• Published 29th Aug 2016
  • 3,029 Views, 50 Comments

Fire Emblem Fates Equestria - The Dark Brony

A man gets displaced as Corrin becomes the one person who can supposedly restore peace to the world.

  • ...

Chapter 10 - Attack on Griffinstone

Author's Note:

Hello everyone,

I know it's been over a year this last updated and I'd like to apologise for that. We decided to rewrite this chapter and rerelease it.

We would like to hear your opinions on the new chapter and any improvements you think need making.

we hope to hear from you soon

While the two Children of Fate were…busy for lack of better term, Gunter was seen assembling everyone. It was tough at first seeing as the group of soldiers were off doing their own thing. Alas though, he succeeded.

Although he digresses. After assembling all the troops, he decided to wait on Corrin and Corrina. However, as time passed with still no sign of either, Gunter began to slightly worry.

Did anything happen? Were they in some kind of trouble? He decided to investigate and see for himself.

As he walked over to where they were last, he began to think and dwell on his relations with the two. He saw Corrin as a king, soldier, and a trusted friend, but what did he think of Corrina? They HAD been stuck together for awhile. He even taught her how to survive and all. Perhaps the emotion he was feeling was something similar to fatherhood or something. After all, as far as he could remember, Gunter had no family due to them being killed by an unknown murder.

He just hoped the two were okay. They were the only family he had left. Finally reaching the door, Gunter knocked and said aloud, “Milord, Milady, are you ok in there? Hello?”

There was no response at first, and Gunter began to worry again slightly. However, as soon as he was about to knock once more, the door opened and what he saw amazed (and also surprised) him.

Both Corrin and Corrina were seen holding hands! Shaking away his slight surprise, he asked again, “Is everything alright you two? You took awhile and we all began to worry.”

“Everything’s fine Gunter… possibly better than fine,” Corrin admitted with a smile Gunter had not seen before.

Gunter also looked to Corrina who seemed to possess the same happiness that Corrin did. “I assume the same for you milady?” He asked somewhat knowingly.

Corrina could only giggle and nod. “Yes. We're better than fine so far. Thanks for your concern Gunter.” She said as he nodded.

“Well then, that's good to hear,” Gunter said. He then began to report. “Anyway, Lord Corrin, I've assembled everyone. They're awaiting your next set of orders.” Gunter bowed.

Corrin almost looked as if he was going to mutter something before he said “Gunter… you don’t need to act like that around me… just act like you would treat anyone else.”

“Ah yes. Forgive me, Corrin. Force of habit I suppose.” Gunter laughed slightly.

“That's Gunter for you…” Corrina joked lightly.

“That's for sure,” Corrin added before he said “Anyway… we should be getting some visitors soon.”

“Visitors, you say hm?” Gunter asked. “Shall I prepare some extra tents for later then?”

“I have a feeling that may not be necessary, I think they will be well prepared.”

“Of course Corrin. I understand.” Gunter nodded with a smile. “Regardless, shall I take you to the others?”

“That’s probably a good idea,” Corrin admitted.

“I agree with Corrin. Let's get going. Lead the way, Gunter.” Corrina said.

“Very well, if you'll please follow me.” Gunter then took the two to an abandoned old farm, big enough to fit the troops that were brought with them. He opened the doors and there, everyone was.

“Attention everyone,” Gunter said, “I've brought back Corrin and Corrina.” He then motioned for Corrin that the spotlight was all his.

“As always you never cease to amaze me, Gunter,” Corrin admitted before turning to everyone before he said, “We have a new location to head towards… we are going to Griffinstone.”

“Griffinstone?” Krang interrupted, “If I remember correctly, the Changeling Army was looking to recruit the Griffins to their cause, by force if necessary…” he informed.

“Then it’s lucky you have some escorts,” A dark voice chuckled from above them.

Krang jumped in surprise and said, “Who said that?” He then drew his weapon just in case.

“Lower your weapon Krang… this is one of the people that were sent to aid us,” Corrin admitted.

A portal then opened and another person entered, although he began to cough as soon as he entered. “Yeesh! Did you HAVE to leave me behind bud? And what's that smell?!” He coughed.

“I can’t help that you take so long,” The first voice chuckled before the figure cloaked in shadows landed next to the newcomer, both of which Corrin and Corrina recognised.

“Wait a minute,” Corrina said. “You guys seem familiar. Are you the ones we met in that cave?”

