• Published 16th Nov 2016
  • 7,267 Views, 66 Comments

Celestia Gets Kicked Out - Celestial Ambience

What the title says, Celestia uses tax money to buy more cakes. Then as a punishment, her sister kicks her out and is forced to live with Anon.

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IV - How To Train Your Horse

Chapter IV

How To Train Your Horse

Celestia laid upon the couch in the most non-majestic position ever, still tied up and bored as Tartarus. It's been hours since Discord had exited Anon's house in a strange way and Anon had left to do some errands, buying a new window was one of them. Anon had also finally given her something worth munching on which was a bowl of salad with some dressing which was much better than the bundle of lettuce that he had assaulted her with. It wasn't fit for a princess but better than plain lettuce.

Her usual golden regalia attire had eventually disappeared due to Discord's shenanigans and now she felt exposed. While she ignored it most of the time, she still felt revealing even though ponies normally don't wear clothes but at least she got the nice feeling of not being weighed down every. Single. Day. By heavy pieces of solid gold.

Celestia sighed for the umpteenth time. This was really excruciating. She could've been somewhere else other than confined to a couch, but nooo, she just had to talk with this strange creature and ask him for somewhere to disappear for a month only to get clobbered in the head with a weapon and kept a prisoner in his house. At least it was better than being an actual prisoner and being treated like one, others could've used this to their advantage. Celestia shivered and pushed the thoughts into the thought shredder. She did not want to be thinking about that.

She felt a strong gust of chilling wind brush against her fur and she shivered a little.

Wait, it's only the middle of fall. The weather team said no cold winds for another week.

She turned her head towards the broken window, the shattered glass still on the floor everywhere and noticed a few flakes of white falling through. It's snowing...I thought the schedule said that there wasn't going to be any for another four weeks. Somepony must've messed up their calendar.

She heard the sound of hooves trotting up to the door and stopping. Celestia held her breath, she didn't want another pony seeing her in this embarrassing situation. Bon Bon would probably keep her muzzle shut but still, anything could happen. She heard the sound of ruffling papers before a single sheet of paper was slid under the door and the sound of hooves dissipated as the pony walked away. Celestia let out the breath in relief and stared at the sheet. She tried to pick it up with magic but realized she currently didn't have access to it. She groaned in annoyance.

There was a popping sound as a certain mischievous draconequus poofed into the middle of the room wearing a very decorative and flashy red sweater, "Greetings Celestia!," Discord said happily before his face turned to an overly sarcastic horrific look while reeling back as if Celestia had just said the most offensive thing ever, "My, my Celestia! Not wearing the Hearth's Warming Eve colors?"

"It's not even December," Celestia deadpanned. Discord ignored her and snapped his claw, Celestia tightly shut her eyes as she was enveloped in a bright light as she felt magic wash over her and something now covering her neck and legs. Celestia opened her eyes and saw that she had a red and white striped scarf wrapped around her neck along with pink striped socks covering her white hooves. But these weren't your normal everyday socks, these were advanced socks mixed in with Discord's chaotic magic which gave them a more comfortable, warm and heavenly feeling on Celestia's hooves, a feeling that no other sock had. And the same old rope still wrapped tightly around her hooves which ruined it. At least she was going to be warm from now on.

"Oh, um, thank you...Discord..." She trailed off, a little confused with his never before seen generosity and admiring the socks that seemed to match her coat quite well.

"It's my pleasure," He said, bowing like he had just finished a performance, "Now, let's see what this letter says!" Discord chimed cheerfully and doing a summersault over to the sheet of paper lying on the ground and picking it up, conjuring a pair of very big and unstylish pink reading glasses and donning them on. A certain marshmallow pony far away did a spit take. Discord quickly read the sheet, slightly making a disgusted face at the end and then decided it was irrelevant and unimportant, crumpling it up and tossing the wad at Celestia who was still admiring the pink socks and lazily gliding away into a room.

Being pulled out of her trance, Celestia stared at the ball of dead tree cells before attempting to awkwardly uncrumple it with her still tied hooves. Patting and brushing it out flat she read the sheet.

Breaking News

About a day ago, Princess Celestia was seen outside of Canterlot at night, attempting to do strange magical acts in the middle of the road witnesses say. After casting a few spells, she was then last seen flying off towards Ponyville and hasn't come back to Canterlot or informed us about her leave. Princess Luna has acknowledged us recently, announcing that her sister was on a vacation but ponies are getting suspicious and worried. Is Princess Celestia in danger? We will keep you updated on the situation.

Turn to the back for more information on Granny Smith's new relationship with Braeburn.

