• Published 6th Jan 2017
  • 1,404 Views, 140 Comments

Final Fantasy: Eidolons of Harmony - Belligerent Bindlestiff

A calamity is on the horizon. Now, light warriors must be called upon to aid Equestria.

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The Elements Shed Their Light

The Elements Shed Their Light

Clopping hooves upon stone floor sounded as the group made their way down the passage.

“We still don’t know who this is, or if this is a trap.” Applejack said. “Are ya sure this is such a good idea Twilight?”

The voice spoke again to the party, “Do not worry. I do not carry any ill intent; I only wish to aid you. I am the Tree of Harmony, and I have a primeval connection with the very elements you bear.”

“How exactly does a tree up and speak?” Applejack whispered to the others.

“I have been observing the world, feeling the flow of magic through my roots. Now it seems that its protectors must be moved into action.” The voice spoke.

The party continued further down the corridor and began to see an aqua glow being cast from the exit of the tunnel.

And with the glow, the voice became much clearer. “It is normally not within my domain to interfere directly with the lives of those in this world, but circumstances have left me with little choice.”

“What do you mean by that?” Twilight asked. “What have you been responsible for?”

“The Elements of Harmony and I have always allowed a means for ponies, such as yourselves, to help the world.” The voice spoke. “Throughout history, there have been tumultuous times, but there were always those who have risen up to either change or protect the world of Equus. I was always there to render subtle aid to those who rose to the challenge.”

Rarity looked towards Twilight, and then back at the direction of the light. “So why is it that you’re speaking with us now? If you don’t mind my asking.”

“A day has come that I cannot simply direct others in the right direction and leave things to fate.” The voice said.

The group exited the passage to see a grand chamber containing a crystalline tree with a glow that

“There is something on the horizon that neither I nor your Princesses can quite see clearly, but it is of the greatest importance that we are ready for what is to come.” The tree said.

“I don’t get it.” Twilight said. “What do we need to get ready for and how exactly are we supposed to do that? Wouldn’t the Elements of Harmony be enough?”

“Under normal circumstances, they would be, but now an innate power that has dwelled within them must be tapped into.” The Tree of Harmony said.

The group encircled the luminescent tree, heeding its every word that caused the tree to pulse with light.

“You each must be gifted with powers from beyond this realm and age. As I said before, there is a great threat looming of which its power or intent I cannot yet foretell, but I must not allow the denizens of this world meet it unprepared. “The Tree of Harmony said.

Everyone looked puzzled as to what the tree meant. They already had the Elements of Harmony with them.

“The gifts I am about to bestow upon you are meant to meet conflict, directly if necessary. And while I know you are a peaceful people, you must understand that even in matters of aggression, you still have the choice as how to use these gifts.”

The elements then began to glow and detach themselves from their bearers. Each stone moved toward the tree, only the slight hum of their magic could be heard until the tree spoke.

“This world will need heroes, powerful ones to defend it. I only hope that this gift will be enough.”

The Elements of Harmony then intensified in luminescence. Streams of light emitted from each stone in and around each magical crystal. The light congregated into a huge column that spanned from the ground to the top of the chamber. Light then scattered every which way about the room.

Rays of light arced about the room. Some these rays pass through the chests of the element bearers, and each one of them began to glow gently.

As Applejack’s glow intensified until there was an all-encompassing light around her. When it calmed, it was revealed that she was wearing chain armor around her form and a helmet with mail atop her head. At her side was a double bladed ax and a shield at her other.

“Within the elements, a warrior’s spirit. One that places all of their strength into battle. Their forwardness stems from a clear and open intent. The Light of Bravery, Fighter.” The Tree of Harmony said.

The glow then intensified around Rainbow Dash. It left her wearing sleek pieces of red armor, including a shield at her side as well.

“Fierce and quick to show their prowess. They meet conflict with all their skills head on. The Light of Attrition, Raptor.”

