• Published 11th Sep 2016
  • 1,178 Views, 51 Comments

CARAMEL TREAT, a Werewolf's Saga - De Writer

Caramel Treat is not your ordinary Werewolf. She is a bright student, entrepenuer and Poison Joke witch.

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Nightmare Night was fast approaching. Blue Bell and her mother Shooting Star were busy preparing for their celebration, two days before that special night. They were not alone in their preparations, either. Ponyville’s open thestrals, Sugar Maple and her Grandmare had come to their cottage in the edge of the Everfree, just past the banks of Falmire creek. They did not bother with using the stepping stones, though. They simply glided down into the yard and folded their bat like wings.

As they entered the cottage they called happily, “We brought spreads and preserves for your breads and buns!”

Sugar Maple joked, “It was easy to find your cottage! We just followed the wonderful scent of baking breads and pies!”

She looked about and asked, “I thought that there were going to be more here. Where are they?”

Shooting Star replied indulgently, “There will be! I had word by Magic Net that Caramel and Fangrin are bringing ice cream and some other treats! They may be bringing some other guests, too! If rumor is right, they have got the Stone Ridge Pack to accept Fangrin back and they may be here for the wedding! In any case, they are bringing Grumpeter Goat!”

True to her prediction, the huge Everfree Ridgeback wolf that was Caramel Treat and a second, only slightly smaller one, that was Fangrin, came trotting up the path from Ponyville. Each had bulging saddlebags! They also did not bother with the stepping stones. They simply leaped across the creek!

The rest of the party goers gleefully stripped them of the panniers and started laying out the contents along big trestle tables, to join all the rest of the assorted goodies already there!

Caramel, in high good spirits, told the others, “They are coming! The Stone Ridge pack is just waiting for our howl. Fangrin and I have been looking forward to this day since we met! Shooting Star, I am so happy that you have agreed to officiate our wedding. I know that Reverend Smallflower would have been happy to do it, because I asked him.

“With all of those fool Celestian Church idiots around bothering everypony, and accusing us of being vile creatures of Luna and worse, I just could not resist having you do it. I mean, you are a direct descendant in unbroken line from General Dark Star of the Nightmare’s Witch brigade! I had that Rom donkey, Marchhare, look it up. His library has original documents from the Fortress of Nightmare!”

“I am more than happy to do it for you. I do have Princess Luna’s formal commission as a Nightmare’s Witch Brigade officer. Please invite your guests.”

Caramel and Fangrin sat and, tails wagging, lifted their muzzles to the sky and set free a melodious howl. The howl was answered from different points all about the cleared area around the cottage. That was followed by a nearly continuous soft rustle of leaves as big Everfree Ridgeback wolves converged on the clearing openly, not attempting to be stealthy.

From across the stream came a polite call of, “I heard that there was a wedding here. Am I welcome?” All eyes turned to the spare white pegasus in a flat black hat.

Caramel replied, “Of course, Reverend Smallflower, but the ceremony is to be officiated by Lieutenant Major Shooting Star, of the Nightmare’s Witch Brigade.”

He nodded agreeably, “Such was my understanding. I came to watch, congratulate the happy couple and partake of the feast. I brought a small contribution. I have two substantial slices of cured ham for the celebrants and a pair of frostberry pies for the rest.”

Shooting Star invited, “Be welcome, Reverend! Are you afraid of the wolves?”

“Should I be? None of the rest of you seem to be.”

“Not really. Most ponies are anyway.”

With that, Reverend Smallflower simply walked across on the stepping stones and surveyed the table. He set two packages at one end and a large package at the other.

A second late comer called out, “Hi, Caramel! Hi, Fangrin! Sorry that I’m late. Ran into three Celestian priests on the road. That’s where I left them. On the road, I mean. I had to dodge into the brush and work my way around them. They were spewing their usual garbage about me being a Lesser Sort, and a Vile Creature of the Accursed Evil Twin.

“Anyway, I brought a big clover top scramble for us and a big omelet. Hope that it will do for the carnivore side of this feast.”

Fangrin romped over to the piebald black, tan, and white goat. “Grumpy! We were waiting for you! Did the Celestians give you some more trouble? How are your studies going? Can we have another checkers tournament soon?”

Grumpy giggled under the physical and verbal assault! Gently pushing away the big werewolf, he replied, “No, the Celestians really didn’t give me much trouble. Just blocked the road so that I had to go into the brush to get around them. Other than that it was just the usual verbal idiocy that their so called faith requires of them.

“As for my studies, they are going great! I finally qualified for Abnormal Psych 666! Only one more semester to go and I have my degree! I can’t wait for the Non-Equine University to send me my text books.

“Is Wednesday next good for you? I can have the checker board and refreshments out.”

Fangrin happily helped Grumpy to set out his dishes. “This all looks so good, Grumpy! I can’t wait for our wedding to be over and the party starts!”

Shooting Star emerged from her cottage, wearing a dark blue uniform with a polished silver emblem of a thestral with spread wings clutching a pair of bars mounted to each shoulder. Floating in air to the right of her head was a stout and intricately carved wand of dark wood with silver tips. It was being casually held at the moment.

