• Published 27th Jun 2012
  • 777 Views, 10 Comments

Waves of Discovery - Spanner

A new stunt by Rainbow Dash leads to long sea voyage to get her back and Dash has her own discovery.

  • ...

Chapter One: Coping With It

Great tracks I listened to while writing: Thievery Corporation, Radio Retaliation; Gramatik, Water For The Soul.

Chapter One: Coping


News of Rainbow’s accident was known by nearly everypony, and Twilight was sure there would have been a big send off. That was a delay she and the others agreed to avoid. Even pinkie, begrudgingly agreed saving time was more important than a “proper” send off. Two days had already passed. Nothing could be done the day of her disappearance, except the early stages of planning. The next day had been getting all affairs in order for the trip.

Applejack sent letters to a few family members to tend to the farm, Rarity regretfully closed her shop and had a connection in Canterlot continue her orders. Fluttershy was surprised that Lyra and Bon Bon, agreed to watch over the animals and Twilight sent for a Castle Librarian to take over for her. As for Sugar Cube Corner, The Cakes insisted the shop could be handled.

The guards pulled the five mares, plus one baby dragon into the main street to take off. Only a few early rising shop owners and citizens were milling about. The townsfolk looked up, with expressions that were almost as serious as the guards pulling the two chariots. Due to the amount of luggage and numerous passengers, the pegasi had to get a galloping start. The large, wooden, spoked wheels started to pick up speed and the beating of wings picked up pace.

“Wait...Wait!” A small orange Pegasus was trying to catch up to the carts. Twilight motioned a stop. The orange filly screeched to a halt on her scooter, forced to slide sideways so as not to ram into the chariots.

“You…have…to bring her back,” the young filly said between breaths. “How can I run a Rainbow Dash club, without Rainbow Dash?” Rarity realized Scootaloo was beginning to get teary eyed. She hopped off the cart and wrapped a foreleg around the small philly.

“We will find her, I just know it. You don’t need to cry.”

“I’m not going to cry. Rainbow Dash wouldn’t do something uncool, like cry,” Scootaloo said, as she wiped her face and tried to put on a serious face.

“Oh darling Scootaloo, crying just shows that you really, really care about something.”

“That must mean you really care about everything Rarity,” Applejack mused.“I’m sorry, force of habit. I know it must be hard missin your biggest inspiration.

“You don’t know what it’s like. She...she was supposed to start giving me flying lessons. She promised.” Scootaloo’s face twisted from sorrow to slight anger.

Twilight turned to face the distraught child.

“I know what it’s like. When Celestia was cast down, during the invasion, I felt as though I may have lost the world. Not because she was defending Equestria, but because she is my teacher, my mentor. Celestia is like a...second mother to me.

“It’s not the same! I don’t even have one mother.” Scootaloo, broke away from Rarity. The words cut into Twilight with surprise.

The lavender unicorn’s head drooped down for a few moments. The orange philly was breathing heavy.

Twilights voice was quiet, but clear enough. “You know, I have seen Rainbow cry before?”

“No...no way!” The young pegasus came closer and refocused her gaze upward.

“Oh yes, on a few occasions.” A soft smile showed on Twilights muzzle as she looked down. This seemed to distract the orange filly from some distress. The orang pegasis jumped, as a light yellow wing covered her back and brought her into the warm body. The grasp was resisted at first, then tears were shed from both pegasi.

“Ms. Sparkle, we must be on our way to New Saddle.”

“Of course sirs.” Twilight gave a nod to the group and everypony re-boarded the chariots. Fluttershy took a few extra moments with Scootaloo, whispering something in her ear, before joining the mane five.

“You can plan a party for us,” said Pinkie Pie, ecstatic as always. Scootaloo waved as they took off. Soon, Ponyville shrank out of view, along with the few early rising denizens of the small town.


The argument could be heard, long before the knock at the library door.

“Hello Applejack and Rainbow Dash.”

