• Published 29th Jul 2011
  • 4,222 Views, 50 Comments

Hikarus Freedom - 20percentcooler

  • ...

New Life

The night went on and Hikaru was having the time of his life. He wasn't the type to go out onto dance floors so he was quite satisfied with sitting back, relaxing, and listening to good music.
Zen and Flash had come back a few times to grab a drink before going back out onto the wild and crazy dance floor. Each time they returned, Flash kept trying to convince Hikaru and Sky to get a drink. But neither would have anything to do with any alcoholic beverage.

Neighlita played many more mixes and soon came to the last song of the night.
Hikaru was sad that the amazing music was coming to a close, but he knew that he had much MUCH more to look forward to in 2 days.

The last song came a close and all the ponies on the crowd cheered wildly. Neighlita grabbed a mic and spoke into the audience for the last time.
"Thank you so much Manehattan for having me! This was awesome! You all enjoy that?"
Again, more cheering.
'These ponies are gonna lose their voices.' Thought Hikaru trying to count the number of times he heard mad cheering tonight.
"Awesome!" Shouted Neighlita. "Have a good night everypony! Stay safe!" And with that, she left the stage.

Hikaru sat back with a contented sigh. "Wow....That was....incredible."
"Ill say." Said Sky lying down, feeling tired. "What time is it? I feel so tired right now. Its gotta be like 1 AM."
Hikaru looked at the clock on the wall. "Its 12:30 so you were pretty close." He laughed.

Hikaru looked around and noticed that all the other ponies were leaving.
"I guess it must be closing time. I wonder where Flash and Zen are?"
"You don't see them anywhere?" Asked Sky starting to scan the crowds of ponies leaving.
"No, I saw them at first on the dance floor, and then they just disappeared all of a sudden."

The place was almost empty and no sign of Flash or Zen.
"Maybe we should head outside." Said Hikaru. "Maybe they went out and are waiting for us."

The two left the building and searched for Flash and Zen around the building.

"Ok now Im kind of worried." Said Sky looking concerned. "They weren't in the building, and they aren't out here."
"Yeah this is actually not good...." Said Hikaru starting to get quite worried himself. "Ugh, should we go to the police you think?"

"Guys! Over here!"

Hikaru looked over to the side alley near the building and saw Flash peeking around the corner.


Hikaru and Sky walked over to him.

"Where were you? We were getting worried!"
"Sorry, but I had to go talk to somepony."
"Wheres Zen?"
"Ill tell you in a bit, but cmon, follow me!"
"Just follow!"
"Not until you tell me where."
"Follow me or Ill light your mane on fire."
"Ok maybe not, just follow me ok sheesh."

They followed Flash around the corner and up to a small building with a sign that read "Stellar's".
"Flash..." Said Sky coming to a stop.
"Why are you taking us to this bar?"
"Just follow me will you ponies? Yikes."

Flash led them through the doors.

The bar was small, only a few tables and the main bar counter. Not many ponies were there. Only a few just hanging out and talking, and over at the counter. Hikaru saw Zen and......

"Woah, its Neighlita!"
"Yep!" Said Flash proudly. "Zen and I went around back to meet her and compliment her on an awesome show, and she invited us to join her for a drink!"

"Hey welcome back!" Said Zen seeing Flash return. "Oh, hey, so, these are two friends of ours. Hikaru and Sky."
"Hey whats up?" Said Neighlita hoof bumping each of them.
"Wow its an honor to meet you." Said Hikaru a bit nervously. "I love your stuff, I mean, your music, its incredible. It was awesome, like, it was great. SO good. Like. It was.....awesome-"
"Haha! Woah there calm down bro!" She laughed. "Im honored that you are so honored. But you can chillax! I'm just another pony of equestria."
Hikaru laughed. "Yeah...sorry."
"Ah no worries. Anyways, glad you all liked the show. I always have a great time when I come to Manehattan. Even if your police here are STUPID."
"Yeah the city has a history of unfair treatment by police sadly." Said Zen feeling embarrassed of her own city. "But I'm glad it ended up working out for the most part."
"Yeah, its alright." Replied Neighlita. "Oh here comes a friend of mine!"

