• Published 28th Jun 2012
  • 3,439 Views, 167 Comments

Moonfall - Mist Twister

Luna faces her greatest challenge of all. Making friends in Equestria.

  • ...

Generosity's Lens

Luna continued to flee from the scene of havoc she had wrought upon Ponyville. She had to force her battered body to remain on its unsteady flight path, as her steady stream of tears left a brilliant trail in the night sky. The sounds of chaos and confusion from below filled the air, but Luna was doing her best to keep her eyes forward. She cringed as she fought back the tears. The night was in shambles.

What fresh shame have I brought upon myself? How can I face them, who would previously be so bold as to call me ‘friend’, when my transgressions, this time, have been truly unforgivable? Eventide and Honesty were both badly injured, and a large section of the town lies in ruin; the villagers now surely hate and fear us even more... Twilight must be utterly disappointed with me. I do not think I can bear to even face her... Surely I am the vilest creature in existence. I should have remained on the moon.

Luna struggled to maintain her altitude, but continued to put distance between herself and the village, until it slowly moved out of earshot even for her; the haunting cries of its denizens became ever more faint until, mercifully, they faded away.

A cold numbness began to spread from the tips of Luna’s wings, quickly traversing her entire wingspan and then slowly creeping up her back. All too soon, the princess had forgotten not just the wounds from her recent outburst, but also the original trauma her body had suffered at the hooves of the Elements when she had originally returned in the guise of Nightmare Moon. It seemed the doctors were right: she still wasn’t quite ready to fly, and the recent battle had only worsened her condition. Luna quickly became aware of her dire situation, but stubbornly continued on into the night.

I just don’t have the strength to carry on. I wish to endure this pain no longer. My people, my friends, and my only family - they all hate me. I can no longer face the world as the monster I have become…

Just a little bit longer... and it won’t hurt anymore...

The listless princess’s body continued to plummet towards the earth for which she had longed for a thousand years. Luna could feel it drawing closer, and smiled blissfully, calmly bracing herself for impact.

The alicorn’s fragile frame slammed into the ground, and bounced several more times after the sickeningly loud thud of the initial impact. She flipped and flailed like a ragdoll; it was as though she were a puppet, being made to perform a violent dance by invisible strings. The sheer force would have caused anypony to pass out, but the Luna’s body had already been desensitized, and she could feel nothing more than waves of prickling sensations. Each time she made contact with the ground, her body only grew more numb. Luna continued to smile as every scrape, every gash, and every bone-crunching snap sent her further into a senseless abyss.

Perhaps she had finally found the freedom she had so longingly desired...

Luna’s body eventually came to a grinding halt, plowing through the soft soil and colliding with several trash cans with a loud, metallic, clanging sound. The impact caused their contents to be thrown all about and the princess was showered in litter and discarded goods. Slowly, Luna came to, and started wiping the grime and viscous liquids from her face.

“Right. I’m immortal…” Luna let out a quiet, annoyed sigh.

She dispassionately remained lying in amidst the trash, looking down at her body to take stock of the countless bruises and wounds she had sustained. While still mostly intact, there was no doubt that she was even worse off than before. Sighing again, Luna shut her eyes, wishing that she could just simply dissolve into nothingness. The aches and pains of her sore body slowly grew, throbbing and soaking into her sinews as she continued to lie motionless.

Why can’t I ever have my way? Look at me: I am worse than this pile of refuse. I belong here. I could just simply stay here and wait until the gradual decay of time would mercifully melt me away into harmless waste...

Her thoughts were quickly interrupted when a nearby building lit up with brilliant light. The glare blinded Luna, making her wince while her eyes adjusted. Then Luna rolled over to her side to get a better, less confusingly oriented view of the source of the nighttime beacon. It appeared to be an oddly-shaped, pastel-colored building, rounded on its sides, with several sculpted equines decorating its exterior. Luna had never seen such a fantastical design, but she was far too exhausted and injured to be genuinely interested at this point; she was far more concerned with how difficult it was to see. The door flung open, however, and an even more intense light came pouring out, blinding her once more. She struggled to focus as the shape of a dainty mare stepped out from the doorway, the flood of light behind her casting a long, stretched shadow.

“I-Is somepony there?” the mare called out.

Luna continued to lie still, and remained silent, still covered with rubbish. She attempted to focus on the figure and until proper vision was restored. However, it appeared that the opposite was happening: it was growing more and more difficult for her to see. She tried to reply but, oddly, was unable to utter anything sensible.

