• Published 11th Sep 2016
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CARAMEL TREAT, a Werewolf's Saga - De Writer

Caramel Treat is not your ordinary Werewolf. She is a bright student, entrepenuer and Poison Joke witch.

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Caramel Treat's Sweets

“Really, Caramel, where did you get those candies?” Caramel’s unusually colored friend asked.

Slightly irritated at her palomino friend, Caramel Treat replied, “I told you that. I made them. I cooked the rest of my lunch, too.

“Mommy Brightmane had to go into town early, on business. Nurse Fields was not feeling well, so I made her a breakfast in bed and made up some things for my lunch.

“What is the problem, Peanut? Cooking is EASY!”

Sitting at the edge of Caramel’s checkered picnic cloth, spread in the shade of the big tree on the school’s playground, Peanut Brittle nodded with a slightly bemused expression. “For you, maybe. I tried to make some of that popped barley candy that you brought last week!” She shivered at the memory. “It was an awful mess. Didn’t taste that good, either!”

A solid shadow filled in some of the dappled shade under the tree. Jaret, who used to be a bully before he ran into Caramel’s Han Fu training and cleverness, stood quietly by.

There were several other ponies behind him, including Miss Cherrilee, the principal and a well respected teacher.

When Caramel looked up, she smiled and asked, “Jaret! What do you want?”

Hesitantly, he said, “Would you sell me one or two of those candies? I would like to get one of the almond slivered popped barly bars and one of those sweet honeyed apple things.”

Caramel nodded slowly. “You want to buy my candies? Why not? Would four coppers be too much?”

While Peanut Brittle watched in surprise, Caramel sold most of the candies that she had made that morning. Miss Cherrilee bought FOUR. She walked away happily chewing on one and sharing one to Miss Whinly, one of the other teachers.

Two fillies and three colts waited restlessly for Caramel to finish her lunch. “Can we play dodge-wolf, Caramel?”

“Sure, Daphne! I just need to put away my lunch basket and take my noon potion dose!” Caramel folded her picnic cloth and stowed everything neatly. Getting up, she trotted to the office.

In the door to the office, Caramel heard two strange rough voices. “Look here, Cherrilee, we knows that there is a ferocious werewolf loose here in Ponyville! We has heard that it lurks around the school here, just looking for the chance to snatch some helpless filly to devour!”

Miss Cherrilee, seeing Caramel behind them, retorted in a tart voice, “I rather think not! The so called ferocious werewolf has three Joint Royal Citations for Courage shown in rescues from burning structures. She has two Joint Royal Citations for Courage in Hazardous Material containment, including one for saving, not only this school but near to a third of the town as well!

“She is a formal part of the Ponyville Fire Department’s Hazmat Team. She has tracked down and recovered four lost foals. Some rampaging monster!”

Caramel had heard enough. She silently shifted, her cute little pony snout growing longer and leaner, with jaws full of fangs. Her whole body was shifting from a small pony to Huge Everfree Ridgeback Wolf. She had gone from fur the light brown color of a caramel candy to dark gray fur tinged with black. A black ruff surrounded her neck and stiff black fur formed a ridge from ruff to the base of her black tufted tail.

In her quiet filly’s voice she said, “You should be glad that the werewolf is better civilized than you. If she was not, you could be in serious danger, trapped here in this office like you are.”

One of the two, a pastel green often called ‘gangrene’ by the unkind, blew a short raspberry as he pulled a big knife. “We ain’t in no danger! Show 'em, Stort!”

The other pony, an off bluish white, pulled a similar knife.

They had barely got their knives out before a powerful paw slapped hard between them, knocking their knives away. At the same time, a sweep kick by a hard driven gray furred leg took the rear legs out from under them both.

The huge Everfree ridgeback wolf that was Caramel Treat’s were form, stepped delicately past the two and spoke in Caramel’s filly voice, “It is time for my noon potion dose, Miss Cherrilee.” She sat across the necks of both of the fallen ponies, preventing them from getting up.

A grinning Miss Trake, the school’s nearly golden unicorn secretary gathered up the knives with the acid comment, “It is against the school’s rules, Ponyville ordinance, and kingdom law to have knives like these in a school.

“The Werewolf that you were so eager to hunt down follows the rules and behaves herself.”

The one called Stort spoke in a muffled voice due to an enormous wolf sitting on his head, “We was showed pictures of it in a deadly rampage right out there in the school yard!”

Caramel was looking down at him, a puzzled expression on her face. Just then a filly and a colt came running up to the office door.

“Caramel! What’s taking so long? We want to play dodge-wolf!”

Stort made an incredulous noise! “Dodge-wolf! A game? I think that Sawnax got something a bit wrong!”

Miss Trake nearly dropped their knives, she was laughing so hard! “Sawnax! He CAUSED the Ponyville Potion Disaster! I was here when he knocked over Caramel’s potion and cracked the bottle! Caramel saved us all.

“She spent over a week with the Fire Department Hazmat Team making sure that the parts of Ponyville that were downwind from the school were safe.”

The gangrenous colored one asked, “What about that big Werewolf bite scar on Sawnax’s shoulder?”

The mauve colt, Jaret, snorted with suppressed giggles. “Dad told you THAT? He got less than a drop of Caramel’s potion on his skin when he spilled it! It is really dangerous stuff if you don’t know how to handle it!”

“Wait. Dad? Sawnax is your dad?”

Jaret hung his head in shame. “Yes, he is. After the mess he made here, I was alone for weeks while he was in the horspital.

“I began to find out how big a liar and sneak he is. He even kept records of a lot of it. I went to Miss Cherrilee, here and she found me a foster family to stay with. Judge Coldheart made it permanent. I don’t want to ever stay with dad again.

“What he pulled on you was just dad being dad.”

The gangrenous one asked, “If we promise to be good, will you get off of us, Caramel, uh, Miss Treat?”

Lolling her tongue out in canine amusement, Caramel simply got up.

She pointed to the cabinet where her potion was being kept. Miss Trake opened it with her magic and lifted out two potion bottles, one the red of a dangerous potion, the other the green of safety. She also got out a heat discolored metal dose cup, a set of tongs, an alcohol burner and matches. She set them all out on the counter for Caramel’s use.

She then herded all of the others from the room, leaving only Caramel, herself and Miss Cherrilee. Smiling, she told the two newcomers what the foals already knew. “To prevent any future problems like Sawnax caused, we don’t allow any ponies but us here while she takes her potion. It can be dangerous in the wrong hooves. The Manehatten Biomedical Disaster demonstrated just how bad it can be.”

Sure that every pony was out, she locked the door. As Caramel heard the lock click, she lit the burner. Pouring with care, she first added a little of the green potion to her dose cup. Then she added a precisely measured amount from the red bottle, restoppering it securely as soon as she had poured its part into the cup. She quickly drank the whole dose, even licking out the cup. Taking the tongs, she gripped the cup and heated it in the flame of the alcohol burner until it was nearly red hot. After waving the cup to cool it, she let Miss Trake put it all away.

She emerged from the office, only to be met by a member of the Ponyville Police Department. He had Stort and the green pony in chains. Miss Cherrilee came out and began to confer with the officer. She made shooing gestures at the foals and wolf. “Go play! I will give you an extra fifteen minutes because of this silliness.”

The youngsters vanished like magic. Soon there was a very active game of dodge-wolf going on! Fillies and colts were laughing and calling as they played.

Staying carefully beyond the boundaries of the Protective Order of Judge Coldheart, Sawnax watched, with satisfaction, as he saw a police pony enter the school.

Later the ugly brown pony with the big ridged and knotted scar on his shoulder glowered and ground his teeth in irritation as he saw the wolf and foals come out to the playground. He stayed long enough to see the police pony leading away the two that he’d set up. Sawnax turned tail and returned to his business.

He took out his sour mood by calling to an employee, “Lyle! I catch you putting up another load of timbers that way, you’re fired!”

Back at the school, the bell rang, as promised, fifteen minutes late. Colts and fillies returned to classes, grumbling like students everywhere, throughout time.

Miss Cherrilee was putting up the day’s arithmetic lesson. “Barley costs two silver, four bits for five kilos. Honey costs eight bits for a half liter. Cooking oil costs six bits per liter. Slivered almonds cost four silver per half kilo.

“Now, if this recipe is followed,” Miss Cherrilee chalked a quick recipe up on the board, “how much will it cost to make it up? If it is divided into fifteen popped barley/almond bars, how much does each bar cost? Also, as an extra credit question, How many batches can you make out of the total ingredients listed?”

Miss Cherrilee had the rare pleasure for most teachers, of seeing Caramel Treat’s face light up as she worked through the problem. As a teacher, she loved seeing a student understand the principle behind a problem.

Caramel was actually slow to hand in her paper but it was three sheets long! Besides the questions on the board, she had posed several other related questions and attempted to find answers or the approaches to answers.

Except for the nasty scene in the office, it was a wonderful day to be a teacher!

Only a few months later, Caramel graduated early from the Ponyville School. Brightmane, her mother, and Nurse Fields, her life-long nurse/companion hugged her after Miss Cherrilee gave her the diploma.

“Dinner at the Pink Note!” exclaimed Brightmane.

While they were happily ordering, to the background of soft live jazz that the Pink Note was famous for, Caramel was studying the menu itself. “Mom, I have an idea. Cooking is so easy for me. I would like to start a restaurant. I could specialize in my candies and such things.”

Brightmane paused. “You want me to buy you a restaurant? That is a pretty big graduation gift, dear.”

“No, Mom. I would want a loan to do it. I have talked to Miss Cherrilee about it. She has offered to help me to put together a business plan. Then we could do it properly, as a business. That way, you will make money and so will I.”

Nurse Fields faked crying. “Our little Caramel is all grown up!” Then she grinned hugely. “If Brightmane won’t back you, I will! I do have some savings put aside.”

Brightmane regarded her friend and long time employee with lively curiosity. “Why so eager, Nurse Fields?”

“Caramel has cooked for me before! Mostly when I was under the weather. It is always good!” Grinning at Caramel, she added, “I have seriously thought about faking it to get her to cook for me some more!

“She always leaves the kitchen neat and tidy, too.”

Brightmane nodded quietly. “If you bring me a sound business plan, Caramel, I will see about that loan.”

The rest of the meal was the celebration that it was supposed to be.

They gave Cherry Mocha, the Pink Note’s owner and waitress, a really good tip. They were strolling home through the edge of the Everfree Forest in the dusk.

Suddenly Caramel ordered, “Stop! Mom! Nurse Fields! Get back! There are ponies in the brush up ahead. They have weapons.”

With no sound at all, Caramel changed. It was like a ripple running from nose to tail. Caramel tan pony was swallowed by dark gray and black wolf. The wolf that was Caramel Treat vanished into the brush alongside the trail with ghost like silence.

In mere seconds, a clump of brush down the trail a little, erupted in pony! “Run, Stort! The Wolf’s gonna kill us!”

The gangrenous green pony shot up the trail toward town! Stort, the pale blue pony was on his heels! Watching them go, Brightmane observed, “I thought ponies had to have wings to fly!”