“And we have a winner,” The first figure chuckled.

“Man...I wish she was wrong because I like a little mystery…” the second muttered to himself.

“Oh trust me we still have little knowledge about you… just a memory of you both appearing,” Corrin admitted.

“Ha! I knew it. We’re becoming legends already eh pal?” The second said to the first nudging him. Although the first’s eye was slightly twitching unknown to the second.

“Okay listen up… you need to get to Griffinstone and we want to get this done, so we can get back to our king and make sure he’s safe.” The first figure sighed.

“Yup. He's right. Luckily for all of you, I've prepared a portal just for you all so we can get to Griffinstone before you can say ‘thanks’!” The second said jovially.

“And can we have your names?” Corrin requested.

The second stepped up first saying, “Heh, the names Warp Shadow! Master of the dark arts and portal magic. At your service!” He bowed.

The first only rolled his eyes before he said “You would love to know, wouldn’t you… but you ain’t getting anything from me.”

“Why not?” Corrina asked.

“Whoa, whoa! Sorry, but my buddy is quite secretive. Can ya blame him?” Warp asked rhetorically.

“Why should I, the most elite ninja of our lifetimes tell you anything.”

“Well, it would help build a sense of trust right?” Corrina suggested.

“Like I’d trust you… your kind are the reason I lost everyone and became this… thing.”

Warp could only facepalm and mutter silently, “Here he goes into depression mode again…”

“Oh shut it,” The figure groaned “If you must, you can refer to me as Grandmaster Haze.”

“That or stuck up…” Warp chucked to himself, not noticing Haze cracking his knuckles at Warp.

“You want to end up in the wall again Warp,” Haze said almost maliciously.

Warp could only sweatdrop, remembering clearly well what happened last time and began to sweat while waving his arms frantically, “No, no, no! I'm ok! You're the best buddy in the world! I'm sorry!” This caused everyone else to slightly sweatdrop at the two’s shenanigans.

“You sound like you just have a big ego to me,” Akatsuki chuckled.

Warp immediately froze at that and made a cutting motion across his throat.

“Kid… you want to end up dead… see where you get yourself,” Haze said, his grin almost looking sadistic.

“Don't you dare threaten my sister!” Krang angrily said.

“Oh yes you… weren’t you the idiot who got fooled into trying to kill her and even got that seal on to gain more power,” Haze mocked.

Krang almost fell for the bait but decided it wasn't worth it...for now.

Warp then turned to his friend and said, “Dude...that was harsh. The master taught you better.”

“He only has me around because he fears what would happen if I were to join our enemies.”

Gunter then interrupted. “As much as this is interesting to hear, we should get to the matter at hand. Unless someone else wants to divert the subject at hand?”

No one else seemed to object and Haze just seemed to grumble slightly before submitting.

“Right then Warp, could you get us moving.” Corrin requested.

“With pleasure my friend!” Warp saluted childishly before opening a dark portal open in thin air. “Don't let it’s appearance fool ya, this baby won't harm you. You WILL kinda feel slightly dizzy upon exiting though heh…” Warp sheepishly scratched the back of his head at the last part.

“If this allows us to get the upper hand, I'm all for it,” Corrin admitted looking to everyone.

“I'm with you all the way!” Corrina said as Gunter nodded as well.

“You saved me when I was at my worst, count me in,” Krang said.

Draecoza simply nodded and prepared himself on Corrin’s signal.

“I said I'd protect you my lord, and that's what I intend to do,” Akatsuki admitted.

“I… um guess so,” Minori agreed shyly.

“Hey, I might've just joined ya’ll, but let's go kick some honey bun!” Warp said with a big grin.

“How have I not killed you yet?” Haze muttered under his breath.

Warp could only chuckle to himself silently. Thankfully, Haze didn't hear him...or just chose to ignore him this time.

Okay then everyone, let's move out,” Corrin ordered.

“RIGHT!” Everyone excluding Haze shouted in unison while heading through the portal. They were finally off to Griffinstone!

As the group exited the portal they looked around themselves as they saw that the ‘city’ around them was already a bit destroyed. The majority of the buildings had collapsed and others were still burning.

“Are we too late?” Corrin asked as he looked around him.

Krang looked around as well and replied, “No. We can't be. Usually, the Changelings would leave some survivors for slavery or for love absorption…” he said.

“There should be some sort of survivors… at least some sort of noise,” Corrin said before they heard explosion a small distance away from them.

