• Published 19th Oct 2016
  • 11,779 Views, 616 Comments

A new chance at one HP - Emeraldleafeon

Coming off of the genocide run, Sans will get a new shot at having one HP

  • ...

6 Showing Talent

Author's Note:

TAA DAA! Two chapters in two days? WHAT?!
Yes, yes, its true and yes, its me the real Emeraldleafeon I'm not some clone who took over his body and started writing chapters again.
As a bit of a warning this chapter is darker than any other chapter in this story and might be for some time.
Emeraldleafeon out.

Underground, True lab

Finally. It’s so hard to get dust out from under your fingernails. Almost makes this not worth it.

Somewhere deep underground, in a laboratory known only to a few, a deceptively innocent-looking child finished cleaning up their hands from their rather messy work. Really, cleaning up wasn’t fully necessary, but they liked being neat. Just something about them.

Now that they were finished, they picked up the knife they had put down on the table, and turned to face the only other person in the room. Alphys help back a gulp- how, she didn’t know- and faced the child just as strongly. She would have simply walked away, or ran away, more likely, but the ropes around her kept her bound to the wall. Dust was still slowly leaking out of several wounds, but she was still alive.

Just barely.

“So, now that our greetings have been taken care of,” Chara chuckled darkly, “let us get down to business. You will do as I say, or you will… you will experience what more I have to share. Believe me, I was holding back.”

The lizard looked down in slight defiance, which rapidly faded as the knife came millimeters away from her arm. Alphys flinched despite herself. "What... do... you... want?" The small reptilian monster said, trying to ignore the dust covering on her face and coat. Right now, the cost of cleaning was the least of her worries.

Chara smiled and held out a black cloth. "You are going to find me the owner of this fabric and I am going to meet them. That is what I want."

"Wouldn't Lesser Dog or Greater Dog be better at getting a scent? Oh wait, you killed them all," Alphys joked humorlessly.

"Ha ha, very funny. You are almost as good as that comedian, except he was actually able to get away."

Alphys seemed to brighten up at that. "He's alive? How?" she gasped out.

Chara grinned again. "See, that’s the problem, I don’t know where he is, how he's alive, or how to get to him, but this cloth is the best lead I've got yet. And I need to find him; I’m only LV 19, and you won’t give me nearly enough EXP. I need to be at 20 before I face f- Asgore. This is where YOU come in, my small friend. You are going to help me find him again."

"N- No! I'll never get you to him!"

Chara just tsked and shook their head. "Don’t you realize?” They would have sounded amused, if it weren’t for the dark tone in her voice. “We have had this conversation before, multiple times in fact. I am just seeing how far I can go before I break you permanently. All toys break eventually, but if you’re careful, you can keep them around longer." She tossed the cloth onto table next to the poor monster and prepared the knife again. "One such precaution is maintenance. When a toy isn’t working properly, you fix it. Fortunately, I have a tried and true method for fixing attitude problems in toys.”

Alphys didn’t react for a few seconds, confused at what the human in front of her meant.

Then it hit her.

“That moment of dawning realization and horror…” Chara chuckled again, then laughed. The moment of realization was one of their favorite things. Before Alphys could say something else, Chara reached under the table and shoved a packet of instant noodles into the lizard’s mouth. “They’re better dry,” they muttered, smiling. “You dying on me would not be in anyone’s best interest right now.”

For the second time that day, a torturous symphony of screams rang throughout the Underground.

Cafeteria Canterlot Castle

Canterlot Castle’s main lunchroom was meant to be a serious place. It was where the royal family ate, as well as where the guards ate. However, be it from Luna’s occasional silliness or the guards’ tendency to feel casual in such a place, it tended to be less serious than intended.

So Celestia couldn’t honestly say she was surprised when she came in to hear the end of a joke. "...so i told her 'a skullpture, what else would it be?' and she just started laughing like it was the funniest thing she had heard in years."

The crowd surrounding the wheelchair-bound skeleton burst out laughing as he finished his story.

Celestia gave a polite cough, causing some of the ponies to turn around to see what the source of the noise was. Of course, they immediately bowed once her presence registered with them. As more ponies noticed that the princess was there the room gradually became quieter and quieter until there was complete silence. "Rise, my little ponies. I am simply here to talk with Sans, you may go back to whatever it was you were doing."

The crowd of ponies began to move away, leaving just Sans and Celestia. Celestia took hold of the handles of Sans' wheelchair with her magic and began to roll him out of the cafeteria. "Sans, I would like for you to come with me so we can talk in private."

Sans looked around at the wheelchair. "don't have much of a say in this, do i? you’re basically forcing me to roll with whatever you want here."

