• Published 28th Jun 2012
  • 3,440 Views, 167 Comments

Moonfall - Mist Twister

Luna faces her greatest challenge of all. Making friends in Equestria.

  • ...

The Stars that Fill the Sky

Luna lay still in her bed, completely exhausted and yet somehow wide awake. The incessant pounding of marble in her chamber had seen to that. She had tried to ignore it, burying her face beneath a multitude of down pillows and comforters over in a vain attempt to even just dampen the noise, and yet it continued, unyielding. The noise never drew closer, it only continued to pester and nag at her, a light vibration shaking the bed frame with each impact. The rattling had been just enough to disturb her each time she thought she’d finally managed to doze off and it had robbed her of countless hours of sleep. Following a day that had included an extended session of training with both Applejack and Rainbow Dash, she had little energy left to fight against it as her patience grew thin.

“I can’t take it anymore!” Luna cried, exploding from the pile of down comforters and pillows. “Rarity!”

“Bwahahahh!” The small unicorn yelped.

The furniture Rarity had been levitating instantly crashed onto the marble with a loud, wooden clunk, causing both parties to flinch. However, when Rarity trotted over to inspect both the flooring and the furniture, she was relieved to find both relatively unharmed, save a few scuffs. Once she was certain there was no damage to the furniture that would notably affect its condition, she turned to face Luna.

“Good heavens, Luna, you startled me! You know you’re supposed to be getting your rest, dear.” Rarity waved her hoof at Luna, shooing her back to sleep.

“How am I supposed to sleep with all this ruckus in my room?!” Luna’s voice boomed through the room.

“Well—” Rarity began, with a rather drawn out gasp, “pardonne moi if a lady believes she should do her utmost best when aiding her friends, and doubly so if said friend is a princess. Why, when you asked me for help redecorating the interior of your chambers, I decided a princess should settle for nothing less than designing the most elegant, extravagant, and most beautiful boudoir my brilliant mind could possibly conceive. Admittedly, it may not be my best work, yet, I intend to do everything I can to make this a dream come true. I wouldn’t dare leaving this work half done and if I did, why, it just couldn’t bring myself to put the name ‘Rarity’ on it in all good conscious—”

Oh dear. Just what fresh madness have I wrought upon myself... Luna sighed as Rarity continued to ramble on.

“—the glamour, the sophistication! Why, I just couldn’t bear to let you down, and I would never be able to live with myself if the Princess of the Night should decide that a particular vanity that I chose looked absolutely dreary. And another thing—”

Okay, Rarity, I get it.” Luna interrupted with another long sigh. “If I let you do my bathroom too, will you settle down?”

“Mhmmm,” Rarity nodded, sniffling a little, “and you didn’t have to yell at me.”

“I’m sorry.” Luna gestured her hooves outward towards her.

Rarity trotted towards her, embracing the princess as best a mare of much smaller nature could.

“Good. Now then, you finish that later so I can get some rest, mkay?” Luna smiled, eagerly awaiting the desired response so she could go back to sleep.

“Er, about that...” Rarity cringed as she wrung her hooves anxiously.

“What is the problem now?” Luna asked dully, suspecting the mare couldn’t possibly be expected to leave her job half done anyways.

Rarity trotted towards the massive window leading to the elevated terrace, pulling away the curtains with a grimace, revealing the sun sitting just above the mountains in the distance as it was about to set.

“Right. Of course,” Luna chimed with irritation.

Luna slowly rose, emerging from the tepid cocoon of woven blankets and pillows, as she examined her reflection in the vanity mirror. Sunken, blood-shot eyes stared back, pleading her to return to bed, while her hair had mysteriously managed to stop flowing and now resembled a frizzy mess akin to what she had seen on Twilight once before. How it was even possible for her hair to stop flowing baffled Luna at times, but she’d often brush it off, chalking it up to ‘one of the many mysteries of magic’ Twilight loved to go on about. She slowly stumbled towards the balcony, shooting Rarity a glare of condemnation as she passed her by. The mare laughed nervously in reply.

The sun had already sunk much lower by the time Luna had stepped out onto the terrace, already hiding behind the peaks in the distance. She gazed outward, turning to another platform parallel of hers where Celestia stood. Her sister greeted her with a smile, giving her a slight nod to acknowledge her presence and signal that it was appropriate to raise the moon now. Luna smiled back, noting her sister break into a small chuckle. She immediately realized her disheveled appearance to be the cause and quickly conjured a pulse of magic to course through her mane and return it to it’s usual state. She then smiled back a Celestia, their unspoken exchange harboring a comforting warmth that manifested within herself. Celestia then turned outward to spectate her sister at work.

“Aren’t you going to be needing these?” Rarity appeared behind Luna, presenting to her the cushion where her umbral crown and breastplate lay.

“Why, yes, I am. Thank you Rarity,” Luna spoke softly, her mood lifted by the sight of her sister’s grin.

Luna lifted the breastplate, adjusting it with magic to fit her accordingly, as Rarity gently placed the crown upon her head. The breastplate was little more than decoration, but the crown acted as both a catalyst and a conduit, allowing her to channel magic much more effectively. It had once served as a necessity in her younger years, when she found her powers much more difficult to control, but now it was little more than a symbol to the people. Once they had been position properly on her, Luna stepped back onto the balcony. She gazed at the mountain peaks in the distance, watching the sky turn a cozy orange as the sun continued to set. Lowering her head, that same somber memory filled her mind and consumed her thoughts, just as it had all those years ago. She shut her eyes in quiet contemplation.

“I will always remember us and what we have achieved together...” Luna quietly whispered to herself.

When Luna opened her eyes once more, they had become two radiant orbs, shimmering with energy. An aura slowly emerged and grew around her horn as the ancient power of the cosmic ley lines began to fill her body, and it was not long before the shimmering light encased he whole body. Her tail and mane began to wave and whip more aggressively as she began to channel the raw power, the aura growing ever brighter as the energy caused her to slightly lift from the ground. Slowly, beads of sweat began to form all around her body as she fought to bear the immensity of it all, Rarity watching in awe from afar.

Luna brought her head up in a swift and graceful motion, the likes of which dazzled her observers, and the moon slowly followed in suit, the celestial body creeping into view over the horizon. Darkness slowly crept into the sky as the sun continued to sink behind the mountains, and one by one an impossible number of stars began to populate the sky. They sparkled, twinkled, and shone with beautiful contrast to the night’s sky. A few even shot by, much to the delight of spectators. Constellations took shape and formed revealing the unending universe that lay just beyond their earthly shackles.

Luna took a deep breath and shut her eyes, letting the energy flow back into the leylines with a deeply drawn sigh. Her body gently lowered to the ground once more, and as she landed back on the marbling, the aura of energy dissipated and small swirls of magic tracing away into the floor her hooves made contact with. When she opened her eyes again, they had returned to their normal state as well. She turned to see Celestia still smiling at her, from her own balcony, just before the elder sister stepped back inside. Luna, in turn, made her way back inside her room to meet Rarity once more.

“Goddess Luna, that was truly breathtaking!” Rarity gasped with delight, bowing before the princess. “It is truly an honor to experience the grace you bestow upon the land first hand.”

