• Published 19th Oct 2016
  • 11,780 Views, 616 Comments

A new chance at one HP - Emeraldleafeon

Coming off of the genocide run, Sans will get a new shot at having one HP

  • ...

5 New Friends

Medical wing, Canterlot Castle

Sans looked down at the scarf in his hands, sighing. "well bro,” he whispered, “we're out. we never have to back to that place again. we’re safe here, we’ll never have to deal with that… thing, again." He tightly grabbed his brother's scarf and fell backwards onto the bed. "never again."

A knock sounded at the door of the room.

"Hello?" A voice said from the locked door. "May I come in? I would like to talk with you for a bit!"

"oh, uh, sure. you can come in. i was getting pretty bonely anyway," the skeleton cracked with a small grin.

A purple unicorn walked into the room with a small purple and green creature in tow. A lizard-like creature, almost like Alphys… or even MK… Sans quickly shook off those thoughts and turned to his new visitors. "Hi!” one of said visitors said cheerily. “My name is Twilight Sparkle, and this is my number one assistant, Spike. You must be Sans. Nice to meet you!"

Sans chuckled at the unicorn’s enthusiasm, "yup, i'm sans. sans the skeleton, although i guess it’s pretty obvious. nice to meetcha, twilight sparkle and spike. i assume you’re gonna question me about a bunch ‘a stuff?"

Twilight Sparkle blinked owlishly. "Yes... I was going to ask you some questions, how did you know?"

Sans grinned knowingly. "well... you came in holding a clipboard and quill above your head, which means that you want to take some notes, and the lack of a lab coat shows you aren't a doctor. any doctor that comes in here is wearing one. you also brought your assistant along- the doctors here don’t do that. if you’re bringing an assistant along it means that you want a lot of things written down in a short while and you are going to be busy doing something else, presumably asking questions."

The unicorn stood slack-jawed, "Bu... Wha... You figured that all out from me simply walking in! How smart are you for you to figure that all out?!”

“hey, you’re underestimating me. i actually got half of me from the look on your face.” Sans was secretly glad his face-reading skills still worked in mainly pony-occupied dimensions.

Twilight gaped for a moment longer, before beginning to jot down notes furiously, muttering to herself all the while. "Subject... Very Intelligent... Deducing... Further insight required." She looked back up at the bedridden skeleton. "Have you figured out anything else from our limited exchange?"

Sans smiled even more at this. "well, from how you just muttered to yourself and immediately jotted down notes, i gotta say, you seem like a HUGE nerd." At this point, Sans was wondering if it was morally wrong of him to get this much enjoyment out of this.

Spike clearly didn’t as he started laughing, while Twilight began to blush heavily. "See Twilight?" The dragon managed to gasp out. "You just met the guy and he’s able to find that out about you, and he hasn't talked with you for more than five minutes!"

"Spike! Come on, cut me some slack!" Twilight complained. She looked back over to Sans and cleared her throat. "So Mr. Sans, since you figured out that I came here to ask you questions would you mind answering some of them for me?"

"sure purple smart, as long as you drop the mr."

"...Purple Smart? What?"

"well, you’re colored purple and appear to take pride in being smart, so purple smart seemed to fit you. i’m gonna call you purple smart from now on. unless i decide to call you something else."

Twilight shook her head in exasperation. "Fine, now onto the first question. Is there anything about your biology that we need to know about? We know that you are mostly composed of magic," she pointed to the container attached to Sans’ chest, "but asides from that is there anything else that we need to know?"

"well, if you need to know, i have one hp, which means that a single hit to me can be fatal. the only reason i survived as long as i did is because i had serious help getting here. i won't die from something a simple as me getting a stubbed toe, but a single stab, or slash, or any kind of attack with intent behind it will do me in. so, uh… moral of the story, don’t try to kill me and i won’t die."

Spike scribbled down some notes in the clipboard Twilight gave him just as furiously as she had before. Meanwhile, Twilight continued. "Is there any dietary needs that we need to worry about?"

