• Published 12th Jul 2016
  • 1,743 Views, 52 Comments

Three to Five - TwilightsmyMare

The continuing story of Twilight, Scootaloo, Starswirl, Equestria and I.

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Chapter Two (To the north.)

It didn't take long for a reply from the Princess, Friday evening she requested as our latest arrival which was fine though she still provided no details of what was wrong. So secretive when they want to be, still we would find out soon enough. Star and Scootaloo were both excited for a trip as was Pinkie, Applejack was more reserved but still curious about what might be happening, Rarity was as always quite eager to go to Canterlot see the sights, mingle and shop but I wasn't so sure we'd have time for any of that... Fluttershy was a bit nervous but she'd be with us and Discord was there, she didn't get to see him as much as either of them would like I was sure.

Friday came and the last day of school ecstatic filly and colts all over parents already looking forward to summers end, probably not there was plenty to do outside with no TV to distract them parents might see their children in the morning then the dirty, bedraggled and mud-splattered little filly’s and colts that dragged themselves home for supper adorable and excited to tell of their day’s adventures.

We spent the majority of the day getting everything packed, we weren't sure what we were getting into but we were going to try to be ready. Everything was ready by the time Scootaloo got home so we relaxed a bit before having dinner, I had made sure the Ward stones were charged the day before so I wasn't worried about that. Pearl and Magnum would be taking care of Pan and promised to stop by the house on occasion to see if Owlicious needed anything but as we knew he was a very independent owl so I wasn't too worried about that either. Just what awaited us in Canterlot...

We got to the train station after supped finding everyone packed and ready to go surprisingly Rainbow Dash was there too!

"Hey, I could just fly there but why when I could take a train and see my friends?"

Even more surprising was the addition of Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom, I hadn’t really planned on them coming along too.

"Now Rick you can't expect my dear Sweetie Belle to stay home while her two best friends are away do you?"

"But I..."

"Don’t you worry none Pardner, Rare an I can look after our kin."

Not what I was worried about, we were headed into the unknown and I was worried enough about bringing Angel and Star... I hoped there was no real danger but you never knew... But looking into their happy smiling faces why burden them with worries? I had plenty to go around mostly for my own family but I wouldn't let anything happen to them if I could help it. It seemed most ponies had a very upbeat and optimistic attitude which was uplifting to see and at the same time extremely annoying.

It was a long train ride and the novelty of it wore off pretty quickly for the girls as time passed. Soon they were yawning trying to keep their little heads up, Star settled down in my lap as I rubbed her back Scootaloo curled up between us, Sweetie Belle snuggled up with her sister and Apple Bloom the same. They were all growing up so fast, too fast. Before we knew it they'd be in high school and all the trials and tribulation it would bring... New experiences, friends, enemies, frenemies, colts... Good thing it was such a long ride it gave me plenty of time to think while the girls chatted. Stupid brain...

Finally, we pulled into Canterlot station to a strange sight, a dozen guards and not another soul in sight.

This doesn't bode well...

It's... It's just late is all, right...?

I hope...


A wave of power ripped through the city popping streetlights and rattling the train windows.

"What was that?!"

"Not sure Pinkie... We'd better hurry."

The filly’s and foal were still asleep thankfully, the pulse though powerful had made little sound. Star and Sweetie Belle weren't attuned to their magic enough to feel it I assumed as Rarity, Twilight and I shook feeling it down to our toes / hooves, hair and fur standing on end.

"Please come with us." The guard captain asked as soon as we disembarked and I noticed another couple of strange things, for one every one of them looked extremely tired and worn out with bloodshot eyes, manes and tails out of place. They were doing their best to stand at attention but some slouched a few even leaning against their partners. The second was that every Unicorn among them, five in total had a damper on their horns...