“Hi Twilight,” Applejack and Rainbow responded, and then turned to argue again. “Speed is my game; I’ve been practicing my whole life to be the fastest flyer. If I can win the best young flyer’s competition, I think I can beat a simple flat out dash.” Rainbow put a hoof to her chest, radiating confidence.

“HA, you said dash, and that’s your name,” Pinkie fell to the ground laughing outside the library.

Applejack glanced at pinkie for a moment, then turned back to tap Rainbow in the chest in retort. “Anyway, I still think you’re biting off more than you can chew here,”

“Are you three just going to stand there and argue, and…roll on the ground or are you coming inside?” Applejack and Rainbow, stopped arguing for a moment then entered the library.

"So what are you two so worked up over? What can a good friend like me do for you?” she said, stressing the good with a broad smile.

“Now Twi. Don’t be so coy. You’re the worst liar I ever did meet. I didn’t even need to be the Element of Honesty to see through that.” The orange mare shot her a serious glance. “You know we're both here, because of a certain book you lent Dash here,” indicating a fat book with the title Equiness Book of World Records. “You knew that Dash would find that record and have a hankering’ to take it on.”

Rainbow dash hovered in the air, with her arms crossed, ready to hear the unicorn's response.

“Is that a bad thing?” Pinkie Pie was hoofing through the pages. Pinkie was being distracting, with her many expressions of awe, disgust, confusion and excitement.

“No I guess not, but you really think she can beat that record?”

“Yes I actually do.”

“Is she going to beat the record for longest distance traveled by pogo stick under water, because I think I could beat that record easy peasy!,” Pinkie Pie said in excitement.

“Huh,” Everypony looked at her for a moment.

“No, I think AJ is talking about the fastest recorded flight speed of a pegasus.” There wasn’t any use in hiding her part anymore.

“Well in that case…” Pinkie started to bounce her way out the door.

“Where are you going Pinkie?”

"To go practice my pogo sticking while holding my breath, duh. Oh and Applejack should try the fasted flight speed of an earth pony, on stilts.”

AJ refocused her attention. “So you think a little pegasus like Rainbow can beat an alicorn’s record?” Her voice and expression were full of doubt.

“Not to deny any skepticism, but I believe she has a chance.”

Rainbow Dash, finally spoke.“Well thank you Twilight, for believing in my awesomeness.”

The record book was levitated into view, flipping to the appropriate page.

“It’s not your “awesomeness” it’s my scientific analysis and fact collection that backs up the case”

“See AJ, Twilight says my awesomeness is scientifical, scienti…proven by science.” The purple unicorn sighed and facehoofed.

“Based on my analysis of the record and what I have seen Rainbow perform, she has a few advantages. One, she is smaller than an alicorn. This gives her less wind resistance. Two, the alicorn that set the record, was allowed to use magic auras.”

“I don’t see a horn growin’ on Rainbow,” Interrupted Applejack.

“That may be true, but I mailed the judges and convinced them that because the record setter was allowed to use magic, anypony who wanted to challenge the record should also be allowed to have magical auras.”

“I still don’t get it.”

Twilight pointed at her horn.

“Oh, then what’s number three?”

“Three, is the sonic rainboom.” Detailed charts graphs and diagrams, were brought over in a pink veil of magic.

“I’ll just be leavin you two to your fancy mathematics.”

Rainbow Dash, nodded as the finer details were explained.

“…and with this spell and your sonic rainboom, you should be able to crush the record at speeds around mach 13. Rainbow Dash looked excited and confused at the blackboard and equations.

“So, um. How did you gather the know how to figure this out, and mach 13 are you insane?” Dash looked suspiciously at her.

“I may have taken a few measurements at Cloudsdale after your performance.”

Rainbow’s gaze narrowed.

“Okay, okay, I may have also watched you through my telescope…and sometimes from the bushes or trees...and one time in the balloon, while invisible.”

Rainbow glared in annoyance and blushed in slight embarrassment.