"i can basically survive on ketchup, so it shouldn’t be too hard to keep me fed. asides from that, i’m not too picky.”

Spike began to write down more notes when Sans interrupted her. "oh, and any spaghetti you have as well."

"Any reason for those foods in particular?"

"i like ketchup and the spaghetti is for… my own reasons."

Twilight looked at the jacket and scarf that Sans was wearing. "Do you tend to get cold or feel the rain?"

"nah, i just like my hoodie because it’s comfortable and i like the look of it. i wear the scarf for my own reasons as well."

"Are there any allergies that we should know about?"

"work without legally required breaks and people with no sense of humor."

Twilight looked at the skeleton deadpan, who in turn sneezed.

"told you."

Twilight just sighed, "Do you have any resistances or powers that we need to know about? Just for future reference."

"well, i can spawn bones and use them as weapons, and i can turn souls blue. other than that, nothing comes to mind." can't let her know about the gaster blasters, those are my secret weapon. they don’t need to know about my shortcuts either.

"Turn a soul... blue?" Spike asked. "What good is that?"

Sans smiled again. "watch."

The room seemed to get darker as Sans’ eye glowed a greenish-blue. A heart sprang out from Spike's chest glowing purple, causing both Twilight and Spike to leap back. The heart suddenly turned from purple to blue. Spike suddenly began to float in the air, waving his arms instinctively. "Twilight? What's going on?" he asked, as Sans held out his arm. It only lasted a moment, as Spike fell back down to the ground. Sans quickly clutched his chest, his eye turning back to normal.

"heh, probably shouldn't use my magic until i’m healed up a bit more,” he chuckled weakly. “but you get the basic idea, turning a soul blue allows me to levitate people around. or whatever spike is, in this case."

Spike looked up from the floor indignantly. "I'm a dragon!" he informed Sans huffily.

Sans glanced down at him. "dragon huh? i don’t know much, but aren't dragons supposed to be, uh, big? and winged and fire-breathing?”

Twilight sighed. "He's just a baby dragon, he hasn’t fully developed yet. But Sans, I don’t appreciate you picking up my little brother in your magic and then just dropping him."


She sighed. "Well, I think that we have found out what we needed for now. Come on Spike, we need to go! Bye Sans."

"cya, purple smart and spike."

After the two left, Sans looked down at the scarf around his neck. "well paps, looks like this place is gonna be pretty interesting. i'm going to see if i can hitch a ride down to the cafeteria and get some food. if they have one that is." Sans ringed the bell by his bed to get the attention of a nurse in the hallway.

"Yes Sans? What is it?”

"would i be able to head to the cafeteria and get some food? i’d say i’m skin and bones, but even that’s not true," He replied with a grin.

The orderly just smiled and responded, "of course, is there anything else you would like?"

"nah, i’m just hungry right now."

Sans took of the scarf and put it in the bed before the nurse pulled up a wheelchair and helped him into it.

"Any reason you want to leave this behind?" the nurse asked.

"i just don’t want to get any sorta mess on it. it's special to me."

"Ah, OK. Off to the cafeteria."

As the two rolled off a small whisper sounded in the room, although it was far too quiet for anyone to hear. "HAVE A GOOD MEAL BROTHER! THANK YOU MS. PONY PERSON!"

Underground True Lab

"Listen here, you yellow lizard. You are going to do what I tell you to or you are going to WISH I had turned you into dust along with all of your friends. First off, you are going to do a bit of research and development for me."

"You already killed all of them, what more could you possibly do to me? Everyone I care about is dead."

“Feisty, are we? Well, it you’re so eager to find out, then let’s find out.”

For the next two hours, no more words were exchanged. Only screams.

Author's Note:

Bet you thought I was dead, huh? WELL THINK AGAIN! Only completely swamped in schoolwork, so almost dead. Hope you guys enjoy the chapter! I would like to give a big shout out to my editor Zum1UDontNo! Without them this story would have a lot less quality.