Luna chuckled softly. “Please, Rarity, rise. I’ve told you ponies time and time again that I demand no such acts of formality. I do appreciate the kind words, however. In my daily toils, I’ve come to understand how it may not be so much of a marvel to the kingdom. Nor will I ever be so concerned as to make it a public statement again. Instead, I’ve come to accept their silence as appreciation. Equestria would be without sound rest were it not for me, and there are those who choose to remain awake in order study my work. Though jealousy once corrupted me before, I’ve grown wiser since then.”

“But I dare say that it is just as majestic as the sunrise itself!” Rarity spoke. “Why, such a stunning feat deserves a celebration akin to the Summer Sun Celebration! One in its own namesake...” She nodded thoughtfully to herself.

“Hmm...” Luna pondered aloud, bringing a hoof to her chin. “I do like the idea of a celebration of sorts, but I am quite content with Nightmare Night for the time being.”

“Oh, nonsense, Luna!” Rarity disagreed. “Nightmare Night is all fun and games, especially now that you’ve returned to Equestria. The very meaning of the holiday has changed I fear, but it is all in good fun, as we all do truly hold you dear to us. No, what you need is...” Rarity trailed off as she pressed a hoof her chin and pouted, deep in thought.

“Eventide!” Luna called out, as she trotted past Rarity. She knew better than to try and draw her attention whenever she was ‘in the zone’, as the mare would say.

“Yes, Princess. How may I serve you?” Eventide answered in a gruff tone, pushing the door open to make himself visibly standing at attention before Luna.

The act cause Luna to giggle softly. “Please, Eventide, enter and stop being so silly.”

“Yes, princess.” Eventide replied before stepping in wearing a big grin.

“I do believe you requested early leave this night, did you not?” Luna asked, still chuckling about Eventide’s little charade.

“W-well yes, that’s right,” he replied.

“Very well. I must rise now, you may take your leave, but I must ask again. Whatever is this for?” Luna approached Eventide, eyeing him suspiciously.

“Ah, y-yes, well...” Eventide trailed off. “I kinda... sorta... had a thing...”

“A thing? What sort of ‘thing’?” Luna continued, her curiosity peaking.

“Well...” Eventide continued in a typical fashion. “It’s sort of a date... with Aurora,” he stated with embarrassment, stroking his mane anxiously.

“But why are you fussing over explaining a date to me? Have you two not been on several dates already?” Luna asked, noting his particularly suspicious attitude.

“I’m sorry Princess, I usually keep try to keep my work and private life separate, and I’ve only begun my guard duty again just last month. I just feel guilty for already requesting time off so soon...” Eventide stared at the floor with a frown. Luna stepped toward him, but his head suddenly shot up to meet her eyes with determination. “But it’s for something important, I promise.”

“Oh,” Luna uttered, surprised by his expression. She quickly regained her composure and continued with a smile. “Well, you have my good faith, Eventide. We’ve known each other long enough to know you’re an honest and hard-working knight who’d never ask for such a thing under any regular circumstances. However, while you have your duty to me as a guard, do not forget we are also friends and that I am always willing to do you a favor.”

“Thank you, Luna.” Eventide smiled back.

Luna came closer, hugging him briefly and considering the warmth of their friendship, before breaking away. “I won’t hold you any longer then. Do take care and have a splendid night,” she said as he moved towards the door. “And please give Aurora my rega—”

“A Winter Moon Celebration!” Rarity suddenly shouted from across the chamber, startling both Luna and Eventide. “It’s not the most original name, I admit, but I’m sure it’d just be magnificent. Can’t you just imagine it?” Her eyes shot to the starrily painted ceiling, twinkling with wonder. “The lights of Ponyville softly shimmering off piles of fresh snow in the night as the town comes alive with celebration. There would be singing and dancing and... That’s it! A winter formal! Why, everypony would be wearing the latest winter fashions and—”

“Fantastic!” Luna interrupted, fearing a Twilight-esq lecture. “I’ll have Eventide meet with you tomorrow so you two can draft a letter to the council for your proposal with my stamp of approval. I’m sure you can come up with something quite comprehensive by then, right?”

“Wha— Me?!” The unicorn and batpony said simultaneously, Rarity wearing a thrilled expression while Eventide, a horrified one.

“Yes, yes. Eventide will aide in writing the proposal, but it will have to wait, as Eventide was just leave. Were you not, Eventide?” Luna turned to him with a devious grin.

Sorry Eventide, I know I’ve complained to you about how Rarity can be notoriously exhaustive with designs and details when it comes to planning these sorts of things, but my swag game too strong. Is that how you you the expression? Hmm... Luna’s expression shifted as she began contemplating the modern day slang Rainbow Dash had been attempting to teach her.

“Uh, y-yea...” Eventide muttered, dumbstriken. He turned to Rarity. “My apologies, Lady Rarity, but I am off duty for the evening and have a date to catch.”

“Not at all! Please, be on your way.” Rarity curtsied as Eventide trotted past her and out the door. As she gently shut it, she turned back to Luna. “Speaking of dates, isn’t there somepony you should be talking to?” She batted her lashes.

Luna blushed furiously. “Hu— what?! Rarity I... I had no idea, honestly! ”

“No! Not me you silly pony.” Rarity rolled her eyes. “Twilight.”

“I haven’t the faintest idea what you mean.” Luna turned her head as nonchalantly as possible, unable to hide the scrunch in her muzzle.

“Oh come now, Luna!” Rarity jabbed at her playfully. “I’ve seen the way you look at her with stars in your eyes. The way you speak of her as though she were the most magnificent thing in your world. How you can’t help but admire her—”

“Thou hast made thine point!” Luna scoffed.

“Eheheh, right...” Rarity flinched. “But I do still think you should talk to her. I mean, who is anypony to stand in your way?”

“Rarity, a princess does not simply walk into a home and demand a date.” Luna stared dully.

“I never said date.” Rarity stifled a small laugh as she chewed her lip.

“Oh ha-ha! How very clever of you.” Luna glared at her. “And just what is it you suggest I do then?”

“That, dear, is up to you. I have to get going though. I’ll be helping Pinkie Pie and the girls get the Cake’s err... cake here tomorrow for the National Dessert Competition.“

“Ugh, she still holds those?” Luna droned. “I thought that after the paper released by those foals—”

“That paper was true?” Rarity stared in disbelief, jaw slightly ajar. She quickly shook to regain her composure. “At any rate, I simply must be going. However, before I do, I will suggest you read up on courtship. I’m certain you’ll find it’s changed quite a bit since your time. Farewell, Princess Luna!”

“Courtship...” Luna whispered to herself as Rarity pranced out, the door to her room swinging shut behind her. “Nightshade!”

A shadow slowly poured out from the creeping darkness of the corner of the chamber, rising to take the shape of a pegasus. The mare stepped forward into the thin line of setting sunlight, her coat, a hauntingly pale-blue, was covered by the purple and grey flight suit adorned with lightning streaks that she wore. Her cobalt mane stood up, pushed back in an unruly fashion, and her eyes remained hidden beneath a pair of purple goggles with lenses tinted a pale yellow.

