• Published 26th Jun 2012
  • 868 Views, 11 Comments

Black and Blue - autobot

When two strange sibling Ponies take up home in Ponyville, what sort of madness will ensue?

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A Dash of Surprise - Chapter 2

Red Eye was awoken from his peaceful slumber by his keen sense of hearing, his mind was slow and was failing to register any thoughts, simply wanting to go back to sleep. After a few seconds he soon began to realise that the sounds he was hearing were the beating of wings, but not of bat wings, this was the sound of normal Pegasus wings! Alarm bells rang out in his head as he tensed up, not wanting to move an inch in case the unknown visitor wasn’t too friendly. He heard a soft ‘fwump’ as somepony landed on the cloud; Red Eye was on full alert now, the morning slowness gone from his mind as he franticly tried to find a way out of this situation. He heard hoofsteps on the cloud as the visitor came closer and with a confused voice, asked a question Red Eye had dealt with many times before, even if the now apparent mare was talking to herself.

“What in the hay kind of wings are those?” the visitor said in a slight whisper, confusion plaguing her voice. It was now or never Red eye thought.

“They are bat wings” he growled, opening his eyes and staring at the intruder, a cyan mare with a long rainbow mane and matching tail. There was doubt about who it was; the element of loyalty herself, the fastest flyer in Equestria, and the cockiest little minx he had ever heard of; Rainbow Dash. She jumped at Red Eyes’ sudden response, like every other pony he had met unintentionally; she stared in horror at his red eye which by now was glowing a little brighter than usual. Red Eye stood up; cracking his neck as he did so, his left wing slowly and gently removed itself off of Soul Seer as it returned to his side. Rainbow Dash took a few steps back at the sight of this scary new pony; he sure didn’t look like the friendly type to her. Red Eye then stretched out his wings to their full span; his joints cracking as they did every morning, Rainbow Dash’s jaw hit the floor as she stared in awe at the sheer size of his wings, which simply added to her fear.

“Now Miss Dash, why have you woken me up? It’s not nice to come bothering sleeping ponies, didn’t you know that curiosity killed the cat?” Red Eye said to the cyan Pegasus, his voice low and had a growling tone to it. Rainbow Dash was staring at him, mostly frozen in fear, but she had a reputation to keep up. She shook herself out of her fear stricken state and puffed out her chest, her cocky voice returning to her, even if it was a little shaky.

“First off, I’m not a cat!” Red Eye rolled his eyes, “Second, you’re sleeping on a cloud I’ve got to clear this morning, so I was simply coming to ask you to move, I wasn’t bothering you.” She sounded offended at the thought of being bothersome. “Anyway, how the hay do you know my name?” She asked, finally giving up the effort to make herself look more important and letting her chest come back down. Red Eye replied simply with a sigh.

“Well, there is only one Rainbow Dash after all.” At this statement the cyan pony once again struck a dramatic pose and Red Eye could clearly see she was about to go off on one of her speeches. No chance! “Don’t even think about getting all big headed missy!” he snorted at her. She was taken aback by this and soon stood still again, her head hanging slightly. It was at that moment a small squeal emanated from behind Red Eyes left wing, a squeal he knew too well.

Soul Seer, to put it simply was a Rainbow Dash fan-mare. A BIG fan! She was pretty much obsessed with the super sonic Pegasus and had been madly in love with her for the majority of her teenage years. Now she was metres away from the very same pony and Red Eye was pretty sure she was trying to contain herself behind his wing.

“Well, since she’s awake I may as well introduce us,” He said calmly this time, dropping his threatening act for his sister’s sake and putting on a smile. “My name is Red Eye,” he said winking his right eye to emphasis his name, “And this,” he gestured to Soul behind his wing, “This is my older sister, Soul Seer.” he dropped his folded wing revealing the love struck pony, and as she quickly realised she was no longer hidden, she squealed once more as her gaze met that of her life long crush. Red Eye thought it best he explained quickly, before things got awkward.

