• Published 2nd Jul 2012
  • 5,001 Views, 202 Comments

You're All Alone, Sweetheart - TheApexSovereign

A terrible accident leaves a young filly abandoned and alone.

  • ...

Alternate Ending: I Came, I Saw, I Conquered

I brought up my horn for one last, fatal strike. As I brought the Holy Arms down, my ears pricked up. The sound of one's hooves rushing towards me drew closer. In the blink of an eye, I pointed my cutlass at the direction of the offender. It took me only a second to realize it was Rarity. Building up to much speed to stop, she ran into my blade, piercing her neck. The heated tip dotted with sizzling blood protruded from the back.

I looked up and around my horn to see her sapphire eyes were locked in my emerald pair. Through gritted teeth I said in a low voice, "You little snake in the grass....Whose side are you on anyway?" She passed before she could answer. A single tear rolled down her cheek.

I tore out the Holy Arms, splattering speckles of blood into the air. Rarity collapsed to the fine cut cobblestone floor with her neck sticking together by a couplet of tendons. Her pool of crimson spread like wildfire.

I turned to see her friends were still fighting Discord and Trixie. They didn't even notice one of their best friends die. My attention was redirected towards Celestia, who was struggling to get back up on her hooves, seething at the excruciating pain burning at her side. With my sword burning brightly, I made a long yet fast incision along her spine. She cried out in horrible agony, drawing the attention of the others.

Discord and Trixie backed away from the Elements with malicious grins.

I dispersed my Holy Arms to join them. We all stared at the group wearing evil grins as they eyed Rarity's rotting corpse and Celestia's mangled one. I gave no thought to killing either of them. They were monsters and traitors. How could Rarity give that meaningful speech and then try to stab me in the back? That's how a coward fights.

I expected the ponies to break down into tears, but the situation seemed to be more than they could take in. But from a look in their eyes, I could tell that they were devastated.

"You.." Twilight began faintly, "You killed your own sister....and the ruler of Equestria....How dare you!" Angry tears brimmed her eyelids.

For some reason, that comment really got to me. "How dare me!? How dare you!? Do you really think the Princess was doing a good job? She wasn't! I-" Before I could continue my rant, Discord's leathery eagle claw placed itself upon my back. I looked up at him to see his stern expression. An expression that said, 'Keep your cool.'

I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply, venting all anger. I calmly opened my eyes, staring down the stiffened group of ponies. Rainbow Dash looked furious, but she wasn't an idiot. She knew she couldn't beat us now. With the Element of Generosity gone, there's no way to stop Discord.

The sun above the sky turned dark red, casting a scarlet template across the land. Everypony stared up at it in awe. Several violent solar flares were seen leaping out of the surface, massive enough to be seen from here. The bottom soon began to darken. It was as black as coal within seconds. Darkness began to swallow the entire sun until it reached the top, shadows across the rooftop grew in size as the sun's flames were extinguished. Within minutes, the ball of fire was no more. All that remained was a still lump of charred rock, though some canyons along the surface were filled by luminescent magma.

Nightfall was cast across the land, stars pasted over the entire sky. It was breathtaking. The absence of the moon was noted, though barely mulled over. It seems that everypony forgot about Princess Luna like they did 1000 years ago.

"Do you have any idea what you've done!?" Twilight screamed, "Without the sun, we can't grow our crops!" The ringleader's speech cast a wave of anger over her associates, Applejack in particular.

But I'm no fool. I knew what would happen and I was well prepared for it. Discord crossed his arms and pointed his nose up in the air, "I have a plan, Ms. Sparkle. What's a Utopia without a sun, right?" He said sarcastically, causing Twilight's face to flush. Trixie snickered at her displacement.

I spoke again in a bratty tone that reminded me of Diamond Tiara. "I'll make Equestria grow into the prosperous land it was meant to be. And with the help of these two, it's gonna happen." They still didn't seem convinced. I noticed Pinkie fondling with her balloon shaped necklace. "The old ways are gone, my subjects. No more Elements, and no more gods. The sun and the moon can be rebuilt. We have the resources. And the-"

I was cut off by Applejack's insipid notions. "Do ya really think all 'o Equestria's gonna be gung-ho about this change in leadership?" Her words dripped acid. It's entertaining to see somepony who really hates you but knows there's nothing they could do about it.