“Yes, M’lady?” Nightshade answered, bowing before Luna.

“Dost thou fancy a reconnaissance mission?”

“M’lady?” Nightshade rose, her surprised expression barely hidden behind a thin, cloth mask.

“Yes, a reconnaissance mission of, admittedly, personal importance in nature. You see, I will need you to follow Eventide on his date and record all the findings about modern courting that you observe.” Luna commanded. “I fear accurate information cannot be so easily acquired from a simple tome, so I am sending you on this task. What say you?”

“M’lady, I must respectfully decline from the assignment. With the recent threats against Canterlot and the upcoming Royal Wedding, the are troops are spread thin as it is trying to keep the calm. We cannot afford to delegate resources to such, err... personal matters, if I may be so bold as to speak,” Nightshade replied, bowing in an attempt to also apologize.

“Mmm...” Luna began, frowning while glaring down at the Shadowbolt, “...so be it. Rejoin your formation and resume patrol over Equestria. You are dismissed.”

“M’lady.” Nightshade rose to bow once more, a tinge of fear and intimidation running through her. As she bowed, her body became incorporeal once more and faded away into the shadows.

“Oh, and do frighten Rainbow Dash once in awhile, given to opportunity,” Luna called out after the shadow as it vanished. “I suppose... I shall have to follow them myself then.”

Perhaps a disguise will aid me, Luna thought as she began to dig through a trunk Pinkie had given her. She threw various streamers and favors to the side, shuffling through a seemingly endless supply of party goods. At the bottom, buried in piles of confetti, she found something she assumed might be useful. Noctus and Vesperus knocked on the chamber door as they entered, causing Luna to suddenly rise from the box of wonders.

“Luna, we heard Eventide got the night off. Are you sure you don’t want us to watch—” Noctus began, but quickly froze as the princess turned around, a pair of bushy-browed glasses with an oddly-shaped snout and a thick moustache sitting on her face.

Awkward...” Vesperus leaned over and whispered to Noctus.

“F-forgive us, Princess. We did not mean to interrupt, er... whatever it is you’re doing.” Noctus stuttered, as he bowed, forcing Vesperus down as well.

“It’s fine...” Luna began, flicking the glasses off her face with the whip of her head. “I have personal business to attend to as well, so you two are free to enjoy the night. Please, go and enjoy yourselves.”

“As you wish. Thank you, Princess.” Noctus rose to meet Luna’s smile.

Awww yea! Time to hit the club!” Vesperus cheered.

The two batponies trotted out together, Vesperus giggling with excitement. Noctus let out an exasperated sigh, but the enthusiasm of his partner proved too infectious, and he quickly found himself smiling as well. They turned the corner and disappeared down the hall, muttering amongst themselves.

“Right, so a disguise from Pinkie is definitely out,” Luna said to herself. “Perhaps...”

A spell that can disguise you as anything you could ever imagine! A familiar voice haunted her mind.

“I suppose I could...” Luna trailed off, wishing she hadn’t thought if it or his exact voice and tone when he said it to her.

Luna shut her eyes and focused as a bright cocoon quickly formed around her body and it’s blinding energy pulsed forward. In her place stood a small blue pegasus with a milky blue mane. She shook out her hooves as she examined her much more diminished form, unable to help but giggle at how ‘cute’ her new form was. Her body before was true, majestic, and some may have even considered it intimidating, but now? She appeared as nothing more than a typical little pegasus. Just another one of the populace.

Luna peaked at her cutie mark, finding it disguised as a mere constellation. A small smirk came upon her face. “This will do just fine. Stella Nova, at your service.” She bowed to herself in the mirror, noting her lack of a visible horn. She then flicked out her wings, checking their span. I suppose I can fly into town like this and nopony would be the wiser, but without a horn I shouldn’t let anypony see me use my magic.

The princess of the night dove off her balcony and slowly glided her way into the quiet, sleepy town of Ponyville.

Eventide trotted out of Luna’s chambers and down long hallway towards the barracks. One by one, the candelabras hanging on the wall magically lit as the sun disappeared into the distance and the moon rose, imposing it’s shade over the land. The dim lights flickered, offering a guiding path down the stone passage he had traversed so many times before that it had become muscle memory to navigate it’s twists and turns. He eventually came upon the common room, where a cracked door revealed Noctus and Vesperus arguing.

“Heh, almost like a married couple.” Eventide chuckled to himself quietly as he pushed the heavy wooden door open. “H-hey, guys, what’s up?”

The other two bat-ponies immediately stopped their bickering, clamoring away from each other in an almost cartoony manner. One nervously chewed his lip as the other began drinking a mug of cider as a means of hiding himself. Eventide eyed the two suspiciously as an awkward silence fell upon the room.

“Uhhh... Is everything okay?” Eventide asked, more than wary of their less-than-typical reactions.

“Yea, yea. We— Everything’s just fine. How about you?” Vesperus asked in a surprisingly jittered tone.

Eventide stood shocked by Vesperus’ feigned concern before continuing towards the room which held their armor. He began divesting himself hanging the steel plating back on the rack. “Uh... f-fine I suppose.”

“Mhmm. Okay. Coo—” Vesperus nodded feverishly before Notcus elbowed him. He flinched and groaned as she rubbed his hoof.

“So, Even, we heard you got the night off. Where ya headed?” Noctus leaned onto the table.

“Oh, well, the princess let me off early so that I could head into Ponyvi—”

“Ponyville, eh? What you doing there?” Notcus interrupted, nonchalantly swirling the drink in his mug about.

“Tonight’s a big night guys. I got a date with Aurora Shine and this time I’m gonna knock her off her hooves!” Eventide cheered.

“Oh, her—” Vesperus groaned before Noctus hit him again. He rubbed his sore spot again, sneering at his assailant. “What the hay, man?!”

“Lay off him.” Noctus commanded, which Vesperus seemed to obey, much to the surprise of Eventide.

“You going to the club or anything tonight?” Vesperus asked, watching Eventide intently.

Eventide didn’t notice, far too busy making sure his equipment was stored properly. “What? No. Who goes to the club on a date?” The two batponies stared at each other behind his back. “I was thinking dinner at a fancy restaurant would be fine, followed by some stargazing in the park.”

“Sounds—” Noctus began.

Boring!” Vesperus chimed in.

“Damnit, I thought I said lay off him!” Noctus snapped.

Vesperus stuck his tongue out and blew raspberries at both ponies before trotting off into another room.

“Well anyways, we were going to ask the princess if we can get tonight off too. Maybe hit the town. You have a good one and good luck on your date.” Noctus tipped his mug to Even.

“Thanks, I will!” Eventide smiled politely at Noctus as he trotted out the door. As he left, he could hear his friends making their way back to Luna’s Quarters to resume their duty, still arguing. Outside, he commented to himself quietly, “Well, those two are acting stranger than usual…”

Eventide then began to make his way towards the dorms at the opposite end of the castle which housed the Dawnguards. The Celestial Quarters were much more different from the Lunar ones. Brilliant, gold banners bearing the insignia of Celestia’s Cutie Mark lined the brightly lit halls above the occasional stand of armor. It was a notable contrast to the gloomy, dimly lit halls, worn banners, and shambling armor lying about that he and the other guards had grown accustomed to. Of course, with Rarity on board, he suspected they’d hardly stay that way much longer, but it never ceased to amaze him how luxurious the halls seemed.