The figure drew closer to the fallen alicorn, her face, and even her general shape, growing ever more indistinguishable to Luna’s straining eyes, which were still being drowned out by the glaring light behind the approaching pony. She seemed to be trying to communicate, crying and shrieking in some garbled and unintelligible language. Luna found it impossible to understand what the strange being who had emerged from the cruel light was saying, but was grateful that the unforgiving brightness that was hurting her eyes was dying down a little, at least. Things were becoming quite dark now, in fact...

Before she realized it, Luna had unwillingly slipped away from consciousness.



“GUUWAAAAAH!” Luna gasped as she was shocked awake.

Frantically searching for meaning in the bright and blurry images before her, Luna felt a soothingly warm sensation wash over her body. Drawing a deep breath, she inhaled a beautiful bouquet of soothing herbs and spices. When she felt herself floating weightlessly, Luna came to realize hat she was sitting in a massive tub, partially submerged in a luxurious bubble bath. She no longer seemed to ache as much, and her once tense and bruised muscles had begun relaxing a little. Luna let herself sink slightly deeper and let out a sigh..

My, we have not yet experienced a sensation quite like this before. It’s so relaxing - so soothing. This is exactly what I needed after a night like tonight.

Luna began to inspect the room more closely, as her eyes adjusted and her vision returned once more. The tub she was laying in seemed to be exquisitely carved from marble and matched the room in both beauty and overall lavishness - everything seemed to be tiled in marble and polished to the nth degree. A beautifully ornate chandelier hung from the ceiling, bringing the room to life with its light reflecting off every inch of marble and gold lining. A massive mirror hung on the wall above a petite marble sink, in a beautifully carved, golden frame which lent its details to accentuate the angles of the mirror. A neat little table sat next to the tub, bearing several vials and candles, along with a lone book resting atop it. It quickly became clear that the vials were source of the calming scents, when Luna leaned a little closer. She then turned her attention to the book.

Morrow by Crescent Moon…” she read softly, startled to discover that several pages of the book had been torn out, leaving it incomplete. “Doesn’t sound like anything from the Canterlot library… but surely that must be where I am now?”

“Unfortunately it isn’t, dear, but I’d fancy it my own little piece, if I were so bold,” a lofty voice replied from behind her.

“BWAAAHH!!!” Luna screamed as she shot up from the tub, causing water to splash all about. She turned to see a soaked white mare, furrowing her brow when she parted the recently-drenched mane that clung to her face. “Oh, I’m so sorry!”

“It’s quite alright,” the mare calmly replied, flipping her bangs from her face. “I must have given you quite a fright - although, to be perfectly honest, you startled me quite a bit, this evening, as well! I mean, there I was: simply enjoying a peaceful evening by the fireplace - ahem, alone, mind you - on one of the most beautiful nights in recent memory, only to be startled by a frightful ruckus outside my very own home. Why, I was certain it was some foals, or that darling (twitch) Rainbow Dash, playing some trick on me, but instead I found you, my dear, unconscious in a pile of trash! Can you imagine? Tonight, of all nights! Why, I was almost certain they’d be throwing you some sort of welcome-back parade, but there you were! So I lifted you up with my magic, brought you in, and prepared a pleasant bath for you. Oh, but where are my manners? I am Rarity,” she spoke swiftly and without interruptions, and bowed gracefully before the alicorn.

“L-Luna,” the startled princess replied, amazed at how quickly the mare before her could speak. “But please, rise, Rarity... I am not one deserving of such formalities,” she said, sulking a little and sinking back into the warm water.

“You poor dear, you must have had a truly dreadful night to be saying such things!” Rarity sounded concerned, and approached Luna.

“It has been so awful, Rarity, that I would not even know where to begin…” Luna’s words turned to bubbling noises from the water of the tub when she let her muzzle dip below the surface.

She turned to watch her host delicately prancing about the bathroom, collecting various bottles from a marble cabinet and placing them gently into a surprisingly luxurious-looking pail. The mare approached her, and pulled at a lever at the base of the tub to reveal a small marble stairway leading to the edge of the bath. Rarity placed the pail down before she began up the two steps; climbing them just barely would have put her at eye level with the sulking princess, had the tall alicorn not lowered herself quite as far into the massive tub already. The unicorn then levitated the pail over to the tap and allowed it to be filled to the brim with warm water, before gesturing towards it, looking to the princess for approval.

