• Published 25th Jun 2012
  • 4,810 Views, 163 Comments

The Word Became Ponified - ArthemistheSwordsman

Twilight finds herself in possession of a mysterious artifact: A Bible! What could this book mean?!?

  • ...

Enter Adventure

“Well, I’ve told you my name. What’s yours?” The brown stallion continued as Twilight and co. took their seats around the circular booth-table.

“I’m Twilight Sparkle, and-“ She was cut off by Aben’s hoof thrusted upwards.

“Celestia’s apprentice? ‘Tis an honor!” He announced, doing a fake bow.

“How did you know that?” The unicorn asked in amazement at the seemingly unintelligent pony’s knowledge of her.

“Well, you’re kinda the ELEMENT OF MAGIC. Talk about a Life Saga. So, I’d only assume that those two are the loyal Rainbow Dash and the kind Fluttershy?” He explained, motioning to the pegasi as he spoke. They nodded at his claims. “But, who’s the little fella?”

“I’m Spike! I’m a dragon!” The purple lizard said cheerfully.

“Alrighty then, before we discuss business, I’d say some beverages are in order? What’s your pleasure, ladies? It’s on me.” The adventurer said, calling Ruby over. “Thanks to our many travels as a guild, we have quite the choice of refreshments. Ciders, root beers, ginger ales; you name it!”

“What’ll it be, ponies?” Ruby asked, levitating out a small notebook and pen.

“I’ll have a mug of root, Fillydelphia.” Aben answered.

“Do you have Sweet Apple Cider?” Rainbow asked, prompting Aben to cringe.

“What, you want me to go broke? That stuff’s harder to get than a bag of baby blue sapphires! Do you think you could order something a bit less expensive?” He barked, annoyed.

“Uh-uh-uh, Aben.” Ruby shook her head. “Number 27. You promised them drinks.”

“Don’t say I can’t be vague in my promises.” The stallion countered.

“Well, Number 15. Your argument is invalid.” The unicorn smirked, and Aben sighed in defeat.

“Ugh, I hate it when you pull the rules on me. They never go in my favor.” The brown colt turned to Rainbow and admitted “Yes, we do. It’s frikkin’ expensive, but anything for your tastes, young lady.” He faked a generous smile to the best of his ability, which wasn’t very good.

“Uh, okay then? I’ll take one.” She answered, feeling the awkward tension.

“I’ll just have water.” Twilight replied. “Same for the dragon.”

“Ginger ale sounds lovely.” Fluttershy said.

“Alright! Be back in a bit.” Ruby smiled in a waitress-y way before taking off. She did a sort of signal to Aben with her facial expression, but it was unclear what it meant. She walked out of sight through the double doors into the kitchen.

“So, Aben, what were those numbers all about?” Twilight asked.

“Those? Those are the 30 Ways of Excalibur, the ol’ rules and guidelines of the guild. They were set in place by Excalibur himself, and all adventurers swear by it and use it as a moral code. He explained. “27 is that I keep my promises. 15 is that I be respectful to you little ladies.”

“Wow. You have them memorized or something?” Rainbow questioned, interested in the adventuring process.

“Not intentionally.” Aben chuckled. “Oh look, our refreshments!” He pointed at the approaching pony. Three mugs and two glasses of water were levitated to their respective patrons, and a large plate of fries was also delivered.

“It’s on me.” Ruby giggled. “Number 24.”

“Thanks Ruby. But you didn’t have to do that, it’s MY mission.”

“She giggled again. “It says ‘allies and comrades’ Aben. You may be a knucklehead, a scoundrel, and a troublemaker, but you’re still family.” She proceeded to noogie the brown stallion, who pushed her hoof aside.

“Yeah, yeah, one big family…” He smirked as the waitress walked away. “At least I have one now.”

“What was that?” Twilight asked.

“Nothing! Now then, answer this; why would three lovely mares and a baby dragon go all the way out here to this rathole of a town?” Aben answered her question with one of his own.

Twilight turned to her friends and they nodded in unison. “We need a guide to Canterlot. We want to avoid conventional means.” She began to elucidate.

“Sounds fishy. Why?” Aben quickly retorted. “Nopony needs to avoid roads unless they’ve got something to hide.”

The ponies and dragon were caught back. Twilight raced her mind for a response. If she goofed this up, everything would be over!

“…Sounds like fun! No wonder they gave me this one!” Aben broke the silent significance with a raucous laugh. “Heck with normal paths and trains, forge your own path! There’s no glory or rewards to be gained by doing it like everypony else! And you can bet your flank I’ll lead you there, and nopony will ever notice us!”

The Ponyvillians sighed heavily. It looked like this worked itself out rather well. Twilight feared that he had an alternate reason for wanting to go so badly, but she preferred not to think about it. But if he was a s good as he said he was, they’d reach Canterlot just as they planned.

“Alright. Before I can officially be in, there’s one teensy-tiny issue we need to finalize; payment.” He returned to seriousness. It was clear by his stern gaze that he valued this detail especially.

Twilight contemplated, and an idea shot into her brain. “Well, I am the princess’s apprentice.” Twilight stated slyly. “Who knows what reward she could give you for escorting her most faithful student safely to her?”

“Hmmm, you’ve a point there, Miss Sparkle. Very well! I accept!” He slammed the table for dramatic effect, spilling Fluttershy’s ginger ale and knocking some fries around the table. “You shall stay in the guest quarters for the eve and night. I will have preparations and all the legal stuff dealt with before noon tomorrow. You can get whatever you need in the meantime. And I know you’ll like the guest quarters; that’s coming from a pony that used them most of his life!”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Rainbow queried.

“Nothing important. My Life Saga needn’t concern you. It’s not as epic as Jakob’s or Ruby’s.” He answered, his voice and manner getting more sullen with each word.

“”Well, I’d listen to it.” Fluttershy squeaked. “It sounds like a good story. I’d love to hear of your adventures.”

Aben’s face lit up again, and he blushed slightly. “You, you’d actually listen to my stories?”

“Of course we would.” Twilight responded.

The adventurer began to appear to have a sort of hopeful aura, but he shook his head and returned to his gruff tone. “Well, we’re traversing uncharted territory on an underground journey to Canterlot through the backwaters of Equestria. Sounds like an adventure for the books, and a great tale to be sung of in the Defte Tavern Hall!” Aben raised his mug into the air. “To our successful mission!”

“Cheers!” The ponies clinked their mugs together and finally began to relax. The conversation following was filled with laughs and good times. At last, a safe place to stay without fear of death, and to make it better, a new friend to share the moments with.