Corrina then said, “Well…guess that answers your question eh Corrin?”

“Well… why are we just standing around here… shouldn’t we go and help them?” Akatsuki asked.

Krang nodded and said, “Akatsuki is right. Shall we get going?”

“Yeah let's move,” Corrin ordered as he drew the Sol from the sheath at his side.

Corrina did the same, drawing Brynhildr and her Levin Sword, taking a pose similar to Robin’s from Fire Emblem Awakening. “I've always wanted to try this!” She said aloud.

“Who knows, you may end up meeting a Robin Displaced if you're lucky,” Corrin admitted as he began to run towards where he heard the noise from.

Corrina simply giggled and the others followed right behind the two.

When they arrived, they saw a few Changelings fighting back an unknown enemy. Among them was Shiroe which elicited a slight growl from both Krang and Akatsuki.

Corrin then looked to both Akatsuki and Krang before he asked them curiously, “Do you think you could even take them on?”

Krang gave a small smirk. “Heh. When me and my sister work together, I doubt they'll even be able to lay a scratch on us!” He then prepared his Steel Sword and multiple Iron Shuriken. “You ready sis?”

“You really don’t think that you are jumping the gun here do you?” Akatsuki asked curiously, “I mean he was better than most of us in the hive by leaps and bounds.”

Krang gave a slight growl at the reminder. He hated to be reminded of his past weakness. “Maybe you're right, but that was then. I think that now that I have you, I might be able to grow what I lacked before.”

“A lack of skill?” Haze questioned harshly.

Surprisingly to Haze and Akatsuki, Krang simply gave a smirk and said, “Maybe that was part of it once, but I meant something else entirely. They were patience and strategy. But then again, what do I know? I'm only going to kick butt, and I don't need to listen to what you have to say. If I were you, I’d put your money where your mouth is. Now let's go kick butt sis!” He then raced off, leaving a stunned Haze behind.

Warp couldn't help but snigger. “Kid’s got a way with words I have to say!” He smiled cheerfully.

Haze only grumbled and headed over as well. He would not be outshined by some lowly upstart!

“Maybe we shouldn’t just go in guns blazing this time; all we know is what we can see and even that’s limited. Besides, almost all of us need to get in close to try anything, and there are too many of them for that to be a good idea,” Corrin responded, looking down at the army inside the crumbling town.

Corrina put her hand to her chin in thought. She then snapped her fingers. “I think I have an idea guys.”

Her retainer, Gunter, looked toward her and asked, “Well, we might as well hear it.”

Corrina blushed at being suddenly put on the spotlight but regained composure and said, “Well, I was thinking we could have one or two groups be distractions and lead some of the army away from each other. Then we pick ‘em off one by one!”

Gunter gave a “hmm” sound and looked towards Corrin. “Corrin, what do you think of the idea? It is basic, true, but the enemy usually doesn't think of something so...regular.”

“Minori, what are the chances Shiroe planned on us doing something so simple?” Corrin asked looking to her.

“Knowing him, he’ll have already expected us to do something simple if he thinks we are here, but we did come from miles away so I doubt he’ll be expecting us here so soon.”

Draecoza then spoke. “I think it’s worth a shot. Even if we DO get found out, I doubt anyone else has a better plan?” He wondered, getting slightly impatient.

“As much as I don’t like this plan, we can’t sit around idly for much longer,” Corrin responded before saying, “If we split into two groups only attack people if they aren’t with the rest of the opposing army, don’t try to attack them all at once.”

“Sounds like a better plan than any.” Corrina agreed with Corrin, giving him a smile.

“I'm all for it. What are we waiting for? Let's get into groups.” Draecoza said, his weapons at the ready.

“Okay, well, I guess we better split off into two groups,” Corrin suggested, “It’s just a matter of who goes with who.”

Gunter decided to examine the groups and calculated real quick in his head who was best. He then said, “Corrin, I believe that Group 1 should consist of myself, you, Corrina, and Minori. IT’s obvious we’ll be fighting the most after all.” he deduced.

Draecoza then said, “Then Group 2 will be myself, Krang, Akatsuki, along with our two new helpers?”

“So you want me to co-operate with those mockeries that call themselves Ninjas? Whatever made you think I would agree with that!” Haze argued.

Draecoza, keeping his composure, sighed, then walked up to Haze, and said, “You’re pathetic. If you won’t help, leave. Simple as that. Your help or no, we WILL succeed.”

