• Published 29th Aug 2016
  • 3,029 Views, 50 Comments

Fire Emblem Fates Equestria - The Dark Brony

A man gets displaced as Corrin becomes the one person who can supposedly restore peace to the world.

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Chapter 11 - Twin Yatos vs The Berserker

As the group reached the forest, Corrin waited as he heard the sound of a group of figures approaching from back towards the town.

He looked back towards town as he saw Group 2 which consisted of Draecoza, Haze, Warp, Krang, and Akatsuki. Surprisingly, Akatsuki was not with them. She most likely must be out scouting.

As everyone came by, they saw that Corrin was sitting on a fallen log with Zerik resting his head against his leg.

Gunter was keeping an eye out for any possible stragglers that may or may not have followed them. Corrina was meanwhile, looking through their inventory and making sure everything was ready for their assault on the Forest Fort deep on Griffinstone Woods. As for Minori? She was taking a quick breather next to Corrin to replenish her healing magic.

Corrin was currently thinking deeply and then soon heard Gunter’s footsteps. He looked towards Gunter who asked, “Milord Corrin, do you believe that we should wait a little longer for the others? Or should we commence the attack soon?” He asked.

“Well, I think as we are, we have no chance, plus, we have no information about their patrols and actual places they are defending right now, apart from what Zerik told us. Besides, if Akatsuki is as good as she says she is, she should have already reported something.” Corrin stated.

“True. Those are very valid points, Corrin. I’m assuming that once everyone arrives, we’ll begin plans?” Gunter stated, already knowing the answer.

“That will hardly be necessary,” Akatsuki’s voice said from behind the group. “I have already scouted out the area and found and disabled any traps I found. They have almost eighty percent of their forces near the front gates, another fifteen percent patrolling the interior, five protecting their captives that are in cages scattered around the Fort and the rest are outside a large tent in the middle of the fort, where I assume this ‘Shiroe’ is hiding.”

“And what about Hans?” Corrina asked. She wouldn’t admit it, but that deranged man scared her, even when she was playing the game. But that was a game, while this was real life.

“Well, seeing as I have little information on him, the only soldiers that held a high rank were either near the main gate where I saw three of them and one outside the central tent,” Akatsuki explained.

“Pardon, but do you mean THE Hans?” Krang asked nervously. “That Nohrian Berserker?!

“Umm… Yes. Why Krang?” Corrina asked in a curious tone.

“Hans is well known in the Nohrian Forces,” Krang explained. “Everyone fears him as he’s a lot stronger than your average Grunt of Nohr. Not only that, he has a more powerful Curse Seal than everyone else possesses. It’s said that he’s even achieved some sort of second form to add to it.” Krang finished with fear in his voice.

“Hmm…that DOES pose a small problem.” Gunter frowned. “I’m at a loss on what to do. What say you Corrin?”

“Well, It’s very much obvious we can’t let them take and force everyone they captured to serve them. And I for one, am not simply going to allow them to think they can get away with the murders they have committed today,” Corrin stated, looking towards the enemy camp.

“Well said, Corrin,” Corrina said with a smile of admiration. She then looked to Akatsuki. “Perhaps we won’t have to engage Hans if someone provides a distraction? Not necessarily engage Hans, but keep him busy and focused on something else?” She suggested.

Corrin stood in one place for a second, lost in thought before he said, “Akatsuki if you took Warp, Haze, and Zerik with you, do you think that the four of you could free and teleport away all of the hostages they have?”

Warp put in his input before Akatsuki did. “I’m certain I can use a powerful portal spell, but it will take me some time to gather the energy needed. About five minutes or so.”

“I swear, it sounds like you’re trying to charge a spirit bomb or whatever that move Piccolo has is called,” Corrin responded with a sigh.

Warp could only smile sheepishly and explain, “Don’t know what that is and, well...considering they have a bunch of hostages, it nonetheless takes time and immense concentration to teleport a large group outta here. I may be an expert at this kinda thing, but I’m no god.”

