• Published 25th Jun 2012
  • 4,810 Views, 163 Comments

The Word Became Ponified - ArthemistheSwordsman

Twilight finds herself in possession of a mysterious artifact: A Bible! What could this book mean?!?

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“I think we should hide.” Spike said, hinting to a nearby bush. This puzzled the ponies, but they obeyed; the library looked dangerous.

“What’s going on?” Twilight whispered, observing the situation from her cover. There was no response, as the other ponies were just as befuddled as she was.

The library was swarming with royal guards, and it was marked off with boundaries and armed soldiers. Guards were pulling out book after book, creating several piles of unorganized literature (annoying Twilight, who had spent a week slaving over their shelving) outside. The situation must have been dire, as the structure was practically quarantined and ponies were avoiding it like the plague.

“What’s going on?” Twilight repeated. “What are they looking for?”

“I think the Bible.” Spike said. “They were also posting these around town. I didn’t really understand it.” He pulled a notice from Twilight’s bag, and the unicorn levitated it towards herself and began observing it.

“Wh-what is it, Twilight?” Fluttershy asked, frightened by the seriousness in the air.

“It’s a royal decree. Look, it’s even got Princess Celestia’s seal on it.” She replied, showing the gold-colored stamp. She began reading the paper, her voice getting increasingly grim with each sentence.

“An incredibly dangerous object has been identified in Equestria, and its location is traced to Ponyville. The object was transported in the case shown below.” Beneath this statement was a picture of a battered wooden crate with a golden handle; the crate the Bible was inside. “If you have any information regarding the package, its contents, or the location of either, inform a royal guard immediately. If you possess the package or its contents, turn yourself in without delay and you will be granted an official legal trial for your offences.”

“What offences?” Rainbow asked, perplexed.

“Wait, there’s more here.” The unicorn pointed out. “Anypony found in possession of the contents, who is not actively turning him/herself in…” Twilight gasped in repulsion. She began shivering, and her face had grown dreadfully pale. Her eyes radiated a sudden loss of hope.

“What? What happens?” Spike asked frantically.

“…Anypony found in possession of the contents, who is not actively turning him/herself in,” Twilight read sullenly, “is declared a wolf’s head, by the order of her Majesty, Princess Celestia, along with any associates with relation to the package’s contents.”

“What does that mean, Twilight? What the heck is a wolf’s head?” Rainbow inquired, bewildered by the unfamiliar term.

“A wolf’s head,” the unicorn explained depressively, “is considered by all means to not be a pony. Their life is forfeit; a wolf’s head can and may be killed on sight by anypony.”

The pegasi and dragon gasped in absolute horror. Fluttershy desperately grabbed Rainbow and burst into tears, bawling into her friend’s hooves. Spike began hyperventilating. Rainbow sat completely dumbfounded. There was no speech; only sobs and gasps for air were audible at the moment.

Twilight was staggered, by both dread and thoughts. If the Bible is being pursued to this extent, what could it mean? Is it actually powerful? Or maybe, and this she hoped with every single fiber of her being, there was more than one package and the guards were looking for another one, one completely different.

Fluttershy was petrified by her fear. Of all her fears, death was one of the largest. Being a wanted criminal was close by on the list. And now, both were right in front of her face, as immense and substantial as seemingly possible.

Spike was completely shaken. His mind was racing like a Ferrari, but his main thoughts were not on himself, but Rarity. How could he explain this to her? Will he be able to express his love for her? Would it just be better to have her never know, so his death will not impact her as much?

Rainbow couldn’t believe what had transpired. She had never expected a problem this massive to enter her life. She had gotten into trouble before, but this made that trouble seem like fantasy. How could this possible be conquered?

Amidst all the reflections, Spike piped up. “So, now what? Do we turn ourselves in so we can live?”

“I like that idea.” Fluttershy commented. Rainbow nodded in agreement. All eyes were then on the contemplative Twilight.

