• Published 21st Aug 2016
  • 16,943 Views, 5,894 Comments

Dressed to Steal - Tatsurou

Coco Pommel balances being the daughter of Sly Cooper and a member of the Cooper Gang with not disappointing her Law Enforcement mother, Inspector Carmelita Fox.

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Time Out: Dressed for Success

It didn't take long for Rioichi to get in, get the outfit, and get back out with it...with a little computer help from Uncle Bentley, and Mom and I making sure Uncle Murray didn't try to be a ninja. Once we had it, I began going over it to determine the proper course of action. The results weren't what I expected...

Coco carefully examined Madame Geisha's kimono once it was set up on a mannequin in the hideout. It was made of bright blue silk with a flower pattern, with a purple inner kimono without a pattern and a dark blue obi to hold it shut. However, it quickly became apparent that Madame Geisha had a...unique figure. Expected, given she was apparently a rhinoceros, but not something that could easily be worked around. "We have a problem," she spoke up to the others. "It won't fit either of them."

"It won't?" Sly asked in surprise.

"In size, Madame Geisha was closer to Murray," Coco explained, "but there's no way we can fit him in this outfit without major alterations and finding something to fill in the...gaps. It's sized exactly to Madame Geisha's figure. Mom's got the right curves to fill it out, but she's not big enough. The whole thing would simply hang off her." She frowned thoughtfully. "While probably something that might happen at a Geisha House, probably not conducive to getting information."

"I do not suppose you have come up with a solution?" Riocihi asked curiously.

"Well, I can think of one," Coco began carefully. "But we'd need a lot of silk, in several different colors. No idea where we'd get that-"

Rioichi grinned at the sight of Coco's stunned expression as he unloaded several rolls of silk fabric. "I thought alterations might be necessary. I have never worked with silk before, so I did not know how much you would need. The Geishas - and Madame Geisha herself - apparently maintain their own outfits, as they had a great deal in a storeroom."

"Then this is exactly what I need," Coco declared firmly as she gathered the silk. "I'll make an outfit exactly like Madame Geisha's in pattern for Uncle Murray, but designed to make it look like he has her figure. Meanwhile, using the vixen Geisha sign outside the Geisha House as a base pattern, I'll make another outfit for Mom. Then they can both slip into the dressing rooms before making their way out to 'entertain' the guards. That ought to get El Jefe's attention - if he questions who Mom is, Uncle Murray can claim her as 'new scouted talent'. If Mom does a good enough job with the dance routine, she'll pass as a 'scouted natural'."

"Alright," Bentley spoke up firmly. "While you make the outfits, I'll work with Rioichi to choreograph a routine for the both of them-"

"Geisha of this level don't usually dance together," Carmelita pointed out. "It'd make more sense for Murray to introduce himself as Madame Geisha and invite the guards to observe 'our newest talent'. No need to plan a routine for me."

"You...know how to dance like a geisha?" Rioichi asked in surprise. "Is this a normal skill women of your time learn?"

"Depends on how in shape they want to be," Carmelita responded plainly. In a whisper, she added, "And how desperate they are to find any way to spur a return of memory..."

"Alright, it won't take long to make the outfits," Coco responded swiftly to prevent further awkward discussion.

Getting them in proved relatively easy. I honestly wasn't surprised that Dad and Rioichi slipped in to see the show. I did too. What I was surprised by was just how good Mom was.

The entire guard complement in the Geisha House looked up as Murray stepped out, done up as Madame Geisha complete with face paint. "Greetings all!" he greeted expansively. "I am Madame Geisha, here to entertain you! Please, enjoy our new lady's debut!" With that, he stepped back, letting Carmelita step forward.

Based off the design on the sign, Carmelita's outer kimono was a dark blue with a flickering star pattern. Her inner kimono was an even darker blue to be almost black, with a paler blue obi holding it closed. The neckline was held lower, to show off more of her ample cleavage much like on the sign. Her face had been carefully painted white as was the geisha style, and her long, waving dark blue hair had been tamed and looped around into a delicate bun atop her head, a decorative chopstick slipped in to hold it in place. Her long, wide sleeves hid her hands as she stepped out onto the stage, and her shining eyes instantly captivated everyone watching as they slowly opened, the dark brown shimmering pools amidst the white field the paint made her face sucking everyone in.

And then the music started, and she began her dance. This dance was no makeshift routine like what Bentley had thrown together for Murray. Each and every movement was calm and controlled, showing both the shape of her body and her command of it as she moved arms, legs, and body in perfect harmony to the beat of the music, her eyes shifting between each of the guards as she danced, locking eye contact and giving each of them - for that brief time - the impression that she was dancing just for them. The song wasn't even half way over by the time the guards were completely blinded by awe.

As the song moved into the second half, Carmelita's eyes found Sly's she continued her dance, keeping her eyes on his as she swayed and swooped, her whole body a poem in motion as she beckoned, her dance calling him forward and towards her. Sly proved completely unable to resist, nearly stepping onto the stage with her before Rioichi caught his shoulder. Surprisingly enough, the guards were so captivated that they barely noticed.

As the music ended, Carmelita returned to her upright posture, hands once more in her sleeves as she bowed silently to the audience before following Murray back towards the dressing rooms.

As Coco moved with Sly and Rioichi out of the Geisha House, she whispered, "Mom has got to teach me to dance like that!"

Rioichi caught Sly before he could faceplant.

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