“Hmm, if we were to lure everyone we can to the front gates, we would need something to distract as many as possible… if we could somehow pick some off from a distance it would help, but none of us can use or have a bow on us,” Corrin stated, “Sure we could use magic to destroy their walls and-”

Draecoza interrupted Corrin by raising a clawed finger. “Sir, did you forget how my weapon works along with the name? The Twin Gemini Blades, they can also become a bow.” He deadpanned. “I can easily provide the distraction if you want me to.”

“If you think you can pick off a few of them, that may be a way to thin their ranks down… if we had a second archer, it would be a lot better…” Corrin started to say before pausing.

“Umm...Corrin?” Zerik attempted to speak up, which caused everyone’s eyes to turn to him. “I would like to help if I can. I can use a Bow as well, granted, I’m not as good as most others are.”

“Zerik… I am well aware of that fact, but we need you inside the camp to help get the cages open; also your skills as a thief may be useful in trying to acquire some of the stolen equipment that Anna had with her.”

“Well, you do have a point…” Zerik said. “Okay then Corrin, I’ll do it. After all, I have always looked up to the Anna Family. It will be nice to meet one of them and maybe get some tips.” He smiled adorably.

“Just make sure not to get too starstruck then,” Corrin responded with a smirk.

Zerik could only blush and scratch the back of his head in slight embarrassment. “Heh heh… I’ll do my best!” He replied.

“So then…” Gunter interrupted. “Who will be the second archer, if any?” He asked Corrin. “Any possible ideas?”

For a moment, Corrin didn’t respond before he looked at Breidablik before he said, “Maybe.”

“I’m assuming you plan to use Breidablik to summon an Archer Hero, Corrin?” Corrina asked in a curious tone.

“Possibly, we know it had the Black Knight with it, but we don’t know if there was anyone else.”

“That is a good point,” Corrina said, “But wouldn’t we need we need some Summoning Orbs now?”

“That’s what I don’t know. I mean I didn’t need any the first time, but The Black Knight appeared, maybe there was a second hero in it?” Corrin suggested.

“That may be possible.” Gunter nodded his head. “After all, you put your belief and heart into it, maybe that’s what called Black Knight forth. Perhaps it CAN happen again.”

“Perhaps if we enhanced it with magic as a substitute?” Warp suggested while analyzing the interesting device that Corrin was holding.

“I don’t think that’s how it would work,” Corrin admitted as he placed the weapon in front of his face, before raising it upwards the sky before taking a single shot as Breidablik suddenly began to glow. The light faded as two figures appeared beside him.

The first of these two new figures was the Black Knight, but the second was a figure that Corrin faintly recognised.

This new Hero had silver-grey hair tied into a ponytail and an Archer’s Hoshidan garb. An animal skin hung around his waist, and in his hands was the legendary bow known as Fujin Yumi. His amber eyes looked around at everyone assembled and then saw both Corrin and Corrina.

“Where am I? And wait, is that you Brother? And...Sister?” He asked confused.

“Okay, I can already tell this will be very confusing,” Corrin admitted.

“No kidding.” Corrina agreed with a deadpan voice.

Takumi shook his head before he suddenly began to remember things a bit more clearly. He was in Hoshido celebrating their victory over Nohr with his family, and he did not have a sister, last he checked. So that would mean…

Takumi sighed and asked, “Am I in the Outrealms or something? That’s the only logical thing i can think of right now.”

“Trust me when I say that that would be a much simpler reason than the actual truth,” Corrin stated, before adding, “I guess you could say, we are not a version of the Corrin you know. We are almost like copies of the brother or sister you know.”

“To make things simpler,” Corrina helped, “Maybe you can think of the Einherjar in a way.”

Takumi closed his eyes in thought for a few minutes before saying, “Hm...guess that puts things in a more simple manner. Still, can I at least know why I’m here along with the how?” He asked getting slightly impatient.

“We need your help to save some captured people,” Corrin responded.