Twilight had thought this situation through. Her hoof scribbled along the dirt, most likely to take the place of her pacing (one would find it hard to pace in a bush!) that usually occurred upon deep thought. Her facial expression began to shift with time, from hopeless desperation, to discontented acceptance, to unyielding determination. She then replied to her friends with a solid “No. We absolutely will not turn ourselves in.”

“What?!” Rainbow shouted in a whisper. “If we don’t, we’re as good as dead!!”

“And if we do, we are just as dead.” Twilight retorted. “I figure the reason the Bible is being hunted so desperately is because it actually has power. I read about all-powerful beings and possible immortality in here. Now that we know such power may possibly be attainable, do you think they will just let us go?”

The ponies took this information in harshly. They hadn’t realized the true closeness of their persecution. If they have the Bible for this long, how could a court, told that whoever has the Bible is non-pony, possibly trust them?

“So,” Spike brought up meekly, “if it’s our only option, what could we do as criminals then?”

“My original goal remains.” The unicorn announced in a tone full of steadfast morale. “I must see Princess Celestia.”

“But she ordered this freakin’ decree!” The multicolored mare bellowed. “Why would you go see her?! She’ll have you killed!”

“I don’t wanna die, Twilight! I don’t wanna!” Fluttershy shouted through her tears.

“Consider the facts, you two!” Twilight persisted. “If the guards are going to this length to catch the Bible, it has to have some level of potency. We have to find a way to make sure nopony ever gets this kind of power. We also need to find a way to clear our heads of having this book. The only way I can figure this out is to give the Bible to Celestia, directly. She would understand our case this way. If we give ourselves in to the law, odds are we won’t ever see her, or anypony else, again. And even if she doesn’t condone us, all whom the Bible has affected will be present and we will all end the issues then and there. Besides, what do we have to lose, besides our lives, which are now at risk despite our course of action?”

This sudden response cleared everypony’s heads. Twilight was right; they literally had nothing to lose now. And the Bible must have some significance. The only sure-fire way to protect Equestria from whatever power it seems to have, and possibly save themselves, is to seek out Celestia and discover the Bible’s meaning and end its exploits.

“Well, now the question is how the heck do we get to Canterlot?” Rainbow stated, regaining determination.

“Wait, ‘we’? We’re all going?” Fluttershy murmured.

“Didn’t you hear Twi? We have to all go; we are the ones who know the Bible!” The speedster answered. “So, what’s the plan?”

“Well, we’re not visible criminals if we keep the Bible hidden.” Twilight reasoned. “However, guards are everywhere, searching for the book with their lives. They will definitely check ponies on a regular basis, no matter the location. So, normal means of transportation are out of the question.”

“So, we’ll have to hoof and claw it to Canterlot off-road or something?” Spike wondered.

“But none of us are explorers or survivalists. We can’t navigate through the wild!” Fluttershy claimed. She wasn’t comfortable at the thought of having to sneak to Canterlot.

“No, we can’t.” Twilight reacted. “But I know how we can find somepony who can. In my recent studies, I read something about an adventurer’s guild in the southern city of Defte. If we go there, we can hire a guide.”

“Wait, you said Defte?” Rainbow hesitated. “I’ve been there before, and the place is loaded with thugs, brutes, and criminals. We city ponies can’t survive there; I mean, I can hold my own, and probably protect one of you, but we won’t be safe there at all.”

“Would you rather take your chances with disciplined Canterlot soldiers?” Twilight slyly replied. “I thought the dangers through, Rainbow.”

“Good point. Anypony disagree with Twi, ‘cuz I’m down.” Rainbow said, her loyalty coming out.

“What other choice do I have?” Spike said, shrugging.

“I guess, I’ll be brave. If, if I can…” Fluttershy squeaked.

“Alright. I have a map packed of Ponyville’s nearby area. We should be able to get a head start to Defte following it. There, we’ll find the guild and an adventurer capable of guiding us unseen to Canterlot. We have enough provisions to last a short while, so we’ll have to restock in Defte as well.” The unicorn explained. “We should find a safe place to hide until night, so we can leave Ponyville under the cover of darkness.”