• Published 11th Sep 2016
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CARAMEL TREAT, a Werewolf's Saga - De Writer

Caramel Treat is not your ordinary Werewolf. She is a bright student, entrepenuer and Poison Joke witch.

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Brightmane's Foal

Author's Note:

As with almost any biography, Caramel Treat's Saga begins with the unique circumstances of her birth.

“Now, Mrs. Hackamore, be reasonable,” Doctor Red Mane said in a soothing tone of voice.

Brightmane's hind hoof bucked him in the gut hard enough to slam Doctor Red Mane against the wall across the room. Her teeth grinding in rage, she snarled at him, “My. Name. Is. Brightmane! Brightmane TREAT! Dray Hackamore and I have been divorced for three months! Now, that that vile, poisoning idiot wants to get control of my Lottery win!”

The doctor was picking himself up cautiously. The force of the somewhat awkwardly delivered blow, reminded him of one of Brightmane's chart notes. “Black Belt, second Dan : Han Fu.”

Before he could regain his hooves, the heavily pregnant Brightmane had come free of the bed in what could only be described a bound. Her landing stance was one that terrified Doctor Red Mane. He was a follower the Equestrian National Han Fu Championships.

He began to flee for the door. “Helping Hooves” sent him on his way, still rising as he went through the opening. The spectacular crash and thump as he hit the far wall of the hallway and fell to the floor brought two nurses on the run.

They found the doctor prostrate on the floor of the hall. Brightmane was standing astride him, one cunningly placed hoof holding him from any movement. The nurses were in time to hear, “Very good, Doctor Red Mane. You know about the back hoof bar. If you try to move from this spot or free yourself before we are done with this little chat, I will break your foreleg at the shoulder.

“Is that clear? You do not need to like it, just answer with a yes or no. Any other answer will be painful.”

Unwisely, Doctor Red Mane tried to say, “Be reasonable. Your addiction to Poison Joke potion has clouded your think - - - OUCH! Stop! My leg!”

Brightmane quietly repeated, “Yes or no, Doctor. No other words. DO YOU UNDERSTAND that I WILL break your shoulder unless you answer truthfully.”

“I, Yes. I understand. Now let me up!”

“No, Doctor. First question. My legal name. Not the one that you put on the false chart. What is my name?”

“You don't – Ow! It is Brightmane Treat!”

“Very good, Doctor. Now, what name is on the chart being used for me?”

“I, it is Brightmane Hackamore! It was demanded by your medical conservator!”

Almost sweetly, Brightmane stated, “Fascinating. I do not have a medical conservator. I would have to sign that or a court would have to impose it and serve me the papers. Neither has been done.

“Who is this so called Medical Conservator?”

“You don't need – OW! My shoulder!”

One of the nurse ponies had run for the chart and she held it out, open to a page. “Here, uh, Miss Treat. See, you have appointed Dray Hackamore and his wife Coalsmoke to handle your affairs, should there be any complications from the procedure.”

Brightmane glared down at the fallen doctor. “Procedure? I was here to have medical OBSERVATION of Zecora's treatment. I am Doctor Comarg's patient. What is this nonsense? What PROCEDURE?”

The nurse pony looked confused and said, “You were admitted as Doctor Red Mane's patent. The chart says that your foal has been so injured by your addiction to Poison Joke that it has to be aborted.”

“Find my REAL chart. Doctor Comarg's chart. I was poisoned by a single massive dose of Joke Potion administered by Dray Hackamore. That was the reason for the divorce. Dray remarried to Coalsmoke Emberling the same day that the divorce was final. Charges were brought against both of them but the case was not strong enough to prove attempted murder.

“In Doctor Comarg's chart is a copy of the Court Order preventing ANY form of contact between Dray and me. This claim of conservatorship is in CRIMINAL violation of the Order of the Ponyville Courts.”

Pausing only a second to let the revelation sink in, Brightmane went on, “It will be easy to double check it in any case. Just call the town hall and ask. It won't cost anything and it could save the hospital from criminal charges and massive financial losses. Charges that WILL be made if you don't check.”

