• Published 2nd Jul 2012
  • 5,001 Views, 202 Comments

You're All Alone, Sweetheart - TheApexSovereign

A terrible accident leaves a young filly abandoned and alone.

  • ...

A Change of Heart?

I ran home as fast as I could, away from Scootaloo's barbecued corpse. As an extra precaution, I made sure the fire was put out, just to prevent anypony from discovering the grisly scene. Luckliy, nopony was around when I bolted out the door. It felt weird, running away like a coward, from murdering your ex-best friend. I ignored my breakdown, considered it as just a little speed bump. I think I'll just completely forget about what happened back there. Dwelling on it won't change anything. Tumbling through the front door of the Fashion Boutique, Rarity sat on a pillow drinking some tea in her inspiration room.

When she saw me, she let out a surprised gasp. "Sweetie Belle! You got your cutie mark! But....what is it?"

Huh? What's she talking about? I reared my head and shifted my flank to the right. Oh my gosh....this can't be right. My cutie mark was that of a small flame.

Rarity noticed it to, and she eyed me suspiciously. "Sweetie? What have you been doing?"

I bolted up the stairs and locked my door behind me. I just can't believe this! Why, out of all the thing I've done, did I get a cutie mark for committing murder? That's life for you, I guess.

An echoed voice filled my room, and a familiar one at that. "Well done! Well done! I bet you're real happy you got your little cutie mark, eh darling?" Discord.

"Why this?" I asked in an annoyed tone, "Why did it have to be this?" Then I noticed the source of his voice was from a spider hanging by a thread in the corner of my room. Two misshapen horns protruded from his head, giving it away.

"Now, now, darling. Don't be ashamed of it, embrace it! Your specialty is fire, use it! But I also have a new piece of information for you." My ears stood up at his statement. "Tomorrow's your birthday, and after some eavesdropping, I know that all six of the Elements will be attending it. You know what to do, and save Rarity for last. Make it....inconspicuous as well." Ideas and plans formed in my head as he continued in fascinated tone, "I also have a spy in the castle, Trixie. You probably remember her."

Yeah, I remembered. That egotistical loudmouth who pretended to be a bigshot? Right as I wondered how that useless waste of life even got into Canterlot, Discord answered that like a mind reader. "She wants to see Equestria crumble too, and form a Utopia like us. She's gotten more powerful with magic over the past few years and has earned the right of being Celestia's court mage. I told her of our plan, and she asked me to give you this parchment. Study it tonight my dear, I'll see you soon."

The spider vanished in a small flash that faintly illuminated my darkened bedroom. In it's place, a small folded sheet of parchment drifted to the floor. I opened it and levitated the note towards me. The paper was torn and stained with dark coffee splotches, and the handwriting was barely legible.

The ink was neat enough for me to make out though. It said:

Holy Arms Spell

The Great and Powerful Trixie apologizes for the rough description, but this spell would certainly help against Celestia's elite guards. Just think of a sword or knife, and your horn will be cocooned in a burning light capable of cleaving through even the most durable of metals. It take some time to master, but shouldn't take too long.

Good Luck.

-TGAP Trixie

Why does she talk in third person? No matter, I'll fix that later. But for now, this spell seems critical for battling Celestia's guards. Let's get started.

I stayed up until four in the morning trying to get this spell right. I think I've got it, but it's still a bit rusty. After training, I collapsed to the floor and fell into an unshakable rest, only to awaken at ten.

If Discord's information was reliable, then my sister and her friends should be here, waiting for the birthday girl to get up. As I sneaked down the creaky old stairs with my saddlebag slung over my back, I heard giggling and faint whispers, signifying the presence of her friends. It seemed that no one heard about Scootaloo yet. Thank Celestia she's an orphan.

I galloped down the stairs with a fake smile, pretending I'm actually happy to see everypony. They all cheered, "Happy Birthday Sweetie Belle!"

I gave a wider false grin, yet deep inside, a small portion of it was genuine. It made me a bit happy to see all of these familiar faces after a few years. That's really thoughtful.......though it still doesn't justify them for abandoning me. But this party! Y'know, I think Rarity may actually have the smallest sliver of compassion after all. There were purple, white, and pink balloons strung up around the dining table, streamers, presents stacked up on the coffee table, and a tall, almost wedding-like birthday cake. Hey, I may be an evil twisted monster, but I'm still a filly inside. No! I can't get blindsided with bought love! This is just some trick to get me to worship Rarity again.


Everypony, apart from Twilight and my sister, looked a bit different. For one thing, they were all a bit taller than I last remembered. Rainbow Dash was wearing her blue and yellow Wonderbolts uniform, the goggles were set on her forehead just above her cerise eyes.

Applejack still wore that iconic brown sheriff hat, her mane was cut shorter and no longer bound to a red hair tie. It just fell to the base of her neck. Other than that, she still looked the same. But still, I really liked her mane.

