the amount of power surging through the city but before long our kind too began to succumb, the old and young... And still the battle of wills raged on, days passed the Elders would not budge an inch their greed, tenacity and insanity overriding everything else. The Source too gave no ground perhaps knowing that if it gave any ground it would be subjugated forever. The city began to sink back down to the ground all power being drawn in by both sides to strike a final blow, suddenly we plummeted the final few hundred feet striking the ground at high velocity the sudden release of two massive energy surges cracking the very walls and foundation of not only the city but reality itself!"

"I think the source was trying to transport us away, between dimensions, trying to save all it could from destruction... Best laid plans, the rebels had been a safe distance from the battle but even if they'd fled the moment it began I doubt they could have escaped the force of the blast. In this dimension too as you have plainly seen the destruction was enormous... No survivors... None of those within the city, not even the elders their last callous act of destruction, if they couldn't have it no one could. Even the Source I feared had been eliminated, no sign of life, power, anything... For years and years, I desperately clung to the shreds of power left in the city, taking any nearby power I could, solar, life energy... Still compelled to follow my directives even though those who forced them on me were long gone."

"Finally, I felt a stirring from the Source, power flowing from it into the city but no attempt at communication. I was quite certain now it was 'alive' in some sense of the word, but it had closed itself off completely. Still I had power and busied myself repairing the city, fixing cracks and crevices, mending and cleaning up and of course disposal of what was left of the bodies... Practically all guardians had been destroyed save the very great and very small, the tiny cleaners responsible for cleaning and repair and the great wall guardians practically invulnerable. This state of affairs went on for fifteen years repairs finally taken care of as well as could be and again I had nothing to do but think and try to access the source..."

"I suppose we could have gone on like that forever but one day things changed, the gates opened! I certainly hadn’t given the order to do so and didn't notice any changes from the source either, but still it had. I quickly cast my gaze to the gates and beheld something very strange in a lifetime of strange things. Two quadrupeds similar to the equines I knew from Earth. I had no idea how the gate had opened but it couldn’t have been these two animals, I was about to manifest and shoo them away when a glow emanated from them lighting up the area reveling them as much more than typical equines. They had horns to start with, wings too and looked around with what could only be awareness and intelligence. Further proving this, they began talking to each other! Human speech, very curious. I watched as they explored much as you did though they had no connection to lead them on, but they were clearly looking for something... Their wandering eventually brought them to this very spot." He gestured to the main platform six indentations visible. "This is where the pieces of the source resided, I was concerned that they'd made their way here so easily, but I well knew the source could defend itself, so I continued to watch curiously."

"Perhaps they could feel the power however muted from the source as they cautiously approached whispering to each other examining and touching each piece. I fully expected them to get a small shock or pushed back at any moment, that didn't happen though as they continued down the line. After they had examined the last piece they froze suddenly pulling back and speaking together in hushed tones then stepping forward as one each putting one of their forehooves against that piece eyes closed. For nearly a whole day they remained that way, I feared perhaps the Source had done something to them, but I was powerless to intervene, finally the trance broke and the two of them staggered back to the gardens to eat, drink and rest. I listened in on their conversation finding the source, or rather Elements of Harmony as they called it had 'communicated' with them. Its intelligence was so strange and foreign the only way they could communicate was through feelings, fragmented thoughts and images and even that was highly difficult, but it seemed it was willing to help them, with what I had no clue but with their agreement, acceptance of its assistance something they'd been seeking for some time apparently. When they came in the next day and again communicated accepting it's help the Source became alit with power, channeling into the city strengthening and powering it like it had not been in an age. It felt... Hopeful."

With that declaration the Elements themselves lit up pulling away from the girls slowly settling in those nearly invisible niches in the main platform, as they settled there was a sudden flash, but nothing appeared different for a moment then Siphon suddenly appeared hazy and indistinct which might have been normal I wasn't sure but looking around all of us looked the same! I looked over to him, but he seemed as confused as we were, before we could comment the main doors opened, and didn't open at the same time two familiar mares walking in. Celestia and Luna, younger though it was hard to tell with them as they were both near a thousand years old into their lives that could span tens of thousands. I suppose looking at it that way they were still babies... Foals... A sudden pang missing my own little Star and Angel...

I pulled myself out of my melancholy thoughts as they passed by chatting to one another smiling oblivious to us, the biggest change I noticed was their manes and tails. They hung normally without shifting, Luna's still the same color I remembered though without the sparkle and shimmer I knew, Celestias even more different long and pink. I recalled seeing a picture of Luna's showing them as such when they were young, I guess something in that thousand years changed... They passed by heading straight to the main platform where the Elements were resting in two forms, reaching out to place their forehooves on the central stone, I realized now they too were different. Not the necklace’s and crown I knew but stone with faint markings on them. They rested there a moment eyes closed before stepping back nodding to one another.

'Are you ready Luna?'

'Yes sister...'


'Tis not you at fault.'

'We'll help him...'

'I... We...' She shook her head. 'See it through sister.'

'Yes. Let's go then.'

