• Published 16th Nov 2016
  • 7,262 Views, 66 Comments

Celestia Gets Kicked Out - Celestial Ambience

What the title says, Celestia uses tax money to buy more cakes. Then as a punishment, her sister kicks her out and is forced to live with Anon.

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II - How About No

Chapter II

How About No

Celestia groggily woke up as she groaned. She felt as if a fully loaded steam locomotive collided with her head. And then proceeded to mind-bang her. Hard.

'What happened...? Did I eat too much cake again?' she thought as she tightly shut her eyes from the sunlight shining through a window, 'Looks like Lulu rose the sun on her own again.'

She sifted through her thoughts, trying to recall the events that happened before. She remembered being banned from Canterlot because her sister didn't agree to the purchase of sweets, trying to find somewhere to hide before raising the sun, and then darkness. Celestia groaned as a headache became more prominent.

'Where am I?' Celestia lifted her head and looked around, she was in a living room laying on the most comfortable couch she's ever laid on. Across from her was a bookshelf stacked with books and a desk, to her right was a door that led outside and to her left was a few rooms, probably the kitchen and bedroom. She noticed that her royal attire was missing as the heavy feeling wasn't there, but there were more important things to worry about than that. But she felt a little...naked without it.

Celestia slightly jumped at hearing what sounded like shouting from outside. She tried to move but realized she couldn't, looking down she saw that her forelegs and hindlegs were bound by rope. Celestia started to panic, she tried to spread her wings, nothing happened. She tried to use magic, not even a slight golden glow. Whoever this creature was, getting his hooves on a powerful magical inhibitor that could stop alicorn magic, definitely wanted to capture an alicorn.

Her eyes widened in fear remembering the events that lead to this situation. She had met a creature she had never seen before living in this home at night. Now she was tied up in the creature's house. What will it do to her?

Celestia was jerked from her thoughts as a familiar draconequus kicked down the door, dropping it to the floor with a loud thud, and ran across the room on all fours. He was wearing Celestia's crown for some reason.

"Discord! Thank goodness you're here! Please help me!" Celestia frantically said, ignoring that Discord took her crown.

Discord stopped and looked at Celestia, "Nuh-uh! I gotta get outta here, Anon's not happy!" Discord then heard a whoosh of air as a tomahawk flew into the house and embedded itself in the wall inches from Discord's head. Both of their eyes widened. Discord then proceeded to throw himself at a nearby window, smashing through it and flying away.

"No! Discord, come back!" Celestia shouted. But it was hopeless as nopony answered. A question appeared in her mind, 'Who's Anon? And who could scare Discord so easily?'

She heard the sound of hoofsteps making their way hastily to the entrance as she turned her head towards the entrance. She cowered back into the depths of the couch as a tall bipedal creature ran across the room and up to the window, "GET THE FUCK BACK HERE YOU FOUR-LEGGED DEFORMED LIZARD!" it screamed whilst raising a balled fist. Realizing that the draconequus wasn't coming back, he turned and grumbled his way into another room.

Celestia didn't know what to do, whether to scream for help and be discovered tied up by her little ponies or to lay here and let the creature do whatever he desired. Celestia hoped the last one wouldn't happen. There was a loud crashing sound in the room with the creature.


Celestia's ears folded back at the loud curse word as she saw the creature trudge out of the room.

The creature was wearing what seemed to be a black formal business attire with white shirt underneath along with a red tie. Its face was green and lacked eyes but the creature could see for some reason, right smack dab in the middle was a question mark. Why? Celestia didn't know. Its hands were also green, the right hand was wrapped in a bandage with a dark red stain on it. The left hand was holding a plate with had a dark chocolate cake on it.

Celestia's ears perked up as her mouth watered at the sight while she licked her lips. When was the last time she had a piece? About seven hours ago? Way too long.

Anon's hand felt like it had been crushed by a five-ton press. And then had salt shaken over it. Anon looked down at his plate of cake.