From what I heard about Pinkie Pie losing her landlords/employers and having to take care of their kids, I expected her to look like a train wreck. But no, she's still the bubbly frizzy haired pony that never gets tired of smiling.

Fluttershy's pink mane concealed the left side of her face and was cut short at the chin while the other half fell all the way to the ground. Her tail even looked slightly more curled.

And finally, though I'm still trying to believe this, but is that Spike? He was about the size of a pony now, most of his baby fat was shed, making his face look more angled and ferocious. But in his emerald green eyes, I still saw the warm little guy that was madly in love with my sister. His green spikes were more curved and sharp, his nails grew longer, and the most notable of changes were the dark purple set of wings folded neatly against his back.

"Hi, everypony!" I said with a little sweet laugh at the end.

For the past hour, we all just mingled with one another and enjoyed ourselves. I, of course, stuck with the plan to get all of these ingredients. What? Did you really think my old 'friends' coming to my party would change my mind? Well, it didn't. It's gonna take allot more than that.

Fluttershy poked her head out the windows and sang to the birds resting on Rarity's birdbath nearby. I snuck out the front door, slid under the windowsill, and slipped a hoof behind a shutter. Please forgive me Fluttershy, she's the only other pony I actually still like here besides Twilight. I slammed the shutter as hard as I could, smashing it against her face. The pegasus whimpered and pinched her bleeding nose with both hooves.

"Oh, Fluttershy! I'm so sorry!" I said innocently.

"It's okay, Sweetie. You didn't see me there." She pressed a tissue against her nose.

I waited patiently for Fluttershy to throw her bloody tissue in the garbage. Once she did, I crept over to the trash can, plucked it out, and placed it in my saddle bag. That's the kindest blood donation I've ever seen! Thanks Fluttershy!

Now for the honest 'flash' of an eye. What does that mean? Flash? Dash? Lash? An eyelash? Oh, that's easy. Rainbow Dash was talking with Spike about her performance in the Wonderbolts, not like anypony cares. So what'd I do? Act like the stupid filly I'm supposed to be, took a running start and just threw myself at her. I collided with her face as planned. We tumbled to the ground, Spike then helped us both up. Seriously, he's so much stronger now too! I can't get over that.

"Woah, watch where you're goin' speedy!" Rainbow said jokingly.

I carefully examined the ground around us and found a single eyelash lying on the light blue carpet. I levitated it into my saddle bag. As I walked away, I think I heard Rainbow Dash shudder at the fact that she actually touched me.

For an honest tear, I walked up to Applejack, who immediately flinched at the sudden sight of me. Yeah, real nice.

"Hey Applejack?" I asked innocently, "what's that?" I pointed to a random point on the ceiling.

She looked up to where I pointed and I 'accidentally' kicked her in the shin. "Oh, sorry Applejack! I just thought of this new song I was working on and it's just so catchy! I couldn't help but dance! Could you ever forgive me?"

A lone tear rolled down her cheek as she rubbed her shin, releasing a pained whistle from between her clenched teeth. "Yeah, it's all good partner."

Without her noticing, I levitated the tear from her cheek and dropped it into a small, thimble sized beaker.

Pinkie Pie hopped around the room around the room this whole party, saying 'hi' to everybody. I concentrated really hard, focusing on one strand of hair in her poofy tail, and sure enough, a lone strand was plucked out. Pinkie yelped and rubbed her bum, scanning the room with a puzzled look on her face. Well, now I have a hair of laughter. So that just leaves me with.....a generous amount of flesh.

How was I going to do that? And just like that, Rarity said, "Gather around everypony! It's time for my little Sweetie Belle to open up her presents!" Oh great. "Starting with her big sister's!" She said in a sing-song voice. This is gonna be good.

We gathered around the present table, everyone muttering excitedly. Rarity levitated a big blue box towards me, grinning excitedly. She dropped it in front of my place on the floor, shaking with excitement. "You're just gonna love it darling! And there's two presents from me."

I chewed open the shiny blue paper, revealing a decent sized white box. I flicked open the cover with my scarred snout and found a......what in the hay was this!? It's a dress! A flippin' dress! I can't believe the nerve of this girl! It was a rather beautiful light blue gown with white lacing and designs all around the puffy shoulders and rim at the bottom. Other designs were made in that rare gold silk that was near impossible to find. The insides of the white designs were lined with thousands of different gems and rubies, not a single one looked the same.

But did I like it? No. I didn't. I hate dresses, and Rarity knows it. Or at least, I think she does.

Applejack gave an amazed whistle and said, "Man, that's some fancy apparel your sister put together for ya."

I slowly shifted my gaze up to my grinning sister, her deep blue eyes glistening with pride. "Well, little sister, it took me years to make it, but I finished it. Don't you love it?"

"No." I growled. "I hate dresses."

Rarity looked offended to the point where she looked like she was about to cry. Oh jeez, get over yourself. Her friends were rather shocked as well. What? Did they think I'd actually go all 'Thanks Rarity, I love you!' over this dress? They don't know anything about me!