"They'll learn, eventually." I stated simply pacing from left to right with all eyes on me, I concluded that there was nothing more to say to these foals.

Rainbow Dash exhaled wildly from her nostrils like a raging bull. Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy both had tearful looks in their eyes, still looking at Rarity's lifeless carcass. They didn't know what to think. A.J. seemed about as angry as Twilight and Rainbow. They all looked like they were trying their best to remain strong. Pfft, so self-righteous.

These ponies were the closest friends I've ever seen. It must be nice to have those. Every thought, every plan is one they agree on together. Why not manipulate that? So I stopped pacing and said, "I'll give you all two options here: Leave and live, or stay and die. Your choice."

They all did a simultaneous gasp. I edged them further, "You all, or most of you, have something to live for. Do you really want to lose those just because of a little 'Old Equestrian' pride?" I felt Discord give me a rough pat on the back and Trixie's lips curved into an detrimental arc.

And just like that, Pinkie Pie took a single step to the right, away from the group. I noticed she left her necklace lying in the place she once stood.

Her friends gawked at her as she blinked away tears. Twilight tearfully shouted, "Pinkie, c'mon we can't let them win!"

She gave a quiet sniffle as her puffy hair bounced rhythmically with her cries. "I'm...I'm sorry Twiley. But I-I have a family now. Please understand." Her cries ceased as soon as they began, though the vibrant pink earth pony didn't smile. Not even a smirk.

And with that, Fluttershy drifted towards Pinkie and landed beside her, also leaving her butterfly shaped Element behind. She instantly broke down into tears, though I could barely make out her crying about 'the animals' or something like that.

Twilight was now sobbing too. She tried wiping her eyes but too no avail. And finally, Applejack unclipped her necklace and trotted over to the weeping duo, her face emotionless, her eyes dry as a bone.

Tears flowed down Rainbow's face. "No A.J.! Not you too!"

Applejack's green eyes burnt with hatred, not breaking their stare from me. "Ah'm sorry everypony, but ah got a family too feed 'n a farm ta take care of." Her voice shook with somber emotions.

And that just left the stubborn Twilight and Rainbow Dash. The Wonderbolts clad pegasus shouted, "I refuse too live in a land governed by a traitor!" She hovered over Twilight, whose horn was covered in a magical pink glow.

"You'll pay for-for all of this!" She shouted with tears running down her cheeks.

I turned and walked through my associates, towards the edge of the rooftop. "I'd love to stay and chat, but I have a land to rebuild." I shouted behind me, "Fluttershy! Pinkie! Applejack! Kill them!" I could sense their hearts dropping to the pits of their stomachs.

"NO!" The country-esque earth pony screamed in defiance.

Without straying from my steadfast trot, I angrily screamed into the premature night, "Kill them, or I kill your whole family!"

Trixie galloped towards my side and Discord teleported on the other. At the edge of the roof, all looked out into the lush rolling planes accompanied by the tranquil night backdrop. At that moment, I felt scared. Really, I was honestly scared. How could I rule this entire land when I haven't even graduated elementary school? And like a mind reader, Discord sat on the edge with his stubby mismatched legs dangling over the ocean below, patting the spot beside him for me to sit down.

I sat on my haunches with a nervous smile played across my lips. Trixie mimicked the act and plunked down beside me. Discord wrapped his lion arm around both of us and looked up at the cold dark rock we once called the sun. For some reason, this brought me reassurance. Like everything was gonna work out in the end. If it weren't for the back and forth screaming behind us, this moment would be perfect.

Nothing was happening between them. They were just doing the predictable 'please don't make us do this!' with eachother. It would be much easier if Twilight and Rainbow submitted, though it wouldn't be as entertaining.

"Discord?" I asked, not looking away from this beautiful picture.

"Hmmmm?" He said in a dragged, comical tone, knowing what I was going to ask.

"When they're done," I motioned my head to the squabbling Elements. "I want you to tear this whole place down."

12 Years Later....

Dear Diary,

Today is my 20th birthday, though it's not my actual birthday, I consider it to be. It's the fifteenth anniversary of my accident and may I say, it's my favorite day of the year. And it's not because I get presents or that it's an international holiday, but because it gives me a moment to reflect on all of the achievements I've obtained for making it a year further in paradise. If I explained every last detail, then this entry will probably fill my whole journal, so I'll only talk about the necessities.