Fluttershy was left in a teal garb that nearly encompassed her whole form. The garbs were accented with wool. Atop her head was a wool cap with small horns atop it, and at her side was a coiled whip.

“Soothers of wild beasts and magical monsters. They have the purest understanding of life and ally themselves with nature. The Light of Nature, Beastmaster.”

Twilight had brown and olive formal clothing with a pair of bifocals resting on her muzzle. The suit had a white shirt that flamboyantly protruded from a vest. At her side was a glowing tome held fast by a belt.

“Beyond the study of magic of a normal mage, they seek to comprehend the world around them and to enlighten those they know. The Light of Knowledge, Scholar.”

Rarity wore elegant white robes with a red triangle pattern on the trim.

“Mages that seek to aid life where there is pain. They understand that all who live must die someday, but preserve life where they can. The Light of Tenderness, White Mage.”

Pinkie Pie had a blue, military uniform with folded cuffs and a naval looking hat, both with gold trim.

“Those who have loud personalities, which demonstrate their feelings through their explosive implements. Sometimes it is best to be loud about intentions when all is quiet. The motivation where there is apathy. The Light of the Party, Engineer Cannoneer Confectioneer.

Each of the bearers’ hooves hit the floor when the light dimmed and released them.

“These are the gifts I bestow upon Equestria, sprirts of old, Warriors of Light that protect the balance of the world.” The Tree of Harmony said.

“I can feel the energy…” Twilight said.

“Ah feel a whole lot stronger now.” Applejack said.

“It feels warm.” Rainbow Dash said, with a hoof to her chest.

“Umm.” Fluttershy said. “What about Kain?”

“He is from one such realm where your new powers are drawn from.” The Tree of Harmony said. “Dragoons are proud and noble knights that exemplify the Light of Dragons. He will aid you as he has always done."

The elements converged upon the tree and rested upon the various limbs of the arcane tree with the Element of Magic flowing towards the center, entering a compartment. Each of the elements began to glow at their respective points.

“I ask you now, bearers of the elements, warriors of light, to seek out the eidolons of the elements.” The Tree of Harmony said. “They are spiritual aspects of not only the Elements of Harmony, such as laughter, kindness, or loyalty; they are also the embodiment of the elements of earth, water, wind, fire, cold, storm, light, and dark.”

Everyone gave a confused look towards one another.

“So, who are they?” Applejack asked.

“That is not clear. As with the bearers of the Elements of Harmony, the spirits of the eidolons move with the flow of time. I cannot ascertain who they are specifically.” The Tree of Harmony said. “I can only offer you what I know, in that these eidolons are more closely associated with the worldly elements. Search for those who bear the strongest connection to said elements. Each one of the bearers of the Elements of Harmony can sense the eidolon in some way. You’ll be drawn towards their presence.”

“So that’s it then?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Find these important someponies and bring them here?”

“As I said before.” The Tree of Harmony said. “I cannot see beyond the horizon as to what is coming, but I do not expect those forces to remain idle. Their intentions will be made known with time. For now, focus on the task before you.”

The glowing motes of light before them spun about the room.

“I wish that I could help you further, but I must use much of my remaining strength to lend the power of the elements to others across Equestria.” The Tree of Harmony said.

A searing light bored a hole out of the chamber, filling the room with natural light. The tree and the floor round it began to glow brightly, and the light surged out into the world.

“Believe in your strengths and you will succeed.” Said the Tree of Harmony as its volume diminished.


The party departed the cave.

“Our first order of business is getting home and informing the princess of the situation.” Twilight said.

“So uh,” Applejack began. “Anypony feeling like there’s some big element eidolon around them? Because apart from this here armor, nothing really looks all that different to me.”

“Gotta agree with AJ.” Rainbow Dash said. “This new armor is pretty awesome! I mean I was awesome before, but now I even look more awesome!”

“I believe Applejack was referring to finding the eidolons dear.” Rarity said.

“Oh, right.” Rainbow Dash said. “Well, I haven’t felt anything different like that either.”

