• Published 26th Jun 2012
  • 868 Views, 11 Comments

Black and Blue - autobot

When two strange sibling Ponies take up home in Ponyville, what sort of madness will ensue?

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Her Head in the Clouds - Chapter 6

After his massage from the spa Ponies, Red had gone back to the front desk and paid his bit. His back and wings felt fantastic, better than they had in years! He flexed and stretched them as space would allow, making him long to be back in the sky as soon as possible. As he began to walk out of the spa a rather elegant purple haired unicorn came through the door, walking in humming to herself happily. Red, being a gentlecolt at heart, let her enter before making his own way out. She nodded to him in thanks as Red trotted out in the afternoon air before then doing a double take in his direction. The unicorn looked on wide eyed as the black stallion walked out into the street, unfolding his huge wings as he did.

“A new stallion in town?” She whispered to herself in disbelief. “How do I not know of this yet!?” As she stared, the tall Pegasus flapped his massive wings and disappeared upwards in a cloud of dust. Rarity turned to the two spa ponies, both staring to where Red was once standing. She approached them with haste, “Ladies, tell me, everything!”

Red rocketed into the sky, a huge grin plastered on his face; he was finally back in the sky where he belonged! He couldn’t help but twist, turn and roll as he flew back towards the apartment. After taking the long way round back to the apartment, Red arrived home, unlocking the door and trotting in, humming happily to himself.

“Yo sis, I’m home!” he called as he locked the door behind him and threw the keys on the kitchen counter. The lack of reply from his older sibling worried him slightly as he noticed the still warm apple pie on the table, Red quickly proceeded to open the door to Souls bedroom, but she was not there. He then tried his own, to his surprise she was there at his window, staring up at the sky. She was frozen in place, barely breathing, focused completely on the sky above. Red slowly came up along side her, following her pink snake eyes into the clouds above. There, flying high above was none other than Rainbow Dash. “Go figure” Red chuckled to himself, he could only imagine what was going through his sister’s head right now.

“She’s just… I can’t even… ugh…” was all Soul could manage and it was barely a whisper at that. It was at this point that Red had one of his crazy ideas… and it wouldn’t be the last he would have before the day was done. Without a word of warning, he pushed the window wide open, took his sister by the hoof and dragged her out into the evening sun. Before Soul knew what was going on she was flying up towards the clouds that Rainbow dash was practising on. Before Soul could even make any attempt to resist or struggle, Red dragged her all the way up into the sky and along towards the field where Rainbow was practising. He plonked his dumb-founded sister on a cloud slightly higher than the ones Rainbow was using for her training, and by the time Soul had processed what had just occurred she was once again mere metres away from her life long crush. Soul’s pink eyes were wide, her breathing was rapid and sharp, and her body shook erratically… All of this simply because she was once again in close proximity to Rainbow Dash. A million and one thoughts raced through her mind, all of which were of this one mare, the one which her eyes were again transfixed against as she flew below.

As Soul was once again loosing her sanity over Rainbow, Red was readying himself for his next stupid idea, the second one of the day! Red began to remove his jacket, watch and glasses; fully revealing his true black form. He really was a sight to see, even in the day, black from eye to hoof with nothing but a brown mane, matching tail and multicoloured eyes to break the darkness. As he set his items down on the cloud he reached into one of the larger pockets of his jacket, pulling out a set of very sleek silver flying goggles, complete with blacked out lenses. He put them on and tightened the strap around his head, letting the goggles fit snugly onto his eyes, his was now ready to do three things: one, scare the buck out of Rainbow, two, see what his newly massaged wings could do and three, tear up the sky with some crazy-ass flying! Red, with an ever growing smirk on his face, tapped his older sister on the shoulder. She turned to him still in a rainbow coloured daze, then raising an eyebrow at her brother’s new attire, she stared at him for a few moments before her eyes once again went wide.

“Oh you’re not are you!?” she asked in disbelief as she watched her brother spread his wings and bend his legs. “Oh my god you are…”


“Oh for Celestia’s sake he has…” was all Soul could manage as Red shot upward off the cloud and began rapidly climbing into the sky. He quickly became a black dot in the afternoon sun getting ever smaller, then stopping, then rapidly getting bigger again. Soul didn’t have the courage to warn her favourite mare before Red plunged head long into the cloud formation she was practising on, making the fluffy masses disperse from the air blast alone. Red swiftly recovered from his dive and began circling around; assessing the damage he had done with an evil smile. Rainbow Dash, having been thrown off balance by Reds arrival, was now recovering on what was left of her cloud assault course. She looked up at the black Pegasus, his huge black wings barely moving as he circled around, her shock and surprise was quickly turning to rage as she looked at the ever grinning Red Eye. She snorted up at him and prepared to go up and give him a good thrashing for ruining her days practise! She took to the air once more and instantly went shooting after Red, who upon noticing the angry cyan pony, turned tail and began to accelerate away. Soul could only watch from above as her little brother was chased by the most perfect pony in the entirety of Equestria. “What an afternoon this is turning out to be” she sighed as she too took flight trying to keep an eye on the black dot that was Red, usually she wouldn’t dare go flying after Rainbow, but she had a responsibility to make sure Red didn’t do something too stupid. Which at this moment in time, she knew was a possibility.

