• Published 22nd Sep 2016
  • 2,235 Views, 157 Comments

The Empire today - Bronycommander

A Stormtrooper who likes children and his buddy who is a Scout trooper find on Endor a pegasus filly almost eaten by Ewoks.

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Chapter 15 Battle of Equestria

Chapter 15: Battle of Equestria

Scootaloo was very happy. Finally she could go home. After the Stormy and the Vampire arrived, she talked with Ian on the bridge.
“I cannot wait so say them again!” She flapped her wings in excitement.
“I know. Forren, would you please escort her to the hanger bay?”

“Yes, captain.”

“Captain! A Rebel fleet is coming out of hyperspace!” A crewmember shouted, “I count several X- and Y-wings, one MC80 Liberty type Star Cruiser, one CR90 corvette and one EF76 Nebulon-B frigate.”
“Battle stations! Get Scootaloo to the hanger bay as soon as possible!”
“Yes. sir!”

Twilight was impressed. Within one day, the probe droid had explored Canterlot, Appleloosa, Manhattan and even the Crystal Empire. The droid returned to her and Scootaloos parents. “Transmission from the Stormy. She has arrived.”
“Glad to hear it.”

”Finally! I was so worried about my filly.” Misty was happy but the droid received a message.
“Status report from the Stormy. She is under attack by a Rebel fleet.”

Then, the ponies were startled by an explosion. They looked up. They saw in the sky how Imperial forces were fighting against Rebel forces. But the Imperials appeared to be losing.

Ian tried to defend himself. His TIEs managed to destroy the corvette but were losing against the X-wings. “Sir!” Y-wings are heading our way!” The Y-wings fired torpedoes. “Shields are holding!”

Still, the torpedoes caused some damage to the Stormy. Scootaloo ran as fast as she could to the hanger bay as there was an explosion. Forren managed to grab and pulled her away before debris blocked the way. “Dammit! The way to the hanger bay is blocked! Now the only way to get out of here alive is the escape pod. Let’s move!”

“Forren, look!” The heavily damaged Vampire was crashing into the frigate. The shockwave was strong enough to shake the Stormy. Scootaloo and serval Stormtroopers lost their balance while some others were able to keep it.

Then there was another explosion. “Alert! Hull breach in Sector 7! Alert!” Scootaloo and Forren were sucked almost into the vacuum. “Initiating emergency magnetic shield on sectors 7 and 8.” Scootaloo and Forren were stopped by the shield.

Forren grabbed Scootaloo. “Come on, we’re almost there!” An Alarm sounded.

“Move! Move! Move! Get out! Get out! Get out!” Several crew members boarded the escape pods. Forren boarded one with Scootaloo. They saw how the Stormy was heavily damaged.

A Y-wing attacked the shield generators and destroyed them. The Stormy was shaken again. “Sir! We lost our bridge deflector shield!”

“Intensify the forward batteries. I don't want anything to get through and take evasive action!” Ian ordered.

An X-wing was struck by turbolaser fire and spun out of control. “Intensify forward firepower!”

“Too late!” an officer shouted as the X-wing headed right for the bridge. Ian dived with the officer to cover.

The ponies watched everything. “All escape pods have been launched,” The droid said.
“I hope Scootaloo made it.” Misty feared for the worst as one escape pod landed near Ponyville.
A woman with a boy stepped out. “Mommy, we made it!”
“Yes we did. I hope Scootaloo made it too.” Rays knee was bleeding. Princess Celestia walked to them.

“Please don’t hurt us.”
“I won’t hurt you. “I’m Princess Celestia, the ruler of Equestria. I give you shelter until this is over. Here, let me help you” She used her horn to heal Rays wound.
“Thank you, your Highness.”

“Can you find out where the other escape pods have landed?” Twilight asked the probot.
“Yes. Several escape pods have been seen in the desert near Appleloosa. I will check it out.” The droid flew away. The ponies could watch everything with a magic big screen that Twilight had casted with a spell.

The droid found one escape pod. Forren stepped out. He was dazed from the impact of the landing. “Not my best landing. Scootaloo, are you hurt?”
“No I am alright.” She stepped also out.

Forren saw the probe droid. “Ah, your parents seem to found us.”
“Good but they should hurry.” She pointed to something in the distance.
Rebel Transports landed to unload Rebel troops. Forren saw that they were no regular troops. “Those guys are part of Kotas militia. I will protect you from the Rebels.” Forren said as the militia troops headed their way.

The first wave was militia Saboteurs. One of them shot the probe droid. Forren protected Scootaloo with his life. She went to cover behind some rocks. One Saboteur threw a grenade but Forren evaded it. Tokrin joined him. His escape pod was landed near Forrens. “Man, I’m glad to see you!”
“Me too Forren.”

They managed to survive the first wave. The second wave was Elites. Forren went to cover with Tokrin. “We’re pinned! What now?”
“Do you hear that sound?” Forren looked up to the sky. A TIE-fighter was going down. He crashed right into the Elites, killing every single one of them.

“He sacrificed his life for us.” Forren was distracted.
“Forren, behind you!” Scootaloo shouted.

A dying militia-Saboteur tried to shoot Forren, but was killed by a shot that came out of the crashed TIE-Fighter. “It takes more than a crash to kill me.” An only slightly injured Varn came out of the wreck of the TIE-Fighter.
“Varn! You’re alive!”
“Yes, Forren. But this battle was far from over.”

Misty and her husband, along with Princess Celestia, her guards, Princess Twilight and even Rainbow Dash tried to reach the landing site of the escape pod as fast as possible. Misty and Blizzard knew that Rainbow Dash was like a sister for Scootaloo and they liked it.

