• Published 12th Sep 2016
  • 3,115 Views, 51 Comments

Revenge Solves Everything - LoZLttP13

Something unforgivable happens to Fluttershy, forcing her and Rainbow to confront critical questions about themselves and each other.

  • ...

Confessions and Amends and Everything

Twilight violently pounded on Rainbow's door. "Rainbow Dash!" she shouted.

There was no answer.

Twilight pounded the door again, roaring, "Rainbow Dash, you come here and speak to me right this second!!"

Again, no answer.

Practically fuming with rage, Twilight touched her horn to the door's keyhole and magically unlocked it. She then pushed open the door and shouted again, "Rainbow Dash!"

And again, silence was her only answer.

Twilight briskly trotted into Rainbow's house and made her way to Rainbow's living room, where she found Rainbow sleeping on her sofa.

Twilight was revolted at what laid before her; Rainbow was surrounded by perhaps a dozen empty (or half-empty) bottles of apple cider, and Rainbow herself strongly stank of liquor. Rainbow's mane was also hopelessly tangled, and she had food stains all over her coat and tear stains down her cheeks. Twilight's face twisted with simultaneous disgust and worry; she strongly suspected that Rainbow had been lying here and drinking without bathing or leaving her house since her breakup with Fluttershy several days ago.

Twilight placed her hoof on Rainbow's shoulder and firmly shook her. "Hey, wake up," she said.

Rainbow blearily, slowly opened her eyes before looking up at Twilight. "Oh... hey, Twi..." she croaked.

Rainbow's eyes then turned to one of her half-empty bottles, which she slowly reached her fore hoof towards. Twilight slid the bottle out of her reach, saying firmly, "No. You're not getting anymore, Rainbow."

Rainbow glared up at Twilight, then whined, "Hey, getcher hooves offa my-"

Her eyes then widened as she grimaced with discomfort. "Ugh... I don' feel so good..." she groaned.

Twilight telekinetically lifted Rainbow up and draped one of her forelegs around her own body, then slowly guided Rainbow towards her bathroom as Rainbow muttered, "I think I'm gonna hurl..."

As quickly as she could, Twilight brought Rainbow to her toilet. Rainbow placed her hooves on the seat's edges, stared into the still water for a moment, then suddenly grunted as she heaved and vomited into it.

Twilight patiently stood by Rainbow's side while she retched the liquor back out of her body. Once her heaving had come to an end, Twilight said dourly, "Are you done?"

Rainbow spit into the bowl, then hoarsely whispered, "Yeah... yeah, I'm... I'm done..."

Twilight nodded, then guided Rainbow to her bathtub. She instructed Rainbow to step in, then turned on some water. Rainbow passively allowed Twilight to scrub her coat and mane down with shampoo, comb her hair out, and rinse her off. Twilight then telekinetically dried Rainbow off with a towel before guiding her back out of the tub and guiding her towards her bed.

"Here, get some sleep," Twilight said as she lifted the blankets up.

Rainbow slowly nodded, then tremblingly climbed in between her covers. As Twilight laid the blankets over her, Rainbow hoarsely croaked, "Water..."

Twilight nodded, then went to her kitchen. She got a glass of water, then brought it back to Rainbow. She telekinetically lifted the cup to Rainbow's lips and tipped a few sips' worth of water down her throat before setting the glass down on the nightstand beside her and saying, "Alright, now get some sleep."

Rainbow blearily nodded, closed her eyes, and quickly fell back asleep.

While Rainbow was slumbering, Twilight went around the cloud house and tidied it up. She began by disposing of all of the cider bottles, then flushed and cleaned out Rainbow's toilet, then telekinetically swept and mopped the floors of all the rooms. Upon completion, she returned to Rainbow's side to check up on her. Fortunately, Rainbow seemed well, and was still fast asleep. Satisfied, Twilight left Rainbow's bedroom and flew out of her house.

A few minutes later, Twilight returned to Rainbow's house, carrying a book in her saddlebag. She slid a chair into Rainbow's bedroom, pulled the book open, and patiently read it for a few hours as she waited for Rainbow to reawaken. The book was The Complete Plays and Poems of Ellen Nevermore, a thick volume of over a thousand pages that she kept at hand for any silent and long waits.