Reds little plan was working nicely as he put on full power, accelerating faster than Rainbow ever could, who was lagging behind him as he flew onwards over the fields. Of course, Rainbow was the fastest flier in Equestria, so naturally, when she got up to speed she quickly closed the gap between her and Red. Just as he’d planned; When Rainbow was close enough to Red to be able to reach out of grab him, he pulled up sharply and braked hard, causing him to stop dead in the air, before Rainbow had time to even blink, Red had rolled over and blasted himself in the complete opposite direction. It took Rainbow a good couple of seconds to realise what had just happened and a good few meters for her to stop and give chase once more. By which time Red was already roaring up into the sky, heading for his ‘target’, Cloudsdale. Soul had watched all this unfold from high above, despite the fact it was Rainbow that Red was giving grief, she couldn’t help be smirk at his skilful and extreme flying, he always had been better than the rest, not faster… just, better.
Red sped towards the floating cloud city, if he wasn’t about to cause as much trouble as he was, he would of stopped to admire it, but now wasn’t the time. Now, now was the time to make himself known to the rest of the area. He knew that rumours and gossip were already making there way around Ponyville about him and Soul, all that was left was Cloudsdale. Any normal pony would wonder why in the hay he would be doing this, the answer to that is simple. Red and Soul considered themselves to not be ponies, to themselves they were monsters, beings that really should never be in Equestria but somehow are. How somepony gets into this kind of mind-set is not something that should be discussed, but this is how they were and because of it, the more ponies that thought the same about them, the more normal they felt. So, Red was going to make sure that both Ponyville and Cloudsdale were fully aware of the two scary new ponies that were now in the area, and tearing up the sky was one of his best methods!

Anyway, back to the action! Red was climbing upwards towards Rainbows home town at great speed, with said pony in tow. The wind whipped at his mane as he pasted through cloud layer after cloud layer, scaring the feathers off weather crews and birds alike. There would be a ‘Fwump’ every time Red smashed through a dense cloud, most of which were destroyed when Rainbow did the same, this carried on until Red was faced with a much darker and larger cloud, one that Rainbow quickly recognised as a storm cloud. She began slowing expecting her adversary to turn to avoid it, but he did no such thing. Rainbow watched in horror as Red slammed head long into the black and grey mass, there was huge crack of thunder and lightning sprang out in all directions, almost striking Rainbow as she came to a stop and hovered, staring at where Red had entered the cloud.

Soul, who had just caught up in time to watch this happen, wasted no time in contacting her brother ‘Did you really just plough head first into a huge storm cloud?’ she asked as she entered Reds mind.

‘Yes, yes I did. Problem?’ Was the reply she got, Soul mentally face-hoofed at this and once again fixed her eyes on Rainbow, who by now was in utter shock at what she had just seen. She had just watched a fellow Pegasus, a horribly scary and rude one at that, but still one of her own kind fly into a storm cloud full of lightning. She couldn’t take it anymore, he hadn’t appeared yet, he must be still in there somewhere. Without another moments hesitation she flew into the cloud the same place Red had, and Soul watched in horror as Rainbow disappeared and more lightning discharged from the cloud. Soul, for want of a better phrase, was now having kittens.

“No… she didn’t? … Oh god she did, oh no, no, nononono!” Soul was panicking, she had no idea what to do, her crush had just flown into a storm cloud after her little brother and as she stood there on a cloud, pretty much everything she ever wanted and needed in her life was most likely being torched by bolts of electricity. With this thought in mind, Souls body started to move all by itself. She leaped from high up cloud and plunged into the storm cloud. ‘Red, its Rainbow, she’s in the cloud with you, I’m gonna try and find her’, Soul didn’t even believe she was saying this to her brother, telepathically of course but still, it was like she was a observer in her own body, watching as herself charge into danger to save the mare she loved.