Celestia did not want to flip the sheet over unless she wanted therapy sessions, the rest on the front was about the strange weather and nothing too special. But what concerned her the most was that ponies were starting to pick up on her disappearance which ultimately frightened her. What if her sister found out that she was tied up in some creature's house? Luna would either laugh her flank off or bring an end to Anon's life. Which Celestia really did not want that to happen since Anon is a pretty decent guy. Decent because he hasn't tortured her or something horrible yet. And he has fffffffriggin' cake somewhere! Celestia will eventually get some delicious cake soon enough if she willingly cooperates.

There was grunting outside as a brand new window was lifted into the old smashed window's place and then the sound of hammer on glass, and the window was fixed. How did it work? Magic maybe. There were a few sounds of snow crunching outside and the door was pushed open and Anon walked through carrying three large white boxes. Celestia noticed it was starting to snow heavier. She also noticed the three white boxes. They could've been normal everyday boxes but they were white and Celestia could smell the sugar from here. It was pretty obvious on what he had bought.

"Alright, so it's snowing heavily outside so I don't think we'll be going outside for a while," Celestia's ears flattened and her face saddened a little, she wanted to go outside in the snow. She's always been caught up with running a nation with no time to do any fun activities. Of course, she took strolls in her royal garden but they were very short.

Anon noticed her saddened expression as he took off his shoes before setting the boxes on his desk, "Tell you what, be a good pony and maybe we'll go outside for a while when the winds die down," Celestia's ears perked up as she grinned like a little filly given candy. Anon smiled, it warmed his heart seeing this but also saddened him a bit. She reminded him of his family.

Pushing the depressing thoughts away, Anon noticed her attire. Hmm, wonder where she got those. Discord perhaps. "Nice socks and scarf, they really fit you," Celestia lightly blushed as she looked away. Usually, it was ponies or her sister that would complement her and she'd smile, unfazed by the comment but right now, she actually felt like somepony genuinely liked her appearance and complimented her. Weird pony feelings are getting to her. Anon thought it was fucking adorable.

Celestia coughed, "So," she said, interrupting Anon's thoughts, "Do I sit here the entire time or...?"

He pulled out a knife seemingly out of nowhere. Celestia's eyes widened, which Anon noticed, "Don't worry, Celestia. I'm just gonna cut away the ropes," Celestia relaxed but was still unsure, "As long as you don't try to kill me. Then this knife will do more than just cut rope," He said grimly. Celestia gulped. No sudden movements or she's dinner.

Anon walked over and cut the bindings off of her hooves. He glanced at the inhibitor on her horn, thinking about it for a second, before grabbing the cut ropes and throwing them into a trash bin, "Alright, now walk into the middle of the room," Celestia stood up, nearly collapsing from her sudden weight because of laying around for a day. Tied up. She mentally deadpanned to herself.

She walked into the middle of the room and looked at Anon for more instructions, "Sit," She sat on her haunches, "Lie down."

Celestia complied as she laid on her belly but she didn't like the fact she was being treated like an animal, "Why are you talking to me like a dog?"

Anon shrugged, "I don't know. Just testing some stuff. Now roll over," He said with a circular motion with his hands.

Celestia thought this was getting ridiculous, "Ok Anon this is absurd, I'm not going to―" Anon pulled out a plate with a slice of cake on it. Oh god, things just got real. Celestia thought as she ogled the slice dazed and drooling. Instantly forgetting that she's a princess that rules an entire nation.

Anon smiled, his past assumptions was correct; ponies are like household pets. While he has been spending a year here, he couldn't get his hands on another pony without getting in jail so he couldn't really do science on ponies. His image wouldn't look good if he was walking around and feeling up every pony...if his image hasn't been ruined already. Even if it were just small ear scratches still, ponies are paranoid and hesitate to everything. Probably because their town gets attacked daily.

"Roll over," He said calmly. Celestia was pulled from her slight daydreaming, wiping her muzzle with a sock-covered hoof and complied, rolling over to her back and again onto her belly and looking up at Anon expectingly, wagging her multicolored tail and grinning. Anon didn't know why but this was pretty neat. Maybe he could keep the princess as a pet, that'd be pretty awesome to see Twilight's face when he has a princess as a pet when he shimmies on over to their pony pet play dates they have once in a while. Anon smiled at the thought.

