• Published 29th Jul 2011
  • 4,222 Views, 50 Comments

Hikarus Freedom - 20percentcooler

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Hikaru and Sky continued on through the trees based on the directions of the griffon.

Hikaru felt bad about arguing with Sky. He cared about Sky quite a bit, and to argue with her just made him feel like trash.
Sky also had the same feelings, and she felt embarrassed about her actions.

"Hikaru...." Began Sky. "Look....I'm sorry about the way I acted....earlier. I don't know, I just freak out whenever Im under stress sometimes, and I know its bad, and I shouldn't take that out on you. I don't know why Im like that. Its always been like this, I just....get nervous or something I guess...I don't know. But I feel bad that I yelled at you like that."

"Im sorry too..." Replied Hikaru laying his head ontop of Sky's as they walked along.
"That griffon was right, I was kinda egging you on just trying to get you to react pretty much. I mean, I wasn't trying to...but I guess that was what I was doing. And I shouldn't do that."

"I really messed up though.." Said Sky softly.
"I really messed up." Said Hikaru in response.

Sky smiled. "Maybe....we both have our issues we need to work out."
Hikaru smiled and laughed. "Haha, yeah, I guess so."

They continued walking through the trees and toward the supposed road that awaited them on the other end.

Hikaru noticed that there appeared to be a clearing up ahead.
"Sky, does that look like a clearing to you up there?"
Sky looked and noticed that there was sunlight breaking through at the end of the long rows of trees that covered them and blocked most of the sunlight.
"It sure looks like it! Cmon!"

Hikaru and Sky dashed towards the light anxiously. Hoping that they would a clearing, and the continuation of the road.

Hikaru rushed through the rows of trees, feeling the wind rush through his mane, and getting whipped by the occasional branch that jetted out to block his path. It stung a bit, but he didn't care. More than anything, he wanted to see that road, the sign that this whole journey wasn't over, wasn't at a lost, wasn't the end of the book.

With a final leap, the Hikaru jumped out of the trees into a clearing with Sky right by his side.

Hikaru found himself surrounded by bright light. The darkness of the forest had caused his eyes to be quite sensitive to the light, and the sudden brightness caused him to experience a complete white-out for a few seconds. But once his eyes adjusted, he took in a wonderful sight.

"THE ROAD!" Yelled Sky Happily.

Sky jumped up in joy and ran over and hugged Hikaru.

"We're gonna be ok! We are still on track!"

Hikaru felt a sense of relief as well as a feeling of complete joy as he looked out over the land. The road wound its way through a meadow and off towards a mountain pass. A pass that Hikaru knew was the final land mark that led to Manehattan


Iris looked up from the computer screen to see who had entered into the hotel.
It was Storm.
"Good afternoon sir. I take it you are doing well?"
Storm gave Iris an annoyed look. "I just took a look at our finance report. Things aren't going well."
"These are tough times." Commented Iris as she glanced over at the finance report that was on her desk. "Many businesses are struggling."
"In that case." Began Storm. "Sacrifices will have to be made"

Storm grabbed a newspaper from the stack on the counter. He took a glance into the mirror that was right above.
"This bruise still isn't healing up. I look absolutely ridiculous!"
"It isn't that bad sir..." Said Iris noticing the large bruising on the side of Storms face from Hikaru's blow.
"Ah whatever." Said Storm as he headed to his office.

'Wow.' Thought Iris. 'He does look ridiculous.'


Hikaru and Sky had been on their journey for 4 days now, and they were quite tired, but they knew that they were almost there.
Hikaru looked up the path that they traveled. It led up to the top of a hill. What was over on the other side was what Hikaru hoped would be Manehattan.

"So Sky..." Began Hikaru still looking up the road. "Where are these friends of yours that we are gonna meet up with once we get there?"
Sky did not reply.
Still no reply.
Hikaru looked over at Sky. She had her own set of headphones on and was lost in her own little world of whatever song it was she was listening to.
Hikaru thought to himself.
'I wonder what she is listening to. I want to ask her about those friends of hers. Hmmm....I guess I should wait till when she stops listening to that song, she obviously really likes whatever song it is...but I want to know.....argh Im not very patient am I....I could just tap her on the shoulder...no thats kinda odd. Or maybe...no thats just rude...ah we're good friends what in the hay...she'll take it well."

Hikaru yanked the headphones off of Sky's head.

"WHAT IN THE HAY?" Yelled Sky jumping in shock.
"Oh...too much?"

Sky stared daggers at Hikaru.

"eh-heh-heh.....sorry..." Said Hikaru with a nervous smile.

Sky sighed. "What was THAT about hm? Care to explain?"
"oh...well...um..." Hikaru replied nervously. "I was wondering...where your friends are gonna be once we get to Manehattan...and um...what...song...you were..listening to?"
Sky glared at Hikaru. "So you couldn't just tap me on the shoulder or something?
'Darn it.' Thought Hikaru.
"Im sorry Sky, I don't know, Im weird. Haha." He started putting on the headphones to hear what song Sky was listening to.
"NO!" Screamed Sky reaching for the headphones.
"Huh?" Hikaru was confused. "What, I just wanted to hear what song you were listening to. You seemed to really like it."
"No! I mean...um..." Sky was looking down uncomfortably.
Hikaru put on the headphones.


"Take em away into Luna's night by 5 strings?" Said Hikaru loudly with a hint of disbelief. "You like that song? Its so...mainstream..."
Sky looked up. "I guess it just....I don't know. It means something to me I guess."
"Its alright I guess." Said Hikaru taking off the headphones and giving them back to Sky. "I just usually try to stay away from all of that mainstream stuff."

Sky was about to say something when she suddenly stopped as she took in the view in front of her.
The two had been so focused on their little conversation, that they had not noticed that they had just reached the top of the hill.

Stretched out in the land before them was a wonderful sight.
Hundreds of tall buildings stretching high into the sky. Rows and rows of houses and apartment buildings stood in formation like an army standing at attention. The sight of the sun reflecting off of the surrounding lakes created a beautiful shimmering sight. The likes of which they had never seen before.



Hikaru and Sky happily trotted into Manehattan.
Immediately, they were surrounded by the sights and sounds of the city. Manehattan was significantly more crowded and busy than Ponyville.
The streets were filled with ponies walking around, laughing, talking, shopping. Everypony seemed busy going somewhere.

"This is awesome" Said Hikaru with a smile on his face. "I can't believe were finally here! We made it! Ahhhh gosh I just wanna...hug you but that would be weird to do so suddenly in public."

Sky Laughed and looked up at the street signs that were located on each corner.

"We need to find CastleView Avenue. Spark and Zen live at 4756 28th street and CastleView Avenue. They said to look for a large orange steeple that towers over most of the other buildings. Their apartment is supposed to be right across the street from it."

Hikaru saw a map of the city streets on a wall on a nearby store. He trotted over to check it out.

"Its about 3 blocks down." He said walking back over to Sky. "28th street is just a short walk up. We're literally just a minute away."

As they started walking in the direction of their destination. Hikaru noticed that Sky seemed very quiet.

"You all right?"
"Hm? Oh. Yeah, Im good."
"You seem quiet."
Sky sighed. "I guess it just hit me. Im far from home, and...this is really happening. Living on our own, everything. Its just a lot to take in."

"It was you're choice to come along..." Started Hikaru. "But I can understand if you're regretting it..."
"Not at all." Interjected Sky. "This is what I want to do, and..." She paused. "I can't think of anypony else who I would have wanted to do this with as much as you."