Nurse Fields chortled, “Apparently, fear can replace wings! Look at them go!”

The wolf came out of the same thicket, bouncing happily. “Did you see that, Mom?”

Brightmane whickered laughter. “I sure did! What were they doing here?”

With casual nonchalance, Caramel replied, as she changed back to a pony, “Nothing much. Just trying to kill me.”

Brightmane sobered at once. “Trying to kill MY DAUGHTER is not a nothing!”

The next day Caramel went into Ponyville by herself. Her first stop was the school where she no longer a student. She and Miss Trake, the secretary were chatting happily, while waiting for Miss Cherrilee to be done with the class that she was teaching.

A dark brown pony with an angry, raw looking scar on his shoulder barged into the office and demanded, “Get out of the school, you monster! You done graduate! Got no more business here!”

Caramel turned to face the bigger pony with a smile on her face. “Sawnax! What are YOU doing here? Isn’t there a Judge’s Protective Order requiring you to stay away from the school? Seems to me that it was caused by some tiny incident involving you and a student’s dangerous medicines! Only a third of the town had to be evacuated as a result!”

While Caramel was speaking and distracting Sawnax, Miss Trake was on the Magic Net mirror. “Emergency Services, please! Police. Sawnax is inside the school, in violation of the Protective Order of Judge Coldheart. He is harassing a pony with legitimate reason to be here.

“An officer is on the way? Thank you, Emergency Services!”

Sawnax, responding to Caramel’s remark snapped, “Order is done and over now that you ain’t going here no more! Now, get out!”

In a severe voice, Miss Trake returned, “That is not true! You were removed from the School Board and the Order was made permanent when it was found that, besides harassing Caramel, here, you were bothering Jaret and got caught destroying his homework!”

Sawnax growled, “Jaret is MY colt! He had no right to leave me, just because I was in the Horspital!”

Caramel looked askance at Sawnax and pointed out, “He had to have temporary fosterage while you were in the Horspital. At his age, he cannot live on his own.

“The family that took him in were good parents. HE made the decision to petition the Courts to make it permanent.

“He is doing really well in school now.”

Sawnax curled a lip and laid his ears back as he snarled, “School ain’t everything!”

A third voice joined the conversation. “Perhaps not, Sawnax. However, the fact that you are here is unfortunate. I am Constable Crager, of the Ponyville Police Department. You are under arrest for violating a Protective Order.

“Will you come with me quietly, or must I use whatever force is needful?”

Sawnax responed, “You don’t get it! I is trying to deal with a matter of HIGHER LAW! This here innocent looking pony is a WEREWOLF! A DEADLY MONSTER! At any moment the thin vernier of civilization could crack off! When it goes, she will explode into a murderous rampage!”

Constable Crager simply asked, “Will you come or not? I am authorized to use ANY force necessary.”

“I TOLD YOU! This is a matter of HIGHER LA …”

Sawnax’s retort was cut off by meaty THUMP! Constable Crager’s expertly wielded truncheon rebounded from the back of Sawnax’s head as the brown pony collapsed.

The Constable had him in manacles in mere moments. As Sawnax groggily awakened, Constable Crager informed him, “Unfortunately, Sir, neither the Crowns Law nor the Local Law recognizes your so-called Higher Law. As this Werewolf is a creature with reason, she is covered under the Edict of Equality, which you have directly violated and will be charged with, in addition to the breach of the Order of Protection.”

Protesting bitterly, Sawnax was dragged away to jail.

Miss Cherrilee was watching from the hallway outside the office. “What put a burr under his tail?” she asked with curiosity.

“I think that it is the fact that I graduated from the school faster than any pony but one,” Caramel replied. “He was going around saying what a dummy I was, being home schooled and all. Along with the Potion Disaster, my early graduation destroyed his chance to ever get back on the school board. He had political plans that needed the school board to get started.

“Besides graduating early, I turned out to be a Royally Recognized Student!”

Miss Cherrilee nodded as she entered the office, “Yes, I can see how that embarrassed him. Are you going to take up the Canterlot University scholarship?”

“I hope that I won’t disappoint you, but I don’t think so. You spoke to me about how to make a business plan?

“I think that I know what I want to do. I love cooking, you know that. I want to set up a restaurant. I have an offer of a sound business loan to do it but I need a proper business plan to get the loan.”

Miss Cherrilee smiled and nodded. “No, dear. I am not disappointed. You are a truly talented cook. I suspect that your really keen werewolf senses have a lot to do with how well you can cook.” She reared up to get a book from a high shelf.

“Here, Caramel. This book should help you a lot. Please feel free to ask me anything after you have read it.”

Caramel thanked Miss Cherrilee and left with the book. Two days later, she returned the book.

“Thank you, Miss Cherrilee. It was a great help! Here. Would you please look this over and see if I have missed anything?”

Miss Cherrilee took the thin sheaf of papers in hoof and said, “I would be happy to, Caramel.”

Caramel noticed that Miss Cherrilee had a big pile of student papers to grade. “If you are going to look over my work, would you mind me helping you with yours? I can help you to grade these papers!”

The two mares sat happily at the desk, each looking over the other’s work.

The next day, Brightmane and Caramel sat in the spacious lobby of the Equestrian National Bank. A business suited pony unctuously invited them, “Brightmane, please come into my office. We can discuss whatever business you have. I am sure that Equestrian National can meet your needs.”

Seated in his office, Brightmane smiled and handed over a paper. “All that I want is for you to notarize this loan that I am making.”

Without even looking at her paper he said in a prim voice, “Without the other principal to the loan present, I cannot do that.”

Brightmane’s smile froze. “If you could be bothered to look at the paper, you would see that she is here. I am making my daughter Caramel Treat a business loan.”

He pulled back in irritation. “Equestrian National cannot underwrite a business loan to a minor.”

Brighmane stopped smiling altogether. In a flat voice, she stated, “We are NOT asking Equestrian National to underwrite the loan. It is from MY funds and being made to my daughter. I am cosigning for her as she is a minor. Just notarize our signatures!”

Forced into a corner by his previous refusals, he pushed the paper back. “A personal loan in the family does not require a Notary stamp.”

Brightmane, now furious, demanded, “HERE! You cannot legally refuse this!” She wrote briefly in her checkbook and hoofed over the slip.

He blanched as he saw it. “You can’t be serious! A withdrawal of this magnitude, in coin!”


“According to the bank’s last quarterly report, you have in the entire Equestrian National Bank, all branches included, cash reserves of only five million golden bits. How you raise the other more than two and a half MILLION golden bits is entirely YOUR problem!”

Caramel spoke quietly, “Mother, destroying the whole bank over this is not wise. We will simply go to Ponyville Trust and Loan. There, you can simply write a check for my one hundred and fifty thousand golden bits loan. I KNOW that they will notarize our agreement as a free service. They can simply present your check on a secure gold asset transfer.

“That will kick this specific pony in the rear and not wreck the whole bank. Losing this much business will tarnish HIS career and not do much other harm.”

Brightmane did smile at Caramel. “Well thought out, dear. Come, let us do that. We can move our assets in an orderly fashion. You are right. There is no need to wreck a bank, simply because one branch manager is an idiot.” She picked up the loan agreement and her check as they left.

Sitting together in Sugar Cube Corner, a bit later, sipping milkshakes and nibbling frosted oat cakes, Caramel observed, “That did not take long at all. The Trust and Loan really wanted our business.” She was admiring her new check book with the Ponyville Trust and Loan logo.

Together, they began to canvass the side of Ponyville closest to Brightmane’s cottage in the fringes of the Everfree Forest. They found a dilapidated house for sale on a lot just across from a nice smallish park.

Brightmane watched with pride as Caramel checked out the structure and the condition of the property in general.

The Realtor from Shadyside Realty leaned back from his desk with a phony smile pasted onto his face and pointed out, “While that is a fine property, the house needing only a little work to be first rate, you, as a minor, cannot get a mortgage for it.”

Caramel, gestured her mother to silence and returned, “I do not need a mortgage. I can buy it with a single payment. The only real issue here is that you just lied about the condition of the house.

“It has a serious infestation of termites and several of the main supporting timbers have sufficient rot that the whole house needs to be torn down. That is a cost to set against the listed price of six thousand golden bits.

“Four would be about right under the circumstance. The demolition and removal will cost around two. I have the estimates right here.” She hoofed over several sheets for the agent.

The Realtor looked like he had just bit into an orange and discovered it was a lemon in disguise. He countered, “I have an appraisal right here and it says nothing about those so called defects.”

Caramel looked over the appraisal sheet and dropped it disdainfully back on his desk. “This is almost FOUR years old! Under Crowns Law it is worthless. If you do not have a more recent one, we are done here.”

Turning to Brightmane, Caramel said quietly, “Come, Mother. This pony is a good deal less than honest. He is right down there with Sawnax!”

Brightmane followed her daughter out of the Shadyside Real Estate office. Once outside, she asked, “How are we going to get the property if we don’t deal with the Realtor, Caramel?”

Caramel, leading the way back toward downtown Ponyville, replied with a grin, “The appraisal was prepared for the Ponyville Trust and Loan! They are the actual OWNERS of the property.

“I think that they might be willing to sell it without having to pay a Realtor a commission and get a good chunk of cash at the same time.”

Brightmane regarded her daughter proudly as their hooves clopped quietly on the cobbled street. A few clouds floated in an otherwise clear sky.

Turning into the Ponyville Trust and Loan, they were greeted by a nice gray pony who informed them, “Mister Morgan is with another customer just now. Can I get you a warm drink while you wait? Rom black tea, perhaps?”

When it was their turn, they sat in Mister Morgan’s office while Caramel explained the situation. He frowned as he heard about the assessment.

“You are sure that he did not have a more recent one? Just a moment.”

Mister Morgan left his office and returned with a modestly thick file. He rummaged through the assorted papers, some in the various colors of legal foreclosure warning notices. He pulled out a thin sheaf. He held it out for Caramel to see.

“This is the latest assessment. It is only two months old. As you can see from the notes, Shadyside Realty was given and signed for a copy. This assessment shows substantially the same situation that you described. I fear that the structure will have to be demolished.”

He sighed. “Our foreclosure lien is for 3500 gold. If you are to bear the cost of demolishing, that only leaves about 1500 plus some unavoidable legal costs. I suppose that we could let you have it as is for around 2000 plus closing costs.”

Caramel’s brows pulled down in concentration. “You do all of your investing right here in Ponyville, right?”

Mister Morgan nodded seriously. “We founded our Trust and Loan to help the local community rather than a Board of Bankers that sits in Canterlot.”

Caramel smiled at that, nodding happily. “That was my understanding. I was prepared to give Shadyside Realtors 4000 gold bits, plus closing. Since this money will be going into the community rather than private pockets, let’s go ahead and do it for that price.

“In spite of being higher than you were offering, it is less than I was prepared to pay. We both win. It does not hurt that Ponyville wins too. Shall I make it a check or do you want to simply debit my account?”

Walking home in the luminous evening, Brightmane told Caramel, “I could not be prouder of my sweet filly than I am today. You showed both good business sense and wisdom.”

