• Published 27th Jun 2012
  • 777 Views, 10 Comments

Waves of Discovery - Spanner

A new stunt by Rainbow Dash leads to long sea voyage to get her back and Dash has her own discovery.

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Chapter Two: Party Conflict

Chapter 2: Party Conflict


The atmosphere of the town outside of the tavern had changed. There was a new sense of tension among the town of New Saddle. Ponies were rushing here and there, locking doors and windows as they disappeared behind them. As far as the mane five and spike could tell, everypony seemed to be rushing away from the docks.

They silently followed the caped stranger, with spike and Fluttershy hiding behind Rarity and AJ. The tension was still high, even after the stranger had holstered his pistol; not to mention he also bore a cutlass. As they trotted up dock 23, Twilight froze at the sight of a black hulled ship. The wood was blackened by fire and a layer of tar. She easily recognized the distinctive profile.

From the books Twilight had checked out from the Canterlot Library, she knew that ‘The Jackal’ was a brig ship, captained by Grim Blade. A scoundrel deadly in close quarters combat, with powerful magical barriers that protect protect from almost any projectile. Legend says he has even blocked a cannon ball.

But how was his ship here? It had been reported sunk at the edge of the trade routes.

There was no time to indulge her curiosity now. Twilight startled her friends as she swiveled around with a worried look on her face. They didn’t need a verbal queue to know it was a run now kind of face. Unfortunately, it was already too late.

A pegasus, a yellow unicorn, and a very large earth pony cut off their escape. They were halfway down a boardwalk, with no way out, unless they took the high plunge off of the dock. Still a risky proposition, as the dock was built up a ram to accommodate taller ships. The pegasus looked as though they were about speak, but Applejack reeled around to buck the unicorn in the way.

The orange earth pony almost called on Rainbow Dash to back her up, quickly remembering that impossibility. Fluttershy froze at the sight of the large smoky colored stallion, before Rarity stepped in front of her with a defensive stance. She uttered something about being uncouth. Spike stood next to the white unicorn with the toughest look he could make, While Pinkie PIe had disappeared all together.

“Everypony Freeze! just calm down.” The six friends expected to be facing the muzzle of a pistol, thus everypony obliged to the command. To the group's’ surprise, the three cutting off their escape, retreated a little. The stranger looked slightly confused as to what had spooked them so much. The caped stallion looked at Twilight’s horrified stare, then at the harbored ship. He let out a short chuckle, when he realized the answer.

“What in the hay is going on?” said AJ, still ready to fight. Pinkie Pie was dead still behind the the three blocking ponies, with a barrel lifted over her head.

“This ship sails under friendly flags, so to say. You don’t have to worry. Call me Captain Weatherside,” he gave a short deep nod. “I was given official command of ‘The Jackal’...by Celestia.” The princess’s name was spoken in a hushed tone.

It wasn’t until “by Celestia” was mentioned, that everypony calmed down. Twilight gave an exhaustive sigh.

“Wait, he could be lyin. Why is there a pony skull and bones on that there flag? ” said a cross Applejack. Weatherside checked for eavesdroppers, scanning back and forth towards the other docks, before revealing a letter with the royal seal. “I can explain later, but is this proof enough?” said the captain. Nopony spoke for a bit, and Applejack still had a look of mistrust.

Finally, the lavender mare broke the silence. “This certainly isn’t how I expected to meet the captain of this voyage, but thanks for help at the tavern.”

“I could say I was just as surprised by you and your friends. You certainly know how to make the locals happy. Your wit for recognizing a ship that has never been photographed on a first hoof basis from that distance, certainly doesn’t disappoint Celestia’s description of you Ms. Sparkle. However, based on your blunders so far, I'd say you have a lot to learn about the way things work out here.”

Twilight flushed red. “You give me too much credit. It was easy to figure out, once I saw the two sets of square sails, counted the guns, saw the woodwork on the quarterdeck and estimated the length compared with the other docked boats. I also should have figured you were the captain we seeked, sooner. A lot of paperwork or the right contacts are necessary to carry a firearm. A captain who is friends with the princess is just the sort to have such privileges. Now that I think about it, the letter from the princess said something about the captain is not a pirate.”

“That was not a compliment.” Seeing the sad expression on her face, Captain Weatherside changed the subject. “So she called me a friend huh?” He seemed to dwell on something for a moment, then continued on. “Before we get on our way, I was curious if you knew anything about”…

Some metal pins fell out from beneath Fluttershy’s wings, with a smile and squee from the yellow pegasus.

“About a large number of escaped animals...” Well that answers that question. He didn’t pursue the topic further and changed topics. “Is your pink friend coming?” Weatherside asked, looking at the statuesque party pony.

“You didn’t say unfreez, remarked Spike, with mild exasperation.