Warp then said, “Haze, just drop the attitude and work with them? Otherwise we’ll get nowhere and the boss will be displeased.”

“Oh, of course, what would we ever do if the old man was displeased, sit as he hits us with his walking stick?” Haze responded.

“Would you rather he do that or simply show you what convinced you to join in the first place? Your past?” Warp retorted.

As if that was a trigger, Haze then fell to his knees clutching his head in pain. He felt like a thousand knives were digging into his skull. He could also make out (barely) what his boss said. “HELP THEM OR ELSE!!!”

The pain then receded, as Haze gasped desperately for air.

Warp then said oh so helpfully, “I told you so.”

“Screw you Warp,” Haze responded as he slowly stood up on shaky legs before he said, “I’ll follow your orders for now kid, but once we’re done, don’t expect me to listen to you again.”

Draecoza nodded in response. He could work with that for now. He then turned to Corrin and said, “We await your orders my King.”

“Yeah. Whatever you say,” Haze responded through gritted teeth.

Corrina could only stifle her laughter at Haze’s ‘tough guy’ response. She then said to Corrin, “He sure is quite the colorful character huh?” She remarked silently to him.

“Agreed,” Corrin whispered back with a smile before he continued to say, “I want anyone not with me to focus on protecting, saving, and evacuating anyone who is still in the town, get them somewhere safe while the rest of us keep their army distracted.”

Everyone in Group 2 nodded and said, “Roger!” while Haze stayed silent, but still complied. They then headed down to the town to carry out their orders.

Corrin then looked to everyone who was left before he said, “So, we need to be a good distraction and I think two of us have the perfect things to do it.”

“Wait, do you mean our Dragonstones, Corrin?” Corrina asked.

“Would you expect two dragons to charge into the fray and attack them? I’d say that we would really throw them off guard for at least a couple minutes, and while we do that, Minori? We will need you to keep us healed and Gunter, you’ll need to both protect her and kill off any stragglers that get behind us.”

“O- okay! Leave it to me!” Minori said with determination whilst Gunter nodded and gestured her to get on his Thestral to be safe.

It was then that Corrin, Corrina, and Gunter seemed to see a message pop up in front of their faces almost like it was some kind of screen from an online game’s menu that said, ‘Minori has requested to form a party with a tick and a cross below.

Corrin and Corrina were surprised, but looked at one another and shrugged. They each then pressed the tick and Gunter did the same, following his leiges’ example.

The screen then said, “You are now in a party with Minori! Objective: Rout The Enemy!”

Corrin then looked to the group before he asked them, “Is anyone else seeing a massive status update in the right side of their vision with the name Dave written on it four times?”

Corrina scratched her head in confusion as well. “Um, yea. What’s up with that?”

“As long as you don’t hear the menu you're all safe,” Minori admitted to the group.

“Might I ask what you mean by that Miss Minori?” Gunter asked with suspicion.

“You really don’t want to know,” Minori responded with a groan of annoyance as they heard her mutter to herself, “Shut up you damn menu.”

“I’m sorry Dave, but I can not help you with that,” a strangely robotic voice responded that the whole group heard.

“Wait, what the heck was that?” Corrin asked in confusion.

“Heck if I know Corrin!” Corrina gasped in surprise.

“What manner of sorcery-?!” Gunter was about to finish before he was interrupted.

“Hello Dave.” the robotic voice responded back.

“So what am I your wife now or something?” Corrin responded back to the voice.

The voice stayed quiet for a few moments before it said, “You know… I hate it when people know the reference, you win this round… Corrin.”

Corrina could only giggle at Corrin’s response to the menu’s voice.

“Wait… what even is that reference?” Minori responded in confusion.
“Perhaps we should all just focus on the IMPORTANT thing right now.” Gunter sighed with gritted teeth.

“Agreed,” Corrin responded as he looked towards the town with his Dragonstone in his right hand, “Corrina. Are you ready?”

“Always Corrin.” Corrina replied. Both then held their Dragonstones up high and transformed into their Dragon Forms. Both forms seemed similar, with each having deer-like horns, a mouthless mouth, silver and blue scales, and finally, powerful claws to complete the look. Although the only difference between the two was Corrina’s slimmer form and Corrin’s more muscular one.

It was then that both Dragons looked towards each other before both charged towards the town before crashing into many of the Changelings in the main path, either killing them outright or heavily crippling them in the process.

