• Published 12th Sep 2016
  • 3,113 Views, 51 Comments

Revenge Solves Everything - LoZLttP13

Something unforgivable happens to Fluttershy, forcing her and Rainbow to confront critical questions about themselves and each other.

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Rainbow Offers Everything

Rainbow still wasn't completely sure she wanted to do this. She'd thought about it for weeks, and she knew that she would have to decide what she would do soon, but there were still a few inhibitions that made her be hesitant about it.

Rainbow was sitting in a rattling train car, propping her head up against her hoof and gazing out of the window as the fields and trees between Ponyville and Canterlot rushed by. She took a deep breath. As many hours as she'd poured into deliberating over this, she still didn't know what she ultimately wanted.

Eventually, Rainbow decided to review the few things she did know. First of all, she had no doubt in her mind that she loved Fluttershy with all of her heart, and would love her until the day she died. Fluttershy had confessed to her that she was worried that Rainbow would no longer be attracted to her when she began to become visibly pregnant, but Rainbow had assured her that she had no reason to worry about that whatsoever.

On the contrary, Rainbow had discovered that she had only become more attracted to Fluttershy as her belly began to swell and grow. Rainbow never would have guessed so before then, but she was fairly certain that she had an intense pregnancy fetish that she'd never known about until now. Her physical craving for Fluttershy became more powerful than it had ever been before, which had caused her to anxiously hope with every fiber of her being that Fluttershy wouldn't lose her sex drive due to her hormonal changes.

To Rainbow's delight, however, Fluttershy revealed herself to be the sort of girl whose libido also grew more powerful as her pregnancy progressed. As a result, the two of them began having incredibly mutually enjoyable sex very often, which Rainbow made as much as she possibly could out of; after all, she knew that she'd probably never get to have such a gorgeous and eager pregnant lover ever again.

However, Rainbow was still hesitant to tell Fluttershy that she found her even more sexy and beautiful while she was carrying a foal, as anything having anything to do with her rape at Noir's hooves was still very touchy territory for her. Fluttershy would even occasionally panic and abruptly end their lovemaking sessions, as she still sometimes had flashbacks to that night. During these times she would usually break down in tears and Rainbow would hold and comfort her, though she was often agonizingly frustrated by that point; she wanted nothing more than to finish getting herself off during these times, but was compelled by her concience to put her own needs aside for her psychologically scarred lover.

Still: Fluttershy was still pregnant, and she was still going to have a foal that winter. The choice before Rainbow couldn't be put off any longer. Her options were clear: to stay with Fluttershy and help her rear her child, or to permanently break up with her and concede that privilege to somepony else. This simple choice was heavy with many other questions, such as: was Rainbow prepared to relinquish some of her freedom for the rest of her life? Was she prepared to publicly come out as a fillyfooler, and deal with any backlash she'd inevitably receive for it? Could she tell somepony the dark, dark truth; that they'd been conceived through truly despicable means, and that they could never know their father like other kids did? And most importantly, could she accomplish what her own father failed to do, and raise this child to be responsible and well-adjusted?

Rainbow took a deep, wavering breath. Fluttershy had told her to do what would make her happy, but Rainbow also felt burdened by responsibility. Would she be happy if she did this? Would it even matter if she did?

Rainbow looked down. Well, I know that I would've wanted my parents to be happy together, she thought to herself.

Rainbow took another deep breath. She looked out of the window, and saw that she'd reach Canterlot in less than thirty minutes. I can always come back and return it, she thought. I don't have to decide right now. My decision won't be final until I ask her...

When the train stopped at Canterlot Station, Rainbow stepped off and gazed around. It was a cloudy summer afternoon, and most of Canterlot's inhabitants were sipping iced tea outside of cafes on the street. Rainbow trotted down the roads, looking around for a shop that would sell her what she needed. She didn't have to look long; within a few minutes she reached the shopping district, which was built near the edge of the steep cliff Canterlot was situated upon. She soon found a corner store with fine jeweled necklaces, bracelets, and rings displayed in the windows, over which a sign bearing the words, Sapphire Aqua Jewelers hung.

