• Published 29th Aug 2016
  • 3,027 Views, 50 Comments

Fire Emblem Fates Equestria - The Dark Brony

A man gets displaced as Corrin becomes the one person who can supposedly restore peace to the world.

  • ...

Chapter 9 - Visions and Feelings Revealed

Finally leaving the prison with all matters settled, Corrin and co. continued on their way. It was when they were about to leave that Mirror came running up to Corrin slightly panting.

“Milord Corrin!” He said. “I have some important news. Due to the extra numbers of injured survivors, we’ll need Luna to stay here with us. Might I recommend bringing a few others for your mission? Just to have them get experience?” Mirror reported and suggested.

Corrin thought for a moment before deciding. “If that's the case, in the group, we’ll add Draecoza, Minori, Krang, and Akatsuki.”

Mirror pondered on the decision of his lord and friend. They were notable choices, but were they ready for this?

To alleviate his worries, Corrin put a hand on Mirror’s shoulder with a smile. “Don't worry, we’ll be fine. Just take care of my sisters ok?”

“Of course Corrin! You can count on me!” Mirror saluted with a happy smile. He then left and went to help Luna and Celestia with the injured.

Corrina then walked up to Corrin while saying, “I know that the ones you chose are good soldiers, but do you think they'll be experienced enough to handle this?” She asked.

“Well with Luna gone, we need another healer… Mirror’s going to be busy so that left only Minori,” Corrin pointed out.

“And what about the other three? Did you pick them so they could gain experience in battle and what we do?” Corrina wondered.

“We know what Akatsuki and Krang can do, and I’m curious about what Draecoza’s skills are… the best way to do this is to see them first hand right.”

Corrina thought for a moment, seeing the logic in Corrin’s plans. “I think I know what you mean now. Thanks for clearing that up.”

“No worries… I also want to follow up on those Changelings that escaped… if they were like Minori and Tohya, they will likely be targets now… their group could need help.”

“I'm in agreement with you milord. Shall I go and fetch the ones you need now?” Gunter asked as he approached the two.

“That would be a great help. Thank you, Gunter.”

“Of course.” Gunter then walked off and began his mission.

“Oh and make sure to get them some weaponry before they go,” Corrin added.

Gunter stopped to acknowledge this and said, “I am on it, sir.” He then decided to head over to the Weapons Area before getting said recruits.

Corrina sighed. “You can always count on Gunter. Sometimes I don't know what we'd do without him.”

“A lot more running around that’s for sure,” Corrin chuckled.

Corrina joined in and then said, “Since he could be a while, I brought us a couple small snacks to eat.” She said while taking out a couple of bento boxes. She then handed one to Corrin and said, “Eat up. We need to stay healthy for the road!”

“That’s for sure… I haven’t had much of a meal in a while have I?” Corrin admitted in recitation.

“Ha ha! I wouldn't know. I'm not you silly!” Corrina teased a slightly flustered Corrin. She then added, “I forgot to mention, but I made the food in case you were wondering.”

Corrin then began to smile before he said “Is there something you want to tell me… like why you just made one for each of us…”

Corrina immediately blushed at this while inwardly cursing Corrin’s sharp mind. She then managed to say, “Well...to be honest, I just want to get to know you better and it's also because I've a slight….” She then trailed off whispering something Corrin could not hear; blushing madly

Corrin then chuckled before he whispered, “Crush on me by chance?”

Corrina meekly nodded and blushed a deep tomato red. She explained, “It's just, you're one of the first to treat me like a normal person. Back home on Earth, I was just used to people befriending me for my popularity.”

“Well… now you’re helping to protect hundreds of people… quite a big change isn’t it.”

Corrina smiled whilst nodding in agreement. “It most definitely is. Thanks for being a good friend to me Corrin. I honestly don't know what I'd do without you here either.”

“Well… if you weren’t here… I think I’d already be dead,” Corrin admitted as he kissed Corrina on the forehead.

Corrina immediately blushed a tomato red at this. “Wh-what was THAT for?” She stammered, suddenly feeling very shy.

Corrin then smirked before he said, “I’ll let you figure that out for yourself.”