As he drew nearer to Aurora’s room, he also felt himself catch the attention of the faction’s ponies. Some glared while others whispered amongst themselves. It was something he had also grown accustomed to in his months of courting Aurora, and he knew better than to pay it any attention. They could talk all they like. He simply continued on his merry way down the halls draped in tabards of Celestia’s sun until he came upon Aurora’s room.

Eventide attempted to tidy his mane and check his breath before knocking on the door, but it quickly flung open, knocking him on his back and leaving a large red mark on his face.

“Eventide you— Oh my goddess! Are you okay?” Aurora trotted forward, helping him up.

“Ergh... I’m f-fine.” Eventide stumbled to get back on his hooves, rubbing his sore spot. He stared into Aurora’s eyes as she picked him up, her horn lighting a soft pink aura as a tingling feeling swept over his face. He flinched as the mark made by the door instantly vanished. “T-thanks and, uh, sorry for getting in the way.”

Aurora giggled, patting his head in an attempt to comfort him. “Hunny, it was my fault in the first place.”

“H-heh, right. Anyways, we should get going.” Even said.

“Going? Going where?” Aurora stared blankly.

“Oh, well, I sorta got us this reservation at a Le P-petit Cheval in Ponyville,” Even replied, a slight grin accompanying his blush as he watched his marefriend light up with excitement.

The Le Petit Cheval? The most extravagant restaurant in Ponyville?” Aurora gawked.

“Oh, y-you’ve heard of it?”

Of course I’ve heard of it! They you say you have to book months in advance just to get a table. I’ve never been and I love fine dining!” Aurora beamed with excitement, proceeding to hug her coltfriend tightly. “Oh thank you so much, Even. I can’t wait!”

“W-well then, shall we?” He offered her a hoof in the most gentlcoltly manner he could manage. Aurora smiled shyly, taking his hoof.

The two trotted out together and, after a short trot through town, caught the next train into Ponyville. They sat together, seldom saying a word, as usual. They seemed to just enjoy each other’s company. Eventide watched Aurora stare out the window from the train, the pale starlight illuminating her features. He couldn’t help but smile as he admired her beauty. He failed to realize he was still staring when her amber orange eyes met his.

“Is… everything okay Even?” She asked, tilting her head curiously.

“Huh?! Yea!” He quickly came to realize he had been staring with an awed expression. “Sorry, just… y-you’re beautiful.”

Aurora smiled and inched closer to hold him, resting her head on his shoulders. Eventide leaned back on her, enjoying the warmth of her affection as the mare slowly dozed off. It wasn’t long before a dull snore could be heard coming from her.

“Heh, guess it’s you’ve had a long day, huh?” Eventide asked her, assuming her soft snoring as an answer. He sat quietly, holding onto her as the train made its way to Ponyville.

As Eventide stared outside at the moon, a figure quickly glinted across his sight. He stared blankly for a moment as his mind wandered back to the events of the night at hand. Staring resolutely at the saddle-bag he had brought along, he tried to comfort himself. A loud screech momentarily startled him, as the train pulled into the station, stirring Aurora from her slumber. Her weary smile met his as she wiped the yawning tears from her glazed eyes, eliciting a short chuckle from the pair as they got up and prepared to depart.

From the station it was a short trot into town and to the restaurant where a small lined had formed just outside the door. Unfortunately for the pair, a small drizzle hovering just overhead had hit his peak, pouring down upon the two. Eventide stretched out his wingspan and Aurora took cover beneath it as the two raced towards the restaurant, stomping through the muddy road along the way. They eventually arrived, Aurora slightly damp while Eventide, having received the brunt of the shower, was utterly drenched.

“I really like your mane.” She chuckled playfully, pushing the dampened bangs aside to reveal his face.

“Heh, yea? I guess it’s not too bad then.” He smiled back.

A waiter pony quickly rushed out with an umbrella to meet the couple. “Monsieur. Madame.” He acknowledged both before offering sanctuary from the storm. His muzzle quickly scrunched in revolt as he stared at Aurora’s hooves. “Madame, you appear to have stepped in something.”

“Oh?” Aurora uttered curiously, examining her hindhoof. A small note had stuck itself to her. She quickly peeled it off and squinted to read it.

“What’s it say?” Eventide leaned over, trying to get a view of the paper.

“I don’t know? It’s mostly washed out and muddy. Something about being assertive and not doing what apples said, whatever that means.” She shrugged and crumpled the note, tossing it into a nearby trash bin.

The fancily dressed pony ushered the couple into the lobby where another pony seemed to be checking the reservations of everypony before allowing them any further. Aurora was too absorbed with the extravagant interior of the restaurant to really pay attention to the ponies ahead of them and Eventide watched her and smiled, as always.

“Reservation for two under Eventide,” Eventide stated to the greeter as he approached the counter.

Aurora leaned forward, past the counter, to get a better look at the inner setting of the restaurant. Her eyes lit up, as it could only be described as the utmost peak of fine dining in Ponyville. Every last detail, from the exquisitely carved marble pillars dividing the room and mahogany panels of the floor polished to the nth degree to the perfectly intimate lighting and hypnotically soothing melody a cellist pony with a treble clef cutie mark, harmoniously complimented each other, forming the perfect environment for fine dining. She squealed quietly with glee.

“Right this way, Madame,” an usher spoke to her, directing them to follow. The usher led them to a small table situated in the center of a few others, where other ponies actively conversed with each other.

As the usher trotted away, Eventide rushed over to Aurora’s side, pulling out her cushion from beneath the low-set table for her. He spoke in a low, dignified tone, joking mimicking their hosts, “Madame?”

Aurora giggled to herself before sitting on the heated cushion. “Gracias,” she replied in a similar tone, causing both ponies to have a little laugh.

“Aren’t you going to pull out my cushion for me?” A bright pink earth mare with an even brighter pink mane asked behind them.

“I thought you were an independent mare,” her pegasus companion replied jokingly.

“That’s no excuse—“

“Just ignore them,” Aurora said under her breath, drawing Eventide’s attention back.

“R-right,” Eventide replied, shifting a little uncomfortably as the couple continued to argue nearby. He then picked up a menu that had been laying on the table before hand, examining its pages. “… It’s in Prench,” he uttered.

Aurora chuckled at him. “Well of course it is silly, this is a Prench restaurant, isn’t it? Now let’s see…” she trailed off contemplatively as Eventide struggled to make heads or tails of the menu, rotating it as though it would help him to understand. “I think I know what I’ll be having. How about you?”

“Mmm…” Eventide mumbled, still unable to discern the elusive manuscript before him. “The poisson au citron et beurre sounds—“

“Oh you don’t want that.” Aurora interrupted, leaning it to whisper, “it’s fish.”

Eventide laughed weakly, not bothering to tell her it wasn’t uncommon of batponies to eat fish in their homeland either. “Mmm, right, I think I’ll just have what you’re having then.”