As they both turned the stone Elements pulled free three floating behind each of them, the 'camera' for lack of a better word followed them as they left out the front gates those closing quietly behind them as the two of them plus the Elements of course made their way through the wasteland both visibly relaxing as they passed its borders late in the day. Thus, began a fast-forwarded tableau of their travels, the weeks or months it took to return to the Equestria border.

On their way they stopped by many places, small towns and villages meeting ponies and others always happy to see them. By the time they reached the border they had amassed a small army of Ponies, Bovines, Griffon, Thestrals even a few Minotaur’s! At that very border they encountered their first challenge things slowing back down to normal as a huge chocolate milk storm broke over them, rain, hail and a powerful tornado tearing up small trees bearing down on them!

While I was sure the two of them could easily handle this storm on their own they called upon the Elements to help them, showing off their new toy... No, that wasn't like them. More likely to reassure those that followed them, perhaps even themselves! The Elements rotated lazily above their heads until the storm was just upon them, then they channeled a bit of power into them Elements which took it, magnified it then discharging it in a burst away from them shattering the storm leaving nothing but a few puddles...

The crowd was stunned silent for a moment before breaking out in wild cheers, there were even a few cheers from those of us watching rapt and eager to see a chapter of the Princesses lives that we'd heard about, but no telling could truly do justice to it seeing it for ourselves. They both looked pleased soaking up the adulation though it was easy... At least from our vantage point and with our insight to tell the lion’s share of that adulation was going to Celestia. Neither of them seemed to notice or mind but to us it was a dark reminder of what was to come...

They didn't head directly to Discords seat of power instead circling around freeing town, villages and cities from his various 'gifts', more like afflictions bestowed by Discord. In one such the ponies had been encrolled so they could neither hear, see or interact with one another everything else they could see fine, they'd spent a long time feeling very alone. Another village whose entire population couldn't stop hopping their legs moving of their own violation day and night, they were very grateful all of them passing out immediately.

There were many more cases though I noticed despite his 'evil' and chaotic nature no pony had been hurt, not unto death. It made me think that somewhere trapped in his own mind and body Discord still had a bit of control... Maybe it was wishful thinking, I'd never seen Luna as her alter ego Nightmare Moon, but it seemed likely to me she would have been the same, strong enough to resist, prevent harm from coming to others... I'd had my own experience with the Miasma and I had little doubt over time it could fully corrupt almost anyone... Though Luna had remained in her imprisonment for a thousand years... I knew she was strong but perhaps I underestimated just how strong.

More passed by at a swift pace slowing momentarily here and there at the Elements whim almost randomly with a few exceptions, every time the cheers and praise came Luna seemed a bit further back... A bit more in Celestias shadow... On occasion Celestia noticed this as well pulling her sister to the for front with her but they were few and far between. We could see, were forced to watch Luna's transformation, not into Nightmare Moon. Not yet. But an angry and jealous young mare glaring at her sister and those gathered around her from the shadows. We all knew what would happen, just not when or how powerless but to watch...

Finally, they came to Discords home... Their home, the Sisters Castle it was called, named so by their parents when they gifted it to them. Built when they first came to Equestria before Canterlots construction began. It was in those now twisted halls and broken corridors that the young princesses used to run and play to the delight of their parents and all who visited. It was here of all places they finally found him, Discord self-proclaimed god of chaos reclining on a throne that appeared to be made of... Spaghetti? One of his servants rushed forth with a mug of some boiling substance, he blew on it then immediately dumped it behind him taking a slow and deliberate bite of the mug. There were more ponies through the castle 'servants', each wrapped head to hoof in sheets like inexpensive Halloween costumes but with no eyeholes. The few the Princesses had managed to speak to had explained in hushed whispers they were never to take them off or be punished horribly...

He looked different, younger? Perhaps though it was difficult to tell with him unlike the Princesses, his usual chaotic self to be sure but... Darker, twisted...? As they entered his gaze immediately went to Luna smiling warmly but just as quickly was overridden to a venomous grin as he pulled himself up his throne collapsing like the wet spaghetti it was as he left it.

'Well, well look what the Manticore dragged in! How nice to see you both, I have missed you. And what fun you've missed! Oh, but you've seen some of it haven't you? Plenty more where that came from don't you worry a bit... Worry a lot.'

'Discord...' Luna whispered trembling slightly.

'Gone for so long and not even a postcard...' He continued ignoring her. 'And what’s this you've brought? Pet rocks?! Not that useful unless you plan on beating me with them!' He laughed manically smashing his head against the ground repeatedly making Luna shriek.

Celestia stepped forward shielding her sister from him. 'We are here to ask you one last time to stop this Discord, return things to how they were and let us help you.'

'Help me?' He hissed glancing at her almost eagerly. 'Help me?! Like you helped your parents? Helped the humans perhaps?! No. This is only the beginning, once this world is a swirling void of chaos and entropy the humans will be next...!" He ranted eyes wild jaws snapping as he spoke, tail lashing and clawed hands slashing the air.

"We have to stop you beloved, I'm so sorry..." Luna whispered again.