“Let’s get you all cleaned up first, dear. We can’t have royalty looking so... uncouth. Remember: a clean body is the first step to a clean mind! I’m certain you’ll feel better after one of my aroma-therapeutic baths.” Rarity nodded at the princess with a wide smile. Luna only nodded back in reply, as Rarity slowly poured the warm water over her.

“I’m not sure if I’ll feel better, but this is certainly helping.” Luna sighed with relief.

Rarity was more preoccupied, however, with the fact that Luna’s mane unyieldingly withstood the previous dousing, and how it proved even more difficult to work in a lather, as she attempted to shampoo it. “H-how do you get your hair to do that, darling? It’s ever so… fascinating,” she spoke as the silky mane danced about beneath her hooves.

“Well, you see, it is part of being an alicorn. Both my sister and I contain so much raw magical power that it is constantly flowing through us; most visibly through our hair. Our mane and tail serve as a sort of conduit for managing the currents, allowing us to channel magic more efficiently,” Luna said.

We don’t believe anypony has tried to shampoo our mane in centuries. How amusing! Luna giggled. Try as she might, I don’t think she’ll be able to get it tooooooooooohhhhh~

The princess sunk back into the water as Rarity finally managed to work up a decent lather atop her head. The mare had given up on washing Luna’s mane from the outside, daunted by its sheer volume, and rather had gone straight to the scalp instead, which proved to be a successful strategy. Luna felt the built-up tension easing further as the - admittedly rather skilled - mare rubbed and massaged her head.

“There we are! Just takes a bit of elbow grease,” Rarity congratulated herself, as the fine white lather grew and began emanating a floral fragrance.

My, these scents are certainly relaxing. They remind me of the flower fields of Canterlot, where I’d play as a foal. Oh, how I miss those times… and him… Luna began slowly disappearing beneath the foamy surface again, her eyes seeming dull and distant.

“Something the matter, dear? Are you not enjoying yourself?” Rarity asked, noting the princess’s expression.

“No, it’s not that. I’m just… being reminded of certain things,” Luna replied.

“Oh? Perhaps you need somepony to talk to?” Rarity questioned, slowing the pace of her massage.

“Mmmm...” Luna grumbled as a tuft of foam landed on her muzzle.

It has been some time since I have confided in anypony, even my own sister. And why is she so interested in my personal li-

"Well, it’s fine if you prefer not to say what’s on your mind, Princess Luna, but they do say that sharing one’s troubles eases the soul,” Rarity spoke, interrupting Luna’s thoughts.

Rarity finished with her royal visitor’s mane, and levitated the pail to the faucet to be filled once more. As before, she notified the princess of her intentions beforehoof.

“GUWAAAH!” Luna shouted, shooting up in the tub as she was doused again, wide-eyed and shivering. “C-c-cold… w-w-w-water…”

“Oopsie, I must have turned on the wrong nozzle.” Rarity blushed. “My sincerest apologies Princess,” she said, while hastily lifting a neatly folded towel over to the shivering alicorn.

Luna caught the towel with her own magic and began to dry herself off, noting how warm and plush the towel felt. As the floating towel wiped across her body she realized that all of her previous wounds had magically disappeared. She pouted at this further reminder of her immortality, which now seemed more like a curse, in her eyes. Luna hung the soaking wet cloth on a nearby rack and looked over to Rarity, who had already finished drying herself off and had thrown on a white mink bathrobe, with a purple trim that matched her own coat and mane. The mare had also done her mane up in a massive bun to keep it from falling in her face.

“This way, Princess, if you would be so kind,” Rarity began, gesturing animatedly and leading her to the nearest door.

Luna followed her through the doorway, stepping into another lavishly decorated room. The most notable feature was the massive and elegant canopy bed; it’s beautifully carved headboard was bore the same mark as the mare who had been taking care of her, and each individual post also sported elegantly carved designs. The beautiful, clean sheets of red silk had a warm and inviting sheen, and seemed to be beckoning to the princess. The room also contained several matching dressers and a particularly large and impressive wardrobe, which immediately caught Luna’s eye. A few equinnequins, dressed in as-yet-unfinished ensembles, were situated next to a desk which had a large sewing machine resting on one corner, and several tools laid out neatly on the other. A shelf, holding multiple bolts of cloth of a wide variety of colors, was fixed to the wall on that end. The checkered wallpaper, all in shades of lavender and whites, was the final testament to the interior designer’s impeccable and lavish tastes, featuring beautiful, frilly decorations along the corners and ceiling.

