• Published 6th Jan 2017
  • 1,404 Views, 140 Comments

Final Fantasy: Eidolons of Harmony - Belligerent Bindlestiff

A calamity is on the horizon. Now, light warriors must be called upon to aid Equestria.

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“Ah can’t wait to get back home.” Applejack said. “Ah just wanna hit the hay.”

“I wouldn’t think you’d be so tired Applejack” Twilight said.

“Yeah, well. Turns out that makin ma ax catch fire is just as hard a work as buckin a few dozen trees at the same time.” Applejack said.

The party walked outside of the mine entrance and back into the forest.

“Trixie already has a bed in her wagon. Oh, how she can’t wait to sleep!” the showmare said.

“Where is your wagon Trixie?” Fluttershy asked.

“It’s only a few minutes from here.” Trixie replied. “Being a travelling performer has its perks. Your bed is never far away from you.”

“Doesn’t it get lonely, always being on your own?” Fluttershy asked.

“Trixie supposes it does, but as long as there is an audience, Trixie is in the best company.” She said.

“Its almost nightfall.” Applejack said. “So, let’s hurry so we can get back home.”

“Well…” Trixie said hesitantly. “Trixie does have some extra amenities at her wagon, though she’s never actually had company at her wagon.”

“Well Ah’ll be.” Applejack said. “Ah’ll take ya up on yer offer. Ah’ve got some food we brought for the trip. Yer gonna get some good old Apple family cookin tonight.”

The party arrived at a clearing among the trees. Trixie stopped in her tracks. “Oh dear.” Fluttershy said. “Where’s your wagon?”

The showmare then reached forward and pulled a sheet off her now visible wagon.

“Wow, that’s a great trick!” Twilight said. “You did that without any spells?”

Trixie used her magic to fold the camoflauged fabric. “After what happened the last time we met. Trixie decided it was probably better to go back to basics like the performer she is.” Trixie said, sending the cloth into her wagon. “Its funny actually, that she’s using magic so much now.”

She turned to Applejack. “The pots and pans are in the top cabinet!”

Applejack entered the wagon. Not what Ah was expectin. Not nearly as many pictures of herself as Ah thought there’d be. She thought and used a step ladder to get to a star patterned cabinet. She found a pot and removed it before exiting.

“Ya know Trixie, Ah didn’t realize this, but you probably have done a lot of cookin yerself huh?” Applejack asked.

“Oh yes, its so much cheaper too! Then there are the times when Trixie doesn’t like what’s being sold in the towns she performs at.”

“Well, Ah’m sure you can’t say no to whatever Ah’m cookin.” Applejack said.

“Trixie’s seen her share of things she’d rather not eat.” The showmare said. “But she’ll trust you.”

Applejack got to cooking and making a soup. And as the four of them sat down to wait for the food to cook, more questions were asked.

“Well, that’s one eidolon found.” Twilight said. “I wonder if Rainbow Dash found the one she was looking for.”

“Ah’m pretty sure she’s already done by now and is back in Ponyville waitin to see if she beat us to it.” Applejack said.

“Do you think that they had to fight?” Fluttershy asked staring at the embers of the campfire licking the cooking pot.”

“Ah reckon they probably did.” Applejack said. No use in sugarcoatin this. “if we had to fight, then they probably did too.”

“But why?” Fluttershy asked. “Why would somepony want to fight so much, even to the…”

“It’s not easy to explain.“Twilight said. “This is probably why the Tree of Harmony gave us these powers. So that we’d stand a chance.”

“To protect somepony else.” Trixie said, drawing the attention from the others. “Trixie thought being powerful meant being the best but not anymore.” She served a bowl of stew and went towards her wagon. “Being powerful means doing whatever we can, even if it scares us.”

Who is that mare? Applejack thought.

“What happened to you, Trixie?” Twilight asked.

“You wouldn’t believe Trixie if she told you.”


The next morning, the party spent an uneventful time trekking back from the forest to Ponyville.

“Ya know Twilight.” Applejack said. “Ah can’t help but think about all of these adventures we end up on. Nopony would ever seem like they go through the things we do.”

“It sort of feels like we’re the ones who keep getting entangled in everything.” Twilight said. “I wonder if it has to do with the Elements of Harmony.”

Rain had begun to fall. Twilight then cast a spell to shield them as they trotted.

“I wonder about that too.” Fluttershy said.

Bein the bearers of the elements was nice and all, but it just feels like we never stop bein asked to go on one adventure or another.

“Do you ever think we’ll stop doing this?” Fluttershy asked. “One day, we’ll just have our normal lives back?”