They reached a hill where they had a perfect view. But what they saw was horrible. The landing site was now a battlefield between the survived Imperials and Rebel forces. Also, X-wings were fighting against TIE-Fighters. In the middle of the battlefield was the destroyed corvette, which was still burning, as it was crashed into the planet. Suddenly, a shadow covered the ground.

“General Kota! The Star Destroyer! It’s crashing into the planet!” A Rebel trooper shouted via comlink. The Stormy hit the ground behind the Imperials. The shockwave was so great that even from that distance where the ponies where, it throw them over. Also, a large cloud of dust blocked everyone’s view for a brief moment.
The Shockwave could be felt miles away like in Ponyville.

The dusk cleared. The battle continued. Forren was fighting now militia Troops. “It’s too dangerous to fight with blasters! We can’t hurt the filly!” A trooper shouted.

Forren tried to evade the attacks and responded with a counterstrike of the butt of his rifle. It was not easy. Suddenly there was an explosion. 2 AT-ATs and 1 AT-ST had blasted their way out of the Stormy to aid the infantry.

The Rebels retreated. “Run Rebel scum!” A Stormtrooper shouted while shooting.
But the moment was only short-lived, as the militia got reinforced by Heavy Troopers.

“We must hold the line! Focus the attack on the walker!” A Heavy Trooper fired his rocket launcher at the AT-ST. With an explosion, it fell burning to the ground.

As it wasn’t bad enough, Y-wings were closing in. They attacked the walkers. One was about to fall to the ground. It was near Scootaloo, so Forren grabbed her to bring her to safety.

The impact was staggering. Forren had tunnel vision, his ears were ringing. Also, he could hear a siren.
After his vision cleared, he was shocked. The battle turned in favor of the Rebels. Scootaloo was crying and trembling as she could not bear the screams and the sounds of battle in general.

Gently dropping her, Forren prepared to fire at a militia Trooper that was too close for comfort. His rifle was overheated, so Forren switched to his sidearm, a Scout blaster.

With a shot to the head, the Trooper died. Forrens blaster was cooled.
But then he, Tokrin and Varn were pushed. Varn and Tokrin passed out.

Forren saw a young man with brown hair and eyes. He had two red lightsabers. He was the one who force-pushed him. Behind him was an old man with grey hair and eyes. He had also scars in his face. Forren identified him as General Rahm Kota.

Wanting to protect Scootaloo, he aimed his blaster at him, but Kota cut his blaster in half before he could shoot. As Forren was now defenseless, Kota pointed his lightsaber at him.

Forren cowered in fear. “Surrender Imperial, and we may show you mercy.” The young man putted a hand on Kotas shoulder.
“He’s beaten General. Let it go.”

“You’re right boy. This isn’t the way of a Jedi.”
“General Kota, what are you doing?!” Another young man shouted.
“What is the meaning of this, Trooper?”
“Sir, this is the Stormtrooper who helped me on Trasse.”
“Wait, Kevin?” Forren was confused.
“Yes it’s me. The Rebels attacked the prisoner transport that was supposed to bring me to Kessel. Where’s Scootaloo?”

He looked around despite the battle around them. The other young man heard crying. He carefully followed it. At the origin, he pointed one of his sabers at it.

Scootaloo was crying and cowering. As she saw the red blade pointed at her, she crawled backwards. “P-please, m-mercy I don’t want to die!” She pleaded for her life.

The man reacted by lowering the saber, as it remembered him of a similar situation when he was a child.

Forren was about to comfort her, as a shot hit her right wing. While it wasn’t supposed to be painful, she let out a painful scream.
Imperials and Rebels alike stopped the fight after she screamed. They saw her crying and holding her ‘wound.' The flesh was burned; a part of her prosthesis could be seen. Imperials and Rebels looked at their blasters, then themselves and finally their opposite. They all realized: This battle was for nothing. The only goal was to protect the filly. But it only resulted in hurting her. They dropped their weapons.

“Nopony hurts my sister and gets away with it!” Rainbow Dash tackled the young man to the ground. “What is going on here?” Celestia asked, flanked by her Royal Guards.

“My poor baby!” Misty wanted to be here for her daughter as her husband tackled Forren to the ground.
“Stay away from my daughter!”

Forren managed to get him off without hurting him as he sensed a disturbance. The second AT-AT was destroyed and threatened to fall to the site where Scootaloo was. Forren grabbed her and dived into a trench with her to be safe from the impact. Unfortunately, he landed with his head hard on the ground. Before he passed out, he tightened his grip as a piece of debris fell on them, that even Scootaloo was knocked out.

“Did he just…?” Rainbow Dash couldn’t believe what she just saw.
“Yes he did. Galen, help me to get the piece of debris of them. They both will need medical attention after this.”
“Yes, General.”

“I will inform the hospital.” Twilight teleported away. “Please, Scootaloo hold on.” She and the parents of Scootaloo prayed for her life.

Author's Note:

How did the rebels knew that the Imperials were here and will Scootaloo and Forren made it? Find out in the last chapter.

The battle inself was inspired by the battle of Jakku as I loved the desert terain and the downed Star destroyer in the middle of the map.
The part of the Vampire was inspired by this cutscene of the game for Episode III.
I was inspired by the Opening Cutscene for Survival on Tatooine to write the part where Forren and Scootaloo get out of the pod, while the part where the Stormy crashed into the planet and the intervention of the walkers was inspired by the battle of Kothis from Star Wars Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader