• Published 25th Jun 2012
  • 4,804 Views, 163 Comments

The Word Became Ponified - ArthemistheSwordsman

Twilight finds herself in possession of a mysterious artifact: A Bible! What could this book mean?!?

  • ...

Into Defte

“So, it’s all true?” Spike asked, perplexed at the explanation laid in front of him. “We do live forever through Jesus?”

“It would appear so. Evidence is leaning towards it.” Twilight responded. “It involves Jesus and his death, and something with that leads ultimately to eternal life. Apparently, Jesus also wanted this opportunity to be for everypony, and wants the whole world to know about it.”

“I find that last bit hard to believe, Twi.” Rainbow pointed out. “If Jesus wanted the world to know, couldn’t he, in all his power, tell everypony? And why are we just now hearing about it then?”

I suppose that makes sense. But still, I’m not going to argue with what the human said.” Twilight retorted. “Especially from another world.”

“Speaking of…” Rainbow continued, “did you ever think maybe, just maybe, the Bible only applies to the human world?”

“But Rainbow, if that was true, why would there be such a huge search for it?” Fluttershy reasoned.

“Because of the dangerous fervor of the insane.” Twilight answered, a bit out-of-the-blue. The other ponies responded with an expected “Huh?”

“Think about it. Rainbow, what would you do if you were immortal?”

“Well,” the speedster thought, “I’d probably practice more extreme flying routines, and-”

She was suddenly cut off by the unicorn. “Exactly. You would try more extreme things, because you have no fear of death. Without any consequence of death or bodily injury, what do you think somepony would do? Ponies would run amuck believing there aren’t any consequences.”

“Well, then why do we have the option in the first place?” Spike asked.

“That’s just what I don’t get. Every time I think I understand, something comes up and throws my hypothesis off completely. The only way to discover the truth is to see Princess Celestia.” Twilight said.

“Which will be pretty soon; look!” Fluttershy said, pointing at a road sign to their right a few feet away. It was crude and wooden, and had ‘Defte’ scribbled on it in white paint. It had a population count, but it had been crossed out and re-written too many times to know what the real number was. Past it, a bit over the horizon, was a first impression to match the sign. A cracked, cheap, barely-standing wooden gate blocked the dirt road. OR, at least its wreckage did. A dirt path leading off the dirt road turned into the shambled town.

“Alright guys, the plan is to find the guild, get a guide, restock, and leave as fast as possible. The less time spent here, the better.” Twilight huddled and explained. The others returned her comments with nods and grunts. “Now, keep your hoods up and heads down. Three mares and a baby dragon are probably fresh meat to these thugs. So, keep a low profile, because our lives may actually depend on it.”

They started trotting into Defte. There were a few shanty buildings here and there, with small patches of grass in front of them. Other than this and the occasional vegetable garden, that was the only vegetation in the city. Dirt roads lined a sort-of road system, and dirtier dirt led into a few structures (Twilight couldn’t wrap her head around this sight). Any structures that weren’t barred up were general stores, weapon stores, pawn shops, non-filly-safe theaters, and potential housing. It was clear by the distinct markings on each structure that those were gang hideouts, flashing their colors to the world.

As they walked, various assortments of brutish-looking stallions and indecent-looking mares littered the streets. There were some leaning beside alleys and walls, others hiding near boxes and barrels, and some still peering out of windows and crevices in the structures. They were like cockroaches: disgusting in appearance, in every possible location, and appearing really tough.

Twilight regretted not reading a self-defense book at some point in her life. Spike looked for the safest pony to hide behind. Rainbow began thinking of who she’d have to protect most and of a possible getaway point. Fluttershy felt violated with how some of the thugs looked at them. Granted, she didn’t like being looked at so much in general, but the thought of these thugs’ intentions made her shudder.

“Look up ahead.” Twilight whispered. “That building over there. I think that’s it.” Her friends returned her statement with an affirming grunt.