A new waiter appeared before the two. Bowing to each of them he began. “May I take your order then?” he asked Eventide.

“I’ll have what s-she’s having,” he replied, pointing to Aurora.

“Very well, we shall be having the Marguerite à l'orange sil vous plais,” she spoke with the utmost fluiditiy, much to Eventide’s surprise.

“Bon, deux Marguerites à l'orange. I shall return shortly with your orders,” the waiter said, never so much as opening an eye before jotting down the order and trotting off.

With the waiter gone, Aurora turned back to Eventide, leaning in over the table. “So, you we’re telling me about the history of your homeland last time, right? I’d still like to know more.”

Eventide thought it was hardly dinner conversation, but he shrugged it off as who was he to deny a lady? “Oh… Okay then. So as a batpony, we spend a lot of time underground in caverns. The Crystal Caverns below Canterlot just so happen to be where many of us are from.“

“I’ve never knew such a place existed! And so close by?” Aurora added.

“It’s mostly been forgotten by everypony since the banishment of Princess Luna, much like the Crystal Empire it once connected to, but that’s beside the point.

Our kind was engaged in a tireless war against the Diamond Dogs, foul-smelling beasts with a blood-thirsty appetite for destruction as much as gems. They invaded our land in order to harvest the crystals of our home under threats of conquest. We refused to yield to their demands, and thus began the Crystal Caverns War. In time, we were able to push them out of the Canterlot Region, but we lost a lot of friends and family in the fighting. I, myself, lost my father to the conflict…”

“I’m so sorry.” Aurora whispered.

“It’s okay, time heals all wounds.” Eventide grinned, glancing down in the direction of the scar on his cheek. “Unfortunately, rumors and hearsay have started to get around the guard’s quarters, claiming that the diamond dogs have been resurfacing around Equestria once again, so I’ve gotten worried about my mother back home.”

“So wait… you fought in a war, as a child?” Aurora asked, leaning further over the table.

“Well, it’s something like that. Batponies’ lifespans are much longer than average ponies, so I was already considered mature by that time. It wasn’t uncommon for ponies my age to serve.” Eventide replied, matter-of-factly.

“Are you immortal?” Aurora reeled back a little wide-eyed.

“Hahah, no...” Even scratched at the back of his mane. “We can live for a very long time, but are still just as susceptible to the same things as you are. Things like physical trauma or illness. We really just age very slowly.”

“T-that makes sense then... I suppose. I do I remember you telling me how you’d served under Luna during the Nightmare Moon conflict too...” Aurora trailed off, staring at the mahogany paneled floor.

“Y-yea...” Eventide whimpered.

“It must not have been easy.” Aurora slightly frowned at him.

Eventide tried to make eye contact, but his expression dropped quickly as he heaved a deep sigh. “That small argument turned into a national tragedy, but we really didn’t have a choice. I wish we hadn’t been involved in it, but disobeying Nightmare Moon was out of the question. She made sure of that. Even once the fight was over, we were granted no pardon and exiled back into the seclusion of the Crystal Caverns by decision of the council.”

“How terrible, being forced back beneath the capital and then dealing with how other ponies treat you now…” Aurora said, placing a hoof on her chest as a comforting gesture.

“It’s certainly hasn’t been easy facing the others. Even since Luna’s good name has been restored, we as a race are still widely hated and despised, but... I’d gladly face another exile for you.” Eventide smirked, causing Aurora’s cheeks to turn a cheery red.

“Oh my, Even. You’re so suave.” She swatted at him playfully.

“H-heh, sometimes...” Eventide chimed a melodically with a sarcastic expression. In the corner of his eye, a figure caught his eye. He slowly turned to look, but they had already vanished.

“What’s the matter, Honey?” Aurora asked, noting his unusual behavior.

“N-nothing… I think. I just can’t shake this feeling we’re being watched...” He continued to look back from the corner of his eye.

Another pony happened to be staring back this time too, and as soon as they caught wind of Eventide’s glare, quickly ducked behind a menu. As a waiter passed them, they got up, and began to trot towards the restroom, passing the couple’s table. Eventide continued to eye the character suspiciously, but his attention quickly shifted to Aurora.

Hello?” Aurora waved from across the table, frowning a bit as he turned back to her. “Hey, yea, still here, remember? Could you, I don’t know… not check out other ponies while we’re together?”

“What?! No! I wasn’t—”

“Deux Marguerite a L’orange. Bon appetit,” the waiter spoke monotonously as he suddenly appeared next to them, starting the pair. He placed two dishes on their table and lifted their lids, revealing two plates of meticulously prepared daisy presentations, drizzled in a sweet smelling orange sauce. The waiter bowed, and then stepped away to serve other patrons.

Eventide eyed the plate, drooling as he wrung his hooves greedily. “Mmm, looks— “

The couple behind them burst out, howling with laughter, drawing the attention of nearly everypony in the restaurant. Even the cellist had stopped playing to watch the pegasus playing with a fish, flapping it’s jaw as to make it appear to be speaking to his marefriend, who had be banging on the table and heaving for air.

Another waiter quickly approached the two, addressing them in an annoyed tone. “Sir, Madam, I’m going to have to ask you to calm yourselves! This establishment requires a certain level of decorum!” The two howled in response, only furthering to aggravate the waiter, before slapping their bits on the table.

“Keep the change, bucko!” the pink mare shouted, throwing her rather elegant dress off and onto the table.

The other pegasus continued to laugh, offering her his arm. “Miss Pie, would you do me the honor of escorting me out of this fine establishment?”

“The pleasure would be all mine, Mister Piano!” She stuck her nose into the air, taking his arm and trotting towards the front of the restaurant. “Not a bad place you got here, bub, but it’s just not our kind of party,” she said in a casual manner, giving the waiter a hearty pat before hastily strolling off with her friend.

The waiter stumbled backwards, aghast at the pompous mare, bumping into the silver maned pegasus behind him and knocking her onto Eventide and Aurora’s table. The pegasus fell onto their table, knocking the plates sky high before splattering all over her. What lay before them, slathered from wing to wing in orange sauce, was the most expensive meal Eventide would ever have to pay for and not eat. She forced an awkward expression and yelped what sounded like an impossibly quiet “sorry” before darting off the table and out of the restaurant, a sticky, orange trail in her wake.

Eventide stared at the ruined mess of pedals and sauce on the floor, tears welling up. “Well… so much for dinner,” he whimpered, dropping his chin to the table and sulking.

“Sorry honey,” Aurora spoke comfortingly. “Why don’t we just go get some hay fries, my treat?”

The two trotted out the restaurant together, down the cold, windy road of Ponyville. Eventide, like a true gentlecolt, had been careful to guide Aurora around the mud puddles that had formed during the drizzle. They passed by countless closed establishments in an endless trail of lightless buildings, the dreadful thought they they might never find another hot meal at such an ungoddessly hour growing by the minute. Even the Golden Hay Arches had closed early, leaving the two staring helplessly into the still lit establishment. Their journey continued, guided by nothing more than the light of streetlamps and their reflections in puddles, as the night grew later and the moon traversed the sky.

