• Published 12th Sep 2016
  • 3,112 Views, 51 Comments

Revenge Solves Everything - LoZLttP13

Something unforgivable happens to Fluttershy, forcing her and Rainbow to confront critical questions about themselves and each other.

  • ...

The Night That Changed Everything

"You've been a good girl, Winona," Fluttershy said before biting the end of the bandage to tie a knot. The brown border collie panted and wagged her tail happily as Fluttershy made the last tug to complete the cast on her leg.

Fluttershy then walked to one of her kitchen cupboards, where she found a bag of dog treats. She fished a biscuit from the bag and carried it back to Winona between her teeth, to which Winona cheerfully barked and stood up on her hind legs.

Fluttershy dropped the bone-shaped biscuit in Winona's mouth, then nuzzled her with her cheek as she loudly crunched and swallowed her treat.

Winona's leg had been badly broken under a carriage wheel, so Fluttershy had reset her fractured bones and nursed her back to health in her cottage for a few weeks. Fluttershy had just completed Winona's walking-cast, so now she'd be able to return her to her home.

Fluttershy gently picked the little dog up from her operating table and flapped her wings to slowly descend to the ground, saying, "It's time to bring you back to Applejack, Winona."

Winona barked again, then began licking Fluttershy's face, to which Fluttershy closed her eyes, giggled, and squealed in protest.

"Wow," she heard a raspy voice say from behind her. "You still never stop impressing me with how well you handle those animals, Flutters."

Fluttershy grinned, then turned to face her girlfriend. Rainbow Dash was standing there, grinning back at her.

Like Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash was a Pegasus. But while Fluttershy was meek, feminine, and traditionally beautiful, with sweet, light blue eyes; a custard coat; and a long, pink mane and tail, Rainbow Dash was sleek and athletic, with a toned, sky-blue physique; messy, rainbow-colored hair; and hawk-like magenta eyes.

As signified by the pink butterfly Cutie Marks on Fluttershy's flanks, Fluttershy was a caretaker and comforter to animals by profession. She lived a rather quiet and simple life, spending her days caring for the animals placed in her care, and in her free time reading while lounging on her bed. Rainbow Dash, by contrast, was an energetic and restless daredevil whose ideal day would have consisted of performing stunts in the sky for hours before taking a long, lazy nap on a fluffy white cloud, basking in the sunlight. Rainbow's speed and impulsivity were reflected by her Cutie Mark, which was a multicolored lightning bolt flashing from a small thundercloud.

Though it seemed that one could not find more perfect opposites than the submissive, timid Fluttershy and the brash, proud Rainbow Dash, they had been deeply in love with each other since they were fillies. They had begun a sexual relationship when Fluttershy was a young teen, but they had only started their true romantic relationship just a few months prior to the day that Fluttershy had finished treating Winona's leg.

Nonetheless, though Rainbow and Fluttershy had only been a couple for a short time, they were still very happy with each other. Though there was still lingering tension and occasional conflict between them over their admittedly sharp differences, they had found that their bond was strong enough to overcome any obstacle they had encountered, no matter how great.

"Thanks, Dashie," Fluttershy said. She stepped forward, gave Rainbow a kiss, then said, "I'm going to bring Winona back to Applejack's."

"You gonna be alright?" Rainbow asked. "It's pretty late. I could walk with you."

Fluttershy shook her head. "No, I'll be fine. Don't worry, Dashie."

"Alright...." Rainbow muttered. She smirked as she added, "I'll be napping. Wake me up when you get back, alright?"

Fluttershy nodded. "I will."

"Sweet," Rainbow said, then she leaned forward to meet Fluttershy's lips again. She allowed the kiss to linger for a few moments so she could breathe in Fluttershy's scent. Rainbow could tell from Fluttershy's familiar aromas that she was in heat, and so she looked forward to a very enjoyable night when her girlfriend returned home.

Once Rainbow pulled back, Fluttershy gave her a soft smile before whispering, "Bye, Dashie," and turning towards her front door.