After Discord demolished Canterlot, all of Equestria was confused and frightened. They were just children. And children need a mother. Trixie gathered ever pony, pegasi, unicorn, mule, and cow to the ground zero of the once prosperous city. There I stood on a podium in front of the demolished front gates and made a speech directed to each and every one of them, describing how I took the place of Celestia as ruler of Equestria. As expected, there were revolts, tears, and mobs. Thankfully, Trixie cast a bubble shield around the stage.

Over their cries of protest, I calmly explained how terrible life in Equestria was, it's flaws, and the macabre celebrations we offered to a liar. That last comment peeked their interest. I levitated baskets and baskets of files documenting every heinous act and lie the Princess committed. To convince them, I explained that these will be compressed into a book the following year. Who knew it would've became such a success?

The crowd remained silent, confused on how they should've felt at the moment. I suspected that, for I have gone through that phase as well. How would you feel if the pony you always believed in was, in reality, just a common crook? On cue, Discord worked his magic. He re-lit the sun. It's beautiful orange glow bathed Equestria in warm light. The sudden brightness forced everypony to lurch away. But after adjusting, they gaped at the now independent ball of flame. It no longer required assistance to rise, same went for the moon.

When I explained this, the massive gathering began to cheer. I enthusiastically annotated how this once dreadful land will rise from the ashes like a phoenix. I told them not to fear the future, or relish the past, but embrace it. The dark times were over, and this applauding crowd truly believed in me. No longer did they worship Luna and Celestia. Nowadays, they use Nightmare Night and the Summer Sun Celebration to ridicule these once praised gods.

A week after that, Ponyville was fully rebuilt. It seemed that everypony forgot about my rampage through the market, which was welcomed. I didn't want to rebuild Canterlot. For three years, it remained as an ugly reminder of the past. But the area was soon cleared and made way for the massive yet humble town of Maneland.

You may be asking yourself, dear reader, where I live. And the answer is simple. I live in a hut. That's right. A cottage, high up in the mountains. Is it two stories tall? Nope. It's all one big room with a fireplace, a bed, a desk, a bookshelf, and a kitchen. Pretty roomy, but nothing fancy. I don't dress up in any fancy gowns either. I do wear a golden tiara lined with valuable purple gems, though it kinda comes with the job. The citizens of Equestria questioned why the queen doesn't live in royalty. I pleasantly replied with, 'Because it's impractical. And please, don't address me as Queen Belle. Just call me Sweetie Belle, okay?'

Though my statement was deemed odd, my subjects gladly referred to me as Sweetie Belle, only sometimes calling me 'queen' or, more often, 'your highness.' Mayors or ambassadors of each town, even from places as far as Las Pegasus or Manehatten, have come to me personally and asked if there should be a day of celebration in my honor. I chose today's date, October 8th, to be my holiday. 'But they don't need to worship me,' I told them, 'just make donations to hospitals or rehabilitation clinics.'

I didn't think they'd take that literally. Now this date is internationally known as 'Sweetie's Celebration.' I was actually flattered by the notion. To this day, it's been celebrated every year for twelve years. At press conferences, reporters ask me why I chose to have donations made to clinics. I jokingly said, 'Have you seen this face?' to which they all laughed.

But in all seriousness, accidents, burns, and injuries similar to mine are very expensive to mend and heal. Though I wear my scars with pride in what they stand for, the less fortunate don't see it that way. Ever since the holiday was created, patients have been fully mended and healed within a week. Hospitals used the spare money from surgeries and discovered multiple medical breakthroughs to the point where they found a way to cure mental disorders and physical deformities. I was the ruler of Equestria for five years at that point, and already it became a land where there were truly no weaknesses.

Trixie became my most trusted advisor, helping me make critical decisions and really lending a hoof with running the country. She even became my most closest of friends. Coming from a similar background, she and I had allot in common. When we visit Ponyville, Cloudsdale, or Maneland, townsfolk treat us with the utmost of respect. Though I humbly accept it, Trixie sometimes gets a swelled head. Though she has morphed into a very mature pony over the years. She's starting to become a little aged, though she refuses to admit it.