Oooh! How about here?” Aurora cooed with delight.

Eventide’s weary head rose to find meet a building with a massive bright neon sign. “Bridle and A Beat...” he read aloud, turning to Aurora in confusion. “Isn’t this a night club?”

“Yea, I suppose it is, but they’ll definitely have something to eat in there!”

Eventide sighed, hopeless and defeated from hunger. “I guess it couldn’t help to check it ou—”

Aurora took his hoof and immediately dragged him to the entrance before he could even finish his sentence. Inside was a small, undecorated lobby where an enormously muscular white pegasus with a golden mullet and an earing stood before a pair of padded doors, tilting his glasses down to inspect the couple. Eventide approached him cautiously, weary of his glare.

“W-we’d like to go in p-please,” he managed to utter.

“...50 bits,” the bouncer replied after a short pause, eyeing the couple.

Fifty?!” Eventide shouted.

“40 for you, 10 for the lady.” He pointed at each one individually before folding his hooves, which were shockingly skinny in comparison to the rest of build.

Eventide turned to Aurora with a grimace, shocked to find her giggling as his discontent. She immediately stopped and looked away, pretending to idly whistle a tune. He then turned back to produce a sack of bits from his saddlebag, handling the remainder of his money to the bulky pegasus.

“Yeah!” The bouncer bellowed as he grinned triumphantly, his tiny wings fluttering with joy. He lifted just high enough to hover off the ground and turn to open the double doors leading deeper into the interior.

As soon as the two stepped inside, a beautiful cello piece with a pounding electronic rhythm filled the air, drowning out nearly any intelligible noise. They both stood in awe as they gawked at the bustling nightclub before them. The music continued to blare as several ponies danced with wildly on a level lowered just before a massive stage so as to form a pit. Up on the stage a brightly maned pony with stylish glasses was working at the turntables as her much more darkly colored companion continued to play her piece on an electric cello. She seemed to resemble the same mare who was playing earlier at Le Petit Cheval, treble clef cutie mark and all. Both were equally astonished to find her playing in a nightclub.

To the far side of the room, a crowd of ponies gathered to buy drinks from a single bartender, who was struggling to accommodate for everypony as the crowd continued to build. The remainer of the ponies stood scattered around the room at various tables and bars, lively chatting and drinking or simply sitting and watching the other ponies interact.

“A-are you sure we can find some food here?” Eventide asked nervously.

“Yea! Just find a table and I’ll go check out the bar.” Aurora assured him as she trotted off.

Eventide eventually came upon a small table, a bit further from the pit, and sat down, slouching in his chair to relax. At this distance, he was far enough where the music wasn’t deafeningly loud, so he’d at least be able to hear across the table. He found the knot in his stomach caused by the tense atmosphere slowly untying, unaware of the pair of unicorns approaching him. One, a mare with a milky yellow coat and a curly, teal mane, had a cutie mark of three hearts, and the other, a mare with chestnut brown coat and three-tone hair, had the cutiemark of a pair of cherries. He quickly scrambled to sit up to look presentable as the two stopped before him.

“Hiya, I’m Lemony Hearts and this is my friend Cherry Spice!” she spoke in an oddly high pitch. She leaned over the table and closer to Eventide, batting her eyelashes suggestively. “What’s a cutie like you doing all alone, huuuh?”

“I-I—” Eventide stuttered as he shuffled back into his chair..

“Not much for words, huh? That’s okay. You’re cute, anyways.” Lemony leaned further in as she teased.

“I... am?” Eventide uttered in disbelief. Sure, he had taken care to look good tonight, putting some extra effort into brushing his mane and coat as well as thoroughly flossing, but he never thought too highly of himself. That, and he was certain that he still looked like a mess, as he had finally just dried off from wandering in the rain earlier.

“Yea. I’ve never seen your kind around her either. By the looks of your... exotic ears, you’re a batpony ain’tcha. Well? Am I right?” Lemony leered, eagerly eyeing her prey.

“I... suppose so...” Eventide trailed off, trying not to think too hard about what she had just said. He saw Cherry Spice blush at him and shuffle her hooves idly in the background.

Lemony trotted around the short table and up closer to him. Hovering just behind him, she whispered, “So, whaddya say? Wanna go have some fun?”

“Hey!” Aurora shouted from behind the group, gathering their attention. She stomped up angrily, slamming the small boat of hay fries on the table. She quickly shoved Lemony away from Eventide. “Stay away from my man!”

“Okay, lady, sheesh!” Lemony groaned. She trotted up to her friend, who had been standing there in shock. “C’mon Cheery, there’s plenty of other boy-toys here tonight anyways.”

“I told you Lemony, I don’t want a boy toy,” Cherry finally spoke as they trotted off, “I want me a stallion!”

Eventide watched, still horrified, as the two disappeared into the crowd of dancers, while Aurora panted with self-proclaimed righteous fury.

“What was all that?!” she demanded.

“N-nothing, I swear! They just came out of nowhere and— “

Aurora sat with a huff, glaring at Eventide, who was visibly frightened. She couldn’t help but feel her anger fade as she stared at the hopeless colt, eventually settling to a tension-breaking laugh. “You gotta watch yourself, Even. For someone who’s over a thousand years old, you still kinda helpless, aren’t you?”

“H-hey! I-I was just fine thank you!” Eventide tried to argue back, despite how helpless he’d actually been during pair’s advances.

“Is that so?” Aurora eyed him in disbelief. She got up and trotted over to Eventide’s side, pushing his chair back. She sat up on his lap, wrapping her forehooves over his shoulders. Eventide grew a crimson shade of red as she began to lean closer to his face. She whispered, lips curled and half-lidded eyes seductively locked on his, bringing his chin up slowly with a hoof, “How’s about this then, big boy?”

Eventide unfurled his hooves and reached around her, attempting to shift his focus to the hay fries he began forcibly gorging on. Still, he managed to mutter with a full mouth, “Mhmm, prfffly fnnn!”

Aurora burst into a short, mocking laugh and, getting up to make another trip to the bar, left Eventide alone. She watched from the corner of her eye as he let out a sigh of relief and sank back into his chair before chuckling to herself again. Aurora stood, stopping at the bar. She quickly forced her way through the small crowd, ordering a pair of salted cider mugs and another boat of hay fries. It wasn’t long before the server returned with a tray of her food and drinks, rudely shoving the food towards her before going off to help others. She frowned angrily as she lifted the tray with her magic, failing to notice the pair of batpony sitting across for her on the other side of the bar.

Vesperus groaned as he slammed another emptied mug back on the bar, staring distantly into the bottom of the frothy basin.

“Something on your mind, Vesp?” Noctus asked as he sipped from his mug. The bitter flavor bit at his lips, as it was much stronger in smaller doses, and his face scrunched in reflex. “You’re drinking... well you’re drinking as much as usual, but you don’t seem to be enjoying it as much.”

Vesperus heaved a groan as he flicked his head upward. “I dunno. I guess... I guess I’m just lonely, okay?”

Noctus instantly choked on his brew, coughing up dribble as he tried to compose himself. He sat, staring wide-eyed. “W-what?!”