Only because I owe you Celestia. This group is going to be a hoofull of trouble, thought the weary captain.

The five ponies and dragon, followed the other four further down the large boardwalk to a large platform in front of the docked ship. Weatherside stood before a line of ponies, which included the three they encountered moments ago, with the addition of two more. He motioned for the mane five to line up in a similar fashion, facing the other group. The brown cloaked stallion, paced up and down between the two lines while he spoke.

“I may be the captain, but since half of you are new to life at sea, you will be assigned under a member of my crew. I expect you to learn from them, listen to them and follow them, unless directed otherwise by me. He began to call names, and the pairings met half way. As each name of the captain’s crew members was addressed they stepped forward and shook with their partner, some more reluctantly than others.


“Yes sir,” she replied with a sour face.

“You will be working the sails with Bitt.” It was the same yellow unicorn she had nearly bucked. As they shook hooves, Bitt leaned in close. His teal and turquoise mane almost brushed Applejack’s ear, as he whispered.

“I may be ordered to work with you, but that doesn't mean I have to like it.”

“I was just thinkin the same thing.I don’t trust you anyhow.” Applejack returned in the same snide tone as he had made.


“Present.” Rarity stepped forward and gave a curtsy.

“Help Chips with maintenance and repairs.” Rarity pulled out a cloth to shake hoofs with a wary, tired looking unicorn stallion. With a brown coat and mustard colored mane. He had no words and rarity didn’t push for any.

“Pinky Pie.”

“Yay, that’s me,” she said hopping energetically as always.

“You’ll be working with Hardtack, on ration management and preparations.

“Oh boy, cooking is only like one of my most favoritest things after parties and bonanzas, and hoedowns and maybe a good fiesta.” Pinkie’s nature seemed to please the large grey stallion with a coal colored cap. He lifted Pinkie off the ground with his hoofshake as she giggled.


“Ye…yes,” she stuttered.

“You will work the watch with Windlass. Fluttershy noticed the pegasus addressed as Windlass, was one of those who had had blocked them at the pier.

“I’m sorry bout our misunderstandin earlier.” The blue-green pegasus had a red braided tail, short cut mane, with red irises to match. Her accent reminded fluttershy of Applejack.

“It...It’s okay,” Fluttershy stuttered, as that shook hooves, without direct eye contact.


“I’m ready. What do you want me to do?”

“Well, the doc. works pretty well alone, but I’m sure Dr. Breeze won’t mind having an assistant.”

“Sure thing.”

“I hope you are ready to learn a lot. Details are important in my line of work.” The stallion adjusted a pair of spindly round glasses.

Spike looked up at the dark-brown pegasus, with an orange mane, before speaking. “I happen to live with the most studious mares I have ever met. I know what it means to hit the books.”

Cool Breez gave a slight smile. “Very good to hear.”

Weatherside looked over his crew and the five mares. “Now I know some of you are itching to complain about these matches, but they are orders. That goes for my crew, and you and your companions Ms. Sparkle,” indicating each group with a sheathed saber.

"Now, are there any questions not regarding these pairs? Good!” He didn’t give time to answer.

It’s going to be a dangerous voyage, not only are we traversing almost uncharted waters, we will be passing through the lost trade routes. All this with a half rookie crew. He then focused on his familiar crew. I have no intention in losing anyone or my ship. Now, get those crates loaded and get set to weigh anchor. As every pony started to board, Twilight addressed the Captain. He stopped midway up the boarding plank.

“Cpt. what is my assignment?”

“Isn’t it obvious? You’re the leader of the search. I’ve got a ship to run. I’ll be working with you of course, and calling the final shots, however, you will be more or less in charge of our main course and search plans.”

The crew within ear shot was shocked; one of them dropped a crate. Twilight was left speechless.


Despite his cheerful-looking aquamarine main and sunshine coat, Bitt could be pretty abrasive. Pinkie Pie said he looked like cotton “candy on a banana.”

“Four hours in and you're still keeled over.” the yellow coated deckhand adjusted some rigging while coiling up some rope. “It’s not like I can’t manage everything myself, but I almost wish I had gotten the pretty white one of you girls. At least she could be of use with her magic or at least sit and look nice. But no, I got some cowpony who can’t even hold their food down.” He moved close up next to her, after securing a few lines with his magic.

Applejack turned, showing the colors of both Granny Smith and Big Macintosh apples. She was red with rage and green with sea sickness. Before she could make a retort, she leaned over the railing once again. Why do I have to get air sick and sea sick?

“That’s what I thought, too sick to be a darn bit o help. I knew a bunch of mares was going to be a barrel of trouble. Sailing is a man’s work. Besides it’s bad luck...”

“A man’s work huh?” Bitt hadn’t noticed that the blue-green pegasus had landed behind him and heard most of the conversation.

