• Published 10th Aug 2016
  • 1,637 Views, 30 Comments

Last Stop, Equestria - ROBCakeran53

When all hope is lost, one bus can make a difference.

  • ...

The Fastest Hero on Four Wheels

Author's Note:

I am not sorry for this.

Princess Celestia looked out her window to the carnage below. Fires were raging, ponies screaming and running for their small, insignificant lives. Luna was nowhere to be found, having fled to find help from somewhere else. Manehattan was gone, nothing but smoldering embers and the marching of hooves as ponies left the desolate land. Fillidelphia fared no better, although small groups of ponies tried to fight back and save their homes.

It was all for naught, Celestia knew.

Canterlot was the last stronghold of Equestria. Twilight and the other Elements of Harmony had tried to save Ponyville, but no good came of it. It was a barren waste, the once fertile ground nothing but dust and ash. The Elements themselves vanished, to where Celestia didn’t know.

There was an explosion down below, as she watched the terror that laid waste to her once beautiful country edge closer. It would all be over soon, Celestia knew. She only wished she could have shared these last few moments with her sister, her student, and the last slice of wedding cake from Cadance’s wedding. Oh it was so good, frosting so creamy and sweet. The fluff of the cake, moist and flavorful.

The sun was nearing it’s final sunset, for she knew once it went down it would be Equestria’s last. The moon was just coming into view, ready to signify the end of times. Surely, there was nopony left who could help.

In a way, she was right. There wasn’t anypony left to help. There was one hero, a long time friend of Princess Luna’s from her banishment on the moon. She had told Celestia about the brave hero, clad in blue armor with a chrome mask. The white alicorn didn’t hold her breath, however, for not even she herself could fight off this foe.

Another explosion caught Celestia’s attention, ponies below her rushing towards the castle gates where her Guard was ushering in survivors. So focused on the scene below her, she hadn’t noticed the moving twinkle of light coming from the sky, straight from the moon.


Princess Luna had a lot of strange contacts from her banishment. They were all helpful, just… strange is too laxed of a term for them. One of these contacts, who called himself The Mafia had helped her by introducing her to a very special being, one that he said would help her return home one day.

He stuck to his word, or well, promise since he couldn’t actually speak. But she knew he would help her. It had been so long since she had visited the moon. Long, lonely nights she thought about going to visit, but she knew if she saw him again her heart would break. There was a time when they were madly in love, and were inseparable. When the day finally came for her to return to Equestria, it was he who pushed her along. She didn’t want to go, to leave him. He knew she had to, and that this was the only way for things to be right.

Luna didn’t say goodbye as she was thrown from the massive rock in the sky, simply shedding a single tear. He could not return to the planet, for reasons she didn’t understand (expect it involved a lot of money) so he was bound to the moon.

Every night she had thought of him, of their adventures and quests. Gathering space corn for the city folk, trying on all sorts of different hats, even bouncing off of bumpers and flying with her. They were bound to be together, but fate said no.

That was, until it came.

It was relentless, uncaring for the populace it rolled over. Destroying homes, lives, cities. It left carnage in its wake. The Elements had failed. Both she and her sister had failed. Even Discord was powerless against it. It was thought this was the end.

However, Luna knew fate worked in mysterious ways.

For better or for worse, it was time to go back to the moon. Equestria- neigh, she, needed a hero.



The wind tore at Luna’s mane, a large grin plastered on her face as she held on for dear life to the blue metal roof of her transport. The booster rockets on its sides exploded off, the prop blades detaching from its rear. Now all that helped them down was gravity.

Getting off the moon had been a trip down memory lane for Luna. All the bouncing, speeding, and that final jump off an impossible ramp made her relish in her lover’s company. He was just as she’d remembered him. Always moving, doing good deeds to help everyone. The big blue savior of the moon.

She had only asked once for his help, and he sped right into the challenge grill on.

The ground was fast approaching, Luna could already tell Canterlot was under attack. Was she too late? Was her sister still sulking and eating the last of the royal sweets?

OmniBus knew what had to be done. With no warning to Luna, he began to rotate around, spinning in the air to help slow his descent. Luna held on, but was forced to separate from her lover as he crashed into the city below. Before the smoke could even settle, he shot out of the dust ball and charged down the street, swerving to miss ponies and carriages alike. Luna flew above him, keeping her eyes ahead and calling down directions and commands.