“And you were brought here thanks to Corrin using Breidablik to summon a random hero.” Corrina then pointed at Takumi, “Which is you.”

Takumi nodded. It was starting to make sense. Especially seeing as he felt a certain...pull towards the weapon the copy of his brother had. “Well,” he began, “I guess I can help. Can’t let anyone, including a copy of my brother and sister, outshine me.” He smirked confidently.

Corrina could only giggle at Takumi’s competitive nature. She then whispered to Corrin. “He’s really quite similar to the Takumi we know in the game, only much nicer.”

“Maybe you’re right,” Corrin agreed.

“Mm-hmph!” Gunter interrupted with a cough. “Perhaps we should get on with the plan milord, milady?” He reminded. “It’s already looking like the Nohrian Army is mobilising.”

Takumi suddenly narrowed his eyes. He then looked towards Gunter and what he said.

“Nohrian Army? What do you mean?” He then took a closer look at Gunter as well. “And wait...that’s Nohrian Armor! What is GOING ON?!” Takumi nearly shouted. Things were already beginning to get tense as Draecoza, Akatsuki, and Krang all drew their weapons at his outburst.

“Takumi, maybe it would be best that you calm down,” Corrin suggested.

Takumi took a deep breath, taking Corrin’s advice. He then said, “Fine. What do you need me to do, and if I do do it, will you explain what in the Dawn Dragon’s name is going on afterwards?”

“I’ll try my best to explain, but it may not be as straightforward as you’re probably thinking,” Corrin admitted.

Takumi sighed. “Since when is ANYTHING with you?” He asked rhetorically. He then smiled and nodded. “Alright. Count me in.”

Corrin then nodded to Takumi before he then said to everyone, “You all know what you need to do. Just make sure you all come back alive.”

Everyone saluted and then immediately headed for their assigned tasks.

As the group got in position, Corrin stood ahead of the group looking towards the campsite ahead of him, the walls looked to be mostly made from wood with some parts almost seeming to be rotting away, “This place was clearly pre-occupied before they moved in,” Corrin said to himself. “We could easily tear down a wall to distract them.”

“That could work.” Gunter nodded approvingly. “We’d still need to be careful however. We don’t know who’s on which side of the wall.”

“Yeah,” Corrina said. “I also don’t wanna run into Hans anytime soon either.” She hugged her arms to her chest. “He...frightens me.” She admitted.

“If we do end up having to deal with him, it may be easier to kill him quickly before he could do much… it would also do a lot for our morale, and crippling their forces in the process… maybe even have them surrender.” Corrin responded clearly considering what he could do if the last part of the idea happened.

Corrina gave a small sigh, then smiled. She then walked up to Corrin and gave him a hug. “As long as we’re working together, I guess I won’t be as scared.” She grinned happily.

Gunter nodded at his Liege’s attitude. “Well said Lady Corrina.” He approved.

They all then heard a sigh and saw Takumi holding his hand to his face. “Look, i know you two are apparently having a moment, but can we PLEASE go and take care of those Nohrians?”

“Of course… if it’s just Nohrians in there,” Corrin responded as he grabbed a Tome from his side before he said, “After I cast this spell, I want you to start picking off some of their soldiers from a distance. Try to stay hidden for as long as possible.”

Takumi, Black Knight, Krang, Draecoza, and Minori immediately nodded and took their assigned posts; Draecoza and Takumi readying their bows.

Corrin then nodded to the group as he opened his Mjolnir Tome before what looked to be a large golden hammer dropped from the sky, crushing a large portion of the wall around the camp to collapse, crushing many Nohrian soldiers who were patrolling it at that time.

Takumi and Draecoza then sniped any nearby Nohrian Soldiers that were unharmed (and simply unlucky) to be in the line of fire.

Black Knight simply withstood nearly all attacks until his Black Luna had activated, allowing him to crush the others with ease. It wasn’t until a mage came by and actually was able to harm him a little.

“Ugh!” Black Knight gritted his teeth in slight pain.