“I’m not sure what is ‘normal’ anymore.” Twilight said. “Look at how all the elements had brought us together. I’d say we might not be the ponies we are today if it weren’t for them.”

“Well, maybe some of you might enjoy the peaceful life,” Trixie said. “But this mare can’t wait to head out into the world with these new powers.” She glanced to the others. “You know, after we save Equestria. Really, what’s wrong with having a way that sets you apart from the rest?”

“Ah hear ya there, Trixie.” Applejack said. “Ponies from all around know the Apple family name.” AJ said. “We just don’t go showin off is all.”

“Well, Trixie is in show business after all.” Trixie said, while twirling her rod around in her magic.

“I guess what we do with our gifts after all this is up to us.” Twilight said, turning to Fluttershy. “And as long as we have them, we have a responsibility to use them to help everypony.”


Applejack had expected to find Rainbow Dash and the dragon she saw in her vision when they returned to Ponyville. Instead, she saw Titan, his son Rocky, and plenty of townsfolk gathered in a cautious circle around the two stone golems.

“I think they’re getting better at welcoming newcomers.” Twilight said.

“Well, at least they ain’t hidin in their houses this time around.” Applejack said.

The party made their way to the stone eidolon, to which the crowd parted ways to allow the mares closer.

“Wow, this is a warm reception.” Trixie said.

“Bet yer glad it isn’t for you, huh Trixie?” Applejack asked, only for ponies close by to shift their attention to the black mage.

“Oh, come on!” Trixie shouted with her forelegs thrown in the air. “Trixie’s only been back for five minutes!”

The crowd murmured. “Why does she look like that?”

“Is she evil again?”

“Do you think she sent those stone monsters?”

“Stop that!” Fluttershy shouted, snapping at the crowd. “You’re not being fair to Trixie or our new friends!”

“Well said, little pony.” Titan said.

“But who are these creatures?” A mare fearfully asked.

“Maybe you should ask them.” Fluttershy said.

“I’m always up for a good chat.” Titan said.

“But they’re… look at them. Aren’t you scared of them?”

Fluttershy briefly recoiled nervously at the question.

“Well, have they done anything since they got here?” she asked.

It was the mare’s turn to look hesitant. “Well, no.”

“I know what its like to be scared.” Fluttershy said. “But even I’ll give most ponies a chance. Especially if they aren’t acting scary at all.”

“So, what about Trixie?” another pony from the crowd asked.

“Trixie isn’t going to be causing any trouble for anypony.” Twilight said. “Isn’t that right, Trixie?”

The black mage blinked her eyes. “Oh yes, Trixie is going to behave herself! Honest!” she held out her left foreleg as if making a pledge.

And as if on cue, the crowd looked directly at Applejack.

“What? Am Ah some sort a lie detector or something?” Applejack asked. Then she shook her head. “Look ya’ll, she doesn’t sound like she’s lyin, okay?”

The crowd, losing their accusatory resolve, began to disperse, those that stayed saw the eidolon and his son approach the party.

“We’re sorry bout that.” Twilight said. “We thought that the townsfolk would have learned to behave around newcomers.”

“I guess some ponies might still be a little wary of strangers.” Applejack said. “Um, no offense, Trixie.”

“Oh, Trixie gets it.” The showmare said. “She did take over the town last time. Not the best way to treat an audience.”

“Still, the ponies today weren’t so bad.” Titan said. “I remember a time when everyone was scared of me, and they would have done more than stare at me.”

“Still, you should feel welcome!” Twilight said. “You’re going to help us save the world!”

“Have the other eidolons felt welcome?” Titan asked.

“Well, the thing is, yer the first one we’ve brought here.” Applejack said.

“Don’t worry, we’ll make sure you both feel welcome here.” Fluttershy said. “Oh, and you too, Trixie.” She finished just as the black mage raised a hoof in protest.

////Rainbow Dash////

Upon her party’s return to Ponyville, the pegasus flew ahead of her group to see if hers was the first to return. Before she could reach the library, she saw a group of colts and fillies amassed around a somewhat familiar figure.

The raptor flew down for a better look. All the foals were playing with the rock monster from the mines. He didn’t look nearly as intimidating as the first time they met. But weirder yet was the mare that seemed to have a line formed leading up to her.

Who the hay’s got so much attention? Rainbow Dash looked at the unicorn that entranced the youngsters. Her appearance threw the raptor’s train of thought off.

The unicorn had some sort of magic covering her face, but there was no denying the starry hat and cape. But before she could inquire incredulously, Rainbow noticed another important thing. Trixie wasn’t terrorizing anypony. The showmare twirled her magic rod with her levitation and afterwards, a rush of frigid air flew out.

Trixie had the magic spell fly about and then form into a tiny cloud which then snowed over a cup. The foals in front of her cheered in awe of the spectacle. Not done with her show, Trixie then spun around to show some containers of syrup.

“Pick a flavor, any flavor.” Trixie said.

The foals began to shout all at once what they wanted, and Trixie began giving away the treats.

Rainbow Dash landed and trotted up to the showmare. “Alright, what’s going on this time, Trixie?” she asked.

“Well, that’scold greeting.” Trixie replied. “What’s the matter, trying to upstage Trixie’s frosty performance?”

“What? No!” Rainbow Dash said. “I’m just wondering why you’re back in Ponyville!”

“Well, isn’t it obvious? Trixie asked. “Trixie is going to save the world!”

“What?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Oh yes,” Trixie continued while still passing out snow cones. “Trixie was specifically asked to help you and your friends. Why, if it weren’t for her, they might still be stuck in those old diamond dog mines.”

“Wait, Applejack’s group made it back? Before me?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Oh, does Trixie sense some jealousy?” she asked coyly. “Well, maybe you could bring Trixie with you if you want to get things done.” She whirled magic snow in to a cup and poured various syrups. “Snow cone?”

Rainbow Dash snatched the treat with a wing and eyed it suspiciously. “So what’s this?”

“Oh you know, a little community service from the lovely and repentant Trixie.” She moved in closed and whispered. “Still Great and Powerful when needed.”

“Oh, so you’re all nice now.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Yes.” Trixie replied.

“To everypony?”

“Certainly, at least to those who don’t try to eat Trixie.”

“Then I guess you’ll have no problem being nice to these two colts.” Rainbow Dash said with a smug look and moved over to reveal Snips and Snails.

Trixie stammered before regaining her composure. “Yes, can Trixie help you?”

The shorter colt rubbed the back of his neck before timidly asking. “So, can we have some snow cones Ms. Trixie?”

“Sure…” Trixie said before getting to work with her magic. With just as much flair and showmareship, she made the treats for the two colts, keeping silent the whole time however.

“Here you go.” Trixie said. “And sorry about the amulet getting the better of Trixie.”

“Thanks Trixie!” Snails said, taking the snow cones with his magic.

“Trixie hopes you can forgiver for using that dark magic.” She said. “Really, volunteer or not, she shouldn’t have done that.” Trixie took off her hat, dispelling the dark aura that had masked her face.

“We forgive you Trixie.” Snips said. “We like your shows, and we’ll try not to do anything crazy anymore.”

“Thank you.” Trixie replied.

Whoa, who are you and what have you done with the real Trixie? Rainbow Dash thought. And the magician sent the pair off. “Wow, I didn’t expect you of all ponies to be this…” she tried to find words.

“Humble, nice, forgiving?” Trixie said.

Not Trixie.” Rainbow Dash concluded.

“Hey, Trixie is more than just her performance and title!” she said.

“Yeah well, being a little nice here and there isn’t enough to make me think you aren’t the same old Trixie.”

“That’s fair, you being so insightful doesn’t have Trixie convinced you aren’t the same Rainbow Dash!” Trixie said.

“Hey!” Rainbow said. “I’m not that bad, I-“she was cut off by the approaching hoof falls of her friends.”

“Oh, Dashie’s definitely gotten better!” Pinkie said. “She even got two character-building adventures!”

“Wait what?” Rainbow Dash asked, confused.

“In any event, we should be heading back to discuss affairs with Twilight.” Kain said. “We still need to find six other eidolons.”

“Wait, where’s your eidolon?” Trixie asked. “Didn’t you bring them back with you?”

Rarity popped out from the canopy of the cart. “Oh, hello there, Trixie.” She said in her most cordial of tones. “Miss Efreet couldn’t come back with us because of some, complications. But she did say we could call on her when the moment was right.”

“Yeah, we should get moving and start finding the rest of the eidolons.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Well, everypony else is at Ms. Sparkle’s library already.” Trixie said. We’ve already found the Eidolon of the Earth, Titan, otherwise known as Rocky’ dad.

The smaller golem made his way over to the group of adventurers. “My dad’s gonna help you ponies stop the bad guys!” he said, and then pumped a fist into the air. “Come on, come on! Let’s go talk with Dad!” and he began to make his way to the older golem.

The rest of the party followed, wondering where their journey would take them next.