This was it. Taking a deep breath, Rainbow pushed past its glass front door.

A bell rung over Rainbow's head, signaling her entrance. One of the shopkeepers, a male Unicorn with a white coat and green eyes who was standing behind the sales counter, turned to her and said, "Good afternoon, Miss!"

"Hey," Rainbow replied, smiling pleasantly.

"What can I do for you?" the Stallion asked, stepping closer to her.

Rainbow was still quite nervous, so she swallowed and gazed away from the shopkeeper for a moment before she said, "I, uh... I came to buy a necklace."

The shopkeeper nodded. "Alright. What kind?" he said.

Rainbow's eyes darted around. "Umm... an... an engagement necklace," she quietly replied.

The shopkeeper's eyes widened slightly. "Ah," he said with a small smile. "You plan on proposing to your Special Somepony, then?"

"Yeah," Rainbow said. Though she was still extremely anxious, she smiled. "I'm gonna ask her to marry me."

The salespony nodded. Rainbow was tremendously glad he wasn't being judgmental or rude, like the other Pegasi from Cloudsdale always were. Then again, this was Canterlot; they were one of the most progressive cities in Equestria, and fillyfoolers weren't something to bat an eye at here.

"So," the Stallion said, stepping out from behind the counter, "I assume you wish to be very careful about which necklace you give to her?"

Rainbow nodded. "Yeah," she said. "I want it to be perfect."

The Stallion smiled. "Very well; let's see if I can help you, then," he said.

The shopkeeper went to one of the necklace displays, saying, "Could you describe your girlfriend for me, please?"

Rainbow nodded. "Sure," she replied. "She's another Pegasus, and she's the most gorgeous Mare ever." Rainbow grinned. "She has a soft custard coat; a long, silky pink mane; and these big, sweet, cute light blue eyes..."

The salespony chuckled. "She's a lucky girl," he said. "I can see how completely you are in love with her."

Rainbow lightly chuckled, as well. "Yeah..." she muttered.

The Stallion levitated a few necklaces onto a cloth laid across the counter, then said, "What's she like? You'd like to get her a necklace that matches her personality, yes?"

Rainbow nodded. "Yep," she said. "She's so sweet and adorable. She's kinda quiet, but she's really cute, and she's kinder than any other pony I know."

The salespony nodded, smiling. "Alright..." he said. He telekinetically lifted up one of the necklaces, then showed it to Rainbow. "What do you think of this one, Miss?" he said.

Rainbow gasped. It was a rose gold necklace, with a delicate and elegant chain at its back that fastened it together. The front was woven together with several wires that made it resemble tree branches, completed with deep orange-gold leaves. The centerpiece was a large, cherry-red ruby cut into the shape of a heart.

Rainbow admired it for several moments. "It's beautiful," she whispered amazedly.

The salespony grinned. "How do you like it?" he said.

Rainbow broke into an excited smile. "It's perfect!" she cried. She looked up at him. "I'll take it!" she said.

Nodding, the salespony levitated it behind the counter, where he delicately laid it in a large white jewelry box. After wrapping it in some white paper and tying it together with a red ribbon, he rang up the cash register, saying, "It'll be twelve thousand, four hundred seventy bits."

Rainbow nodded, reached into her saddlebag, and pulled out a checkbook. She wrote a check for the price of the necklace down, then traded it to the salespony for the parcel. "Thanks!" Rainbow said as the parcel was telikenetically slipped into her saddlebag.

The salespony nodded. "Thanks for choosing Sapphire Aqua," he replied.

"See ya!" Rainbow cried as she waved and exited the shop.

Rainbow walked back to the train station, then reentered a passenger car. She had her two-way ticket punched for her return trip, then sat down at one of the booths and placed her saddlebag and the parcel at her side.

As she was riding back home, Rainbow stared at the white, paper-wrapped package at her side. She'd done it. She had bought an engagement necklace with which to propose to Fluttershy. Rainbow took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and rested her chin over her forelegs, which were folded over a table. "I'm gonna ask her to marry me..." she muttered.