Corrina couldn't help it. She really couldn't. And so, she gave Corrin a big yet slightly cute pout at his actions. Both then laughed at one another for a bit before hearing Gunter approaching.

“Ah milord and milady, I've brought the ones you've requested.” He reported showing Draecoza, Krang, Akatsuki, and Minori behind him.

All four wore some pieces of armour here and there. Minori possessed a Physic and Mend staff, whilst Draecoza, dressed in an Assassin’s attire, wielded a Steel Bow and Killing Edge. Finally, both Akatsuki and Krang wore similar Swordmaster outfits. Although Krang carried a Steel Axe with him just for good measure.

“I’d still feel better in my Ninja attire,” Akatsuki muttered under her breath.

Krang couldn't help but smile at this. “Nonetheless, you have to admit that learning different skills such as this is beneficial.”

Draecoza simply chuckled at the two’s banter while Minori shyly stood there.

Akatsuki then sighed before she said “No… I’m going to stick with my normal gear… this is too… heavy for me to move in,” with that she suddenly disappeared in a purple flash of light.

“She really does act like Mel…” Minori muttered.

After Krang and Akatsuki finished their slight argument with each other about proper attire, all were ready to go. Gunter turned towards Corrin and said, “Well milord...shall we continue our little venture?”

“Definitely let’s hope for a bit less drama this time,” Corrin chuckled.

“Yeah,” Corrina agreed, “I've had enough drama for today in my book.”

Draecoza then said in a quiet whisper, “You probably jinxed it.” At this, Corrina could only stutter and blush embarrassedly.

To divert the topic, Corrina turned to Corrin and said, “Well then, I guess I'll open the gate right?”

“That would help… I really need you to teach me how to do that later.”

Corrina smiled in response at that and said, “Sure thing Corrin! I'd be happy to!” She then reached out her hand in front of her and gathered energy in it. She then opened the gate and the portal opened in front of them. However, before they could go in…

“Wait…” A voice shouted from behind them before Corrin turned around to see Chaoma stumbling towards them using crutches.

“Is something wrong miss Chaoma?” Corrin asked.

“No…. Not exactly… I just wanted to tell you that on the outskirts of town I had a small armoury that held a few special weapons I… acquired a while back.”

Everyone seemed to be interested at this and were wondering what kind of weapons Chaoma could've gathered. It was then that Gunter walked forwards and said what was on their minds.

“Might I ask what kinds? Or is that hush-hush as you children would call it these days?”

“Well… I guess a bit… some weren’t attained by- how would you say it- the most legal methods.”

Corrina then said, “Nonetheless, thanks for letting us know Miss Chaoma.”

“If I remember correctly one was some sort of weird Tome… If I remember correctly it glowed in some sort of unique aura while another felt hot to the touch when you held it.”

Gunter then thought to himself, ‘I'm pretty sure HE gave them to her…where could he be now I wonder?’

Corrin then looked to Corrina before he whispered “That Tome sounds like Brynhildr to me.”

Corrina nodded in agreement and said, “And the other sounds a lot like Raijinto… Do you think…?”

“It’s possible… or it could be a different sword… what was it called in the previous game.. Sol?”

“No way! The Omega Yato?!” Corrina gasped aloud.

“It seems unlikely… having three copies of the Yato seems farfetched as it is.”

Corrina then puts a finger to her chin and tried guessing. “Perhaps Falchion? Maybe even Ragnell?”

“Right now we have no solid evidence for what they are… but we will need to go there before we leave to be sure.”

“Aptly put milord and lady. Might I also remind everyone we’re all on a tight schedule as is? I suggest we go now.” Gunter said.

“True… Thank you for this information Chaoma.”

“It was nothing, my King. Think of it as my way of thanking you for saving Discord.” Chaoma admitted as she tossed him a small red claw that looked to be made out of some sort of metal.

“No problem… just get some rest.” Corrin requested as the group walked through the portal.

In a small clearing near the Draconequus Village, a bright light appeared and out came the group. They then decided to heed Chaoma’s advice and look for the “unique” weapons that Chaoma mentioned to them in her armoury.

Gunter decided to stay and stand guard should any enemies come snooping around.