This time he reacted. "Stop me?! Stop... Me? Stop... Us...!" A moment's clarity seemed to break over him but was just as quickly smashed as he threw back his head laughing manically foolishly or deliberately ignoring the two mares before him.

Celestia and Luna put their horns together channeling a huge amount of power into the Elements all six now rotating around them gathering, focusing their power, magnifying and releasing in a heartbeat cascading over him and when it's radiance finally subsided only a statue remained... For a moment, just a moment I thought I saw his shadow itself writhe and pull away from him, but I must have blinked because when I tried to see it again nothing was amiss...

His transformation though I knew it would happen was still an important sign, we knew the Elements to be capable of great destruction and with the amount of power it combined with the Princesses released... He could have just as easily been wiped off the face of the planet, but it... They held back, a piece of a larger puzzle.

Discord wasn't the only one to have changed though, as Luna cried over her love and Celestia comforted her we could clearly see their manes and tails had changed to what we were familiar with, Celestias multi-colored and flowing and Lunas as well dark sparkled with pinpricks of light. This was the moment, was it something to do with the Elements? Or a change within them? I suppose I could ask them someday bit it seemed a bit... Private.

Word of his defeat not to mention the massive discharge of energy had quickly spread through the castle bringing all the 'servants' out from hiding casting aside the sheets blinking in surprise their lives changed in an instant the small army of followers flooding in as well cheers and excitement all around as they packed the halls and throne room... This time I had been looking for it trying not to be distracted by the hoopla, a sliver of darkness like a small snake moved from the shadows threading it's way slowly and easily unnoticed between ponies heading not for Luna as I expected but for Celestia! At the last moment Luna stepped between them about to speak, it merged with her shadow not reappearing. She froze shivering a moment until her sister noticed her.


'Let us go sister.'

'Go? But there’s so much to do, repairs and...'

'No. There’s nothing for us here now...' She turned to the statue touching it gently both disappearing leaving a confused Celestia. A few hour’s time fast forwarded and Celestia, their followers as well as Discords 'servants' exited the castle bringing everything useful and valuable they could find. Outside they found Luna waiting Discord strapped to one of the many wagons they'd brought. Another fast-forward, their triumphant return to the still under construction Canterlot merely a small collection of buildings walls barely started. Time passed... Day, night, day, night... The days seeming to grow ever brighter the ponies rallied to Celestia, Canterlot and the surrounding countryside flourishing! The night... Grew darker, no ponies seeking Luna at the night court unlike now, just her... Alone. Even the Thestrals kept a respectful distance though they saw to her every need.

All this appeared to be from the view of the Elements themselves, it seemed they had been given a place of honor in the throne room well above everything. Lunas evenings in the night court degraded to her simply stalking about talking to herself, arguing with herself... More and more troubling but past events no matter how you wish you could intervene... They were the past; bad and good they shaped the future.

More days and nights passed, I wasn't sure how long it had been. Months surely if not more since Lunas 'infection' but one morning the sun simply didn't rise... Then out of the shadows strode a mare I didn't know at all, her coat, her mane even her eyes and voice. Only her cutie mark remained the same...

'Now the reign of eternal night begins...'She chuckled.

'Mistress Luna what...'

One of the Thestral servants approached freezing in his tracks when she spun about furious. 'Never speak that name again!'


'Not your Princess... Hah! I am your Queen, your master, I am Nightmare Moon! Bow before me!'

Other Thestrals had gathered attracted by the noise, they hesitated a moment glancing to one another before all bowing together. Why I wasn't sure, she clearly wasn't Luna so why did they...?

"To save her." Malone spoke up all of us looking to her even the picture stopping, she blushed slightly with the attention on her. "This moment, our history speaks of it clearly... I just, none of us ever thought we would see this moment..."

All around the Thestrals nodded wide eyed as she continued. "This moment, those six servants made a decision... A choice, one we all echoed. To help Luna, anyway we could even if it meant serving this alter-ego of hers, we would do what we could to help her..."

The scene continued as Luna... Nightmare Moon that is instructed the Thestrals to grab the Elements, their fellows and supplies then left the castle together everything going dark as the elements were shoved into saddlebags. When we could see again it was a familiar place... The sisters castle, the courtroom still as broken down and dilapidated as before, the lithe form of Nightmare Moon entered looking at the Elements with... Disgust? Longing? I couldn't quite be sure...

'We shall see how well she does without her toys...' She smirked disappearing.

More time passed... Hard to tell in the shadowy courtroom the occasional Thestral speeding by in fast forward, a few minutes passed for us then there was a change. The Elements turned slightly as if they were watching something above though all we could see was the domed ceiling cracked and missing pieces. Their gaze zipped back and forth up and down as if they were following a fly on crack or perhaps a vigorous tennis match...

Suddenly a large hole was punched through the roof pieces and a familiar mare falling, Celestia. She lay there a moment breathing heavily before bolting upright powering a shield against a lance of power colored very similar to Lunas magic but... Something else, dark magic? I couldn't quite tell, beam after beam struck it was all she could do to repel the onslaught until finally her shield cracked and she threw herself to the side milliseconds before being struck. She pulled herself back to her hooves quickly and we could all see singes, scorch marks, missing feathers and how tired she was...