“That’s exactly the point.” Twilight said. “We don’t seem to have a general idea of where to go, but I’m pretty sure we need to research a list of places back at the library.”

“I think that’s a good idea.” Fluttershy said. “The Everfree still gives me the chills. I don’t want to run into any trouble if we don’t have to.”

“Relax!” Rainbow Dash said. “The elements gave us powers of ‘Warriors of Light’! I think we’ll be ready for anything the Everfree can throw at us now!”

“Ah don’t think there’s too much to be worried about Fluttershy.” Applejack said. “Like the Tree of Harmony said, were kinda like the type of warrior Kain is so that’s gotta count for something.”

“My word, does that mean were nearly as powerful as a dragoon is?” Rarity asked.

“I cannot say for certain what strengths the Warriors of Light you possess.” Kain said. “I only recognize two professions, fighter and white mage. What’s more, one can’t simply compare them to a dragoon such as myself, there are indeed invaluable members to a party in their own right.”

The ground began to tremble, and soon the sound of a stampede was heard coming from the distance.

“What’s that?” Twilight asked.

As the sounds grew louder, the group noticed a group of small bipedal creatures wearing floppy hats, two of which were riding a single cragodile.

“What are those?” Applejack asked.

“Goblins.” Kain said.

“What do they want?” Twilight asked. “I’ve never seen anything like them before Kain.”

“They sort of look like small humans Kain.” Rarity said.

The small creatures drew knives and daggers.

“Wait!” Twilight said, jumping in front of the group. “We don’t have to fight!”

The opposing group grinded to a halt. Their leader, the goblin in front and atop the cragodile, scratched his own head and spoke in a high pitched, scratchy voice. “Of course we do! Our boss told us to stop important ponies in the forest!”

“Who’s your boss?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Oh, we’re not gonna say.” The goblin leader said. “Besides, we’ll stop you now before it even matters!”

Nearly twenty goblins charged the group, with blades raised high as they screamed.

“I guess we’ve no choice then.” Kain said, while he readied his weapon.

“Well alright then.” Applejack said. “Guess we’ll have to kick some flank!”

Not a moment later was she swarmed by five goblins before she could even brandish her axe.

Rainbow Dash then flew down, with her own blade drawn to help the fledgling fighter. Meanwhile, Pinkie Pie had produced her party cannon from seemingly nowhere and began firing into the mob.

Flashes of light exploded where the unknown munitions had landed, dazing a few of the goblins.

“Wow!” Pinkie Pie said. “My cannon really packs a punch now!”

Just then, even more goblins besieged the group from the greater mob. Twilight had put up a barrier to keep them away, but the lead goblin commanded the cragodile to ram the force field.

“It’s not going to hold forever!” Twilight said, looking back at her friends who were already locked in combat.

“I don’t even know what I’m supposed to do!” Fluttershy exclaimed from the background. “Am I supposed to hit them with my whip? I don’t want to hurt them.”

“Then try to disarm them!” Kain said, giving a wide swing with his spear to trip the crowd of goblins before him.

“Yeah, anything will help!” Rainbow Dash said as she pried off a goblin from Applejack and flung it yards away.

“And what is it I’m supposed to do?” Rarity asked incredulously. “You heard the tree, I can heal wounds, but what can I do to prevent them?”

“I’m sorry Rarity,” Kain said, while punching a goblin that had gotten too close. “I’m not skilled in the ways of white magic. I know this isn’t the time for reflection, but try to concentrate on using healing magic.”

The dragoon jumped into the air and landed atop a goblin. “Perhaps something may come of it.” Kain said.

“Concentrate.” Twilight said to herself. “Right!” She then floated her scholar tome to her face and looked it over. “Strange, most of its pages are blank. There’s only a few mentioning of basic offensive elemental applications and the phrase, ‘Knowledge is Power’.”

She then closed the book and took note of its cover titled, “Knowledge”.

“Really?” Twilight said, exasperated.

