• Published 28th Jun 2012
  • 3,438 Views, 167 Comments

Moonfall - Mist Twister

Luna faces her greatest challenge of all. Making friends in Equestria.

  • ...

Sharing Kindness

The trot was awkwardly silent as cricket chirps filled the night air once more. The soft beam of fireflies passing between tree lines flirted with the darkness, casting brief beacons of soft, welcoming light on the two. As the light phased in and out, the moonlight path seemed to shimmer with natural lanterns. Twilight’s eyes remained forward and focused, while Luna’s gazed was fixed on the pony leading her. Luna had been admiring the bravery and kindness of the filly before her.

She is so brave, facing Us down in Our most powerful of forms. She stood before us, challenged Us, and saved Us from darkness. Even now she continues to serve, nay help us as a… friend. We cannot believe how fortunate we are to have someone such as her help us…

“Yanno..” Twilight interrupted her thoughts, turning to face the princess, “you can call me Twilight. I know I’m the Element of Magic and all, but I’m not really used to people calling me by that title. I’d much prefer if…”

“Very well Twilight Sparkle.” She rigidly interrupted.

Twilight was startled by the snap and immediately turned around. The night air faded to awkward silence once more.

Smooth move Luna…

The two continued to walk through the Everfree Forest. It had seemed so quiet and calm during the night, when most of the dangerous creatures were resting. Luna had taken the time to fully enjoy their moonlit stroll, appreciating the softness and kindness of the night. A cool breeze rustled the leaves of the foliage and parted the manes of the trotting ponies gently. The light of the stars she had raised created soft shapes on the ground as they shone through the thick brush of the trees. The ground was soft and cool, folding beneath their hooves. Fireflies continued to float about the trees, their light blooming around the two. It was almost romantic. Luna continued to admire the beauty of the mare she had been following, failing to realize they had changed direction and were not heading towards town.

“We’re almost there. Her cottage is just up ahead!” Twilight excitedly said.

Who is it again we are seeking?” Luna spoke with a vexed tone.

“You know her as The Element of Kindness. She should be able to help you with your little… volume problem.” she said giggling a bit.

“Kindness… they are the one called Rainbow Dash, correct?”

“PFFFFT AHAHAHA” Twilight’s abrupt cackle filled the quiet night air.

Wh-what?! We do not understand! What is so humorous?!” Luna demanded.

“S-sorry Princess*cuckle*, but Kindness is named Fluttershy. I’m sorry, but *pffft* Rainbow Dash*chortle* as Kindness? BWAHAHAHA!” Twilight continued to laugh.


Twilight immediately ceased her laughter and turned to the Princess, staring deeply into her eyes. “I-I’m so sorry Luna, I didn’t mean to laugh like that! I only meant to share a laugh with you! I would never ever make fun of you for such a thing, I pinkie promise. Please don’t be upset.” Twilight’s ears had folded back and she had looked greatly concerned, even pouting a little.

Luna was surprised by her reaction and reeled a bit at the notion, rearing one hoof to her breastplate. It was not as though the mare before he was cowering, but rather begging forgiveness. “I-it is… okay, Twilight Sparkle. We did not know of your… intentions. Please, forgive Our mistake, as We may have overacted a bit as well. We are still learning such things.”

“Of course I can forgive you” she spoke softly to the alicorn, lifting her head with hope. “That’s what friends are for!” a soft smile slowly came upon her face as she comforted Luna and she immediately perked up.


“Now then, Fluttershy was it? You are sure she can help Us with Our volume problem?”

“Don’t worry Princess, Fluttershy can give you some great pointers! She’s delicate and demure with the sweetest little voice…”

*knock knock*

GO AWAY! NO CANDY HERE! VISITORS NOT WELCOME ON NIGHTMARE NIGHT!!!!” a brash voice bellowed from inside the house.

Luna passed an agitate look towards Twilight.

“Eh-heheh.” Twilight forced a laugh.

Art thou serious?! Somepony like that is supposed to help us? They clearly have a problem worse than our own! Just listen to their howls! It is as though Nightmare Night were conducting her as well! I can’t believe I put so much faith in this pony. I knew this was a foolish idea... Just what is Magic trying to do now, summon that demon spawn that is supposed to be Kindness? Dear sister, we can hardly bare to watch this unfold before our very eyes.

Luna was lost in her thoughts, silently observing Twilight approach the door and speak through it to somepony inside while listing off the possibilities of how horribly she knew this night would end. Slowly, the wooden door before them crept open and a small Pegasus pony with a soft pink mane peeked her head out.

“It is you… ah, and Nightmare Moon. *GASP* NIGHTMARE MOON?! GAAAAAAH!”


Luna gazed angrily at Twilight once more.

“Ahahah, eh-, wait right here.” Twilight requested of the obviously annoyed princess, to which Luna rolled her eyes.