After a while, the group consisting of everyone (except Gunter), arrived at Chaoma’s Armory. In front of it was a door that seemed to be locked from the inside with a powerful magic to repel those who would try to enter forcefully. In the middle, though, there was an indentation that looked an awful lot like a claw…

Around the lock, a riddle said, “At this door present your key, should you be found trustworthy, you shall unlock this armoury’s deepest mysteries.”

Slightly confused, Corrina suddenly remembered the small “pendant” that was given to Corrin by Chaoma.

“Hey, Corrin...perhaps the ‘key’ the riddle speaks of is that claw pendant you have there? It looks like it should fit.” She suggested.

Corrin nodded and looked at the pendant. He then inserted it in the door and the door gave off a beautiful glow before suddenly vanishing, along with the door, showing the inside of the Armory.

Corrin and Corrina stepped inside, but no one else could seemingly enter. Corrina then pointed out to Corrin about the riddle saying “should you be found trustworthy, you will unlock this armoury’s deepest mysteries”. This could only mean that Chaoma only trusted them right now.

“I suppose that must be the case… weird that we’d be the only ones that are being allowed in, though.” Corrin admitted before looking to the others as he said “can you all keep an eye on the entrance?”

The remainder of the group nodded and scattered to go to their positions should anything go awry. Corrin and Corrina then proceeded to look around, only to see a long corridor in front of them, that seemed to have a faint light glowing farther in.

As Corrin and Corrina reached the end of the tunnel they looked around the cavern as they saw that they were surrounded by a multitude of weaponry ranging from Tomes to spears. The room also had what looked to be gold bars piled on top of each other along the right wall of the room.

“I was not expecting this,” Corrin admitted in surprise.

Corrina, too, had a surprised look and said in awe, “Amazing! These weapons are amazingly well cared for despite there being so many of them!”

“My only worry is how Chaoma kept all these a secret for so long… and why she chose to tell us about them?”

Corrina put a finger to her chin in thought, not realising she was posing slightly similar to Anna, and said, “Well, maybe this was what the Changelings were after when they invaded?” She suggested.

“That could be a reason… but they needed that key to get in here… if they intended to kill everyone they would never have located it.”

Corrina nodded her head in agreement. “That's true, but still, what do you think about all this?”

“I think we were just given a lifeli…” he was then cut off as he saw two podiums in the centre of the room.

Corrina noticed as well and said nearly breathlessly, “Corrin, do you see what I see?”

“Depends… do you see Brynhildr on the podium?”

Instead of coming up with a witty retort like normal, Corrina simply nodded. The Tome seemed to be calling to her. But why?

“Corrina… is something bothering you?”

Corrina then snapped slightly out of her trance and said, “I feel like that Brynhildr Tome is calling out to me. Do you sense something similar?”

“Nothing too strong, but there is something that seems strange about that blade next to it,” Corrin admitted.

Corrina stepped closer to the sword that Corrin was looking at and said, “This sword looks similar to the one where you face off against Walhart in Awakening.” She inspected. “What was its name again?”

“Wasn’t it Sol or something like that?” Corrin suggested as he slowly reached for the sword a strange burning sensation spreading across his arm as he reached for it.

Seeing that Corrin was reacting to the weapon quite strongly, Corrina turned to look back at Brynhildr and she too reached out for it.

As both weapons were within each of their grasps, they suddenly glowed and were flown right into each of their respective hands. Similar to how the Yato chose Corrin in Fates.

“Well… this is weird… Corrina… you okay?”

Corrina nodded slightly while saying, “Yea. I don't know about you, but I feel a slight sensation. Like I'm now whole… could this be Brynhildr choosing me and giving me strength?”

“It could be… but…” Corrin then suddenly began to fall sideways as the right side of his body began to feel like something was freezing his body from the inside.

Corrina immediately rushed to his side and said in panic, “Corrin! Are you okay?! Speak to me!”

“What… the hell… is going on… why do I feel so cold….” he stuttered out slowly.

Corrina frantically looked around to see what was happening and noticed her Brynhildr and one of Corrin’s Yato glowing in unison. “Corrin,” she said, “Brynhildr and your Shadow Yato seem to be reacting to each other, but it still doesn't explain why you're like this.”

