• Published 29th Jul 2011
  • 4,222 Views, 50 Comments

Hikarus Freedom - 20percentcooler

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"Of course not! Absolutely NO!"
"What?" Yelled Hikaru in disbelief. "Dad, cmon! I work everyday for pretty much my entire life, and I can't just get ONE night off?"
"The issue isn't getting a night off." Said Storm. "The issue here is that you want to get out of your duties to go to a useless party instead of doing something that actually takes you somewhere in life!"
Hikaru felt anger starting to rise up within his being from his fathers comment. "Useless party?! Dad, my favorite music artist are going to be there performing LIVE! Do you have any idea how big of a deal this is? These ponies never come to Ponyville! NEVER! I have dreamed of going to something like this for so long, you can't just tell me I can't go!"
"Well I did." Said Storm. "You're not going, you have your duties here to attend to, and you need to learn to make your priorities right. End of discussion."

Hikaru kicked over a chair and left his fathers office slamming the door. He could hear Storm yelling something angrily about how much the chair cost or something like that, but he could care less right now. He left the hotel and looked up the street. All around ponies were out enjoying the summer day. Shopping, eating, the young ones playing, the sight of everyone enjoying themselves eased Hikaru's anger a bit. He looked down the other side of the street and noticed the kite flying above Forever Flying kite shop. It was a small white kite shaped to look like a shooting star with a long tail. Watching the kite flying up in the sky in such a graceful way was almost mesmerizing. Infact, apparently very much so as Hikaru failed to hear the Pony asking him to move aside so he could push his delivery cart pass.

"Wha?! Oh! Sorry sir." Said Hikaru feeling a bit embarrassed.
He moved out of the way to let the delivery pony pass.
"Crazy kid..." He muttered. "Doesn't even pay attention to where he is....this generation is going down the drain..."

Hikaru ignored his put-down and decided to go to the kite shop.
"I guess I better tell Sky that I can't go.." He thought to himself as he walked up to the door.

He opened the door and was immediately surrounded by colors and shapes of all kinds. Kites hung down from the ceiling and off the walls of the small store. It seemed any kind of shape you could think of, there was a kite for it. From a red phoenix with short tails from its wings to create the illusion of fire, to a Wonderbolts logo in 3d form, if you could think of it, the shop probably had it in kite form.

Two young fillies happily dashed out of the store with a new kite they had just bought that was shaped like a diamond.
"Ah, I miss those days..." Thought Hikaru to himself.

He walked to the back of the store trying to see through the kites for Sky. He looked past a meadowlark kite and spied his friend. Or at least her turquoise and purple mane.

"Sky? Is that you?"
"Oh hey Hikaru!" Called Sky from the back storage area of the store. "Um....hey, do you think you could help me with this?"
"Uh sure." Replied Hikaru heading through the maze of kites into the back of the store.
He found Sky trying to assemble a very large kite. The kite was in the shape of the sun and it was significantly larger than Sky or Hikaru. Probably even larger than Big Macintosh even. The Kite looked amazing except that is was not fully assembled. It appeared that the last piece to its completion, was a long stick that had to be bowed around the outer frame and then connected back into itself to create the suns round form. However, it seemed that the stick was a bit resistant to being bowed and it was taking all of Skys' strength to try to bend it as well as holding onto the kite so it didn't flip away like a catapult.

"If you could just hold onto the kite so it doesn't fly away that would be great." Said Sky with tired eyes. It was obvious that she had been struggling with this for quite some time.
"Not a prob" Said Hikaru with a hint of pride in his voice.
He grabbed hold of the kite while Sky bent the stick around the outer edge of the sun and then into the connection point where it locked into place.
"Whew! About time I completed this one!" Breathed Sky greatly relieved but tired.
"It looks amazing! Said Hikaru admiring the kite from a few steps back. "I've never seen a kite this large and so masterfully designed before."
"My uncles newest design!" Said Sky proudly. "He worked for months on getting this perfect, and now we finally get to see it fly over the store!"


"AAAA!!!" Both Hikaru and Sky screamed as the kite suddenly unfolded and sent the stick flying at high velocity right towards them.
Hikaru acted fast and pushed Sky away saving her from being stabbed by the flying stick. Unfortunately, he wasn't so lucky as the stick hit him directly in his front left leg as he tried to block the stick from hitting his face.

Hikaru looked at his leg and noticed that the stick had indeed punctured his skin and blood was slowly starting to flow out of the small wound.

"Ack! Hikaru! Are you ok? I mean...no you aren't, But...I...Im sorry...."
Sky looked down onto the ground embarrassed of what happened.
"Its not your fault don't worry about it." Assured Hikaru walking over to the sink to wash off the wound.
"We should probably take you the doctor you know." Said Sky cringing at the sight of blood. "I can take you now, I just have to close the sto-"
"No thats not needed." Said Hikaru with a smile. Its not like the stick impaled my leg or anything, it just broke the skin thats all. Ill just go back to the hotel and get this cleaned up and bandaged and Ill be good to go. Ah...yeah I should actually go now. Haha. Don't want to get blood on your floor, Ill talk to you later."
Hikaru navigated his way out of the kite maze to the front door.
"Hikaru!" Called Sky walking over to him.
Hikaru paused and turned to see Sky.
"Sup?" He asked with a smile.
He was suddenly met by a hug from Sky which surprised him a bit, but not in a bad way.
"Thanks." She said. "For pushing me out of the way. haha."
"Oh c-mon...It wasn't that big of a deal" He laughed. "Its not like I saved you from a falling building through fire and explosions or some crazy thing like in those movies."
"Yeah I guess." Laughed Sky backing away noticing that there was still blood slowly flowing from Hikarus wound. "But still, it surprised me, and it was nice of you to do that for me, thanks."
"Ha, whatevs." Said Hikaru. "Ill talk to you later. See ya!"

Hikaru left the building and headed back to the hotel.
He suddenly remembered something.

"Argh! I was supposed to tell her that I couldn't go to Nocturnal Oasis..."
He thought about going back to tell her, but he knew she already felt bad about the kite wound, he didn't want to make her feel worse by saying he couldn't go to the thing she wanted him to attend. He would have to tell her the next day.

"Hmm..." He thought. "On the other hoof, she might want to know so she can sell the ticket or give it to somepony else...." He pondered on this for a second.
"Ah whatever, a day won't matter, Ill tell her tomorrow. And besides, I still have to see if there is someway, anyway, I can still go to this thing. Im willing to do anything."

He looked down and noticed the wound the stick has caused was still bleeding, so he hurried into the hotel to find the first aid kit.