• Published 21st Aug 2016
  • 16,943 Views, 5,894 Comments

Dressed to Steal - Tatsurou

Coco Pommel balances being the daughter of Sly Cooper and a member of the Cooper Gang with not disappointing her Law Enforcement mother, Inspector Carmelita Fox.

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Time Out: When the Wind's From the East And the Sun's From the West

When Deik-Beck returned, he seemed...happier than he'd been before. At the time, I believed that taking on a solo mission to help us had helped him finally be at peace with his origins as a creation of Clockwerk's, and that he truly felt himself to be a Cooper now. I didn't say anything, because I was just happy that he was happy.

From the bug, we learned that Miss Decibel was making the counterfeit documentation for Le Paradox's 'royal pedigree' that he wanted to create for himself in the present. From what Uncle Bentley had discovered going over the bits he'd managed to get a look at, if we didn't manage to put a stop to this, his wealth and power in the present would make him untouchable...much like what would happen to our own family if our lineage was revealed. Unfortunately, he'd deliberately used some of the same families, and the very existence of his documents would cast doubt on ours if we tried to confront the revelation directly that way.

Uncle Bentley had determined we needed to get through a large security door in the lamp shop, but it was always heavily guarded. Although we didn't know what was behind it, we knew that was where Decibel would deliver the completed papers to Le Paradox. We needed some sort of distraction in order to get past the guards. Uncle Bentley was wracking his brain for a good distraction...only for Ca to provide an idea that caught us all off guard...

As Bentley and the others pored over the plan, Ca sauntered up with a smile on her face and some drinks for everyone. "Having some trouble with your plan?" she asked thoughtfully.

"Little bit," Bentley replied distantly. "Trying to figure out a distraction that will draw the guards attention, but won't disrupt the timeline too much. Considering there's anywhere between three and seven guards, balancing that severity of distraction is...difficult."

"Yes," Salim agreed, "and despite my intention to take Ca and the family out of the city, it would not be good for the timeline - or our reputations - if we destroyed large portions of it, even if you do have the resources to do so easily." Here he shot a glower at T-Bone, who rolled his eyes.

"May I have a look?" Ca asked diffidently.

"Please, lend us your eyes dear," Salim offered warmly as he pulled back from the available blueprint. "Perhaps you shall see something that has escaped our notice."

Carmelita raised an eyebrow. "Given her 'mere woman' rant when we first met you, and the usual attitude of this era - not to mention your rant at me - I'm surprised you're being so accommodating."

Salim chuckled softly. "In regards to the heated words of our early meeting, I apologize. Most of that was, as your gifted daughter perceived, were the result of...other issues, and irritation being directed in general to all other possible focuses. As for Ca and thieving..." He grinned widely. "Very few are aware that there were actually 41 thieves..." He rested a hand warmly on Ca's back.

She smiled warmly at him as she leaned over the blueprint, the position drawing attention to the fact she'd changed back into an outfit from the 'business side', a loose hanging harem vest and what could only be described as a thin silk sarong along with a few bangles on wrists, ankles, and ears. As Sly and Bentley tried not to stare, Murray avoided Salim's stern gaze, and T-Bone and Razor freely ogled, she traced a few lines on the diagram. "You've seen some of the guards?" she asked curiously.

"Yeah," Bentley confirmed. "They're all built even bigger than Murray, so disguising as one of them to sneak in wouldn't really work even if we did know the right passwords-"

"Then they are all male?" Ca interrupted incisively.

Bentley blinked in surprise. "Uh...yeah," he confirmed, though his voice was confused. "Is that important?"

Ca smiled. "Guardsmen hired for their muscle rarely have much brain. Do not think 'How do I distract guards'. Think 'How do I distract big, stupid men'." Slowly lifting herself upright and raising her arms over her head, she sent a shake down her body that sent her bangles to jingling...and other things to jiggling. "That is easy, and possibly profitable."

As everyone around the table stared at her in shock, Salim frowned worriedly. "While I know full well that you could easily seize the gaze of any number of guards, the numbers are...worrisome. Only three, and you could easily dispatch them-"

"Dispatch?" Razor asked in surprise.

Smirking, Ca spun her left wrist and flicked one of the bangles. A soft click and one of the gems suddenly jerked forward like a hammer before retracting. After pantomiming holding that wrist near Salim's temple, she made the same motion with her right wrist. This time, a thin sharp blade shot out, hidden by her palm. A quick pass and a piece of fruit on the table fell into tiny pieces, with no sign of the blade when she turned her hand back around.

Salim grinned proudly as everyone stared in awe. "She was my student before she was my beloved," he explained happily. "Even now, there are days I'm not certain who learned more from whom." His grin faded as he turned back to Ca. "But if there are more than three guards, they might...well, guards hired for size and muscle are rarely hired for morals, either..."

"Which is why I always had backup when I used that distraction routine," Ca confirmed as she spun lightly around the table. "Whether your strong allies ready to snipe from afar..." Her hands came to rest on Carmelita and Penelope's shoulders. "Or backup dancers equally talented in dance or combat. And while the men have been off chasing answers, the girls have been taking lessons, I understand."

"So much for surprising Sly," Carmelita grumbled under her breath as Sly stared at her in shock.

"L-lessons?" Bentley asked in shock as he stared at Penelope.

"W-well there wasn't really much for me to do between jobs," she began defensively, her cheeks somewhat flushed, "and I wanted to stay close to you anyway, to be sure you were okay. And..." Her blush grew rosier. "Well, since you are okay and your legs and back are better, I thought, well, maybe once we got back to the present safe and sound we could...spice things up?"

Silence hung over the table for a time. Then Deik-Beck beeped. "Someone must say: best plan ever!"

I had a hard time not laughing my head off at that. When Uncle T-Bone, Uncle Razor, Uncle Murray, Uncle Bentley, and Dad all muttered 'too right' under their breaths, I failed to hold back. This was going to be interesting...

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