What a bizarre idea. Rainbow Dash was going to ask Fluttershy to marry her. Until recently, Rainbow would never have dreamed that she would even consider the possibility of marrying somepony. She didn't worry too much about the future; as far as her relationship with Fluttershy went, she would have been perfectly content to just let it take them wherever it may.

Rainbow guessed that she had just assumed that she and Fluttershy would simply be girlfriends for the foreseeable future. Even that fact would have made her laugh a little over a year ago; Rainbow Dash, fillyfooler swinger extraordinaire, settling down in a monogamous romantic partnership? She would have laughed herself to tears over the mere suggestion.

But marriage? The idea was simply unthinkable. Rainbow had little interest in bedding older Mares, or in sticking with one partner for very long. Even though Fluttershy was by far the most beautiful girl she knew (aside from the Princesses), Rainbow Dash had to admit that a part of her missed the days when she could treat the world like a buffet of girls in which Fluttershy was her favorite dessert but she could always get a taste of some of the other proverbial "dishes", as well.

As a result, Rainbow was finally forced to confront a question that haunted her since she had first become Fluttershy's girlfriend: did she ultimately love Fluttershy more than the freedom she had always enjoyed before they had become girlfriends, or did she not?

Rainbow continued to gaze at the parcel that rested beside her. In that box, Rainbow could see a huge and intimidating future: a more quiet and unadventurous life in which she could forever bid her dream to someday become a Wonderbolt farewell. Rainbow would need to permanently move into Fluttershy's cottage and sell her lovely cloud-mansion so that she and Fluttershy could expand the cottage in order to make it more suitable for housing a family of four. Rainbow would have to resign herself to living as a weather-pony for the rest of her days, she could no longer be so reckless with her aerial stunts, and she would have to dedicate a massive amount of her life to taking the time to help Fluttershy raise her child, as well as personally parent it.

But above all: Rainbow would take an oath to grow old with Fluttershy. She would surrender what remained of your youth for the sake of her new family, and would never again partake in the many thrills and pleasures of youth that she had enjoyed until then.

But now, as Rainbow thought about it, she began to gradually realize: she wasn't going to be young forever. Even if she left Fluttershy now, she'd still only have a limited number of days to continue to indulge in the hedonistic lifestyle she'd enjoyed for most of her life. In the end, she would inevitably grow old, with or without a partner at her side. She might end up dying alone.

And so Rainbow realized: there was no one she'd rather grow old with than Fluttershy, and she would rather spend the rest of her youth in no other way than having Fluttershy, her child, and the rest of their friends at her side. Rainbow might have been giving up a life of adventure, but she now had the opportunity to begin another: to watch Fluttershy's child grow, and to show it and guide it through this enormous and frightening world. The idea was honestly quite exciting to Rainbow, especially since she had no doubt that she would come to know a foal who would grow to be a pony every bit as amazing as its mother.

It was also a little frightening, of course; Rainbow wanted desperately to give Fluttershy's child a happy home in which it was safe from all creatures and ponies that might wish it harm, and to not repeat the same mistakes her father had made while raising her. But Fluttershy seemed to trust her; she had even told her that there was no one she'd rather raise her baby with than her. Rainbow wasn't entirely sure why Fluttershy felt this way, or what she had done to earn such complete trust from her, but she was nonetheless quite deeply honored by it and took it as a sign that she would be a better parent and spouse than she thought.

As Rainbow was contemplating these things, the Friendship Express pulled into Ponyville's train station. "All off for Ponyville!" a conductor shouted as she strolled past Rainbow's booth.

Sighing, Rainbow stood, placed the parcel back in her saddle-bag, and made her way down the car and off of the train.

Rainbow then walked to Fluttershy's cottage, which she entered while calling out, "I'm home!" so that Fluttershy and Scootaloo would be alerted to her arrival.

"Dashie!" Fluttershy cried joyously from the parlor. She had been reading a book on her sofa; she immediately set it down, ran to the front hall, and caught Rainbow Dash in a tight embrace.

Once they'd shared a quick kiss, Fluttershy asked, "How was your trip, Dashie?"

"It went fine," Rainbow replied, smiling softly.