Anon realised something, "Wait here, I gotta put these boxes in the fridge. I'll be back," Celestia whined in a unprincessy manner, "Oh yeah, here," He said as he placed the plate on the ground, "For being a good little pony," Not-so-little pony's eyes widened in glee as she grinned the biggest grin that would put Pinkie Pie to shame and plunged her face into the slice. Anon chuckled as he walked into the kitchen with boxes in hand. Celestia joyfully devoured the slice in pure bliss, savoring it's heavenly taste as if she'd never would have another sweet in a lengthy period. Celestia picked up the plate with her hooves and licked the plate squeaky clean, wanting every last drop of chocolate icing. She placed the plate down gently on the floor and happily licked her lips. Anon came out of the kitchen with his hands in his pockets and let out a long whistle and a chuckle when he saw the sight before him.

"Damn, you guzzled that down like an oversized lawnmower," Celestia lightly blushed and looked away for some reason. She didn't know what a lawnmower was, maybe it was a profession she didn't know about. To devour ponies lawns for a living. Yes, very nice.

Anon smiled as he walked back into the kitchen and returned with a wet cloth in his hand. He lowered to a knee and slipped a hand under Celestia's chin and turned her head to face his, raising the wet cloth to wipe away at Celestia's chocolate-covered muzzle. Celestia's face heated up slightly from the closeness of his face and hers as she adverted her eyes elsewhere. They were practically inches away from each other. Anon didn't seem fazed from their proximity. Until there was a small flash of light above them and they looked up. To their horror was a certain green plant with red berries hanging above them. And the sound of Discord sniggering in the background.

Anon sighed, shaking his head and went back to cleaning, "Just ignore him," He looked back down at Celestia who was in deep thought, "Lemme wipe these last few stains from your muzzle and we'll―" He was interrupted as Celestia moved forward and he felt the warm feeling of lips on his own. His eyes widened for a second in confusion and shock before he relaxed and closed them and decided to go with it, returning the kiss and caressed her cheek with a hand, feeling the soft warm fur glide across his fingers. It's not every day you could smooch a princess and Anon's been around ponies for a while so why not. A certain draconequus had stopped his muffled laughs with his jaw on the floor, literally as he did not expect this to happen. Discord picked his jaw up and made a sickened face, sticking his snake tongue out in disgust and decided that it was getting way too heated for him and poofed silently away to go break somepony else's windows.

Anon and Celestia parted from the intimate moment and opened their eyes, staring into each other. Celestia's eyes widened as her face went redder than before, realising what she had done and quickly looked away, "Oh, I um, I-I don't know what came over me. I'm very sorry, i-it's tradition to kiss under the...uh," Celestia lowered her burning face into her hooves in embarrassment. She really did not know what happened, it went from licking a plate to her pressing her lips on Anon's. Maybe it was because she never got the chance to kiss anypony under the mistletoe in a millennium because of her current social status. Oh, why did I do that?! What if he's angry? What if Anon knocks me out again? Celestia wasn't a fan of being knocked out.

Anon smiled warmly and lifted her head up, lightly caressing her rosy cheek, "It's alright Celestia, I liked it anyway. You taste like chocolate," Celestia sheepishly returned the smile. Welp, Anon is now probably the closest thing to a horse-fucker by now if he wasn't one before but he didn't care at the moment, "How about another slice of cake for that? You were pretty good," She grinned and nodded. Anon stood up but before he could head for the kitchen there was a knock on the door. Anon furrowed his brow. Who could be coming here in the middle of a goddamn blizzard?

He walked over to the door and opened it. A certain beige colored pony was outside wearing thick winter clothing, "Oh hey Bon Bon! What are you doing out here in the cold?"

Bon Bon looked worried, "I came to tell you something urgent. Remember that you have a princess tied up in your house?"

Anon nodded, "Well, it isn't hard to miss her..." He stepped to the side allowing Bon Bon to view the princess laying on the floor, "...and she's not tied up anymore."

Celestia glared at him,"Are you calling me fat?" She scowled.

"What? No, I'm clearly complimenting the plump size of your flank," Anon said casually and squeezed the air to emphasize how squeezable it is. Celestia and Bon Bon blushed. Yep, Anon is now officially hitting on horses. One hundred percent horse-banger right here.

Bon Bon coughed into a hoof, "Well, back to what I was gonna say, I came to tell you that Princess Luna is searching for Princess Celestia. She's worried and thinks that somepony has captured her."

Celestia had stopped blushing and became serious as she stood up and trotted over next to Anon who was currently thinking about relocating to that one Hilter town that has a fetish for equal signs and enslaved Twilight and her friends, "Have you told anypony of my location?" Celestia asked.

"No, not yet. What kind of friend would I be if I gave away my friend's location and get him sent to the dungeons?"