Caramel smiled and rechecked her saddlebags as they reached the gate to their cottage. “Remember, Mother, tonight, I am cooking our dinner!”

Nurse Fields’ happy voice came from the door opened in welcome, “I heard that! Brightmane, don’t you dare try to stop her!”

It did take several days to get through the legal hoops to ownership of the lot. Caramel spent much of that time in conference with Houser, the architect and builder. Drawings and plans for her new restaurant got made.

Arrangements were made to remove the dilapidated old house on the lot.

Caramel was watching the crew that Houser had hired. The unicorns were working together to grab and rip off parts of the roof. Instead of simply dropping the pieces, they were loading them into a wagon for prompt removal. As quick as they uncovered structural parts like rafter beams, they pulled them out of their old place and set them out in neat piles for later sorting.

Another of the crew was dismantling the chimney. He was working with care and setting aside the stone, brick and expensive flue tiles in sorted piles.

The workers all took off to go get lunch at Sugar Cube Corner. In only a few minutes, a red pony with a yellow mane pulled up with a wagon and started to load up the chimney tiles.

Caramel asked, “What are you doing with my flue tiles? Those are valuable and we are saving them.”

He snorted, “Don’t know much about it, do you, kid? I have bought all of this salvage from Sawnax. Paid good bits for it and I am just picking it up.”

Caramel got between him and the tiles. Still mild, she explained, “The problem is that my builder is Houser and the salvage is not for sale. Sawnax has cheated you. You should go to him and get your coin back.”

He made the mistake of pushing Caramel aside as he snapped, “I paid for them and I am going to have them!”

Her return sweep kick had his hind legs out from under him! She followed up by a nerve jab that paralyzed one of is front legs. He was struggling to rise when Caramel blew a police whistle.

Constable Crager came on the run. “What is it, Caramel?”

Ignoring the constable’s asking Caramel, the fallen pony demanded, “Arrest her! She attacked me for no reason! I bought the whole salvage of this lot! I have a receipt and everything!”

Constable Crager listened and then demanded, “I must see that receipt. I already know that this lot and all on it belongs the this young mare.”

“That is crazy talk! Sawnax showed me the exact lot from that park over there!” He dug in his saddlebag and produced a somewhat wrinkled receipt. “See? It says right on it, all salvageable masonry and usable timbers, including chimney tiles!”

Examining the receipt, Constable Crager nodded, “It does say that. There is one small problem. The listed address is 421 Blackberry Lane. This lot is 318 Mane street.”

Caramel quietly pointed across the way, to the park. Sawnax was sitting where he could watch the whole mess. He was laughing.

Constable Crager trotted across to the park and spoke to Sawnax at length. He gave Sawnax a paper, which Sawnax took petulantly.

The Constable returned and gave a second paper to the pony who had been stopped from taking Caramel’s salvage.

Staring at the sheet incredulously, he asked, “I got to go to court?”

“Yes, Sir. You do. You and Sawnax will dispute your case before Judge Coldheart. He will decide which of you owes whom and how much.

“The alternative is that I simply arrest you for attempted theft. The court is cheaper and will not give you a criminal record.”

As he was glumly leaving, Houser and his crew showed up.

After explaining to Houser about the happenings while his crew was away, they got back to work. The old house’s basement proved to be both large and dry, showing no sign of any moisture damage at all.

Caramel consulted with Houser about incorporating the basement into the new shop’s design. She pointed out, “This will greatly improve my storage area for provisions. It will be cool, too. That will help things to last.”

Houser nodded and pointed to his plan drawings. “We did not know the condition of the basement when I made these. I was figuring to fill it in and use support blocks here and here. We simply make them into pillars footed on the basement floor, which is solid. There should be a loading ramp cut in at the back so that you can have carts unload into the basement easily. A stair case over here, and that will be all that there is to it.

“It will only add about a thousand bits to the overall cost and you will have total access to it, from both inside and out.”

Caramel nodded as she worked it out in her head and then examined the drawings again. “Can we put the staircase over here, instead? That will make it handier to the kitchen area.”

Houser agreed at once. “I see what you mean. For such a young mare, you are very sharp. I like the idea of a smaller kitchen for experimenting with new recipes. It will allow the development of new dishes without disrupting the main kitchen.”

Caramel smiled brightly as she replied, “That is the idea!”

Houser returned her smile, thinking of both the good idea and the addition to his profits. “I will get right on the modifications! I will have working drawings for your approval tomorrow. If you like them, I will do the detailed plans at once.”

“That will be fine, Mister Houser. I will not be free until noon at the earliest. I have two issues of civil business to bring before Judge Coldheart.”

“I see, Caramel. Good luck to you on them.”

Smiling broadly, Caramel replied, “Luck favors the well prepared. I will leave you to finish this salvage work. I need to prepare the information that I am going to need for tomorrow.”

The somewhat puzzled Houser watched Caramel trot off in the direction of the Ponyville town hall.

The next morning, Caramel packed her saddlebags carefully, being sure to organize the many papers that she had accumulated the day before.

Brightmane asked anxiously, “Are you sure that you don’t want me to come to court with you, dear?”

Nurse Fields wiped her lips with a napkin and replied for Caramel, “Yes, Brightmane, she is sure. She has only told you so three times, so far.

“Caramel, the breakfast was lovely. Thank you.”

Caramel set out into the early predawn light that made the Everfree Forest seem so lovely and serene. She had an escort of five big, full grown Everfree Ridgeback wolves. Over the years, the Stone Ridge Pack had grown used to her presence and accepted her, not exactly as one of their own, but as one who belonged and could be counted on to help the hunt.

They knew that, though she was going into Ponyville, where they would not go, that she was on a hunt of her own. They were offering her their assistance, as she had assisted them in the past. Caramel appreciated the support.

She took her leave of the pack, with the usual friendly butt sniffing and light roughhousing. Going around the hill of Red Hoof, she went straight into town.

Arriving at the Town Hall, she went inside, and took a place in Judge Coldheart’s courtroom. A little later, the big red pony came in, followed by Sawnax.

Sawnax immediately began, “What are you doin’ here, Brat? Get out now! You got no reason to be here!”

He was hauling back to give her the back of his hoof, when he saw her smile of anticipation. He had run into her Han Fu skills before. Growling, he lowered his hoof.

They heard, “All rise for His Honor, Judge Coldheart!”

They did, and Judge Coldheart, in his formal robes of office, took his place at the bench. He struck a gavel and declared, “Order, in this court!”

Sawnax reluctantly settled down. He had been here enough in the past that he knew the routine, and the cash cost of disobedience.

“We shall hear Petty Criminal maters first.

“Sawnax, you stand accused of violations of the Protective Order granted to Miss Cherrilee’s School. During the course of that violation, you further broke the Edict of Equality by verbal outburst in the hearing of the Constable.

“How do you plead? You may plead only guilty or not guilty. Silence will be taken as a guilty plea.”

Sullenly, Sawnax replied, “Guilty, I guess. I thought that the Order was over, once the Brat, there was out of the school! I went in to get her out of the School, where she had no business at all!

“As for Edict of Equality, I have tried to warn you and the town, once she is turned, that Werewolf will lose all reason and become a ravening, murderous monster! The Edict won’t apply but it will be too late for her victims!”

The judge curled a lip disdainfully. “Guilty on all counts! You are fully aware that you have just lied! You have seen Caramel Treat changed to a wolf on many occasions. She, unlike some Werewolves, does retain her reason and emotional control.

“You are fined one hundred golden bits! This is added to the sum of four thousand gold, twenty two and seven that are presently outstanding debits to this court! You may not leave the court until payment arrangements have been made.”

Sawnax ground his teeth in rage as he returned to his place.

The judge called out, “Now we will hear civil actions.

“Those whose things have no dispute may come forth to be heard and dealt with.”

Caramel stepped up to the bench. She laid a small sheaf of papers on the counter before Judge Coldheart. “I have passed my civil cart handling license. Because I am still legally a minor, it needs your signature.

“Under that, Your Honor will find my wholesale provision purchase license for the restaurant that I am now having built. It is formally granted already. That also needs your signature.

“The rest, Houser sent along with me. They are the permits needed to erect the structure and link it to Ponyville’s utilities. Again, all have the approval of the inspectors involved and simply need your signature to complete them.”

Nodding, the judge hoofed through the stack and signed where needed, returning copies to Caramel.

He commented, “It is good to see one so young, getting such a fine start in life.”

“I do have one more thing, Your Honor. I want a protective order to keep both Sawnax and the members of the Celestian Church away from my establishment. Here is why.

“This is an 'assessment of a freely given donation’ of 100 gold a month to the Church to purchase Celestia’s Blessing, without which, disaster is sure to follow. Members of the Celestian congregation to be allowed to dine for free.”

Examining the 'assessment’, Judge Coldheart nodded, “Against the Church and its members, no problem. The order, with a delivery receipt, will be delivered to you as soon as service has been made.”

“Thank you, Your Honor. What about Sawnax? He continues to slander me and has as a part of the next case, tried to sell my salvage materials to mister Red Clyde for the sum of 150 golden bits.

“His fraud garnered gold from mister Clyde, and was intended to make me a victim through the loss of my building materials.”

Sawnax promptly brayed, “She don’t know that! Red and me was in the park across the street! No way could she hear us.”

Caramel tapped an ear. “Werewolf, remember? Hyperacute senses. Hearing especially. I heard the whole scam.

“Besides, you put the 421 Blackberry Lane address on the receipt. You neither own the lot nor the salvage rights. The lot is owned by Ponyville Trust and Loan. I have here their written statement that they would not sell you salvage rights due to past misconduct.

“Here, Judge Coldheart. See for yourself.”

The judge did look everything over and smiled. “I see why you want a protective order against Sawnax. Granted. Wait a few moments.” He took out a form and began filling it in.

Hoofing it to the bailiff, he instructed, “Serve this at once on Sawnax. He must sign the service receipt or I will sign it for him.

“Remand Mister Sawnax to the Jail until a bail hearing. This business has gone far past a mere civil case. This is a criminal fraud.”

Caramel took all of her papers, thanked the judge, and left.

At the building site, Houser looked about at his busy crew. The old building was almost gone. He hoofed through his permits and smiled, “Didn’t take you too long, Caramel. Thanks. Everything is in order, I see.”

Caramel invited, “Let’s all go over to the park. I brought you all lunch!”

Seated around a table, Caramel hoofed out big wrapped submarine sandwiches and cups. She added a big flagon of tea. “I got you Rom black tea on ice. The subs are just sprouts, tomato, onion, green peppers and my secret sauce.”

The whole crew fell to. One stared at Caramel and stated, “That sauce is something else! I never had a sub that good before!”

Caramel nodded happily and hoofed out popped barley and almond bars as a desert. “I will be having these and the subs in my restaurant.”

The worker’s buddy just grabbed him and hauled toward the work site. “Come on, guys! We have a restaurant to build!”

Houser observed, “That is the most enthusiasm I have seen in one of my work crews in a long time! If you keep supplying lunches like this, I will be needing to beat away would be workers with a club!” He chuckled.