After exiting her treatment room and passing through her parlor, Fluttershy opened her front door and called back, "Here, Winona!" After Winona excitedly bounded to her side, Fluttershy opened the door and they stepped out into the night.

It was a crisp, clear night, and it was late enough that nearly all the town's windows were dark. Fluttershy's quaint, yellow little cottage was one of the only houses with its lights still on, and so Fluttershy and Winona were bathed in a comforting glow as they crossed over Fluttershy's front walkway. Winona trotted beside Fluttershy as they went onto a dirt road and walked towards Sweet Apple Acres.

After about ten minutes, Fluttershy began wishing that she had brought a scarf; this early-spring evening was chilly enough to make her tremble. As she and Winona walked on, she also began to grow increasingly aware of how quiet it was. Fluttershy darted her eyes between the shadowy corners and alleys she passed as her ears swiveled and twitched, listening for any sounds beside the falling of Winona's feet. Something about the absolute stillness unsettled Fluttershy, though she couldn't place exactly what.

However, Fluttershy took comfort in knowing that she had Winona as a companion; if anything attacked them, Winona would more than likely be able to fight them off. Knowing this made her feel a little safer, and caused her to make a little smile, but she soon realized: she'd be returning home without Winona. She'd be traveling back all alone.

Fluttershy's heart began beating faster, and she paled as she resumed her paranoid search of the emptiness around her. She softly whispered to herself, "Ponyville is safe. You're probably going to be alright, Fluttershy...." but her uncanny dread remained. She kept Winona close to her side and walked quickly.

Soon, however, Sweet Apple Acres came into view. Fluttershy sighed relievedly upon seeing light pouring in from the Apples' farmhouse window, and her anxiety slowly lifted as she walked through the farm's gate and went towards it.

Winona barked and ran to the house's front door, though the cast over her injured leg made her movements a little stiff and awkward. Winona then stood and scratched at the door, which was opened as Fluttershy stepped up onto the porch behind her.

Applejack stood behind the door, and once she had swung the door open Winona immediately stood and began licking her face. Applejack laughed, "Hey, cut it out, Winona! Down, girl!"

Winona immediately obeyed, happily panting and looking up at her master.

"Much obliged, Fluttershy," Applejack said, nodding to the young Pegasus. "Thank ya'll for fixin' up Winona for us."

"Not at all!" Fluttershy cheerfully replied. "Have a good night, Applejack!"

As Fluttershy began to turn to leave, Applejack said, "Wait."

Fluttershy turned back to Applejack. "Yes?"

"You alright, sugarcube?" Applejack asked concernedly.

Fluttershy's eyes widened. "What? Why?"

"Ya'll look a little worried," Applejack replied.

Fluttershy blinked, then said, "Oh. Um, yes. Nothing's wrong. I'll be fine."

Applejack made a small nod. "Alright...." she muttered. "Well, 'night, Fluttershy."

"Good night, Applejack," Fluttershy replied, then she walked back down the porch as Applejack closed the door behind her.

Fluttershy's fear rapidly returned when she was back out of earshot of Sweet Apple Acres. She anxiously tried to reassure herself that there was only a very small chance of anything happening to her, but something caused her to dwell on that tiny chance. She quickened her pace as cold sweat began to run down her cheeks.

However, Fluttershy suddenly stopped; she heard something behind her. Freezing with panic, she listened, and she soon determined that it was the sound of approaching hoof-clops.

For a fraction of a second, Fluttershy's mind raced as she attempted to decide weather to look behind herself to see what it was or to begin galloping away to flee, but she said to herself, "Don't worry, Fluttershy; it's probably just another harmless pony," took a deep breath, and continued walking, telling herself that they'd stop following her after a few minutes.

However, Fluttershy continued to hear the hoof-falls following her after several minutes, and so after gathering her courage for a moment she looked behind herself to see who it was.