She glanced over at the Elements her jaw tightening then back out the hole in the roof, the Elements had moved as well now flanking her.

'Please don't make me do this Luna...' She whispered tears falling seconds before half the roof was torn aside and Nightmare Moon dove through straight for Celestia a wordless guttural scream coming from her, horn alight. She too showed significant battle damage but in her maddened state she seemed unhindered by it.

Time slowed to a crawl though if it was the Elements slowing the scene or it really happened that way I couldn't tell. We could easily see Celestia close her eyes tears still falling then moments before Nightmare Moons impact they flew open blazing with pure magic, I had seen her as such before just before she plunged her horn into my chest...

Her horn, her whole body and the Elements too blazed with that light channeled into a single moment casually pushing Nightmare Moon aside she faded into nothingness... If I didn't know better, I would have thought she'd been disintegrated!

Celestia collapsed and for a long while just gasped for air her horn still faintly lit, finally her eyes opened looking around surprised. 'Luna...?' She pulled herself up on shaky legs her horn brightening the room. 'Luna?' Her horn grew brighter yet as she frantically searched for her sister her gaze finally settling on the Elements still floating patiently.

'What did you do? What did you do?!' She accused threatening with her horn catching a glimpse of herself in the half-broken pane of one of the windows, she stopped looking at herself carefully. 'What did you do...?' Her gaze suddenly shot upward through the destroyed ceiling to the moon above now adorned with what appeared to be the silhouette of a horned mare...

'No... No! This isn't what I wanted! This isn't what I meant...! Lunaaa...!!!' She screamed to the heavens her horn again flaring up sending a ray of power, warmth and love gently coaxing the moon back to its proper place in the sky. 'Luna... I'm so sorry...' She whispered looking around the Elements had already returned to their resting places a few of the bolder Thestrals peeking in trying to see what had happened. 'I... I must go... I have to think...' She stammered lowering her head and teleporting away.

Time again sped showing Thestrals searching the chamber for their mistress ignoring the Elements completely faster and faster they came and went fewer and fewer then there were none. Day, night, day, night again and again faster and faster the castle decaying even further parts crumbling before our eyes until everything returned to normal suddenly and six familiar mares seated right beside me entered the picture. I'd heard this story too many times from many different viewpoints but again to see it for myself, watch Twilight face down Nightmare Moon alone trying to 'spark' the Elements interest but only when they all came together... The Elements, choose? To help, again to try after a thousand years of self-imposed exile. Though to be honest the Elements motivations though seemingly benign were still a mystery.

The rest we knew, Lunas return, Twilights assignment to Ponyville. I wondered though why the girls had succeeded where Celestia had failed, not failed. She'd saved her subjects and Kingdom, but she certainly hadn’t wanted to banish her sister for a thousand years... The power of friendship? Still seemed as corny to me now as when I first heard it, but I couldn't deny together the six of them... Even separate they were something else, so through kindness, loyalty, honesty, generosity, laughter and magic... The Elements somehow attuned to them, learned from them and freed Luna... That I could believe in...

"So, what happens now? What do they want?" Twilight asked.

"No idea." Siphon shook his head with a small smile. "A thousand years and more and I haven't figured out a thing to be honest. I wasn't even sure they would answer the call when summoned... But I guess they still feel some small kinship with this place."

"Well duh, I mean this is like it's birthplace, right? Even though the Elders were meanie weanies this is still their home! And you, well you’re like their only friend!" Pinkie squealed excitedly.

"Me...? Friend...? I don't think..."

"Don't be so modest darling, you called to them for help and they came. Do you think anyone else, even one of us could do that?"

"Perhaps, I don't know..."

"Nuthen to know, ya just gotta feel it. Don't overthink it."

"There’s nothing wrong with overthinking..."

"Twi..." Applejack and the rest of us chuckled.

"It would be nice to have a friend again after so long..."

"Well then this is your lucky day cuz you just got six! No wait..." Pinkie looked around counting and muttering to herself. "Do I count each piece of the Elements...? Nah, that'd be silly! Ok! Anyhow, lots!"

He looked at her like she was crazy a look I knew all too well before a smile cracked through. "Well that’s... What...?! Ahg!!!" He fell to one knee a grimace of pain replacing his smile.

Several of us made a move to help him forgetting we couldn't even touch him but we noticed the Elements glowing, channeling their power into him, through him, the whole city! The power grew pushing us all back Siphon collapsed clutching himself and all we could do was watch. And just as suddenly it was over... Siphon lay there motionless the rest of us frozen in shock, what the hell just happened? The Thestrals had protectively surrounded us. I rose making my way through and over toward the main dais despite Cords hissed warning.

"Stay calm..." I tried to look calm though I was anything but, these were forces well beyond my ken... But hell, my own wife was! His form was still but I could see a reassuring rise and fall of his chest... Wait a minute... I knelt down beside him reaching out to check for a pulse, or... Something, I didn't even know what.