'Shit, I forgot a fork,' he thought was she started for the kitchen again. He paused at the doorway, eyeing the tomahawk embedded in the wall, then looked down at the cake, then back up at the tomahawk. He shrugged as he reached up with his injured hand and pulled it out of the wall. Wiping the concrete dust off, then sliced off a small piece with the weapon and ate it. Giving a face of 'this will do', Anon made his way towards his recliner and sat down to enjoy his treat.

Anon then remembered he had a prisoner in his house as he turned his head towards the couch. Anon already knew her name since she was the goddamn ruler of a nation he was currently dwelling in. He looked down at the white alicorn, who obviously wanted some of his diabetic sweets.

"Soo...my name's Anonymous," Anon said. Celestia opened her mouth but was cut off, "I know who you fucking are."

Celestia closed her mouth and stared at the cake. She was craving for some of that sugary goodness, "Can I―"

She was cut off again, "No, you can fuck off and sit there and watch," Anon calmly stated, "I paid good money for this shit," he then pointed the tomahawk, which was now covered in chocolate frosting, at Celestia, "You fucking placed a huge ass tax on this."

Anon was right, she did place a tax on sweets in order to receive more bits for the purchase of some cakes for herself and Luna, she thought nothing bad could happen. Looks like it came back to bite her in the flank, "Please, I'm starving, I haven't eaten since yesterday," Celestia pleaded. To her, this was utmostly embarrassing. Asking a commoner, who was a hairless bipedal ape at she just met a few minutes ago, for some cake. She was in no position to be negotiating.

To Anon, this was laughable and slightly concerning. Laughable because of the ruler of Equestria, tied up in his house, asking for cake? This was one hell of a day. Concerning because he captured the ruler of a nation and would probably have a pony version of the secret service on his ass. He was probably going to die, even if he released her. But fuck it, might as well have a little fun.

"I'll give you something later, right now," he looked over at the door which was still on the floor, "I gotta fix this door," he placed his plate of half-eaten cake on a desk along with the tomahawk across the room and moved over to fix the door.

Celestia stared at the cake. She was hungry. Hungry for some goddamn cake. She looked over at Anon who was busy hammering in the hinges to the door. She could roll on over to the desk and swipe it away but that's just a stupid idea. She knows that the 'L' shaped weapon could do a number on her, she had experienced it last night. Same with that deadly tomahawk that almost beheaded Discord. She shivered a little. If Discord was afraid of Anon, she probably should be too.

Anon backed up and tossed the hammer that he pulled out of nowhere to the side and looked upon his work. He gave it a light kick. It stayed. Shrugging, 'Good enough,' he turned around to pick up the plate to finish eating. But saw the broken window and groaned.

"Stay here Celestia, you move from the vicinity of this couch and I'll pour bleach down your nose," Anon walked over to the window and stepped through it, glass crunching and walked towards the nearest hardware store. He could've used the door but that's just too much walking.

Celestia just laid there, stunned by such a cruel punishment that will transpire if she decides to depart from the couch. Not wanting a cleaning product pumped down her nostrils, she decided against moving.

'Hopefully, Anon will house and supply me with food for a month,' Celestia looked out of a nearby window, 'Must be twelve or one o' clock,' she thought.

She sighed and hoped once more that Anon will untie her, this was just as humiliating as being overpowered by her sister.

'Just a month to go...' she thought as she laid her head down on the soft couch, '...with or without cake.'

Hard times are coming for Celestia in the future.

Author's Note:

There might be a few errors but hey, new chapter! Anon cusses a lot if you haven't noticed.

Seems like everyone does like this idea. I mean 43:2? That's a lot, guys and I appreciate the likes! Friggin' gives me an injection of euphoria. If that's possible.

Dunno what else to say. Probably forgetting something important.

Oh yeah, Anon's .357 is a 'magical gun' because of the safety. Obviously, magnums generally don't have safeties so imagine a safety switch that you'd see on an M1911 but with no mechanical parts other than the moving of the switch which basically restricts the hammer from moving magically and stops misfires whenever Anon throws his weapon in anger at a sink or something.

I could just rewrite the first chapter but...nah. Later.

Constructive criticism is always welcomed!