The pony following Fluttershy was a skinny Earth Pony Stallion. He had long, greasy black hair; a dull gray coat that reminded Fluttershy of gravel; and a pair of eerie gray eyes that were gazing directly at her. Fluttershy had occasionally seen him around town, but she didn't know him; she had vaguely heard that some of the many fine scars over his face had come from bar fights, and she remembered that his Cutie Mark was a mace. Everything about him seemed to indicate that he was violent and frightening, so Fluttershy had never approached him.

What's his name again? Fluttershy wondered to herself. I've heard it, and I know it begins with an "n." N... N... No... Fluttershy blinked as she struggled to remember. I think there's an "o." No... No... Not... Important? Fluttershy shook her head. No, that's not it. That'd be stupid. I'm pretty sure it sounds like "Not Important," though...

As Fluttershy was trying to remember his name, however, the Stallion picked up his pace. Flinching with fear, Fluttershy began walking faster, as well. However, she heard the Stallion trot even faster, so she decided to confront him and see what he wanted.

Fluttershy turned around to face the Stallion. With a polite but anxious smile, she said, "Hello. Did, um... did you need something...?"

Seeing that Fluttershy had stopped, the Stallion smirked and came to a stop when he was a few feet away from her. "What're you doin' out so late, Babe?" he asked. Something about his low voice sent a shiver down Fluttershy's spine.

"Um... I'm just, uh, going home," Fluttershy said.

The Stallion chuckled, then stepped closer to her. Fluttershy instinctively took a step back.

"You know, it's pretty cold out tonight," the Stallion said. "Name's Noir, Babe. Why don't you come with me inside someplace for a drink?"

Fluttershy was trembling and her heart seemed to be attempting to escape her chest. "N-n-no, thank you..." she stammered, taking another step back. "Th-thank you for the offer, but I really need to get home...."

"I could warm you up a little," Noir said, a broad smile spreading over his face. "We could have a little fun, too. Come play with me, Babe."

Fluttershy was now steadily walking back from him. "N-no, thank you, I don't-"

"I know you want it, Babe," Noir said, his eyes narrowing threateningly. "I can smell it. I can see it. Show me that tasty little ass again."

Without another word, Fluttershy spun around and broke into a gallop. She heard Noir begin running after her, as well.

Fluttershy ran with all of her might, but she could hear Noir steadily gaining on her. She knew she'd never be able to get to her cottage before he reached her, so she turned into an alley, attempting to outmaneuver him. However, she skidded to a stop before she ran into a brick wall that was blocking her way.

Fluttershy turned around to see Noir turning into the alley, as well. For a moment, Fluttershy was still with terror, and she stared fearfully at Noir as he slowly walked towards her, wearing a disturbingly menacing smile.

"H-Help!!" Fluttershy cried, but no one answered her. Noir continued to approach her, and in seconds he'd reach her, so Fluttershy spread her wings and attempted to take to the air.

However, before Fluttershy was more than a few feet above the ground, Noir leapt up and struck his fore-hoof against her head, causing her to cry out in pain and fall back down.

Fluttershy was sprawled facedown across the filthy alley floor as Noir stepped over her. She attempted to get back to her feet, but Noir struck the back of her head again, drawing tears and another pained cry from her. "If you try to run again, I'll knock you out," Noir growled.

Tears streamed down Fluttershy's cheeks and her head throbbed as Noir began to crouch down on top of her. She was absolutely paralyzed with horror; she'd never been so terrified in her entire life.

Suddenly, something wet and slimy trailed over the back of Fluttershy's neck. Fluttershy flinched and let out a small whimper as Noir began to lecherously lick her.

As Noir buried his muzzle in Fluttershy's hair and took a long, deep sniff from it, Fluttershy called, "H-Help!! Somepony he-AAAAH!!"

Noir had bitten hard on her left ear. "Shut up," he muttered. After he released her ear, he growled, "Be still, and be quiet. I'm in charge now, Babe."