“It’s just, I get kinda jealous seeing Eventide with Aurora Shine. I mean, how does he find a mare like that? We’ve been back for months now and still, all we get is the damn stink eye!” Vesperus whined. “I can’t get so much as a date, even with our own kind, and he’s got a mare all over him?!”

Noctus pushed his face away as he continued to sip his malt cider. “Didn’t know it bothered you that much.”

“Doesn’t it bother you? I mean, you’re old for Luna’s sakes! What about settling down? Starting a family? That kinda shit.”

“What.” Noctus slammed down his drink and glared at him. “First of all, stop calling me old already. I’m only a few decades older than you, you ass, and you know that means nothing. I might as well be only a regular pony year or two older than you. Secondly, I do want to settle down, but as long as I have a job and I can do it, I’m going to do it. I’ll worry about that stuff later.”

Pfft,” Vesperus blew raspberries as a stray bang fell across his face. “Whatever dude. You sure as hell don’t act it. And anyways, that’s besides the point. Don’t you want to find a special somepony you can go home to every night too?”

“Hmm, I never really gave it much thought honestly.” Noctus brought a hoof to his chin as he delved into deeper thought.

Ugh!” Vesperus groaned aloud as he threw himself onto the bar top.

“Hey, what does it matter though? What’s the saying? ‘Life’s too short’? We can always go on awesome adventures together. I’d hate to leave for work all the time knowing somepony was still at home, worrying about me all day like I was some sort of damn foal.” Noctus turned to Vesperus with an impressively massive and cheesy smile. “As long as we’ve got each other, who needs those other ponies?”

Vesperus glanced sideways at Noctus’ forced grin and couldn’t help be smile back. He set back up with an even wider, toothy grin on his face. “Hah! Adventures with your ugly mug? I guess that’s better than nothing!”

“Guess I’ll have to take that as a sort of compliment you runt!” Noctus shoved him playfully. He motioned towards the bartender, drawing their attention. “C’mon, next round’s on me and then we’ll hit the pit!”

“Hell yea!” Vesperus pumped his fist into the air as a fresh, frothy mug of cider slid it’s way across the bartop, stopping just short of his hoof. He just as quickly lifted the mug and drank down every last drop, slamming it to the table with a sigh of refreshment before chomping down a saltlick in one bite. He then turned to his friend who had done the same.

The two hopped off their chairs and trotted towards the bustling part of the club. They arrived one of the several sets of stairs that lead down into the dance floor that was so lovinging dubbed ‘The Pit’ and it was just so, a lowered-level dancefloor right in the center of the club. The two slowly made their way down, slipping between the few ponies who stood chatting while others struggled to clamour back up the stairs, no doubt having had more than their fair share of hard cider and salt licks.

The Pit had been completely packed, ponies even standing on their hind hooves in order to fit more into the crowd as they offered themselves to the bass goddess. The rhythmic pounding of the music grew stronger as they neared the bottom of the steps, pulsing up from the ground and through their bodies. Countless smaller speakers lined the walls as two massive towers at the central pedestal blared away at the crowd. From the bottom of it appeared as though it were a castle of equipment from which the duo of ponies could command the forces of music over its denizens as they flew into a state of fever induced ecstasy.

Vesperus stood in awe before the mechanical monster, failing to notice he’d lost Noctus in the crowd. A small grin crept upon his face. “Okay Vesper, time to strut them your stuff.”

The bass relentlessly pounded away at the masses crowding before the towering speakers, each blast a thump on Vesperus’ chest that echoed throughout his body. Slowly, he began bobbing to the rhythm. He moved in simple, little motions at first, gradually building up to more full-body movements. He found that moving on his hindhooves, something that was explained to him as ‘popular with the kids’, made dancing a lot easier. It wasn’t long before he found himself lost in the rhythm, throwing his hooves in the air and bobbing to the rhythm. He quickly threw himself into the crowd, melding in with all the other ponies dancing just as wildly as he was.

He found it exhilarating, simply giving way to the careless motion of your body. Culture in the past had made dancing so tame and boorish, but today’s dance was so much more wild and instinctual to him. It was sense of freedom he’d never experienced before their return to the upper layers of Equestria and nothing like any of the Galas he’d ever attended. It was something he’d longed for what felt like an eternity. No finesse, no decorum, just dancing. Unruly, animalistic dancing.

Effortlessly, Vesperus made his way behind a pony, dancing on them. His partner hardly seemed to mind, as they were too busy following the rhythm as well. They even leaned forward and arched their back. Vesperus couldn’t help but bite his lip a tiny bit at the display before him. He moved closer, brushing up against them, who continued to dance without paying him any attention. A grin crept up on Vesperus’ face. They continued to dance together for a while until his partner stood up again and turned around to face him.

“Hey cutie, what are you doin’ for the rest a’ tonight?” Vesperus cooed in his best imitation of what he thought would be a sexy, sultry voice.

The pony grinned in reply, sizing up Vesperus until going wide-eyed at the sight of his ears. “Ew, get away from me freak!” the pony replied in a shrill cry, shoving Vesperus.

He stumbled back a few steps, other ponies quick to dodge him, but he’d managed to bump into another, knocking the poor mare to the ground. The crowd shuffled around them forming a clearing, but most seemed to ignore the commotion and instead continued dancing. Vesperus looked around, surprised by the crowds reaction, but quickly turned to aide the fallen mare.

“Sorry ‘bout that, Miss...” he said, offering his hoof to her.

The mare flicked her snowy blue bangs over to reveal the face of one of the most stunning mares Vesperus had ever laid eyes on. He felt his jaw go slightly slack as he gazed into her deep, blue eyes, an innocent pout on her face from the injury she’d just received. She gently took hold of his hoof as Vesperus lifted her to her feet, him taking in her demure yet well-defined features. The mare shied away bashfully, but her glances kept meeting his between her bangs.

“I-I-I—” he uttered mindlessly.

“—gotta go.” She interrupted, quickly pushing her way into the crowd and fading from sight.

A hoof fell upon Vesperus’ shoulder.

“No wonder why you're single, the way you act around everypony!” Noctus laughed behind him.

“Yea, yea, whatever. S’not like you’re exactly mister popular either, yanno!” Vesperus grinned back, smacking the hoof off his shoulder.

The rhythm continued to pulse, ignoring the pairs bickering, as more and more ponies poured into the hole before the wubbing stronghold. It wasn’t long before they, too, found themselves lost among the crowd.

“Are you sure I can’t convince you to dance? Not even for just one song?” Aurora pouted, tugging at Eventide’s hoof.

“Erm, s-sorry, but I don’t dance. At least n-n-not like that.” He squeamishly pointed at the pit of grinding ponies.

“But don’t you think it looks like fun?” she whined.

“Actually, I have something else in mind,” he replied slyly.

“Oh?” she replied, a seductive grin creeping upon her face.

Aurora let go of Eventide’s hoof and the two trotted out of the club. They made their way down the road , but she couldn’t be sure where he was leading them. She just continued to follow, never speaking a word. Occasionally, Eventide would make sure she was still trotting alongside him still, only taking enough time to smile back at her. Still, something about the situation flustered Aurora, causing her cheeks to gradually flush with a red glow. It was unusual of Eventide to act so seriously or determined. Unusual, but very much welcomed.