Strange noises and rustling could be heard coming from within the small cottage on the outskirt of Ponyville. Luna simply stood there with a dulled expression on her face, boringly awaiting the return of her so called friend. Was that a goat… and a horse? What could she possibly be doing in ther… oh my. How crude!

“F-fluttershy!” Twilight emerged pushing the yellow Pegasus pony in front of her as the door swung open once more. “You remember Princess Luna.”

Charmed.” Luna spoke, offering her hoof to be greeted.

The frightened yellow mare instantly fled back into the cottage, returning Luna’s dull look to her face one more. It was slowly becoming apparent to Luna that Kindness was not so kind at all and would be no help in their quest. Twilight, on the other hand, angrily cast her levitation magic on the poor mare to lift her outside once more.

Fluttershy appeared before the Princess again, attempting to flee. It was of no use though, as Twilight’s aura had left her defenseless. She tried to hide he face under her hooves, but Twilight used the aura to spin her around and face Luna.

“likewise” Fluttershy whimpered with an expression of fear and anxiety, but mostly fear.

Luna sternly gazed upon the mare, sizing her up. She had a noticeable expression of fear and anguish as Luna looked upon her. The sheer volume of the pony’s voluptuous mane had also surprise Luna. Nonetheless, Luna was not pleased with what she saw. From the looks of things, this little filly would be of no use to her.

She is so meek and frail, failing to even greet us properly! How could she ever hold the power to wield an Element, let alone be Kindness? From what we have seen so far this pony is anything but. I suppose We should at least be willing to try and cooperate since Magic is so intent on aiding us…


“okay…” the mare on her back whimpered softly

Look at her cower before us. How pathetic. She lacks even the strength to muster a proper response. Hah, We think We shall have a bit of fun with this one...

HOW IS THIS?!” Luna continued to howl at the terrified mare, secretly enjoying tormenting the poor soul. She grinned as she came closer and closer to her, employing an intimidating glare.

“Perfect, lesson’s over.” The mare caved, saying anything to save herself from the horrifying clutches of the dark alicorn towering over her. Speeding toward her home just as quickly as before, she immediately slammed face first into the door Twilight had closed.

Honestly! We have accomplished nothing! This pathetic excuse for an element has just continued to cower before us. We have made no progress in controlling our voice and she even refuses to aid us. Such a waste of time this night is turning out to be! We knew We should have just stayed home and kept to Ourself! Magic, you will pay for such insol…

“A little quieter, Princess.” Twilight spoke, doing her best to cover for the friend.

Luna flinched in surprise. Was Magic really still trying to help her? Could she not tell that she had been intentionally afflicting her friend and fellow Element? Honestly, how dense is this mare?

How is… THIS?” Luna rolled her eyes, only continuing to humor the situation. She had grown slightly concerned over how dark her thoughts had gradually become and, truth be told, toning her voice was the last thing on her mind.

“Better, right Fluttershy?” Twilight inquired, turning back to the mare stuck to the door.

“Huhuhu, Yes.” The mare fearfully replied, attempting to regain her sense and peel herself from her own door.

“HOW…ABOUT…NOW?” Luna spoke, craning her neck and straining her throat while emphasizing each word. Clearly this is more difficult than We previously imagined.

“Now you’re getting it!” Twilight grew more excited, her eyes lighting up.

“…and how about now?” Luna apprehensively lifted her hoof toward the lavender unicorn, gazing longingly into her deep violet eyes.

“Yes, well done!” Twilight triumphantly congratulated the Princess.

Luna’s mood had changed quicker than she could realize, replacing itself with a glow joy and happiness as a huge smile came upon her face. She sat on her haunches and pressed her hooves to her cheeks, congratulating herself on her monumental accomplishment. This was her first step towards winning the kingdom over once more and she had finally taken a step in the right direction.

She had never been so happily congratulated for her accomplishments in her life! She had always heard phrases like “good job” and “nice work”, but they never carried any meaning to her, only that they confirmed the she was able to do what was expected of her. Other times it was ponies complimenting her out of fear. It was as though she was finally receiving the heartfelt praise she had been longing for. She was overcome with emotion. She took a moment to smile back at the two ponies who had just helped her accomplish the feat, nearing the brink of tears. Fluttershy was still lying on the ground, dazed and confused, while Twilight was beaming back at her. For the first time in a long time, Luna felt as though she had actually friends. The poor alicorn simply didn’t know what to do with herself, so she did the first thing she could imagine friends do to each other.

I thank thee dear Fluttershy!” She shouted, levitating Kindness over to herself and embraced her over each shoulder. “Our normal speaking voice shall surely win us the hearts of thy fellow villagers!