Grumpy blinked about three times when he saw her. Turning to Caramel, disbelief in his voice, he asked, “A Lieutenant-Major in Nightmare’s Witch Brigade? Really? In this day and age? I thought that they were disbanded at the end of the Second Nightmare War.”

With a twinkle in her eye, Caramel replied, “Yes she is, and a direct descendant of General Dark Star of the Nightmare’s Council and battle leader of the Witch Brigade. As for being disbanded, they turned in false wands for destruction and went right on meeting and training in secret.”

Grumpy chuckled at the thought and then pointed excitedly. “She is starting!”

Indeed, Shooting Star had gone to a formal parade stance and her wand was now being held at a still and formal position, tilted slightly toward her guests. She paced forward and stopped halfway to Falmire Creek. She raised her wand and, chanting, swept it in a circle three times. As it swept about, it trailed a tenuous looking glowing sheet the color of thin cirrus clouds lit by moonlight. The sheets settled into a visible circle, encompassing the house and the party, reaching across the creek at the stepping stones. The circle faded from visibility.

She ended by pronouncing, “The Circle of the Moon protects all within from any harm by deed or intent. The wedding parties will now take their places.”

Caramel took a place to the right end of the feasting table, Fangrin to the left. The Stone Ridge pack formed two rows parallel to the table, with Shooting Star at the center. They added another aisle from her down to the creek. The rest of the guests were divided into two groups by the formation.

Loud stomping announced the arrival of the same three Celestian priests that Grumpy had run into earlier. The one in the lead bawled, “This blasphemous gathering of the vile creatures of the Evil Luna must disperse at once, by the order of High Priest Hortimer!”

Shooting Star sauntered insultingly slowly down the aisle of wolves toward the creek. At the bank, by her stepping stones, she replied, “No. We will not disburse.

“Equestria is not a theocracy run by that worthless high priest Hortimer or any other. Our gathering is specifically allowed by the same religious freedom law that allows your so called church to exist. You claim to worship Celestia but you ignore what she herself writes about you and your church. She detests you and all that you stand for, especially your vile doctrine of Unicorn Supremacy.

“You are trespassing on my property. It is properly fenced and posted private, so you know that you are trespassing. Go.”

They responded by rearing up, gathering magic about their horns impressively. Shooting Star casually covered her yawn with a hoof as they let fly.

Their powerful magic hit the presently invisible ward! There was a flare of light from each place that the ward was hit! Their magic rebounded straight back at each of them, knocking them from their hind hooves, right onto their backs and shoving them about five meters across the ground in a wild tangle of hooves and priestly robes!

As they scrambled to their hooves, their leader demanded, “What did you do to us!? Just for that insolence, we are going to use far greater force!”

Shooting Star replied mildly, “I did nothing to you. According to the law of WHATSO YOU DO COMES BACK TO YOU, your own evil returned to you. What you gave, you got. I repeat, you are trespassing. Go. Leave my land, home and guests.”

Grumpy confided his worry to Grandmare, the black thestral, “Shouldn’t she be doing something to run them off?”

Grandmare replied with some humor, “She is. She is being a focus to draw their attacks. That invisible ward? Not weak at all and carefully tuned to unicorn magic. Right now, she is trying to get rid of them by using non-equine magic to turn their own magic against them. She does not want bloodshed to mar the wedding.”

“Non-equine magic? I thought that the secret of that was lost when Baratted the Goat disappeared at the end of the Second Nightmare War.”

“No, Grumpy. There are many kinds of magic in the world besides the Equine magic of unicorns. That is what they are learning right now, if they are smart enough to learn, that is.”

A large flash of light from another frustrated attack interrupted their conversation! Excited, Grumpy exclaimed, “Look at them flop back! That must have been a real strong try!”

Chuckling, Grandmare pointed out, “Their pretty white robes are getting all stained and torn! They need to quit while they are still able to walk!”

They heard Shooting Star say, “You have been repeatedly told to leave. Your persistent attacks leave me no choice. Go, or I shall be violent to you.”

Scrambling to his feet, one of the junior priests demanded, “Violent? What do you call this? You have been striking us down! Our robes are ruined!”

She sighed. “If you listened at all, you know why that all happened. Your own evil has been returning to you, that is all. Now, GO.”

Their leader reared up defiant. Before he could do anything, Shooting Star’s wand leveled at him! His big priest’s Celestian medallion suddenly glowed red and fell from the ornate chain, a molten glob of metal! The chain, no longer a loop, slithered off his neck and fell in an untidy heap beside the congealing remains of the medallion.

While he was screaming his pain at the burned fur and skin on his chest, the same happened to the other two! Their screams joined his! One of them panicked and started to run for the gate! That triggered the stampede! In only moments, all that was left of their presence was trampled and torn sod and the remains of their necklaces.

Shooting Star paced quietly back up the aisle of wolves to her place. Glancing about to be sure that all were where they needed to be, she began in a calm voice, “We are here to wed two excellent Werewolf ponies, Fangrin and Caramel Treat.

“In Ponyville, mostly as ponies, they run a well received restaurant. Rarely turning away any in need, they are a refuge for the needy and hungry. More, they defend any who come to them from all sorts of persecution. They feed all sorts, whether vegetarian, omnivore or carnivore.

“Besides this goodness, they also hunt with the Stone Ridge pack of Everfree Ridgeback wolves. By helping the hunt and freely sharing the kill, they assist their friends of the forest. Through their good offices, peace and friendship have grown between those who live in or close to the Everfree forest and the Stone Ridge pack.

“In that regard, the Duchess of Red Hoof and her heart kept husband the Baron of Drandale, send their warmest regards but Royal obligations have required their presence in Canterlot.

“Caramel and Fangrin now seek to complete a long standing promise and, as the culmination of their goodness and generosity, marry each other and live mated for life.

“Caramel, Fangrin, come before me now.”

As Ponies, both came forward through an aisle of wolves, and met in front of Shooting Star. “If you both still wish to be joined in marriage, mated for life, please raise your left forehooves so that they touch side by side, neither one higher than the other.”

Fangrin’s gray and black hoof was raised beside Caramel’s candy tan one. Shooting Star’s wand, acting like it had a life of its own, laid across both hooves. The same moonlight colored magic that had created such a solid defensive circle, flowed from its tip and enmeshed both hooves.

Leaving her wand in place, Shooting Star quietly commanded, “Now, leaving your feet together, transform before us all to show that no matter the form, you twain are together as one.”

The wand balanced between the two did not move in the slightest as the couple transformed into the physically largest wolves there.

Shooting Star recovered her wand to what Grumpy now recognized as a formal parade rest position. “Now, side by side, neither leading or following, go to the pool of the stream and there drink the water of life together.”

They paced down the aisle of their friends, the Stone Ridge pack, to the pool and, lowering their heads together, lapped up some of the water. Shooting Star’s wand shot up a big starburst of moonlike light. Joyously, she called, “By the authority granted me by Luna, the Nightmare, I pronounce you mated for life!”

Caramel and Fangrin made their way back to the table, surrounded by cavorting wolves. They lifted a sheet off of a large haunch that still had coarse yellow fur on part of it. The haunch ended in a heavily clawed paw. Each of them took one end of the big hindquarter and lifted it down to the ground for the pack! While the wolves closed in on it, they did no fighting or squabbling, but took turns grabbing a chunk and making room for the next.

Caramel and Fangrin opened the box that Reverand Smallflower had brought and helped themselves to the ham slices in it. Grumpy, watching the carnivores go for their part of the feast, was a bit green around the gills, as they say. Nevertheless, he was pleased to see Grandmare and Sugar Maple, the thestrals, happily eating up his big omelet.

Blue Bell, Shooting Star’s filly, noticed his condition and suggested, “Just come down here, Mister Goat, and concentrate on the pies, cakes and that lovely clover top scramble that you made.”

As he was nibbling up his second slice, Grumpy commented, “Thanks, Blue Bell. Got to admit that this is the first wedding done by witch ponies that I have ever been to. It has been fascinating. And you are right, frostberry pie seems to cure almost anything!

Comments ( 12 )


“Equestria is not a theocracy run by that worthless high priest Hortimer or any other. Our gathering is specifically allowed by the same religious freedom law that allows your so called church to exist. You claim to worship Celestia but you ignore what she herself writes about you and your church. She detests you and all that you stand for, especially your vile doctrine of Unicorn Supremacy.

If my OC was nearby they would to be very very afraid of him and would learn not to harm our group of protagonists as they're the kind of group that would be under his protection and would learn not to incur his wrath again as he has a pretty strong dislike (not hate level) and therefore low tolerance for such groups (especially ones associated with light) and would no qualms harming them sometimes to where they can never recover or wiped out all together more often than not he does it personally.

My OCs Hylans Shadow Flame and Merlin Ducour would be proud to attend and stand side by side with Shooting Star.

Was not expecting a wedding and I dont know how I feel about it? I kinda don't like it

Yeah I definitely don't like the wedding but I'm glad to see you writing more

Thanks for the support! I need to look into some of your things as soon as I get some time. Sounds like a fun lot of OCs.

Shooting Star would be delighted to have the support of your OCs, Glad that you liked the story and thanks for the idea!

Sorry that you did not care for the wedding but I felt it to be a natural progression of the relationship since they are frequently referred to as mates in my Grumpy Goat >tails< where they are prominent supporting characters. Those stories begin a bit later in the timeline.

Well the wedding should have progression instead of just dumping it on us. Didnt we meet fang in like the last chapter?

Having her marry a guy who barely has any character development is just terrible writing!!!

It wasnt natural in the slightest. It was very unnatural there's no set up or plot or anything? Why are they getting married and for what reasons? We know literally nothing of this fang guy

They really would regret getting on his bad side right?

Much of Fangrin's development is to be found in my Grumpy Goat <tails> where both Caramel and Fangrin are supporting characters.

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