“Oh but you’re an exception Windlass,” he spouted hastily. “You’ve proven you’re as good a worker as any stallion.”

The red headed pegasus leaned against the main mast with crossed forelegs. She wasn’t convinced. “As good as, huh? so are you saying us mares can never be better? Well, we can see bout that one.” She said with a confident smile, as she opened and closed her wings and pumped her hoofs like a boxer. “Let’s have us a friendly tussle.”

The stallion looked a bit intimidated, but he held his ground. “Alright, I know all your moves.”

As the two began their approach towards each other, they were surprised as the orange earth pony jumped in. “I’ve got this one sister. My hard working family pride is on this one.” Applejack spit out a bit of stomach juices.


Weatherside's tricorn hat sat next to the small tin mug of coffee on the small round table. Alcohol tended to lead to less than preferable circumstances. He thought running a ship was hard work enough, but that was before he met Twilight Sparkle. She kept handing him more maps, charts, and scrolls, all covered in meticulous scrawling notes.

Glancing back, Weatherside did a double take. He could have sworn he saw her reading two to three books at once. Still quietly sitting at his desk, the purple figure was surrounded by books and rolls of paper. Had she not moved since he offered up his desk?

“So, what makes this one so important to you girls?” He was never good at starting conversations. Responding was much more natural, especially when it was with a blade or lead ball.

Twilight didn’t seem to have heard him from across the room. The afternoon light cast a square beam down the center of the captain’s cabin, but left either side in a darker state. Weatherside passed through the shaft of light to the other side of the quarters, which was lit by a pink glow and candle. He then repeated his question.

“So, what makes this…

“AHH,” shrieked Twilight, as she fell back in the chair.

So important to you girls?” The grey maned stallion grunted, as he caught her chair with a bow of his head.

After she regained her composure and shuffled some papers back in order, The captain continued.” I know she must be beyond a good friend, but what makes you go through all this work to find this one pony of yours?”

The unicorn tipped her head slightly, in thought. Besides being beyond a good friend, what else was there? A few more moments passed.

“I feel I should tell you something right off.” She paused for a moment as Weatherside looked confused.

“Have you ever heard of the Elements of Harmony Captain Weatherside?”

The captain looked thoughtful, as to the relevance. “I think so... They are a set of mighty powers, locked in the Canterlot vaults, right? He left no time to answer his question, a common habit. “Rumors in port have claimed the elements were recently used by six mares, Putting a stop to stop Nightmare Moon and Discord himself. Though I’m a sailor, and have heard a lot of tall tales.”

There was a slight hesitation, before Twilight spoke again. “You're right about everything except their current location.” Twilight had been given a bed in the Captain’s cabin, much to the dismay of some of the crew. Her eyes lined up with his for a moment as she turned to her new hooflocker. It appeared that she had broken some sort of magical lock, and her horn glowed brighter before she undid the latches. An ornate box now sat on the desk before them. The stallion eyed it with curiosity and apprehension. It took a bit before one of them finally thought of what to say next.

“Whatever is in that box, you don’t need...you shouldn’t show me.” Weatherside turned away, but kept an eye trained on the small chest.

“Captain, I feel that in order to gain your complete trust, I must show you.” The box opened, revealing four jeweled necklaces and one tiara. Each bore a shaped gem. Weatherside thought she might get worried, when a depression for a fifth artifact appeared in the case lining. That was, until the connections all clicked.

Twilight was puzzled by his response. I expected him to be more surprised. Maybe he is hiding it.

“That makes you and your friends the six mares of the rumors I’ve been hearing about,” he said.

Twilight nodded. His face showed a Contemplative. “The sixth element is on your pegasus friend is right now.” Twilight nodded again, this time with a slight smile.

“I thought it would be less conspicuous to have her wear it before meeting the crew rather than appear with it on later.”

“True, but why have her wear it at all, and why pick the most...well, most timid of you?”

“That is in itself the reason. Nopony would expect a shy, gentle one like her to be wielding a powerful artifact. I mean who is foolish enough to wear something that flashy, that isn’t costume jewelry or surrounded by guards and paparazzi.”

He waited silently for her to continue.

“As for why have it on deck, that is part of my search plan. When you asked me to send you a list of who would be best for the roles you requested, I knew she would be great on deck, ready to spot things before the rest of us. She is pretty paranoid about her surroundings,” Twilight chuckled a little.

He looked intrigued, but still lost.

“I found that the elements have an attraction to each other. This not only applies to the artifacts themselves, but also the embodiments of each element. I cast a spell on our missing friend’s necklace, the element of Loyalty. Once I found the connection, it was not hard to make a spell that should cause the pendant to signal the wearer of Rainbow Dash’s presence. That is, once we get close enough.”

“So you need your friend back because she is the only one who can wield the element of Loyalty.”