“Miss Dash, I assume you have met many of your biggest fans over the years?” She nodded, looking thoughtful.

“Well take them all, add them together, times it by twenty, and you have my sister.” Dash’s eyes widened and looked at Soul Seer again, getting another squeak out of the fan-mare. Soul's breath hitched as she made eye contact with Dash, and feeling her cheeks redden, she cast her gaze to the cloud, fearing coming off as too much of a fan on first meeting. Rainbow Dash was pretty much speechless, Red Eye thought it be a good time to bring this meeting to a close. “Anyway Miss Dash, we will let you get on with your duties, we will be gone off this cloud in a few minutes, sorry to have gotten in your way and nice to meet you.” He bowed politely and the weather pony seemed to accept this.

“Well, it was um… nice meeting you Red Eye,” she replied opening her wings, still sounding rather unsure of the jet black Pegasus. “You too, Soul Seer,” she smiled at her, which simply made Soul blush more furiously. Dash turned to go, but not before saying in a cool manner, “Oh and please, call me Rainbow Dash” and with that, she bolted away into the sky.

“Bucking show-off,” Red muttered as the cyan Pegasus zoomed away. He turned to Soul and frowned at her, "I don't even need your power to know what you’re thinking. You're redder than a sunbathing tomato." Red teased his older sister; Soul just glared at her younger Brother and sighed, turning her head in the direction Dash had just zoomed off in.

"She's so perfect, Red. Why did I have to be in this state when I met her?" She motioned with her hoof to her overly wacky bed hair, and tried in vain to smooth it out. Red simply laughed, shaking his head; typical mare.

“Just be thankful you had bed hair,” he said looking at Souls effort of sorting her mane. “It hid your horn well; if Rainbow Dash had noticed it we’d both in the shit,” He pointed out. “Anyway, we’d best get off this cloud and go find somewhere to eat, I’m pretty sure Ponyville will have a decent café.”

Red walked over to the pile of items he removed the night before, slipping into his red jacket and readjusting his watch and glasses. He then picked up the saddlebag and turned to Soul, who was still staring into the sky, then frowned and proceeded to throw the bag at the back of his sister’s head, making a perfect mess of her mane… which she had just fixed. Soul glared at her Brother again and slipped on the saddlebag, then not even bothering to give him another look she pranced to the end of the cloud and jumped off, snapping her wings open as she dived to slow herself, and turned back to Red.

"Come on then, slowpony!" she yelled, closing her wings a fraction to start descending again. Red simply shook his head and chuckled to himself.

“Pft, amateurs!” he said as he leaped backwards off the cloud, not even bothering to open his wings. He tucked in his legs and plummeted after his sister, and after quickly gaining speed he plotted his revenge. As he approached the slow flying Alicorn he open his wings ever so slightly to allow him to angle himself just enough so he would pass her, right in front of her snout! He rocketed towards her at a blistering pace, he was metres away when he let rip a “Yeeeaaahhhooo” as he roared past her nose and shot down towards the ground. Soul growled and angled herself away from her Brother so that he didn't end up killing them both, then in retaliation closed her wings abruptly and shot towards the ground, her eyes never leaving the form of her descending Brother. She noticed him open his wings casually, and grinned at herself, thinking she'd finally beaten her Brother. What she didn't take into account however, was the form of the rapidly approaching ground. She snapped her wings open a fraction too late, it only slowed her a little bit as she came crashing into the ground, causing dirt to fly out everywhere. Red swore loudly and shot towards his sister, his wings accelerating him over to her in seconds. With a powerful thrust of his wings he blew the dust away and looked down at Soul, now unconscious and badly bruised. Red eye wasted no time in thinking of a plan of action, he folded his huge wings as best he could and took Soul onto his back. Once he had her balanced correctly he turned towards Ponyville, the only thing on his mind right now was his sisters well being.

“Please for Celestia’s sake, let there be a hospital!”