Noir placed his fore hoof under Fluttershy and roughly turned her around so that she was lying on her back and facing him. He then pinned Fluttershy's forelegs under his hooves, and Fluttershy struggled to escape him in vain; he was far stronger than her.

Fluttershy stopped struggling and looked with horrified, tearful eyes up at Noir. He was smiling down at her with a cruel, hungry gaze.

"Please... no...." Fluttershy whispered, looking at him with a weeping, imploringly begging stare.

Noir chuckled and leaned down.

"Plea-" Fluttershy began, only to be silenced by Noir's open mouth. As he slid his tongue in, Fluttershy could taste the faint traces of hard liquor, tobacco, and other disgusting things in his saliva. She let out a few muffled cries in protest, then closed her eyes and began sobbing.

* * *

Rainbow was sitting on Fluttershy's bed, gazing anxiously at the clock hung over the bedroom door. She had slept for about half an hour, but then had woken up to go to the bathroom. When she returned, she had checked the clock and seen that Fluttershy had been gone for over fourty-five minutes.

Where is she? Rainbow thought. Did something happen? I mean, I guess she could've been invited by Applejack to have a caramel apple or something, but it shouldn't take this long, and if she was gonna stay there she should've told me-

Suddenly, however, Rainbow heard the front door loudly slam open downstairs, causing her to jump. She then heard Fluttershy shriek, "RAAAAAAAAIIIINNNBOOOWWW!!" in the most bloodcurdling wail she'd ever heard escape from Fluttershy's lips.

Panicking, Rainbow immediately jumped up and bolted out of Fluttershy's bedroom. She sprinted down the hall and down the stairs, where she found Fluttershy standing and sobbing at the door.

"Fluttershy!" Rainbow screamed, to which Fluttershy whipped her head around to face her. Rainbow saw that Fluttershy's forelegs were bruised, her eyes were bloodshot from crying, and there were a few small cuts on her left ear. Once Rainbow reached Fluttershy, she began, "Are you oka-?!" but then grunted, "Oof!" as Fluttershy threw herself onto her, holding tightly around Rainbow's neck as she loudly continued to sob.

Rainbow stood motionless as Fluttershy wept into her shoulder for a few moments, but then Rainbow pushed her away and held her by her shoulders at arm's length and looked directly into her eyes as she said, "Fluttershy! What happened?!"

Fluttershy wailed, "Rainbow... I... I...."

Here she broke into another fit of sobs.

"Fluttershy, calm down!" Rainbow shouted. "Take a deep breath."

Trembling, Fluttershy took a large, choked, wavering breath. Rainbow repeated, "Tell me what happened, Flutters."

"I...." Fluttershy began, then she coughed.

Rainbow gently rubbed Fluttershy's head. "What happened, Fluttershy? Are you okay?" she asked, her panic returning to her voice.

Fluttershy sobbed, "Somepony... somepony... r-raped me!"

Fluttershy fell into another round of sobs, and Rainbow stood absolutely still. Her face was pale and blank, and her eyes were wide with shock. "W... what?" she said quietly. "Somepony raped you?"

Fluttershy whimpered as she nodded, then buried her face back in Rainbow's shoulder.

It took a good deal of time for Rainbow to process what Fluttershy had just told her. She just couldn't believe it. Somebody had raped Fluttershy. It felt unreal; like a nightmare. Rainbow felt a strange absence of emotion for a few moments as her mind struggled to comprehend what had happened.

Then, like a spark falling on a pile of dry leaves, the realization slowly descended upon Rainbow and awakened a deeper and more powerful burning rage then she'd ever felt before: someone had raped Fluttershy. Sweet, kind, timid little Fluttershy.

Rainbow felt her grip around Fluttershy tighten as her eyes narrowed with pure rage.

Someone. had raped. Fluttershy.

Rainbow felt as though she could let out a roar mighty enough to shake the earth. Every inch of her body was burning with fury, like a volcano raining doom upon all that surrounded it. A single desire shined brighter and hotter in her mind than any had before: to find whoever had raped Fluttershy, skin him, cut his genitals off, then crush his head under a rock.