Twilight had just finished the second act of Song of the Spider, a horror play she had seen on a date with Princess Luna, when she heard Rainbow Dash groaning and rustling her sheets as she sat up.

Twilight looked up, and saw that Rainbow was blearily sitting upright and massaging the side of her head. "My head hurts like a bitch," Rainbow muttered.

"Hey, Rainbow," Twilight said, setting her book back in her bag.

Rainbow turned to her, wearing an expression of slight surprise. "Oh, hey, Twi," she said. "You still here?"

"Yep," Twilight said. "Would you like a bag of ice for your head?"

Groaning, Rainbow made a small nod.

Twilight stood up, went to Rainbow's kitchen, and got a plastic bag and filled it with ice from the freezer. She then returned to Rainbow's bedroom, gave the bag to Rainbow, then sat back at her chair as Rainbow pressed her head against it.

"Was this over your breakup with Fluttershy?" Twilight said.

Rainbow nodded. "Yeah..." she muttered.

"She was heartbroken, too," Twilight said.

Rainbow cast a glance at Twilight, then scoffed. "I never should've gotten involved with her..." Rainbow muttered. "I'm such a bucking idiot. Any girl I get involved with always ends up getting hurt. And now I've hurt Fluttershy again. I'm a worthless piece of shit..."

Here a tear rolled down Rainbow's cheek, which she quickly wiped away. Twilight blinked, puzzled.

"Why did you break up with Fluttershy?" Twilight said. "I don't understand. You obviously really love her, and really want to be with her."

Rainbow shook her head. "Even if I do, I shouldn't be," she replied. "Fluttershy would be better off with somepony else. Anypony else."

"Why do you say that?" Twilight asked surprisedly.

Rainbow looked directly into Twilight's eyes. "Are you kidding, Twi?" she said. "Everything about me is awful! I treated Fluttershy like some cheap toy, I wanted to sleep with Scootaloo, and I told Fluttershy to abort her baby!"

Tears rolled down Rainbow's cheeks, and she closed her eyes and sobbed. "I'm the worst pony ever..." she tremblingly whispered.

Rainbow then opened her eyes again, and tearfully continued, "You should be Fluttershy's partner, Twilight! Or Pinkie should! Tartarus, even Rarity would be a better girlfriend to her than I ever could! You all haven't hurt her like I have..."

"Rainbow Dash..." Twilight said patiently, stepping towards her and stroking her cheek, "don't be so hard on yourself."

"But I'm horrible!" Rainbow cried between her sobs.

"No, you're not," Twilight gently replied. "We've all made mistakes, Rainbow, and we're all learning. That's what matters, Rainbow."

"But... I told Fluttershy to abort the foal!" Rainbow said.

"So did I," Twilight replied.

Rainbow's eyes widened. "You-you did?" she said surprisedly.

Twilight nodded. "Yes. Both of us wanted Fluttershy to abort her pregnancy because we were worried about her, Rainbow."

"But- how could I ever raise a foal I wanted to be killed?!"

"Rainbow, you did it out of your love for that foal's mother. Not because you hate the foal." Here Twilight smiled. "I'm sure Fluttershy's foal will understand, and will even be grateful that you were so concerned for its mother's well-being."

"But- even so, I can't raise it!" Rainbow cried. "What if it turns out like me?! What if it learns to be irresponsible and careless and-?!"

"You're not irresponsible or careless, Rainbow," Twilight interrupted her. "Even if you were once, you've learned from your mistakes."

"But what if it's a filly?" Rainbow said. "It wouldn't be safe around me! I'd hurt it, just like how Noir hurt Fluttershy..."

Here Rainbow buried her head in her forelegs and began sobbing again. After a few moments, Twilight sighed and said, "Well, if you really do believe that you will, you're right, Rainbow. But I don't think so. After all, you haven't done anything to Scootaloo, and she literally begged you to have sex with her. Like I said before, it's normal to have some attraction to children."

"But enough to want to buck them?!" Rainbow said, narrowing her eyes.

Twilight nodded. "Yes. In fact, I've wanted to sleep with Spike," she said, smiling.