I wasn't sure what to expect, fully intangible like Alzarian or something in-between... I pulled back surprised at the solidity of his form, his skin was warm, dry and slightly bumpy akin to someone with goosebumps. He groaned as I gently turned him over, far heavier than I would have imagined despite his thin build.

"Ugh... What, what happened?"

"No idea, how do you feel? Just rest a moment."

"Alright..." He still seemed stunned having not even opened his eyes yet.

I scanned him not sure what if anything I would find, there were organs... Heart, lungs, liver maybe...? Some were simply unrecognizable which shouldn't have surprised me. But the strangest was the brain, or what I thought was his brain, as expected a good size mass in his skull but it didn't stop there it extended down his spinal column halfway down his back well wrapped and protected by flesh and bone. Amazing!

Nothing appeared amiss, but would I even recognize it? "Well you seem fine, and for a projection you seem awfully solid..."

"What?!" His eyes flew open as he tried to sit up, failing that he struggled to lift an arm letting it fall back after a moment. "What, is this...?"

"Gravity, it's been awhile but I'm sure you'll get used to it again."

"What?! Is this some pony magic?" He cast an accusing glare at the group which had crept closer only now to step back quickly.

"No, I think... The Elements somehow, why? I could think of plenty of reasons for us but they...? No idea." I glanced over at the girls seeing their excitement and relief. "Well maybe I can, I think the Elements have bonded with the girls here..."


"More than that, more than Celestia and Luna in a way your Elders couldn't even have imagined."


"It's all guesswork really, love, respect? Helping others, just something about them resonates with the Elements... Honesty, Loyalty, Kindness, Generosity, Laughter... Magic." I smiled.

"Hmm... I've had a long time, a very long time to study, learn many things but there are always those that can't be explained... And I'm ok with that." He chuckled sitting up slowly just to be plowed over by an overenthusiastic pink pony’s hug. "Wha..."

"One of the 'perks' of friendship with Pinkie Pie." I grinned helping him to his feet the pink hug machine still holding tight.

"I... See." He smiled gently patting Pinkie on the back of her head. "Thank you, bearer... Pinkie Pie, friend." He almost looked disappointed when she finally let go but the others quickly gathered around re-introducing themselves shaking hands and hooves, not that he didn't know them it just seemed the right thing to do. By the time he got to me Cords and the rest of the Thestrals seemed more at ease everyone chatting together in a good mood.

He offered his hand and I shook it firmly. "Not what I expected."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Everything..." He chuckled. "This world, these ponies. the Elements, you. You were unexpected, to be honest I had no idea what would happen when I tried to call out to the Elements, weather they had forgotten me and this place... A human accompanied by a bevy of the same type of creature that took the Elements in the first place was unexpected to say the least. But now I can see they had their reasons, the sisters and the Elements, I may not be able to speak to them or even understand they truly, but it seems they can on some level understand us, that’s something."

"So, what happens now?"

"It will take some time for the city to be fully restored, a year perhaps then... Strange... I can still feel the city whole, my connection remains despite my... Life. Never thought, another chance... Sorry, my minds a bit of a mess at the moment."

"No problem, it's late anyhow." The narrative of Celestia and Luna had taken some time and night was upon us, Siphon excused himself encouraging us to rest there. It was far more comfortable than in the garden and despite the strange situation we all drifted off easily though I suspect Cords still posted guards...

"Good mooorning!"

I was jerked from my sound sleep by an excited, irritating, adorable, vexing... Pinkie Pie. I groaned rolling over burying my head in Twilights mane. "Must you be so cheerful in the morning?" I grunted peeking out.

She cocked her head in that adorable way considering. "That’s so weird..."

"What is Pinkie?" Twilight asked sitting up stretching and exposing me to the light, I quickly pulled covers over my head as she giggled.

"Well I mean I've heard that before from my Ma and Paw, my sisters, ponies around town, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, even Crankey if you can believe that?!"

"Even him? What a shock!" I sarcastically quipped from under the blankets which quickly became crowded as the pink one invaded eroding the last of my bad morning mood snuggling up and tapping me on the nose. "Boop."

I sighed. "Most of us just don't have your energy first thing in the morning Pinkie, you have to let us wake up in our own ways." I gave her a hug pushing the blanket off.

"Oooh... That makes sense, thanks!" And with a squeeze in return she was off like a shot though I could still hear her.

"Hey Dashie! Rick said I should let you wake up at your own pace... Soo are you awake yet? How about now? How about..."

I chuckled stretching out to pull Twi down against me. "Silly Pinkie."

"She's just... Pinkie." She giggled.

"No better description... So, what happens now? We've learned a lot and reunited the Elements with their... Home I guess? This place needs them but Equestria might as well..."

An apt question. Siphon's voice filled my head.

"Keep out of there..." I warned jumping slightly in surprise tapping myself on the side of the head.

"Hmm?" Twilight asked.

Just simple telepathic communication, no intrusion.

"Just Siphon communicating with me, sorry for the hostility. I've had... Something, in my head before... Didn't care for it."

Well not everything.

True enough, some things take up a permanent space.