There was a building that looked like it was built in the city on accident. It was built safely, securely, and on a proper foundation. It had a fresh coat of white paint, a stark contrast to the either lack of paint or crude multicolored schemes of other buildings. It was a massive construct; at least two stories and probably capable of containing a soccer field inside. Furthermore, its front entrance was adorned with marble finishes and ostentatious decorations that the ponies were sure Rarity would be naming if she were here right now. Beneath its grand opening arch resided a sign carved in a granite block, declaring to the world that this glorious hall was the ‘DEFTE GUILD OF ADVENTURERS’.

“Hold it right ‘ere!” A brusque voice commanded. Suddenly, the ponies froze up. A large, dark-brown Earth Pony stallion approached them. He was wearing a thick black jacket and similarly colored hat. A cigar was held in his mouth by putrid, cavity-ridden yellow teeth. “Where you ponies goin’? You ain’t familiar.”

Twilight cleared her throat and attempted her deepest, most masculine voice possible. “We’re just going through. Don’t mind us.”

“Heheheh, pretty deep voice for a mare, lass. Disguise ain’t helpin’ you none.” The thug spoke as he continued approaching. Twilight heard some rustling behind herself, and the other ponies also began to check their surroundings. This wasn’t the only thug.

They were completely surrounded.

“You lay a hoof on us and you’ll regret it!” Rainbow snarled, shaking such an appendage at the enemies. This prompted nothing but laughter.

“’Ey, boss, this one’s feisty!” One scruffy, bearded pegasus mocked.

“Dibs on that yeller one! She’s purty, hurhur…” At this phrase, Fluttershy hid behind Rainbow and pulled her hood over her face, shaking heavily.

Twilight’s horn began glowing, and she did her best to hide any fear from her face. Rainbow spread her wings and changed her stance. Spike and Fluttershy tried hiding behind the two, which was difficult considering they were in a circle. They were prepared to put up a fight.

When the gang reached lunging point, a voice resounded. It was male, fearless, and strong. Its call halted the thugs, and particularly caught the attention of the ringleader of the brutes.

“Tungah, up to it again? I knew you were low, but jumping innocent foreign ladies? Shame on you!”

The leader (Tungah? What an odd name, Twilight thought) looked around, fear spreading onto his face. The rest of the gang followed his example. “Jakob! You should really learn to mind your own business, mate!”

The voice rang back. “This IS my business! Rule 15 of the guild, my friend!”

The guild? Was the voice an adventurer? The Ponyvillians looked around, trying to find this voice themselves. They wanted to see an actual adventurer, but Twilight was mainly looking forward to this conflict ending.

“Did I mention I’m not alone? Jumping this close to Excalibur’s halls wasn’t a good idea.” The voice continued.

Tungah groaned loudly and ordered a retreat. “Gang! Fall off! These’ins got special protection!” The gang dispersed and retreated to the shadows faster than they had initially arrived. That voice must’ve been a great hero, Twilight assumed.

Suddenly, a pegasus landed right in front of them. His long, blonde mane flowed in the dusty breeze, and his beard marked his face with an aura of courage. His beige wings were spread wide and strong. He wore a grey vest with golden trims. His front left leg had a black bracer, with a unique insignia instilled into its side.

“Well, that was close. Come, seek shelter in the guild, travelers. Let me offer you peace in this rathole town.” The majestic pony spoke, revealing a voice that matched the one that scared the thugs away. “My name is Jakob Skypierce, by the way. You do not have to thank me.”

“Jakob, are you an adventurer?” Spike asked, smirking at the presence of such a heroic individual.

“I certainly am; one of the higher ranks, in fact. I supervise lower levels and new members, and also take the most dangerous missions. As you can guess, my Life Saga is quite the epic.” He spoke a cadence of explanation. His voice was as melodious as his appearance was magnificent.

“Your Life Saga?” Rainbow was curious at the term. “What’s that?”

