• Published 6th Jan 2017
  • 1,404 Views, 140 Comments

Final Fantasy: Eidolons of Harmony - Belligerent Bindlestiff

A calamity is on the horizon. Now, light warriors must be called upon to aid Equestria.

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On the Edge of Danger

On the Edge of Danger

////Rainbow Dash

When Rainbow Dash’s party entered the fiery fields, there was an air of caution that kept everyone on edge and silent. All that could be heard was the hissing of the acidic-like landscape.

Rarity broke the silence. “Just after we get passed this place, we should be near Cajun pony country. The dragon shouldn’t be far off if what Rainbow Dash described is correct.” She nervously looked around from her seat at the front of the wagon.

Rainbow Dash scanned the area from above the wagon, checking for any threats from her vantage point. So far, so good. She thought to herself. We’ll get out of these fields, and then we can go straight for the dragon.

She began to wonder what would happen when they actually met the dragon. Would this eidolon test her like Deist tested Kain at those ancient ruins? The dragoon had to fight Deist, one on one. Rainbow Dash remembered that fight, she wanted to help Kain, but the dragon prevented any interference.

Would I have to fight? She thought. I can barely fight Kain as it is right now. She hoped that it wouldn’t come down to a test of strength. Hey, who knows? Maybe the dragon will accept a race?

Her ruminations were cut short when she noticed a change in the terrain. “Hold on guys!” she said, flying down to ground level to warn the others.

Pinkie Pie and Kain screeched to a halt. “The path ahead looks really rugged.” Rainbow Dash said.

“We’re going to need to take this slowly.” Kain said.

“Hold on, Rarity!” Pinkie Pie said. “It’s gonna be a bumpy ride!”

The slower pace agitated Rainbow Dash. It left her feeling way more vulnerable, than if she were flying at her normal speed. Her train of thought was on finding the eidolon of fire, and any stops along the way just seemed annoying. Of course, she knew all to well about getting caught up and distracted with over eagerness.

Kain had warned her that time they went investigating those cultist unicorns. Even if she meant well, rushing in without a plan ended with her on the receiving end of a transformation spell. Rainbow Dash instead focused her attention now, to making sure the path for the wagon was clear.

And it was then she noticed the apparent movement in the trees nearby. Any other day, I’d take you on, but we’ve places to go. Rainbow Dash thought to herself, some anxiousness for action still. “Hey, we’ve got company.” She said to the party.

Kain and Pinkie Pie stopped and waited for whatever was closing in on them. Sure enough, three chimeras emerged from the denser, forested area. The creature had a goat, lion, and snake head that each eyed the ponies with hunger.

“Thiss isss asss far asss you go.” The snake head on one of the chimera said.

“There’s a lot more path for us to continue on.” Kain said. “I guess we won’t be stopping here.”

“Oh, not even for a bite to eat?” The Lion head of the same chimera said.

“Snack time?” Pinkie Pie asked. “That sound’s great!” she then dove into the cart.

“I don’t think that’s what they meant.” Rainbow Dash said. She drew closer to the group, but kept a wary eye on the other two chimeras that were approaching. Pinkie, why are you messing around now?

“Now, now, I’m certain we can come to an agreement.” Rarity said. “I’m pretty sure that we can provide something else that might interest you?”

Applejack had given the group warnings on what they should do if they ever encountered a chimera. She’d gone on many trips on her own to Cajun pony country; she’d always brought cheese as a means of distracting at least one of the chimera’s heads.

“Oh yesss.” Another snake head said. “We’ll just be taking all of your cheese now.” Its corresponding goat head said.

“I do apologize,” Rarity said. “but we simply cannot give you every last bit of cheese. Please be reasonable.”

“Fine then.” The lion head on the second chimera said. “”How about you leave one pony behind, and we’ll call it even.”

Rainbow Dash’s patience was wearing thin as it was, but leaving anypony behind was out of the question. “Alright, that’s it.” She said. “Look, we already tried to be nice with you, but it looks like you’re going to have to learn things the hard way.”

The chimera growled and took offensive stances.

Kain readied his spear. “Normally, I’d say we shouldn’t be so brash, but I have to agree with you Rainbow. These chimeras aren’t being reasonable.”

As the monsters drew near, an odd mechanical noise was heard. A strange extending mechanism with a platform extended from the back of the wagon. Atop the platform was Pinkie Pie and her cannon.

“Hey, there’s no need to fight!” she said. “There’s plenty for all of you!” She began firing a multitude of shots at the chimera.

However, instead of explosions, her shots encased the chimera and their immediate area with huge amounts of orange goo. The monsters struggled to move, but to no avail remained stuck.

“What isss thiss?” a snake head asked. The goat head on the chimera then began to chew at the material at a leisurely pace.