One of the nearby Changeling Generals saw what happened to his soldiers and said, “Dragons?! Grant them no quarter! ATTACK! For Nohr!”

“FOR NOHR!” The other Changelings shouted and headed towards the two intimidating dragons.

It was all for naught however, as Corrin and Corrina easily plowed through the oncoming enemy with their sharp horns, eviscerating the Changeling horde like a hot knife through butter.

The general was shocked and said to a nearby Changeling, “Inform General Shiroe of this! I will provide a distraction until he gets here!”

“Y-yes sir!” The messenger said. “Good luck sir!”

“I won’t need it if what happened to my army says anything…” The general muttered. He would not go down without a fight though. He then activated his Curse Mark that all Generals were gifted by from their King, King Garon. “Prepare yourselves dragons!” he said, as he glowed with a huge amount of evil energy.

It was then that Corrin jumped over the Changelings, landing on top of the fleeing Messenger breaking its legs and damaging their wings, leaving it alive and twitching before looking back to the General with what almost looked to be a smirk.

The General growled at this offense and prepared to attack, when he was then blindsided by Corrina ramming into him, breaking part of his exoskeleton and armor.

“I am General Beeris! I will NOT lose to you!” The now named Beeris proclaimed. He then grabbed a Wyrmslayer and threw it towards Corrin.

Seeing this, Corrina took the blow for Corrin, but she began to bleed badly. Before Beeris could press the advantage, he heard a voice say,

“A BIG mistake!” He then turned towards a charging Gunter who then impaled him in the chest.

“Hmph. Rookie.” Gunter sneered at the fallen enemy. He then motioned to an out of breath Minori to heal Corrina, but then…


Gunter went flying right into her due to Beeris somehow surviving! Apparently, he was being controlled like a puppet seeing as the Curse Mark pulsed even brighter than before and it covered his entire body. His power also got stronger as well.

Minori then seemed to look up at what Corrin could only assume to be her status menu before a light surrounded Corrina as the General seemed to charge towards her, only for Corrin to revert back into his normal form and grab the Shadow Yato from his side using it to intercept Beeris.

Beeris gave out a snarl and pushed his blade (which was another Wyrmslayer) harder in his and Corrin’s deadlock. Corrin began to lose ground, but before he could get hit by the Wyrmslayer, a glowing tree stabbed its branches straight through Beeris’ entire body. Beeris could only look back in stunned awe as Corrina had reverted back, fully healed and with Brynhildr in hand.

“No one hurts MY Corrin!” She shouted out in anger and clenched her fist, ending the life of Beeris the General.

“Gagh! Forgive me Lord Shiroe…” Beeris said before becoming still.

Corrin then looked back to Corrina before quickly running over to Gunter as he said, “You okay down there?”

Gunter gave a couple coughs and gave a slightly strained smile. “I am okay Corrin, thank you. Guess i’m not as young as I used to be. Ha ha. Still, I have to admit that that General Beeris barely left a bruise.”

Corrina then walked up and gave Gunter a hug. She then gave a small pouting glare and said, “Gunter, please don’t overdo that again!”

Gunter smiled and said back, “Of course milady. My apologies.”

“Just don’t get yourself hurt too badly big guy. Someone needs to walk her down the isle someday,” Corrin stated as he began to look over Beeris’s body putting the Wyrmslayer into the large bag sending it back to the town for safekeeping.

It was then he looked to the side of Beeris’s body to find what almost looked to be a strange pistol of some kind. The weapon was white in colour but beyond that, it was covered by intricate golden markings covering it. Corrin then slowly reached down towards the object before he picked it up, looking over it closely.

After a few moments, the object suddenly began to glow in a golden light before he felt a weird sensation almost like an unbearable heat spread throughout his body and golden lines spread across his armour along with a small hooded coat covering him that had similar markings to the ones that had just appeared on his arm.

The light then faded from Corrin and all were quite amazed at what they just witnessed. Corrina couldn't help but ask her friend/boyfriend, “Are you okay Corrin? What was all that?”

“I'm with milady on this my liege. What WAS that?” Gunter asked as well. “And what's up with your new appearance?”

“I have no idea,” Corrin responded as he looked at himself before holding the weapon he had picked up in his hands turning it over and examining it, before he added, “I’m assuming this thing has something to do with it though.”

Corrina decided to take a closer look at what Corrin was holding and then gasped in surprise. “Oh my gosh! I know that weapon!” She exclaimed.