Rainbow's eyes widened enormously as she gaped at Twilight. "W-what...?" she stuttered astonishedly. "You wanted to... to... w-with... Spike?!"

Twilight nodded. "Not intensely," she added, "but I've still wanted to. After all, he's a cute, sweet, smart, good-looking boy. And that's nothing to be ashamed or scared of; in fact, even parents will sometimes have some sexual feelings towards their children."

Rainbow gaped in shock at Twilight. Twilight continued smiling at her for several moments, then said, "The fact that you're disgusted at the very idea that you'll abuse Fluttershy's foal means that you can be pretty sure that you won't, Rainbow. I think that you can trust yourself more than you think. Acknowledge and accept your feelings; just make sure that you don't act on them inappropriately."

Twilight then turned around and began walking out of Rainbow's room. Before she exited, however, she added, "But still, it's up to you, Rainbow. You have to decide for yourself what's right. If you truly believe that you shouldn't be with Fluttershy, then that's exactly what you should do. Just make sure that you're honest with yourself about it."

Twilight then walked out, exited Rainbow's house, and flew away.

Rainbow stared after Twilight for a few moments, then leaned back against the wall behind her. She thought very deep, long, and hard about what Twilight had just told her. She'd never really believed that other ponies felt attraction to children until now. She was quite certain that nearly anyone she asked would have denied it; after all, to admit to it was to make oneself a prime target for hounding and shunning from one's neighbors. But Twilight had just admitted to it, as well, and Rainbow knew that she would never harm any children, least of all Spike.

Not only that, but Twilight had also, like Rainbow, asked Fluttershy to abort her foal. Rainbow was quite easily able to believe that this didn't make Twilight a bad friend; after all, she was the princess of friendship.

Rainbow smiled. So, maybe she didn't need to break up with Fluttershy after all. However, after thinking for a moment, Rainbow's smile faded as she swallowed fearfully from another realization: perhaps Fluttershy wouldn't want to be girlfriends anymore.

Rainbow sighed, then stood up. Well, no matter what, she was going to apologize to Fluttershy for what she'd done. Whether or not she forgave Rainbow didn't matter; Rainbow needed to sate her conscience, and only saying sorry to Fluttershy would allow her to do that.

Taking a deep breath, Rainbow trotted to her front door. She opened the door, flew out, and made her way to Fluttershy's house.

* * *

When Twilight opened the Golden Oak Library's front door, she saw Fluttershy and Rarity sitting at her table. She gazed at them surprisedly as Spike called to her from upstairs, "Oh, hey, Twilight!"

"Hi, Spike. Hi, girls," Twilight said with a kind smile. "What are you doing here?"

"Rarity and Fluttershy wanted to talk to you," Spike said.

"Actually," Rarity interjected, "It's Fluttershy who called this meeting together."

"What meeting?" Twilight said confusedly.

Rarity nodded at Fluttershy, who said quietly, "Oh... um, I wanted to ask you two for advice about something..."

Twilight blinked. "Alright," she said.

"Should I leave?" Spike said, jerking his thumb towards the front door. "I can go to the comic book store."

Twilight nodded. "Yes, thanks, Spike," she replied.

With a grin, Spike jogged out the door and closed it behind him. Twilight then took a seat across from the other girls, saying, "Alright. What's up, Fluttershy?"

Fluttershy nervously shuffled her hooves for a few seconds. She then took a few deep breaths, and began, "Okay, girls. First of all, as you both know, I'm pregnant. I visited Dr. Horse just today, and he says that there's no question about it anymore."

Twilight and Rarity nodded. Fluttershy continued, "As you two also know, I've decided that I'm going to let the foal come to term. As a side note, I want to thank you both for respecting my decision, even though you both disagree with it."

Twilight smiled, and replied, "You're welcome, Fluttershy."

"Of course!" Rarity interjected, tossing her hair. "What kind of friends would we be if we wouldn't? Besides, I have no doubt your baby will be just gorgeous!"

Fluttershy blushed and hid behind her hair. "Thanks, Rarity," she said.

After clearing her throat, Fluttershy continued, "But I haven't decided whether I'm going to keep it or put it up for adoption after it's born. And making the decision isn't easy...