The creatures were effectively trapped. Even with the goo being consumed, it wasn’t fast enough for the chimera to free themselves.

Kain spun his spear onto his back. “Well that settles things then.” He said.

Pinkie Pie then returned her contraption back into the wagon and she rejoined Kain in pulling the wagon. They resumed their journey without further incident. Rainbow checked back every now and then to make sure none of the chimera got the jump on them.

As they left the fire fields the group breathed a breath of literal fresh air. The fire fields had a suffocating humidity to them despite all the fire and heat.

“Nice one back there, Pinks.” Rainbow Dash said.

“That everdough was really nifty in a pinch!” Pinkie Pie said. “All I did was add some cheese, and voila! Cheesy bread batter!”

Rainbow thought about how silly it was for the princesses to give Pinkie such a weird gift for stopping Chrysalis’ attack in Ponyville a while back. She’d got a sword and Rarity a staff that only a fancy pony like her could actually pull off owning. And then there was Pinkie. She’d received some weird dough that grew completely out of control, so it had to be put into a little magic bag.

Leave it to Pinkie to figure out how to use it. Rainbow thought. “Well, it worked.” She said. “What about you, Rarity? Did you bring the staff the princesses gave you in Canterlot?”

“Actually, I did bring the staff of Whinwu. It seemed fitting that I should have it on this journey.” Rarity said, while bringing the object from the back of the cart into view. “Besides, a lady must be able to defend herself, especially if she’s to be helping save Equestria.”

“Let’s hope it serves you well.” Kain said.

“Gotta wonder though.” Rainbow Dash said. “If it’s a gift from the princesses, there’s got to be something more to it like my sword. Remember how they said it was made for Pegasi to use?”

“I suppose for now it will be my staff for defense.” Rarity said. “Speaking of which, I suppose you wouldn’t mind giving me a few lessons along with Rainbow Dash, Kain?”

“Of course not.” Kain replied.

“Ooh, and me too?!” Pinkie Pie asked excitedly.

“I’m not sure I can train you to fight with a cannon Pink-“ Kain said.

“Just kidding!” Pinkie Pie said.

The party shared a laugh and made their way out toward the crags and Cajun pony country.


They had reached the divide in the path, one lead to civilization, and the other to the crags where the dragon they sought lived.

“Looks to be another half day’s journey.” Kain said. “Though to be honest, I’m still getting used to how quickly my legs can carry me.”

“Just think about how fast you’d go if you had wings.” Rainbow Dash said. “But I guess that doesn’t matter much right now.”

It was a clear shot to the crags, and everyone agreed to head there and not use any more time than they needed. Rainbow had thought about stopping by a Cajun pony town, but she found herself mixed on the urge to go visit and have a meal over there.

She remembered Kain’s words from the last time. This isn’t a field trip. Again, that last embarrassing adventure resounded with her. On one hoof, the prospect of all of her friends gaining these awesome new powers excited her. She wanted to help save Equestria, and if they got to look cool while doing it, even better. But on the other hoof, she’d remembered what her ego would lead her to if she got carried away.

The move towards the crags only increased her boredom. Nothing is happening. She thought. And yet her boredom was mixed with relief. Is this what it’s like to be Kain all the time? Sure, there was nothing to do, but at least there wasn’t any crazy magic that could turn her into a pig…hopefully.

They’d settled on a spot to camp for the night before going into the craggy pass. Just like the night before, Rainbow was ready to learn more about fighting from Kain. She sped through the camp set up. Pinkie even held up whatever various tool she needed during the process as she flew by.


Kain was showing Rarity the basics of wielding a staff to Rarity. He had his helmet off, but it wasn’t clear if the unicorn was completely paying attention to the lesson. You’re head over hooves for him, Rarity. Rainbow Dash thought.

“It’s more of a defensive aid to battle than a weapon.” Kain said. “But it has a great similarity as using a spear.”

Rainbow let the two of them continue practicing; she instead focused on her swings and just watched the two of them from the side of her eye. Celestia, this shield is heavy.

Rarity then used her magic to twirl her staff around in a way like Kain used his spear. “I’m actually a bit of jealous.” Kain said. “You are able to wield your staff with your magic. That must certainly be easier than by hoof.”

“Oh, but telekinesis is still exhausting for a unicorn Kain.” Rarity said.

“Still though, it will be easier to show you how to wield it since you control it more like you had hands.” Kain said. He went on, showing Rarity various guards to use while using her staff.

Heh, yeah Kain, show her the ropes. Rainbow thought. She’d never be this interested if it were any pony else teaching her about fighting.

“So, have you learned to keep your guard up when fighting since we last sparred?” Kain asked, moving to Rainbow from Rarity.

“Yeah, you’re not getting the best of me so easily this time.” Rainbow Dash said.