Luna continued to hug the shocked mare, enjoying the warmth of her limp body as she pressed against her tighter with each hug. She had become so preoccupied with thanking Fluttershy that she had thrown her royal composure completely out the window. At the same time, a familiar group of ponies was approaching the cottage. They were off seeking refuge from a devious monster that had been stalking the night for ages, always hunting for its next meal.

“Fluttershy you’ve gotta hide us! Nightmare Moon is here and… *bakawk*” Pinkie Pie interrupted herself. “AH, SHE’S STOLEN FLUTTERSHY’S VOICE SO SHE CAN’T SCREAM WHEN SHE GOBBLES HER UP”

Pinkie Pie took off screaming for town, frightening the group of foals she had been leading once more into blindly fleeing from the princess.

NAY, CHILDREN, WAIT!” Luna barked, a pulse of angst rippling within, only to regain composure at the horror of realizing the mistake of the lesson she had just learned. “…I mean. Nay, children, wait!” she longingly beckoned once more, her plea only to fall upon deaf ears. She pressed her hooves to head chest and hung her head in shame.

Twilight watched the events unfold, shocked at first at Luna’s relapse, but quickly cheering upon seeing her honest second attempt. “C’mon Princess, time for Plan B!” she confidently spoke to the down-trodden alicorn.

Luna looked back at Twilight, her heart crushed once more. This time she really felt like crying, but for the wrong reasons. Twilight’s face turned to concern once more.

“Please Princess Luna, I know it’s hard now, but I promise I’ll help you.”

“Y-you promise?” the alicorn sniveled back.

“Of course, after all, that’s what friends are for!”


The word echoed through Luna’s body and soul, breathing life once more into the downtrodden mare. Luna simply got up and smiled at Twilight as the smaller mare approached her. Luna’s body shook as she was surprised with an embrace from the little pony. She could feel herself calming as a soothing rush came over her. It quickly turned to strange feeling she was no longer accustomed to. It sent shivers down her spine, like ones she had felt before. She shut her eyes as the embrace deepened. Luna wanted to cherish the moment and what I reminded her of.

Is this what it’s like to have ‘friends’? Magic continues to throw the term about as though it is nothing to her, and yet, We feel as though it does mean something special. It has been so long since then that We can hardly remember anymore. It has been so long since We last saw him…

“I care about you Luna.” She whispered into the princess’ mane, the mumbling of her muzzle setting tingles down Luna’s neck. “You are, after all, kind of the reason I met all my friends in the first place. I want to help you now too. Now c’mon, let’s head into town. I know who we should see next.”

“Very well, Twilight, we place ourselves in your clearly capable hooves.” She said as Twilight broke the hug and stared back up at her with a smile.

The two spent just a moment smiling at each other before Luna realized she was beginning to glow from blushing at the caring mare. She quickly averted her stare, hiding her face in her mane to Twilight’s surprise. Slowly, they started their way across the path back to Ponyville. Luna had felt quite a bit better from the comforting moment.


It was quite different from anything she had experienced in a long time, and it brought great warmth to her heart.


Luna felt the courage slowly return to her body as she smiled gently at the mare trotting next to her.

“WAAAAAAAAIIIIIITTTTTT!” the voice boomed from behind them causing them both to fly muzzle first into the cold night soil.

The two ponies dug up their faces from the ground, soil and foliage still covering their muzzles, and spun around to see sweet little Fluttershy embarrassingly circling the ground with her hoof. The meek yellow mare gracefully lofted toward Luna once she had their attention. As she drew close, she began brushing the dirt off Luna’s muzzle. Fluttershy cradled her muzzle, lifting the Princess’ eyes to meet her own.

“I… I’m sorry Princess Luna. I don’t know what came over me. Since Twilight came to me, saying you were looking for help… I should have trusted her more.” She winced away in shame. “Twilight explained some things to me and… It must be very hard for you. Trust me, I know what it’s like trying to fit in. I had so much trouble as a filly, and it made me so sad… I should have been kinder… I should have lived up to the Element I don’t deserve and…” the mare stopped herself, bangs hiding a trailing tear, as her face scrunched to fight back the bawling. Twilight stepped forward to comfort the softly sobbing filly, placing her hoof on her and looking back at Luna with worry.

“It is understandable, Kindness. We certainly have a rather checkered past as well.” Luna said in weakening tone, bending under the guilt of seeing the Pegasus crying before her. “Since Our return, we have not received so much as a friendly hello from our subjects and the crudeness of it all certainly hasn’t helped with Our recovery from Our condition…” she trailed off.

“Condition?” the two mares shot back in unison, eyeing Luna with worry.

Luna described to them the events preceding her return. How she had struggle to feel welcome at home once more. How her side of the castle had felt so cold and empty. How poorly the other ponies had treated her and how none dared to visit save Royal messengers. How every day she faced physical therapy and still felt very weak despite several months of “progress”. How she would likely never return to her full state, and flying may never come to her naturally again. The ponies looked away, facing the ground, unsure of how they could even begin to comfort the troubled princess. Luna had difficulty facing them herself.