And now you're probably wondering what my feelings are on Rarity. Nopony ever even dared to ask me that. The first couple of years, I felt nothing of it. But over time, I felt guilty, lonely even. I have a memorial of her beside my front porch that bears a framed picture of her and I at the Sisterhooves Social, one of the happiest days of my life. I'd give anything to relive it. The headstone has the logo of her Fashion Boutique and a sentence engraved on the bottom said, 'Rarity: A rare sister that will truly be missed.'

Now what of my old companion, Applebloom? She's my friend now. Hard to believe, right? Well, to put it short, I waited seven years to talk to her, and when I did, I came to her and offered the apple family a huge grant to repair their aging farm. Even after this gesture, Applejack still despises me. I can see it in those sabre cat eyes of her's. Applebloom apologized up and down for abandoning me. I was still pretty ticked, but I've matured over the past several years. What happened happened, and there's nothing we could do about it. All's we could do is push forward. I offered her the gift of friendship, she accepted. Applebloom acts kind of as a messenger for me now, which is good, because I'd always have to go to the town personally to retrieve letters and bills.

And speaking of Applejack, what happened on that night on the rooftop? Well, I'm somewhat happy to say there were no deaths. Twilight and Rainbow Dash saw that the others really didn't want to fight, so they just accepted what happened and moved on. They all still hate me, no matter how many promises I lived up to to make Equestria better. Honestly, I don't care. They're all still friends, and they have their own little holiday in memory of Rarity and the sacrifice she made. I dropped in on them unexpectedly last year at a dinner party in the Fashion Boutique, to which they all reluctantly bowed down to me. I ensured them that I'm just a friend wanting to make things right, though the nasty looks in their eyes made me realize how much they despise me, and they always will. But that's okay. I completely understand. So instead of throwing salt in the wound, I just don't talk to them period.

Rainbow Dash still performs for the Wonderbolts. Three years ago, I awarded their fifth victory in the row. Spitfire and the others were honored to be in my presence, but Rainbow Dash glared at me the entire time. It was actually kind of unsettling. Scootaloo's mysterious disappearance kind of 'broke' Dash in a way. She probably suspects I had something to do with it, but I didn't say. Really, I was going to tell everypony what happened with her. But I was far too late in the game at that point. I didn't want to be like Celestia, I really didn't. But there's nothing I could do at this point. Maybe someday I'll tell the world what happened, but not now.

Pinkie Pie is still a bubbling happy-go-lucky pony who runs the newly refurnished Sugarcube Corner and is the adoptive mother of Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake, both attending their respective colleges of Demolition and Magic Mastery in Maneland. Whenever I see her though, her hair does that weird thing where it deflates.

Applejack runs Sweet Apple Acres with Big Mac and Applebloom, still the cornerstone of food in Ponyville. I've funded it multiple times whenever it seemed to decline. Mac and 'Bloom seem grateful, though A.J.'s still holds a grudge. At Rarity's Memorial Dinner, when I dropped in, Applejack came to me before I left. She said in a loathing tone, 'Ah appreciate what yer tryin' ta do, but it doesn't justifah what happened. Just leave me n' mah friends alone, and ah won't buck ya in the jaw. Are w' clear, yer highness?' She had allot of nerve to say that to the queen, but I just simply nodded and walked away. For some reason, her words rattled me a little.

Fluttershy still runs the Animal Retreat at her cottage. She seems to be the only one who forgave me, though there's still some resentment. Or maybe that's just her timid nature, I'm not sure. Nothing much is going on with this one. She's healthy and happy, so that's fine.

If Rainbow Dash hates me, then Twilight Sparkle despises me. She absolutely refuses to even look at me when I visit Ponyville. From what I've heard, she still runs the library and hangs out with her friends, so that's alright I guess. I don't think she even cares about how the Princess predetermined their lives for the Elements of Harmony. Now that's dedication.

And finally there's Spike. After six years, he became to big to fit in the library, so he had to join his own kind. But before leaving for good, he visited me. I was terrified, expecting him to attack, as he was big enough to crush my hut with his tail alone. But he actually just shared some words with me about how much Rarity meant too him, and how he misses her every day. But he doesn't hate me, he understood my predicament and knew what I had to do. Spike handed me a large sac of scrolls and said I could write to him if I ever wanted to talk. Inside the bag was also a picture of him and I dancing at Shining Armor's wedding nine years ago. On the back were instructions on how to send a letter through him. I gave him a meaningful hug before he flew off.