She then channeled her magic around the book and it became encrusted in ice. More than that, it let off a whitish blue aura. Twilight then swung the book at the last goblin on top of Applejack, instantly freezing it.

“I’ve hear of applying your studies, but this is ridiculous!” Twilight said.

Applejack was finally able to get to her hooves and brandish her axe for the first time, just as Twilight’s barrier spell shattered from the force of the goblin mob. Five more goblins charged Applejack, but with a wide swing of her axe, the attackers’ movement was halted as they jumped back to avoid the weapon.

Rainbow Dash then flew down and picked up one of the goblins and tossed it before it had a chance to react. Applejack took note of this opportunity and bucked the creature far into the oblivion of the Everfree.

Pinkie Pie then fired her cannon at the remaining goblins and scattered them with a dead on hit.

With their numbers dwindling, the dozen goblins and cragodile made one more charge. Kain styed on the ground and joined Applejack to form a front line to protect the others. Rainbow Dash continued to harass the crown from using her speed and altitude. Blades swung in vain as they tried to reach her, only for them to be smacked by an electrified book.

The goblins twitched as they were electrocuted, but still others remained in the fight.

Each of the ground combatants held off the regular goblins, but even Kain and Applejack gave ground for the rocky reptile that charged. It blew past the group and headed straight for Rarity and Fluttershy. The former braced herself with little time to react, hoping that either Rainbow Dash or Kain would be able to come crashing down from above.

To her surprise, the beast had stopped mere inches from them. The cragodile was simply standing there, with its imp rider atop it, spurring it on, but to no avail.

Rarity then looked to her side to see Fluttershy staring at the beast dead on, but it was no ordinary “stare” from her pegasus friend. Green magic was emanating from Fluttershy’s eyes; she wore neither a scowl nor smile, and the cragodile also had a green glow in its eyes.

Then, in an instant, the creature turned around and charged at the imps that had marched alongside it initially. It completely ignored the ponies nearby and began snapping at the goblins, to which they fled in a panic.

All of the party looked on at the spectacle, but then their attention returned to Fluttershy, who had just broken from her trance and whose eyes had returned to normal.

“Wow Flutters,” Rainbow Dash said. “I never thought you could do that. I mean, you could calm animals before, but that…”

“Its just another example of the powers the Tree of Harmony has given us.” Twilight said.

“Yeah," Rainbow Dash said. “I feel like I’ve got the strength to win against AJ in a hoof wrestling contest now! Say AJ, wanna give it a go?”

“That’s a mighty fine challenge there,” Applejack said “but Ah ain't feeling too well at the moment.” She moved slowly toward the rest of the group with a foreleg clutching her barrel. There was distinct trickle of blood lined from her armor that shined along with the silvery chainmail. A few links had been broken and a visible piercing of her orange coat could be seen.

“Applejack! You’re hurt!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

“It ain’t too bad.” Applejack said. “A few days’ rest, and Ah’ll be as good as new.”

Kain turned to Rarity. “Perhaps now would be a good time to try to use healing magic, Rarity.” He said.

The white mage turned to her earthpony friend and winced, despite not actually being the one injured.

“Dear, I haven’t a clue about where to begin. This isn’t something I’ve ever learned to fix. You’re not some sort of fabric I can simply stitch back together….” Rarity said, and then her eyes began to glow as she saw the wound and a light blue magic began to emanate from her horn.

At Applejack’s side, a thin light blue object manifested.

“Um, you know she’s not a dress right?” Pinkie Pie said just before the magical needle pierced the fighter’s wound.

Applejack winced, expecting pain, but then opened her eyes to see that behind the needle’s path, a blue glow was left and the wound began to close, even the clothing on her began to repair itself.

“Wow, that was amazing Rarity!” Twilight said. “I’ve seen and used healing magic before, but I’ve never seen something quite like that!”

“How are you feeling?” Fluttershy asked.

“Well shucks,” Applejsack said. “It’s like Ah never got hurt in the first place.”