Celestia sighed, "I'm going to teleport us to one of my meeting rooms"

"teleport? ok, but gimme a sec. i’m sure i have a pun for this..."

"I will warn you teleporting for the first time can be a bit nauseating for ponies." With a flash both were gone.

Meeting Room Canterlot Castle

"hmm, maybe- gah! jeez, didn't expect it to be that bright!" Sans complained as he rubbed his eye sockets. “you coulda warned me!”

“I did warn you, though,” Celestia gently reminded him.

“you said ‘nauseating.’ you didn’t say ‘blinding.’”

"Sister. I see that you finally brought him here," a familiar voice said.

When Sans looked up he saw Twilight, Spike, Luna and Celestia all looking at him. "huh, if i knew there was going to be a party i would have brought another bottle of ketchup. howzit going you three? luna? purple smart? purple small?" He chuckled out nervously.

Luna snorted, ignoring Spike’s complaining at his new nickname. "Twilight Sparkle has told us some worrying news about you, Sans, and we were wondering if you would be able to house some light on the subject."

Celestia just smiled, "Luna, I believe that you meant to say, 'shed some light on the subject,' correct?"

"Yes, that is what I meant to say, confound these new phrases!" Luna grumbled as she sat down.

“they can be beautifully confusing at times,” Sans winked.

Celestia looked back to Sans, clearing her throat. "While Twilight was asking you questions you showed her an ability that you had that allowed for you to manipulate the soul. This is rather worrying to me as soul magic has been outlawed for more than a millennium. I would like to know how you learned of this magic, how it works and what effects it has on our ponies."

Sans just smiled. "oh, that’s what this is about? darn, you actually had me worried there for a moment. here i thought there was some disaster that would spell the end of everything here too, but you're just worried about blue mode. blue mode lets me turn your soul blue, which lets me to grab ahold of it and move it around. it’s really no different from that levitation stuff you guys do. it's completely harmless, trust me. your body will follow the soul, allowing for me to pick up people without ever touching them. pretty neat trick when you have literally no muscles."

"I see," Celestia hummed. "Would you be able to show us this blue mode? Twilight has already seen it, however I would like to witness it for myself. In fact I would like for you to attempt if upon me."

At this Luna and Twilight shot up out of their seats, both saying the same thing. "WHAT?"

Celestia looked back at the two ponies behind her and blinked, then smiled. "Of course, I wouldn't ask my friends to do something I wouldn't be willing to do myself. Besides, Sans says it's completely harmless and I have no reason to doubt him."

Sans held out his hand and the room grew dark once more. Out of Celestia's chest came a yellow soul that glowed brightly. "that’s your soul, the very culmination of your being. justice, huh… you don’t see too many of those. as you might have already guessed you should protect it at all costs. it is a glowing heart that came out of you chest, after all. it seems kinda important to anyone. now, i'm going to turn it blue but i won't move you around as i'm not fully healed yet. you might feel heavier, but that’s about it. when i tried it with spike i felt some serious pain, it got me right down to the bone you might say. ...i gotta come up with some new material, i’ve used that one, what, four times now?" With that Celestia's heart turned a bright blue and Sans’ eye glowed a greenish-blue.

Celestia noticed. "Sans, is your eye supposed to be glowing?"

Sans looked up at Celestia drawing his eyes away from her soul. "huh? oh, yeah. my eye naturally glows blue when using my powers. it’s a skeleton thing. i always thought it was representative of my magic color."

Celestia looked slightly worried "Is it supposed to have a green tinge to it?"

Sans frowned, "no... why?"

"Because it does."

Sans' frown grew deeper, somehow. "that... doesn’t sound good, i’m gonna need to see if i can get that checked out." He released Celestia's soul, muttering something about kindness, and the room lightened up again. "can we head back to my room?” he finally asked. “i wanna make sure this isn't serious."

"Of course, Sans. Be sure to watch out, teleporting may be blinding for ponies sometimes." And they were off.

Underground True Lab

"Stop! Just make it stop! I'll do what you say! Just m-make it s-stop!" Alphys sobbed as she bled ash from the numerous wounds covering her body.

Chara smiled. It was a truly impressive smile, in that it almost looked genuine. "Finally broken, huh? Took you long enough. Now, I am going to cut you down from there and if I see you make a move we’re making this pain ride a trilogy. Do you hear me?" Alphys just whimpered pitifully. "I'll take that as a yes." Chara reached up and cut the rope holding Alphys to the wall and watched as Alphys collapsed to the floor silently crying in pain. "Now, let's see about getting you on the job."

[Editor’s note: “This chapter almost had the bee movie script in it. Be glad this editor has a tiny scrap of impulse control left over.”]