Jeez, this entry's getting to be allot longer than I thought. But one last thing I'd like to mention was probably the greatest achievement I've accomplished in my twelve years as queen. I wrote a letter to King Nevermore of the zebra country, Panetta, Lord Ramses of the griffon country, Valorikus, the dragon high priest, Aldunax, and the Changeling Queen, Chrysalis. It offered these proud rulers an invitation to join me at the Everfree Forest Temple, unarmed. Surprisingly, they all complied.

The roofless temple was too small for the dragon priest to settle in, so he perched himself along the edge and craned his head down to us. Aldunax's presence was an intimidating one, though he wasn't like other dragons. The amber colored beast was wise, saying how he hasn't been in a room with the king of every country since the Nightmare Moon incident. Ramses wasn't as hospitable, though it was obvious just from his appearance that he wasn't a very kind being. Equestria and Valorikus has always had a tense relationship, explaining the prejudice most griffons had against ponies were because Celestia and the prior griffon king had a dispute. Apparently, Celestia thought it was her business to tell the griffons how to treat others. By nature, the winged creatures are vile and brutish, and they didn't take too kindly on being told how to behave. They cut their training programs with Equestria, rendering inexperienced Royal Guards. That explains why they were such pushovers.

King Nevermore was a rather built zebra that looked as if he stole every piece of jewelry from Rarity's dresser. He told us of how his kind were annexed by ponies as savage enchanters. In reality, Panetta is a dying, diseased, country that always gets invaded by the Changelings and Dragons. Aldunax argued how his kind would get chased out of any other land while Chrysalis explained in disgust how the griffons killed half of the Changeling army when they were traveling along the border of Valorikus. Nevermore said how Celestia tried to keep sending supplies to Panetta, but she never sent enough to stabilize the entire populous.

The argument was escalating. I knew I had to do something. As they fought, I quickly thought over each species predicament and came up with a solution. I explained to Aldunax how if he could teach his 'children' how to be less violent and more peaceful, then they could live in Equestria, and maybe over time, the other lands. He thought over the idea and finally agreed, saying how Equestria has the largest gem resources on the planet.

I asked Ramses if he could put the past behind us and move on. He refused, so I delved into explaining how Celestia is gone and the griffons shouldn't hold a grudge over a dead rival. He considered the option if I allowed the griffons full access to the mines around Equestria. I asked why, and he said how Celestia cut trade routes with Valorikus after they cut their's. The major exported product were minerals to build houses. For hundreds of years, the once proud cities were dilapidating and their economy crumbled. I had no idea Equestria was such a powerhouse in the world. Then again, Celestia was always tight-lipped about that stuff.

I suggested the zebras to be moved into Equestria in exchange for some of their advanced tonics and allowing Panetta to become a land for any of the five species. Nevermore agreed without even giving it a second thought.

And I offered Chrysalis how the Changelings are welcomed back into Equestria. She said it's been hundreds of years since they were willingly allowed into the 'homeland.' I said they have to be civil and they have to take up jobs. She said if that's the price to pay, she'll take it.

So after five years, where are we today? Well, after three years, the Changelings moved into Equestria and Old Panetta. Things were tense at first between the ponies and ancient alicorns, but the insectoid ponies eventually settled in. To this day, there's still some unease. Changelings live in separate neighborhoods in nearly every town, whether this is some trait of the horde or tradition, I'm not sure. Over time, they've grown to be more friendly with the once hostile race. The ancient ponies, not having their cutie marks, chose jobs they actually wanted to do. When seeing this, my subjects started to take up occupations that completely contrasted their cutie marks. There aren't many ponies that actually did this, but it still made a bit nervous. Then I realized something marvelous: They're growing. It seems that each race is helping eachother grow.

The only place that seems to have every species living in harmony is Old Panetta, which has become the cornerstone of true peace. There, every race, big and small, lives there in tranquility. Speaking of that, the zebras arrived to Equestria were surprisingly welcomed by my subjects. It seems that times really have changed. The zebras were cured of their diseases by our advanced medical treatments and they were taught better social skills by the griffons.