Rarity pranced past Luna while she was distracted, “I do apologize for the mess. Let’s continue downstairs,” she said, opening another door to reveal a stairway. “Shall we?”

This stairway was clearly not designed for somepony of my stature, Luna thought as she followed the mare and descended down the spiraling staircase, doing her best to avoid driving her horn into the ceiling. And it just seems to go on forever...

“Just a bit further, Princess - again, I apologize for these stairs; they really are a bit… narrow,” Rarity said, as chipper as ever.

When they finally reached the bottom, and trotted through the dimly lit hall, a much more brightly lit room could be seen at the far end. Stepping in, Luna was greeted by the same elegant and lavish design found in the rest of Rarity’s home; however, the walls of this room were simply lined with equinnequins. Each one was wearing a unique and breathtaking dress, which Luna could only assume were made from nothing short of the finest materials in all of Equestria; each garment shimmered with distinct patterns of dazzling jewels and gemstones. They all seemed to be positioned so that they were facing the center of the room, where a fireplace had been installed. The embers of a dying fire could be heard crackling as little sparks danced about the remaining logs, vainly attempting to rekindle the flames. Without warning, the scorched wood and kindling were abruptly set ablaze again, startling Luna.

“Ah, there we are, nice and cozy!” Rarity spoke, seeming rather pleased with herself. “It’s taken quite some time, and copious amounts of instruction and nagging from Twilight, but it seems I can at last cast that ember spell effectively!”

“Nagging?” Luna chuckled.

“Why yes, the dear absolutely insisted I put my magical talents to use; she claimed I could learn far more than mere telekinesis and levitation. It’s been nothing but nonstop training, in what little free time I have to spare. Now, the pursuit of knowledge is all fine and dandy, of course, but some of us are simply not born with a superior command of the power of leylines! And as if that weren’t enough-”

Oh dear here she goes again. Just humor her, Luna! She has been so kind to me - I owe her at least that much.

“Oh, but where are my manners? Please, have a seat while I fetch us some refreshments!” Rarity invitingly petted a spot on the velvet couch in front of the fireplace.

Luna approached the couch and settled down on it, while Rarity pranced away once again. The couch proved soft to the touch, and slightly warm because of the nearby fire. It was far more comfortable than Luna initially expected it to be, so she curled up cozily, folding in her hooves and settling a little deeper into the cushions with a little wiggling. Luna turned to look over the back of the couch, spotting light coming from one of the rooms down the hall, where rustling could be heard.

Shortly afterwards Rarity came trotting back, levitating a tray which held a dark bottle, a small dish of salt, and two wine glasses. She set the tray on the table, flipped the two glasses upright with a thought, and uncorked the bottle. Then she took the glasses and pressed their rims into the dish, lining them with beads of salt before gently pouring a brilliant golden liquid into them. The brew fizzled and foamed as it filled the cup, and Rarity had to stop pouring halfway to allow the foam to settle.

“I hope you will find this cider to your liking. I’m not sure how it compares to what you are served in Canterlot, but this particular vintage is from Applejack’s private collection, so it ought to be quite good!” Rarity smiled politely, offering Luna a glass.

Luna accepted the offering. Taking the glass with her magic and pressing it to her lips, she found that the rim of salt stung a little, but when she took an actual sip the cider washed it away, leaving a tingling feeling in her mouth. Luna felt her body warming up and her cheeks beginning to glow, and couldn’t tell if these sensations were being caused by the fire, the drink, or a little bit of both.

“This is quite delicious!” Luna said, visibly enjoying the beverage.

“Fantastic, isn’t it?” Rarity squealed from a nearby loveseat, where she sat gingerly sipping her own drink. “Do mind the salt though, dear. It’s imported from Appaloosa and is known to be quite strong.”

Luna was too busy enjoying her drink to pay attention.

“So, Princess Luna, I was wondering if you’d be willing to share your tale with me,” Rarity appealed to the princess with a sympathetic smile.

Luna shuffled uncomfortably in her seat, and set her glass down on the table.

“I do believe it would make you feel better if you confided in somepony, Princess. I know it can be difficult, but I want you to know I am here for you.”