“OmniBus! Next intersection go left! Just a few more blocks, my love, and then we can end this!”

OmniBus hit a patch of water, causing him to hydroplane and careen into a building, causing it to explode into rubble and chunks of block flying everywhere. Luna gasped, but let out a breath as she saw him exit the other side, throwing rubble out.

Luna had to trust him. This was what he did.

Drive reckless and never slow down.

Maybe that’s why she found him so attractive, the thrill of going forward and never looking back. Never stopping for anything in his way, just keep on truckin’.

OmniBus collided with a carriage, sending them both flying. He did a somersault through the air, then with perfect timing landed on his wheels and kept going.

Luna chanced a look ahead, and saw the foe before them. Massive, spiked wheels tore into the cobblestone streets. The massive bulk drove through buildings as if they were paper. The massive exhaust ports on either side lit up any foliage on fire in an instant.

It was the Doom Bus, and it was here for revenge.

Revenge on what, or for whom, neither Princess knew. Luna noticed OmniBus speed up, crashing through another building. She could sense he was mad. Had they fought before? Maybe OmniBus was the reason for all this?

If so, then how much regret did he hold that he allowed this to happen?

A single tear ran down Luna’s face. Oh, her poor OmniBus, having for so long hidden on the moon. It must have been to protect them all from Doom Bus when he came looking. How could he have known the evil bus would just destroy everything anyway?

Luna swooped down low, struggling to keep up with the speeding vehicle.

“OmniBus, I’m here for you. You mustn’t do this alone.”

OmniBus responded by accelerating faster, leaving Luna behind.

“My love! Don’t be a fool!”

Her words fell onto deaf window panes.

OmniBus charged ahead, using a dumpster and some boards as a ramp to ram into Doom Bus. It was a solid hit! Chunks of the evil bus went flying, and Omnibus came out the other side, landing on his wheels and making a sharp turn.

It was at this time Princess Celestia herself was outside, staring in awe as the small blue bus fought the monster bus. Luna was quick to join her sister, giving her an affectionate nuzzle.

“Luna, is this the hero you spoke of?”

Luna nodded, looking back as Doom Bus inched closer and closer to the palace gates.

“Yes, but I fear it might be too late, sister.” Luna watched as her love, her hero, fought bumper to bumper with the Doom Bus.

It was getting so close now. Doom Bus caught OmniBus by surprise by turning to the left about three inches, sending the blue bus flying and landing on his side.

With great speed Luna flew to her fallen love.

“OmniBus! Are you alright?”

His wheels spun, but then stopped.

“My love, I said you needn’t do this on your own. Let me help you, and together we can win!”

OmniBus sat motionless and still on his side, before a rev of his engine brought Luna’s face into a massive smile.

She leaned down and kissed his chrome grill, then with all her magical ability she lifted the bus rightside up, and dropped him onto his wheels. With a start he took off, Luna jumping in the air. OmniBus made a wide circle, coming back towards Luna, who had around her a bright red glow. Hitting another carriage, he was sent into the air right at Luna. She landed on his roof, his new accessory. They landed together, then as one they charged the Doom Bus one last time.

Celestia held a barrier at the castle gates, but soon it wouldn’t be enough.

“One last time, for Equestria!”

OmniBus hit the curb, causing him to ram into a building. Luna didn’t know what he was doing, until from inside the rubble of the building she saw it: A massive, red and white bumper.

“YES!” Luna shouted.

OmniBus hit the bumper on his side, sending them both spinning towards Doom Bus. Luna could clearly see the beating heart of the monster, and with precision she helped righten OmniBus so he aimed right at it. Luna stood at the very front, her horn pointed forward.


They punched through the heart, shattering it into pieces.

There was a massive explosion, Celestia’s magical barrier barely able to keep the castle safe. Suddenly, Celestia felt her magic strengthen six fold. She looked on in awe, as OmniBus shot forth from his headlights a rainbow beam, shredding the last remnants of Doom Bus before it could take out all of Canterlot with it.

Celestia recognized that rainbow beam! It was the Elements of Harmony! But how? How could an ordinary bus hold within itself the magic of Friendship? Then, Celestia saw on top of the bus, her sister, her own magical aura feeding Celestia’s for the shield to hold up. Of course, Celestia thought, the only more powerful thing than friendship is LOVE.


The dust settled, and Celestia let her magic collapse into nothing. Her castle stood proud, all the ponies within were running outside in cheers and laughter. They survived! They did it! Princess Luna and OmniBus saved Equestria!