Everyone turned to her for an explanation. Corrina blushed in slight embarrassment for her outburst and explained.

“This weapon is known as Breidablik. It was a part of the series in a phone app game called Fire Emblem Heroes. It could summon other heroes from alternate worlds and timelines. It was wielded by one of the main characters who was named Kiran.”

“Most interesting…” Gunter hummed in thought. “Does that mean we can summon Heroes to help us if we need it?”

“It would be possible I believe,” Corrina then hesitated, “But we’d need orbs and some summoning stones.”

“And how do we even get those?” Corrin asked curiously.

Corrina put a hand to her chin in thought, and then looked to the now dead Changeling General. “Well, seeing as he doesn't look like he has any, maybe the Anna we’re searching for may have some? There was an Anna in the Heroes app from what I recall. Other than that, I don't know.” She said with a small disappointed frown.

Suddenly, the two heard Minori scream. Everyone turned to look behind them and saw an armada of Changelings marching their way; spears and other weapons in hand. One had Minori currently hostage, a knife at her throat.

“Drop your weapons!” The Changeling said, “Or your little healer dies!”

Everyone decided to comply, seeing as they didn't know what to do. Corrin gave a frown though, as he hated to be helpless.

As the Changelings gathered the weapons, one asked his commanding officer, “Sir! What about that one trinket they have there?”

The commander looked at it and replied, “Ah that, that once belonged to Beeris, but it doesn't even work. He was so obsessed with getting it to work, but look at him now! Dead and defeated by these worms! Ha ha!”

The other Changelings laughed at this, amusement clear on their faces.

“So your orders?” The Changeling asked.

“Let then keep it. It'll give them something to play with while they rot in a cell.” All the other Changelings laughed in amusement once more.

Corrin then looked to the trinket before placing his finger over the trigger, looking forwards towards the oncoming army, before slowly standing up, pointing it forwards towards the Changeling holding Minori.

The Changeling holding Minori saw this and laughed mockingly. “Ha! What're you gonna do kid? That thing is just a dead trinket! Like it'll actually work for you if it didn't work for us!”

“Maybe none of you ever believed in yourselves enough,” Corrin responded, pulling the trigger back as a flash of white light formed from Breidablik before it faded.

Seeing nothing happening, the Changeling laughed once more before a cough got his attention. Suddenly, an eerie looming shadow fell over the Changeling holding Minori. He gulped and looked behind him. He then saw a large humanoid figure in full midnight black armor standing behind him holding a large two handed sword (although he was strongly holding it in one arm) in his hands.

“Wh-what is this?!” The Changeling gasped in fear.

The figure simply “hmphed” and said, “I am the Black Knight. And you, SHALL KNOW YOUR PLACE!” He then used his blade, Alondite, and quickly severed the heads of most of the Changelings in one fell swoop (including the one holding Minori).

The others could only gape in shock at how powerful this newcomer was.

“What.. the... hell?” Gunter cursed uncharacteristically.

“Amazing! It's the Black Knight!” Corrina said aloud.

Said Knight turned towards them and approached them, each of their weapons in hand. He then gave each one back to them and then kneeled in front of Corrin.

“You summoned me Summoner. I am at your beck and call.”

“Wait… what do you mean that?” Corrin asked.

The Black Knight pointed to Breidablik and replied, “It is as I said Summoner. You hold the sacred summoning weapon: Breidablik, which can call forth a Hero from another dimension randomly. Also, since you summoned me through it, I am yours to command as you see fit.” Black Knight explained.

“As long as you don’t dislike me for doing it, okay then,” Corrin responded before looking towards the remaining changelings, “What we need to do is save the civilians in this town and recover our weaponry that was taken from us.”

“As you command sir.” Black Knight responded with a bow. He then began to walk towards the remaining Changelings (who were trembling in fear) and swiftly used Alondite to cut his way through them and open a path for the team to get by.

“Milord!” Gunter exclaimed in awe, “This could be our chance. While Black Knight keeps them occupied, we can go through and save the nearby civilians!”

“I’m with Gunter on this one, Corrin!” Corrina said in agreement.

“Okay,” Corrin agreed, before holding his hand upwards before a pained scream was heard from a Changeling and Corrin’s Yato’s flew back towards him, one into his hand and the other two into their own scabbards.

Corrina used Brynhildr and used its magical properties to get her weapons back as well. Mainly her Levin Sword, Shadow Yato and other her Thunder Tome.