Corrina saw what was happening whilst she and Corrin were fighting and called to Minori. “Minori! Heal Black Knight!”

“O-okay!” Minori rushed over until she was suddenly blocked by an intimidating, axe-wielding, bald Berserker...it was none other than Hans!

“Well, well…” Hans grinned sadistically. “What do we have here? Intruders? This must be my lucky day!” He then pulled out a Silver Axe, ready to cleave Minori in two. However -

Corrin appeared in between them quickly using his Fire Tome to knock Hans back away from Minori, the hood of his cloak concealing his face from Hans’ view. “It’s been awhile, hasn’t it Hans.”

Hans chuckled. “Guess it has… Corrin.” He then quickly pushed Corrin aside with a quick headbutt and took a stance. “Still, we all knew you’d come eventually!”

“Oh, I feel honoured,” Corrin responded sarcastically as he spotted Akatsuki standing on the remains of the wall with most of the soldiers in the camp having filtered out of the hole in the wall, leaving the interior of the camp barely protected. “So, how has everything been, betrayed anyone else you were teamed up with recently?”

Hans simply shrugged. “I don’t bother to even remember yer ‘Royalness’! I just cut down whoever is in my way! You’ll be on that list too.”

“I see, well then,” Corrin responded as he reached for the Shadow Yato at his side, “I’ll make sure to write you a good eulogy after this,” before he suddenly bolted towards Hans before he could react slicing into Hans’ right leg. The attack leaving a large gash in his wake.

However, Corrin didn’t even hear a shout of pain. Instead, he only heard evil chuckling. He turned to face Hans who looked back and asked, “Is that it? Lemme show you a REAL attack!” He then somehow vanished from Corrin’s sight and a heavy haymaker launched Corrin into the wall enough to make a dent.

Corrina was overseeing Minori when she saw what happened. “Corrin!” she shouted.

“Heh. What now Little Princey-Wincey?” Hans taunted.

“You know, I should have gone for the head,” Corrin responded standing up, “Much simpler that way.”

Hans laughed. “Nice words. I approve! Show me then! Show me your savagery!!!” Hans then prepared to strike again.

“If you insist,” Corrin responded as he saw Akatsuki moving near a group of what looked to be Nohrian soldiers until Corrin noticed their armour that was red and white instead of black, something he’d need to check on after the battle as he was sure Takumi would have seen it as well.

Before Corrin or Hans could move to attack the other, Corrina immediately jumped in next to her boyfriend. “Oh no, I’m not gonna let you fight this guy alone, Corrin!” She declared with a flaming determination that could burn even the toughest of enemies.

“I wouldn’t expect you too,” Corrin responded as he suddenly bolted forward quicky knocking Han’s axe from his hand before bringing the back of his sword up striking him under the chin before looking to Corrina as if to make her aware of his movements.

Corrina nodded in affirmation and immediately rushed in with her Shadow Yato, prepared to gut Hans quickly.

Hans didn’t plan to make it easy though. He quickly saw the attack coming and grabbed the blade with his bare hand, the blood running down his hand making for a gruesome sight. It didn’t help he was smiling insanely.

He then punched Corrina in the gut and struck her with a brutal haymaker. Thankfully, Corrina was able to use her draconic powers to soften the blow, using a bastardized version of the skill Dragonskin.

“That all you got?!” Hans laughed.

“Nope,” Corrin responded before appearing behind Hans. He turned to see Corrin holding out one of his Tomes as a fireball was fired at him from close range, leaving him no time to react to the incoming spell.

The fireball managed to burn Hans’ face. He cried out in agony and anger, letting go of Corrina’s blade in the process.

“Takumi! Draecoza now!” Corrin shouted over to the two of them.

Quickly hearing him from the trees, Draecoza used a quick spell to summon Takumi over, who blinked in slight surprise before understanding. Both readied their bows and hit Hans with a critical.

“Die already!” “Fare thee well!” Both said before Hans was engulfed by arrows. One was an explosive arrow, and Draecoza activated it for good measure.