"I had recently become enthralled by an aeronautics craze, and you were the best... live subject.”

“Watched or spied?” Rainbow asked in accusation.

She could feel the embarrassment.

After an awkward silence, Rainbow moved on. “So you’re sure this won’t kill me?”

“As I explained before, all pegasi have a natural dampening field. Yours seems much more developed than others, probably due to your extreme aerobatics. Rainbow made an awe yeah look. This field is also gives pegasi the ability to fly, compensating for wing size versus lift capacity. The spells I cast, should increase your field’s power. You shouldn’t have to worry too much if you’re going straight. However, If you turn the G-forces could be…less than comfortable.”

Rainbow started to look bored, but her ears perked up at her next comment.

“What you should be worried about is…

“Twilight…Twilight. Are you okay darling? You have been staring blankly for a while.”

“Oh, yes Rarity. I was just making sure I didn’t forget anything.”


A small cyan shape could be seen through the break in the canopy foliage. Sunbeams highlighted the groove created by the crash, along with the streaks of dried crimson on the body. Brush and debris, were caught in the rainbow colored mane and tail. As the heat bore down, the small equine figure slowly rolled off of her side, emanating a quiet groan. The l mare’s eyes were still closed, clenching tighter as her gaze turned towards the morning sun.

Ok, time to see if everything is working.

She set her right hoof forward for support, then the left. As she set down weight, the joint above the left hoof fired in pain. The weak figure collapsed back to the ground. Her right wing gave a spasm of pain as she hit the earth. She could only open her eyes a little at a time, as the bright light was still too intense. A slight ringing was left in her ears, even after shaking her head a few times.

Gotta get up.

Looking down she could see the swollen joint above her hoof. First the right hoof, then the left.

This is easy stuff Rainbow.

Compensating for the weakness, a wobbly stance was finally achieved. There were aches throughout her body, but her hind legs seemed more or less in working order.

“Ok, now for those wings.”

She flapped the left lightly then neatly folded it to her side. She looked back at her right wing, realizing it was bent over her back at an awkward angle. Seeing it brought on a new wave of aching pain.

“No no no! This...this can’t happen.”

Fear was building in her gut, as she scoped out the surroundings. Her eyes traced up the trough her body had carved in the ground. The gouged ground lead toward the shore. Dash desperately limped her way to the shore line. The sound of breaking waves and ocean mist grew stronger. The salt water stung her cuts, but also soothed her swollen leg with cool waters. Reluctantly, the mare’s head turned her gaze to her reflection. She looked awful, like the zombie ponies spike showed her in his comics.

Veins of blood matted her coat, coming from many cuts and scrapes. Her eyes finally settled on her injured wing, confirming her greatest fears.

“No no no.”

It was hard to see under the dried blood but the small tip of white bone was unmistakable. She jerked her head away, but the image hung vividly in her mind. Her head slumped down, as she hobbled closer to the edge of the trees and the mare let herself down in the sand.

“That’s it Rainbow. You can’t get back now. You just had to go and get yourself all mangled.” Rainbow’s chin lay in the fine white grains, a hoof struck solidly against the nearest tree, in an attempt to fight back tears.

Not far from shore her sobs were drowned out by the rolling waves. Farther out, the technicolor and cyan mass was nearly invisible. Shedding tears only made things worse. The spasms of breath caused all the injuries in her body to scream out, especially her broken wing. The pegasus remained in the same position, as her shadow rotated degree by degree.

What am I doing? How could I act so pitiful?

She observed her matted, bloodied and sandy coat. The misshapen wing mocked her.

With things like this there is no hope.

The small cyan pegasus stood up slowly, turning towards the rippling tide. She marched forward, with sure steps. The water was over her hooves, then up to her flank. The thought of her friends, Ponyville and passion for flying passed through her mind in one blurred haze. The salt stung on all her wounds, like the sting of a swarm of bees, but she kept going.

Time to get this over with.