One of the nurses at the back of the group put a hoof to her mouth in surprise and turned away down the corridor at a near gallop. It was not long before she returned. The hospital security guards, including a unicorn, were spreading out to surround Brightmane.

The nurse yelled, “STOP! The patient is right! Doctor Red Mane's chart is false! Security! Hold Doctor Red Mane, not the patient!”

The big unicorn stallion in charge turned to the nurse and said, “Why should we believe you? She is assaulting a well known doctor.”

The nurse replied, “I am nurse Fields. I have Doctor Comarg's chart here. Admitting said that Doctor Red Mane took it and left the chart that nurse Bay Leaf is holding.

“I recovered Doctor Comarg's chart for the patient Brightmane Treat from a pile of Doctor Red Mane's charts. They were charts of deceased patients. There was a shredding order on the pile. For deceased patients with no contest or legal reason to retain the records, all that we keep is the cover. It gets worse. Look at the cover yourself, Sir.”

She extended the chart. The security pony's horn bobbed down as he read out loud, for all to hear. “Deceased 4/18 due to abortion complications caused by Poison Joke addiction.” His brow furrowed. “That can't be! This is only the 17th!” He tapped a hoof on the floor thoughtfully and read, “Estate passed to Conservator as per documentation.”

He leafed expertly through the chart. “There is no statement of Conservatorship in here.”

Nurse Bay Leaf quietly handed over the chart of Doctor Red Mane. She offered, “The claim of conservatorship is in this chart, Sir. There are other irregularities as well, including a Do Not Resuscitate sticker on the cover. There is a partly filled out death certificate tucked in the back of the chart. It is already signed. By Doctor Red Mane.”

The Security Stallion made up his mind. “Ma'am. Miss Treat? Please let the doctor to his hooves. From what I have seen here, this pool is too deep for us to be wading in.

“What we will do is take you, Doctor Red Mane and both of these charts to the Town Hall. There, we will hoof you, the Doctor, nurse Fields as a witness, and both charts, to the Constables and the Town's Attorneys. Will that be satisfactory to you?”

Brightmane looked skeptically at the Security Guard and said, “I will let him up if that nurse Fields agrees to come with us. She has some real backbone to defy Doctor Red Mane this way.”

Nurse Fields promptly agreed, “Then come with us. If there has to be a fight, I am on your side. It will probably cost me my job. I can't just stand by let a pony be murdered like this. Especially for a profit.”

Shortly, the procession left the hospital. “You can't treat me like a common criminal!” doctor Red Mane protested. He was being led by a chain, while restrained in fore and hind leg hobbles.

District Attorney Dobbins only needed a few minutes of looking over the twin charts, with nurse Fields helping to point out the discrepancies. He looked up, fury written on his countenance, and sent an assistant to get Judge Coldheart.

Judge Coldheart was silently handed both charts, open to the pages concerning the protective order and the conservatorship. He leafed through the rest and found the partially filled out death certificate.

All that he said was, “Wait here. I will return shortly.”

True to his word, the Judge was back in only a few minutes. He handed DA Dobbins a small stack of papers.

Then he spoke coldly. “I expect these warrants to be served and the parties jailed within hours, Mr. Dobbins. Let me know if there are any complications. I will issue deadly force authorizations at once, if needed.”

Even Brightmane was taken aback. “Deadly force? Why?”

The judge gave her a long and thoughtful stare before replying, “Unless I have lost count, this makes three separate attempts to kill you outright. First, they tried and nearly succeeded with the Poison Joke potion. Second, by an interference with your hospital records that would have given you deadly doses of improper medications. Thirdly, if you survived the medications, you were not intended to survive the abortion procedure.

“These were all criminally motivated by a desire to lay hooves on your three and a half million bit fortune from the Lottery. Multiple attempts at murder for profit cannot be treated lightly.”

Brightmane, in spite of her pregnancy, managed a proper courtly bow to Judge Coldheart. “Thank you, your Honor. I was so focused on the immediate event that I had lost track of the whole picture. We of Ponyville are fortunate to have one such as you serving us.”