“No. Like you said before, she is important because she is beyond a good friend. She would do the same for any of us. She just happens to carry a power that could be important for everypony else, if evil rears its head again.” She sounded stern and slightly miffed.

“I didn’t mean any offense. In my line of work no one has that much raw dedication. That is, without a good payout.” He seemed to get more serious. Walking closer to the desk, he slid a hoof across the border of the open box. “I can respect your motives and appreciate you sharing this with me, but...” he firmly closed the lid, “I don’t think you should share this with anypony else.” He finished, still holding a hoof on the cover of the intricate box. “Any of it.”

Only the sound of the wash along the ship could be heard until a knock at the cabin door broke the mood. The box was quickly levitated into the hooflocker. The knock came again. Weatherside donned his hat and adjusted his cloak. “Just because you're famous saviors where you come from, doesn’t mean you get special treatment aboard this ship.” He said before answering the door. Twilight nodded in agreement. I hope I’m not putting my friends in too deep.

“Wait if you’re here, who is steering?” The unicorn inquired.


“I thought he was the cook?”

“Hardtack is a lot of things,” he chuckled.

The door swung open to reveal the ship's pegasus lookout.

"Uh, Captain. Bitt had a bit of an accident...


“So, how did this happen exactly?”

To say Windlass was intimidated by her captain’s tone as he stood over Bitt’s unconscious form, would be an understatement. Applejack stood close by, with her hat held to her chest.

“Well we all know Bitt can be a bit grinding and sexist at times, but I know he’s usually all talk. So when he was a hasslin’ poor AJ here, I thought I’d step in to get him to back off, hoping he would quit like usual. But…” She trailed off at her leader’s intimidating expression. Twilight just stood by with her ears drooped back.

“Well then what?”

“Then AJ stepped in to defend her name.”

“So it was a gang of two versus one?”

“No. Bitt took AJ’s challenge one on one, and took him out in one blow.

“Did he have a good reason to be upset at this mare?”

“He was mad, on an account of she couldn’t do any work, while being sea sick and all.”

“That seems somewhat reasonable now don’t it?” Now he was bearing down on Windlass. Her chest was almost almost touching the deck when the orange mare stepped in again.

“You’re right Captain, I shoulda been more useful, but don’t take it out on Windlass.”

There was an exchange of hard faces.

“Alright, get me a bucket,” Weatherside commanded.

AJ was able to promptly deliver a bucket, the handle in her mouth.

“Ms. Sparkle.”

“Yes sir?”

“Water.” He tossed the bucket over, Twilight barly catching it before it clattered on the deck. The bucket was lowered over the side, by pink magic.

Bitt was left sputtering awake, drenched in salty water. His head sore from AJ’s blow and his ribs bruised from the Captain's ruff awakening.

Turning back and tipping his hat, Weatherside spoke.

“Now get to work!” The captain headed to the bow to take the helm.

“AJ you should’ve told me you had seasickness.” Twilight sighed. Does the captain always treat his crew this rough?

“I was embarrassed. Besides, what is telling you goanna do for me. Have you got some fancy spell for that too?”

“Not exactly,” the purple mare giggled. “I do have some herbs from Zecora that should do the trick. Though, learning a spell might be a good idea.”


“Just try to stay out of trouble. The captain told me we wouldn’t get special treatment.”

“Hey I didn’t start noth...fine”

The cowpony submitted to the purple unicorn’s glare

AJ turned her attention to the Yellow bedraggled deckhand. He had finally gotten to his hoofs. “I’m mighty sorry. I didn’t mean to go this far.” She was about to continue with her apology, but Bitt just looked up briefly at her, before shoving past. As he went, she was given a close up view of the small sailboat on his flank. She was about to take back her apology, but a foreleg over her shoulder stopped her.

“He’ll come round, he always does. Nice moves by the way.”

“Thanks Rainb…Windlass, for backing me up.” AJ smiled, hoping neither mare hadn’t noticed. The red haired pegasus took off towards Fluttershy in the crow’s nest with, a “No problem.”

Applejack realized that Twilight had been staring blankly over the railing. “I’m sure your plan is gonna work. Well find her.”

“It’s not the plan that’s bugging me. I just feel like everypony is hiding something. The captain, the crew. and maybe even Celestia.” The studious mare headed down the deck, deep in thought.

The rest of the day, Bitt simply gave orders and explained what to do. He never made direct eye contact Applejack. Running the standing rigging, bulwark and pinrails were just a few of the first tasks. He was moving pretty fast. She was sure glad she read the books Twilight had given her, and that rope tying was a given talent.


END Part 3

Sorry this took so long. The new updates will be faster. Also sorry for the long dialog. I just needed to introducea lot of characters.

Comments ( 1 )

I can't wait for new nautical nonsense

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