By early afternoon the old building was totally cleared away. The ground of the entire lot was being probed by unicorns with pest control certification to locate and destroy problems like termite nests and ant hills. They found only a little to deal with.

Soon the batter boards were up and the string layouts for the building to come were being set.

An ill favored unicorn with blotchy pastel blue fur and a stringy purple mane strode arrogantly up. He had a large so-called “Celestian” medallion on and wore scarf like cloth called a stole, richly ornamented with “solar” designs.

Lifting his nose as if he smelled something foul, he demanded, “I am Junior Priest of Celestia’s Holy Truth, Hillbury. You are late with your freely given good will donation of 100 golden bits to our Church. You were instructed to deliver the payment in coin to the Church no later than noon!

“You are in serious danger of having Celestia’s Blessing on your enterprise withdrawn! Disaster is sure to follow!”

Caramel smiled as she pulled out her police whistle. “Really? We must put that to the test.

“You do know that you are violating the protective order of Judge Coldheart. I am sure that you also know that your demands and threats make your so called freely given gifts extortion. That is a felony.” She blew a shrill, warbling blast on the whistle!

Junior Priest Hillbury snorted, “The orders of a Lesser Being have no authority over a True Unicorn!”

He reared impressively, gathering his dirty yellow magic about his horn. He lashed out at the work site, snapping the carefully set strings and knocking over two of the batter boards!

Caramel reared too! Her right hoof slashed out in a straight punch to the side of Hillbury’s neck!

He was driven from his legs, falling heavily! Caramel leaped in gracefully and struck a light blow up high on Hillbury’s neck, just under the skull! She followed with two quick taps beside his horn, one on each side of it!

The Junior Priest was struggling in vain to rise. Caramel slapped his head! “Now that I have your attention, LISTEN! Your LIFE depends on it! If you try to use your magic at all, you will die!

“I have temporarily disabled your horn! If you try to use it, the magic backblast will destroy your brain. You can feel it, like a horn tangle. This cannot be undone like a tangle can.

“Quit wasting your effort to get up too. I partially paralyzed you with a nerve strike.”

“You cannot do this to me! I am a True Unicorn and you are a mere Lesser Being!”

Constable Crager came up on the run! He snapped, “I heard that! You are charged with violation of the Edict of Equality!” Staring at the ruined work, he asked, “Did he do this?”

Caramel replied, “Yes, Sir, he did. The damage is about fifty bits. Not a lot, but the vandalism is part of a larger scheme. Here is their demand complete with the threat of damage. The original is in my file entered by Judge Coldheart.

“Besides that, he was violating this protective order issued by Judge Coldheart. If you look to section three, you will find the authority to charge felony extortion in such a case as this.”

Constable Crager replied sourly, “I see it. Wish that I could call a tumbrel to haul him away. These so called Celestians are becoming a real nuisance.

“They have been stirring up anti goat problems too. Had three mobs in the last two months. One of them actually killed a goat. Goats may not be the best sorts but they are covered by the Edict of Equality and deserve better than these unicorn supremacists are giving them.”

Caramel was watching the fallen Junior Priest. “Umm, Constable, it would be a good idea to get a horn cap on the prisoner and get him into manacles. He won’t stay paralyzed forever, unfortunately.”

Caramel paused, thinking back to what the constable said earlier. “You can call ahead, Sir. I had this lot equipped for Magic Net so that Houser could order supplies if he needed them. I have a mirror right here.”

She fished the Magic Net mirror out of her saddlebag and hoofed it over to the constable. Constable Crager smiled as he tapped the necessary codes into the mirror.

He briefly filled in the police station on the situation and requested, “Right. 318 Mane Street. An open tumbrel. The prisoner has been temporarily disabled by a known Han Fu expert.”

Soon the prison wagon arrived and Houser’s unicorns from his work crew helped to load Hillbury and secure him for transport through the center of town to the jail.

They were just getting ready to quit for the evening when a black and blotchy pink pinto pony in a suit and carrying a briefcase showed up.

He offered a card. “I am Partin Cumpny. I have been retained by the Celestian Church to represent them. I have been instructed to require you to pay your agreed upon freewill gift to the Church and further to drop all charges against Junior Priest Hillbury.”

Caramel smiled but only with her mouth. “Apparently they forgot to mention a few things and misrepresented another.

“First, I have a protective order against the Church and its membership for direct threats to the business that I am starting.

“Secondly, in the protective order, in part three, the so-called freewill gift of 100 golden bits a month to be given for the purpose of “preventing certain disaster” is specifically defined by Judge Coldheart as criminal extortion.

“Thirdly, the junior priest in question, not only made the same criminal demand that you just did, he committed direct vandalism of my work site when he was refused. Along with that, he violated the protective order, and the Edict of Equality.”

Mister Cumpny took the time to look over Caramel’s paperwork. Sourly, he tried, “You caused the junior priest paralysis, incapacitated his horn, and caused major embarrassment to both him and his Church.”

Caramel reminded him, “He reared up and used his magic to vandalize my new shop’s layout work. I used a Han Fu cross punch to knock him off his feet, a high nerve pressure thrust to temporarily paralyze his legs, and a pair of nerve pokes that are specific to unicorns. Those paralyze the nerves controlling the magic flow in the horn.

“Those actions were all in specific defense of both my work site and my contractor’s work crew.

“The removal by tumbrel was the work of and at the request of the officer in charge of the case.”

Frustrated, he demanded, “Why didn’t you change into a wolf and rend him?”

Caramel sat and put a hoof over her eyes. “Are you really that stupid? This is Equestria. It is a land ruled by mostly just laws. There are always idiots who try one way or another to end the rule of honest law. Most of them are lawyers. Ones like you.

“I did not turn into a wolf and rend him because we have laws that will do it far better and without giving anypony the excuse to try harming another.

“You know. Laws. Supposedly what you make your living by upholding. Go away. You make me ill to my stomach. And I AM a werewolf.”

Mister Cumpny, having done his legal duty, left.

Caramel serenely trotted towards home. She was greeted at the Everfree Forest edge by members of the Stone Ridge wolf pack. There followed the usual bit of butt sniffing and other greetings. She indicated her saddlebags and ran swiftly for home!

She got to the door before any of the pack. Inside, she shed the saddlebags and called, “Going to play, Mom! Back after full dark!”

She returned to the front yard and joyfully joined the waiting pack. They ran through the underbrush in almost ghostly silence, seeking the scent of prey.

Totally refreshed by her outing, Caramel returned to the cottage that had been her home for all of her young life. The front door was broken in. She overheard the ugly gangrenous green pony demanding, “You just keep your hooves to yourself, Ma'am! That crossbow across the room will take you down along with your precious deadly monster of a daughter.

“We are going to destroy the beast and collect the reward for its head!”

Caramel waited silently to see if they would say more. She already had everypony in the cottage located by the sound of heartbeats and breathing.

Stort snorted, “Hortimer gonna reward us royal for the brute’s head! We got it this time. It gotta come in through that door and that is when we takes it out!”

Caramel skulked in utter silence around to the back of the house. Her room window was open, as usual. Sniffing carefully, she spotted the scent of gang green, whoever, he was. Then she saw it. A thread was stretched across the open window. Checking carefully, she found the crossbow that it was attached to the trigger of.

She returned to the front, where the nervous and trigger happy ponies were holding her mom and Nurse Fields. Sitting out of sight of the damaged door, she leaned back and aimed her muzzle to the sky. The long howl that she let out had an almost unearthly timbre. It shivered and slid up and down a scale that no pony voice could hope to match.

Her call was replied to from several directions by the wolves of the Stone Ridge pack. They all converged on her. She signaled them to silence and led them to the cottage. She let them know of the dangers inside and gestured to the only path leading to Ponyville and safety. The wolves fanned out silently to lay their hunting trap.

Caramel lunged in, nearly flat to the floor! Hitting a brace with her forepaws she vaulted upward to strike the cottage wall, up high and rebound down from above and behind the green pony!

Her strike carried him from his feet! His crossbow went off as it hit the floor! The wildly flying bolt grazed Stort, leaving a bleeding wound!

In a panic, the blue pony dropped his weapon for greater speed as he fled up the trail! In only moments they heard the ghastly scream of a pony in mortal agony! It stopped abruptly.

The green pony, laying on the floor could not rise. Caramel had nerve punched him to keep him down. He did weep.

“You killed Stort! He was my brother! You murdered him!”

Caramel put a huge paw on his head. “No, we did not. You and your schemes to kill me for some imaginary reward got him killed.

“If he had stayed here, he would be, like you, still alive. He ran, like the coward that he was, abandoning you to the so called monster that has spared your life. Twice now, unless I have missed my count. That does not count your stupid business at the School.

“This time, I am afraid that I cannot overlook your plans to kill my mother and Nurse Fields, to silence the witnesses, along with the attempt to murder me. I will press charges. Mom will press charges and so will Nurse Fields. I want you to go down hard!”

Out of the darkness came the flickering flare of torches. “Halloo the house! Is aught well here? We ha’ seen a blue pony dead by the trail. Wolves, it wa’ seem, took him down.”

Caramel stepped to the door and replied, “We are all alive and uninjured. The house has been damaged and will need professional repair of door, frame and some connected masonry.

“The green pony inside, and the blue one that you found, broke into the house. They took Brightmane and Nurse Fields prisoner. Their plan, which they whispered and I overheard, was to murder me and take my head while making mother watch. Then they were going to rape and murder mom and Nurse Fields to get rid of the witnesses.

“According to what I heard, High Priest Hortimer of the Celestian Church has put a bounty on my head but only to be paid if I am dead.”

Grimly, Heather Bloom, Duchess of Red Hoof, replied, “We did wonder at the fallen. Fer he wa’ taken by the wolves but nay preyed upon beyond the killin’ o him.”

Caramel nodded her head, framed by her shaggy black ruff. “That is what they agreed to do, Your Ladyship. It was the assistance given to a friend and neighbor.

“If any of you have knife or sword, it would be good to free my mother Brightmane and Nurse Fields. They were bound by the criminals.”

Baron Dran Dale, a tan unicorn in the garb of the Far Northern Dales stepped in through the broken door, a big dirk floating in the firm grip of his magic. In a trice, the ropes were cut by his razor sharp blade.

Heather Bloom examined the broken door and pronounced, “It is unsafe that this be. Ye shall all three come up to the Hall o Red Hoof and there abide until yer home be proper repaired.”

The green pony curled a lip and sneered, “Afraid of the deadly wolves, aren’t you?”

Brightmane answered him, “Not at all. The Stone Ridge Pack have been excellent neighbors. With the door broken so badly, it is more rotten ponies like you that we want to avoid. You are not the first, though you are by far the worst.”

Shortly, the party was joined by Daphne Crager in her livery as a carlene of Red Hoof! She was panting as she led her father, Constable Crager, to the house.

Heather Bloom turned her head to speak to her. “There ye be, Daph. We did wonder wha ha became o ye. Got yer father to carry out the arrest. That be fine thinking. Wha led ye to do it wi'oot orders?”

