• Published 26th Jun 2012
  • 867 Views, 11 Comments

Black and Blue - autobot

When two strange sibling Ponies take up home in Ponyville, what sort of madness will ensue?

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The Arrival - Chapter 1

As Celestia brought down the sun, two Pegasus ponies flew silently high up above the clouds, using the evening thermals to their advantage as they glided across Equestria. As the Moon began to rise, the two ponies slowly descended towards a nearby cloud, the smaller of the two was wearing a bulging saddle bag and the other a jacket with very full pockets. The taller of the two ponies dropped down onto the cloud first, his abnormally large wings causing the white fluffy mass to shift and shake as the power of his wings beat down onto it. He landed with a slight ‘poof’ letting out a contented sigh as he did, the other Pegasus soon followed suit, her smaller wings hardly making a ripple on the clouds surface; but did a wonderful job of messing up her taller companions hair. The sleek, jet black pony simply swished his hair back into place and gave the turquoise Pegasus a look of annoyance, which quickly dissolved into a low chuckle; this was typical behaviour for his older sister.

“Alright Sis, we’ll rest up here for a while,” He said, giving his fellow traveller an amused smile, “You look like you need it.” The slightly plumper pony flashed her younger sibling an angry look as she lay down on the cloud, sighing wearily as she did. The younger brother walked to the edge of the cloud, looking out over Equestria, now bathed in Luna’s moon light. His name was Red Eye, a tall jet black Pegasus standing around five feet tall. He was very slimly built, lacking muscles mostly everywhere bar his back and wings. His brown mop-like mane was thick and messy, a simple right to left sweep in his fringe kept it out of his eyes, one he constantly had to swish back up to be able to see. His signature red jacket was probably the second most colourful thing on him, the many pockets filled with personal items. A silver watch was strapped around his left foreleg and glasses were perched on his snout. Apart from his jacket, the only other colourful thing about him was his eyes; his left eye was a bright sky blue, full of life and joy. His right eye however, was what gave him his name, it glowed a deep blood red; pulsating with a dark red light every time a negative emotion passed through him. His red eye was no birth accident or mutation, the cause was much greater than that. Red eye, throughout his childhood, had a habit of bottling up negative or unwanted emotions he didn’t want to appear on the outside. Over a period of many years the emotional pressure within his mind grew to dangerous levels, causing violent outbursts and signs of insanity; like extended rants with himself, and having moments of intense rage. This gradually got worse until one day, he simply snapped. In his final years of education one pony pushed him one step too far, causing him to lose control of everything. He doesn’t remember what he did that day as his body wasn’t in his possession, but on that fateful day a second personality was born inside of him, taking up its home in the very depths of his mind. When he awoke the following day he was left with an eye burning red as hell itself and a demon to go with it.

Now at the age of sixteen, he is a much calmer and more collected pony, on the outside at least. He and his older sister were runaways, they left home many months ago, for reasons they would rather keep to themselves; they had taken the only essentials they needed, and had set off in search of a better life elsewhere.

Red Eyes’ older sister, Soul Seer, was a short turquoise pony, boasting a two-tone purple mane with matching tail. Her dark pink eyes glowed brightly in the dark, the dark slits that were her pupils finished of her devilish look. Now when I said she was a Pegasus, that wasn’t strictly true. Technically, Soul Seer was an Alicorn. She was born into the world as a unicorn, and happily lived like one for many years, until Red Eye was born. He was born a Pegasus through and through, a very unique and different one too. His wings were not the feathery ones you get on any other Pegasus, they were bat wings. Overly sized bat wings that had little use to the pony at a young age, as they were way out of scale for his body.

As Red Eye stands now looking out over the Equestrian sky, his wing span is a whopping thirteen feet, a six and a half foot wing on each side of his back. His back muscles were the strongest in his body and could make great use of his massive wings. When Soul Seer had seen her little brother’s gift, she became jealous of him, soon she didn’t seem so amazing or special to her parents. This drove her crazy for years while Red Eye grew up, until one day she too lost it. Looking though books of old dark magic she found a spell that could quite literally copy the body part of whoever the spell was cast upon, and place it onto the caster. After many months of trial and error she mastered the spell, and on her little brothers tenth birthday, she used it. What she didn’t bet on, however, was how painful it would be to have your body completely remake parts of itself. After she cast the spell on the sleeping birthday pony, she stumbled down to the basement where she spent the rest of the night, screaming in agony as her body gave her the wings she so badly wanted. From that day on, Soul Seers life was sent spiralling downwards; she was now a fake Alicorn, which in itself was practically a crime. She had mastered a powerful dark magic spell before anything else, which sent her magic abilities into the darker realms of the art. The mixture of these things and many social and mental pressures drove her to emotional instability for a long while, but with the help of her younger brother, Soul Seers life became somewhat stable during her mid teens. Now at the age of nineteen, she is a wise, life hardened pony with a warm heart of stone, but still retaining the maturity of seven year old.

Red Eye surveyed his surroundings from the high altitude cloud; leaning over the edge of the fluffy mass to look down and see what was below him. He stared into the darkness of Luna’s night, noticing lights down on the ground, most probably a town or village. Reaching down into one of his jacket pockets and pulling out a tightly folded piece of paper, he placed in on the cloud and opened it up, revealing a small detailed map of Equestria, the glow from his eyes actually lighting the map enough for him to see.

After a few minutes of calculations and hard thinking he figured out their rough position. They were very close to the town of Ponyville, a very famous town, know for being the home of the legendary Elements of Harmony, the famous six ponies who saved Equestria on many occasions. He refolded the map and placed in back into its pocket on his jacket, making many mental notes as he did, deciding to discuss this with Soul Seer. He turned back around to begin sharing his thoughts with his older sister, but he quickly realised there was no point, as he looked over to her he could clearly see she was sound asleep, saddlebag still slung over her back. Red Eye, the black hearted, demon infested bat winged Pegasus ‘daawww’ed hard at the sight of his slumbering sibling, who was probably tired from the numerous long flights. Red Eye smiled to himself and trotted over to Soul, removing his jacket as he did, he then proceeded to carefully remove Soul’s saddle bag and set it down out of the way alongside his jacket. When he was content she was comfortable, he lay down next to his snoozing sister, opening his left wing to its full six and half foot span to drape it over Soul Seer. Red Eye snuggled up to her and pulled his wing tight to form a warm blanket over his older sister and sighed, placing a small loving kiss on Soul Seers head and settled down to join her in the realm of sleep.