Griffons rebuilt their mighty cities with our minerals and they in turn rebuilt the royal guard. I never dreamed of having a Royal Guard. Twenty four of the toughest, bravest, most loyal ponies in Equestria led by the tough-as-nails Sergeant Gilda. The all live in a massive barrack at the base of my mountain and they accompany me whenever I go on business or trips to other towns. Not many griffons live in Equestria, due to the far superior and newly rebuilt country of Valorikus. But they are grateful for my hospitality and even built a statue of me in the capitol, Olnetsia. I've grown to be rather fond of griffons, as they are a very honorable race.

The dragons were the toughest for anypony to get used to. Being widely known as an aggressive and violent race, dragons were alienated from any other group. To this day, they still are, but dragons don't bother ponies if they're left alone. Some of the bolder towns around the world use dragons as a massive locomotive flight transport in exchange for gems and other treasures. It always brings a tear to my eye. I did it. I united the entire planet into one great society.

Now you may be thinking that life here is absolutely perfect. Well, for the most part, it is. But there is, especially in my earlier years, assassins from a group called, 'Celestia's Iron Hoof.' These fools are ponies who worship Princess Celestia and believes that if she can't be Princess, no one will. They were just a minor annoyance at first, causing minor vandalism or defacing property, but then they started getting violent; attacking me on sight in broad daylight. I didn't care though. They were disorganized, clumsy, and timid. When I obtained my new royal guard, my first order was for Celestia's Iron Hoof to be eliminated. They did so in a single afternoon. Very efficient.

There are other things I'm constantly worried about, like the thought of our economy crumbling. Or what if one race decides to attack the other? What if the griffons get 'invasive'? Or if a dragon destroys a town over getting woken up? So much could go wrong in just a matter of seconds. But I won't think that way, I can't. I'll just enjoy the present and not get too pent up about the future.

There's one last thing I would like to address in this entry. Discord. What became of him? Surely being free to cause all the chaos in the world would cause problems, right? Well, he's gone. A week after I became queen he left. It was a rather tearful good bye. I thanked him for everything he's done and asked where he's going. He said there's many worlds out there with more inhabitants to play around with. Utopia was made, and he didn't want to ruin it. Kind of OOC for the god of mischief, right?

Well, it wasn't the last time I'd see him. In fact, he came to my doorstep last night. I embraced him and he returned it, commenting on how much I've grown and healed. He was right, I've grown to be about as big as Princess Luna. Discord revealed that it was his doing, explaining how the queen should be taller than her subjects. While it made sense, I wish he told me that before he left. I've been wondering for years why I was as tall as Big Mac when I was just fourteen, and then about as tall as Luna when turning eighteen. Even my subjects questioned this, and I didn't have an answer. As for the 'healed' part, my fur around my lips, nose, and mane grew back. Now the only thing reminding me of the accident was a pink scar going down the left side of my face and my right eye remained to be a featureless milky white. My pink and purple mane were soft curls that just barely went past the knees of my forelegs. My tail, donning the same color, almost brushed against the floor. I have to say, I'd never thought I'd look this beautiful again.

Discord and I sat down and shared a few laughs. He told me all about his new 'home' and how chaotic he made it. He described the aliens as looking like a cross between a jellyfish and a dragon. An odd but entertaining image. But Discord wasn't here to visit, he came with a message. A confession. He told me how it was him who tampered the chemistry set fifteen years ago. Twelve years ago, I would've been furious, doing everything in my power to turn him into stone. Was I mad? No. Not at all. In fact, I simply said, 'Thank you.' He stared at me quizzically and asked why I, surprisingly, wasn't mad. I just replied with, 'For everything.'

-Sweetie Belle

The End

Comments ( 64 )

Bucking bitch.

> And that just left the stubborn Applejack and Rainbow Dash.
shouldn't that be "Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash"?

And thank you for reminding me to stay away from "dark"/"sad".
I don't remember why I even started reading this.:facehoof:

I like this ending way better than the original. Thank you~ :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

931774 Ummm, so did you enjoy the story or not? I'm sorry if I offended you with this!

I enjoyed the story for the suspense and the characters.
It's just that the end stayed true to "sad" and "dark", just as the categories indicated.
And those two are just don't float my boat. :fluttercry:

honestly i totally prefer this ending to the other one, i dont know why. Probably because i dont like Celestia

Yeah, i prefer this ending too. I do feel kinda bad for Rarity though :fluttercry:

Ok, now there's no doubt in my mind this is the bet story I've read on fimfiction. Second best would be "To Love the Moon". I'd recommend this story over My Little Dashie.