"What's that in your bag?" Fluttershy asked curiously, pointing her hoof at the parcel in Rainbow's saddlebag.

"It's just something I had to pick up for an errand while I was at Canterlot," Rainbow replied casually. "It's for something I've been needing to fix for a while."

Fluttershy nodded. "Alright," she said.

Rainbow shrugged the saddlebag off and set it to her side as she said, "I'll take it home later. In the meantime, shall I cook us dinner?"

Fluttershy smiled. "That would be lovely, Dashie," she said, gently nuzzling Rainbow's cheek. She then walked back to the sofa and returned to her reading.

Rainbow gazed at Fluttershy for a few moments. Her rounded belly was quite prominent now, but Rainbow found her every bit as lovely as she ever was. As she watched Fluttershy quietly read, she decided: she had made the correct decision. Rainbow would not regret the sacrifices she was about to make; it was easy to realize as she gazed at her Special Somepony that it would unquestionably be worth it.

Rainbow prepared some simple pasta, then had a nice, quiet meal with Scootaloo and Fluttershy. Scootaloo then took a bath, after which Rainbow and Fluttershy took one together (and Scootaloo could hear suppressed squeals and cries of pleasure while they did this, which didn't bother her even remotely). Once they'd dried off, Fluttershy and Rainbow put Scootaloo to bed before retiring to Fluttershy's bedroom.

After they had crawled beneath the bed's covers, Rainbow draped her forelegs around Fluttershy's waist before gently whispering, "Flutters?"

"Hmm?" Fluttershy replied sleepily.

"Do ya know what I think?" Rainbow continued. "I think we should take the weekend off and go to the beach."

Fluttershy grinned, though her eyes remained closed. "Oh, yes," she whispered. "That sounds lovely, Dashie."

"So, you wanna do it?" Rainbow said hopefully.

Fluttershy nodded. "Mm-hmm," she replied. "Let's start getting ready to go tomorrow..."

Beaming, Rainbow gave her girlfriend a gentle kiss before allowing herself to drift into slumber.

* * *

Since the weekend was only two days away, Rainbow and Fluttershy immediately began preparing for their trip. They'd arranged for Scootaloo to stay with Sweetie Belle and her family while they were away, made notices that they'd be taking a few vacation days, and began packing. One of the benefits of going on a vacation, Rainbow thought, was that she'd be able to hide the necklace among her other belongings in her luggage. She wanted to make her proposal a surprise, so as to make it as romantic as she possibly could.

But Rainbow had to admit, she only got more nervous the closer she came to popping the big question to Fluttershy. No matter how many times she reminded herself that Fluttershy loved her, too, the idea never became less intimidating. Rainbow began to wish that the vacation would just get over with already so that all of the tension of her anxious anticipation could be broken.

However, whenever this happened, Rainbow reminded herself: she'd be getting to spend two days on a romantic getaway alone with Fluttershy, and even if Fluttershy refused her, their last days together would at least be beautiful memories.

The idea of their relationship ending over this trip brought a great deal of pain to Rainbow, however. She found herself wanting to cry several times in the hours until her vacation with Fluttershy began, but she swallowed her grief down each time; everything depended on her remaining cool and composed through this.

When Saturday finally arrived, Rainbow and Fluttershy were accompanied to the train station by their friends, who cheerfully saw them off. While they were riding the Friendship Express to Coco Beach (which was a popular resort destination on the eastern coast of Equestria), Fluttershy slept on Rainbow's shoulder while Rainbow read one of the volumes of Daring Do, her foreleg draped around Fluttershy all the while.

When the train arrived at Coco City, Rainbow and Fluttershy stepped off and began making their way down the palm tree-lined roads bustling with other ponies walking between enormous, magnificent shopping malls and exotic, ludicrously overpriced restaurants. Within about fifteen minutes they arrived at the beach house they'd rented for the weekend.

This beach house was a small, lovely, wooden abode with a wide front porch bearing a woven rope hammock that was large enough to accompany two occupants. Inside, they found a well-maintained and stocked pantry, a small brick fireplace, and a small bedroom with a soft, luxurious round king-sized bed.