Everyone coughed slightly from all the smoke and Takumi couldn’t help but say, “Overkill much?”

Draecoza only shrugged and let out a small huff.

“Did we get him?” Corrina asked.

The smoke cleared and an alive, but critically wounded Hans stood, breathing heavily. Thankfully, his Curse Mark was receding, so he was out of extra power.

“Grrr… DAMN YOU ALL!” Hans roared out angrily.

“Hey, Hans!” Corrin shouted as he walked towards him holding Sol tightly with both of his hands. He approached and what looked to be a Dragon Vein activated below him seemingly doing nothing.

Hans could only look and deadpan, “What the hell was that s’posed to be?”

It was then that Corrin suddenly appeared directly in front of Hans, catching him off guard before he suddenly swung his sword into Hans chest, using the force from the blow to launch him away from him and Corrina as Hans dropped his weapon to the ground. A red light soon surrounded Corrin as his injuries seemed to begin to heal, “Your eviction notice.”

Hans roared in pain before a light then appeared around him and he soon vanished, but not before saying, “This ain’t over kid… not by a long shot!!!” And then he was gone.

Corrina saw the light and quickly recognized it. “Blast!,” she said, “It looks like he was taken away by a Rescue staff or some sort of teleportation!”

“Let him go, if nothing else, his ego will have took a much-needed beating,” Corrin responded before looking back to the remainder of Hans’ soldiers, most of who had dropped their weapons and were quickly surrendering since Hans was defeated almost effortlessly.

Everyone else who was on Corrin’s team quickly bound the surrendering Nohrians in rope and victory was finally grasped.

“Well, that ends this ruckus,” Gunter said in approval. “What now Corrin?”

“I suppose we wait on the others to get everyone that was captured to safety and for Akatsuki to capture the Nohrians who fled,” Corrin stated before looking to some of the soldiers in front of them and noticed that some of them had red and white armour before he looked to Takumi as he said, “I’m also hoping I’m seeing this wrong.”

Takumi took a closer look and said, “That garb… that’s Hoshidan! What’s going on!?” He grabbed a nearby Nohrian and yelled, “What are Hoshidans doing in your camp, Nohrian scum!?”

The random soldier could only flail his arms and chokingly gasp out, “We...got them from Garon! The king said that Nohr’s god was able to take them from their homeland and brainwash them into obeying us!”

“How is that possible?” Corrina asked.

“I...I dunno miss! The only thing I do know is that King Garon used some whacky mojo given to him by our deity, Zerachiulus!”

“Does that name mean anything to anyone here?” Corrin asked as he looked to the group.

Draecoza walked up and replied to Corrin, saying, “I’ve heard of him. He’s known as the Death Dragon...the very being that legend says created us Draconequus with his sister, Lolianasus, the Dragon of Life.”

“I think I need to learn more about Draconquai culture,” Corrin responded.

Corrina giggled and nodded in agreement with Corrin. “I agree, maybe-”

She was cut off when a dark portal appeared and Warp Shadow appeared in a dramatic pose.

“Greetings and salutations everyone!” He proclaimed. “I come with the news that every hostage has been taken safely back and are all awaiting us back in the Astral Plane! Huzzah!”

Everyone just sweatdropped at Warp’s dramatic-ness, and Corrina said, “Well....to the Astral Plane then?”

“I’d say that that might be the best course of action for now, besides, we are all in pretty bad shape right now. Plus, by the time a portal is opened I bet Akatsuki will have caught up with us,” Corrin responded calmly.

“That is some good thinking, Corrin.” Gunter nodded. “Well then, go on ahead Corrina. It’s time to head back for now.”

Corrina nodded and gestured with her hand, opening the portal to the Astral Plane, where everyone headed back to once more, as Akatsuki dragged five more Soldiers in Hoshidan garb behind her through the portal with the other captives walking through the portal between the party.

Comments ( 2 )

may i add your displaced story's to my Displaced Shipping in my group please

group Pure Balance Dragon Council

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