“It’s the goal of every adventurer to have their life be regarded as an inspiration to others, stand testament to their achievements, and ultimately be marked in history and withstand the test of time.” Jakob answered. “But that can all be explained later. For now, welcome to the guild tavern, as I formally welcome you four.” He opened a wooden side door into a separate section of the hall, revealing a room lit with red-brown lantern light.

There were various tables and booths, a good deal of them completely filled. Many ponies wore vests: a few had grey like Jakob, others had either green, red, or blue. There were also some without vests (non-adventurers, as Jakob pointed out). There was a full band on a stage, playing joyful musical tales of bravery and discovery. Mugs of cider and root beer were abound, and hey fries were on every table. The only thing more abundant than the refreshments were the smiles, laughter, and all-round joy of the ponies everywhere. It was a truly jolly scene, and a massive deal more welcoming than the rest of the city.

“Heya, Jakob! Who’s your pals there?” A red-maned unicorn mare with a green vest called as she walked towards them.

“Greetings, Ruby! Some travelers here, and they look like they got a mission. I just stopped some thugs from getting them outside. But the daft ponies made their worst decision to commit a crime with Skypierce on the lookout!” The two adventurers broke into laughter as he finished speaking.

“Well, they got themselves a lucky day. Hey there, my name’s Ruby Pyramid. I mainly run this tavern, but I can still go out and adventurer like nopony’s business now and then.” She said, shaking hooves with the ponies.

“I’m Twilight Sparkle, and this is Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Spike.” The unicorn introduced.

“You can give me your hoods and bags, dears. I’ll keep them safe behind the counter.” Ruby asked politely. Normally they wouldn’t have dared trusted another pony in this city, but the whole setting of the tavern, along with Ruby’s natural welcoming demeanor, seemed to convince them better than any words ever could. But as she reached for Twilight’s bag, the student immediately refused leaving it (personal goods are in there, she excused).

“So, what’re you here for?” Jakob turned and inquired. “I know you came here looking for the guild. What’s the quest?”

“We, uh, need a guide.” Twilight responded carefully. “You see, we want to avoid being noticed that much.”

“Why’d you want to avoid security? Or is it the recent increase that’s making you uneasy?” Ruby returned and asked.

“Yeah, let’s go with that.” Rainbow answered, releasing her tensions with a laugh.

“I don’t blame you. Those guards never get their job done 100%. But with this new increase, maybe they’ll actually handle all the issues and put us out of business!” Jakob and Ruby laughed again, and this time Twilight and co. chuckled with them. “Alright, who should we send, Jakob? Stalagmite? Dawn Bright? Hydrangea?”

Jakob thought for a moment, and cheerfully brought up a name that made Ruby’s face change to a less happy expression. “What about Aben?”

“Really, Jakob? I wouldn’t send him if I were you. You already made a good impression on these ladies, shouldn’t you follow through with good appearances?” Ruby explained.

“Nonsense! Aben can handle it. Besides, everypony deserves a second chance.” The stallion rebutted.

“But a thirteenth chance? Send somepony else.” Ruby grew annoyed at her friend.

“Excalibur gave me chances when I failed. I should do the same.” Jakob announced in pride. The tavern-keeping mare showed her defeat with a sigh.

“I hate it when you pull the Excalibur card on me. Fine, but don’t blame me when it all blows over. Aben’s in that booth way over there.” She pointed towards a table near the other side of the room, beside the wall. There sat a brown Earth Pony, clothed in a blue vest. His wild black hair and goatee opposed his calm, green eyes. He sat in thought, enjoying the music. Beside him were a guitar case and a saddlebag with the adventurer’s insignia on it. He was alone and seemingly unhappy.

“Alright, thanks.” Twilight said as they made their way to the russet pony’s booth. As they traversed the tavern floor, Twilight made an interesting observation; nopony addressed Aben. Most tables had conversations between each other, but there were none connected to his. Barely anypony gazed upon him.

As they drew nearer, he noticed their approach and his mood lifted. His smile was a mixture of cheerful and scheming, and it made the ponies uneasy.

“Hello there. My name is Aben Teuer.” The stallion spoke in a gruff tone as they took their seats.