Gunter took a more direct approach and simply swat aside any Changeling with his bare fists and grabbed his Steel Lance and Brave Axe before impaling and beheading a Changeling trying to sneak up on him.

“Looks like everyone’s weapons are accounted for!” Corrina smiled happily. She had missed her Levin Sword. It was a favorite of hers after all.

“Agreed milady. What’s next Corrin?” Gunter asked. “Shall we go and find any nearby civilians?”

“Yes let's go,” Corrin responded with a nod of his head as he looked back to Black Knight before saying, “Think you can hold them all off? And if possible, leave a few alive? If so, bring them back with you.”

Black Knight gave a grunt in response when he blocked an attack and then nodded. “Understood Summoner. It shall be done.” Black Knight then charged up his Black Luna technique and asked the Changelings, “Will you survive?” He then quickly annihilated most of them except for a select few who fainted at such tremendous power.

Black Knight then quickly picked up the ones who fainted and nodded to Corrin, but not before saying, “I shall take them to the Astral Plane, Summoner. I shall return once they’re properly in their cells.” He then used his Warp Powder to quickly disappear out of sight.

Corrin then looked back to everyone before he said, “Let's get moving while we can,” and he quickly grabbed the shaken Minori before supporting her.

As they began to look for some of the town’s civilians they found very few living civilians. Most of their bodies were strewn around the streets, with blood pooling around the bodies of them, slowly creeping down the paths.

Corrina could only grimace at such a gruesome sight. She couldn’t help but shed a few tears in sorrow for the civilians of Griffinstone. She then muttered to herself, “Even here, there is no end to evil…”

Gunter could only pat her on the back for reassurance. He knew that his liege was very prone to emotional outbursts at times. Thankfully, both he and Corrin were there now.

“That may be true Lady Corrina, but they will always have us, shepherds of sorts to protect the sheep.” Gunter smiled at her, making a small joke at the same time.

Corrina could only giggle at the reference Gunter unknowingly made.
“I honestly wish I was able to sense the presence of anyone alive right about now,” Corrin stated to himself as he looked around him, quickly finding the bodies of some of the attacking Changelings on the ground; some of them clearly still alive but trying to fake their deaths as to avoid Corrin’s gaze.

Gunter could only snort in anger and slight disbelief. “Ha. Such cowards. It’s as if they really believe they can escape justice.” He then turned to Corrin. “Should we leave them Corrin? It’s your call.”

As if to answer his question, Corrin quickly buried his sword into the ground directly next to the Changeling’s head. It suddenly jumped up in shock before Corrin quickly stepped on it’s back forcing it back to the ground, as he towered over the terrified Changeling. “Tell me. Why did you attack the people here, and where are the survivors?”

The Changeling trembled in fear and decided to tell them what they wanted to hear, not wanting his life to end so soon. “We were following orders from King Garon’s two Tacticians. Lord Shiro and Lord Iago. We were supposed to attack this place and strip it of its minerals for some sort of future project. Then, we were to take any survivors for Nohr’s army. They’re currently back at camp in the forest where Lord Shiro is directing the attack. But, its heavily fortified. That’s all I know! I swear!”

Corrin then looked to Corrina and Gunter before he placed his foot on the Changeling’s head forcing it to look at Corrina and Gunter before he continued to say, “I think you know a lot more than that. I want to know everything, how many civilians you have, any weaknesses in the camp, and the amount of forces inside it.”

The Changeling gulped in fear, as Corrin put a bit more pressure on the Changelings skull before it quickly responded “Okay, okay! Ease up on the foot please! Anyway, from what I can remember, we have about fifty or more civilians including some sort of merchant who was wielding an axe. As for weaknesses? Um...i think there’s a few bits of flammable oil and a couple of crossbows for emergencies. What else...oh! But the camp has over a hundred forces, lead by a man named Hans. I don’t know the guy personally, but he’s a brute, plain and simple! A-anything e-else???” He asked nervously.

Corrin then looked to Gunter before he said, “Anything else we need to know from this one?”

Gunter put a hand to his chin and gave it some thought before saying, “Ask him if there are any traps hidden for intruders, along with the possibility of reinforcements and alarms.”

Corrin then looked down to the Changeling again before he said, “Need I ask those requests again,” as he put force back onto the Changling’s head as the blood that had been running down the road began to run into it’s face.