The damper had been created ages ago by... You guessed it, Starswirl the bearded as a way to control or at least manage Unicorn prisoners. I had read, (naturally Twilight had a great many books and manuscripts about him) that to completely block a Unicorns magic was nearly impossible, even a broken horn couldn't stop it altogether! Though I knew of at least one thing that could having experienced Sombras crystal formations myself. But these were simple devices that could be locked around a Unicorns horn limiting their magic and preventing teleportation altogether which was the idea. They were hardly used these days but clearly they still possessed them, I was curious but as soon as we had our luggage, sleeping foal in my arms and fillies on their sisters and mothers backs they hustled us off directly to the castle.

Several more times on our way the burst of power erupted cascading through the town and as unnerving as it was something about it felt familiar too, I had a million questions as no doubt Twi and the others did too. One thing was clear it was coming from the castle which is where we were headed...

No sooner than we had entered the castle and another group of guards awaited us, Thestral's... Bat ponies, Lunas personal guard though I was sure they could be found elsewhere I had just never seen any outside Canterlot... The two groups saluted one another the first group heading to the barracks to no doubt try to get some sleep, couldn't be easy.

The Thestral's however looked far better rested their captain immediately stepped up saluting which I returned.

"Bearers, sir... We're to take you immediately to the Princess’s, but first. Private Malone."

A young Thestral stepped forward saluting, she had fairly typical coloring, dark grey fur and a black mane and tail her eyes however deviated from the norm, rather than a bronze or gold her were pure silver.


"Take care of the children." He turned back toward us. "They'll be safe with her I swear to Luna."

"I understand." I nodded, she retrieved a small cart which Rarity, Applejack and Twilight placed their sleeping fillies gently in. I stepped up placing Star on her back kissing her brow as she slept on. "See you soon baby..."

"I'll guard them with my life sir." Malone whispered clearly uncomfortable having a foal on her back but at the same time amazed at the feeling.

"I know you will." And with only one chance for a last backward glance for us we were lead onward through the corridors past the audience chambers deep into the castle, I knew my way around the castle a little bit, Twi knew the ways much better but the situation, pulses of energy and the speed they were leading us we quickly lost track.

Finally, we came to a wide hallway I did recognize, last time I had been here the sun shone through the many stained glass windows depicting important scenes throughout Equestrias history. Now... We stepped cautiously to avoid the thousands of shards of glass a mere few managing to cling to the window frames.

"No..." Was our echoed whisper.

"It can... No, will be repaired believe me. Come..."

Luna's voice echoed down the hall luring us down the hall to a wall of darkness, our honor guard faded back as I tentatively reached out to touch the wall only to have a hoof reach out to pull me in!

"Rick!" The girls cried out.

There was only a moment of darkness then blinding light, I instinctively clamped my eyes shut reaching out to locate whoever pulled me in finally contacting soft fur firm muscles underneath. Along with that came a giggle I knew fairly well, Luna. And a cleared throat...

"Humph... If your quite through groping Luna's hindquarters..." I yanked my hands away before they got chopped off recognizing Discords voice eliciting a chuckle from him. "Here, put these on."

A pair of heavy glasses were placed into my hand, made for a pony but they fit well enough that I could crack my eyes open without being blinded, Luna and Discord stood beside me a scowl on him and a cheeky grin on her. They too looked tired, no dampeners on them though I didn't know if they would even work on them, Luna's horn was lit up and Discord... Well until it happened I never really could tell when he was using magic.

"What’s going on?"

Luna shook her head. "No need to explain it multiple times, bring the others through and we'll show you."

Discord handed me a box with more 'sun' glasses in it and I passed back through.

"There you are! I was worried."

"Sorry love." I leaned down to give her a soft kiss before straightening up to address everyone. "They want to explain everything to us altogether, so if you'll each put on a pair of these and pass through..."

"Ugh... Is this all they had? How gauche..."

"Now’s not the time fer fussyness Rare."

"Fine, I just hope no ponyatzi are nearby..."

I passed out the glasses all the girls curious about just what lay beyond the barrier, well Fluttershy might have been a bit more terrified then curious but she was a lot better, braver... She had her moments, didn't we all? She'd been through a lot but she was still here, she'd never abandon her friends that much I knew.

We passed through, even with the glasses I couldn't really see what lay ahead as Luna and Discord led us on. The pulses hadn’t stopped either if anything they seemed more frequent their strength undiminished.

"We sent you the message the evening after this began, it wasn't nearly so strong nor as frenzied as now." Luna began explaining as we walked, it was slow going besides the pulses there was another energy here as strong if not stronger, it made the air thick with power honestly the combination was beginning to give me a headache though the others didn't seem adversely affected by it.

"Once we determined where the disturbance was coming from it was a fairly simple task for the three of us to seal it though we weren't quite sure what was causing it..."

"Celestia wasn't sure..." Discord interrupted. "You and I my dear have had a much closer encounter with it."

"Discord! She's felt its power as strongly as us I'm sure... Anyhow, our wards held, only the occasional burst could be felt on this side and not far until yesterday..."

Discord stepped up rubbing her side comfortingly and continued. "All of us were taken by surprise, it burst through... The power and force echoing through the city and beyond." He glanced at Luna then back to us. "We have protections you understand? The ponies... Well the Pegasus and Earth ponies suffered not much more than horrible headaches and many hours of lost sleep these past few days." He grinned but it slipped almost immediately. "The Unicorns... Their magical sensitivity... It was a bad reaction."

"What do you mean?! Did my...?"

Luna was quick to answer. "No no Twilight, your parents are fine..." She soothed guessing her concern. "There have been a few fatality’s, older ponies whose hearts couldn't take the strain..." She whispered. "Please don't mention it, she already blames herself for everything..."

She hung her head and Discord continued. "Unfortunately that isn't all, many Unicorns simply couldn't handle the magical strain. They shut down, catatonic every one... Nearly half the city’s population."

"What can we do to help?"

"There’s nothing you can do 'sir' Sparkle." He jokingly sneered. "I'm afraid it shall be fully upon them as it so often is..." He smiled apologetically gesturing back to the six mares behind me.

"Us?" They echoed.

"Surely we can help somehow?"

"No..." Luna whispered. "It's the Elements themselves you see; they've gone berserk..."

The light level dimmed no doubt thanks to Luna reveling to us what was once a strong door Celestia and Luna's marks barely visible on it through the damaged and fractured surface, with every pulse they seemed to spread they were coming faster now at least once a minute but another even greater power held them in check... She stood not ten feet from the door her horn aglow with blinding light containing the energy within and she didn't stand alone, John was by her side heedless of the pulses his eyes covered and wrapped to protect him from her radiance. But he didn't let that stop him he had a small cart laden with food and drinks which he plied upon her when he could. There was evidence that Spike had been here too a small pile of comics and toys to the side though how he read them I had no idea.

"Thank you for coming, things have gotten... A little out of hoof..." She smiled wanly looking back to us her radiance undiminished.

"Princess!" Twilight rushed to her mentors side the others close behind. "Are you alright? How did this happen? What’s going on in there? What kin we do ta help? We're ready to kick some butt Princess!"

While the girls bombarded the Princess with questions I moved over by John clearing my throat quietly. "So we meet again blindfolded one." I chuckled.

He jumped slightly but grinned. "Funny, it's just I knew you were coming so I took precautions so I wouldn't have to see that ugly mug."

"Nice, so seriously what’s going on?"

"No idea. Tia fell out of bed pulling me along with her that’s how it started for me."

"Oh really...?" I teased.

"Hey! It's not like that... Well, maybe a bit like that..." He blushed.

"You dog... Congratulations, how’s it going here in the castle?"

"Good, good... I still have some days where I don't believe this is real... She's real..."

"You and me both." I chuckled.

"Every day is a bit more amazing, though... Well, unless this thing kills us all..."

"If I've learned anything it's to trust the Princess’s and the girls to come up with some kind of plan..."

"Stand back we're going to open the door!"