Oh? Limited telepathic communication between two beings, fascinating. To answer your question, I'm not sure to be honest. I had hoped we might discuss it over breakfast?

Sounds good.


And just like that small perfectly hidden doors opened along the walls making the Thestrals jump to a defensive stance until they saw what emerged. Tiny... Constructs I supposed, no two the same some like miniature humanoids, animals and even more bizarre and fantastic things. They carried out plates of food and decanters of water cleaning up any crumbs or drips they dropped as they went. We watched fascinated as they deposited their burdens then retreated from whence they came.

"So cute..." Fluttershy squeaked.

"Just the work of one who had far too much time on his hands..." Siphon entered from the main doors. "Sleeping again feels so strange... Eating, eliminating... Like a memory from long ago, still it seems I remember a few things." He chuckled. "Please friends eat, and we will discuss the future of this once great city."

"I recon it's still purdy dang impressive Siphon, just kinda empty... Lonely I recon, but we could fix that."

"What do you mean?"

"We've discussed it a bit darling and we're sure there are plenty of ponies... Any race truly who would be very interested in living here, learning from you. Though not in this desolate place..." Rarity smiled wanly.

"You think others would want to make this their home? This place of loss...? The Elders would never...!" He stopped himself realizing what he was saying.

"Um..." Fluttershy peeked up from where she was eating still quite intimidated by him. "Well I mean... You’re the Elder now..."

"I am...? Me?"

"Darn tootin! Heck, who knows this place better'n you?"

"That’s right! You’re in charge now! This place could be amazing again... Even more amazing! You know what I mean." Dash cut in with a devil may care grin.

"I'm not sure I..."

"Everything you've told us, everything we've seen... I think you can do it, the Elements trust you and so do I." Twilight smiled putting her forehoof on his shoulder though she had to stand to do so even he was seated.

A sentiment the rest of us echoed nearly all at once as he sat there flabbergasted.

"Well... What can I say but thank you? I'll do my best to prove I'm worthy of that trust..." He shook his head brow furrowing. "But, how can you? I could turn out a worse tyrant then they ever were!"

"I don't think so, you've personally seen horror and joy on a timescale and level we can't even imagine, look at you now... I think you'll find your way." I offered.

He thought a moment looking around at the smiling ponies and myself. "Very strange, I thought I was used to being on my own now it seems I am enjoying having some company again... Very well! I'll do it! It will take time of course, perhaps a year before the city is sufficiently powered to fly." Sensing our unasked questions, he held up a hand. "Naturally the Elements could provide enough power to life the city up right now, but it would be dangerous, it's been so long... I've done my best to repair but truly far more work and power is required."

"That’s not a problem, that time we'll need to explain to Princess Celestia and Luna, my brother and Cadence too! Finding a suitable place for you to touch down, planning a route to keep you clear of Cloudsdale and Las Pegasus..." Fluttershy looked like she wanted to add something, but Twilight was on a roll. "Good point Fluttershy! We'll have to be careful of migration patterns too! So much to do, so much to plan! Fun!"

While Twi was going on Dash sidled over to me with a grin. "If this much planning goes into the bedroom it'd be a miracle if you ever get lucky!" She laughed.

"Sometimes, but the planning can get derailed with a touch, kiss or even a little ear nibble..." I chuckled gently flicking one of her soft ears causing her to blush backing off a step.

"Hey! Oh, I'll get you for that!" She laughed.

"So, the Elements have to stay here then? What if there’s an emergency and their needed?" Fluttershy asked raising her hoof.

Siphon looked thoughtful a moment. "I can't say for certain, but the six of you... Your bond with the Elements is far deeper than I could have imagined, if you have need of them I wouldn't be surprised if they came to you, or perhaps even acting through your connection no matter the distance..."

The mirror world!


You and the girls... Their human counterparts that is, you used the Elements there!

A separate world you say? Where doubles of the bearers were able to use the Elements power?

Well Twilight was there with the Elements of magic, so she might have been the catalyst for that... Dammit, what did I say about peeking around in my head?!

Apologies, I just couldn't help 'overhearing'...

Fine, fine. And why am I the monkey in the middle here? Can't you eavesdrop on someone else?

Not a bit I'm afraid, but your right it's quite rude of me to intrude, especially to a non-telepath such as yourself. Rest assured I have strayed no deeper than your surface thoughts, I will have to be more careful. I've spent far too much time casting my mind out trying to find... Someone... Anyone...

Twilight and I looked to one another understanding, not the same thing of course, the time he'd spent alone...

What did you mean Rick is the only one you can speak with like this?

The Elements provide you with numerous protections but in this case a powerful mental barrier, your bat winged friends have highly trained and disciplined minds not against mental intrusion of this type it seems, but the result is the same, difficult to get into but to do such a thing would be... Well, an assault. Dangerous, breaking into a mind can break other parts of the psyche, this I know... Anyhow, other telepaths we leave... The top of our minds open to explain it simply, our deeper thoughts and secrets protected but open to telepathic communication quick and easy.


Heh, so I clearly need to learn how to shield my mind is what I'm hearing.

Not a bad idea though I don't imagine those with psychic power are too common?