The bar door opened and a white mare with a blue streaked mane stepped in.
"VINYL!" Shouted Neighlita. "Over here!"

Hikaru's eyes opened wide. He looked over at Sky and whispered to her. "Isn't that...."
"Yeah it is..." Replied Sky, equally as star struck.

The unicorn quickly trotted over to them. "Hey Nicole! Nice to see you again!"
The two hugged and Vinyl ordered a drink. "Oh, I should introduce you to these ponies I met at the show tonight!" Said Neighlita or "Nicole" apparently. "Umm....Flash...Zen....Hikaru....and Sky wasn't it?"
"Right on." Said Zen with a smile.
"HA! I have good memory after all. My brain works you know."
"Most of the time." Laughed Vinyl. "Nice to meet you all."
"Oh my gosh its an honor I love your mixes I have some of them your stuff is awesome its awesome to meet you-"
Hikaru found a hoof over his mouth.

Vinyl laughed. "Haha, you're funny. But thanks for the recognition."

"So what are you doing in Manehattan?" Asked Sky. "Aren't you going to be doing the show in Ponyville in 2 days?
"Oh yeah, I am." Said Vinyl, taking a big sip of the drink on the counter. "I traveled all the way from Trottingham so I decided to make a stop here for the night. Going into Ponyville tomorrow and staying there for the next few days."
"Oh cool." Said Hikaru still in shock that he was talking to THE Vinyl Scratch.
"We are gonna be there. Its the biggest event thats ever happened in Ponyville pretty much."
"Yeah, seems like Ponyville is a pretty small town." Said Vinyl. "There was only one major hotel there that I could stay at you know? Which is cool I guess, I had to choose from 20 different places in Trottingham."
"Ah yeah, Equestria Suites?" Hikaru asked.
"Yep, that was it."
"Haha, thats my Dads hotel."
"Oh really? Thats awesome! Hey, any discounts available I show know about? eh? eh?"
Hikaru sighed. "Not that I know of. Honestly, I don't think me and my Dad are going to be at a place to share such info as of now."
"Oh?" Asked Vinyl with a curious look. "What's up? If you don't mind me asking that is."
"Well, its a long story kinda..."

Hikaru went on to explain everything that happened, From the very beginning. The issues with his father, the things he had said, the trip, everything. Hikaru was surprised that he felt so open to share these things with ponies he had only just met that day. Maybe he was just learning to loosen up.

"Well thats just messed up." Said Neighlita after Hikaru finished his story.
"Yeah, I kinda want to plant a hoof in the face of that loser." Said Vinyl "I mean no offense, he is your dad. But....."
"Nah its ok." Hikaru replied. "I agree, he is messed up. But whatever. Whats done in done. And now I just gotta figure out what to do exactly. I know for sure that going back into Ponyville wont be easy. I just know that he reported me. I gotta try to stay inconspicuous.
"Well..." Began Vinyl. "If you find that you suddenly need a place to hide at the show. You're welcome to come backstage."
Vinyl gave them two backstage passes.
"Oh wow! Thank you!" Said Hikaru happily.
"Yeah, I hope things work out for you." Said Vinyl taking another sip of her drink. "You and Sky seem like legit ponies. Things will work out."
"We can hope." Said Sky. "Its been an interesting journey so far....woah...guys...."

Everypony looked over at Flash and Zen. Apparently, they had been downing drinks the entire time Hikaru was talking. And the effects of the alcohol had started to get to them.

"I think someponies are gonna need help getting home." Laughed Neighlita.
"yeah....heh heh."

Hikaru and Sky said their goodbyes to the two DJ mares and left the bar holding up Flash and Zen who were having trouble staying up.

"You guys....rock...so hard...hard like a....onion...." Said Zen slowly as she stumbled along.
"Haha....hahaha....HAHAHA....." Laughed Flash, also stumbling along.
"Ugh...you guys..." Said Hikaru shaking his head.

"Oh....WHA...!" Shouted Flash suddenly. "Those ponies across the.....sssstreet! ZEN....They looked at you....weird."
"What? No they didn't" Said Hikaru looking over at them.
"Im gonna kill them...for you...."
"Oh no"
"HEY, YOU....FREAKING LOSERS!" He shouted starting to stumble his way across the street. "Ill smash your....faces in...you gonna look at her like that.....yeah....?"
Fllash fell down onto the street.