After a slight hesitation, she dunked under the water, becoming fully submerged. The salty solution licked over her wing. A big gulp of seawater was inhaled as the pain coursed through her open wound. The signals traveled through her back and took refuge in her stomach. She was still as a buoy for a moment…then another, suddenly she twitched and shook her body.

No sooner did Rainbow make it to shore before she threw up. She remembered Twilight saying something about cleansing wounds with salt water, but she was sure jumping in the ocean is not what Twilight would recommend. Twilight’s egg-headedness was part of her realization. No matter how much suffering she was going through, she had to endure...somehow. As long as she was alive, she felt she owed it to her friends to hang on until they got there. That or she found a way to them. Rainbow felt ashamed for losing her cool.

Good thing Scoots didn’t see me back there. No stupid island beats Rainbow Dash.

Besides being sticky with salt and her odd wing, she at least looked cleaner than before. Cleaner in dash standards. However, the hardest part was yet to come.

One, two, three… Hesitation took hold. There aren’t many other choices. She couldn’t even sleep, as she kept rolling over her broken wing. It was at such an odd angle she had woken up multiple times from the cascade of pain. More importantly if she left it this way it would never heal properly. The avid flyers face winced at the notion, but soon her face grew resolute.

Already queasy from the very thought of the idea, she picked up a broken stick in her mouth. "Un…ouu…ree…" With a quick up and down flap of her battered wing, the sound of shifting bone against bone resonated in her head. She spit the stick out, which had deep teeth marks. The sick feeling in her stomach multiplied, causing a choking gag. As the adrenaline wore off, her breathing slowed. The dizziness of shock set in and the small pony once again fell unconscious.

Dash arose to what she figured to be late afternoon. Time of day was pretty easy to tell for a weather patrol expert. She gazed up at the sky, already longing to take off. She felt it odd that the sun in the sky now, was the same one Fluttershy and the others would be seeing. A little blood, had sprouted once again from moving her injured wing. The next couple hours were spent jerry rigging a splint from branches and vines. It wasn’t pretty, but at least her wing looked more aligned and she could nap without problems. She carefully tested the movement of her wingtips and she exhaled in relief, that they were still functioning

Having thrown up what was left in her stomach, she was reminded that she hadn’t eaten anything for almost two days. As she explored the thick masses of trees and vines for food, she couldn’t help but to draw similarities to Daring Do. Especially the one she had read in the hospital. The mare looked back and forth suddenly, listening carefully. She just hoped the similarities would end before she was surrounded by predators. After hours of searching, she kind of hoped something might jump out of the lush foliage. Things were getting dull, and all she could find was an odd slightly bruised fruit.

It was shaped like a bloated lemon and had the color and feel of an orange peel. Whatever it was it wasn’t anything she had seen. Figuring no better way to eat it she started by peeling it. The inside was purple with many large seeds. Rainbow paused just before it touched her lips.

It could be poison or the seeds could be poison or it could cause weird hallucinations.

Weird hallucinations wouldn’t be soo bad…she was bored and hungry, but poison not so much. The fruit in question, was set on a log. She slowly made her way around the fruit staring at it as if it would divulge some information.

If it’s poison I die, if I don’t eat I starve. “Ah what the hay? It’s all you’ve got Rainbow. Happy birthday to me.” Rainbow Dash half hoped half expected the a peppy Pinkie Pie to burst out from a bush, with a surprise and streamers.

she remembered it was today. the thought made her smile at first, until she remembered the day of pranking she had planed with the party pony. After tearing the fruit in half, then tearing it in half again, she took a small bite. Her face tightened and her eyes watered. “Soo sour.”

“At least it’s...food.”

After waiting ten minutes with no ill effects, she ventured deeper into jungle, disappearing into the thicket of trees and vines.


The flight to New Saddle went relatively smoothly, besides Applejack getting airsick. Twilight just wished the same could be said about the current situation, as stool narrowly missed her head and splintered on the wall behind her.