‘Understood, I’ll keep the lightning off you as best I can.’ Red stopped himself making any negative comments about Rainbow the moment Soul contacted him, now was neither the time nor the place. Now, now was the time to bend some physics! Red tightened his goggles and then proceeded to fly to the very core of the storm cloud, when he finally reached it he began flying a tight circle. As he did so, the lightning from the cloud began to strike him, instead of flying out into the rest of the cloud. Yes, it was fair to say it hurt… a lot! But, it was nothing Red couldn’t handle; pain to him was as much a blessing as a curse. As Red continued to contain the lightning, Soul was franticly searching through the rest of the cloud, still having no idea how or why she was suddenly being so heroic. She scanned all around her with her horn, trying to locate Dash in the black sea of cloudyness. After two 360s, Soul picked up on Dash, without a moment’s hesitation she shot towards her. ‘Soul…’ Red’s voice sounded very strained in her head ‘Hate to hurry you… but I can’t hold it all for much longer.' Red grunted loudly, trying to finish his final sentence ‘If you’re gonna do something, do it now!’

Soul took this new information into account and wasted no time in grabbing Rainbow with her magic and teleporting her and herself out of the cloud, not a moment too soon either as multiple bolts of lightning came whipping out. Red couldn’t go on a second more, whether they were out or not he had to release the couple of hundred volts he’d absorbed, with a blast of his wings he pushed himself out of the top of the cloud, landing on its surface. Lightning and static electricity surged round his body; it physically whipped around him from head to hoof. (To those Pokemon fans reading this, he looked like Pikachu charging a thunderbolt attack) With a triumphant roar he reared up and brought his front hooves down onto the cloud, with the almighty crack of thunder he released the energy back into the cloud, which finally returned to its dormant state.

Soul sighed in relief as her magic relocated her and Rainbow Dash to a cloud a few metres away from the large cloud that screamed ‘danger’ in Soul’s mind. She took a moment to watch as her younger Brother sorted out the grey mass, then froze as she realised what it was she’d just done. She heard groaning and the shuffling of hooves behind her, and slowly turned herself around to face the Cyan and Rainbow coloured pony staring at her. Soul wasted no time in contacting her Brother through their mental link, ‘RedpleasehurryupI’malonewithheryouneedtocomeandhelpmepleaseplease,’ her mental words jumbling together into a giant mush as she tried in vain to calm her internal freakout.

Rainbow cocked her head to the side as she studied the turquoise pony in front of her who was simply staring at Dash like she’d seen a ghost. Dash moved in closer to the other mare and waved a front hoof in her face. “Hello? Equestria to Soul? Anypony in there? I just wanted to thank you for saving me ba— Wait, how did you get me out of there?” Dash asked in confusion, she didn’t remember being flown out, but she did remember feeling a sharp crack of pain course through her body for a few moments. That was something Dash was not okay with.

The reply into Soul’s mind from Red was one she was expecting and was very much prepared for. He was cocky and sarcastic as usual, responding with ‘Well excuse me! You aren’t the one who just got bombarded with LIGHTNING.’ He exaggerated the last word with a mental push, trying to force Soul out of his mind, but not before she managed to get a response in.

‘IDON’TCAREABOUTHELIGHTNINGJUSTBEHEREOKAYINEEDYOU’ she managed to mentally scream at Red before she was forcibly booted from his mind. She was about to attempt to force her way back in when she realised Dash had asked a question. A very difficult question for Soul to answer without firstly squealing because her idol was talking to her, and secondly, it would be very difficult for her to answer without blowing both her and her Brothers’ covers. She needed to pull herself together for this one, oh how she wished her Brother was there right now with her. She sucked in a deep breath and broke herself out of her fangirl stasis, she needed to be in complete control of herself right now so that she wouldn’t mess everything up.

“I used my magic to teleport us both ou—oh SHIT.” Soul didn’t even take note of Dash flinching at her cursing, she simply backed away a few paces as she realised exactly what she just said. ‘Oh Celestia no. Did I just… oh Celestia I did. Perhaps she didn’t notice? Of course she noticed how could she not notice I’m hiding my horn so she thinks I’m a Pegasus and Pegasi don’t have magic oh no what have I done I—’

Her second internal freakout of the day was interrupted by a loud ‘fwump’ and a powerful gust of air as her younger brother landed wearily onto the cloud next to her. She sighed heavily in relief, she’d never been so relieved to see the younger pony in all her life, well, apart from the time he saved her from a stampede of hungry kittens, but that isn’t the point.

“Red I’m so glad you’re here you have to help me,” Soul slipped into conversing with him mentally without even realising it, ‘I accidentally told her I used magic,’ Red conveyed the image of him face-hoofing, but it went ignored by Soul as she continued to freak, ‘but she doesn’t know that I can because she thinks I’m a Pegasus but obviously she knows I can use it now because I told her but I didn’t mean to I swear I’m so sorry please forgive me Red oh Celestia what are we going to do I—' Her mental words were stopped in their tracks as Red used all his concentration to shield his mind from her words. Once he was sure she’d stopped, he let down his barrier again and held up a hoof.