The Changeling simply shook his head and said, “N-no! I’ll tell ya them!” He then gulped before saying, “There are a few tripwires here and there in between some bushes for alarms and other things, such as pitfalls, poisoned needles, and more. There’s also the Faceless guards that Lord Iago gave Lord Shiro the ability to summon. These ones are more fierce than the norm though. Not even us regular grunts can go near them, otherwise we’re ripped to shreds! Finally, there are some traps that have seals etched on them. We call them Loyalty Traps. They can etch a seal on you to make you immediately loyal to Nohr via a Curse Mark. Other than that...not much else I think, oh, except for one other thing. Some sort of artifact we got off the Merchant woman. That and her axe along with...umm...oh! Some weird stones?”

“I see, is that everything,” Corrin asked as he brought his foot up slightly, allowing the Changeling to push himself up and spit the blood that had run into his mouth out. It looked like it was going to be sick any second.

The Changeling then spoke again once gathering his composure. “Yes. That’s everything. Oh. And if you want to know that Merchant’s name, it was Anna I believe?” He then began to cough up a little more blood before saying, “Blech! I think you crushed my windpipe too hard there. *cough cough*”

Corrin then looked to Minori before he said, “Minori, mind healing him for us?”

“Sure, I can do that,” Minori responded shakily before healing the Changeling’s injuries as Corrin quickly grabbed ahold of the Changeling, lifting it to its feet before he said, “Now, I think you’ll stay with us ad work for me from here on out, I assume you have a name.”

The Changeling sighed and replied, “I don’t get paid enough for all this anyway. Yes, my name’s Zerik. I am known for intelligence gathering and able to pick almost any lock. Umm… I’m at your service…” He bowed to Corrin nervously.

“Okay then Zerik. First, stand up straight, calm down, and tell us what equipment you can use.” Corrin ordered as he placed a hand of Zerik’s shoulder.

Zerik the Changeling nodded before taking a deep breath and said, “I’m mainly a Thief, unlike most Thieves though, I use daggers and bows. It allows me to fight both up close and from long distances. I have the Lockpick skill, Pass, and Lethality (although it doesn't work all the time, if ever).” He murmured the last part pitifully to himself.

“A Thief you say? We could use someone like that.” Gunter said. “What say you, Corrin, Corrina?”

“I think he’ll be a very good man to have by our side,” Corrin said as he patted Zerik on the head, “We better make sure to take good care of him, considering he’ll be helping us very soon.”

Zerik gave a small blink in confusion. “Wait, I thought you were all gonna kill me?”

Corrina comforted Zerik with a calming smile. “We are not like the Nohrians. We only kill if we must, but even that is rare.”

“Besides, we’re not the kind that slaughters entire cities and kidnaps hundreds of people to force to serve them, are we?” Corrin added, “So, if you want to fix the mistakes you and the others have made, you're going to help us. Free everyone you’ve helped capture.”

Zerik gave a small smile and said, “You’re right, I never wanted this life anyway. I think I shall follow you. See where it leads me, perhaps I can even redeem my crimes. Thank you Corrin, Corrina, Gunter.” He gave a smile that Corrina quickly found adorable.

“Aww!” Corrina squealed. “You’re so cute!” She then pinched his cheeks, stretching them out, making him seem even more adorable to everyone.

Zerik could only blush and mutter a small ‘thanks’.

“Okay, I say we meet up with everyone as soon as possible… and Zerik, if you don’t mind me asking, how old are you?” Corrin asked.

Zerik could only look at the ground sadly. “I’m only twelve sir. I was abandoned and forced to fight for Nohr since I was from another hive that was considered an enemy.”

Corrin then froze as Zerik finished as he realized he’d just attacked a child before he knelt down in front of him and said, “I’m sorry, I had no idea.”

“It’s okay. I’m more mature than most kids. I have to. In order to-to s-survive *sniffle*” Zerik mumbled sadly.

Corrin then quickly reached around Zerik before rubbing his back as he said, “Let it all out, don’t worry, we won’t judge you.”

Zerik was quiet for a few moments before he looked at both Corrin and Corrina. He then let out a small stream of tears and cried. “*Sob* I’M SO SORRY!!!! I JUST WANTED A FAMILY AND MONEY TO LIVE!!! IS THAT SO WRONG?! *cries*” The young Changeling continued to cry and both Corrin and Corrina gave the young one a hug, thus calming him down a bit.

Corrin then picked Zerik up allowing him to rest his head against Corrins shoulders before he started walking towards the forest with Minori, Corrina and Gunter in tow.