The 4 got home and somehow managed to get Flash and Zen onto the couch where they randomly mumbled for a bit and then fell asleep.

"I guess they're ok for now." Said Sky turning off the lamp by the couch. "We should go get some sleep also."
"Yeah...its been a long day." Said Hikaru with a yawn.

Zen turned off the lights and Hikaru locked up the door with duct tape.

They headed up their own apartment for some much needed rest. Sky took the bed in the bedroom while Hikaru pulled out the sofa bed in the living room.

"Good night Sky." Said Hikaru shutting off the lamp by the bedside.

"Good night Hikaru." Said Sky turning off the light to the living room and going to her room.

Hikaru pulled the blanket over his head. 'Today was awesome.' He thought to himself. 'I couldn't have asked for more. Maybe it would have been nice is Flash and Zen didn't get drunk out of their minds. But its not too much of an issue.'

Hikaru looked out the window by his side. Despite being so far from what used to be his home. The night sky still looked the same. Bright shining stars and the moon that shone its light down onto the city. Hikaru felt at peace.

'This may just work out after all.'


Iris was checking in ponies into the hotel. Ponies from all around Equestria had started showing up for the big event tomorrow night.

"I have a reservation for 2. Last name Strobe." Said an orange colt with a dark brown mane.
"Ah yes Mr. Strobe, I have your reservation here." Said Iris looking up the reservation on the computer. You are going to be in room 405."
She gave the colt his room key and information card.
"If you need anything else or have any questions, feel free to call the information desk by dialing 2 on the room phone. And enjoy your stay!"
"Thank you very much!" Said the colt as he grabbed his bag and headed upstairs.
Iris noticed that there were 4 others who followed him.
It was common for ponies to reserve a room for two, and squeeze as many as possible into the room.
This was actually against the rules but there really was no way to enforce it.

As the day went on, Iris noticed that there were many other groups who reserved rooms for two, only to see three, four, even five others go up together.

'Oh well, what can you do.' She thought to herself.

"Hello! Welcome to Equestria Suites! Do you have a reservation with us?"


Hikaru woke up with the sun shining in his eyes.
He groaned as his eyes strained against the brightness as he pulled the covers over his head.
'What time is it?' He thought as he peeked out from under the covers at the clock on the wall.
'eight thirty. I guess I should get up now. Gotta get ready to go with Sky to that Job interview.'
Zen had recommended that both Sky and Hikaru try to see if they could get a job at a local factory that was about 3 blocks away.
The factory manufactured windows and they had apparently needed help with packaging them to be sent out around Equestria.
Both Hikaru and Sky had called in and gotten an interview at 10 o clock. Finding a job wasn't easy these days, but obviously, luck was on their side.

"Sky?" Called out Hikaru as he folded back the couch. "You up yet?"

Suddenly, the front door of the apartment opened.

"Did you just call for me?" Asked Sky as she walked in.
"Oh yeah, I wasn't sure if you were up yet. I guess you wake up a lot earlier than I do."
"Yeah, like 2 hours earlier." She laughed. "I went to go check on Flash and Zen. Needless to say, they are not doing well at all."
"Oh?" Asked Hikaru. " Hung over?"
"Badly. Flash was throwing up all night and they both have really bad headaches and can't get up from bed. I think we won't see much from them until later today."

The conversation was suddenly interrupted by the sound of a knock at the door.

"Hm, who can that be?" Said Hikaru walking over to the door.

He opened the door and was surprised to see a very slow moving and sick looking Flash.

"Flash!" Umm....hi....you doing..ok...?"

"You guys wouldn't happen to have any asprin would you?"

Sky sighed and went to the medicine cabinet.


Hikaru and Sky stood in front of the large building in front of them.
"Ember Windows" read Hikaru out loud. "This is it."
They entered into the building, hoping to exit with a new job in their hooves.

Once inside, Hikaru found himself in a very busy atmosphere. Ponies were running around, working machines, taking calls, calling out orders. It made sense that help might be needed. This place was hectic.