“It is difficult, Generosity - my return has been anything but smooth. My body was badly damaged during that first, fateful encounter with you and your friends, and I’m still recovering. I’ve spent the entire night trying to adjust to modern pony society, only to have everypony reject me! I’m quite certain all the other Elements hate me, I’ve badly hurt one of the few ponies I could conceivably call a friend, and I don’t know what my Sister is going to say or do to me, after everything I’ve done!” Luna gasped in an attempt to breathe after such a sudden and lengthy outburst.

“Oh you poor thing! You’ve sure had quite a night, haven’t you?” Rarity spoke with a concerned tone, setting her drink down and sitting up attentively.

“That’s an understatement! TONIGHT HAS BEEN AN ABSO-,“ Luna stopped mid-sentence, realizing, just a little too late, that she had lapsed into her Royal Voice, causing Rarity to be blown back into her seat. “Sorry... It’s been a disaster, is what I meant to say... Instead of gaining everypony’s respect and admiration, as I had hoped, they now fear us more than ever. It’s as if Nightmare Moon has locked me in an impregnable fortress, preventing anypony from coming anywhere near me! Even in defeat, she haunts me… After tonight, I’m sure everypony holds nothing but contempt for me. I cannot face Sister like this. I cannot face Twilight, either. I should have… I should have just stayed on the moon…” Luna sighed deeply, averting her eyes from the other mare.

“Ah! Ah! You mustn’t say such things, Princess!” Rarity huffed. She’d been fidgeting with her mane, attempting to fix the curls blown back by Luna’s recent roar. “I can see that you’ve had some trouble… adjusting, but I insist that you remain resolute!”

Luna lifted her head to meet the mare’s eyes, but her pained expression remained. “I’m just not sure if I can do this anymore. I’ve been letting Twilight down almost all night long, and she has done nothing but try to help me. She... she probably wants nothing more to do with me...”

“My, you certainly value Twilight’s opinion of you quite a bit, don’t you?” Rarity observed, poking playfully at Luna.

Luna felt her face heat up as she fought back a flustered reaction, and she shifted nervously in her seat. “I-it’s not like that!” she tried to argue. “Twilight Sparkle has spent this whole night trying to teach us the ways of friendship. She has shown more kindness and concern for us than anypony else since our return! We.. I simply do not want to disappoint her, when she has put so much effort into aiding me!” She folded her fidgety forehooves and pouted at Rarity.

“Hm...” Rarity said skeptically, clearly not buying that explanation. “Very well Princess, but I do believe you at least owe Twilight Sparkle the courtesy of explaining why you-” She interrupted herself. “Err, I forgot to ask: why were you in my trash again?”

“It… is a long story, Rarity, and I’d rather not talk about it, if it’s all the same to you,” Luna snapped, a bit annoyed by Rarity’s comments.

“Oh alright, dear; whenever you’re ready then.” Rarity hesitated, frowning a bit. “Gettng back to the point, though: I still think you owe Twilight an explanation. I mean, as you said, the poor dear spent the better portion of this special night assisting you with your reintegration, and Twilight rarely devotes so much of her precious time to a cause, unless she truly cares about it… or is studying it.” Rarity couldn’t help but roll her eyes.

“I-I hadn’t considered that…” Luna stared into the fire, a frown creeping upon her face. “I’m just not sure what to do anymore. It’s not as though I haven’t been trying to better myself, Rarity, but only rarely did my efforts - or Twilight’s own - seem to have any positive effect at all.”

“But did they have some effect, at least?” Rarity asked, tilting her head.

“W-well yes but…”

“Now see here, Princess Luna,” Rarity interrupted again. “It sounds like Twilight was doing everything she could to help you. Even if it feels like it you weren’t making much progress, which I understand can be very frustrating, the fact of the matter is that things are starting to get better for you. You may have made some mistakes in your past, but all you really have to do is to show others that you truly wish to atone. You can’t expect everypony to simply welcome you back with open forelegs, after all.”


“Yes, dear, atone. Nothing can change what has happened in the past, and some ponies will continue to judge you for it. But others might come to see you in a different light, based on your actions in the present. That probably won’t happen overnight, but...”

Luna was taken aback by the surprisingly meaningful words that had just been spoken, but she still felt doubtful, her resolve wavering.

“H-how could I ever persuade them that I have changed? All they ever see is Nightmare Moon!” Luna’s eyes began to narrow with frustration. “I count myself extremely lucky if I get so much as a ‘hello’ without them running and screaming in fear. And now they all know that that monster still resides within me... They have seen it with their own eyes! I will never get a chance...”