932005 You, good friend, made me the happiest fan girl around. I agree, My Little Dashie was a little sappy for my tastes. I need darker! :trixieshiftleft: Grit! :twilightangry2: And tenacity-:rainbowdetermined2: in my stories!

I came, I saw, I conquered. My my. A quote from Julius Caesar, eh? :raritywink: Anyways, I prefered this ending over the other one. IDK why. Probably cause I didn't like Celestia in this story. She was kinda of a jerk. :twilightangry2:

Fucking amazing, Obelisk. Not many words can describe such a PERFECT ending to such an amazing story. I'm so glad the 'Utopia' idea wasn't a vain cover-up for mass chaos (even though Discord LOVES his chaos). A true Utopia. Sweetie Belle made a wonderful ruler and a diplomat. She made a better ruler than Celestia or Luna combined. Overall 10/5 for the story. This is a story I feel should have been featured without a doubt.

932133 this is an all around great story
the alt ending was better than the original
"if something dosent change in the end whats the point of the story." are words i take in a very serous manor
you changed a whole wrold and you made my day with this story

I think I prefer this ending, if only because Celestia got what was coming for her. Overall a very good and well written story.

Yeah... I... am... disappointed in this story, I'm sad to say.
It comes down to my opinion and taste, though. I could see Rarity acting toward Sweetie Belle's disfigurement as she did, but... really? Discord being the "good guy" in either scenario, in a grand scheme. No, no, I didn't like that, just as I didn't like the idea of Celestia being responsible for the Changelings or of Sweetie's Cutie Mark coming from murder... you know, reminds of that stupid Cupcakes fic.

Overall, it comes down to taste, and seeing Sweetie Belle being a murderer, and forgiven, while Trixie for similar sins is scorned and raped, leaves a bad taste.

Even with her suffering, I came, by the end, to absolutely LOATHE Sweetie Belle, not feel sorry for all her trouble. I did at first, but then she immediately decides that murder is the BEST option, instead of beating the tar out of ponies like Scootaloo for their insults.

982738 It's alright if you didn't like it man. Trust me, I KNEW some people weren't gonna like it. But hey, ya can't please everyone, right? No hard feelings. :raritywink:

No hard feelings. I'm not gonna thumbs-down it or anything, don't worry.

A very interesting story i must say, i;ve been wondering about making a story on something similar. Twilight taking over equestria and having Sweetie belle as her daughter or something close...

just read this:pinkiehappy:
epic story is epic:twilightsmile:

Much better ending. Ok though Rarirty died (My fav pony:raritywink:) In the end the happy outbalanced the sad. The death of a few for a better future for thousands more to come.

that was badass

I never once felt bad for anyone but Sweetie Belle in this fic, and you made me see Discord in a much different light, but you killed of Luna D:
I really liked this fic though, I read it so fast, too, I couldn't take a break from reading it. Thanks for putting this on here~!

I did actually like this story as well...the standard ending was Dark, and the alternative was actually 'good' in its own way. Sort of reminds me of Dark Souls ending...no matter what ending you pick, the world will be changed...it just depends on who gets screwed over in the end. (trying to be vague on spoilers, as the PC version is still coming out..=p)

The 'good' ending was really fucked up, perpetuated by the fact the truth never came to light, poor lil Apple Bloom dying...and Trixie...I am sorry, traitor or not, she didn't deserve her torture...a dignified execution would have been enough (not complaining about what happened though, it was in context of the ending chosen).

The 'bad' ending only stinks because she never admitted frying Scoots (which I admit, I thought was deviously funny, but I thought she would admitted eventually). Overall, glad I read this lil story. I general like Dark stories outside of the MLP universe...but this was done well in the respect of it being well-written.

Although, I must say...the aliens Discord was referring to sound like the green Ur-Quans , I must admit.

I enjoyed this ending way more than the original. Which was weird because usually I like Celestia. I guess it was just because you made her a bitch and had Sweetie fix everything.