I haven't done a lot of research into it... But from what I know they aren't, I'll have to investigate!

"Anyhow, it seems things will be fine hopefully. The Elements will have to stay here but their attunement... Partnership even with each of you means they'll never be far."

"Eloquently put." Siphon smiled.

"I have my moments, few though they may be." I chuckled.

"I'm sure, I agree though and I look forward to hearing from or seeing your Princesses here again. This notion... Being part of a society again, I think I like it."

That decided we quickly prepared to head back, not that I didn't have the urge to explore every inch of this place, learn more of its people and history. And I well knew Twi could spend years here but Ponyville called us, our girls, friends and the simplicity of home...

Before long we stood before the massive front gate, as it opened five of the Thestrals standing aside Cords looking them over even he unable to keep the look of pride off his face.

"You'll hear from the Princesses as soon as we get back I have no doubt. Until such time, learn all you can. And be careful..."

"What’s going on Cords?"

"Sir Sparkle..." Seems this diplomatic situation had him slip back to his formal manners. "These five will be staying, they can keep Siphon company, answer some of his questions and..." He leaned close whispering. "Keep an eye on things here."

He doesn't trust me?

Don't be offended that’s his job, being ready for the unexpected.

I certainly can't blame him, I'll do my best to alleviate their worries and make them comfortable.

We know you will.

I noticed Malone was one of those staying so I excused myself standing aside to talk to her. "Are you sure you want to stay here?"

"It's my duty, besides there’s so much to learn here... Unless... You... You want me to come with you? I... I owe you my life, you can have anything, anything I can give you, anything you want... Anything..." She whispered blushing.

Well that was a surprise. "You’re a beautiful mare Malone and if I wasn't married I might just... You don't owe me anything, Twilight really saved us anyhow."

"I know, I owe you both, if she’s interested... I'm not shy about other mares..." She left that hanging and I was the one blushing now.

"I don’t know... I mean it's never..."

She smiled sitting back looking at me. "That’s pretty much what Princess Luna told me you would say.

"When did you talk with Luna?"

"Last night in the dreaming, I imagine we all did. This place was blocking us from her, this whole area... But last night it lifted, no doubt due to what happened here. She contacted us, I was surprised at how concerned she was."

"Oh? And here I thought you knew a great deal about Luna, she's a very caring mare she and her sister. I imagine the two of them will be watching over us our whole lives and long after."

"It's true, we've spent so long telling storied of her while she was gone, putting her on so high a pedestal, romanticizing... But since her return, well the reality is even better. Different to be sure and now with Discord...!" She giggled smiling. "We'll continue to serve, follow and tell the old stories and now new."

"She's lucky to have such dedicated followers, friends... We'll meet again I'm sure of it." I gave her a warm hug and kiss on the forehead.

"Safe journey to you both, all of you..."

And out the front gate we went, the fog hadn’t returned, and the sun shone warmly though it only cut back the bitter cold a little. The mornings light showed us fully the carnage the city’s landing had wrought, dirt and stone tossed aside as well as huge rends in the earth I was all too familiar with. Fallen trees tossed aside long since dead some even petrified amazingly enough. We wove our way cautiously through the danger, it lessened the further we got from the city eventually we reached the end of the deepest crack looking back. The five Thestrals still watching and behind them the towering figure of Siphon raising his hand in farewell as if he could tell we were looking.

Of course, I can.

Would you stop that! I snapped jumping slightly.

Take care, I hope to see you all again soon.

Take care.

With the fog gone we made much better time quickly reaching the edge of the devastation and the artic planes looking just as we left them, for the moment the sky was clear, and we had no trouble traveling until nightfall making a small sheltered campsite. I thought we might see our 'pack' but as I understood it a wolfpack could have a huge territory, so it wasn't too strange for us not to see them.

We settled down Cords still insisting on guards though we were all much more relaxed with our journeys purpose achieved. Twi and I snuggled together worn out from the days march.

"Mmm... You smell so good love." I squeezed her softly inhaling.

"Ha, it's been some time since we've seen a bath or shower. I probably smell terrible."

I pulled her even closer taking another deep sniff. "Nope, still can't get enough." I chuckled. "If anything, I should be grateful I haven't driven you off."

"Oh you... A bit musky but nothing I don't like... Crave..." We kissed softly then with greater need but held back still quite aware of our surroundings and even more so those around us.

A day or so to the Crystal Empire then.

Mmm... Can't wait.

Night, love you.

Love you, sleep tight.

I slipped into a mostly dreamless sleep, fleeting images and thoughts but no Luna. Busy I suppose, it couldn't be easy tending to everyone’s dreams not to mention the night court and many other responsibilities she had... She, Celestia, Cadence and Armor too! More responsibility then I would care for, I'll keep my little slice in Ponyville. My girls, job and life. All I need, more than I ever thought I would have...

With the morning came a light snowfall but it didn't slow us down much, we were all eager to get to the empire or at the very least close enough to see the border. But the store worsened, and our visibility disappeared those scouting from above returning lest they be lost in the storm. We were beginning to lose hope of making it today or tomorrow and if the storm continued things would be much harder, unlike our journey to Atlantis on our return we had no guiding force to lead us.

