• Published 27th Jun 2012
  • 777 Views, 10 Comments

Waves of Discovery - Spanner

A new stunt by Rainbow Dash leads to long sea voyage to get her back and Dash has her own discovery.

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Waves of Discovery

By: Spanner

Prologue: Getting Out There


Her hooves felt hot and her wings ached, but she felt more free than she ever had before.

“I wish the girls could have seen that,” she said, while turning around and observing the slowly dissipating rainbow streak. Actively panting as she hovered in the sky, she searched for signs of land. However, upon bringing a hoof to her brow and scanning the horizon, land was nowhere in sight. The pegasis didn’t see anything but the blue of the sky and the ocean below. There was nothing but a few clouds and the smell of the salty ocean spray.

“Uh oh,” was all she could say.

At least this was all her fault, so nopony would feel guilty.


“She could be gone forever. This all my fault” an orange pony said, with a heavy southern accent.

“How is it your fault? I should have told you girls this was much too dangerous of an idea. Clearly, I’m at fault,” a white unicorn with a well kempt, purple mane chimed in.

Applejack shot a sideways questioning look. “You do know this is Dash were talkin about here; she loves danger.”

“Well, why yes, but…”

“Besides, this wasn’t some suicide mission. It was just supposed to be a simple little attempt. If I hadn’t a challenged her, she wouldn’t have had to prove me wrong,”

“Oh, uh,” a clearly distraught, yellow Pegasus flew up.

“If you need to blame somepony just blame me,” she said as her voice trailed off at the last few words. Her head dropped to look at the floor.

Both the white and orange mare stopped, to look at their Pegasus friend, saying “You?” in unison.

The two proceeded to look at each other in confusion. During the past conversation, a hyper-looking pink pony remained silent, while popping up behind everypony who spoke up. Fluttershy landed softly among the Applejack and Rarity.

“Please go on,” said Rarity in her usual regal tone.

“Yeah sugar cube, what’s your angle?” remarked AJ.

“Well, when Rainbow asked me what I thought about breaking the record…”

“Ooh ooh pick me I did it,” she said smiling. Both AJ and Rarity turned towards Pinkie Pie, with a look of puzzlement and annoyance. Fluttershy just looked meek and surprised.

“I’m sorry, I just wanted to be part of the party…I mean argument. Arguments are kind of like parties, except everpony is fighting, so I guess there not like parties. Fighting isn’t really fun is it? Unless its pillow fighting, because that can be really, really fun. So I guess arguments can be…”

“Pinky…Pinky…PINKY!” It took Rarity and AJ in unison to get her attention.

“Sorry,” she apologized, removing her hoof from her chin, still dwelling on her former thoughts on the subject.

“Go on dear,” Rarity said batting her eyelashes at Fluttershy.

“Well, when Rainbow asked me what I thought about breaking the record, I told her that she should do whatever makes her happy. Then she said that doesn’t help her make a decision, and that I should tell her what I really wanted. So I said that whatever she thinks is best for her… is fine.”

Fluttershy started lightly dragging a hoof slowly over the floor, before continuing.

“Then Dash sighed and clapped a hoof to her face. I don’t think she really meant what she said next.”

“I think you mean sarcasm sugar cube,” AJ almost cracked a smile, but promptly returned to a look of worry and concern.

“That is a lovely story, but I don’t see how”…Rarity got cut off by Spike as he slid down a ladder. He was coming down with some books with names like, Cartography of Equestria and Beyond, The World as We Know it and I’m a Pony in a Pony World.

“You girls should stop arguing. It isn’t going to help get Rainbow back,”

“Could you girls and Spike stop fighting, it’s not going help get Rainbow back!” A voice exclaimed, from the upper level of the library.

“But Twilight, that’s what I was trying…”

“Spike, everypony get up here. Besides, it is all obviously my fault,” said Twilight in an exhausted and sad tone; as sad and exhausted as yelling can sound. “Don’t step on the maps on your way in!”

The door was open, which would explain why she could have heard the commotion downstairs. Spike gulped as he saw the scene before him. The walls and floor were covered with maps. A few bare spots in the floor, were like islands among the grid patterns and scrolls of paper.

It took the group a few moments to realize that their purple friend was standing on a round wooden stool, set on top of a table. She looked almost as disheveled as the time of the Smarty Pants incident. However, instead of twitching and laughing maniacally, she was tapping and scratching a hoof to her head, mumbling lots of coordinates and names.

Twilight didn’t notice the group carefully making their way in, even though she had been spinning around on the stool. The lavender unicorn lost her hoofing and gave a yelp. Luckily Rarity caught her in her magic just before hitting the floor. Twilight gave the group a sideways smile before Rarity let go of Twilight. She fell on her back, sending many maps and scrolls into a shower of paper.