“Even ponies healed by unicorn magic speak of pain and stiffness afterwards.” Twilight said.

“Goodness, I can’t believe I just did that!” Rarity exclaimed, her eyes returning to normal.

“I wonder what other neat things we can do with these new powers!” Pinkie Pie said.

“Something tells me that we’ll have plenty more opportunities to find out.” Twilight said hesitantly, but for now, let’s get back home and see what our next course of action should be.”


Once they were back at the library, the party deliberated on what they would do next. Twilight had already sent a letter to Celestia and Luna explaining what had happened with the Tree of Harmony.

Rarity and Kain had sat at one of the tables in the library to speak. Rarity looked down at her newly acquired robes. “Well I suppose this means I’m along of the adventure now, doesn’t it?” She asked.

“I know how you must feel about this Rarity,” Kain said. “given how you’re expressed your worry about my own line of work.”

“Nevertheless, it would have been very unladylike if I had flat out declined a request of another so abruptly, especially if it’s by the embodiment of harmony itself.” After examining the fabric more with her hooves and magic, she looked at Kain. “So, I’m a white mage? Isn’t Rosa a white mage?”

Kain shifted uncomfortably. “Yes, she is.” He replied. Please do not let her think to compare herself with Rosa he thought.

“How could somepony dedicate themselves to becoming a healer and then go off on dangerous quests?” Rarity asked.

“She wanted to help Cecil in any way she could have when he first joined the Dark Knights. When things took a turn for the worse in our world, she was among the first to render aid to our cause." Kain said

"If the Elements of Harmony thought I should help as a white mage, then I shall at least try to hold myself to that title." Rarity said.

“You were said to have the light of tenderness.” Kain said.

“But really, how does a seamstress and designer such as myself find herself stitching wounds instead of wardrobes?” Rarity said.

“Isn’t it obvious Rarity?” Kain asked. “Your generosity and willingness to help others is just as strong as any white mage I’ve known. You may not have had the means before, but now you’ve been given the chance to help in ways you only dreamed of.”

Rarity looked at Kain with a smile.

“Didn’t you say before how much you lamented not appearing to be as helpful as the others on your adventures?” Kain asked.

“Indeed I did.” Rarity said. “I suppose its quite funny when it comes to the saying, ‘Be careful what you wish for…’ "

“Well, you did want to make sure I was safe when I was on a mission.” Kain said. “Now we’ll be at each other’s sides.”

Rarity leaned at Kain’s side and nuzzled him.

“See what I mean? The light of tenderness does reside within you.” Kain said.

The two of them took the moment to relax in that short time. It was brief calm no doubt before a long series of trying events to come.

Author's Note:

Scholar, that title seems so strange. I’ve tested out my newly acquired attire to see if there was anything magical about it at all but found nothing If anything, my tome seems to be the source of my new powers. I can interchange its elemental affinity to strike with it like a weapon. As useful as it seems, I don’t think this is the full extent of this blessing from the Tree of Harmony. Flutterhsy’s enhanced ability with animals is one thing, but I certainly don’t feel stronger. This will require further experimentation.

What is so intriguing about this magic is that it seems otherworldly, but it uses a pony’s’ own inherent gifts. Fluttershy exerted a greater degree of control over creatures than I’ve ever seen with her stare before. But where my intrigue lies is with Rarity’s use of the “Cure” spell, a white magic spell from Kain’s world. There was no incantation needed, Rarity didn’t say prepare any magic for the complex spell. When I used healing magic, I need to focus my input into the spell matrices to get the desired outcome, but Rarity’s spell allowed her to create an ethereal needle to heal Applejack’s wounds. So, while it takes years to become a competent unicorn mage, these new abilities seem to be an extension of the spell caster, but for now, it is my only theory.

Musical Inspiration

"Prelude (Menu)", Dissidia Final Fantasy; "Ancient Castle", Final Fantasy II PS OST ; "Battle Theme", Final Fantasy I PS OST; "Gustaberg", Final Fantasy XI OST.