Fluttershy lifted her head, pushing back the tears with her hooves. She stared at the tormented alicorn before her who wearily lifted her own head to look back. Without saying a word, Fluttershy burst off at full speed for the princess, attempting to tackle her down, but only causing her to violently shake as she held her ground. The small pony began crying hysterically into Luna’s mane. Luna was hardly shaken from the moment, but immediately became paralyzed at the clinging pony’s reaction.

“Oh, you poor dear! Thing’s must have really been awful for you, and without friends to be there for you either! I know exactly how you feel. It’s so hard to face the world sometimes. It seems like it just doesn’t want to cut you a break. You honestly try your dear little heart and you get nothing it return. It must have been so terrible without anypony to stand by you!” the mare cried like crazy into the now damp mane.

“It has…” she replied solemnly.

“Well don’t you worry any longer,” Fluttershy said, looking up at Luna with tears running down her muzzle. “I’ll be there to help you from now on. You just needed somepony to listen to you is all. Well you can count on me! I’ll do everything I can for you. I can even help you with your condition too… I mean… if that’s okay.” Fluttershy let go of Luna abruptly, landing gently beside her. She immediately hid her face once again, embarrassed by her outburst.

“R-really? Thou art willing to aid us as well?” Luna leaned in closer, anticipating her reply.

“Of course. Why, I’m quite the skilled massage therapist. I typically work with just the animals of the forest, but Rainbow Dash says my technique with her wings massage is quite ama… eep!”

Luna and Twilight looked at each other, shocked, and then turned to the beet red Pegasus filly.

“Oh please, please, please, please, please don’t tell her I told you girls! If she found out I accidentally let her secret about loving wing massages, she’d be absolutely furious! Her reputation would be ruined and it’d be entirely my fault!” Fluttershy begged, nearly sobbing again.

“Don’t worry Fluttershy, we won’t tell anypony, Pinkie promise.” Twilight replied calmly, going through all the motions. Luna only nodded in agreement, examining her own hoof before accidentally sticking it into her own eye as an attempt to mimic Twilight.


“Oh thank you so much girls. I really want things to work between us and… EEP!” the mare burst out again, shoving her hoof in her mouth.

“It’s okay Fluttershy, your secret’s safe with Luna too.” Twilight spoke, rolling her eyes at the repeated mistakes of the filly. “You can tell the other girls when you’re ready, just don’t keep them waiting forever.”

Fluttershy smiled as she shied away, her bangs once again hiding her blushing face. She turned to Luna. “Feel free to drop by any time… you know… if you’d like… and I’d be glad to see how much my massage’s could help... if that’s okay. Or… you know… if you’d just like somepony to talk to. Not that you need to or anything. I mean…”

“Thank you Kindne… We mean Fluttershy,” Luna interrupted the stammering pony before she could further embarrass herself. “We are extremely grateful. We gladly accept your offer and will return on the morrow in hopes of speeding our recovery. We are not sure how we can properly thank you, but we must apologize.”

“What are you apologizing for?”

“We were previously having fun at your expense during our lessons, and failed to take them seriously. We took you to be a jest, and that one so meek such as yourself would never be able to help us. Clearly we misjudged you and you should not have received such a treatment when you have made your intent to help clear…”

The goldenrod Pegasus sunk to her haunches, attempting to recount the event. She appeared upset and sat there until she hesitantly spoke again. “It’s okay, Luna, it was just a little joke, right? I mean… there’s no way you could be sure I even truly was an Element, so it’s only fair you be hard on me to be sure... I’m not even all that great either…”

“Fluttershy, We are truly sorry. We meant not to harm you so. It has become clear that We were the fool in this jest.” Luna turned away in shame.

“Luna… I think I can forgive you… I mean… If you can be willing to give me another shot to prove I am worthy of my Element. You know… if that’s okay…” the filly reluctantly spoke, kicking around some dirt.

“Of course We can Fluttershy, but thou hast already proven thine self in Our eyes. Thou hast shown us kindness in the face of unrelenting opposition. We require no further demonstration of your worth and wholeheartedly believe you truly are capable of harnessing your element. We only hope you can truly forgive Us as well”

“Oh, of course I could. I mean… I could never stay mad at someone like you. That’s what friends are for!” the filly hugged her.


The words shook Luna once more. As soon as the fluttering mare let go of the princess, she began to drift away as the two ponies cleaned themselves off. Luna had sufficiently dried the tears from her mane as they bid Fluttershy farewell. Fluttershy gently floated back to her cottage, quietly closing the door behind her. The two ponies turned to each other, Twilight smiling with joy for her friend and Luna beaming with triumph, and then they began their long trot back into town. The night was still young, after all, and there was work to be done.