• Published 22nd Sep 2016
  • 2,235 Views, 157 Comments

The Empire today - Bronycommander

A Stormtrooper who likes children and his buddy who is a Scout trooper find on Endor a pegasus filly almost eaten by Ewoks.

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Chapter 10 Rescue and kidnapping

Chapter 10: Rescue and kidnapping

Varn reported for his next mission. “The interdictor cruiser was badly damaged during our last battle with the pirates. M/CRV Chemeti will deliver replacement parts and pick up the filly and our pirate prisoners. You will fly a barrier patrol around the Red Claw and the corvettes while the docking operations are done. Then you must ensure that the filly is safety evacuated out of the area. You will be assisted by the remaining TIE-bombers and TIE-interceptors from INT Red Claw. The Stormy and the Vampire are en route to come to Red Claw’s aid. They will arrive in 30 minutes. Any Questions?”

What is the objective of this mission?”

“To protect the Red Claw while a pair of modified corvettes from Chemeti squadron picks up the filly and prisoners captured during your last mission. Critical replacements parts for the interdictor’s hyperdrive are being delivered by the corvettes as well. The filly’s safety is of paramount importance, though, and you are to ensure a safe transfer.”

“What craft will I be flying?”

“You will fly Assault Gunboat Nu 1. For this mission your craft is armed with the standard load of 16 advanced concussion missiles. Also, you will have the new, improved tractor beam. Red Claw’s last six TIEs will be on patrol and four more Gunboats from Tau Squadron are due to arrive soon.”

“What opposition will there be?”

“The Rneekii Pirates have all been captured or killed but Tarrak’s group may attempt to rescue. We’ve learned from our captives that the pirates had also negotiated with Zaarin for the filly’s ransom. This suggests that Zaarin may have information concerning the deal we made… maybe even its location! It is possible that the pirates may have been planning some sort of deception of their own involving Admiral Zaarin! We may have not much time before he sends an attack force to this location. As you well know, the greatest threat would be from any TIE-Defenders. In such a circumstance, do your best to protect the corvette that is picking up the filly and escort it to safety.”

“That is enough for now, sir.” Varn leaved again for the hanger bay. The TIE-Defender was one of the best Starfighters of the TIE-series and a serious opponent. Still Varn had destroyed many of Zaarins TIEs in combat.

In space, Varn was on patrol. Chemeti 1 leaved hyperspace. “Chemeti 1 here, Chemeti 2 has been delayed.”
“Very well Chemeti 1, proceed to pick up,” The captain of the Red Claw said.

Suddenly 3 TIE-Defenders came out of Hyperspace. Varn went to intercept.
He went behind them, activated the tractor beam and fired advanced proton torpedoes at them. All 3 were destroyed.

Then Varn intercepted the TIE-Defenders that were attacking the Red Claw. While this battle, Chemeti 1 had docked with Red Claw. After a short battle the docking operation was complete.

Varn had destroyed all TIE-Defenders with the rest of his comrades.

A Utility Tug reloaded Varns Gunboat. Chemeti 1 had entered Hyperspace.

Chemeti 2 came out of Hyperspace along with… Chemeti 1? Something was wrong. Varn knew that after he saw Chemeti 1 again.

“Chemeti here, what is your status Red Claw?”
“Zaarin just hit us with a strike force of TIE-Defenders! And Chemeti 1 was just here! It had your exact IFF code!”
“Chemeti to Red Claw, we have your Hyperdrive, but… …perhaps you should prepare to abandon ship?”
“Enemy strike cruiser is preparing to launch Starfighters! No Sir, we’ll remain with our ship a while longer, thank you!”
“Very well, let’s get your drive working then!”

The strike cruiser launched multiple TIE-Advanced.
Varn destroyed a missile that was fired at him. Then he took out the TIE-Advanced with the tractor beam and torpedoes while requesting resupplying.

After he was resupplied, he attacked the cruiser along with the other Gunboats.

“We’ll try to get Red Claw’s hyperdrive working right away.” After this message Chemeti 2 entered hyperspace meaning that Varns primary mission objectives were completed.

Varn disabled the cruiser with the ion cannon then fired at the cruiser with his laser cannons and torpedoes until it was destroyed.
Varn reported to Ian after the battle was over.

“What have I accomplished?”

“You succeeded in seeing the filly to safety. Unfortunately, it was on the wrong ship! We were the victims of a skillful deception that could only have been accomplished by Zaarin or his henchmen. The strike force you defeated must have been intended primary as a distraction. In the heat of the battle, it kept us from looking too closely at the ship that took the filly. Your role in saving the Red Claw from destruction will probably save you from the wrath of Lord Vader. The captain of the Red Claw will not be so lucky.”

“I knew it! After I saw the Chemeti 1 for the second time, I know that something was wrong!” Varn looked at Forren with a guilty expression. “I’m sorry, I couldn’t save her.”

“You did what you could. I just want to know if the captain of the Red Claw was careless or just stupid.”

Lord Vader entered the bridge. “My lord?” Ian bowed respectfully while Forren, Tokrin and Varn stood at attention.

“Rise captain. We maybe lost the filly but you’re still hit the traitor Zaarin hard. Those pirates can’t run forever. I feel soon, they will see the military power of the Empire. You will dispatch probe droids to any known location of pirate and Zaarins activity.”
“Yes, my lord.”

“Varn, Admiral Thrawn has created a new Starfighter. The Missile Boat. You have the honor to fly it in future battles. With that, we will crush the Rebels and the pirates and make examples of them.”

"Thank you, my lord. I will report to the combat chamber.” He leaved respectfully.

“I will deal with the Captain of the Red Claw myself.” Vader also leaved. Ian, Forren and Tokrin knew that the Captain of the Red Claw wouldn’t survive this.

“Oh, before I forget, I have a surprise for you Forren.” Vader turned to him before finally leaving.

“Daddy!” Ray ran to him and hugged him tightly.
“Ray? But I thought you died!” He cried tears of joy.
“No, my dear, husband. We were arrested by Coruscant-guards and interrogated by the Imperial Security Bureau. They thought we were Rebels that lived undercover on Coruscant. It was just a misunderstanding. After I thought we would never get out of this alive, Lord Vader pardoned us as reward for your loyalty and service to him and the Empire.”

“Miro! They said you died when a short circuit set the house on fire.”
“This was a lie. They arrested us because of Scootaloo. But Lord Vader said she needs us now more than ever. We were told that she was kidnapped by pirates.” Forren kissed his wife.

“I’m honored to have you as guests on my ship and hope that you will enjoy your stay on my ship.” Ian gave her a kiss on the hand. “Tokrin, would you so nice and bring them to their rooms?”
“Yes, Sir. It is a pleasure for me. You old charmer.” He joked.

But the crew of the Stormy knew she had to be strong for Scootaloo. But all had the same thought: If the pirates, Zaarin or the Rebels would harm Scootaloo, then the Stormy would strike with everything she had, merciless.

Author's Note:

Damn you, Zaarin, you traitor! I'm serious, The Stormy will show no mercy if somethings happens to Scootaloo!