Once they'd put their belongings away, Rainbow and Fluttershy immediately bathed and took to the bed to celebrate their arrival there together.

Over the next few days, Rainbow and Fluttershy swam, sat in the hammock, fed fruits to each other, and made love. Rainbow's anxiety was largely eased, and she was able to relax and enjoy what proved to be the most romantic moments she'd ever shared with Fluttershy until then.

However, on the last night they were there together, Rainbow knew it was time. At nightfall, she walked with Fluttershy to the shores of the beach, where she and Fluttershy sat and began watching the sunset together.

As they sky gradually pinked and beamed with oranges and violets with the sun sinking beyond the distant horizon, Fluttershy leaned against Rainbow's shoulder, joyful tears willing in her eyes, as she whispered, "It's so beautiful. Thank you so much, Dashie."

Rainbow smiled and draped her foreleg around Fluttershy, replying, "Any time, Flutters."

Fluttershy snuggled against Rainbow, and made a deep sigh of contentment.

After steeling her resolve for a few moments, Rainbow swallowed and looked down at her saddlebag, which she'd brought here with the pretense of needing sunscreen.

After staring at the bag for a few moments, Rainbow slowly released Fluttershy, nervously smiled and said, "H-hey, Flutters, there's something I wanna give you."

Fluttershy blinked surprisedly at Rainbow. "Really? What is it, Dashie?" she said.

Rainbow chuckled. "I can't tell you; it's a surprise," she said, winking.

Fluttershy blinked again, then softly smiled. "Alright, then. Are you going to give it to me, then, Dashie?"

"Y-yeah..." Rainbow said, closing her eyes as her nervous grin broadened. Feeling her face begin to flush, Rainbow reached her head into her saddlebag and gripped the white parcel she'd brought between her teeth. After a moment of hesitation, she drew it out, turned around, and placed it on the ground before Fluttershy.

Rainbow gazed at Fluttershy as Fluttershy gazed uncertainly at the white parcel for a moment. "Can... can I open it?" Fluttershy said softly.

Trembling a little, Rainbow swallowed, steeled her resolve, and replied, "Y-yeah. Go ahead, Flutters."

Fluttershy nodded, then grabbed the ribbon between her teeth and pulled at it, untying it.

Fluttershy then carefully peeled the paper wrapping away, revealing the box underneath. Taking a breath, she brought her fore hooves to the sides and lifted the lid off. She gasped in astonishment upon seeing the necklace that rested inside.

"Fluttershy..." Rainbow said, causing Fluttershy to look back at her. Rainbow, whose face was burning, looked away fearfully as she said, "Um... I've been thinking a lot, Flutters... and, uh... I've realized that..." Here she swallowed. "That... I lo-I love you more than anything. And, um... after everything that's happened, I... I... I realized that I wanna b-be with you... for... forever."

Fluttershy's eyes widened enormously and her mouth opened slightly as she realized what Rainbow was saying.

Looking Fluttershy directly in the eyes, Rainbow said, "F-Fluttershy, I want... I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will... will you m-marry me?"

Fluttershy was utterly stunned as she stared back at Rainbow for a few moments. "R-really...?" she whispered.

Rainbow nodded. "Yeah. Really, Flutters."

"And..." Fluttershy said, blushing as she looked away and stroked her belly, "and it's not just because... because of..."

Rainbow shook her head. "No, Flutters," she said, grinning. "If anything, all your foal did was force me to search myself and figure out what it is I really want. Truth be told, I'm still a little scared to help you raise it, but..." Rainbow took a deep breath, then beamed as she concluded, "but if you trust me, Flutters, I think I can trust myself, too. So... will you?"

After a moment of stunned silence, Fluttershy broke into an enormous smile and gasped elatedly as tears of pure joy streamed from her eyes. She tackled Rainbow in a powerful embrace that knocked Rainbow to the ground as she locked lips with her. After a moment of motionlessness, Rainbow closed her eyes and wrapped her forelegs around Fluttershy as she kissed her back.