To everypony's surprise, Judge Coldheart bowed his head right back and said, “It is rare that those of us who serve the Law get such gracious thanks. Stay safe and I hope to see you another time under better circumstances.”

Doctor Red Mane unwisely snapped, “Neither Dray nor Coalsmoke have been convicted of anything!”

Judge Coldheart gave Doctor Red Mane a look as if were and interesting but very ugly bug. “It is true that they were acquitted. The requirements of the Law and the personal opinion of the Judge are two very different things.”

Turning to return to his chambers, Judge Coldheart said over his shoulder, “Do not release any of the prisoners before arraignment for any reason. I regard them as an ongoing danger to society. I will hear their bail arguments on Monday.”

Brightmane shook her head in amazement.

Soon she was trotting out of town, going deep into the Everfree Forest. The cleared space with Zecora's house came into sight soon.

The cheerful zebra greeted her, “Brightmane, dear//Why are you here?”

Smiling at Zecora's comfortable rhyming speech, she replied soberly, “I will not go back to that hospital at all. Dray and Coalsmoke tried to get Doctor Red Mane to kill me.”

Accepting that her visitor knew what she was saying, Zecora replied, “That Red Mane's involved is small surprise// He is a pony who is full of lies.”

Pausing, Zecora cocked her head at Brightmane's bulging saddle packs and pointed out, “You have more than you will need// unless your stay is long indeed.// If you plan to have your foal here// You can stay and need not fear.”

“Thank you, Zecora. I was going to ask exactly that.”

Soon Zecora and Brightmane had her visitor's stall ready and the saddle packs emptied. Everything was neatly in its place.

After Zecora looked her over and gave her a new tonic, Brightmane was happily frying up Chopped Clover Top burgers to go with buns that she had baking.

Zecora was sitting back, letting her guest cook with the supplies that she had brought. With a grin, she pronounced, “Having a maid and cook is good// Getting used to this I certainly could!”

The clover burgers were barely eaten and seconds in the pan when Brightmane told Zecora, “I may have been just in time, getting here. I think that I just had a contraction.”

There was a knock at the house door. A pony in a nurse's uniform stood outside. She was looking about nervously.

Brightmane smiled and said, “Nurse Fields! Come in! You are just in time for dinner! I made enough . . . Oh, that was a strong one!” She paused to breathe deeply for a few moments and asked, “What brings you here to the Everfree?”

Stepping nervously into Zecora's home, Nurse Fields replied, “Two things. I wanted to see how you are doing. It looks to me like early stage labor has recently begun.

“The other thing is to ask if you have any idea where I can get a job? I was right. Even in jail, Doctor Red Mane got me fired for 'violating procedure and the unauthorized release of confidential chart information.' If you can believe what they wrote on my discharge papers.”

Brightmane cheerfully said, “I was there, I can indeed.// You helped a patient in her need!” She grinned and added, “Zecora can be contagious!”

Zecora bared her teeth in a grin and said, “Indeed you must beware the rhyme// or you will do it all the time!”

Nurse Fields made the circle complete by saying, “I am glad that I came here,// of my welcome I had fear!”

Dropping the rhyming joke, Brightmane offered, “Pull up a place at the table. Fresh buns are almost done and the Clover Burgers are coming along nicely. We have lettuce, onion slices, tomato and cheese to go on them.”

“Thanks, Brightmane. I can use the meal. I still don't know what to do for a job but I am happy to find you in good hooves.”

Zecora and Brightmane exchanged a glance and Brightmane nodded.

Zecora served up the big platter of savory clover burgers and the piping hot buns. Looking directly at Nurse Fields, she said, “For a job, it is here you stay// Brightmane's fortune will assure your pay.// Evil to her has made me weep // So her secrets you must keep.”

Nurse Fields nodded seriously, “I can do that. I spoke out to save a patient's life, not to just blabber about an “interesting” case.”

“Great!” Brightmane enthused. “Unless this is a false labor, we have a foal on the way! Zecora is going to be in charge because she has experience with Poison Joke and the foal is contaminated in a way that can't be undone.”

Zecora nodded gravely and pointed out, “Undone it cannot be// Yet wise treatment is the key.”