“I’m soo sorry dear. I have been working all day for the preparations. I’m not really used to lifting anything so heavy…I mean heavier than a roll of fabric,” Rarity blushed.

The lavender Unicorn, got up and shook her head and gave a slight glare. Rarity returned the look with an innocent smile and a batted her eyelashes.

After clearing some of the maps away from the floor around the table, Twilight magicked some stools around it. Eventually, when everypony was seated she levitated a letter, a few more charts, and some instruments to the table top.

“So, unfortunately this is not going to be as simple as traveling out in Rainbow’s direction and picking her up.

“Twilight, you don’t make anything simple.” Spike immediately bit his lip, gaining a scowl from the librarian.

“The first problem is she is potentially so far away that our current means of transport, such as the balloon will be insufficient. Luckily, the Princess has solved this.”

Twilight unrolled a letter with the Royal Seal in the middle of the table. Everypony knocked their heads together, as they rushed to read the letter.

Dear elements of harmony.

I can only imagine how much you worry about your lost friend. I would be so eager to join you myself, except I must attend to matters both in the present and those that could concern the future of Canterlot. The best I can do is to give you the means of travel for your journey.

Based on what Twilight has told me thus far, you will need to travel far out to sea. I have convinced a few members of the Royal Guard to supply you with transport to New Saddle. There you will find the ship you need. The crew is a friendly bunch and the Captain is an old friend of mine. His ship will take you the rest of your journey.

As for how you will track down your Pegasus friend, I am unsure.

Best of luck my little ponies. Finding your friend may not be important to just you.

Princess Celestia

PS: The captain is not a pirate.

There was a short pause, then a flurry of questions.

“What does she mean far out to sea?

“Well Rainbow was…”

“What does she mean ‘Finding your friend may not be important to just you’?” asked Applejack.

“If you recall, the…”

“We're going on a ship?”


“Is it a fancy ship?” asked Rarity.

“Why isn’t the captain a pirate?” asked Pinkie.

“I don’t …”

“How will we find her Twilight?”

“I don’t know. I mean, let me…aghhhh.” The questions kept beating down on Twilight. Her head lay on the table, with her ears covered by her hooves. Without warning, a crack was heard throughout the room and she was gone. A few moments later, hoof steps could be heard at the steps and the lavender mare re-entered the room.

“Ok.” I’m just going to tell you what I have figured out, and if you still have questions then you can ask.” Her voice was very rushed, so nopony would interrupt.

They were quiet and looked sorry for making her teleport.

“According to some data I collected; Dash can travel at about mach five at max, before transitioning into a sonic rainboom. After this point she about doubles her speed to mach ten. When she left our visible range her speed was increased by about thirty percent or mach thirteen. This is about 10,010 miles per hour. That means, she goes about 167 miles in a minute. Assuming she traveled at least 2 or three minutes, she could be at least 335 to 501 miles away.” Twilight paused.

“So do you want to hear the good news or the bad news first?” Twilight scanned the group expectedly.

They looked confused at what they had just heard. Understanding didn't go far beyond she is really far away. Applejack finally broke the silence.

“Let’s hear the good news first, I’ve heard bad news a plenty lately,” Applejack said with a frown.

“Well the good news is, I have been able to narrow down the search area and I have devised a way to track Rainbow, if we get close enough. Also, not that it matters right now, but Dash beat the record.”

“She really did it, well I’ll be darned. What’s the bad news? Of course besides bein lost of course,” Asked the vexed cowpony.

Twilight unrolled a map on the table.

“We are here.” She pointed to a small village symbol labeled Ponyville with a levitated compass. “This red line leading south east is roughly Rainbow’s flight path. The Yellow rounded cone is the area that she could be in after leaving our sight. This all depends on whether she changed direction or not.”

“But if that’s where you reckon she could be, then... she might be...”

“Somewhere in the middle of the ocean,” Rarity finished AJ’s thought. “There isn’t any land in most of that area, she could have…”

“Don’t say it,” a teary eyed Fluttershy wheezed. She covered her folded back ears.

“Now I understand why the princess wasn’t sure how we could track down Rainbow. Even if we were five miles away, we wouldn’t know.” The farm pony seemed to get more nervous.

“That’s right. If she missed the southern islands of Bridle Shores, she could be anywhere in the heart of Eternity’s Crossing. There isn’t much land, so we may... already be too…”

Applejack, Rarity and Pinkie nodded in understanding. Twilight didn’t need to say more. The awkward silence, left Twilight looking down at the wooden floor, lightly tapping an irregular rhythm.

The orange mare, removed her stetson hat and lowered her head to Fluttershy’s level. “Are you going to be ok? Do you need to leave for a spell?” Fluttershy shook her head.

She then turned to pinky who didn’t seem all that concerned. “What’s with you Pink, aren’t ya worried she could be gone?”