“We’re here,” Eventide spoke softly, pushing aside the tall grass. “It’s a really popular place for people to come during the day, but it’s much more quiet and beautiful during the night,” he spoke softly.

After just a short trek to the edge of town and through a small portion of the edge of the Everfree Forest, the two found themselves at a clearing just before a lake. Fireflies skittered from the tall grass they shuffled through as they made their way closer. The softly-glowing bugs flittered about, eventually settling back on the grass, while others continued to lazily drift about the sky. A few others even settled down near the water amongst the reeds, casting their warm glow onto the its surface. The lake was aglow with the reflection of countless shimmering stars in the sky playfully bouncing along the ripples of the lake.

Aurora watched as the handsome colt opened his saddlebag and unfurled a small blanket, laying out the checkered cloth evenly. They’d been on a few dates, but it still always surprised her how well toned he was under all his armor. It was obvious that he never skipped on his drills or exercises, he was a hard working soldier, but this night it seemed like he’d been training even more so lately. His features seemed more toned, buff even. It occurred to her momentarily that he might even by trying to show off, possibly flexing at every given opportunity as he lay out a small candle. She chuckled quietly to herself, banishing the thought.

That wouldn’t be like Even at all. No, he’s much more sweet and modest with his well-toned body and chiseled features and gorgeous smile and that sexy mane

“Aurora?” Eventide called out.

“H-huh?!” Aurora blinked.

“Are you okay? Y-you’re staring.”

“Oh. Oh! No, nothing. I’m fine!” she felt her cheeks heat up.

“Come. Sit next to me.” He patted the spot next to him.

Aurora trotted up and sat down next to him. A cool breeze rippled across the lake, countless dazzling lights flickering across the surface and glinting in his eyes. Eventide had a quiet calmness about him and it was a quality she had always loved. In the moment, he seemed so peaceful, almost serene even, like the gentle smile on his lips alluded to much more than what appeared on the surface. She found herself lost in a daydream before another breeze sent her shivering. Eventide scooted closer to her and the two smiled at each other. Aurora shut her eyes and rested against Eventide.

“You’re right, you know?” she whispered.


“About the night. This place is certainly more beautiful during this time of the evening. There is a quality of beauty to the quiet stillness that could never quite be captured during the day.”

Eventide didn’t reply, only lean back against her. A smile crept upon his face as he noted the beauty of their surroundings, and he shut his eyes with a sigh, only to have a glimmer catch his attention. The pair turned their gaze upward as one by one, stars began to beam across the sky. They gleamed and danced, racing across the infinite expanse that was the depths of the galaxy, their sole light standing in rebellion against the dark. Except, it seemed more as though they complimented each other. Light and dark performing in unison, creating a spectacle that could easily awe and inspire even the most unimpressible ponies. A romantic vision of virtual opposites combining to create true, infallible beauty.

“A star storm…” Eventide noted.

“It’s… beautiful…” Aurora spoke in wonder.

“It certainly is... but it’s nothing compared to your beauty, Aurora.” He smiled softly at Aurora.

Aurora giggled when their eyes met, her cheeks flushing once again.

Eventide brought up her chin with a hoof to ensure he had her complete attention. They sat for a moment, peering into each other’s eyes before he began. “I know… I know we haven’t been together for very long by either pony’s standards, but I’ve already spent what felt like an eternity alone.”

Aurora sat, allured by his gaze.

“I just want you to know how much I love you.”

“Oh, Even. Of course I know. I love you t—”

“S-so I want you to have this.” He shied away, producing a small box.

Aurora instantly froze, a jolt running through her body. Tears began to swell in her eyes as she came to realize what he might reveal to her. Eventide lifted the lid of the small box. Within, a small ring with a rather large gemstone lay gently on a tiny pillow.

“It’s…. I… this…” she uttered.

“It’s a crystalline leystone, extremely rare and valuable. They used to be much more abundant when the Crystal Empire still existed, but since its disappearance, these have become some of the most precious gems in Equestria.”

“I’ve… only read about these. Their ability to amplify magic is unmatched.” Aurora gasped, her eyes glimmering with the reflection of the stone.

“It will symbolize that our love that binds. When you hold this close it you, our love will only serves to make you stronger, and whenever this is with you, I am with you. Both, in heart and spirit. Together, there is no challenge too great that we can’t face. Let our love be a source of respite and inspiration for others.” He removed the ring from its box and presented it to her.

She knelt before him, accepting the ring while quietly sobbing. Eventide placed the ring on her horn, gently sliding it down to a snug fit. After their eyes met again, and they shared a kiss.

“Eventide, I love you so much.” she stared lovingly into his eyes, a smile rising among her tears of joy.

“I love you too, Aurora.” He smiled back, coming closer to hold her. A figure glinted across the light of the moon, drawing his attention for only a moment.

The two sat frozen in each other’s hooves, their eyes locked on one another, before sharing another kiss. Their lips pressed tenderly together before Eventide gently lay Aurora back onto the picnic cloth. Her gaze remained fixed on him as he held her lovingly in the moonlight. They shared another passionate kiss as the night dragged on.

Author's Note:

Phew. Been working on that one for a while now. This is a pretty uncut chapter, since I don't have proof-readers, so I hope it's still enjoyable. I know this story has been a long time coming and I DO intend to finish it, but it's been taking ridiculously long and I've become extremely busy with school. Anyways, hope you enjoyed the read if you're still around! Please, constructive criticism is always very welcome, so by all means. I hope everybody noticed the hyperlink to music for one of the scenes as well!

Comments ( 8 )

Welcome back! I'll have to read this chapter tomorrow, but I'm super excited that you're posting more of this story!

Thanks! Me too! I just finally sat down and cleaned it up and decided to post it! Hope My technique has become acceptable senpai :twilightsheepish:

Great to see this story updated and with a awesome chapter as-well.
I loved the slow build up to the proposal as it felt more natural in my opinion so props to you for the great execution.

Looking forward to your next chapter (with hopefully some of Luna's adorable ideas to "court" Twilight)


pardon et moi

'' 'pardon' and me" is what that says.
"Pardonne moi"(Excuse me/ my apologies), is what that should be.

Le Petit Cheval?

The little horse.
Votre Français dans le récit de mon petit poney est très drôle.

deux Marguerite a l’orange

Oh my. "Two orange daisy." Okay... I don't even.
Were you trying to say two orange daisies?
"Deux marguerites des l'orange"
"Marguerite à l'orange" accents are important.

It was just 95 weeks ago, almost two years, it's not like i've forgotten most of the story or anything like that :twilightsheepish:

Thanks for the feedback. I'll get those fixed as soon as I get the chance.

Loving this so far, and hoping it continues. I'd like to see more of what happens with Luna in disguise.

got those edited if I'm not mistaken. Sorry, I don't actually speak French, lol. Additionally, the name of the restaurant is a reference to a fic of a friend of mine, which is why there is also background action with Pinkie Pie and another pony. Thanks again for the corrections!

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