Daphne pointed to Caramel, still in wolf form. “As soon as I heard her emergency howl, your Ladyship, I knew that something bad was happening here. Dad was the closest constable who could deal with whatever the problem is.”

Duchess Heather Bloom quickly filled in Constable Crager on the happenings of the night.

He efficiently manacled the green pony and they all left. Heather Bloom detailed one of her House’s Guard to watch the cottage and another was left to protect the scene where Stort had been killed.

The green pony looked on, face set with anger and sorrow. “Aren’t you afraid that the wolves will pull you down too?”

The guard shrugged, “Not really. I would be more worried if you and your brother were on the loose armed with toothpicks. Ever since Caramel was born, we have lived as neighbors to the Stone Ridge wolf pack. They have turned out to be pretty good neighbors.”

The next day, as Caramel was watching and assisting the work on her new shop where she could, Sawnax came barging up waving the latest edition of the Ponyville Prancer and carrying a broadax!

He was loudly demanding, “The Monster has gone too far! An innocent pony has been murdered and she did it! It is right here on the front page of the Prancer! I have brought an ax to take the head of rampaging beast!”

Houser, seeing Caramel pull her Magic Net mirror from her saddlebag, returned, “Some rampage! She is helping us to set foundation stones for this project!

“Are you sure that you can read at all? The story says nothing about Caramel killing anypony.”

Sawnax waved the paper dramatically, exclaiming, “He was killed by a wolf in the Everfree, right on the path to the Murdering Monster’s Lair!

“We must destroy her before any more fall victim to her bloodthirsty rampage of murder!”

Houser snatched the flailing paper from Sawnax’s hooves! He read out loud for all to hear, “Stort Greene, the victim of the wolf attack, was fleeing the scene of a failed attempt at MASS MURDER FOR PERSONAL GAIN. He appears to have been killed by the joint attack of least three Everfree Ridgeback wolves.

“All witnesses agree that Caramel Treat was in her well known wolf form and INSIDE the cabin of Brightmane Treat when the killing happened.

“It is worthy of note that Caramel Treat, in wolf form, not only captured one of the attempted killers without inflicting any actual injury to him, she rescued her mother, Brightmane Treat and the family’s long time companion, Nurse Fields.”

Sawnax tapped his temple as he replied, “She done the killing by using her mind to control the attacking wolves!”

A police pony, who had approached while Houser was reading the paper, said, “Sawnax, you are under arrest. The charges are violation of the protective order of Judge Coldheart, violation of the Edict of Equality, and while carrying a weapon, threatening to murder a Citizen of Equestria.”

Caramel, speaking into her Magic Net mirror, said, “Thank you, Emergency Services, the officer is now here!” Smiling grimly, she put the mirror away in her saddlebag.

As Sawnax was led away, protesting bitterly, Caramel told Houser, “It looks as though I will be going to the courthouse sooner than I had planned!”

She turned at the sound of a new voice. “Perhaps I can help. My name is Grumpeter. Grumpy for short.”

A black, brown and white piebald goat with full curl horns stood there. He smiled and offered, “I know that my kind are not popular but one place where we are listened to is the courtroom. Edict of Equality and all of that.

“I not only saw and heard this whole thing, I saw Sawnax come out of a conference in Hortimer’s Rectory, next to their detestable church. He went straight to his lumber yard and got that ax. Then he came here. The rest, you know.”

Houser eyed the goat askance and asked, “How did you happen to see all this?”

The goat nodded, making his ears flop comically, as he agreed, “Fair question. The Celestian Church fronts on a park down on the other side of the Town Hall. I live about three blocks from the park, luckily, on the side AWAY from those jerks.

“I was taking the air in the park and, I admit, snacking on a bush or two. Broke student and all that. Had a clear view of the rectory.

“Being a curious sort, I tagged along after Sawnax because HE is an Earth pony and they are Unicorn Supremacists. I wondered what was up. When he got here, I found out.”

Caramel looked thoughtfully at the goat for a few moments and offered, “If you are willing to go and give Judge Coldheart a sworn statement on this, come back after my restaurant is open.

“I will give you special low prices or even free if you need it. I am a werewolf. I know what it is like to have nutcases after me. Has to be bad for you, too.

“Broke student? Let me get my place started and maybe I can find a way to help you out.”

The goat flipped his tail happily. “I am on my way! It is great to meet somepony besides Reverend Smallflower who is nice to goats!”

Grumpy trotted away down Mane St. toward the town hall.

Houser and his crew returned to work. Caramel went back to assisting where she could. It was not long before the foundation was all laid and the cut for the outside loading ramp into the basement was well underway.

It was time for lunch!

The workers all looked expectantly at Caramel.

She patted a fat saddle bag, grinned and offered, “Clover burgers and fries with Rom black tea to wash it down?”

There was a near stampede for the shady park tables!

As Caramel was starting to pass out the wrapped sandwiches and open the package of fries with dipping sauce, several of the work crew turned their backs and snapped, “Get out of here, Goat! This is for decent ponies!”

Caramel quietly closed the fries package and retrieved most of the wrapped burgers. She left the table and chose a vacant one. She invited, “Want some lunch, Grumpy? I seem to have plenty. How did the deposition go?”

The piebald goat looked troubled. “Miss Caramel, I did not mean to cause you any trouble. I just wanted to tell you that my deposition has been copied and added to both your Celestian Church case and to your Sawnax case. Because of it, they have been linked.”

Caramel patted the bench. “Go ahead and have a seat, Grumpy. That was a huge favor that you did for me.

“Here, have some tea. That is a clover burger with onions, lettuce, tomato, and sauteed mushrooms. The big box has fries and dipping sauce.”

Having seen to Grumpy, she returned to the table with the work crew. “Lunch is over there.” She pointed.

“A lot of ponies don’t like him because he is a goat. That is something that he can’t do anything about. A lot of ponies, including Sawnax, this morning, don’t like me because I am a werewolf. That is something that I can’t do anything about, either.

“Share a table with us, the social outcasts and eat for free, or go BUY your lunch somewhere else.”

She turned her back on the crew and went back to sit by Grumpy. Shortly Houser came over and sat with them. Caramel smiled and hoofed him a burger, tea and a portion of fries.

The workers saw their boss at the table with the goat. More importantly, he was eating his sandwich with gusto! One by one, they joined in.

To their surprise, the goat turned out to actually be pleasant company and had a great sense of humor. When one of them thoughtlessly told a goat joke, he laughed right along with the rest of them.

One of the workers paused in mid laugh to ask, “Didn’t that bother you, Mister Goat?”

Grumpy’s floppy ears lifted a bit and he smiled. “Yes, it did a bit. It was also a classical situation that would have been funny regardless of who it was told about. I have found that it is easier to laugh than try telling off every pony in Equestria.”

Caramel asked him, “What are you studying and where? Ponyville does not have any school but Miss Cherrilee’s that I know of.”

Grumpy smiled as he answered, “Non Equine University is open to all, regardless of kind. Princess Luna is the Chancellor and all classes are by mail at the student’s own pace. We even get our textbooks by mail. Unfortunately, it isn’t free! Hence, me being a broke student!”

The whole table laughed at that.

Soon, lunch was over. The crew went back to work. By the end of the day the timber framing was started.

Houser told her, “If nothing happens, we should be ready to begin installing the kitchens and pantries the day after tomorrow.

The next morning, Caramel showed up early. The Ponyville Fire Department was there first.

Concerned, Caramel picked her way past the hoses from the pumper wagon to ask, “What happened, Battalion Chief? My place seems to be standing.”

The Battalion Chief pushed back her helmet to wipe sweat from her brow as she replied, “It is, thanks to an early tip. You have one timber that got fairly badly scorched. It was attempted arson.

“Between the tipster and forensic magic, we already have APB out on a suspect.” She chuckled. “He did everything without using any magic. Soaked the timber in lamp oil, laid a wick, and put a candle on it for a timer, so that he could be far away when the fire started.”

Now very interested, Caramel inquired, “How did forensic magic trip him up if he didn’t use any magic?”

The chief’s face lit with a grin. “He tried to use matches but he was not used to using them. Unicorns like to use their magic for candle lighting. He broke all of the matches! Between the broken matches and his finally lighting the candle by magic, we got a really good signature on him.

“He has been in trouble with the law before this, so the station had a copy of his magic signature on file! His name is Pect. Disre Pect. The beat cops have been notified already.”

Houser and his work crew showed up. The Battalion Chief quickly filled in Houser on the problem.

He looked over the damage and pronounced, “Still sound. We will need to do a little cosmetic work to the timber. Nothing major.

“Not really surprised that Pect did this. He used to be a pretty good worker. Got tied up with that Celestian Church that Celestia herself dislikes so much. Went bad real quick. He pushed the other workers around. Called them Lesser Sorts. I had to fire him after I caught him stealing from work sites.”

Caramel asked, “Are any of the things that Disre handled still here, Battalion Chief? I would like to get his scent.”

The Chief pointed. “Don’t know if they will do you much good, Caramel. Those broken matches got pretty well soaked while stopping the fire.”

Caramel shifted, the change running down her body from nose to tail. The caramel color of her pony form turning to the gray of the wolf. It looked like she got bigger, but that was actually just the change from fuller barreled pony to the leaner body and proportionately longer legs, of the wolf. Her tail changed from the long flowing hair of a pony to the wolf’s brush-like gray with a black tip. Her mane changed to a black ruff framing her head and protecting her neck. From ruff to tail a ridge of stiff black hair stood up. Her ears became the black tufted cones of the wolf. Her snout and jaw grew longer and filled with huge razor sharp fangs.

She turned her head to the chief and asked, “Have you got my Fire Helmet and Department ID badge, Chief?”

“I do, Caramel. Why?”

“Because I want to underline a point and make any action that I take part of an official investigation. I already have his scent from the scene, here. I am pretty sure that he is in that crowd of spectators, just over there in the park.”

With a grin, the Chief hoofed over Caramel’s famous Volunteer Fire Fighter and Hazmat Team badge on its fireproof sash. As soon as it was settled, she donned her helmet, securing it into place.

She turned at once and trotted over to the spectators in the park. Several unicorns among them moved to block her way but she simply sat.

In her disarmingly innocent filly voice, she addressed the group. “I am assisting in the investigation of the small fire over there. Do any of you happen to have a Magic Net mirror?”

Several chuckled, “We ain’t doing anything for you, werewolf!”

Sullenly an indigo unicorn among them replied, “I do. What do you want it for?”

Caramel smiled a wolf’s smile full of fangs. “We want to check the current listing of Wants and Warrants. Would you please open that posting for us?”

Curling a lip in irritation, he pulled out his mirror and tapped the codes. His eyes widened at what he saw. Eyes barely flicking back to see, he snapped, “Not helping you, Wolf!”

His magic gathered about his horn and lashed out!

Disre Pect, near the back of the crowd, fell heavily! His feet were yanked out from under him by the indigo unicorn’s magic!

The indigo unicorn crowed, “Easiest five hundred bits I ever made!”