"See... Wait, what?! I think I missed something important here."

Celestia pulled John aside, Luna, Discord and I also moved aside as the girls lined up before the door.

"We don't know what’s going on inside, if it's something trying to use the Elements, corrupt them as Sombra tried or something completely different! We're going to try to take control of the Elements as soon as the door opens then we can deal with whatever else there may be." Twilight explained and I could see by Celestia and Luna's faces they weren't completely sure about this plan but they had few options.

I don't like it...

We'll be fine, I trust you and Princess Celestia and Luna to keep us safe.

I'll do what I can but I think I'll rely heavily on the Princess’s here, just as their relying on you...

I know... "Ready girls?"


"Princess Celestia..."

She nodded the light radiating from her ebbing off slowly, strangely the pulses too seemed to slow and by the time Celestia had lowered her power levels to simply lighting the room they had stopped altogether.

"What in the...?"

The badly damaged door collapsed causing us all to back up a step several protective wards springing up to shield the girls but whatever I and everyone here expected when the dust cleared we were all at a loss for word at what was waiting for us...

Just the elements, no intruder, no hostile magic... They floated there as if waiting but the moment the dust cleared they flew across the space separating them from the girls in a split second, the wards slowed them not a moment but thankfully all they did was attach themselves around the necks where they belonged Twi's crown settling on her head. There was silence a moment then they all glowed together suddenly a last pulse flying out from them this one soft as a whisper passing through us, Canterlot and beyond in an instant.

We all stood still afraid to break the silence for nearly a minute, finally I took a step towards them and they suddenly stiffened all six of them turning in unison facing north-west whispering as one. "There..."

I moved to Twilights side kneeling down but not quite sure if I should touch her. "What was it?"

Her eyes were glazed but she blinked several times shaking her head clearing them. "We... We need to go that way." She pointed the way they were all looking the others coming out of their stupors nodding in agreement.

"Why? What’s out there?" Discord asked peering out the window as if it would be obvious.

"Ah'm not sure..."

"Something important..."

"Something awesome!"

"Something scary..."

"We just gotta go!"

"It's the elements, they want us to go but... What’s out there?"

"Atlantis..." Celestia and Luna whispered together, I had all but forgotten that it was there that they had found the Elements of Harmony! Or I suppose that was just what they'd named them...?

"Prepare the north train immediately!" Luna called out.

"Yes Princess!" Answered the group of Thestral, they'd been so silent I had forgotten they were even there!

"North?" I asked watching the girls, they seemed alright a bit dizzy and flustered, no matter which way they turned or looked it seemed they'd return pointed towards their... It's goal.

"To the Crystal Empire, it's as close as we can get them..."


"Of course..." Celestia smiled softly, now that she wasn't holding back the force of the Elements she looked weary too leaning against John who was busy trying to unwrap his head. "I'm so sorry, if we had any clue this could have happened..."

"We know Princess, how could..." Twilight began but her head slowly moved as she talked facing north-west again, she jerked it back with an irritated but adorable grunt. "How could any of us have known? Please don't blame yourself, we'll do what we can to make things right. See what they... It? Wants, right girls?"

"Of course, ah got some plantin an clearin ta do but I recon Big Mac an Inkie kin handle things... Tarnation! What about Apple Bloom?"

"And my dear Sweetie Belle?"

"Star and Scootaloo..." Twi and I echoed looking at each other.

"Fear not my friends, I shall look after the young ones while you are away."

Celestia looked at her sister amazed. "You?!" Then covered her mouth. "Was that out loud?"

"Very amusing sister, we will." She smiled nervously pulling Discord to her side.

"We will?!" He gasped.

"Oh Discord don't be silly, I know you and Luna will do just fine." Fluttershy encouraged.

"But Princess, your duties..."

"Nonsense Rarity, what bigger duty could I have then watching over my god-daughter, her sister and friends?"

"Thank you Luna, that does make me feel a lot better, Twi?"