Nopony amongst them had been to New Saddle, but Twilight had read a bit about it. Many buildings of stone and wood, not unlike buildings in Ponyville, were built up and around the coast. The whole town seemed to be settled on a large slope that ran down to many harbors and docks. What made this town so much different than Ponyville, besides all the sailors, merchants, and moving cargo cranes, was all the noise, especially by all the commotion at the docks. Noise was greatest near the main road, which paralleled the docks. Low and high whistles pierced the air, shouting vendors aggressively pitched their trades, preaching prophets spoke of various dogmas, carts constantly thundered down the cobblestone road, exotic animals screeched and growled from their cages and orders to shippers and movers could be heard, as cargo was scrambled on and off the decks of various vessels.

The groupe got strange looks from sailors and denizens, as they passed by. A circle of gruff looking colts, surrounded by a rowdy crowd, stopped mid mid fight to gaze at the odd newcomers. Rarity turned away from a toothless grin she received from a stranger in an alley. Fluttershy frowned as she saw the caged animals, cramped and underfed.

“There’s nothing we can do sugar cube,” said the country pony, when they passed.

They had arrived early, and still had time after making their way through the many streets and alleys to the docks. Dock 23 was empty, but they left their luggage in view of dock guards. Not quite trusting of the locals, Twilight tipped them a few bits. The colts pretended not to be surprised at the obvious overtip.

Pinkie Pie finished examining a large cannon being hoisted by two sailors and turned to the groupe. “We may as well go eat and explore. Just because we’re on a super important quest, doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy some eats and sights.”

There was a general hunger in the group and this certainly was an interesting change of pace. However, every place they went seemed to be a tavern or bar. Giving up on finding anything more innocent looking, they headed into the “least threatening” establishment.

“Spike it’s probably best you stay outside. You can go back to the dock, if you like.” A concerned twilight put a hoof to silence his objections.

“Don’t worry little Spiky Wikey, well get something for you.” Spike’s cheeks reddened at Rarity’s comment as they entered.

Fluttershy showed up a few moments later. “Oh spike, did they go in there?” she asked nervously.

“Yeah, but why weren’t you with them?” She looked like she was about to break into a sweat.

“Ok, thanks bye,” she said as she slinked in through the door.

The Salty Hoof Tavern, was set in the row of buildings behind those that stood closest to the docks. The street was fashioned from small cobble, with pot holes and mud a plenty. The wood beams, set in between the plastered walls of the building, were weathered and cracked on the outside and glossy smooth from the touch of visitors on the inside. An earth pony was complaining that a unicorn wasn't releasing his magic on his darts at the line. Applejack observed a mighty fine hoof wrestle, anxious to challenge the winner. almost every patron had some sort of blade, weather it be attached attached to their belt or strapped to a leg. They had certainly picked a popular spot. The crowd was a mix of ponies griffons and a few menatours, that hung in a private corner of the tavern.

“Ha…ha haheh. You think this is a restaurant. We don’t serve daisy sandwiches or gems. Twilight looked taken aback by the hysterical rejection of the bar tender.

“What sort of food do you serve then,” Rarity asked as respectfully as she could.

The large stallion looked up and down the white pony, eyeing her propper sun hat and matching dress. He adjusted collar, which sprung back to a wrinkled mess.

“Well we certainly don’t serve your type” He pointing at a sign near the door and behind him.

Welcome to the hard working folk, beware the prim and proper.

“I’ll serve your orange friend here.”

Applejack shouted in triumph, as a hoof slammed down on the table nearby. “Now who's’ next?,”she said eying a few curious gentlecolts, rising from tables nearby.

“She looks like a hardworking cowpony, but the rest of you Canterlot types give us hard working types a sour taste. We bust our chops down here, while pansies up in the city make bags o bits, off of so called fancy art and sewing.”

“Why I never…”

“On top of that we pay almost the same taxes, which are nothing to you folks, and you think you can come in here and order a sandwich and gems.”