“Glad I’m not the only one who’s confused,” Corrin said as his body began to shiver; the cold from his body reaching Corrina's hands

Starting to feel the same effects that were happening to Corrin, Corrina looked to Brynhildr and remembered that despite being a destructive Tome, it could also bring life. She then decided to take a risk and used its power to try and reverse the effects Corrin was suffering.

Slowly but surely, it seemed to work and Corrin was able to regain some feeling in his body back.

“Is what I'm doing working Corrin?” Corrina worriedly asked.

“T...thank you… it seems to be…” Corrin said before his eyes slowly began to shut as Sol fell from his grasp.

Corrina continued to push more magical power into Brynhildr, far more than what she's used to and began to feel slightly dizzy. ‘No!’ She thought, ‘I have to do this for Corrin! I can't and won't give up!’

Brynhildr, recognising its master’s will and determination made it glow brighter and before falling unconscious, Corrina saw Corrin begin to feel better. She then blacked out.

It was dark and cold. Colder than anything she had ever felt in her life. Corrina woke to see nothing but black all around her. Getting up from her position on the ground, she wandered for what felt like hours until she saw something in the distance.

Corrina squinted her eyes and saw that it was Corrin! Not only that, someone seemingly was next to him.

Immediately worried and slightly relieved, she hurried over to Corrin and the strange person next to him. As she stopped, she recognised those cute yellow eyes and the braided red/blue hair.

“Lilith?!” Corrina said in surprise.

“Yes. It's me, Corrina.” Lilith said. “Please give Corrin a moment, I'm healing him.”

Corrina nodded and soon enough, Corrin began to stir.

Corrina immediately hurried to his side while hugging Corrin close to her. “Corrin are you okay?” She said while slightly sobbing.

“Geez… what're you trying for… did someone just die or something?” Corrin asked his eyes slightly open while he was still slightly dazed.

Corrina couldn't help but shake her head and bonked him slightly on the head. “You idiot! I really was worried that you HAD died for a moment there!”

“And how did that happen… all I remember was reaching for Sol then feeling cold.”

“Excuse me…” Lilith interrupted. “Perhaps I can explain milord.”

“I’m sorry have we met… you seem… familiar miss?”

Lilith couldn't help but giggle in a cute fashion and said, “Surely Corrina told you about me? I'm Lilith King Corrin.”

“Lilith… oh yeah… sorry still feel slightly weird right now.”

Lilith giggled again and replied. “I understand. But let me explain why you were feeling ‘off’ there for a moment. Due to Brynhildr awakening and with your Shadow Yato within each other's location, it caused a chain reaction where it tried to assimilate, but in the process, your other Yato's got in the way of it doing so. Because of this, you were beginning to feel something akin to hypothermia. It helped that me and Father were watching you so we could heal you both.”

“And who is your Father?” Corrin asked as he attempted to stand.

Lilith then stood up and said, “Father, you can come out now!”

Suddenly, before the two’s very eyes, a portal opened up and out stepped a man garbed in a white and blue Valla garb.

“Greetings Children of Fate. I am Anankos. How are you feeling?” The now identified Anankos said in genuine concern.

Corrina looked at Anankos in shock. How could this be? Anankos was supposed to be the villain right? All she could say was, “Uh wha?”

Anankos could only chuckle and asked again, “I asked how you two were feeling Children of Fate.”

“Just peachy… my own weapon just tried to kill me so… yeah.” Corrin muttered.

Anankos couldn't help but laugh slightly at Corrin’s attitude. He hadn't had this much amusement in a long time. “I understand little King. But it wasn't all your weapons fault. The fault lies with me in a way. I had to be sure your resolve was true to lead your friends and to do that, I made that small test.”

“Why am I not surprised you did that,” Corrin sighed.

Lilith then said, “We are truly sorry about doing such a thing to both you and Corrina, but it was one of the only ways we could reach you. It won't happen again next time. You will only feel a slight tug on your mind.” She reassured.

“My dear daughter is correct. After all, I wanted to so desperately meet you two after so long. Alas, things were not meant to be until now.” Anankos explained.

“What did you want to tell us then?” Corrina asked.

“To where you should go next of course. It is where Anna is currently located as well.” Anankos answered.

“Where is that?” Corrin asked.