Rarity stood frozen on the edge of her chair.

“Yes… you heard correctly,” Luna said, returning to a calmer, but colder tone of voice. “It still exists; I still carry it within myself…”

“I-I had no idea…” Rarity sat back, dumbfounded, her previous conviction shattered by this revelation. She swallowed hard, and looked slightly unnerved.

“Yes, well... NOW YOU DO,” Luna shouted with sudden anger, and she rose from her seat, heading towards what she assumed was the door out. “I’LL BE LEAVING NOW.”

Tch, she’s just like the rest of them. She pretends like she wants to help us, but when the truth is revealed, she turns on us! Spouting nonsense about atonement, as if she ever had to overcome hardship akin to ours. The nerve of this Element! She lives in this decadent home; the living embodiment of narcissism! She knows nothing of hardship!

“Luna, wait!” Rarity called out, chasing after her.

“WHAT DID YOU CALL US?” the princess shouted, indignantly turning to face the impudent mare.

“I-I-I mean, Princess Luna.” Rarity stumbled backwards, hastily correcting herself. “I-I’m sorry I reacted that way. I was just… surprised. Well, shocked really. I thought Nightmare Moon had been vanquished.”

“No, it endures - and now you, too, will see in us nothing more than a pale shadow of its horror and tyranny!” Luna’s tone was harsh and bitter. The irate alicorn looked down at the smaller mare, although she looked more desperate than menacing.

“I most certainly do not!” Rarity interrupted, stomping her hoof in protest.

“W-what?” Luna said dumbly, eyeing the strangely unintimidated mare suspiciously.

“You heard what I said: I do not!” Rarity accentuated her words with another, loud clop of her hoof. “You may think that everypony still sees you that way, but as it happens, I just spent some quality time with an alicorn who truly cares for her kingdom and desires nothing more than the love of her subjects! It’s clear to me that you do not wish to become that monstrous tyrant ever again, and I’m sure others could come to see that, too, whatever might have transpired tonight.”

“How can you be so certain? You don’t seem to fully understand what I am! I was overcome with darkness earlier tonight, and I could lose myself again at any moment! I DESTROYED A QUARTER OF THE TOWN AND-… and I assaulted Twilight, gravely wounding one of my Dusk Guards in the process…” Luna trailed off, hanging her head with shame, and hiding the slowly forming tears of regret behind her mane.

Rarity stood in silence, absorbing the second burst of the Royal Canterlot Voice a lot more gracefully than the previous one. It took a while for her to process Luna’s words. “…Well, I’m willing to take my chances, if it means restoring a measure of faith in Equinity back to somepony who clearly needs it!” Rarity answered in a confident tone.

Luna stood frozen in the hallway, rearing up slightly in astonishment at Rarity’s answer.

“Luna, we can never show enough of who we are on the inside, and our outside can never say enough either. They are in constant conflict with each other, as we struggle to maintain harmony between the two. Other ponies will continue to relentlessly judge us and our endeavors, but we must face them with our heads held high, for it is our true selves that matter most, not what they choose to perceive…” Rarity trailed off, lost in thought. “I know it can be difficult when it seems like nopony believes in you, Princess Luna, but you have make them believe. Show them that they have nothing to fear, since you only truly desire their respect and admiration. You must make Nightmare Moon a thing of the past and you must prove that you intend to keep it that way. Things will never get better until you make the effort…”

Luna put her hoof to her chin, and stared at the floor in deep thought. The two mares stood in silence for a while. Rarity could see that the Princess was considering the speech she had just delivered, and knew she had to let the alicorn make her own decision; she patiently awaited her reply.

I have to make the effort? So far all I have been doing is following the instructions of others... But have I truly been trying, myself? Perhaps… perhaps Rarity is right. I haven’t made the effort; how could anypony ever believe me if I haven’t given it my all? Twilight has certainly given me hers. I owe her far more than I have given her credit for. But can I really teach ponies not to fear Nightmare Moon? Can I really get them to overcome such an insurmountable obstacle? …I must try. For my honor. For my Kingdom. For Him, and for Twilight. I must…

“You’re right, Rarity.” Luna broke the silence, standing boldly with renewed resolve shining in her eyes. “If I wish things to improve, then I cannot simply stand idly by, hoping beyond hope and expecting others to solve all of our dilemmas for us. It has been all too easy for me to become frustrated by constant failure and wallow in self-pity, instead of focusing on what progress I have made, and what more needs to be done.”