Shouldering through the rest, Caramel reached the fallen Disre Pect and gave two quick jabs at his forehead. She informed him, “Mister Pect, you must not use your magic, or you will die. I have given you a temporary horn tangle.

“You are under arrest for attempted arson by the authority of the Ponyville Fire Department and the Ponyville Police.”

She sat on his neck to keep him down. She told the indigo unicorn, “Sir, for your assistance in this arrest, you will be paid one hundred and fifty bits at the police department when the suspect is booked. You will get the remaining three hundred and fifty bits of the reward after his first hearing.

“I see the police arriving now. Shall we accompany them to assure your reward?”

Just to remind ponies of the part that she already played in the Fire Department, Caramel, in wolf form, trotted back from the police department to the construction site, wearing her badge and fire helmet.

There, she was in time to assist with stowing the fire equipment back into the pumper cart and return her helmet and badge to the Chief.

Houser, watching her careful work setting the stone masonry in the half timbered front of the building, commented, “I wish that all of my help was as quick and careful as you are.”

Seeing that some of his workers had overheard the remark, Caramel replied, “Being a werewolf helps a lot. I have faster reflexes and am stronger than most. Your workers showed me not only how to do it, but what made for the best work. They are a fine crew.” They overheard her reply too, just as Caramel meant for them to.

Caramel found a calm satisfaction in setting and mortaring the stones into place. The others of the crew were doing mostly carpentry on the interior spaces, side and back walls. Two were putting the finishing touches on the back stairs to the basement.

They were sitting to lunch in the park and talking over how fast the work was going, ”We will be ready for the interior finish work and plastering in only another day if the roofers get their work done on time!”

Houser nodded, reaching for one of the covered boxes that Caramel had set out, “They will be. It is all set up. They should arrive this afternoon.”

Glancing over to the park’s bushes, Houser noticed the piebald goat from the other day. Rather than wait for Caramel’s OK, Houser gestured welcomingly, “Come on over, Grumpy! I see that Caramel either planned on you or she miscounted boxes!”

Caramel grinned, “I didn’t! How do you like Sea Grass Puffs and Alfalfa patties, Grumpy? I have three different dipping sauces for the puffs!”

There was a goat at the table that fast! “Sea Grass puffs?
Really? I only had Sea Grass at the Fair before this!”

The whole crew laughed, but also agreed, “It is pretty unusual, all right! We never see it in the markets here in Ponyville. Did you try the sweet/sour sorrel sauce?”

The roofers arrived before lunch was over, actually.

The shingles were going on rapidly. A pile of shingles started to slip on the pitched roof. A roofer, trying to stop it began to slide for the edge of the roof!

The whole crew watched aghast as the potentially fatal accident developed. Caramel bunched and started her spring as a pony. It was the huge wolf who landed in the path of the sliding pony!

Wide braced, she caught him! As his mass hit her, she started to slide, herself! Sliding shingles cascading from the roof made regular footing impossible! She slammed a forepaw right through the new shingle work and used the grip that created to stop them both!

The last of the shingles clattered to the stone patio below.

Concerned, she asked the roofer, “Are you OK? Did I hurt you?”

He replied, “No, Ma'am! You did not hurt me! That is a stone patio down there. I would likely have at least broken bones when I hit it. Maybe could have died. I can sure see why the Fire Department values you so high.”

Chuckling with relief, he joked, “You put a big leak in the roof, though! Gonna have to charge extra for fixing that!”

Caramel made sure that he was OK and that he had his footing as she retorted, “Some ponies will do anything to get a few extra bits!” She bounded lightly down from the roof and gave the heap of fallen shingles a long sniff.

She waived Houser and his workers away from the shingles and ordered, “Houser! Call the Police! We need a forensic magic expert to get a signature off these shingles! This was no accident! Some pony has tried to murder your worker!”

That brought everything to an instant stand-still! They all looked at each other in worry. Caramel added, “It was nopony on this crew. See? The bundle tie is still up on the roof. We know that it was tied securely when it was put up there. Charl still has the half bundle that he was working on and it is still up there. It did not slip, even though he was working with it.

“My nose verified that nopony has handled the fallen shingle bundle except those of our crew who had proper business handling it. The answer is magic. Unicorn magic, specifically.

“That is why we need the forensic magic expert. He or she can sort out the magical signature of whoever did this and it can be compared to those of known criminals. There is a good chance that the signature is already on file.”

Soon two uniformed police arrived, the iron shod wheels of the Forensic Investigation cart making a clatter on the street cobbles as they pulled up. One of them was opening lockers on the cart while the other began to speak to Houser.

They carefully gathered their evidence, including the shingle tie and several of the shingles themselves. The expert, who was an Earth pony, ran his tests, using Non-Equine magic to avoid contamination of the magical traces left on the tie and shingles.

He turned to his partner, face grave. “Confirmed, Jeral. Got a weak but really clear signature. Worse, we have a match. Those three recent industrial accident cases? Four injuries and one death? Same unicorn. Call it in and put out an All Points. This is another attempted murder charge on this individual.

Caramel looked over to the park, brows furrowed in puzzlement. Then she glanced down the street, where the piebald black, brown and white goat was trotting up, announcing his presence with clip clopping hooves.

He politely spoke to the officers, “Sirs, my name is Grumpeter. I know how it looks like I came here. I was in the park. I sneaked out of the park and down two blocks to come back and give you my information. I did that to mislead your suspect.

“He is the gray unicorn with dirty pink mane and tail, right over there in the park. His cutie mark is a broken ruler.

“I came here because Caramel Treat had a lunch for me, which I ate along with the work crew. I stayed in the park afterwards. The gray and a buddy ran me off, so I hid in the bushes and watched.

“The gray pulled up his magic, really thin like. Near invisible to a pony. Goats, and you can check this, see unicorn magic more clearly than ponies do. He sneaked it across to the roof work that was going on. I could not see what he did, but I saw the result. When the shingles started to slide, Charl tried to stop them. He lost his footing. He almost went off the roof but Caramel leaped up and stopped his slide by slamming a hole in the roof for a grip.”

The Earth pony forensic expert took careful notes and asked Grumpeter for his address and other basic information.

Across the street, in the park, the two unicorns started to quietly sneak away.

The other member of the forensic team noticed them trying to leave! He blew his whistle and yelled, “You two in the park! Halt in the name of the Law!”

They broke into a flat out run! Caramel changed as she charged! By the time that she had crossed the street, the two were being pursued by a giant of an Everfree Ridgeback Wolf!

Ignoring the other one, she homed in on the gray unicorn with the broken ruler cutie mark! An educated, low, nearly flat, leap caused her shoulder to slam his right hind leg at the hip while her massive paw and foreleg tangled his lower leg! They fell in a wild tumble of wolf and pony!

Rolling free, Caramel struck the unicorn’s forehead just at the base of the horn, on both sides. As she did, she demanded, “Do not try to use your magic! You can feel the horn tangle!”

She followed by simply putting her full weight on his neck to keep him from rising! The officer arrived on the scene and efficiently horn capped and manacled the prisoner.

Caramel changed back to her normal pony self, slowly, so that she would not alarm any watchers.

The forensic expert watched her change and asked, “Do you have a magical profile in our files, Miss Treat?”

She nodded, “When I was inducted into the Fire Department’s Hazmat team. They took one then. They did say that it was really distinctive.”

That was when the police department’s open tumbrel arrived to transport the prisoner. He was informed, “Sir, you are under arrest. The charges are vandalism of a work site, four cases of injury great enough to require Horspital treatment, two counts of attempted murder and one count of murder.”

Police unicorns lifted him into the tumbrel for the “free ride” through town to the jail.

As he was being pulled off, and they were walking through the leafy shade of the park, Caramel asked, “Murder? Attempted murder? Injuries? That is way more than happened here. What happened?”

In the uncomfortable silence that followed, Grumpeter filled in, “They can’t talk about it now, Caramel. It might prejudice the case against this jerk. I can tell you this.” He pointed a hoof at the expert. “He took signatures off Charl’s hocks. Got at least two positives that I saw. Charl did not slip and that was a stone patio that you saved him from falling onto.”

Caramel put that together slowly. “I do not know if it will mean anything to a court. Broken Rule, there, practically stank of that 'Celestian Incense’ that Hortimer and his Church are so fond of.”

The Forensic Expert nodded. “No clue what it will mean, Miss Treat. I will note it in the report. That is all that I can do.”

Caramel returned to working with the crew and thinking. Approaching Houser, she asked, “Can we find some work for Grumpeter? He has been really helpful to us, already. I don’t know, maybe he could be a go-fer or something? We know that he is poor and we know that he is responsible.”

Houser thought it over carefully. “I really don’t know, Caramel. It is unfortunate but there are other considerations. Hiring a goat can have other consequences. Many, in total violation of both law and rightness, will not allow a goat to work on their projects.”

Caramel hung her head. “What of those, like me, who do want to hire one? I like Grumpy.”

Houser thought some more. Suddenly he smiled. “We can use him on interior finishing! There are lots of tight corners and such places where smaller hooves could be a blessing. If you want to, invite him over.”

Caramel nodded, face thoughtful. “I will do that.”

She went across to the park to look for Grumpy. He was backed into a corner with two unicorns facing him. One, an off green, was starting to gather his magic, the glow around his horn a brownish yellow, to match his mean eyes.

The other, a greenish blue, noticed her and snapped, “Buzz off! You seen nothing if you values your health!”

Caramel’s sweep kick took both hind legs out from under greenie, sending him tumbling into the blue one. His horn full of magic shorted across the back of the blue, causing them both to scream in pain.

Caramel, not waiting, followed through with her horn tangling forehead punches! Not bothering with a warning to them about not using their magic, she asked, “Grumpy! Just the goat that I was looking for! Come with me. I have some paying work for you.”

Bluebell, trying to rise, snarled, “You don’t get it! That is a mere goat! He is trying to get our friend Broken Rule in trouble with the police! We was just going to teach him a lesson about messing in the business of his betters!”

Caramel nerve punched the inside of his hind leg joint, causing him to flop back to the ground. She gave his buddy a nerve punch to a foreleg.

That done, she pointed out, “I do not see ANY pony here that is better than this goat. As for Broken Rule, he was already in trouble. One count of murder, two of attempted murder, and four cases of assault leading to serious injury. The goat here, had nothing to do with him being in trouble. The police were already looking for him.”

Bypassing Broken Rule’s problems, the greenish one griped, “We are UNICORNS! That makes us better than any creature of Luna, like that goat!”

Caramel flipped her tail derisively as she pointed out, “You claim to worship Celestia! Celestia herself says that you are WRONG! The Edict of Equality was specifically drawn to protect goats and other non pony kinds from idiots like you!”

Turning her tail to them, she offered, “Come, my friend. We have some real work for a goat. You are first in line for it!”

To Caramel’s surprise, Houser had gathered the whole work crew. To Grumpy’s surprise, the work crew all said, “Welcome aboard, Grumpy! Come on into the shop, here. We will show you what needs doing!”