"So, on one hand, the baby's father is Noir. He might be the only living creature that I've ever hated, or will ever hate. I'm scared that because I hate him so much, I'm going to take my anger at him out on his child. If I keep it, people will probably also figure out how it was conceived, and might give it grief for it. I don't want it to have to grow up in an environment like that. But most importantly, I don't know if I'll be able to properly raise it. I make a decent living, but I'm going to have to take a lot of time off of work for it. I might not have had to worry about that if I had a parter, but..."

Here Fluttershy began to choke up. "But... Rainbow isn't with me anymore..."

Fluttershy took a few moments to weep and dry away her tears, then continued, "And... and I think that the baby would benefit from having two parents. But I don't want to just go and get a new partner because my baby 'needs' one; I think that its parents should truly love each other."

Fluttershy was silent for a few moments, and Rarity and Twilight nodded. "Alright..." Rarity said quietly. "So... anything else you want to say, dear?"

Fluttershy was silent for a few more moments, took another deep breath, then softly smiled as she began, "But, on the other hand... I love babies. I've always thought that being a mother would be just wonderful, and if I'm not ready to be one now, I probably won't ever be. I think I'd be willing to do the work necessary to take care of it, and I think that Ponyville would be a safe and nice place for it to grow up in. But most importantly, I want to ensure that my baby has the best life it can possibly have. And if I'd be the best possible mother for it... well, then I think I should accept that responsibility."

Fluttershy was silent for a few moments, then said, "So... what do you girls think? You're my very best friends, and I want to know what you two think I should do."

Rarity and Twilight glanced at each other, then gazed thoughtfully down at the table for a few moments. Rarity was the first to speak; she cleared her throat, then began, "So, if I may ask... am I correct in saying that you... want to keep your foal, Fluttershy?"

Fluttershy blinked, looked down for a moment, then quietly said, "I... I think so..."

Rarity nodded. "Very well. In that case, if it is what you want, I think you should do it,"

"I agree," Twilight said. "I don't think you have to worry about being abusive to your child. After all, you're the element of kindness. You can also count on us to give you whatever support we can if you do decide to keep it."

Fluttershy smiled. "Thanks, girls," she said.

"But the most important thing is your own instincts," Twilight added. "If you feel like your foal would do better with another parent, then you should put it up for adoption. If you decide you don't want it, you can give it up. There's nothing wrong with it; you're just trying to do what's best for it. But if you do want it, and do think you're capable of raising it, I think that's exactly what you should do."

Fluttershy thought about it for a moment, then smiled. "Thanks, girls," she said.

Fluttershy stood up, then said, "Well... I'm going home now."

Fluttershy stood up, then her friends did, as well. Once they were all standing, Twilight added, "And remember- you can always change your mind, so take your time."

"Thanks, girls," Fluttershy said, giving Twilight and Rarity each a grateful hug. She then waved to them as she walked towards the library's front door, calling, "Bye, girls!"

"Bye!" her friends called back, then Fluttershy stepped back out and closed the library's door behind her.

As Fluttershy walked back to her house, she gazed serenely at the sky. The longer she thought about it, the better she felt about it. More and more, she felt as though she wanted to keep her baby.

As her cottage came into view, Fluttershy smiled down at the ground, gently rubbed her belly, and whispered, "I'm... I'm gonna be a mommy..."

Tears rolled down her cheeks and hit the ground. What a wonderful thought. Fluttershy was going to be a mother. At least something joyful came out of this whole dark, dark ordeal...

After taking a deep breath and wiping away her tears again, Fluttershy closed the rest of the distance to her house.

Upon opening the door, Fluttershy was shocked to see the very last thing she had expected to:

Rainbow was sitting on her couch.

Rainbow turned to her, flinched, and the two of them gazed at each other silently for a tensely long time. The silence was broken by Scootaloo, who walked out of her bedroom and smilingly said, "Oh, hey, Fluttershy! Rainbow's here to see you!"

"I... see that..." Fluttershy said, her face expressionless and her tone unreadable.

Rainbow swallowed, darted her eyes around, and nervously said, "Um... h-hey, Flutters... uh..."

There was some more tense silence. "I'll leave you two alone for a while," Scootaloo said, cheerfully skipping outside. "Later, guys!" she called as she closed the door.