However, after the initial boiling of Rainbow's anger had subsided, her mind was slowly dragged back down to reality. As much as she wanted to feed Fluttershy's rapist his own entrails, she realized that Fluttershy needed help. Badly.

After Rainbow took a few deep breaths to calm herself, she said, "Come on, Fluttershy. We need to take you to see a doctor."

Fluttershy fearfully looked up at her. "W-what?! N-no! I don't w-want to go back out th-there...!"

"I'm here," Rainbow said gently. "I'm gonna be with you. I'm not letting you out of my sight again. Nobody else is gonna touch you. I promise."

Rainbow gazed imploringly at Fluttershy for a few moments. After a few weak whimpers, Fluttershy looked down and nodded.

"Okay," Rainbow said. She draped her foreleg around Fluttershy's shoulders and gently guided her to the door as she said, "C'mon, let's go."

Fluttershy silently wept the entire walk to the Ponyville Hospital. Rainbow's mind continued to spin and burn as a million different questions filled her head. How bad had he hurt Fluttershy? How did she get away from him? What were they going to do now?

As Rainbow guided Fluttershy down the streets, she also slowly began to feel herself fill with guilt. Tears welled in her eyes as she thought, This is all my fault. If only I'd gone with her, this wouldn't have happened....

However, Rainbow wiped at her eyes and thought to herself, Right now, my only concern is making sure that Fluttershy is safe and sound. Get her to the hospital; right now, that's all that matters.

After about ten minutes, Rainbow and Fluttershy reached the tall, white Ponyville Hospital. They quickly stepped through the front doors, where they found a bored, sleepy-looking Earth Pony Mare playing solitaire at the front desk.

"Hey, miss!" Rainbow shouted, to which the receptionist looked up. "We need a doctor right away," Rainbow said.

The receptionist looked over at the still-weeping Fluttershy. "What happened?" she asked worriedly.

"Somepony raped her," Rainbow replied.

Gasping, the receptionist immediately stood up. "Stay right here," she said firmly. "I'll go bring Dr. Horse right away."

The receptionist galloped away, leaving Rainbow and Fluttershy alone at the front desk. Fluttershy was still trembling, so Rainbow began gently rubbing her back, to which Fluttershy leaned against her shoulder.

In less than a minute, the receptionist galloped back to the front desk with the brown-maned, bespectacled Unicorn Stallion Dr. Horse. His eyes were wide with worry, and he said, "Fluttershy! Were you really just sexually assaulted?!"

A fresh pouring of tears streamed down Fluttershy's cheeks as she whimpered and nodded.

Dr. Horse nodded. "Alright," he said. He turned to the receptionist and said, "Q, go and get me Nurse Daisy."

The receptionist nodded and galloped back down the hall. Dr. Horse then turned back to the two young Pegasi and said, "Fluttershy, please come with me."

"Can... can she come with me...?" Fluttershy asked, turning to Rainbow.

Dr. Horse nodded. "Yes, that's fine, so long as you're alright with it. This way, please," he said, turning to the hall. He led Rainbow and Fluttershy down it, passing a few doors, until he turned into an empty check-up room.

"Sit on the table, please, Fluttershy," Dr. Horse said, patting the cushioned, papered surface of the examination table. After Fluttershy had slowly climbed on and Dr. Horse had closed the door, Dr. Horse said, "Can you tell me what he did to you?"

After sitting still and trembling for a moment, Fluttershy nodded. "He- he hit my head twice, then he bit my ear, then he pinned my forelegs down while he... while he...."

Here Fluttershy broke into more sobs. Dr. Horse let her calm back down, then asked, "So, was it vaginal, or oral, or-"

"Vaginal," Fluttershy whispered.

"That's all?" Dr. Horse asked.

Fluttershy silently nodded.

Dr. Horse walked around to Fluttershy's side and examined her ear, then asked, "Where on your head did he hit you?"

"The top, and the back," Fluttershy replied.