Rarity approached Luna and gently hugged her. “I’m certain that, in time, they will all come to understand your plight. Just remember that you do have ponies rooting for you - myself and the other girls included, I’m sure.”

“...Thank you, Rarity,” Luna said graciously, appreciating the sentiment. She craned her neck around to bring the unicorn mare in closer. “I owe you much. Our talk has made me reconsider matters, and has greatly eased my mind. Also, please, forgive my previous outburst; calling me Luna is just fine.”

“Of course Luna!” Rarity said happily, “I regret not being able to do more for you, but I highly doubt a new dress or a trip to the spa would help solve your predicament. Should you ever find the time, however, I do offer you these things - along with my friendship.” Rarity beamed, eventually breaking the hug.

“My, how generous of you!” Luna smiled in return.

Rarity was giggling before Luna fully realized what she had just said, and then they both shared a small laugh.

Ah, to laugh again! It felt so good to be genuinely laughing in the company of a friend. It was just what Luna needed, after a night like tonight.

The two mares smiled at each other fondly, cherishing the moment they had shared, and the bonds of friendship they had forged. Luna felt a familiar warmth wash over her once again; the same tingling sensation she experienced every time she thought she’d made a new friend. Every time it welled up within her, the uneasiness that had settled deep down within her faded a little more.

“I’ll have to take up on those offers another time, I’m afraid. For now, I can only thank you for your hospitality, friend Rarity... I fear I really must be going; I need to find Twilight and the others.”

“Are you sure you wish to leave so soon, though, Luna? You don’t need to face the others all by yourself, you know. I could come with you!” Rarity beamed, and clasped her hooves in anticipation.

“I think… I think I’d like that.” Luna smiled at her newfound friend.

“Good, it’s settled then! Now let’s get out there and show them what you’re worth!” Rarity said encouragingly, as they walked to the door together. They stopped just outside her home, with Rarity turning to lock the door behind them.

“Thank you for your company, Rarity. I was wondering, though, if you don’t mind me asking: why aren’t you out already out and about tonight, like all of your friends?”

“Ah, well, you see dear, Nightmare Night is one of my least busy nights of the year! Everypony orders their costumes months in advance, but they’re all fairly simple in design, and, as such, not particularly challenging to make for a talented seamstress such as myself,” Rarity said, in her typical, slightly haughty fashion. “So I usually take the night off, avoiding all the hustle and bustle and just spending some quiet time enjoying life’s little pleasures. A salted glass of malt cider usually does the trick, and Applejack can usually be persuaded to part with a bottle of a particularly fine vintage at least once every year... Well, I suppose tonight hasn’t exactly been what most ponies would consider a typical Nightmare Night, but make no mistake: I would not miss this night for all Equestria!” She smiled widely, nodding her head in agreement with herself.

“Nor would I,” Luna smirked, and she found herself nodding along. “Your generosity has taught me much about myself. Until now I have been far too cynical, thinking I’d have to do this alone, but I was wrong and I can’t. I need help - and there are ponies who may be willing to forgive me, and offer me just that, even now. You alone have shown me this.”

“Oh, think nothing of it, Luna! Us fillies have to look out for each other, after all,” Rarity insisted, still fidgeting with the lock.

“Yes, I believe you are right. But still, I wish to give you something in return…” Luna brought a thoughtful hoof to her chin once more.

What could I possibly have to offer this mare? Somepony this generous must already possess all that they desire. Hmm… If I recall correctly, Sister told me she enjoys fashion and decoration. I believe she even had a hoof in the creation of the decorations used during our very own welcome-back party! As well as those of the recent Gala, I think...

“This…darn…thing…is…so…stubborn!” Rarity grunted and grimaced whilst she kept tugging at the key, which still showed no signs of budging.

“RARITY!” Luna suddenly shouted.

“BUWAHAHAAAH?!” A startled, wide-eyed Rarity spun around, and clutched her chest.

“Were you not responsible for the magnificent decorations at the last Grand Galloping Gala?”

“Err… no,” Rarity replied, with a furrowed brow and a slight cringe of regret.