Rarity held a hoof up. "Wait, Sweetie! This'll change your mind!" I sat back down and let my face soften. But not much. I still kept a stone cold glare on her.

She continued nervously, "It took three years of savings from the store to get enough money, but I can finally afford your face operation! Isn't that wonderful? You get to have your old life back!" Everypony smiled happily, waiting for me start prancing around the store like a filly in a candy shop.

I stood on all fours, ready to pounce. 'Old life back?' She doesn't even know the half of it. "I don't want that operation."

Everypony's eyes widened to the size of dinner plates. Rarity was slack-jawed, "What?! I thought that's what you always wanted!"

I gritted my teeth. "Things change. I now realize who I am, and what I'm destined to do." Rarity was at the point of tears. What's wrong? You don't want your sister to remain a hideous freak? "I'm beautiful in my own right. It's something you'll never understand, big sis. A very close friend of mine, Discord, has shown me more care in a week than you have my whole life!"

Twilight gasped, "Discord's warped her mind! We have to stop him!"

"No Twilight. He didn't. He just made my life worth living." I forced down the tears brimming my eyelashes.

Rarity's mascara ran down her cheeks as she tried to say, "Sweetie Belle! I'm sorry...I-I just thought-"

"'Sweetie Belle I just thought-' shut up!" I mocked her. "You think I would like a dress? That's why you avoid and abandon me in the market place for? A DRESS!?" My voice cracked, making everypony jump.

Rarity wiped off her mascara with a handkerchief. "Please Belle, you know I love you! Fine. I'll admit it. I'm not the best sister in the world, but you have to understand that you didn't live with me until a year before that accident! I barely even got a chance to know you before you became all secluded, hiding in your room, skipping class!" She bit her lip as everypony just watched our argument escalate.

"You knew enough! Even before then, I tried helping you, and what did I get? Nothing! You just yelled at me!" Tears streamed down my one good eye. "Is this what it takes to love me, big sis?" I said softly, my voice shook sullenly. "A dress and you wanting the beautiful Sweetie Belle back?"

Rarity broke down into tears once more, collapsing to her stomach, "No! I always cared about you! I-I just thought you wanted to be normal again. G-Good int-t-tentions. That's it."

I choked on a sob and said, "Then why don't you hug m-me?"

Her eyes sprang open as she broke into tears once more, "I-I just, uh, I don't want to get sick!" She slowly rose up on all fours.

I took in a sharp breath of air. My eyes flamed with pure hatred as I screamed to the top of my lungs, "IT'S NOT CONTAGIOUS!" I looked over at the cake and saw a large chef knife beside it, telekinetically pulled it towards me, catching the handle in my mouth.

"I'm gonna make you proud big sis! You, your friends, and that tyrannical whore Princess too!" I pounced at her with the knife.

The others screamed "Sweetie! Don't!" as I hopped on her back, landing parallel to her with my gaze locked on her cutie mark. Hmm....that seems like a good enough spot. She tried bucking me off as I dragged the razor sharp blade through her flank, along her diamond cutie mark. My legs wrapped around her torso tightly so that I wouldn't fall off. Rarity unleashed a bloodcurdling scream and crumpled to the ground as I drew the stainless steel blade through the cutie mark, carving her like a turkey. The job was done in seconds. Rancid blood caked my lips when I bit down on the meat and tore it out. I felt the others trying pulling me off her. Spike's scaly hands wrapped around one hind leg and Applejack lassoed the other. Rainbow Dash hovered above me with her arms wrapped around my waist, trying to pull me off.

No way was I getting off. Not without my prize. I was on her like a leech. Twilight magically pulled at my saddle bag as I placed the hunk of meat into it's pouch. Rarity squirmed and writhed beneath me as blood poured from her deep jagged wound. The thick scarlet stained her precious blue carpet. I finally released my grip, making the sudden decrease in resistance force everypony off balance and flinging me into the wall. My spine released a sickening crack sound upon impact. No, fight the pain! I slowly got up and reared my head, taking one last look at the lumbering ponies struggling to get regain their balance. Rarity was still screaming and crying at the horrible pain.

It actually unnerved me a little......No! Be strong Sweetie! This whole town's gonna be on your flank in minutes! Get to the lake! I galloped out of the Boutique, passing by groups of dumbstruck ponies staring at my blood caked mouth and saddle bag.

Four jets of fire lashed out of my horn, whipping in different directions, setting buildings and trees ablaze. Mares, colts, and fillies alike ran away from the flaming starfish barreling down the stone path. Ponies screamed 'What's happening?' or 'Who is that?' as they dashed out of their burning homes. Flames devoured the dry wooden huts and apartments as if they were drenched in gasoline. I smiled the whole time. The old Sweetie Belle is truly gone now.

When I arrived to the hill that led down to the lake, I looked back and saw the several patches of smoke rising from Ponyville, and heard the echoed screams that were loud enough to reach my ears. My smile grew wider.