They kissed very deeply and passionately for a few moments as Fluttershy's tears dampened the fur on Rainbow's cheeks, then Fluttershy pulled back, quiveringly sobbed as she softly smiled down at Rainbow, and made a small nod. "Y-yes, Dashie," she whispered. "Yes. Yes. A thousand, a hundred thousand times, yes."

Rainbow beamed as tears began to pour from her own eyes. "I'm so happy, Flutters," she whispered as Fluttershy leaned down to kiss her again.

Author's Note:

This chapter has been a loooooooong time coming, hasn't it? I'm so sorry it took so long. :twilightblush: I hope it was worth it! :scootangel:

At any rate, one of the reasons it's taken so long is that I've been working on an original novel titled Rainbow. If you're curious and would like to read it or learn more about it, I'm posting it on my personal website here: Rainbow. Please read it and let me know what you think; you can post your thoughts on the forums of my official FimFiction group! :pinkiehappy::yay:

Comments ( 24 )

Awww... such a sweet ending to this chapter! Great job! :scootangel:

8032733 Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it! :twilightsmile:

Well, that's a relief.:pinkiehappy:

"It'll be twelve thousand, four hundred seventy bits."

I always thought that, by looking at what her house is and what it holds, Rainbow Dash was quite rich, or she built that place herself.

Rainbow would need to permanently move into Fluttershy's cottage and sell her lovely cloud-mansion so that she and Fluttershy could expand the cottage in order to make it more suitable for housing a family of four.

And now she wants to sell it? I'm quite tired of seeing this outcome happen. It makes it feel like Rainbow's house is not special in any way.

Rainbow would have to resign herself to living as a weather-pony for the rest of her days, she could no longer be so reckless with her aerial stunts, and she would have to dedicate a massive amount of her life to taking the time to help Fluttershy raise her child, as well as personally parent it.

And then there's this. If she quit her job, who's gonna be putting money on the table for their family? Then again, she hasn't decided on these odd decisions yet and this is just Rainbow's thought process. It's not like doing a legitimate job that only pegasi can do is reckless. (Remember Ponyville has that tradition of no magic, so unicorns aren't allowed to take over for that.)

Rainbow shrugged the saddlebag off and set it to her side as she said, "I'll take it home later. In the meantime, shall I cook us dinner?"

Someone who believes Rainbow Dash isn't a terrible cook! Yay!

8040589 Well, it is special, which I think should emphasize exactly how seriously Rainbow takes this whole situation.

8041874 I think she's taking it the wrong way if she's gonna quit making money for the family. She can't expect Fluttershy to provide all the Bits, right?

8041890 Uh... did I ever indicate or imply that Rainbow would quit her job? Didn't I say that she'd be weather-wrangling for her foreseeable future? :rainbowhuh:


Rainbow would have to resign herself to living as a weather-pony for the rest of her days, she could no longer be so reckless with her aerial stunts, and she would have to dedicate a massive amount of her life to taking the time to help Fluttershy raise her child, as well as personally parent it.

Oh, now I see. Sorry, that was my mistake. I read this line as saying she was gonna resign being a weather pony forever. But no, this was referring to her goal to become a Wonderbolt. That's what you were referring to with her resigning.

Sorry about that. Though to be honest, I think that would actually work out better for Rainbow Dash.

8044171 Yeah, I do too. :applejackunsure:

8044200 I am SO glad that I'm not the only one who thinks this!

8044213 Have you noticed that the show is trying as hard as it can to make Dash a Wonderbolt without her actually... you know, being a Wonderbolt? I think the creators realize it deep down, too.

8044243 I've noticed that the show has been trying so hard to make Rainbow Dash into something that she is not. But that episode was the worst offender by far. It's much like the Best Night Ever episode, but instead at the end of the episode, nopony admits to it being the worst night ever. (Plus the fact that it's message is practically defending bullies rather than trying to prevent bullying.)

Past episodes have constantly supported that Rainbow Dash was better than the Wonderbolts to the point they were learning lessons from her, and then they threw it all out the window. I'm actually quite relieved they haven't been showing more of Rainbow being a Wonderbolt, because they'll probably force more of that direction down.