Speaking for her father, Lilith said, “It is a place that is relatively peaceful but has quite a few rare items that the enemy will want. It is known as Griffinstone.” She answered.

“And where is that?” Corrin asked.

“We thought you might ask that,” Anankos said. “Rest assured that when you wake up, someone will meet you and take you there. That is all we can say for now.”

“By chance is one of them a Dread Knight?” Corrin asked

“And the other a Sorcerer?” Corrina asked as well.

“Yes. They are allies of mine and will soon be yours as well. Just know that you must always be on your guard. The forces of Nohr will not be far behind.” Anankos said while warning them.

“If you both need a place to hide you would be welcome in our town… you know that right?”

Lilith and Anankos smiled in gratitude. “Of course,” Lilith said, “But there are some things we still need to do. We will meet again, though. Just ask Gunter to ‘lead the way toward the Dragon’.”

“Also… how did Gunter actually meet Corrina… he seems to think they were with you when she was young but she only remembers a small bit before we met.” Corrin requested.

“I was curious about that too. Could you explain?” Corrina asked.

“I'm sure we could grant that request. You see, Gunter was previously a soldier for Nohr once too, but was betrayed. We eventually found him and nursed him back to health. He swore to serve us faithfully since then. It was when we felt that you two would soon arrive here, that we temporarily erased some memories of us from him and told him to meet Corrina here. The quote: ‘Lead us to the Dragon’, is like a memory switch of sorts. He will then fully remember what he needs to do.” Anankos explained.

“Okay… so when would you say it would be a good idea to meet again?”

Anankos nodded toward Lilith, prompting her to explain. “Once you have secured Griffinstone and head back to the Astral Plane, we will meet you there shortly after,” Lilith said.

“Okay… thank you for all your help.”

“No thanks is needed young Children of Fate. Good luck. Now awaken!”

After those words were uttered, a bright flash blinded both Corrin and Corrina and they awoke.

Corrina shortly began to awaken after that strange vision. Who knew Anankos himself was the one who helped her and Gunter in the first place? No wonder both she and Corrin met!

Growing slightly due to both slight exhaustion and magic drainage, Corrina saw a still unconscious Corrin across from her. He seemed much better thankfully, with more colour in his face.

Getting up, Corrina attempted to walk despite feeling a little wobbly. She then walked over to Corrin’s side and whispered in his ear, “Corrin. Wake up.”

At first, there was no reply, and this gave Corrina a wicked idea. She grinned mischievously and used Brynhildr to wake him up with a cold chill. It seemed to work as Corrin woke up flinching due to the chilly awakening.

Corrin looked at her unamused while Corrina couldn't hold it in anymore and fell to the ground laughing. “Ha ha ha! You should see the look on your face Corrin!” She said.

“I’m gonna regret you getting that Tome aren’t I.”

Corrina stuck her tongue at him playfully saying, “Yup!” As she popped the “p”.

It was then both heard footsteps coming their way. Looking to the entrance, both saw Gunter entering. He looked around with spear in hand.

“Milord and lady,” He said. “I heard some yelling and assumed you were in trouble. Is everything alright?”

“We’re fine… just a weird vision,” Corrin admitted.

“Really?” Gunter asked. “Was it important at all?” He asked as he put away his lance.

“A bit… we have a direction now… from an old friend of yours.”

Corrina then took the lead for Corrin saying, “Do you remember Anankos?”

Gunter stepped back in surprise with eyes slightly widened. “Why yes, I do. Somewhat at least. The name rings familiar…” He admitted while rubbing his head. He then looked to Corrin saying, “I assume that it was Anankos who spoke to you?”

“Well, he was one person who spoke to us.”

“My, my! Interesting. Who was the other?”

Corrina giggled. “It's been awhile since we last saw her, but do you remember Lilith?” She asked.

“Interesting! So Lilith was there as well?” Gunter asked.

“Mmhm!” Corrina smiled.

Gunter then turned toward Corrin and said, “By the way, the soldiers have finished scouting the area and have found no threats. What would you have us do now?”

“I think we should make our way towards a place called Griffinstone.”

“Ah yes. Griffinstone. I remember that place well.” Gunter said. “The Griffins that live there are supposedly neutral yet have a well-stocked weaponry system. They're quite the blacksmiths should any of us need our weapons forged.” Gunter explained.