“Now you listen here, you ruffian. I am not from Canterlot. I am a hard worker from Ponyville.”

“A hard worker in daisy picking!” Applejack’s current challenger got distracted by the commotion. He begrudgingly made way for the next competitor. The farmmare was keeping an eye on her friends at the bar.

Pinkie looked nervous as she switched her gaze between the two hotheads. “We can just be friends. Let’s just stop fighting.” They turned and barked “NO!” in unison. Pinkie grew meek, as her mane deflated a little and Fluttershy just hid under a stool shaking. The patron sitting in the stool looked down in annoyance.

“Uh I think it might be best to oblige to that there suggestion.” A few colts that had followed the cowpony, nodded in agreement.

“Yep yep yep.” Pinkie was already her cheerful self again

Customers at the tavern were all focused on the bar or the hoof wrestling upset and the steaming bartender.

“If you will serve me, I’ll take five ciders and salt blocks, plus a round for these gentlecolts,” said AJ as she desperately tried to intercept Rarity’s tirade about the importance of art and fashion. The orange earth pony had gotten up from the table, ready to assist her friends.

Just as she ushered rarity out of the way, a bottle smashed squarely in the bartender’s face. Any other pony may have been knocked out cold, but he had obviously been in a scrap or two.

Rarity turned around in rage, “IT IS ON!”

“Who the hay threw that?” The bartender said. He spotted a guilty looking subject hiding behind a hand of cards.

The enraged bartender chucked an empty bottle. Unfortunately his aim wasn’t as good as his observation skills, and he hit a passing sailor. His shipmates looked up and retaliated, as their friend hit the floor out cold. Friends of the bartender joined in, and vaulted behind the counter.

Twilight quickly levitated a card table to intercept the bottles and stools, upsetting the card players.

It turned into a madhouse. Twilight ushered her friends behind four levitated tables for cover. It was like a Spartan Phalanx formation. As they made their way towards the door, Pinkie and Rarity were grabbing anything not bolted down and releasing a barrage of debris, through the openings between the tables. Pinkie’s Pinkie senses were going haywire. Applejack and her new friends followed the floating tables, firing back at the crowd. The crashing of glass and wood, was mixed with grunts and shouts.

They were almost at the door when new hoof steps came through the door. A loud bang made everypony freeze. After a few moments of panic, Twilight ducked down to view the newcomer from under the hovering tables. They were a light reddish brown color, with a short, black, cape, covering their flank. She couldn’t see their mug, but she could see the tip of a smoky grey tail. It was hard to tell if his color was faded from age, dirt or both.

“I’m lookin for a Twilight Sparkle.” There was a moment’s pause, “Well?” Nopony stirred. “Purple Unicorn, probably showed up a half hour ago?”

The voice confirmed they were a stallion, as Twilight had expected from his build. She heard the sound of something pouring and the clinking of metal. Whatever he was doing was making everypony uneasy. Too curious for her own good, Twilight lowered the forward table slowly, and peered over the edge. She hadn’t been noticed yet. He was focused on some contraption in his hooves.

He had a grizzled face and a mane to match. A slightly weary expression, along with a pale coat probably made him look older than he was. It didn’t help that a lack of shaving gave him a case of five o’clock shadow. The stranger suddenly looked up, scaring the purple mare so badly that she lost her concentration. The four tables crashed to the ground.

“Ah, there you are. This makes things easy,” he said, as he finished jamming a rod down his blunderbuss.

“Well, get moving” he said as he kept his weapon drawn towards potential attackers in the tavern.

It was either leave with the armed stranger or risk getting pelted by the perturbed patrons at the bar. The group hesitated, until Twilight took the initiative to follow him out the door.

“Hey Iron lass! If you survive out there, I want a rematch.”

“Sure thing sugar cube,” Applejack answered, before slipping out the door.”

“Horseapples! Who’s payin for this?” The barkeep wiped his face and snorted.


END part 2

Thanks for reading, and pleas comment any thoughts; negative or positive are welcome.