OmniBus landed with a crash into the street before her, and for the first time it stood still while upright. Luna graciously jumped from the roof and hugged the front of OmniBus. The bifold doors on the side opened up, and six figures tumbled out.

“Twilight!” Celestia cried, rushing forward.

The six mares that represented the Elements of Harmony were all unconscious, but thankfully alive. Celestia turned to the bus.

“How did you-?”

The door closed, and Luna stepped around.

“He saved them in Ponyville, but could not defeat Doom Bus on his own. He fled back to the moon to try and plan for another attack, and that was when I showed up.” Luna rested her hoof on the metal side. “I instantly knew right then that he could do it.” OmniBus honked, Luna laughed. “We could do it.”

As Celestia woke up the Elements of Harmony, Twilight was the first to speak.

“Is… is it gone? Did we win?”

“Yes, my dear Twilight, we did. All thanks to the greatest hero to ever live,” Celestia said, looking to the bus.

“Uh, that’s just a bus.”

Luna chuckled. “That’s not just a bus. It’s OmniBus.

With that, OmniBus began to drive off. Everypony waved goodbye, all but Luna who flew to catch up.

“Omni, my love, wait! What about us? You are welcome again here on the planet, you don’t need to hide anymore on the moon!

OmniBus flashed his lights, and Luna stared to the night sky. There, she saw other specks of light moving towards the planet.

“Your brothers? The other OmniBus’?”

OmniBus flashed his blinkers.

“I see. You must recover them, so that with your powers combined all the land shall know peace again.”

OmniBus let out a burst of air pressure.

"When will I see you again?"

OmniBus slowed down, enough Luna could walk beside him. Tears ran down her face, and yet she smiled.

“Very well, I shall be waiting for you then, my love.”

Luna leaned over and gave the windshield a kiss.

At this OmniBus revved up, and as Luna backed away he sped off, hitting a randomly placed bumper which sent him flying in a cartwheel towards the direction of the falling stars.

“Farewell my love, until we meet again.”

...See you, OmniBus

Comments ( 30 )

I did not edit this, nor have anyone pre-read to edit this. I'm sure there are mistakes everywhere, but I don't care. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a bus to catch.

Wait. Wait wait. Hold the fuck up.

If Princess Luna herself isn't chivalry enough, then who is?

Well, I didn't feel the need to scream at you about tense changes, so I am content.
Enjoy your bus.

This is the greatest story ever told


Because Luna is totally crass, not chivalrous, obviously


No, you ignoramus, chivalrous isn't a real word. She's not chivalry.

just whoa!

7469590 I must applaud you for this truckin' HILARIOUS story! :pinkiehappy:

I like turtles.

Best story of the year gentleman :moustache:

Well i was expecting omnibus, just wasn't expecting the relationship in it. Still great story though, loved it.


Well I will have you know I have TEN degrees in Letterology and I say it is a word!

Ow. Right in the feels.

My head explode!
Awesome Omnibus Story!
Where are the puns?

So unrealistic. Real busses travel on a predefined route. 0/10

Her words fell onto deaf window panes.

best fic 2k16

Who would win in a fight, Desert Bus or the Magic School Bus? :rainbowdetermined2:

What the hell. I have absolutely no idea what just happened (didn't click the link to understand)... and I was still amused. Good job :rainbowlaugh:

Though I am sure you're being silly, I feel obliged to say:
You might be surprised at how often you are wrong.
School buses on field trips. Charter buses. Heck, ol' 5189 there in that picture hasn't been in route service for decades. It mostly does events now, or did, until Santa Monica sold it, three years ago.

Anyway, the point is there's plenty of buses out there which have no defined route, just a destination, and that determined by the cjstomer


did not think a story with omnibus could happen.

:rainbowlaugh: I'M CRYING.

So thanks for that.

.... You've been running lines of scratch-n-sniff pony pictures haven't you?

I... hmm...


This gave me a right proper giggle, :yay:

:rainbowderp: FtW -- F:yay:k the what

There once was a young man who said, "Damn,
For it certainly seems that I am
A creature that moves
In determinate grooves
I'm not even a bus, I'm a tram."

Not really relevant, but whuteva.

Public transit saves the day!

The link at the start seems to now lead to some sort of news site.

This is probably good?


Huh! That's weird, well thanks, I'll go fix it.

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