Anon patted her head, "Thanks for not selling me out," Bon Bon smiled, "Anyway, you want to join us? We're having hot cocoa I'm making soon and some cake."

Bon Bon tilted her head, confused, "Are you...not worried that Princess Luna could probably lock you up forever or...kill you?"

Anon shook his head, "Nah, I've got too much on my head. Especially after," He pointed with a thumb backward towards the ceiling, "That," Bon Bon looked up and noticed the green plant.

Bon Bon's face contorted in confusion until she put two and two together and her jaw dropped. Her eyes darted from Anon and Celestia, "Y-you..." She pointed at Anon with a hoof, "And you..." Then at Celestia.

"Yeah...we just kissed under the horrifying parasitic plant. Is something wrong?" Anon asked as if he were genuinely confused.

Celestia slightly blushed, now a pony knows what she had done. Thank heavens that this pony can keep a secret. She thought. Silently hoping that Bon Bon will actually keep this between the three of them.

"Is something wrong..." She repeated, shaking her head and hold a hoof to her forehead, "I will never get how you work..."

"Don't worry, I don't either," Anon said, "So, you comin' or what?"

"Sure," She said happily as she entered the household and took off the winter clothes.

And so they all got drunk on hot cocoa, temporarily received diabetes from cake and unknowingly slept together on the couch. Discord was eventually captured by Princess Luna due to his property damage spree which exclusively consisted of broken windows.

Author's Note:

Christmas chapter I guess. Yay!

I added a romance tag just in case, don't want to limit myself for future chapters and also comment below whether you guys want Celestia and Anon together as a couple or not.

I hope everyone has a great holiday and Merry Christmas to everyone! 12/23/16

The image is by Whitestar1802.

Comments ( 33 )

Same to you my friend! Merry christler! (If someone gets that reference they get a cookie, A CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIE!)

I vote yes for the romance

Yes to Celestia and Anon

Maybe he could keep the princess as a pet, that'd be pretty awesome to see Twilight's face when he has a princess as a pet when he shimmies on over to their pony pet play dates they have once in a while. Anon smiled at the thought.

Me too.

Celestia is probably living through all personal fetishes she has right now.

I really hope that he isn't just playing so special and that he actually has ways to give Luna trouble, like being unpredictable.

But these weren't your normal everyday socks, these were advanced socks

Maybe he could keep the princess as a pet, that'd be pretty awesome to see Twilight's face when he has a princess as a pet when he shimmies on over to their pony pet play dates they have once in a while.

Okay... Care to tell more about this?

"It's alright Celestia, I liked it anyway. You taste like chocolate,"

Blasphemy! It's vanilla!

comment below whether you guys want Celestia and Anon together as a couple or not

Sounds good, as long as it fits to the story.

I would like to so some romance between the two.

To their horror was a certain green plant with red berries hanging above them. And the sound of Discord sniggering in the background.

I don't laugh out loud, but that definitely gave me pretty bad case of stupid grin.

This was a very nice holiday chapter. I've become really invested in this anon.

I eagerly await your next update.

P.S. Celestia and this Anon would be great as a couple.

Gimme all of the Anon X Celestia

Mistletoe berries are white. Holly is red

hehe, i like the story so far. I vote to pair them up. Especially if Anon can make Celestia act all doggy like that in inappropriate moments :pinkiehappy:

I'll keep reading regardless, though!

What is it with Discord and windows.

We need moar

After reflecting on my thoughts, I have come to the decision of quoting what many has said before.
So therefore I quote,

Love the story and I was wondering if it will get an update? :twilightsheepish:

very waffy! though after the fact I can't help but wonder how bonbon distracted lyra long enough to go visit anon without her...something shiny perhaps?

ponies are like household pets

Seriously though.

IS THIS STORY GONNA CONTINUE SOON OR WHAT??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"What? No, I'm clearly complimenting the plump size of your flank," Anon said casually and squeezed the air to emphasize how squeezable it is. Celestia and Bon Bon blushed. Yep, Anon is now officially hitting on horses. One hundred percent horse-banger right here.

And into slightly older mares at that

To bad it wasn't finished


Oi. You dead?

Does anyone else get an Exchange vibe from this?

Is this really a dead story?? :C


Oh god ANOTHER cute story to add to my fic graveyard.
My collection of dead stories is bigger than my favourites list.

big fucking rip eh

This is why I have a hate love relationship with this site. No one finishes their stories

Will we ever see more to this?

update anytiime soon? let me know, I'll check back in two weeks an plop another comment if ya don't respond jus to grab ya attention XD

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