“Of course she’s gone. She’s isn’t here, but she’s not gone gone,” replied Pinky with exasperation.

“What the hay is that supposed to mean.”

“Remember when I got the signs that Fluttershy was in trouble at the bog. Well, I have a similar sense that happens when somepony I know really well… passes away. Dashie disappeared and I haven’t gotten it yet. All we need to do is find her.”

Everypony looked at Pinky, and gave a slight sigh of relief.

“Why didn’t you mention this earlier?” The Orange earth pony, still had a look of annoyance.

“Do tell” added Rarity.

“I don’t like to talk about it, and you didn’t ask silly.” Her pink hair sagged for a split second.

Twilight looked clearly annoyed.

“This next bit of news is both good and bad. My first concern brought up by Celestia’s letter was why she mentioned that ‘Finding your friend may not be important just to you.’ I knew it had to be something Dash had, that nopony else does. Then it hit me. The answer will also help us find her. What is it that Dash and all of us have in common?”

“Oh I know. Were all ponies and all girls and live in Ponyville,” said Pinkie, waving a hoof and falling over.

“Yes that’s true, but not what I was thinking of,” Twilight said with a slight smile.

“Well I ain’t got the darndest idea Twi.”

“Neither do I,” says Rarity.

“Oh just tell us,” Fluttershy said leaning over the table.

“The answer, is an Elements of Harmony. More specifically, the Element of Loyalty. Without it, we can't find Rainbow or use the elements against an attack. ”


She drifted back and forth, tapping her head for ideas and then realized three things. One, she was really tired, two Twilight’s spell had worn off and three, her pacing back and forth had caused her to lose track of the exact way back. Her trail had all but dissipated. All of this culminated to, there being no hope in going back.

She could take her best shot at the way to home, but it was too far to make a mistake. On the other hoof, she had no idea what was ahead. All she knew for sure, was staying here would tire her out and she would drown. With a look full of confidence, the sound of flapping began.

“Wings, don’t fail me now.”

The only land I remember was way back. There has to be something ahead.

That thought was almost two and a half hours ago. The pegasi’s pace was going down bit by bit, and so was her altitude. The breeze was pleasantly cool and the glow of a fantastic sunset had started to form.

If I wasn’t in mortal danger, this would be awesome. If... no, when I live through this, I think I’ll fly around the ocean more often.

Hours more passed and her eyes slowly closed. Rainbow Dash bolted awake, shaking her head.

“You can’t sleep now Dash.”

The prismatic pegasus was passing in and out. Her flight path was a bob up and down. It was starting to rain as it grew darker. Many grey clouds were visible in the dark blue vale. Normally she hated flying in the rain, but this was keeping her awake. The mare’s face winced and relaxed every now and then, as the droplets flowing over her wing muscles soothed some of the pain.

Why are my hooves so cold, now my legs? What is with all this water in my room?

The light blue head tipped up from her bed, realizing her cloud castle was flooded up to her neck. Dash woke up just in time to see the salty water rise over her. In panic, she inhaled a swig of salt water.

The small cyan pony kicked and flurried under the waves, struggling to fight her way up as waves pounded down. Even her wings were at work to help break the surface of the watery grave.

Finally, she made it coughing and hacking with the taste of salt in her nose and mouth. It had become pitch black. The sound of thunder filled her ears. She could briefly see the disturbances in the glistening water, as lightning bolts shot out of the sky.

Treading water and tipping her back upward, she flapped her wings in an attempt to shake some of the water out. Her legs were cramping up, almost sending her under again.

She had never been a good swimmer, and knew getting airborne was her best chance. The ordeal reminded her of when the dam broke, except this time no superhero would save her.

New determination showed on her face. You can do this… “YOU CAN DO THIS!”

The clumps of feathers started to break apart from being soaked in seawater. With all her concentration on getting lift her body was out of the water, taking to the sky.

Rainbow took her classic flying pose, both hooves stretched out before her. The plan was to make her way up and over the storm.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw something in the short flashes of light. A dark shadowy shape was illuminated, promptly disappearing in the black. Rainbow Dash stopped to get a better look. A small smile formed on her muzzle. There was no mistaking it this time.

...It was land.

Evasive maneuvers were so much harder when tired like this, but hours of practice still made it look easy.

“Wings, don’t fail me now. Just a little bit farther,” she said, in an almost whisper. Energy was fading from her. Tapping into reserves of energy, she continued.

Another strike came way too close for comfort. Her body twisted out of the way and a wing cramped for a moment. She was sent tumbling. With a grunt and a hard flap later, she was back on track.

The coast was visible now. She was too high for a good landing angle, but it was now or never. Attempting to lower her altitude, both of her wings cramped. The cyan blue body, barrel rolled through the canopy of some trees, crashing to the foreign ground.


END Part 1

Here is a map. Yellow is general search area. Doted red is general sailing direction.