• Published 22nd Sep 2016
  • 2,235 Views, 157 Comments

The Empire today - Bronycommander

A Stormtrooper who likes children and his buddy who is a Scout trooper find on Endor a pegasus filly almost eaten by Ewoks.

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Chapter 11 Prisoner

Chapter 11: Prisoner

Scootaloo was even more scared. At first, she thought she was safe, but when she noticed that it the transport was an imposter, she feared even more for her life.
She was thrown into a cell. Zaarin walked in. “And you must be Scootaloo.” He was a human with blue eyes and brown hair, wearing the white uniform of an imperial Grand Admiral, looking at the scared child with a evil or more, ominous expression.
“Please don’t kill me, I don’t want to die.” Zaarin just looked emotionless at her.
“You’re no use to me dead. Still, we have a matter to discuss.”
An interrogation droid was flying in. Scootaloo looked at it in fear and backed up against the wall. “Please, no, I don’t know anything,” She pleaded as she saw the giant needle on the droid.
"We shall see." Zaarin replied cold and emotionless.
The door closed and an officer went on his post as her screams could be heard.

Forren told his wife and son that he was force sensitive as he felt a Disturbance in the Force so he had to sit down. “Daddy, what’s wrong?” Ray asked worried.

“I felt a Disturbance in the Force. Something terrible has happened. It’s Scootaloo, she’s… being tortured! I can feel her pain and fear.”
“Who would do something terrible like this to a child?” Miro was worried about her.

“I sense… Admiral Zaarin! This traitor! IF HE HARMS HER THAN I SWEAR TO THE EMPEROR…”

Ray hugged him to calm his father down. “Calm down Daddy, please. Anger is not good for you.” Forren calmed down.
“Sorry my son, it’s just, I can’t forgive myself if she gets hurt.”

“I know how much you are caring for her. So I do. I wouldn’t even mind if she would call me her mother.”
“She’s already like a sister for me, mom.” “And for me, it would be alright if she calls me Daddy.” Forren hugged his Son and wife.

The Missile Boat was successful in battle against Rebel and Pirate forces.
Varn liked the Missile Boat. Although it had no ion cannon like the Assault Gunboat, it was still a serious enemy.

Zaarin was talking with one of his officers. “Report on the interrogation.”
“Admiral Zaarin, it seems that the filly does not know about anything about the plans of the Empire to stop us.”
“Is it possible, she does not know of the Empire operations against us?”

“Sir, it seems that she was only at the wrong place at the wrong time. Should we let her go then?”
“No. Even if she is just an innocent civilian, we can’t let her go. With her, we have a hostage we can use against the Empire, in case it attacks us again.
Handle her over to Tarrak. She will know what to do.”
“Yes, Sir!”

Scootaloo was crying so much that she was coughing and urging by now.
Her nose was bleeding and her rips were broken by the Interrogation, as not only the droid tortured her but also by some of Zaarin's men who beat and slapped her.

The door opened again. This time, a female Nami walked in. “Stop crying. Allow me to introduce myself: Ali Tarrak leader of the Nami. You’re coming with me.”

Scootaloo just cried more. “Pl-please let me go, I- I just want to go home.” She had to cough.
“I’m afraid; I can’t do this, little one. I need you in case the Empire attacks me.” Tarrack gave emotionless two of her men a sign to bring her to the TIE-Defender Factory.

At the factory, she was thrown into a cell. The pain was so great that she couldn’t move. “You poor kid. You don’t deserve something like this.” She looked up. A Man in a Lab Coat tried to comfort her, “I’m the lead scientist of the TIE-Defender project.”

“Sco-Scootaloo.” She replied with a shaken voice that was in pain.
“Shh, I am here for you.” He hugged her and patted her to comfort her. She cried herself to sleep.
“Don’t worry, I protect you. The Empire will soon find this place. I can feel it,” The Scientist whispered in her ear. Some guards had a conversation.

“One of the Stormtroopers said to me it felt like the droid has been torturing that child for hours in the cell, she still repeated that she didn’t know anything”
“I know. Never seen anything like that. Everyone crumbles to this droids.”
“What if she actually doesn’t know anything?”
“Well, then she should pray that Zaarin spares her. I know what this droid is capable of. I’ve seen it. He can drag out the pain forever without actually killing a victim. I feel sorry for her.”
"Me too.”

Tarrack was talking with Zaarin. “Since you do not have any Factories for the TIE-Defender, I will produce them for you.”
"Very good Tarrack. But I am still concerned about this new Imperial Starfighter Thrawn has made.”
“Don’t worry; with the help of the Rebels, we will defeat the Emperor and Thrawn.”

“This was never a condition of our agreement.” “I am altering the deal. Pray I don't alter it any further. Besides, I still have something to do.” She leaved.

“Sir, should we stop her?”
“No Commander. She’s a great leader and her forces are loyal and well trained. A fight against her would be our doom, as she has now TIE-Defenders in her arsenal. It is better to let her do her part. We have better things to do then fighting pirates. I hate the rebels as much as the Emperor but still this has maybe some advantage for us. Prepare my shuttle.”
“Yes. Sir.”

The Scientist had sympathy with Scootaloo. He understands why he was kidnapped by Zaarins forces and brought to Tarrack, but he could not understand what was so important about her. Still, he comforted Scootaloo as well as he could. He wasn’t a doctor but was glad that Scootaloo injuries were nothing serious.

“Scientist! Time for work!” a guard shouted. The Scientist hated it to leave Scootaloo but he had to do it if he wanted to live. If he would refuse, Tarrack would probably hurt or kill Scootaloo. And that was one thing he had to avoid at all costs.

He shared his food with Scootaloo. “Here, for you. So you stay strong.” It was just water and bread but better than nothing. He was important for the Empire but for him, was nothing more important right now than keeping the filly alive.

He even tried to hum lullabies for her to calm her down and shared his bed with her.
If it was necessary he slept on the floor, while she slept in the warm bed.

He lost time, so he didn’t know how long he was in captivity of Tarrack. Still, his faith that the Empire would find him and her was unbroken. It was what kept him alive.

But one Day, he was transferred to another cell. He prayed for her safety.

Scootaloo was alone again. The pain did not get better. Every breath hurt as the Scientist couldn’t help her, as he had no medical supplies and the Nami guarded them well.

Suddenly Tarrack walked in. Scootaloo crawled backwards against the wall as she saw a knife in Tarrack's hand. “P-please don’t hurt me. I-I don’t want to die,” She pleaded.

“Sorry Scootaloo, but I have to send a message to the Empire. I will make this as quick and painless as possible.” The door closed. Tarrack would give her an anesthetic or painkillers if she had one, but only Zaarin had this and he had leaved long ago. Painful screams could be hurt.

Author's Note:

I'm no sadist, I dislike torture but I wanted something dramatic.
As for what Tarrack did to Scootaloo, let's just say, those who have a weak stomach should skip the first part of the next chapter. You have been warned. And I used another famous line of Darth Vader