The two of them readied their weapons. There was a pause between the dragoon and raptor. Rainbow Dash was fighting every urge to strike first, she waited to see what Kain would do.

His spear moved in a slow practice attack, Rainbow Dash moved right and held her shield to face the attack as she dodged. Kain swung his spear to the left. Rainbow then sped in close and caught the shaft of the spear with Canterburn.

“Good.” Kain said.

They repeated the exercise in many variations, with Kain counterattacking differently to test Rainbow Dash’s reactions. After these practice runs, Kain stepped back and planted his spear into the ground.

“I must apologize.” Kain said. ”But I believe I should be training you a bit differently. I’d only come to realize that I’ve been your only training partner."

“What are you talking about, Kain?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Ordinarily, you’d face right handed- hooved opponents.” Kain said. “As of now, you’ve only been fighting against a left hooved one. If you’re world is like mine, then the majority of encounters you’ll face will be against right hooved opponents.”

Kain grabbed his spear from the ground, spun it around with his left foreleg doing most of the work, and then replanting it into the ground.

“Oh.” Rainbow Dash said.

“I’ll train you with using my right side to prepare you for those types of opponents as well. I had plenty of right handed soldiers to train with when I was younger.” Kain said. He then switched his shield to his left foreleg and picked up his spear using his right. “Let’s have another go at it.”

He’s doing this just so I can fight better? Rainbow Dash thought. Well, now I can’t let him down. I gotta win now.

They began to spar as normal; Rainbow noted how she had to turn differently in order to practice her parries and counters. His attacks are way slower this time. Guess my openings are going to be a lot easier.

She parried another thrust from his spear and dodged left. Instinctively, she brought her sword to bear and swung, expecting Kain to be ready to block. Only, he hadn’t. She’d moved too fast.

“Kain!” Rarity yelled.

It was only moments before Rainbow Dash’s sword came down. She was horrified to feel her blade come into contact with something hard and then pass through. Oh no… she thought as she turned around to see that Kain was somehow alright.

She dropper her sword. “Oh my gosh, Kain. I’m so sorry!” Rainbow said in a rushed apology.

“You really are quick.” Kain said. “A lesser opponent would have assuredly dispatched by that attack. I almost might have. But it seems Rarity was quicker than the both of us.”

Rainbow Dash noticed a bright yellow shape hovering in front of Kain.

“It seems I’ve stitched a shield.” Rarity said. “It all happened so fast, but when I saw Rainbow Dash about to strike you, my magic must have surged to protect you.”

“Indeed, that was an aptly named protect spell.” Kain said. “It would seem you’re unlocking more of your abilities.”

“I only saw you in trouble, and I had to help somehow.” Rarity said.

You really do like him Rarity. Rainbow Dash thought. You moved even faster than me for a second there. But Kain... She’d come to a realization.

“Kain, you don’t have to practice with me that way if you don’t feel up to it.” Rainbow Dash said. “I know you’re trying to help, but I almost hurt you.”

“Are your certain?” Kain asked. “What about learning to fight against right handed opponents?”

“There’s always AJ when we catch up. I’m sure she’ll be a good sparring partner. Besides, I think I want to fight you when you’re at your best.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Thank you.” Kain replied.

“Yeah, I mean who asks ponies to switch hooves anyways?” Pinkie said, bouncing up to the group. “I wouldn’t ask Fluttershy or Spike to switch hooves or claws when they were helping be bake, that’s just silly.”

“It is isn’t it?” Kain said, putting his weapon on his back. Rainbow Dash followed suit and the group made their way to have dinner.

Author's Note:

After the initial shock of learning about Rainbow Dash and Kain’s sparring incident, I set to questioning why once again, Rarity was able to create another spell she’d never used almost instantaneously. It isn’t that I doubt her skill with magic, but instead I question how coherently a magical effect could be caused so quickly without practice.

But thanks to the details from speaking with Kain, however, I can attribute more to my theory that Rarity, and all of our new skills are borrowed from our innate talents. Rarity crated or wove a magical barrier to protect Kain. This still leads me to wonder what “White Magic” actually is. Kain spoke of healers on his world, and from the sound of it, their spells seem very similar to ours. They require hours of practice to master, so why then do all of these magical effects different for us? I hesitate to think of the “specialness” of my friends and I, but dos our previous title as Bearers for the Elements of Harmony hold any weight? “White Mage” and “White Magic” seem to denote healing and protection, and perhaps this might be why the Bearer of Generosity was given these skills.

Rarity’s “Protect” spell is much different from the shield spells I’ve used before, they’re more of sustained magic than what Kain told me of what happened. Once again, Rarity is creating a tool to do what she wants to accomplish, much like she searches for the appropriate tool to crate her fashion. Still, the correlation between the tools and desired effects has me puzzled.