Wow, this was a fantastic new chapter. It's probably the first time - and I'm not ashamed to admit this - that a fanfiction has legitimately brought tears to my eyes (tears of joy, of course!) Other fics have come close, but this one truely did me in. Thank you for your spectacular writing and story!

8053067 Hooray! :yay:

I honestly hold this to be the highest praise an author can receive. Awards and sales aren't ultimately what the end goal of a writer is; it is to provoke a powerful emotional response to the tales we weave. If I've done that much, then I consider my job accomplished. :rainbowdetermined2:

8053628 Absolutely! But I'm curious; most of the story seems to focus on Rainbow's thoughts about the whole ordeal. I don't know how much of this story you have planned out, but maybe there's a chapter in the future that focuses on Fluttershy's thoughts and doubts as the pregnancy reaches it's end?

8053842 I plan out the entirety of any project I undertake before I start it.

Anyway, to answer your question: no, there will not. The reason is because though Fluttershy likely would have doubts and fears as her pregnancy reached its end, a whole chapter dedicated to it would likely be a very dull read, as it would consist entirely of thoughts and wonderings that Fluttershy has already had before, so it would all come across as very repetitive and boring. Instead, I plan to have her just mention that her doubts and fears are still present.

8054057 Ok, just thought I'd ask :twilightsmile:

Rainbow continued to gaze at the parcel that rested beside her. In that box, Rainbow could see a huge and intimidating future: a more quiet and unadventurous life in which she could forever bid her dream to someday become a Wonderbolt farewell. Rainbow would need to permanently move into Fluttershy's cottage and sell her lovely cloud-mansion so that she and Fluttershy could expand the cottage in order to make it more suitable for housing a family of four. Rainbow would have to resign herself to living as a weather-pony for the rest of her days, she could no longer be so reckless with her aerial stunts, and she would have to dedicate a massive amount of her life to taking the time to help Fluttershy raise her child, as well as personally parent it.

Wait? Rainbow Dash giving up her dream of being a Wonderbolt?! WHAT?! Okay, I'm hoping this is addressed in the future, because personally, I think that line of thinking is a load of horse shit.

1. Just because you have a child, does not mean you should stop following your dream. (I've seen contestants on NBC's American Ninja Warrior who are parents of young children and they manage to train, do their day jobs, AND take care off their kids at the same time.)
2. Considering this is the WONDERBOLTS, it must pay well. In my opinion, this foal should make Rainbow want to be a Wonderbolt MORE, because if she gets in she'll have a high salary and it will help provide for her family.
3. She has a LARGE support system behind her the can help her so that she can focus on the Wonderbolts when she can.

Sorry if that came out as harsh, but I just got really miffed when I read that paragraph, because Rainbow wanted to be a Wonderbolt her WHOLE life. Raising a foal shouldn't have to impede on that, especially with her abilities and her large support system.

If anything, having a foal should teach Rainbow Dash to train in a safer way.

9062919 I think if Rainbow really DID want to be a Wonderbolt, she would have become one a looooong time ago; she is, after all, the world's fastest flier. My interpretation of her here is that she's finally owning that.

While I respect your decision, I personally believe you could be Wasting a Perfectly Good plot here. All the context clues are showing that Dash is going to be dealing with adjusting to being a parent, which is great on it's own, but I personally feel the story, and Dash's character, would have much more depth if she ALSO was still pursuing the Wonderbolts. At first, it was because of Idol-Worship. Now, it's so she can be a positive role model to her child... a positive role model that she never had.

I get why you might want to have Dash give up the Wonderbolts, but I fear that by doing so, we may be losing out on something that can add an entirely new dimension to this story.

But, that's just my opinion. I just want this story to be the best that it can be. However, if you don't want to go in that direction, I'll respect that. I may disagree with it, but I'll respect it.

Great Story and Actual Women's Justice is a very deep matter that still is not realized to completion.

Sorry to bother you,I'd like to ask for your permission about the story.Could I translate it into Chinese?And when I deliver it I will offer you the link.

Of course you may! Thank you for asking! :twilightsmile:

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