There was some more silence, at which point Rainbow began sweating anxiously. "Uh..." she said, nervously shuffling her hooves.

"What do you want, Rainbow?" Fluttershy said, her eyes narrowing slightly.

Seeing that Fluttershy was angry, Rainbow gulped and said, "I... I..."

"Yes?" Fluttershy said, an icy tinge to her voice.

Rainbow took a deep breath, scrunched her eyes closed, and blurted, "I'm... I'm so, so sorry, Fluttershy!"

Fluttershy's eyes widened surprisedly. "What?" she said.

Rainbow began trembling. "I'm so sorry for everything I did, Flutters," she said as tears began welling in her eyes. "What I did was... unforgivable. I was scared, and I ran away, and I didn't even tell you why..."

Tears streaked down Rainbows cheeks, staining the carpet at her feet. "I shouldn't have done that. It was cowardly. It was despicable. I know you'll never forgive me, but... I'm still so, so sorry..."

Fluttershy stared in shock at Rainbow for a few moments, then she quietly said, "You... you were scared?"

Rainbow sobbed for a few moments, keeping her head down, before she whispered, "Yes..."

"Why were you scared?" Fluttershy said.

"Because... I was worried for your kid..." Rainbow said, wiping at her face with her fore hoof. "And... I didn't want to endanger it, or abuse it, or-"

"You... were worried for my foal?" Fluttershy interrupted her, her mouth slightly open with astonishment.

Rainbow nodded, looking up at her. "I told you I thought you should abort it..." she said. "And... and I'm a little attracted to Scootaloo. I was worried that if it was a filly, then I might abuse it..."

Rainbow turned her head down and began sobbing again. After a few moments, Fluttershy stepped towards Rainbow. Rainbow heard her approach and looked up at her just in time to see her stop before her and raise her hoof.

Fluttershy then swung her foreleg, slapping Rainbow hard across her cheek.

Rainbow gave a stunned gaze to Fluttershy, who was smirking at her. "You should have told me..." Fluttershy muttered. "We're supposed to be honest with each other, Dashie. You should have told me."

Fluttershy then draped her arms around Rainbow and embraced her, whispering as she gently wept, "You're such an idiot, Rainbow... Honestly, you can be as dense as a rock sometimes..."

After taking a long, wavering breath, Fluttershy pulled back and gazed into Rainbow's eyes. "I love you so much," she said.

Fluttershy kissed Rainbow. Rainbow flinched with shock for a moment, then slowly closed her eyes as she wrapped her arms around Fluttershy's waist and began to return the kiss.

The kiss was rather long and passionate, and when they pulled apart, Fluttershy gasped for breath for a few seconds before gently stroking Rainbow's bruised cheek and concernedly asking, "Are you hurt...?"

Rainbow laughed. "Nah," she said, shaking her head. "Geez, you're somethin' else, Flutters. Even though I deserved it, you're still asking if I'm alright."

Fluttershy closed her eyes and beamed. "Of course I'm worried about you. You're my girlfriend."

Rainbow beamed back, began weeping again, then pulled Fluttershy back down into another kiss.

Once they had finished making out, Fluttershy laid her head against Rainbow's chest as Rainbow ran her hoof through her mane. "So..." Rainbow said, "have you decided whether or not you're going to keep it?"

Fluttershy slowly nodded. "I think so," she said. "I think I'm going to keep it."

Rainbow nodded. "Alright..." she muttered.

Fluttershy gazed up at her. "Are you going to... stay with me?" she asked.

Rainbow gazed back at her, then looked away and sighed. "I don't know..." she said. "I mean, I want to, but I don't know if I could be a good parent to your kid..."

"I think you'd be a wonderful, mother, Rainbow," Fluttershy said, softly smiling. She closed her eyes and laid her cheek against Rainbow's chest, nuzzling against her as she added, "There's no one I'd rather raise my baby with than you."

Rainbow stroked her hair a bit more, then sighed. "Well, whatever happens..." she said. She then smiled as she finished, "Whatever happens, at least we have each other now."


"And... no matter what happens, I want to always be your friend."

"Me too," Fluttershy said, more joyful tears pouring from her eyes.