“Oh…” Luna lowered her head and scrunched up her face. “I must apologize; I mistakenly assumed that-”

“It’s quite alright dear. Though the décor this year was rather splendid, was it not? Celestia has entrusted me with assignments before, such as the decorations for the Summer Sun Celebration, but those were just for here in town. I still hope to one day be granted the honor of being allowed to decorate the Royal Canterlot Castle, and so pay tribute to the esteemed rulers of Equestria. I can hardly imagine anything more glamorous - for anypony in this particular trade - than to be entrusted with such a task! Not to mention the amount of prestige and recognition it would surely garner the privileged pony in question...” Rarity squealed at the thought.

“Ah! Well I suppose this isn’t quite as prestigious, but perhaps... perhaps you would like to assist me with a complete redecoration of my chambers?” Luna smiled weakly, fearing that it wasn’t much in terms of repayment

“Your chambers?”


“As in, your royal chambers?”


“The very same royal chambers, inside Canterlot Castle, where you sleep?” Rarity leaned closer towards the princess, eagerly anticipating an answer.

“Um... yes?” Luna was still smiling, although her expression had become more and more awkward, with each successive ‘yes’.

“You want me to aba gaha ramanm… décor?” Rarity’s expression twisted and distorted, her eyes twitching and shifting in various, often opposite, directions. “For royal chamber… ah, I, uhh, haaaaaaaa~” Rarity pressed her hoof to her head and dramatically fainted, landing flat on her back.

Luna took a few steps back in alarm. “R-Rarity?” she cautiously approached the mare, inspecting her more closely. “A-are you okay?”

There was no response.

“Rarity? P-please, wake up!” Luna tried again, nudging the unconscious mare with her nose.

Still no response.

“Please Rarity! I-I don’t want to be alone right now!” Luna begged. Her lips were trembling in a sudden fit of anxiety, forcing her to bite down on it to stop herself.

The mare remained motionless.

After a deep breath to regain her composure slightly, Luna quickly encased Rarity in a magical shell and carried her back into her home. Once inside, she laid the limp mare gently down on the couch, and pulled a blanket over her before quietly extinguishing the flame she had relit and heading back toward the door. Luna turned to look back one more time at the knocked-out mare, who had begun mumbling and groaning incoherently, before slowly closing the door to the fantastically beautiful boutique.

Great job, Luna thought with a sigh, she fainted. But why did she faint? What could have upset her so badly that she… was it…? Oh no… It couldn’t be. Was I… Was I insulting her by requesting such a favor of a young friendship? Oh, that must have been it! I was far too demanding of her and she simply could not handle it. I have overstepped my boundaries yet again! And... and of course a pony as renowned and talented as Rarity wouldn’t want to waste her time helping you with your stupid, insignificant little bedroom, anyway... What kind of reward is that? Oh, foolish foal! Why did you have to go and open your big muzzle?

The night trudged on. The cool, crisp nighttime air and glittering, starry sky failed to comfort the princess, who was usually fond of such beautiful scenery. Luna stared up into the shimmering abyss above her, focusing her attention on a familiar, particularly brilliant star. It gleefully danced and swayed above her head, the sight of which often eased her mind and granted her courage. Tonight, however, it wasn’t doing the trick. Luna sighed in frustration.

“What do I do now?” she began soft, addressing the distant star. “I don’t think I can face Twilight - when she finds out what I’ve done to Rarity, on top of everything else, she’ll probably never want to speak to me again. Eventide has likely returned to the castle with Aurora to recover, and you…” she trailed off and hung her head. “I just… I want Nightmare Moon to be gone forever. I want Sister to welcome me back with open hooves, and be sweet and kind to me, like she used to when we were still foals. I want…” she hesitated, looking up at the star once more. “I really want Twilight to like me…”

Luna continued to gaze at the star, as if it would somehow acknowledge her pleas. Unsurprisingly, it did not, however; it just continued to twinkle and slowly traverse the night sky. She frowned, and the bright dot appeared to stop for just an instant. Luna blinked in astonishment, rubbing her eyes with her hooves, but as soon as she did, the star continued its slow waltz through the deep blue expanse.

I’m all alone... again. I don’t want do this alone… I can’t do this alone…

“I wish you were still here for me…” Luna’s eyes grew dark and distant, staring off into space as she broke into a small whimper.

With dampened spirits and a heavy heart, the lonely alicorn eventually picked herself up and wandered aimlessly on the outskirts of town, unaware that she was destined to encounter the lavender mare who had first sought to help her again. The moon was starting to set, but the night was far from over.