“So I assume we should let the others know?” Corrina asked.

“Probably for the best… we also need to get this stuff moved with us,” Corin suggested.

Gunter put a hand to his chin in thought. He then snapped his fingers saying, “Perhaps there's a way to do so. I received one of these from Discord a while back. He liked to make them in his spare time.” Gunter pulled out a satchel and continued, “Apparently, inside the satchel is an unlimited amount of space for weaponry, money, and more. Perhaps we could use this?”

“If it works I’ll need to thank him,” Corrin admitted.

Gunter laughed. “I can definitely assure you, it works my boy.” He said with a small smile. “Allow me to show you.” Gunter then took out his lance and put it in the bag. The bag made no sign of increasing in size or stressing to the point of tear. Gunter then pulled it out and the lance was well intact. “Well?”

“Yep, it works… now all we need is a way to link it to some chests and we could transfer everything we need easily,” Corrin admitted.

“Perhaps I could be of assistance?” A voice said. Soon after that, Draecoza appeared in front of everyone and bowed. “I usually help Discord from time to time to make these. I know a few tricks that could help you.” He offered.

“Any help would be appreciated.”

Draecoza simply nodded and disappeared with the satchel in hand. Corrina then said, “He doesn't seem to talk much does he?”

“Looks that way,” Corrin agreed.

Gunter merely nodded and replied, “Apparently Draecoza had a tough childhood is all. I heard so from Salazar. It's why he doesn't like to talk much.”

“If he doesn’t want to talk about his past I won’t make him.”

Corrina simply nodded in agreement. She then said, “Well then, should we get going? I'm sure Draecoza will let us know when the upgrades to the satchel are done.”

“We can’t really move until this has all been collected up… we could fix most of the problems we had with this stuff.”

“Very valid point milord.” Gunter nodded. Before he could say more, Draecoza appeared again and handed the satchel to Corrin.

“It's finished, my King.” He said. He then left without another word.

“That was faster than expected,” Corrin admitted.

Corrina nodded again. Speechless.

“Well then, shall we get ready now?” Gunter asked with a small laugh.

“Of course, Gunter would you get everyone ready while me and Corrina pack this stuff up?”

“Of course Lord Corrin. Leave everything to me.” He replied heading out to carry out his orders.

Corrin then walked over to Corrina before he said “You okay there?”

Corrina snapped out of her speechless trance and shook her head saying, “Uh… yea. I am now!” She then smiled sheepishly. “Sorry! Ha ha!”

Corrin then sighed before wrapping his arms around Corrina’s body before pulling her close to him.

Corrina could only blush insanely and stuttered, “Wh-what're you doing Corrin?” She squeaked out cutely.

Corrin only placed his fingers over her lips before he leant in and kissed her, his hands behind her head holding her close.

Corrina was speechless. What was she feeling? Was this all because she helped Corrin from nearly dying when his Yato overreacted to Brynhildr? She sighed deeply and began to let tears flow. “Thank you, Corrin. I'm *sniff* glad you're okay after all that…” she began to sob.

“Don’t cry… you’ll make me start as well,” Corrin admitted as he pulled away.

Corrina wiped her eyes of tears and held Corrin close to her, despite him being taller than her. “Corrin...I'm slightly worried, what if what happened happens again?” She asked scared. “I don't wanna lose you.”

“If it does we’ll know what to expect next time.”

“R-right,” Corrina said, blushing again a little. “Can I ask you a favour, though?”

“Name it.”

“Once we head back to the Astral Plane later, would you like to go on a d-date?” She asked shyly while twiddling her fingers together.

Corrin only smiled before he said, “Wouldn’t have it any other way.”

Corrina smiled and kissed Corrin back. “Thank you...Corrin.” She said happily.

“No worries… shall we get this packed up… maybe not let the others know about this.”

Corrina could only nod her head in agreement. A content expression on her face. “Yes. Let's finish up here and catch up with everyone else.” She agreed.

“Agreed,” Corrin admitted as they both began to gather up everything in the Armory.

As the two did so, back in the Astral Plane, two Master Seals began to glow for a moment… What could this mean???