Houser shrugged, “When I suggested it, THEY pointed out that Grumpy saved our framing work from arson and suggested to the forensic expert that Charl be checked for Magical signatures. That is how the police got the final evidence to make the attack on him attempted murder.”

Caramel’s eyebrows rose at that little revelation. “I did not know that, Houser. Hiring him feels even better, now.”

Houser agreed, “One other thing. They have met him over lunch and they like him. That helps a lot, too.”

Caramel watched the progress of the interior with joy.

“Easy, Charl, up at your end just a spot. Perfect! Hold it while we get the screws in to hold that cabinet.”

“Thanks, Grumpy! Your eye for this finish work is near perfect!”

The piebald goat wagged his tail in pleasure at the compliment.

Caramel’s admiration of the finish work was interrupted by a familiar voice, “Caramel, are you busy? I would like to ask you something.”

Caramel spun about, delight on her face! “Peanut! I heard that you are going to graduate in another week!”

Peanut smiled and looked down, lightly pawing the floor with a hoof in uncertainty. “I am. I, well, I was wondering if maybe I could get a job from you? You know that I will do the best that I can.”

Caramel gave Peanut Brittle a big hug! “Yes! I am going to need somepony to handle the front while I do the cooking in the back! You just saved me a lot of money hunting for a good waitress and hostess. Thanks.”

Peanut gave a relieved smile. “I never really thought that I would find work so easily after I graduated from school! It is a real load off my mind!”

Puzzled, Caramel asked, “Why, Peanut? Most fillies want to go for a summer or two, staying at home, maybe paying with chores or the like.”

Grim of face and voice, Peanut answered, “That won’t happen for me! Dad told mom that he would come back to her if she dumped me! Being a golden palomino is great except that the colors are not pastels. Dad abandoned mom for being unfaithful.

“Lately, digging in genealogy, mom found TWO golden palominos in dad’s line, about three hundred years after the last Nightmare War. She found one in her line too, about the same time back. Modern genealogy calls my pattern “recessive.” That seems to be the modern way to say really rare and BOTH parents need to have it in their background.”

Puzzled, Caramel asked, “Didn’t that end it, then?”

Sour voiced, Peanut answered, “Not for Dad! Now it is MY fault that he left mom! Oh, and HERS for not finding out about their ancestors sooner! BUT, he will be GENEROUS and come back to her as soon as I, the cause of his leaving, am gone!”

Grumpeter wandered over and suggested, “If the input of a goat is welcome, I have an idea.”

Peanut sort of pulled back a tiny bit but Caramel smiled and offered, “What is your idea, Grumpy? I have noticed that you do have a lot of good suggestions about our work here!”

He brightened up and suggested, “Go see Reverend Smallflower. He is a really good pony. He is white, a spare build even for a pegasus, and wears a flat black hat. Knows more than he says. His Assembly is open to all, even goats like me.

“If there is a place that you will be able to afford, he likely knows of it.”

Caramel brightened at once. She turned to Houser and told him, “Can we do without Grumpy for a bit? My friend Peanut Brittle needs a place to stay and Grumpy can show us a pony who will help us out.

“Peanut is going to be a waitress for me when I open up the store.”

Houser nodded, and replied, “Sure, Caramel. We will manage. Take care of your friend.

“Clance! Not there! That one goes over here!”

Turning back to the little group, he said, “Better hurry, though! Grumpy is really good at keeping the crew organized! Things are already starting to be almost NORMAL!” He grinned and made shooing motions.

Soon the trio found themselves facing the Assembly Hall. It was a simple building. Reverend Smallflower was a simple, sparely built white pegasus who gallantly swept off his plain flat black hat.

“Grumpy, my friend! Who are the lovely young mares with you?”

Grumpy made the introductions, outlined the problem and added, “So, Reverend, do you know of any apartment or small house that Peanut could move into?”

The Reverend smiled, lighting up his office as he did so. “I do know of several places that could meet your needs, Miss Peanut Brittle. They will require deposits and both a first and last month’s rent to be paid but that is normal for any better places.

“Will the Assembly need to assist you with the finances?”

Caramel shook her head. “No, Reverend Smallflower. To open my business, I have a very substantial loan. I can cover it for her, since she will be working for me.

“Turing your question around, Reverend, can your Assembly use some help with its finances? A donation, perhaps?”

The Reverend smiled with delight and said, “We never turn down free food! That applies to more than mere food. We would be honored to accept whatever you see fit to give.”

Caramel took out her checkbook and wrote briefly.

The reverend’s eyes widened as he looked at the amount. In return, he wrote both a tax note for Caramel and several addresses for Peanut.

As they emerged from the Assembly, they were faced with a pair of unicorns wearing “Solar” pendants. The orange one turned to the dusty yellow and said, “See, Eustace? I told you that I saw a vile creature of Luna go in there to House of Worship for the Lesser Sorts. Let’s teach that goat a lesson!”

Caramel managed to look totally surprised! “Grumpy? I thought that you meant ME!”

As they were rearing and gathering magic impressively about their horns, Caramel charged! She blasted between the two, her shoulders taking the inside hind leg of each one! They fell in an undignified heap of ponies!

Caramel bounced to a stop and leaped back, striking the gut of Eustace with all four hooves pulled together to a near point! As his breath was whoofing out, she bounced across and did the same for the orange one! At her next bounce, she landed on both of her hind legs, jabbing nerve points in both unicorns’ necks! They stopped moving at all, except for labored breathing.

The whole thing took only seconds! Looking up brightly, Caramel said, “Reverend, it appears that some pony left a heap of trash on your lawn. Perhaps you should call the garbage service to remove it!”

Turning to the still surprised Grumpy and Peanut, she chirped in a cheerful voice, “Come on, guys! We have an apartment or house to find for Peanut!”

The first place that they looked at was a small cottage. The landlord, a chubby reddish earth pony, let them in to look it over.

Grumpy made a bee-line for the back door. He opened it and examined the frame at the lock level. Then he took a close look at the door itself. Lastly, he gave the burglar chain his scrutiny.

He gathered up Caramel and Peanut, escorting them out as he explained, “He did a fine job of patching the holes in the plaster of the walls. That could have been just one bad tenant.

“The back door says that this place is some other pony’s private bank. The door itself was replaced. Since then, the burglar chain has been torn out twice. The door frame at lock level has been broken at least four times. The repairs are not really well done, either. I think that, as small as I am, I could buck it in.”

Caramel replied, “Thanks, Grumpy. I would have missed that, except for the plastering. I just learned something new.”

Peanut nodded slowly as she worked it through her mind. “I agree. Thanks, Grumpy. I am beginning to see why Caramel likes you so much.”

The second place was a ground floor flat. It looked a bit shabby. Grumpy gave it his once over. He tested the water flow in the faucets and poured a big bucket of water down the drains.

He pronounced, “Good place. Needs some paint and a little basic housework. Tell the rental agent that it needs paint and floor needs refinishing. Either bargain for a reduction in rent or get a written promise to have it done by a deadline.”

Peanut asked, “Why don’t you bargain for us, Grumpy?”

“I am a goat. They won’t listen to me. Pro tip. If you get that rent reduction? Hire me and a few of my friends to do the work. We will do it cheap!”

They did get the reduction in rent. As they came out of the office, Peanut commented, “Thanks for everything, Grumpy. You too, Caramel! My new place is going to be really convenient to the shop, too.”

“Only two blocks to walk and you are at work! For me!” snickered Caramel.

The two block stroll, under the shady trees lining Ponyville’s cobbled streets, was a pleasant one.

The surprise that awaited them at Caramel’s new shop was a pleasant one, too. Houser proudly showed them through the whole place. Gesturing proudly, he declared, “Tomorrow the paint will be dry and you can install the stoves and other equipment. Once the sign is up, you will be in business!”

Caramel looked over everything with the utmost care. Down in the basement, she checked out the expensive cool storage rooms.

Grumpy commented with delight, “With the weather outside, I could get used to this!”

Caramel gave him a sideways look and shifted her gaze to Houser. “How much would it cost to fit cooling like this into the interior public dining area?”

He paused. He took out his plans and studied them with care. “I don’t know if we can, Caramel. I will have to study this back at my office. There are references there that I need. This is not a simple structural problem, like the stairs to the basement.”

Caramel nodded her understanding. “Let me know tomorrow, if you can or not. I will go ahead and have my cooking equipment delivered for set up tomorrow.”

In Gabe’s Furniture and Appliances, she was met by an apologetic, “I am afraid that there was a slight mix up in our warehouse. Your whole order was sold to somepony else. Of course, we can place the order again. It will only take two weeks to get those stoves and other things. We will get them for you at cost, of course.”

Caramel looked him in the eye and demanded, “No. You will deliver my whole PREPAID order tomorrow, as specified in the contract. If you have to replace it, you will bear the whole cost, including freight and local haulage. No other equipment than what I ordered will be acceptable.”

He gave her a condescending smile as the gray sales pony said, “You just don’t get it, do you? Business realities. If you want it tomorrow, just buy some replacements from our stock in the warehouse.”

Caramel gave him a slitted eye glare. “I did not buy that garbage because it will not do what I need it to. I will not pay you any more for any goods at all. I have ALREADY paid you for my whole order. Delivery will be tomorrow at my new shop by noon or else.”

Totally irritated that his ploy had failed, the sales pony demanded, “You have no choice! If you need it that badly, you will have to pay us for our recovery costs!”

Caramel paused, glared at him and snapped, “What part of NO is unclear? The N or the O!? My order is FULLY PREPAID! Noon tomorrow or face the consequences.”

She turned her tail to him and left.

Just then, Gabe, a brown pony with yellow mane, came out of his office. He was looking perplexed. “Snarker, why did Miss Treat leave like that? She seemed quite angry. I mean, we have her whole order in the warehouse, ready to deliver as soon as she wants it.”

The gray sales pony glared at the floor and scraped his hoof as he replied, “She wants it by noon tomorrow. That kind of rush gotta cost a few bits extra. Didn’t want to pay it, that’s all.”

Gabe pulled his head back in surprise. “What? That delivery is all set up with Hackamore Hauling. We just let them know when to have it at the destination. It is all prepaid.”

Snarker muttered, “FINE! You handle it! You ain’t paying me enough for this menial job!”

Nodding to himself, Gabe turned about. “Come to my office, Snarker. We need to talk.”

In Gabe’s office, Snarker sat. He could see the letterheads of several letters on Gabe’s desk. Nervously, he tried, “Um, Sir, I got an appointment. Gotta go. It’s important.”

Gabe looked up and tilted his head, ears set skeptically. “I daresay that it is, to you. Unfortunately, you have an appointment right here, too.”

He hit his intercom and asked, “Mellisen, did you make the call that I asked you to do?”

The scratchy intercom voice replied, “Yes Sir, I did. Is there anything else?”

“Yes. Snarker is leaving our employ. Please make out his final payment and bring it in.”

Snarker slumped. “Look, it was an emergency. That Caramel Treat, she isn’t even a pony, not really. We can work this out. I mean, we can deliver on time so she has no beef with us.

“You don’t have to fire me.”

Laying his hoof on the letters on his desk, Gabe replied sadly, “If it was just one customer, I could give you another chance. It is not.”