‘Calm down, Sis. I got dis.’ He turned his head to face Rainbow, but was not expecting her to be right in front of them with both her hooves poised next to their heads. He gulped and said outloud, “Maybe I don’t got dis,” before Rainbow used her hooves to knock both of their heads together. Red dropped to the floor holding one hoof to his head, the impact of Soul’s horn on his forehead leaving a lovely cut. He groaned once, then snapped his head up to the two mares after he heard a sharp intake of breath from Dash. He followed her shocked gaze to Soul rubbing the side of her head with her hoof and— her horn. Her horn was exposed.

Soul knew exactly what had happened as soon as she heard Dash gasp, so she didn’t even bother trying to be subtle about it. She opened her eyes and looked up just to check, then moved her gaze over to Dash, and smiled sadly.

Dash couldn’t believe what she was seeing; “You’re… you’re an Alicorn! But… how the hay is that possible?” Dash looked between Soul’s impassive expression and the look of annoyance on Red’s face then took a step back. “Who ARE you?”

Red shook his head and stood up, spreading his wings out to their full length to stretch them, whilst still clutching his hoof to his bleeding head. He knew they had no choice now but to either explain themselves to Dash, or teleport themselves the hay out of there. There was a small voice in the back of his mind giving him the option of killing Dash, but Red thought to himself that he really wasn’t prepared to be dismembered by his own sister, so he disregarded that option. He chose the first option, considering the fact there was no real point in hiding anymore. “We’re—” He was interrupted by a sharp pain at the forefront of his mind, a signal from Soul for him to shut up. ‘Easy on the mind crush there, Sis’ he retaliated.

Soul cast a quick glance at Red and rolled her eyes, then turned her attention back to Dash. “We’re just two Ponies who’ve had a pretty bucking rough life, and we’re just looking for somewhere for us to settle down.” Before Dash could ask questions about how Soul had both a horn and wings, Soul quickly explained their situation, leaving nothing out, except for the piles and piles of Rainbow Dash merchandise she’d collected over the years. That was something Dash didn’t need to know about.

Dash listened to Soul’s whole story, quietly making her own judgements about the two strange ponies. She definitely felt sorry for them, but the fact that Soul could only use dark magic unsettled her a little bit. Then again, the mare’s black magic did save her life, so Dash had to be grateful for that. Dash nodded to nothing in particular, then looked to the two siblings and grinned. “Alright, I’ve decided I’m going to be your friend.”

The two ponies looked startled, and cast suspicious looks at each other.

“But on one condition,” Dash began. “You,” she looked pointedly at Red, “Have to race me.” She smirked at Red and puffed out her chest in triumph at the look he shared with Soul.

Red turned back to Dash and smiled, “Alright then, but on one condition,” he suddenly grew serious, “There has to be a bet.”

Dash grinned at that comment. “Fine. If I win, you have to do all of my weather duties for a whole month.” She knew she had this in the bag; she was the fastest Pony in all of Equestria, there was no way this strange new Pony would be able to beat her.

Red laughed curtly and turned to smirk at his sister, having had this third and final crazy idea of the day. “Okay then, but if I win,” He turned back to Dash, “You have to go on a date with my Sister.” He’d already prepared himself for the metal barrage that was his sister’s anger, but he knew she’d thank him for this later. He hoped. He ignored the low growl that emanated from Soul’s throat beside him and moved a few hoofsteps forward, one of his hoofs extended to shake.

Dash wasn’t expecting that as his part of the bet, but she took it in the stride regardless. She grinned at Soul, whose head was bent low to the ground, growling at her brother, then back to Red. She stepped forward and grabbed his hoof, “Fine. I’ll give you a week or two to prepare; you’ll need all the help you can get if you think you’re going to beat me.” She grinned at the two of them for the last time, then turned on her hoofs and bolted off the end of the cloud, snapping open her wings as she dived off, soaring away from the cloud they had occupied for far too long.

Soul lifted up one of her front hooves and whacked Red in the side of the head, then collapsed to the ground, letting out exasperated sigh. Red accepted the punch with no complaint, he knew he deserved it, plus he had a better idea to help the smaller pony out of her misery. “Fancy a drink, Sis?”

Soul stared up at her Brother looking absolutely dejected, then didn’t even say a word and she placed her hoof on his leg. Tapping into her magic, a black aura surrounded them both as she used her energy to teleport them both to their favourite place, The Blank Spot. After the day they’d both had, drowning their sorrows in a beer glass seemed like the best idea ever.