We were preparing to find or if need be dig shelter for the night when a strange 'pulse' of magic unlike anything I knew of but still somehow familiar...

"Found them Shiney!" Came a familiar voice from above us as she swooped down.

"Cadence!" The girls excitedly called out rushing over to her.

"Princess." Cords and the Thestrals bowed then ducked as Shining Armor hurtled from the sky crashing into a snowbank clumsily.

I rushed over but he appeared unharmed, so I chuckled helping him up. "Smooth landing bro."

He smiled good-naturedly dropping a wing full of snow on me. "Thanks, still haven't gotten the hang of these things yet..."

"Practice my love, practice." Cadence giggled.

"How did you find us?" Twilight asked hugging her brother then Cadence.

"We've been searching since this morning, we weren't sure how far you've gotten but we knew you were on your way thanks to Luna."

"Brr..." Cadence shivered leaning against Armor. "Let’s talk more somewhere warmer, shall we?"

"We've still got some way to go, honestly we weren't quite sure we were heading in the right direction."

Cadence looked around orienting herself. "A little off Rick but you would have hit the railway eventually, we were thinking of something a little faster..." She smiled slyly her and Armors horns lighting, they touched them gently together and just like that we found ourselves in a crystal hall all of us still snow covered but far warmer.

The look of amazement on Twilights face must have been showing as Armor chuckled giving her a nudge. "Cadence and I know a few tricks too Twily."

"Come, just leave your cold weather gear here we will have it cleaned. Let's get some food and a nice warm bath for you all."

None of us needed to be asked twice, we shed our gear and followed the two of them through the palace until they stopped at a large pair of double doors.

"Shh..." Cadence whispered cracking open the door she and Armor peeking in while the rest of us tried to sneak a peek through my height gave me a bit of an advantage. It was the throne room empty but for a few ponies, a pretty little filly sat upon the throne her brother sitting grumpily on the floor beside her several guards nearby.

"My royal decree is... For a juice box to be brought to me immediately!"

"Of course, Princess..." One of the guards bowed heading off.

"What about me...?" Prism grumbled quietly.

"Two juice boxes!" Shimmer called out giggling.

"When's it my turn to be ruler?" He whined adorably.

"I told you, later."

"But that was this morning!"

"Are you pushing your brother around again Shimmer?"

"Nooo I... Daddy, Mommy!"

"Mommy, Daddy!" They both scampered off the dais as Armor and Cadence entered scooping them up for hugs and kisses.

"I was gonna give him a turn... Oh! Uncle! Auntie!"

Aegis looked over excitedly both he and his sister squirming away to gallop over to us.

"Look at you two! Your growing like weeds!" I swept them up hugging them between Twilight and me. We talked to them a bit before heading to the royal baths, a large swimming pool as well as multiple hot soaking pools, a sauna, steam room, the works! I certainly hadn’t packed any swimming trunks and I doubt anyone would have cared but my own embarrassment kept me to one of the smaller pools with a towel for protection while everyone else splashed and played in the big pool.

A few hours later we were all quite clean and feeling a hundred percent better enjoying a lavish dinner in which we tried to explain exactly what we had discovered, even with everything I'd seen and done here it was a wild and fantastical tale.

Finally, late in the day we relaxed in our room everyone else doing the same I imagined, we lounged in bed soft kisses growing more heated then... Things, happened...

"Daad! Ew. Didn't anything else exciting happen?!"

"Angel..." I chuckled leaning back exhausted from recalling our story. "There was an awful lot of excitement before we got back to the Empire, we rested there another day then took the train back to Canterlot to speak to the Princesses though they knew the story well. Picked you two troublemakers up and came home! Then you wanted to know everything that happened..."

"Aww, I wanted more like you fighting the wolf!"

"Once was more than enough." I rubbed her back as she cuddled against me, Star had tried to stay awake but dropped off about half way through the story sleeping between Twilight and me.

"It was an amazing journey sweetheart, but here at home with you two is more than enough excitement for a while." Twilight giggled.

"You said it."

"Booring... What if..." She interrupted herself with a huge yawn.

"There will always be more adventures Angel, but they can wait until morning."

"Aww, ok." She burrowed under the covers snuggling up as we got comfortable.

She's going to be a wild one when she grows a bit more.

She is now!

True, and I wouldn't change her for the world.

Not a hair nor feather, night love.

Sweet dreams, love you.

Atlantis... I'd thought of it every day since we left, so much time, history, power. All the places it had been and now here in Equestria, where would it end up...?

Author's Note:

Ookay... Hi there! Anyone still around? (Sheepish grin.) Well its been... Almost a year? Wow... No real excuses, some eye surgery that kept me out for a few months but really just... Laziness? Lethargy? Don't know, but I'm here now!
Well it's almost two words per hour, that's something! Right?
Thanks love.
Anyhow, hope you enjoy my messed up imagination not to mention weird ideas for head canon. Take care all and I won't promise anything but I'll try to be more... Punctual? Ciao