There was a light tapping at the office door. Mellisen, a light blue mare with a soft magenta mane entered. She laid Snarker’s file, the pay packet, and the final accounting on Gabe’s desk.

Gabe examined everything closely and signed the account. He wrote briefly in the file and closed it. He put the letters into another file and closed it.

“Please, Snarker, check the account and the pay packet.”

Sourly, he did, and signed it.

A solid hoof was laid on his shoulder. “Mister Snarker, I must inform you that you are under arrest for customer embezzlement.”

Turning angrily, he was facing a large orange pony in a Ponyville Police uniform. He was led out in manacles.

Gabe picked up a Magic Net mirror and made a quick call. “Miss Treat, Gabe of Gabe’s Furnishings here. I am calling about your order. I fear that Snarker lied to you about it. It is still in our warehouse, all on the rail pallets and ready to deliver.”

He listened.

His reply was, “Before noon tomorrow. No problem.

“I have found out that what Snarker tried on you was not his first offense. We not only fired him, we had him arrested. Are you willing to provide testimony in the case against him?”

After listening again, he nodded. “In spite of Snarker’s interference, it was a pleasure doing business with you.”

The next day, Caramel’s stoves and other restaurant equipment was delivered on two wagons from Hackamore Hauling. At first, Caramel’s hackles arose at the sight of the truly lovely all black mare who was directing the delivery.

From pictures that Caramel had seen, the mare looked exactly like Coalsmoke Hackamore, one of those tried for the attempt to murder Brightmane, her mother. She decided to be direct.

“Pardon me, Miss. You look just like somepony that I have seen pictures of. Are you Coalsmoke Hackamore?”

All of the black mare’s lights went out at once. She slumped. “Yes, Miss Treat, I am. We will get your loads done as carefully as we can and not bother you more.”

Shocked at the change, Caramel began to think back on things that she knew. “Um, Coalsmoke? Please wait a moment. I just realized that Dray Hackamore and Doctor Red Mane were both convicted of the attempt to kill Mom. Judge Coldheart, in acquitting you, said that your only crime was being married to a criminal.”

Coalsmoke looked up, hope in her eyes. “So many remember that I was tried. So few remember that I was acquitted of all charges. Tell me, how is Brightmane doing? I have been afraid to ask.”

Caramel smiled sadly. “I was almost one of those remembering that you were tried. I am sorry about that.

“Mom is doing fine. We and Nurse Fields have a nice cottage out in the Everfree, not far from Zecora’s place.

“I did not make the connection between you and Hackamore Hauling until just now. Every business pony that I asked about getting deliveries done said your company was the best. What I am seeing bears that out.”

Coalsmoke’s head lifted with real pride. “As Dray’s widow, I got his company when he was killed in a prison brawl. It was worth almost nothing then. I have built it into the best there is!”

Her workers, true to her word, unloaded the wagons expertly.

The watching Caramel nodded. “It shows!”

Houser’s crew began to ponyhandle the big stoves and other equipment into the new building. Before the afternoon was out, Caramel had got the inspectors to approve everything.

She stayed late, delightedly testing the new specialized steam kettle candy making equipment with batches of sweet sorrel fudge, barley nut bars and assorted chocolate dipped fruits. Her new candy wrapping equipment got a workout too.

Alongside them, the Alfalfa Press ™ got a separate “test.” She put up fifty quarter kilo round Clover top patties with a dash of sweet sorrel for extra flavor and twenty five one kilo “steaks” of alfalfa, clover and chopped wheat kernels.

After everything was put away and the kitchen properly cleaned, it was nearly ten pm. Somewhat tired, but very happy, Caramel emerged from her shop to lock up.

It was not to be. Gathered at her outdoor tables, were Brightmane, Nurse Fields, Daphne Crager, carlene of Red Hoof, Heather Bloom, Duchess of Red Hoof, and her consort, Tam O’ Canter, Baron Drandale.

Her mother called cheerfully, “When you did not come to the Great Hall in a reasonable time, we came to see what was happening! Just in time, too! We could smell your cooking, so we waited!

Peanut was close by too. The whole party had frosty tumblers of cold water already served to them. Bemused, Caramel beckoned Peanut to come inside. She pointed. “That is the time clock, Peanut. Clock in. Instead of tomorrow, you are starting right away. As soon as you clock in, get into the crisper and set them all up a light salad for starters.

“Come down to the cool room and get a look at what we have so that you can tell them. Our menus are not due here until tomorrow. Get their orders. I will start the stoves.”

Peanut clocked in, grinning. “I could not sleep, thinking about tomorrow being my first day of real work!” She snickerd, “I was wrong! It is starting already!”

Peanut did come down and do a fast assessment of everything, including the contents of the cool and cold rooms. Nodding to herself, she scooted upstairs.

Caramel came up to see that Peanut had put out the yellow evening lights on the dining patio, already had most of the salads served and was putting up the last two. That was not all. The orders were on neat tickets stuck to the springs of the order carousel.

Caramel gathered the ingredients and called for and began to cook! She mused, “Who would have thought that I would need snowstar sauce even before I opened?” As steaks cooked, she stirred the sauce and put a vegetable medley in the steamer.

While things were all coming to a head, Peanut clattered down the stairs. Caramel heard the cold room door close. Peanut darted past. Out front, at the waitress back table, Caramel heard the quiet roar of her brand new milkshake machine!

With satisfaction, she put all the orders up on the service shelf almost at once. She flopped two more steaks on. That snowstar sauce smelled heavenly! She set up fried onions and mushrooms in butter sauce to go alongside the steaks.

She brought them out so that she and Peanut could join the party! Peanut saw what she was being served and made a dash for the waitress back table and returned with a pair of salads.

She made a second fast dash, punctuated by the soft roar of the milkshake machine. She returned with shakes for them both.

In spite of eating and joining into the banter about the tables, Peanut was right there, every time that a drink needed a refill or a plate needed to be removed.

At last, everypony was well filled.

Heather Bloom requested, “Our check, please, my lady Peanut. All wa far better than merely good. Yer service wa excellent as well. We ha all come fro Red Hoof’s Hall, sa cover ’t all, I shall.”

To Caramel’s surprise, Peanut took the assorted order checks and swiftly totaled them all up. Seeing Caramel’s look, Peanut explained, “Our menus may not be here, but I helped to put them together. I remember what we sent to the printer.”

She presented the check on a small tray. Heather Bloom returned it with golden coins, to which Tam had added some as well.

Peanut stammered, “This, this is far too much! We have no change to give you.”

Heather Bloom replied, “Nay, lass. T'is correct. We ha given to ye wha such fine food and service be due.”

Tam cast a practiced eye to the street and commented, “As soon as all be cleaned, tidied and stored away, we shall escort ye to yer home, lass. There appear to be some as might be unpleasant to ye awaitin in the dark.”

Peanut and Caramel cleaned up and put things away. Last to go were the lights, tables and seating on the patio. Caramel locked up.

Aside from the clatter of retreating hooves fleeing the large party, the two block walk to Peanut’s new apartment was uneventful.

Like Peanut, earlier, Caramel could not really sleep. Her dreams when she did were of hunting with the Stone Ridge wolf pack. When they cornered the prey, it was a great golden bit!

Her fangs were just seizing it when she was gently shaken awake. Nurse Fields was smiling down at her. “It was a good dream, Caramel. I can tell. You became a happy wolf in your sleep. Hunting again?”

Caramel nodded as her change to a pony flowed over her. Stretching luxuriously, she acknowledged, “Hunting with my friends. We were bringing down a big golden bit!”

They both chuckled at the image.

Breakfast was an informal affair. One of Heather Bloom’s house carls was making sure that the buffet stayed well supplied. The whole household, Lady, Laird, carls, carlenes and guests alike filled plates and choose places to eat.

A small stack of breaded and fried patties caught Caramel by the nose! They smelled heavenly. Taste bore out the scent.

“What are these, your Ladyship? I have never had anything quite like them!”

Heather Bloom looked up from her own breakfast, surprise on her features. “They be but Northern Dales oatmeal. It be cooked wi diced dates, raisins, diced apple, any other diced fruits handy, some honey and a touch o molasses. When it cool ye but slice it to portions, batter dip an fry.”

Caramel was nodding slowly as she listened.

Back at her restaurant, while impatiently awaiting the arrival of her sign, Caramel began grabbing oatmeal, and an assortment of dried fruits. As it began to cook, she added the honey and molasses a little at a time until it smelled right. Unable to resist experimenting, she added a healthy lot of butter, too. She poured it into a sheet cake pan and let it set. While it was setting, she heated the oil and made up a sweetened batter.

She wound up with a substantial pile of the golden brown slices on a platter.

Peanut entered and clocked in, then took a whiff of the breaded oatmeal. “Is it an experiment, Caramel? I think that I know exactly what to do with them!”

Caramel raised her eyebrows at that and offered, “I thought that they were pretty good the way that they are.”

Nibbling one and swallowing before answering, Peanut nodded, “That they are! Let’s try this!”

She set two of the slices on plates and carefully scooped two perfect balls of ice cream onto them. She added sweet cherries on top and very carefully drizzled chocolate sauce in spirals down the sides.

Caramel’s indrawn breath at the beautiful effect made Peanut smile broadly. She ceremoniously served her employer one and took the other for herself.

Caramel looked up from the new dish with eyes that looked like her mouth had found heaven. “Besides being beautiful, this is a fantastic taste, Peanut! Make a note to add five golden bits to your first pay packet!

“You always were better than I in art classes and this really shows it!”

“What does, Caramel?” bleated a familiar voice from the front door.

Caramel smiled happily and exclaimed, “Grumpy! You are just in time to taste test our newest treat!”

Turning to Peanut, she said, “Please set up one of these for Grumpy! Without his help, this place would not be almost ready to open.”

While Peanut was setting up the treat, she commented, “I bet that he came to get paid! His team fixed up my place in jig time! It looks great now! You would not recognize it for the place that we rented!”

Grumpy nodded, proud of the work and happy with the good words that he was hearing. “That I did, Miss Peanut. Looks like my timing was pretty good too!

“We figured up the bill, Caramel. It comes to two gold, four and six.”

Nodding, Caramel replied, “Most reasonable. You enjoy your snack while I get your money. Since I expect to open today, I have a change bank.”

Shortly, Caramel returned and placed four gold bits on the table for Grumpy. “No, Grumpy. Not a mistake. I am paying you and your team what you are worth, not what you charged.”

It was nearly ten before the sign painters showed up with the new roof sign. They used a crane to lift it up to the roof, where they anchored it expertly.

A crowd had gathered to watch. As the crane and other dangerous equipment was cleared away, several trotted over and took seats on the outdoor plaza.

Peanut brought them all some of the new treats and announced loudly enough to be heard by all of them, “Free Northern Dale snack for the first ten customers who place orders!”

There was a mostly orderly stampede to the dining tables! Peanut happily took orders and delivered the Northern Dale snacks. The sight of ponies being served brought in more customers to dine under the new sign’s beautifully scrolled letters spelling,