"I'll trust my daughters to you both then." She smiled nodding to them.

"Well if your certain Princess... Sweetie Belle can be quite a hoof-full by herself, with her friends..."

"Worry not."

"Well then thank ya kindly."

"You'll have so much fun! Babysitting great!"

"Remember what I told you Discord, patience."

"I... I'll try Fluttershy..."

"You'll clear it with the academy Princess?"

"Of course cadet Rainbow Dash." Celestia smiled letting herself relax a bit now that the immediate danger had passed.

I sidled up to Discord nudging him in the ribs. "A little practice for you both for later eh?"

"What? Practice...? Nonono..."

I left him sputtering going to Luna and putting my arm around her neck giving her a quick hug. "Thank you, if you need any help with them Twilights parents..."

She gave me an 'as if' look then smiled. "We will be fine; I've spent some time with her... With all of them truly in the dream but to have her here... A real physical connection..."

"The train is ready Princess." The Thestral captain flew up surprising me.

"Right now? But... I guess time is imperative..."

"It may well be..." She turned and addressed everyone gathered. "The train is ready! I'm sorry you must go so soon but time may be of the essence..." Everyone thought a moment then nodded together. "Not to worry there are sleeper cars prepared for you on the train, I hope... I pray for your safe journey..."

"As do I, safe journey and a swift return home..." Celestia nodded to us and John urged her towards the door and no doubt her bedchambers waving to us as they went.

"Please follow us..." The Thestral's led us through the back ways of the castle again and out the back quickly through town and despite the late hour there were plenty of lights on in home ponies no doubt grateful for the quiet and I hoped for the awakening of those who had been catatonic... We reached the train station and just as they had said the train was waiting steam venting.

"We will be accompanying you as far as the Empire."

"I don't think that’s necessary..."

"Princess Lunas orders sir, we Thestral have some inherent resistance to magic and if the need arises you may be grateful we are with you."

"Good point, consider my objections withdrawn glad to have you with us."

"Thank you, we will watch through the night and you have but to wake us if you need us during the day."


They'd already brought and loaded our luggage into the train separating out what had been meant for the fillies and baby, the whole train was ours so we all found our own cabins storing our luggage and getting ready for bed.

Despite being keyed up from the evenings events I at least was quickly getting tired, Twilights yawns told me she was the same. We settled down having to take a few moments to find a position where she was comfortable and could still 'face' the way the Elements wanted. The crown was another issue, apparently the Elements did not want to be separated from the bearers as it wouldn't budge I imagined the necklaces of the girls was the same.

"Are you sure you’re comfortable?"

"It's fine Twi."

"Okay..." She yawned again as I squeezed her from behind my arms wrapped around her in the classic little spoon, big spoon position.

"Are you sure you’re ok?" I whispered kissing her neck both of us closing our eyes and relaxing drifting off.

"Yes... It's so strange, the Elements have been such an important part of our lives for so long... I never imagined they could be so dangerous, I guess I really should have..."

"Mmm... You are amazing in every way love, but try as you might you can't know everything or be ready for everything."

"That sounds like a challenge." She giggled. "But your right, though we can't afford not to be ready..."

"I know, one of the many things that I think about. I'm sure there will be things we won't be ready for, giant monsters, natural disasters, Scootaloo's coltfriends..."

She giggled again turning so we could kiss before settling back down. What about Star?

Oh no, I'm not going to think about that until I have to!


We'll be as ready as we can be, it will have to be enough...

It will be, sorry to worry you.

My job love, sleep tight, love you.

Goodnight, love you.

Sleep snuck up on us and though the road ahead was unknown tonight at least we and Canterlot could sleep soundly...

Author's Note:

I forgot to leave notes last time...! The horror! Well as you can see things are going a bit astray... While I'll still be referencing the show naturally I'll have to adapt things... Well in this case a lot lol
Anyhow, my best to you and I hope your all doing great! Thanks for reading and commenting as always. Ciao