Nurse Fields calmly nodded her acceptance and began to build herself a fine clover burger. She only used one onion slice but made up for it in lettuce and tomatoes.

Around carefully chewed and swallowed bites, she asked, “How sure are you that the foal is healthy? After that bit of a fuss at the hospital, we can hardly go back there for help if we need it.”

Brightmane replied, “The foal is really active, so we can be pretty sure that it is going to be healthy. What we do not know is what the Poison Joke has done to . . .” Brightmane winced as her next contraction hit.

Nurse Fields calmly looked at her nurse's watch, hung like a pendant around her neck. “Eight minutes. Not bad at all. Zecora, may I look over your arrangements and any equipment or medications? I want to be familiar with things so that I can help most effectively.”

Zecora got up from the table, saying,”Those were words I hoped to hear.// My birthing things are over here.”

The two had their heads together over Zecora's supplies and the way that the bed was arranged.

Nurse Fields was nodding over the contents of a locked shelf containing large bellied, narrow necked bottles of Poison Joke potions. Tapping thoughtfully at one, she said, “Deactivated Pollen extract. I have never heard of that one before.”

Zecora nodded, “Danger that one will evoke// If not poisoned by the Joke.// It is the pathway to our goal// It will be used to treat the foal.”

Nurse Fields nodded slowly, “So, the deactivated Joke pollen will help to counter what the active Joke in the foal's system is doing?”

Brightmane interrupted, “I hope that you will pardon me, but I think that I need that stall NOW!”

They made way as Brightmane practically dived into the birthing stall. “I think that I need to mop your floor, Zecora. My water broke and the contraction was really strong.” She paused to breathe deeply and added, “Another has already started!”

Zecora, with a bit of a grin, replied, “Worry about your foal more,// Waste no thought about my floor.”

From that time, on, Brightmane was busy following the orders of the more experienced ponies about breathing and pushing. Her world centered on working to bring her foal into the world.

Soon, or was it? She heard nurse Fields say, “Zecora, it is crowning!” There was a pause and she added, “Is this a problem? I have never seen anything like this before.”

Zecora left off holding Brightmane's hoof and went to see. “A problem this is not.// It is that Joke we will set to naught.”

To Brightmane she said, “Your foal is coming soon.// Another push would be a boon.”

Brightmane took a deep breath and pushed. She felt the foal slide free. She knew that there was more to do and pushed again. She heard, “There is now no thing to fear, // We have the afterbirth, my dear.”

Nurse Fields held a carefully wrapped bundle. It made a sound that was not the usual new-born's cry. It was more of an animal whine.

Zecora reassuringly told Brightmane, “We need the potion to start at once,//that is what your filly wants.// Do not fear for bad luck.// We will treat your breast and let her suck.”

Brightmane hesitantly asked, “How different is she?”

Nurse Fields exchanged a glance with Zecora, who nodded. “Show her truly the filly she's born.// Brightmane will not treat her with scorn.”

Nurse Fields took a deep breath and unswaddled the head of the infant. Brightmane looked at her new filly without any hesitation or fear. She held out her forelegs to take the huge wolf cub to her.

Zecora donned a hoof glove and put some of the potion from the bottle now held by Nurse Fields onto each nipple. Brightmane observed, “That tingles.”

Zecora advised, “Used to the feeling you must get.// This filly will need a lot of it.”

Brightmane held the gray furred filly/wolf-pup to her breast. Even with closed eyes, the cub had no trouble finding the nipple. As she sucked, she began to change slowly. Soon she was a normal looking young light tan filly trying her legs and eagerly seeking the breast of her mother.

Nurse Fields watched in fascination. Turning to Zecora, she said, “I can see why I need to keep this secret. What will happen at the full moons? Will Luna cause her to change?”

Calmly Zecora replied, “In this case I will say it nay.// Luna's grip will have no sway.// We've a filly-wolf ruled by the Poison Joke.// I wonder what powers be awoke.”

Brightmane was looking at her filly with pride. It was clear from the set of her ears that she had been listening. With a smile, she said, “Look at that wonderful color she has, Zecora! Just like a caramel candy. I will name her Caramel Treat!”