Dr. Horse gently ran his hoof over the crown and back of Fluttershy's head, then he said, "Fortunately, it's nothing serious. It's just a couple of bruises...."

After Dr. Horse had examined the rest of Fluttershy's body, he said, "Well, you haven't received any serious physical injuries. Let's just clean your wounds off, then we have just a few more things to do."

He exited the room, and soon afterward the white Earth Pony Mare Nurse Daisy came in with a bottle of rubbing alcohol and some rags. She gently cleaned Fluttershy's bruises and the bite on her ear, to which Fluttershy frequently winced in pain. She then rubbed some alcohol over Fluttershy's right flank, after which Dr. Horse reentered with a tray of syringes and telekinetically injected each of them into Fluttershy's upper thigh.

"What're those?" Rainbow asked while he was doing this.

As Dr. Horse set an empty syringe down to pick up another one, he replied, "Immunization vaccines for several sexually transmitted diseases."

Once Fluttershy had received all of her vaccinations, Nurse Daisy exited and returned with a small tray bearing a large, blue pill and a glass of water. "Would you like to take this?" Dr. Horse asked Fluttershy.

"What is it?" Fluttershy asked softly.

"It's to prevent you from becoming pregnant," Dr. Horse replied.

Fluttershy's eyes widened. "It's an abortion pill...?" she said.

Dr. Horse shook his head. "No; it'll suppress your ability to conceive. In other words, it'll make it less likely a foal will develop in the first place."

After a moment, Fluttershy nodded. Dr. Horse telekinetically lifted the pill up, then Fluttershy opened her mouth, allowing him to place it on her tongue. After Fluttershy swallowed it, Dr. Horse levitated the glass to her mouth, which she downed a couple of gulps from.

After Dr. Horse set the glass back down, he said, "Alright, you're done, Fluttershy. You did really well."

As Fluttershy hopped down from the table, Dr. Horse added, "Come back next week so we can see how you're doing. Would you like us to send someone to escort you home?"

Fluttershy shook her head. "I've got Dashie," she whispered, softly smiling and leaning her head on Rainbow's shoulder. "I'll be safe with her."

"Are you sure?" Nurse Daisy asked.

Rainbow smirked at them. "Yeah," she said. "If anyone tries to get anywhere near Fluttershy, I'll break their nose."

Dr. Horse nodded, then smiled. "Well, I quite believe that," he said. "Goodbye, girls."

Fluttershy and Rainbow exited the hospital together, then took an uneventful walk back to Fluttershy's cottage.

Once they were inside, Rainbow and Fluttershy immediately climbed up the stairs and entered Fluttershy's bedroom. Fluttershy climbed into bed as Rainbow turned out the light, then Rainbow climbed in beside Fluttershy.

In the faint light shining in through the window from the stars, Rainbow saw Fluttershy begin crying again. "Hold me, Dashie...." she whispered.

Rainbow nodded and wrapped her forelegs around Fluttershy, pulling her close.

Fluttershy quietly wept into Rainbow's chest as Rainbow comfortingly stroked her back and whispered, "It's okay. I'm here, Flutters. Everything'll be alright...."

Rainbow and Fluttershy were both exhausted, and Fluttershy quickly cried herself to sleep in Rainbow's embrace. Rainbow stayed awake for a while, her mind filled with unpleasant thoughts, her only comfort being that Fluttershy was in her arms. Her anger and worry were still there, but they had been dulled by her tiredness, leaving her to contend with her own remaining intense, unsatisfied physical craving. She desperately wanted to have sex with Fluttershy, but she knew that it would probably be a long time before Fluttershy would recover enough from her psychological trauma to be physically intimate with her again, so Rainbow miserably vowed to relieve herself whenever necessary until Fluttershy was ready. Rainbow would actually have gone to Fluttershy's bathroom at that moment to release the tension she had right then, but Fluttershy needed her there, so Rainbow stubbornly resisted her intense urges and fell into an uneasy sleep.