"Can I help you two?" Asked a dark brown mare with a cream colored mane.
Hikaru noticed that her cutie mark was a window. This must have been Shimmer Ember. The head of the company. Just the mare they needed to talk to.

"Ah yes." Hikaru began. "Im Hikaru Ray, and this is Sky Breeze. We came in for an interview for a possible position here, we have an appointment at 10."
Hikaru tried to make himself sound as polite and official as he could. They really needed this job.

"Oh yes you contacted me the other day about that. Im sorry, I almost forgot about it." Shimmer said apologetically. "Things get so hectic around here that things tend to get lost in the schedule."
"We can come back another time if that would make things more convenient for you." Said Sky, also trying to sound as polite as possible.
"Oh no thats quite alright." Shimmer said looking in her schedule. "I have time, and It won't take long at all. Follow me."

Shimmer led Hikaru and Sky up to her office on the second floor. The door opened with a creak and almost seemed as if it could fall off of its hinges at any moment.
She closed the door behind them and went to a large desk with piles of paper all around.
"So." she began. "Few things I would like to know first of all. What is you past work experience?"
Hikaru looked over at Sky and gave her a "you first" look.
She gave him a look back that just read "Thanks a lot" And started.

"I started working in my Uncles kite shop as soon as I was old enough to go to school pretty much. I helped out with small things until I was older when I pretty much ran the entire store by myself. I stopped working there when I left Ponyville and came here."

"Sounds like you have a decent work background. How about you Hikaru?"

"I was working at Equestria Suites in Ponyville for as long as I can remember. My Dad is the owner of the hotel. Thats really the only place I have worked, but I had allot of responsibilities there. I filed, book rooms, worked in the cleaning service for a bit, little bit of everything. Like Sky, I worked there until I left."

"And what made you two leave your places of employment? Im curious, especially because both were family businesses for you." Asked Shimmer.

"Well...." Began Hikaru thinking carefully about how to word his response.
"I wanted something else. I was tired of doing the same thing and not really...going anywhere I guess you can say. I needed something fresh and new, hence why I decided to come to Manehattan. New city, new place, new life."

"Same for me." Said Sky quickly. "I needed something new in life. I needed to get out into the world and try something new, gain new experiences. And when Hikaru told me about what he was doing, I wanted to take the same journey he was taking. So we both left Ponyville together to try to find a better life."

"So you two are together then?" Asked Shimmer suddenly.

Hikaru almost choked.
Sky shifted uncomfortably.

"Um..." began Hikaru. "We're not....um..."
"We are just uh..." Interrupted Sky.
"Traveling together..."
"YEAH! Were just traveling together heh heh...."

"Oh okay I see." Shimmer replied, noticing the two in front of her turning red.

She continued on to the next topic of discussion, much to their relief.
"What is your level of education?"

"I graduated high school at Ponyville Youth Academy. Thats the highest education level I achieved." Said Hikaru.
"Same for me." Said Sky. "We were in the same classes so we graduated at the same time."

'Wow...." thought Hikaru. 'Sky really has been with me for much of my life.'
Shimmer obviously thought the same.

"You two must be very close, seems your lives were pretty similar. You both have a good education background, and some good work experience. I want to ask, how long do you plan to stay here in Manehattan?"

Hikaru looked over at Sky.
Sky looked over at him.

"I guess...."

"For good."
They both said at the same time.

Shimmer laughed.
"You two are funny. I like you already. And I could definitely use your help around here. You're hired!"

"Wha-ha-woah! Yes! I mean, wow! That was quick!"
Hikaru was over joyed and surprised that Shimmer was so willing to hire the both of them without a second thought.
"Oh my gosh thank you so much!" Said Sky grabbing Shimmers hoof and shaking vigorously. "This helps us so much we won't let you down, we're gonna do our absolute best thank you thank you thank you so much I am so happy thank you-"

"SKY!" Hikaru yelled.
"Let go of her hoof...."
"OH! Sorry...." Said sky letting go of her hoof with an apologetic look.

Shimmer laughed. "Its fine, I can see you both are enthusiastic to start. Can you come in starting next monday?"

"Works for me." Said Hikaru looking at Sky.
"Its perfect."