• Published 21st Aug 2016
  • 16,943 Views, 5,894 Comments

Dressed to Steal - Tatsurou

Coco Pommel balances being the daughter of Sly Cooper and a member of the Cooper Gang with not disappointing her Law Enforcement mother, Inspector Carmelita Fox.

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Further Exploration

As the pair made their way to the locked gate with the Treasure Keys in hand, they paused as they saw yet another objective marker. "Wonder what that is?" Sly mused curiously.

"Probably another Treasure Key," Coco suggested. "We should probably grab it before heading in deeper. Besides, there might be another safe with another page."

"Good thinking," Sly complimented, swiftly making his way up to the top of the tower where the objective was marked, entering into the tunnel.

As the pair followed the narrow hallway, they saw rats getting ripped apart by dart guns that locked onto them as they stepped on a booby-trapped rug, the darts as thick as arrows. With the rats paste, the guns withdrew into the globes that had concealed them.

"...that's not good," Sly murmured softly. "We need to get past things like that...but how?"

"You could probably throw me across," Coco suggested. "If I don't stand on the rug, it doesn't go off, right?"

"That could work for you," Sly confirmed. His eyes narrowed as he caught sight of a rather thick empty barrel in front of the rug. "And I could use some armor..."

As Sly suspected, with the barrel around him, he was protected from the large darts, allowing him to walk across the rug unscathed. With Coco knocking out the guards with her drugged needles, they were able to continue through the area - which revealed itself to be a library - with relative ease. Sly made sure to bring the barrel with him as best he could, to make it past the later booby trapped sections as the path through the library on the floor and through the rafters, making sure to smash the globes with the dart guns inside them as he passed.

As Coco had predicted, there was a safe on the path to the Treasure Key. She was easily able to open it, discovering - as predicted - another page of the Thievius Raccoonus. This one covered a technique of Dev Cooperinda's, a mental discipline that enhanced one's sense of awareness in the air, making time seem to slow down and allowing the one wielding it to more easily evade incoming hazards while jumping.

Once they'd memorized the technique, Sly pocketed the page before leaving their calling card behind. With that done, the path to the Treasure Key was clear.

As they came out of the library, Sly and Coco spotted yet another objective marker, this time at the top of a high tower without an easy way to access it. "Better explore everything," Sly mused idly. "We aren't actually in a hurry until we see law enforcement, and we do want to recover every page."

"That wheel in the ground," Coco murmured, pointing. "It's directly under that platform up there. Think they're connected?"

"Only one way to find out," Sly replied readily, hopping onto the wheel embedded in the wooden platform and running on it, causing it to spin. This caused the platform to slowly descend. After giving it enough impetus, Sly hopped off the wheel and onto the platform, riding it up to where he could leap to the tower. "Nicely spotted," he praised Coco as they entered the tower.

The area beneath the Tower proved to be the primary furnace offering power to the entire base. As soon as they entered, Sly stopped, feeling Coco slump against his back. "Coco, are you alright?" he asked worriedly.

"F...fine," she gasped out, panting for breath. "Just...a little hot..."

"Maybe you should stay above for this one?" Sly suggested. "I can find clue bottles for this safe-"

"No!" Coco insisted firmly. "I...I can do this. I...I can't let the environment...break me. I can...be a Master Thief too..."

"Coco, you're six," Sly cautioned. "No one expects you to be able to handle anything and everything right off the bat."

"I..." Coco took a few deep breaths, steeling herself against Sly's back. "I want to do this. If I run from heat...I'll always run from heat...and I'll never be able to handle it. I don't...want to end up that way."

Sly frowned thoughtfully. He hated the idea of putting Coco in danger of overheating, but at the same time he could well understand her desire to face up to the things that held her back. He was the same way. He felt himself on the verge of relenting, then noticed something off to the side. "Coco, the safe's right there," he stated firmly. "You crack it, and then you get out of here, understand? You're too young for us to be risking you unnecessarily. Your Mom would never forgive me if you fell ill because I let you act recklessly."

"O-okay," Coco stammered out, walking over to the safe and quickly cracking it. Inside were two pages of the Thievius Raccoonus, much to both their surprise. The first page covered a Dive Collection technique developed by Chris Cooper. The second was a page penned by an unnamed Cooper, covering a technique called the Blood of Ice. It detailed a mental discipline that could allow one to control one's inner body temperature in a variety of environments. Apparently, it had been originally developed to prevent leaving evidence behind in snowy or icy areas, but later became useful for hiding from infrared sensors and night vision goggles. Seeing the second page, Coco couldn't help but chuckle. "Guess I get to stay down here after all," she offered teasingly.

"Rascal," Sly chided playfully. Once the two pages were memorized, Sly left the calling card behind. The second technique proved very effective once the pair put it into practice. "Odd that we'd just so happen to find the very page you'd need most of all in the safe that's the closest to the entrance to an area you couldn't explore without it, though. And odd that there's no name on the technique, either..."

"I'm sure it'll make sense eventually," Coco replied. "The pages seem stuck together...almost as though they were a single page before the heat of the room caused them to separate...and this technique was hidden on the inside of the pages..."

"As though it was deliberately left for you," Sly mumbled, thinking carefully. "...I wish I knew more about the legend of our legacy. Maybe there'd be answers there..."

"For now, let's get to the end," Coco suggested. "We shouldn't waste that much time. Just because Mommy hasn't shown up doesn't mean Raleigh's men won't find us."

"Right," Sly agreed, making a mental note to look into that when they were on the way to the next member of the Fiendish Five. Instead, the pair continued through the furnace area, encountering no obstacles that delayed them significantly from acquiring the hidden Treasure Key.

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