1198350 YESH! Someone got the reference! I'm glad you liked it, and there was one other reference when Sweetie Belle screams 'leave me alone' (Dr. M on T.V.) But Watchmen just had so many great lines and these two were my favorites. I just had to include some variation of the two.


*sheds a single tear* she's grown... So much.

Also, the watchmen references killed the immersion for me 'cos i was laughing the entire time. I thought it was funny ok.

1584374 Sweetie won. That was epic:pinkiehappy:

alternate ending is now head canon. it sounds so much better

This story is on the exceptions to the Tragic CMC stories list. I read this last year at around November or so and while sad that it involved Sweetie hating her friends (despite the somewhat good reason) I ended up rooting for her. Probably this is because I have dreams where I end up taking over the world like something out of a game or something, making this hit home. The only negative was that the original ending seemed to be darker and killed the story for me.... WHY COULDN'T THE ALTERNATE ENDING BE THE ORIGINAL ENDING :flutterrage: I LIKED HER KILLING EVERYONE :flutterrage: WHAT WERE YOU THINKING :flutterrage: .....:fluttershbad: Anyway (I view that last flutter emioticon as coughing after a lot of talking rather then whatever it is used for) despite the wrong ending being the original, this was the VERY FIRST tragic dark story I read with full intentions of enjoying it.

Spike take a note:

Dear Princess Celestia,

If you intend to write a good girl gets corrupted story making her eventually try to rule the world... make sure you have her succeed the first time around rather then learning from her mistakes.

Your Faithful Student,
Twilight Sparkle

See all turned out better with sweetie belle becoming queen
R.I.p:raritywink::scootangel::trollestia: and luna

932762 Fool. Impotent fool. You throw around the term 'utopia' like so many others without ever once realizing that the word means 'nowhere'. It was a satire which idiots who could not decipher the message completely missed.

This false 'paradise' is nonsense. You cannot create happiness through cold-blooded murder. The world does not work that way. neither ending made sense to me, but then the story itself didn't either.

And I shall utterly destroy this universal falsehood and wipe it from the multiverse forever. It shall be as though it never was.

For it has enraged me, the Almighty Deux Ex Insert. And I can god-mode better than anyone! :trollestia:

2624141 Yes, it all turned out well because the author said it should.

You DO realize that the author could say everything is happy and fine even if every living thing was dead and the planet was a dark, burnt out cinder.

That doesn't make it plausible.

It's yet another example of demented wish-fulfillment revenge fanfics that throw internal plausibility and consistency to the wind.

2849215that would be even better

2849215 Yes, I know this story is bad. Really bad. I would totally rewrite it if I didn't have fifty other things on my plate. But there's no need to go on an angry rant about this. There's a mature way to criticize, there's a stupid way to criticize, and then there's your way to criticize. So for all our sake, make like an indian,
And smoke a peace pipe

2849831 NEVER!!!

My hatred gives me power on my journey toward the Dark Side!

Which makes me remember my explosive rage at the prequels.... but I don't need to rave about those since redlettermedia already took care of that quite thoroughly for me!


This story... had the stupidest fucking logic ever. liked the fight scenes and Bell dying, that was it.

2888639First fic. Whadda ya expect?:trollestia:

2888676 Oh, first fic? It was actually, alright in that case. :pinkiehappy:

2890737 Oh, I don't feel bad. :twilightsmile: I know this wasn't my BEST work, considering it's my first MLP fic.

2888676 Mary Shelly's first fic was "Frankenstein". She was 17.


2891558 Im not Mary Shelly, Im 16, and that wasnt a fanfic.:trixieshiftleft:

2893487 It was a fanfic of the electricity experiments of the era!

You could say that LoTR was Tolkien's fanfic of the Epic of Gilgamesh!


(enlightenment occurs... Alondro ascends to the Most High Place.) :trollestia:

Comment posted by Berxerxes deleted Sep 6th, 2013
Comment posted by Berxerxes deleted Sep 6th, 2013

Read the summary and I must say that it almost seems alternate universe in how the cast is described. She might get second glances from strangers, but I don't think her close friends and sister would abandon her. For all that they still have faults, these creatures seem pretty empathic to me.

3181650 Dude, this was my first MLP fanfic, and I was young and stupid. :rainbowlaugh:

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